cat("--------------------------------------------------\n") cat("--- Breeding exercise version 0.2 (2022-10-30) ---\n") cat("----- -----\n") cat("--- Questions/Issues? Contact ---\n") cat("--------------------------------------------------\n") ### function to calculate variance. var2 <- function(x){ return( sum((x-mean(x))^2)/length(x) ) } ### function to obtain the prediction equation. gen.pred <- function(geno, pheno){ # Cross Validation. CV <- sample(x=1:nrow(geno), size=nrow(geno), replace=FALSE) CV <- split(CV, sort(CV%%5)) # rrBLUP. pred <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(pheno), ncol=ncol(pheno)) colnames(pred) <- colnames(pheno) rownames(pred) <- NULL mu <- rep(0, ncol(pheno)) u <- matrix(0, nrow=ncol(geno), ncol=ncol(pheno)) for(i in 1:ncol(pheno)){ for(j in 1:5){ temp <- mixed.solve(y=pheno[-CV[[j]], i], Z=geno[-CV[[j]], ]) pred[CV[[j]], i] <- c(temp$beta) + c(geno[CV[[j]],]%*%temp$u) mu[i] <- mu[i] + c(temp$beta) u[,i] <- u[,i] + c(temp$u) } } mu <- mu/5 u <- u/5 # calculate prediction accuracy. PA <- data.frame(t(diag(cor(pheno[,1:2], pred[,1:2], use="pairwise.complete.obs")))) colnames(PA) <- c("size", "color") return(list(mu=mu, u=u, PA=PA)) } ### function to calculate the cost of breeding program. cost.calc <- function(nf, nc, nF2, method, GS, rHRT, rPYT, rAYT, rEYT, sel.F2, sel.HRT, sel.PYT, sel.AYT, sF2, sHRT, sPYT, sAYT){ # cost. cost <- vector() # P to F1 (greenhouse = 100/month, grow = 1/plant, cross = 5/cross). cost <- c(cost, 1200 + 1*nf + 5*nc) # F2/DH to HRT. if(method=="SSD"){ # F1 to F2 (greenhouse = 100/month, grow = 1/plant, self = 1/plant) temp.cost <- 1200 + 1*nc + 1*nc # F2 to F3 (greenhouse = 100/month, grow = 1/plant, self = 1/plant, PS = 5/plant, MAS = 10/plant). if(sel.F2=="PS"){ temp.cost <- temp.cost + 1200 + 1*nc*nF2 + 1*nc*sF2 + 5*nc*nF2 } else if(sel.F2=="MAS"){ temp.cost <- temp.cost + 1200 + 1*nc*nF2 + 1*nc*sF2 + 10*nc*nF2 } else if(sel.F2=="NS"){ temp.cost <- temp.cost + 1200 + 1*nc*nF2 + 1*nc*sF2 } # F3 to F4-F5-F6-HRT (greenhouse = 100/month, grow = 1/plant, self = 1/plant). temp.cost <- temp.cost + 4*300 + 4*1*nc*sF2 + 4*1*nc*sF2 } else if(method=="DH"){ # F1 to DH. temp.cost <- 40*nc*nF2 # DH to HRT (greenhouse = 100/month, grow = 1/plant, self = 1/plant, PS = 5/plant, MAS = 10/plant). if(sel.F2=="PS"){ temp.cost <- temp.cost + 1200 + 1*nc*nF2 + 1*nc*sF2 + 5*nc*nF2 } else if(sel.F2=="MAS"){ temp.cost <- temp.cost + 1200 + 1*nc*nF2 + 1*nc*sF2 + 10*nc*nF2 } else if(sel.F2=="NS"){ temp.cost <- temp.cost + 1200 + 1*nc*nF2 + 1*nc*sF2 } } cost <- c(cost, temp.cost) # HRT to PYT (field = 40/plot, phenotyping = 10/plot, genotyping = 20/line). if(sel.HRT=="PS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sF2*rHRT + 10*nc*sF2*rHRT) } else if(sel.HRT=="GS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sF2*rHRT + 20*nc*sF2) } else if(sel.HRT=="NS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sF2*rHRT) } # PYT to AYT (field = 40/plot, phenotyping = 10/plot, genotyping = 20/line). if(sel.PYT=="PS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sHRT*rPYT + 10*nc*sHRT*rPYT) } else if(sel.PYT=="GS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sHRT*rPYT + 20*nc*sHRT) } else if(sel.PYT=="NS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sHRT*rPYT) } # AYT to EYT1 (field = 40/plot, phenotyping = 10/plot, genotyping = 20/line). if(sel.AYT=="PS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sPYT*rAYT + 10*nc*sPYT*rAYT) } else if(sel.AYT=="GS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sPYT*rAYT + 20*nc*sPYT) } else if(sel.AYT=="NS"){ cost <- c(cost, 40*nc*sPYT*rAYT) } # EYT1 to EYT2 (field = 40/plot, phenotyping = 10/plot). cost <- c(cost, 40*sAYT*rEYT + 10*sAYT*rEYT) # EYT2 to variety (field = 40/plot, phenotyping = 10/plot). cost <- c(cost, 40*sAYT*rEYT + 10*sAYT*rEYT) # return the cost. names(cost) <- c("F1", "F2/DH", "HRT", "PYT", "AYT", "EYT1", "EYT2") return(cost) } ### function to simulate and evaluate multiple breeding programs. BP.eval <- function(va, vae, vres, ca, ew, BP, nsim=10){ # fixed parameters. chr <- c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5") # 5 chromosomes. genlen <- c(2.0, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4, 1.2) # genetic lengths. qtl.pct <- 0.01 # percentage of markers as QTLs. snp.pct <- 0.10 # percentage of markers that go into SNP chip. nf <- 1000 # 1000 founders. nF1 <- 1 # 1 progeny per cross. nF3 <- 1 # 1 progeny per F2 self. nF4 <- 1 # 1 progeny per F3 self. nF5 <- 1 # 1 progeny per F4 self. nF6 <- 1 # 1 progeny per F5 self. nHRT <- 1 # 1 progeny per F6 self. rF0 <- 2 # Number of field trial for founders (for GS training population). rF1 <- 1/10 # number of field trial for F1 (proxy for higher residual variance). rF2 <- 1/10 # number of field trial for F2 (proxy for higher residual variance). rF3 <- 1/10 # number of field trial for F3 (proxy for higher residual variance). rF4 <- 1/10 # number of field trial for F4 (proxy for higher residual variance). rF5 <- 1/10 # number of field trial for F5 (proxy for higher residual variance). rF6 <- 1/10 # number of field trial for F6 (proxy for higher residual variance). rHRT <- 1/5 # number of field trial for HRT (proxy for smaller plot size). # checks. if(!(is.numeric(va) & length(va)==3 & all(va >= 0))) stop("va is a non-negative numeric vector of length 3.") if(!(is.numeric(vae) & length(vae)==3 & all(vae >= 0))) stop("vae is a non-negative numeric vector of length 3.") if(!(is.numeric(vres) & length(vres)==3 & all(vres >= 0))) stop("vres is a non-negative numeric vector of length 3.") if(!(is.numeric(ca) & length(ca)==1 & all(ca >= -1 & ca <= 1))) stop("ca is a [-1, 1] numeric vector of length 1.") #if(!(is.numeric(rF0) & length(rF0) & all(rF0 > 0))) stop("rF0 is a positive numeric vector of length 1.") if(!(is.numeric(ew) & length(ew)==2)) stop("ew is a numeric vector of length 2.") if(!(is.numeric(nsim) & length(nsim)==1 & all(nsim >= 1))) stop("nsim is a numeric vector of length 1 and nsim > 1.") if(!( & ncol(BP)==15)) stop("BP is a data.frame with 15 columns.") colnames(BP) <- c("program", "nc", "nF2", "method", "sel.F2", "sel.HRT", "sel.PYT", "sel.AYT", "sF2", "sHRT", "sPYT", "sAYT", "rPYT", "rAYT", "rEYT") if(any(BP$nc < 100 | BP$nc > 10000)) stop("100 <= BP[,2] <= 10000.") if(any(BP$nF2 < 10 | BP$nF2 > 1000)) stop("10 <= BP[,3] <= 1000.") if(!all(BP$method%in%c("SSD", "DH"))) stop("BP[,4] = SSD/DH.") if(!all(BP$sel.F2%in%c("NS", "PS", "MAS"))) stop("BP[,5] = NS/PS/MAS.") if(!all(BP$sel.HRT%in%c("NS", "PS", "GS"))) stop("BP[,6] = NS/PS/GS.") if(!all(BP$sel.PYT%in%c("NS", "PS", "GS"))) stop("BP[,7] = NS/PS/GS.") if(!all(BP$sel.AYT%in%c("NS", "PS", "GS"))) stop("BP[,8] = NS/PS/GS.") if(any(BP$nF2 < BP$sF2 | BP$sF2 < BP$sHRT | BP$sHRT < BP$sPYT | BP$sPYT*BP$nc < BP$sAYT)) stop("BP[,3] >= BP[,9] >= BP[,10] >= BP[,11], BP[,2]*BP[,11] >= BP[,12].") if(any(BP$rPYT < 1 | BP$rAYT < 1 | BP$rEYT < 1)) stop("BP[,13], BP[,14], BP[,15] >= 1.") # check if GS is required. GS <- rep(FALSE, nrow(BP)) for(i in 1:nrow(BP)){ temp <- sum(c(BP$sel.HRT[i]=="GS", BP$sel.PYT[i]=="GS", BP$sel.AYT[i]=="GS")) if(temp==1) GS[i] <- TRUE else if(temp > 1) stop("Only one of HRT/PYT/AYT can have GS.") } # set up the founding population. founder <- runMacs(nInd=nf, nChr=length(chr), segSites=genlen*10000, inbred=TRUE, species="GENERIC", ploidy=2L, manualGenLen=genlen) # set up two correlated traits, and a third trait with penalty on first trait. SP <- SimParam$new(founder) SP$addTraitAG(nQtlPerChr=genlen*10000/(1/qtl.pct), mean=c(0,0), var=c(va[1], va[2]), varGxE=c(vae[1], vae[2]), varEnv=0, corA=matrix(c(1,ca,ca,1), nrow=2, ncol=2), name=c("size", "color")) # extract the first trait, QTL markers and maf. trait.size <- SP$traits[[1]] qtl <- pullQtlGeno(pop=founder, simParam=SP) - 1 maf <- colSums(qtl+1)/(2*nrow(qtl)) maf[maf > 0.5] <- 1 - maf[maf > 0.5] # sample 10 QTL markers for third trait (and avoid maf < 0.10). idx3 <- which(maf >= 0.10) if(length(idx3) < 10){ stop("Insufficient QTL markers for third trait.") } else { idx3 <- sort(sample(x=idx3, size=10, replace=FALSE)) } # manually add a third trait (negatively correlated with first trait). trait.shape <- trait.size trait.shape@addEff <- -1*sign(trait.shape@addEff) trait.shape@addEff[-idx3] <- 0 trait.shape@addEff <- trait.shape@addEff/sqrt(var2(c(qtl%*%trait.shape@addEff))/va[3]) trait.shape@intercept <- 0 - mean(c(qtl%*%trait.shape@addEff)) trait.shape@gxeEff <- rnorm(n=length(trait.shape@gxeEff), mean=0, sd=1) trait.shape@gxeEff[-idx3] <- 0 trait.shape@gxeEff <- trait.shape@gxeEff/sqrt(var2(c(qtl%*%trait.shape@gxeEff))/vae[3]) trait.shape@intercept <- 0 - mean(c(qtl%*%trait.shape@gxeEff)) trait.shape@name <- "shape" SP$manAddTrait(lociMap=trait.shape) # set up residual effects. SP$setVarE(varE=vres) # set up marker genotype array. SP$addSnpChip(nSnpPerChr=genlen*10000/(1/snp.pct), name="BestEverSNPChip") # create founders. founder <- newPop(founder, simParam=SP) founder <- setPheno(pop=founder, reps=rF0, simParam=SP) # progress update. cat("Simulation for founders and traits: done.\n") # calculate genetic and phenotypic covariances of the 3 traits in the founders. covG <- varG(founder) covP <- varP(founder) # calculate Smith-Hazel index from Economic Weights (just approx, CovG/CovP change over time!). sh <- rbind(smithHazel(ew, covG[1:2,1:2], covP[1:2,1:2]), 0) rownames(sh)[3] <- "shape" # collect results. out <- replicate(n=nrow(BP), list(list(PYT=vector(), AYT=vector(), EYT=vector(), cost=vector()))) names(out) <- paste("BP_", BP$program, sep="") # get the prediction model fitted with the founders. if(any(GS)){ cat("GS training ... ") temp <- gen.pred(geno=pullSnpGeno(pop=founder, snpChip=1, simParam=SP) - 1, pheno=pheno(founder)) mu <- temp$mu u <- temp$u out <- c(out, PA=list(temp$PA)) cat("done.\n") } else { mu <- NULL u <- NULL out <- c(out, PA=NA) } # loop through breeding program-i and nsim-j. for(i in 1:nrow(BP)){ # progress update. cat(paste("Breeding Program ", i, ": sim ", sep="")) for(j in 1:nsim){ # F1. F1 <- randCross(pop=founder, nCrosses=BP$nc[i], nProgeny=nF1, simParam=SP) F1 <- setPheno(pop=F1, reps=rF1, simParam=SP) # F2/DH to HRT. if(BP$method[i]=="SSD"){ # F2. F2 <- self(pop=F1, nProgeny=BP$nF2[i], simParam=SP) F2 <- setPheno(pop=F2, reps=rF2, simParam=SP) # F3. if(BP$sel.F2[i]=="PS"){ # Phenotypic Selection. F3 <- selectWithinFam(pop=F2, nInd=BP$sF2[i], trait=3, use="pheno", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.F2[i]=="MAS"){ # Marker Assisted Selection. F3 <- selectWithinFam(pop=F2, nInd=BP$sF2[i], trait=3, use="gv", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.F2[i]=="NS"){ # Random selection. F3 <- selectWithinFam(pop=F2, nInd=BP$sF2[i], trait=3, use="rand", simParam=SP) } F3 <- self(pop=F3, nProgeny=nF3, simParam=SP) F3 <- setPheno(pop=F3, reps=rF3, simParam=SP) # F4 (SSD). F4 <- self(pop=F3, nProgeny=nF4, simParam=SP) F4 <- setPheno(pop=F4, reps=rF4, simParam=SP) # F5 (SSD). F5 <- self(pop=F4, nProgeny=nF5, simParam=SP) F5 <- setPheno(pop=F5, reps=rF5, simParam=SP) # F6 (SSD). F6 <- self(pop=F5, nProgeny=nF6, simParam=SP) F6 <- setPheno(pop=F6, reps=rF6, simParam=SP) # HRT (SSD). HRT <- self(pop=F6, nProgeny=nHRT, simParam=SP) HRT <- setPheno(pop=HRT, reps=rHRT, simParam=SP) } else if(BP$method[i]=="DH"){ # DH. DH <- makeDH(pop=F1, nDH=BP$nF2[i], simParam=SP) DH <- setPheno(pop=DH, reps=rF2, simParam=SP) # HRT (select from DH to go into HRT). if(BP$sel.F2[i]=="PS"){ # Phenotypic Selection. HRT <- selectWithinFam(pop=DH, nInd=BP$sF2[i], trait=3, use="pheno", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.F2[i]=="MAS"){ # Marker Assisted Selection. HRT <- selectWithinFam(pop=DH, nInd=BP$sF2[i], trait=3, use="gv", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.F2[i]=="NS"){ # Random selection. HRT <- selectWithinFam(pop=DH, nInd=BP$sF2[i], trait=3, use="rand", simParam=SP) } } # PYT (select from HRT). if(BP$sel.HRT[i]=="PS"){ # Phenotypic Selection. PYT <- selectWithinFam(pop=HRT, nInd=BP$sHRT[i], trait=selIndex, b=sh, scale=TRUE, use="pheno", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.HRT[i]=="GS"){ # Genomic Selection. geno.HRT <- pullSnpGeno(pop=HRT, snpChip=1, simParam=SP) - 1 HRT@ebv <- matrix(mu, nrow=nrow(geno.HRT), ncol=ncol(u), byrow=TRUE) + geno.HRT%*%u rownames(HRT@ebv) <- NULL colnames(HRT@ebv) <- c("size", "color", "shape") PYT <- selectWithinFam(pop=HRT, nInd=BP$sHRT[i], trait=selIndex, b=sh, scale=TRUE, use="ebv", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.HRT[i]=="NS"){ # Random selection. PYT <- selectWithinFam(pop=HRT, nInd=BP$sHRT[i], trait=1, use="rand", simParam=SP) } PYT <- setPheno(pop=PYT, reps=BP$rPYT[i], simParam=SP) # AYT (select from PYT). if(BP$sel.PYT[i]=="PS"){ # Phenotypic Selection. AYT <- selectWithinFam(pop=PYT, nInd=BP$sPYT[i], trait=selIndex, b=sh, scale=TRUE, use="pheno", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.PYT[i]=="GS"){ # Genomic Selection. geno.PYT <- pullSnpGeno(pop=PYT, snpChip=1, simParam=SP) - 1 PYT@ebv <- matrix(mu, nrow=nrow(geno.PYT), ncol=ncol(u), byrow=TRUE) + geno.PYT%*%u rownames(PYT@ebv) <- NULL colnames(PYT@ebv) <- c("size", "color", "shape") AYT <- selectWithinFam(pop=PYT, nInd=BP$sPYT[i], trait=selIndex, b=sh, scale=TRUE, use="ebv", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.PYT[i]=="NS"){ # Random selection. AYT <- selectWithinFam(pop=PYT, nInd=BP$sPYT[i], trait=1, use="rand", simParam=SP) } AYT <- setPheno(pop=AYT, reps=BP$rAYT[i], simParam=SP) # EYT (select from AYT). if(BP$sel.AYT[i]=="PS"){ # Phenotypic Selection. EYT <- selectInd(pop=AYT, nInd=BP$sAYT[i], trait=selIndex, b=sh, scale=TRUE, use="pheno", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.AYT[i]=="GS"){ # Genomic Selection. geno.AYT <- pullSnpGeno(pop=AYT, snpChip=1, simParam=SP) - 1 AYT@ebv <- matrix(mu, nrow=nrow(geno.AYT), ncol=ncol(u), byrow=TRUE) + geno.AYT%*%u rownames(AYT@ebv) <- NULL colnames(AYT@ebv) <- c("size", "color", "shape") EYT <- selectInd(pop=AYT, nInd=BP$sAYT[i], trait=selIndex, b=sh, scale=TRUE, use="ebv", simParam=SP) } else if(BP$sel.AYT[i]=="NS"){ # Random selection. EYT <- selectInd(pop=AYT, nInd=BP$sAYT[i], trait=1, use="rand", simParam=SP) } EYT <- setPheno(pop=EYT, reps=2*BP$rEYT[i], simParam=SP) # collect the results. out[[i]]$PYT <- rbind(out[[i]]$PYT, data.frame(sim=j, pheno(PYT))) out[[i]]$AYT <- rbind(out[[i]]$AYT, data.frame(sim=j, pheno(AYT))) out[[i]]$EYT <- rbind(out[[i]]$EYT, data.frame(sim=j, pheno(EYT))) # progress update. cat(paste(j, " ", sep="")) } # calculate the cost. out[[i]]$cost <- cost.calc(nf=nf, nc=BP$nc[i], nF2=BP$nF2[i], method=BP$method[i], GS=GS[i], rHRT=rHRT, rPYT=BP$rPYT[i], rAYT=BP$rAYT[i], rEYT=BP$rEYT[i], sel.F2=BP$sel.F2[i], sel.HRT=BP$sel.HRT[i], sel.PYT=BP$sel.PYT[i], sel.AYT=BP$sel.AYT[i], sF2=BP$sF2[i], sHRT=BP$sHRT[i], sPYT=BP$sPYT[i], sAYT=BP$sAYT[i]) # progress update. cat("done.\n") } # return the results. return(out) } ### function to plot the results. BP.plot <- function(out=out, threshold=c(3, 3, 3), nsim=10){ # identify the number of breeding programs. nbp <- length(out) - 1 # get the stages. stage <- c("PYT", "AYT", "EYT") # get the traits. trait <- c("size", "color", "shape") # loop through the breeding program and traits. df <- vector() for(i in 1:nbp){ for(j in stage){ for(k in trait){ df <- rbind(df, data.frame(program=i, stage=j, trait=k, sim=1:nsim, y0=tapply(out[[i]][[j]][,k], out[[i]][[j]]$sim, min), y1=tapply(out[[i]][[j]][,k], out[[i]][[j]]$sim, mean), y2=tapply(out[[i]][[j]][,k], out[[i]][[j]]$sim, max))) } } } # setup. df$program <- as.factor(df$program) df$stage <- as.factor(df$stage) df$stage <- factor(df$stage, levels=stage) df$trait <- as.factor(df$trait) df$trait <- factor(df$trait, levels=trait) df$sim <- as.factor(df$sim) anno <- data.frame(y=threshold, trait=trait) anno$trait <- as.factor(anno$trait) anno$trait <- factor(anno$trait, levels=trait) # plot. p <- ggplot() + annotate("rect", xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, fill=NA, color="#DDDDDD") + annotate("segment", x=-Inf, xend=Inf, y=0, yend=0, color="#9999FF") + geom_segment(data=anno, aes(x=-Inf, xend=Inf, y=y, yend=y), color="#FF9999") + geom_linerange(data=df, aes(x=program, ymin=y0, ymax=y2, group=sim), position=position_dodge(width=0.7), color="#AAAAAA") + geom_point(data=df, aes(x=program, y=y1, group=sim), position=position_dodge(width=0.7), size=0.7, color="#555555") + facet_grid(rows=vars(trait), cols=vars(stage)) + theme(panel.background=element_blank(), panel.grid=element_blank()) + theme(strip.background=element_blank()) + theme(strip.text.x=element_text(hjust=0)) + ylab("phenotypic value") + xlab("breeding program") temp <- format(Sys.time(), "%H%M%S") ggsave(plot=p, filename=paste(getwd(), "/breeding_exercise_", temp, ".png", sep=""), height=7, width=nbp*2*nsim/10, units="in", dpi=600) message(paste("The plot can be found at ", getwd(), "/breeding_exercise_", temp, ".png", sep="")) } ### function to check the cost and if any passes the threshold in EYT. BP.check <- function(out=out, threshold=c(3, 3, 3)){ # identify the number of breeding programs. nbp <- length(out) - 1 # get the cost. df <- vector() for(i in 1:nbp){ temp <- out[[i]]$cost temp <- c(temp, sum(temp)) names(temp)[length(temp)] <- "Total" df <- cbind(df, temp) } df <- data.frame(df) colnames(df) <- paste("Program ", 1:nbp, sep="") print(df) # extract only EYT. out2 <- out[1:nbp] for(i in 1:nbp) out2[[i]] <- out2[[i]]$EYT # remove any row that does not pass the threshold. for(i in 1:nbp) out2[[i]] <- out2[[i]][out2[[i]]$size > threshold[1] & out2[[i]]$color > threshold[2] & out2[[i]]$shape > threshold[3], ] # print some summary. message(paste("Out of ", nrow(out[[i]]$EYT), " EYT lines x simulations, the following pass the thresholds for size (", threshold[1], "), color (", threshold[2], ") and shape (", threshold[3], ").", sep="")) for(i in 1:nbp) message(paste("Program ", i, ": ", nrow(out2[[i]]), sep="")) return(out2) }