""" Circadian Lighting Component for Home-Assistant. This component calculates color temperature and brightness to synchronize your color changing lights with perceived color temperature of the sky throughout the day. This gives your environment a more natural feel, with cooler whites during the midday and warmer tints near twilight and dawn. In addition, the component sets your lights to a nice warm white at 1% in "Sleep" mode, which is far brighter than starlight but won't reset your circadian rhythm or break down too much rhodopsin in your eyes. Human circadian rhythms are heavily influenced by ambient light levels and hues. Hormone production, brainwave activity, mood and wakefulness are just some of the cognitive functions tied to cyclical natural light. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeber Here's some further reading: http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/sunrise-sunset-calculator.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature Technical notes: I had to make a lot of assumptions when writing this app * There are no considerations for weather or altitude, but does use your hub's location to calculate the sun position. * The component doesn't calculate a true "Blue Hour" -- it just sets the lights to 2700K (warm white) until your hub goes into Night mode """ import asyncio import bisect from datetime import timedelta import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from homeassistant.components.light import ATTR_TRANSITION, VALID_TRANSITION from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ELEVATION, CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET, ) from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import async_load_platform from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( async_track_sunrise, async_track_sunset, async_track_time_change, async_track_time_interval, ) from homeassistant.helpers.sun import get_astral_location from homeassistant.util.color import ( color_RGB_to_xy, color_temperature_to_rgb, color_xy_to_hs, ) DOMAIN = "circadian_lighting" CIRCADIAN_LIGHTING_UPDATE_TOPIC = f"{DOMAIN}_update" SUN_EVENT_NOON = "solar_noon" SUN_EVENT_MIDNIGHT = "solar_midnight" CONF_MIN_CT, DEFAULT_MIN_CT = "min_colortemp", 2500 CONF_MAX_CT, DEFAULT_MAX_CT = "max_colortemp", 5500 CONF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_INTERVAL = "interval", 300 CONF_SUNRISE_OFFSET = "sunrise_offset" CONF_SUNSET_OFFSET = "sunset_offset" CONF_SUNRISE_TIME = "sunrise_time" CONF_SUNSET_TIME = "sunset_time" DEFAULT_TRANSITION = 60 CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_MIN_CT, default=DEFAULT_MIN_CT): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1000, max=10000) ), vol.Optional(CONF_MAX_CT, default=DEFAULT_MAX_CT): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1000, max=10000) ), vol.Optional(CONF_SUNRISE_OFFSET): cv.time_period_str, vol.Optional(CONF_SUNSET_OFFSET): cv.time_period_str, vol.Optional(CONF_SUNRISE_TIME): cv.time, vol.Optional(CONF_SUNSET_TIME): cv.time, vol.Optional(CONF_LATITUDE): cv.latitude, vol.Optional(CONF_LONGITUDE): cv.longitude, vol.Optional(CONF_ELEVATION): float, vol.Optional(CONF_INTERVAL, default=DEFAULT_INTERVAL): cv.time_period, vol.Optional( ATTR_TRANSITION, default=DEFAULT_TRANSITION ): VALID_TRANSITION, } ), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) async def async_setup(hass, config) -> bool: """Set up the Circadian Lighting platform.""" conf = config[DOMAIN] hass.data[DOMAIN] = CircadianLighting( hass, min_colortemp=conf.get(CONF_MIN_CT), max_colortemp=conf.get(CONF_MAX_CT), sunrise_offset=conf.get(CONF_SUNRISE_OFFSET), sunset_offset=conf.get(CONF_SUNSET_OFFSET), sunrise_time=conf.get(CONF_SUNRISE_TIME), sunset_time=conf.get(CONF_SUNSET_TIME), latitude=conf.get(CONF_LATITUDE, hass.config.latitude), longitude=conf.get(CONF_LONGITUDE, hass.config.longitude), elevation=conf.get(CONF_ELEVATION, hass.config.elevation), transition=conf.get(ATTR_TRANSITION), ) await hass.data[DOMAIN]._async_init(interval=conf.get(CONF_INTERVAL)) hass.async_create_task( async_load_platform(hass, "sensor", DOMAIN, {}, config) ) return True class CircadianLighting: """Calculate universal Circadian values.""" def __init__( self, hass, min_colortemp, max_colortemp, sunrise_offset, sunset_offset, sunrise_time, sunset_time, latitude, longitude, elevation, transition, ): self.hass = hass self._min_colortemp = min_colortemp self._max_colortemp = max_colortemp self._sunrise_offset = sunrise_offset self._sunset_offset = sunset_offset self._manual_sunset = sunset_time self._manual_sunrise = sunrise_time self._latitude = latitude self._longitude = longitude self._elevation = elevation self._transition = transition async def _async_init(self, interval): self._percent = await self.async_calc_percent() self._colortemp = await self.async_calc_colortemp() self._rgb_color = await self.async_calc_rgb() self._xy_color = await self.async_calc_xy() if self._manual_sunrise is not None: async_track_time_change( self.hass, self.async_update, hour=self._manual_sunrise.hour, minute=self._manual_sunrise.minute, second=self._manual_sunrise.second, ) else: async_track_sunrise(self.hass, self.async_update, self._sunrise_offset) if self._manual_sunset is not None: async_track_time_change( self.hass, self.async_update, hour=self._manual_sunset.hour, minute=self._manual_sunset.minute, second=self._manual_sunset.second, ) else: async_track_sunset(self.hass, self.async_update, self._sunset_offset) async_track_time_interval(self.hass, self.async_update, interval) async def _async_replace_time(self, date, key): other_date = self._manual_sunrise if key == "sunrise" else self._manual_sunset return date.replace( hour=other_date.hour, minute=other_date.minute, second=other_date.second, microsecond=other_date.microsecond, ) async def _async_get_sun_events(self, date): if self._manual_sunrise is not None and self._manual_sunset is not None: sunrise = await self._async_replace_time(date, "sunrise") sunset = await self._async_replace_time(date, "sunset") solar_noon = sunrise + (sunset - sunrise) / 2 solar_midnight = sunset + ((sunrise + timedelta(days=1)) - sunset) / 2 else: _loc = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(get_astral_location, self.hass) if isinstance(_loc, tuple): # Astral v2.2 location, _ = _loc else: # Astral v1 location = _loc location.name = "name" location.region = "region" location.latitude = self._latitude location.longitude = self._longitude location.elevation = self._elevation if self._manual_sunrise is not None: sunrise = await self._async_replace_time(date, "sunrise") else: sunrise = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(location.sunrise, date) if self._manual_sunset is not None: sunset = await self._async_replace_time(date, "sunset") else: sunset = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(location.sunset, date) try: solar_noon = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(location.noon, date) except AttributeError: solar_noon = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(location.solar_noon, date) try: solar_midnight = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(location.midnight, date) except AttributeError: solar_midnight = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(location.solar_midnight, date) if self._sunrise_offset is not None: sunrise = sunrise + self._sunrise_offset if self._sunset_offset is not None: sunset = sunset + self._sunset_offset datetimes = { SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE: sunrise, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET: sunset, SUN_EVENT_NOON: solar_noon, SUN_EVENT_MIDNIGHT: solar_midnight, } return { k: dt.astimezone(dt_util.UTC).timestamp() for k, dt in datetimes.items() } async def _async_relevant_events(self, now): events = [] for days in [-1, 0, 1]: sun_events = await self._async_get_sun_events(now + timedelta(days=days)) events.extend(list(sun_events.items())) events = sorted(events, key=lambda x: x[1]) index_now = bisect.bisect([ts for _, ts in events], now.timestamp()) return dict(events[index_now - 2 : index_now + 2]) async def async_calc_percent(self): now = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(dt_util.utcnow) now_ts = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(now.timestamp) today = await self._async_relevant_events(now) # Figure out where we are in time so we know which half of the # parabola to calculate. We're generating a different # sunset-sunrise parabola for before and after solar midnight. # because it might not be half way between sunrise and sunset. # We're also generating a different parabola for sunrise-sunset. # sunrise -> sunset parabola if today[SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE] < now_ts < today[SUN_EVENT_SUNSET]: h = today[SUN_EVENT_NOON] k = 100 # parabola before solar_noon else after solar_noon x = ( today[SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE] if now_ts < today[SUN_EVENT_NOON] else today[SUN_EVENT_SUNSET] ) # sunset -> sunrise parabola elif today[SUN_EVENT_SUNSET] < now_ts < today[SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE]: h = today[SUN_EVENT_MIDNIGHT] k = -100 # parabola before solar_midnight else after solar_midnight x = ( today[SUN_EVENT_SUNSET] if now_ts < today[SUN_EVENT_MIDNIGHT] else today[SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE] ) y = 0 a = (y - k) / (h - x) ** 2 percentage = a * (now_ts - h) ** 2 + k return percentage async def async_calc_colortemp(self): if self._percent > 0: delta = self._max_colortemp - self._min_colortemp percent = self._percent / 100 return (delta * percent) + self._min_colortemp else: return self._min_colortemp async def async_calc_rgb(self): return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(color_temperature_to_rgb, self._colortemp) async def async_calc_xy(self): rgb = await self.async_calc_rgb() return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(color_RGB_to_xy, *rgb) async def async_calc_hs(self): xy = await self.async_calc_xy() return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(color_xy_to_hs, *xy) async def async_update(self, _=None): """Update Circadian Values.""" self._percent = await self.async_calc_percent() self._colortemp = await self.async_calc_colortemp() self._rgb_color = await self.async_calc_rgb() self._xy_color = await self.async_calc_xy() self._hs_color = await self.async_calc_hs() async_dispatcher_send(self.hass, CIRCADIAN_LIGHTING_UPDATE_TOPIC)