@ECHO OFF :: Place this in the same folder as Compare-UserJS.ps1 and run it. Provided only for the layman's convenience. :: This batch file launches the Compare-UserJS PowerShell script bypassing the PS execution policy. :: Any and all of the parameters that you pass to this script will be relayed to the PS script. :: You can even drag and drop the input files to this batch file (or to a shortcut pointing to it), if you want. TITLE %~n0 IF EXIST "%~dpn0.ps1" ( ECHO:Launching PowerShell... PowerShell.exe -Version 2 -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%~dpn0.ps1" %* ) ELSE ( ECHO: Script not found in the current directory. Aborting. ) PAUSE :: PROTIP: rename this script to match the name of any other PS script to run it. How cool is that?