# Sublime Text 2/3 - WordPress Readme to Markdown # Convert WordPress plugin readme files to markdown. ## Features ## * Converts headings; * Formats contributors, donate link, etc; * Inserts screenshots. * Convert on save (disabled by default). ## Usage ## Open the `readme.txt` and press `alt+k` (for Linux or Windows) or `ctrl+super+k` (for Mac). Is ready, README.md created! ## On Save ## Create `README.md` on saving `readme.txt` is disabled by default. You can enable it on `Preferences > Package Settings > WordPress Readme to Markdown > Settings - User` and add "on-save" to true. Every time you save `readme.txt` the README.md will be created. ## Sources ## Inspired by [WP-Readme-to-Github-Markdown](https://github.com/benbalter/WP-Readme-to-Github-Markdown). ## License ## Licensed under the MIT license. [License text](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)