# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # Some of the code is from Michel Anders's script "Floor Generator" # I couldn't figure by myself how to update the mesh :( Thanks to him ! bl_info = { "name": "Plancher", "author": "Cédric Brandin", "version": (0, 0, 31), "blender": (2, 72, 0), "location": "", "description": "Create a floor board", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Add Mesh"} import math import bpy import bmesh from bpy.props import IntProperty, FloatProperty, BoolProperty, FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty from mathutils import Vector, Euler, Matrix from random import random as rand, seed, uniform as randuni, randint ############################################################# # COMPUTE THE LENGTH OF THE BOARD AFTER THE TILT ############################################################# # The 'Tilt' is not a rotation. # It's a translation of the two first vertex on X axis (translatex) # and a translation of the two ending vertex on the Y axis (translatey) # This will distord the board. So, to keep the end shape and the length # I compute the end shape's opposite (1) then the hypotenuse (3) # using the width (2) and the angle (offsetx) from the Pythagoras Theorem (yeaah trigonometry !) # Then, I compute the new length of the board (translatex) # 1 # *---*----------------------- | *----* # | / | \ \ # 2 | / 3 V \ \ # |/ translatey \ \ # *--------------------------- *----* ---> translatex def calculangle(left, end, tilt, start, width, lengthboard): opposite = width * math.tan(tilt) hyp = math.sqrt(width ** 2 + opposite ** 2) translatex = lengthboard * math.sin(tilt) translatey = math.sqrt((lengthboard ** 2) - (translatex ** 2)) return (hyp, translatex, translatey) ############################################################# # BOARD ############################################################# # Mesh of the board. # If the boards are tilt, we need to inverse the angle each time we call this function : # /\/\/ -> So each board will be upside-down compared to each other def board(start, left, right, end, tilt, translatex, hyp, herringbone, gapy, height, randheight): gapx = 0 height = randheight * randuni(0, height) # Add randomness to the height of the boards if not herringbone: gapy = 0 if tilt > 0: # / / / -> 1 board, 3 board, 5 board... shiftdown = translatex shiftup = 0 if herringbone: gapy = gapy / 2 gapx = 0 else: # \ \ \-> 2 board, 4 board, 6 board... shiftdown = 0 shiftup = -translatex if herringbone: gapy = gapy / 2 gapx = gapy * 2 dl = Vector((left + shiftdown + gapx, start - gapy, height)) # down left [0,0,0] dr = Vector((right + shiftdown + gapx, start - gapy, height)) # down right [1,0,0] ur = Vector((right - shiftup + gapx, end - gapy, height)) # up right [1,1,0] ul = Vector((left - shiftup + gapx, end - gapy, height)) # up left [0,1,0] if herringbone: if tilt > 0: # / / / -> 1 board, 3 board, 5 board... ur[0] = ur[0] - (hyp / 2) ur[1] = ur[1] + (hyp / 2) dr[0] = dr[0] - (hyp / 2) dr[1] = dr[1] + (hyp / 2) else: # \ \ \-> 2 board, 4 board, 6 board... dl[0] = dl[0] + (hyp / 2) dl[1] = dl[1] + (hyp / 2) ul[0] = ul[0] + (hyp / 2) ul[1] = ul[1] + (hyp / 2) verts = (dl, ul, ur, dr) return (verts) ############################################################# # TRANSVERSAL ############################################################# # Creation of the boards in the interval. # -- -> tilt > 0 : No translation on the x axis # \\ # -- -> tilt < 0 : Translation on the x axis to follow the tilted boards # // def transversal(left, right, start, tilt, translatex, gapy, gapx, gaptrans, randgaptrans, end, nbrtrans, verts, faces, locktrans, lengthtrans, height, randheight, borders, endfloor, shifty): gaptrans = gaptrans + (randgaptrans * randuni(0, gaptrans)) # Add randomness to the gap of the transversal of the boards if borders: nbrtrans = 1 # Constrain the transversal to 1 board if borders activate if gaptrans < (end-start)/(nbrtrans+1): # The gap can't be > to the width of the interval x = 0 lengthint = 0 if tilt > 0: translatex = 0 # Constrain the board to 0 on the x axis width = ((end - start) - (gaptrans * (nbrtrans + 1))) * (1 / nbrtrans)# Width of 1 board in the interval startint = start + gaptrans # Find the start of the first board while right > lengthint: # While the transversal is < to the right edge of the floor (if unlock) or the board (if locked) if locktrans: # If the length of the transversal is unlock lengthint += lengthtrans # Add the length if not locktrans or (lengthint > right): lengthint = right # Constrain the length of the transversal to th length of the board (locked) while x < nbrtrans: # Nbr of boards in the transversal x += 1 endtrans = startint + width # Find the end of the board # Create the boards in the interval nbvert = len(verts) verts.extend(interval(left, lengthint, startint, translatex, gapy, endtrans, height, randheight, width, gapx, gaptrans, borders, endfloor, tilt, shifty)) if shifty == 0 and borders and tilt == 0: faces.append((nbvert, nbvert+1, nbvert+2, nbvert+3, nbvert+4, nbvert+5)) else : faces.append((nbvert, nbvert+1, nbvert+2, nbvert+3)) startint = endtrans + gaptrans # Find the start of the next board #------------------------------------------------------------ # Increment / initialize #------------------------------------------------------------ if locktrans: left = lengthint + gaptrans lengthint += gaptrans x = 0 endtrans = start + width startint = start + gaptrans # The boards can't be > to the length of the floor if left > right: lengthint = left ############################################################# # INTERVAL ############################################################# # Creation of 1 transversal def interval(left, right, start, translatex, gapy, end, height, randheight, width, gapx, gaptrans, borders, endfloor, tilt, shifty): height = randheight * randuni(0, height) # Add randomness to the height of the boards if gaptrans == gapx: bgap = 0 else: bgap = gaptrans if shifty == 0 and borders and tilt == 0: tipleft = left-gapx/2+bgap tipright = right+gapx/2-bgap if tipleft < 0: tipleft = 0 # Constrain the first left tip to 0... elif tipleft > left: tipleft = left # ...and the other to the left of the board if tipright < right: tipright = right # Constrain the right tips to the right of the board.. if endfloor > 0 : tipright = endfloor # ...and the last one to the last board of the floor dr = Vector((right, start, height)) # Down right dl = Vector((left, start, height)) # Down left tl = Vector((tipleft, start+(width/2), height)) # Tip left ul = Vector((left, end, height)) # Up left ur = Vector((right, end, height)) # Up right tr = Vector((tipright, start+(width/2), height)) # Tip right verts = (dr, dl, tl, ul, ur, tr) else: dr = Vector((right + translatex, start, height)) # Down right dl = Vector((left + translatex, start, height)) # Down left ul = Vector((left + translatex, end, height)) # Up left ur = Vector((right + translatex, end, height)) # Up right verts = (dl, ul, ur, dr) return verts ############################################################# # BORDERS ############################################################# # Creation of the borders def border(left, right, start, gapy, end, height, randheight, gaptrans, randgaptrans, lengthparquet, translatey): height = randheight * randuni(0, height) # Add randomness to the height of the boards gaptrans = gaptrans + (randgaptrans * randuni(0, gaptrans)) tdogapy = gapy tupgapy = gapy if end+tupgapy > lengthparquet: tupgapy = (lengthparquet - end) tipdown = start-tdogapy/2+gaptrans tipup = end+tupgapy/2-gaptrans if tipup < end: tipup = end if tipdown < 0 : tipdown = 0 elif tipdown > start: tipdown = start td = Vector(((left + right) /2, tipdown, height)) # Tip down tdl = Vector((left, start, height)) # Tip down left tup = Vector((left, end, height)) # Tip up left tu = Vector(((left + right) /2, tipup, height)) # Tip up tur = Vector((right, end, height)) # Tip up right tdr = Vector((right, start, height)) # Tip down right verts = (td, tdl, tup, tu, tur, tdr) return verts ############################################################# # FLOOR BOARD ############################################################# # Creation of a column of boards def parquet(switch, nbrboards, height, randheight, width, randwith, gapx, lengthboard, gapy, shifty, nbrshift, tilt, herringbone, randoshifty, lengthparquet, trans, gaptrans, randgaptrans, glue, borders, lengthtrans, locktrans, nbrtrans): x = 0 y = 0 verts = [] faces = [] listinter = [] start = 0 left = 0 bool_translatey = True # shifty = 0 end = lengthboard interleft = 0 interright = 0 if locktrans: shifty = 0 # No shift with unlock ! glue = False borders = False if shifty: locktrans = False # Can't have the boards shifted and the tranversal unlocked if herringbone : switch = True # Constrain the computation of the length using the boards if herringbone if randoshifty > 0: # If randomness in the shift of the boards randomshift = shifty * (1-randoshifty) # Compute the amount of randomness in the shift else: randomshift = shifty # No randomness if shifty > 0: tilt = 0 herringbone = False if gapy == 0: # If no gap on the Y axis : the transversal is not possible trans = False if herringbone: # Constraints if herringbone is choose : shifty = 0 # - no shift tilt = math.radians(45) # - Tilt = 45° randwith = 0 # - No random on the width trans = False # - No transversal # Compute the new length and width of the board if tilted hyp, translatex, translatey = calculangle(left, end, tilt, start, width, end) randwidth = hyp + (randwith * randuni(0, hyp)) # Randomness in the width right = randwidth # Right = width of the board end = translatey - (translatey * randuni(randomshift, shifty)) # Randomness in the length if herringbone or switch: # Compute the length of the floor based on the length of the boards lengthparquet = ((round(lengthparquet / (translatey + gapy))) * (translatey + gapy)) - gapy noglue = gapx #------------------------------------------------------------ # Loop for the boards on the X axis #------------------------------------------------------------ while x < nbrboards: # X axis x += 1 if glue and (x % nbrshift != 0): gapx = gaptrans else: gapx = noglue if (x % nbrshift != 0): bool_translatey = not bool_translatey # Invert the shift if end > lengthparquet : # Cut the last board if it's > than the floor end = lengthparquet # Creation of the first board nbvert = len(verts) verts.extend(board(start, left, right, end, tilt, translatex, hyp, herringbone, gapy, height, randheight)) faces.append((nbvert,nbvert+1, nbvert+2, nbvert+3)) # Start a new column (Y) start2 = end + gapy end2 = start2 #------------------------------------------------------------ # TRANSVERSAL #------------------------------------------------------------ # listinter = List of the length (left) of the interval || x = nbr of the actual column || nbrshift = nbr of columns to shift || nbrboards = Total nbr of column # The modulo (%) is here to determined if the actual interval as to be shift listinter.append(left) # Keep the length of the actual interval endfloor = 0 if x == nbrboards: endfloor = right if trans and ((x % nbrshift == 0) or ((x % nbrshift != 0) and (x == nbrboards))) and (end < lengthparquet) and not locktrans: if start2 > lengthparquet: start2 = lengthparquet # Cut the board if it's > than the floor transversal(listinter[0], right, end, tilt, translatex, gapy, noglue, gaptrans, randgaptrans, start2, nbrtrans, verts, faces, locktrans, lengthtrans, height, randheight, borders, endfloor, shifty) elif trans and (x == nbrboards) and locktrans: if start2 > lengthparquet: start2 = lengthparquet # Cut the board if it's > than the floor transversal(listinter[0], right, end, tilt, translatex, gapy, noglue, gaptrans, randgaptrans, start2, nbrtrans, verts, faces, locktrans, lengthtrans, height, randheight, borders, endfloor, shifty) #------------------------------------------------------------ # BORDERS #------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the borders in the X gap if boards are glued if borders and glue and (x % nbrshift == 0) and translatex == 0 and (x != nbrboards) and (shifty == 0) and (gaptrans*2 < gapx): nbvert = len(verts) verts.extend(border(right+gaptrans, right+noglue-gaptrans, start, gapy, end, height, randheight, gaptrans, randgaptrans, lengthparquet, start2 + translatey)) faces.append((nbvert, nbvert+1, nbvert+2, nbvert+3, nbvert+4, nbvert+5)) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Loop for the boards on the Y axis #------------------------------------------------------------ while lengthparquet > end2 : # Y axis end2 = start2 + translatey # New column if end2 > lengthparquet : # Cut the board if it's > than the floor end2 = lengthparquet if tilt < 0: # This part is used to inversed the tilt of the boards tilt = tilt * (-1) else: tilt = -tilt # Creation of the board nbvert = len(verts) verts.extend(board(start2, left, right, end2, tilt, translatex, hyp, herringbone, gapy, height, randheight)) faces.append((nbvert,nbvert+1, nbvert+2, nbvert+3)) #------------------------------------------------------------ # BORDERS #------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the borders in the X gap if boards are glued if borders and glue and (x % nbrshift == 0) and translatex == 0 and (x != nbrboards) and (shifty == 0) and (gaptrans*2 < gapx): nbvert = len(verts) verts.extend(border(right+gaptrans, right+noglue-gaptrans, start2, gapy, end2, height, randheight, gaptrans, randgaptrans, lengthparquet, start2 + translatey)) faces.append((nbvert, nbvert+1, nbvert+2, nbvert+3, nbvert+4, nbvert+5)) # New column start2 += translatey + gapy #------------------------------------------------------------ # TRANSVERSAL #------------------------------------------------------------ # x = nbr of the actual column || nbrshift = nbr of columns to shift || nbrboards = Total nbr of column # The modulo (%) is here to determined if the actual interval as to be shift endfloor = 0 if x == nbrboards: endfloor = right if trans and ((x % nbrshift == 0) or ((x % nbrshift != 0) and (x == nbrboards))) and (end2 < lengthparquet) and not locktrans: if start2 > lengthparquet: start2 = lengthparquet # Cut the board if it's > than the floor transversal(listinter[0], right, end2, tilt, translatex, gapy, noglue, gaptrans, randgaptrans, start2, nbrtrans, verts, faces, locktrans, lengthtrans, height, randheight, borders, endfloor, shifty) elif trans and locktrans and (x == nbrboards) and (end2 < lengthparquet) : if start2 > lengthparquet: start2 = lengthparquet # Cut the board if it's > than the floor transversal(listinter[0], right, end2, tilt, translatex, gapy, noglue, gaptrans, randgaptrans, start2, nbrtrans, verts, faces, locktrans, lengthtrans, height, randheight, borders, endfloor, shifty) end2 = start2 # End of the loop on Y axis #------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------ # Increment / initialize #------------------------------------------------------------ if (x % nbrshift == 0) and not locktrans: listinter = [] # Initialize the list of interval if the nbr of boards to shift is reaches if not herringbone: # If not herringbone left += gapx # Add the value of gapx to the left side of the boards right += gapx # Add the value of gapx to the right side of the boards else: # If herringbone, we don't use the gapx anymore in the panel right += gapy * 2 # used only the gapy left += gapy * 2 # "" "" "" left += randwidth # Add randomness on the left side of the boards randwidth = hyp + (randwith * randuni(0, hyp)) # Compute the new randomness on the width (hyp) right += randwidth # Add randomness on the right side of the boards #------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------ # Shift on the Y axis #------------------------------------------------------------ # bool_translatey is turn on and off at each new column to reverse the direction of the shift up or down. if (bool_translatey and shifty > 0): # If the columns are shifted if (x % nbrshift == 0 ): # If the nbr of column to shift is reach end = translatey * randuni(randomshift, shifty) # Compute and add the randomness to the new end (translatey) shifted bool_translatey = False # Turn on the boolean, so it will be inverted for the next colmun else: if (x % nbrshift == 0 ): end = translatey - (translatey * randuni(randomshift, shifty)) # Compute and add the randomness to the new end (translatey) shifted bool_translatey = True # Turn on the boolean, so it will be inverted for the next colmun #------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------ # Herringbone only #------------------------------------------------------------ # Invert the value of the tilted parameter if tilt < 0: # The tilted value is inverted at each column tilt = tilt * (-1) # so the boards will be reverse #------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------ # End of the loop on X axis return verts, faces ############################################################# # PANEL PRINCIPAL ############################################################# class PlancherPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_idname = "mesh.plancher" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "TOOLS" bl_category = "Plancher" bl_label = "Plancher" #------------------------------------------------------------ # PANEL #------------------------------------------------------------ def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout myObj = bpy.context.active_object col = layout.column() cobj = context.object if not myObj or myObj.name != 'Plancher' : layout.operator('mesh.ajout_primitive') if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH': col = layout.column() col = layout.column() col.label(text="Vertex / UV") col = layout.column(align=True) #Vertex Color if cobj.colphase == 0: row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "colrand") if cobj.colrand > 0: row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "allrandom", text='All random', icon='BLANK1') #Phase Color if cobj.colrand == 0: row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "colphase") #Seed color row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "colseed") #layout.label('Plancher only works in Object Mode.') elif myObj and myObj.name == 'Plancher' : #-------------------------------------------------------------FLOOR col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="SURFACE") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "switch", icon='BLANK1') row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "nbrboards") row.prop(cobj, "lengthparquet") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "height") row.prop(cobj, "randheight") col = layout.column() col = layout.column(align=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------BOARDS col.label(text="BOARD") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "lengthboard") row.prop(cobj, "width") row = col.row(align = True) row.prop(cobj, "randwith", text="Random", slider=True) col = layout.column() col = layout.column(align=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------GAP if cobj.herringbone == False: col.label(text="GAP") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "gapx") row.prop(cobj, "gapy") if cobj.gapy > 0: #-------------------------------------------------------------TRANSVERSAL row = col.row(align=True) if not cobj.locktrans: row.prop(cobj, "shifty") row.prop(cobj, "randoshifty") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "nbrshift") col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="INTERVAL") col = layout.column(align=True) row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "trans", text='Interval', icon='BLANK1') if cobj.trans: row.prop(cobj, "locktrans", text='Unlock', icon='BLANK1') row = col.row(align=True) if cobj.locktrans: row.prop(cobj, "lengthtrans") else: row.prop(cobj, "nbrshift", text='Column') row.prop(cobj, "nbrtrans", text='Row') if (cobj.trans or cobj.glue): row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "gaptrans") row.prop(cobj, "randgaptrans") row = col.row(align=True) if not cobj.locktrans: row.prop(cobj, "glue", text='Glue', icon='BLANK1') if cobj.glue: row.prop(cobj, "borders", text='Borders', icon='BLANK1') #-------------------------------------------------------------CHEVRON / HERRINGBONE if cobj.shifty == 0 : if cobj.herringbone == False: col = layout.column() col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="CHEVRON") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "tilt") if cobj.herringbone == True: col = layout.column() col = layout.column(align=True) row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "gapy") self.switch = True row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "herringbone", text='Herringbone', icon='BLANK1') #-------------------------------------------------------------SEED col = layout.column() col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="SEED") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(cobj, "colseed") #-------------------------------------------------------------UV / VERTEX # Warning, 'cause all the parameters are lost when going back to Object mode... # Have to do something with this. col = layout.column() col = layout.column() col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Go in edit mode for UV !") col.label(text="Warning ! Any change here will reset the uv/color !") ############################################################# # FUNCTION PLANCHER ############################################################# def create_plancher(self,context): bpy.context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = False obj_mode = bpy.context.active_object.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system = 'METRIC' cobj = context.object verts, faces = parquet(cobj.switch, cobj.nbrboards, cobj.height, cobj.randheight, cobj.width, cobj.randwith, cobj.gapx, cobj.lengthboard, cobj.gapy, cobj.shifty, cobj.nbrshift, cobj.tilt, cobj.herringbone, cobj.randoshifty, cobj.lengthparquet, cobj.trans, cobj.gaptrans, cobj.randgaptrans, cobj.glue, cobj.borders, cobj.lengthtrans, cobj.locktrans, cobj.nbrtrans,) # Code from Michel Anders script Floor Generator # Create mesh & link object to scene emesh = cobj.data mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("Plancher_mesh") mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) mesh.update(calc_edges=True) for i in bpy.data.objects: if i.data == emesh: i.data = mesh name = emesh.name emesh.user_clear() bpy.data.meshes.remove(emesh) mesh.name = name #---------------------------------------------------------------------COLOR & UV if obj_mode =='EDIT': # If we are in 'EDIT MODE' seed(cobj.colseed) # New random distribution mesh.uv_textures.new("Txt_Plancher") # New UV map vertex_colors = mesh.vertex_colors.new().data # New vertex color rgb = [] if cobj.colrand > 0: # If random color for i in range(cobj.colrand): color = [round(rand(),1), round(rand(),1), round(rand(),1)] # Create as many random color as in the colrand variable rgb.append(color) # Keep all the colors in the RGB variable elif cobj.colphase > 0: # If phase color for n in range(cobj.colphase): color = [round(rand(),1), round(rand(),1), round(rand(),1)] # Create as many random color as in the colphase variable rgb.append(color) # Keep all the colors in the RGB variable #---------------------------------------------------------------------VERTEX GROUP bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.clear() # Clear vertex group if exist if cobj.colrand == 0 and cobj.colphase == 0: # Create the first Vertex Group bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.new() elif cobj.colrand > 0: # Create as many VG as random color for v in range(cobj.colrand): bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.new() elif cobj.colphase > 0: # Create as many VG as phase color for v in range(cobj.colphase): bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.new() #---------------------------------------------------------------------VERTEX COLOR phase = cobj.colphase color = {} for poly in mesh.polygons: # For each polygon of the mesh if cobj.colrand == 0 and cobj.colphase == 0: # If no color color = [rand(), rand(), rand()] # Create at least one random color elif cobj.colrand > 0: # If random color if cobj.allrandom: # If all random choose nbpoly = len(mesh.polygons.items()) # Number of boards randvg = randint(0,cobj.colrand) # Random vertex group for i in range(nbpoly): color = [round(rand(),1), round(rand(),1), round(rand(),1)] # Create as many random color as in the colrand variable rgb.append(color) # Keep all the colors in the RGB variable else: color = rgb[randint(0,cobj.colrand-1)] # Take one color ramdomly from the RGB list for loop_index in poly.loop_indices: # For each vertice from this polygon vertex_colors[loop_index].color = color # Assign the same color if cobj.allrandom: # If all random choose vg = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups[randvg-1] # Assign a random vertex group else: vg = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups[rgb.index(color)] # Else assign a vertex group by color index vg.add([loop_index], 1, "ADD") # index, weight, operation elif cobj.colphase > 0: # If phase color color = rgb[phase-1] # Take the last color from the RGB list phase -= 1 # Substract 1 from the phase number if phase == 0: phase = cobj.colphase # When phase = 0, start again from the beginning to loop in the rgb list for loop_index in poly.loop_indices: # For each vertice from this polygon vertex_colors[loop_index].color = color # Assign the same color vg = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups[rgb.index(color)] vg.add([loop_index], 1, "ADD") # index, weight, operation color.clear() # Clear the color list #-----------------------------------------------------------------UV UNWRAP ob = bpy.context.object ob.select = True bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='ANGLE_BASED', correct_aspect=True) #-----------------------------------------------------------------UV LAYER me = ob.data bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) uv_lay = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify() #-----------------------------------------------------------------GROUP UV # Group all the UV points at the origin point # Need more work, it's not working everytimes, don't know why... v = 0 tpuvx = {} tpuvy = {} for face in bm.faces: # For each polygon for loop in face.loops: # For each loop luv = loop[uv_lay] v += 1 uv = loop[uv_lay].uv # Keep the coordinate of the uv point tpuvx[uv.x] = loop.index # Keep the X coordinate of the uv point tpuvy[uv.y] = loop.index # Keep the Y coordinate of the uv point if v > 3: # When the last uv point of this polygon is reached minx = min(tpuvx.keys()) # Keep the smallest value on the X axis from the 4 uv point miny = min(tpuvy.keys()) # Keep the smallest value on the Y axis from the 4 uv point for loop in face.loops: # A new loop in the loop ... really need more work loop[uv_lay].uv[0] -= minx # For each UV point, substract the value of the smallest X loop[uv_lay].uv[1] -= miny # For each UV point, substract the value of the smallest Y v = 0 # Initialize counter tpuvx.clear() # Clear the list tpuvy.clear() # Clear the list bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me) # Update the mesh else: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # We are in 'OBJECT MODE' here, nothing to do #---------------------------------------------------------------------MODIFIERS nbop = len(cobj.modifiers) obj = context.active_object if nbop == 0: obj.modifiers.new('Solidify', 'SOLIDIFY') obj.modifiers.new('Bevel', 'BEVEL') cobj.modifiers['Solidify'].show_expanded = False cobj.modifiers['Solidify'].thickness = self.height cobj.modifiers['Bevel'].show_expanded = False cobj.modifiers['Bevel'].width = 0.001 cobj.modifiers['Bevel'].use_clamp_overlap bpy.context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = True ############################################################# # PROPERTIES ############################################################# # Switch between length of the board and meters bpy.types.Object.switch = BoolProperty( name="Switch", description="Switch between length of the board and meters", default=False, update=create_plancher) # Length of the floor bpy.types.Object.lengthparquet = FloatProperty( name="Length", description="Length of the floor", min=0.01, max=10000000.0, default=4.0, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Number of row bpy.types.Object.nbrboards = IntProperty( name="Count", description="Number of row", min=1, max=100, default=2, update=create_plancher) # Length of a board bpy.types.Object.lengthboard = FloatProperty( name="Length", description="Length of a board", min=0.01, max=1000000000.0, default=2.0, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Height of the floor bpy.types.Object.height = FloatProperty( name="Height", description="Height of the floor", min=0.01, max=100, default=0.01, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Add random to the height bpy.types.Object.randheight = FloatProperty( name="Random", description="Add random to the height", min=0, max=1, default=0, precision=2, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', step=0.1, update=create_plancher) # Width of a board bpy.types.Object.width = FloatProperty( name="Width", description="Width of a board", min=0.01, max=100.0, default=0.18, precision=3, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Add random to the width bpy.types.Object.randwith = FloatProperty( name="Random", description="Add random to the width", min=0, max=1, default=0, precision=2, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', step=0.1, update=create_plancher) # Add a gap between the columns (X) bpy.types.Object.gapx = FloatProperty( name="Gap X", description="Add a gap between the columns (X)", min=0.00, max=100.0, default=0.01, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Add a gap between the row (Y) (for the transversal's boards) bpy.types.Object.gapy = FloatProperty( name="Gap Y", description="Add a gap between the row (Y)", min=0.00, max=100.0, default=0.01, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Shift the columns bpy.types.Object.shifty = FloatProperty( name="Shift", description="Shift the columns", min=0, max=1, default=0, precision=2, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', step=0.1, update=create_plancher) # Add random to the shift bpy.types.Object.randoshifty = FloatProperty( name="Random", description="Add random to the shift", min=0, max=1, default=0, precision=2, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', step=0.1, update=create_plancher) # Number of column to shift bpy.types.Object.nbrshift = IntProperty( name="Nbr Shift", description="Number of column to shift", min=1, max=100, default=1, update=create_plancher) # Fill in the gap between the row (transversal) bpy.types.Object.trans = BoolProperty( name=" ", description="Fill in the gap between the row", default=False, update=create_plancher) # Unlock the length of the transversal bpy.types.Object.locktrans = BoolProperty( name="Unlock", description="Unlock the length of the transversal", default=False, update=create_plancher) # Length of the transversal bpy.types.Object.lengthtrans = FloatProperty( name="Length", description="Length of the transversal", min=0.01, max=100, default=2, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Number of transversals in the interval bpy.types.Object.nbrtrans = IntProperty( name="Count X", description="Number of transversals in the interval", min=1, max=100, default=1, update=create_plancher) # Gap between the transversals bpy.types.Object.gaptrans = FloatProperty( name="Gap", description="Gap between the transversals", min=0.00, max=100, default=0.01, precision=2, subtype='DISTANCE', update=create_plancher) # Add random to the width bpy.types.Object.randgaptrans = FloatProperty( name="Random", description="Add random to the gap of the transversal", min=0, max=1, default=0, precision=2, subtype='PERCENTAGE', unit='NONE', step=0.1, update=create_plancher) # Glue the boards in the shift parameter bpy.types.Object.glue = BoolProperty( name="glue", description="Glue the boards in the shift parameter", default=False, update=create_plancher) # Add borders bpy.types.Object.borders = BoolProperty( name="Borders", description="Add borders between the glued boards", default=False, update=create_plancher) # Tilt the columns bpy.types.Object.tilt = FloatProperty( name="Tilt", description="Tilt the columns", min= math.radians(0), max= math.radians(70), default=0.00, precision=2, subtype='ANGLE', unit='ROTATION', step=1, update=create_plancher) # Floor type Herringbone bpy.types.Object.herringbone = BoolProperty( name="Herringbone", description="Floor type Herringbone", default=False, update=create_plancher) # Random color to the vertex group bpy.types.Object.colrand = IntProperty( name="Random Color", description="Random color to the vertex group", min=0, max=100, default=0, update=create_plancher) # Orderly color to the vertex group bpy.types.Object.colphase = IntProperty( name="Phase color", description="Orderly color to the vertex group", min=0, max=100, default=0, update=create_plancher) # New distribution for the random bpy.types.Object.colseed = IntProperty( name="Seed", description="New distribution for the random", min=0, max=999999, default=0, update=create_plancher) # Random color for each board bpy.types.Object.allrandom = BoolProperty( name="allrandom", description="Make a random color for each board", default=False, update=create_plancher) class AjoutPrimitive(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.ajout_primitive" bl_label = "Add a new floor" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add() context.active_object.name = "Plancher" cobj = context.object cobj.nbrboards = 2 return {'FINISHED'} def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) if __name__ == "__main__": register()