local openssl = require "openssl" local http = require "http" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local json = require "json" local unpwdb = require "unpwdb" description = [[ Attempts to enumerate valid email addresses using Google's Internal People API. If a valid email address is found, it also grabs the display name and photo from the profile. This script uses 'unpwdb' for username guessing but you can provide your own list (--script-args userdb=/tmp/user.lst). A valid Google account must be provided to communicate with the API. References: https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/ TODO: * Implement OAUTH to replace username and password. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -sn --script google-people-enum --script-args='username=,password=' -- @usage -- nmap -sn --script google-people-enum --script-args='username=,password=,domain=' -- -- @output -- Host script results: -- | google-people-enum: -- | users: -- | -- | user1@example.com: -- | photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/photo.jpg -- | name: User 1 -- | -- | user2@example.com: -- |_ photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/photo.jpg -- -- @xmloutput -- --
-- https://XXXXXX/photo.jpg -- User 1 --
-- -- --
-- https://XXXXXX/photo.jpg --
-- -- -- -- @args google-people-enum.username Username to authenticate to Google's People API -- @args google-people-enum.password Password to authenticate to Google's People API -- @args google-people-enum.domain Domain name. --- categories = {"discovery", " external"} author = {'Aaron Velasco ','Paulino Calderon '} license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" hostrule = function() return true end local ORIGIN = 'https://hangouts.google.com' local function google_login(username, password) local options = {} options['header'] = {} options['header']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' options['cookies'] = 'GAPS=1:9Gh-W5SRMzgYa850L3DJBw5vAD6uOQ:SCrej40XbCRKHuDY' local path = string.format("/signin/challenge/sl/password?gxf=AFoagUU7fJ86otMHTVv_nGnqUI8ZQW9V9Q%%3A1480734358179&Email=%s&Passwd=%s", username, password) local response = http.generic_request('accounts.google.com', '443', 'POST', path, options) return response end local function get_cookie(response) local cookie = "" local ids = {["APISID"]=34, ["HSID"]=17,["SAPISID"]=34,["SID"]=71,["SSID"]=17} for id,length in pairs(ids) do local s = string.find(response.header['set-cookie'], id) local e = s + string.len(id) + length + 1 local sub = string.sub(response.header['set-cookie'], s, e) cookie = cookie .. sub end return(cookie) end local function sha1(message) local hash = "" local digest = openssl.sha1(message) for i=1,string.len(digest) do if string.byte(digest, i) > 15 then hash = hash .. string.format("%x", string.byte(digest, i)) else hash = hash .. string.format("0%x", string.byte(digest, i)) end end return hash end local function get_hash(cookie) local s = string.find(cookie, "SAPISID") + 8 local e = s + 33 local ts = os.time() return string.format("SAPISIDHASH %s_%s", ts, sha1(string.format("%s %s %s", ts, string.sub(cookie, s, e), ORIGIN))) end local function get_opts(cookie) local options = {} options['header'] = {} options['header']['Authorization'] = get_hash(cookie) options['header']['X-HTTP-Method-Override'] = 'GET' options['header']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' options['header']['origin'] = ORIGIN options['cookies'] = cookie return options end local function lookup(email, options) local path = string.format("/v2/people/lookup?id=%s&type=EMAIL&matchType=EXACT&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.email".. "&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.gender&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.in_app_reachability".. "&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.metadata&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.name".. "&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.phone&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.photo".. "&requestMask.includeField.paths=person.read_only_profile_info&extensionSet.extensionNames=HANGOUTS_ADDITIONAL_DATA".. "&extensionSet.extensionNames=HANGOUTS_OFF_NETWORK_GAIA_LOOKUP&extensionSet.extensionNames=HANGOUTS_PHONE_DATA".. "&coreIdParams.useRealtimeNotificationExpandedAcls=true&key=AIzaSyAfFJCeph-euFSwtmqFZi0kaKk-cZ5wufM", email) local response = http.generic_request('people-pa.clients6.google.com', '443', 'POST', path, options) local userdata = {} if http.response_contains(response, email) then local status, person = json.parse(response.body) local lookupId = person['matches'][1]['lookupId'] local personId = person['matches'][1]['personId'][1] local displayName local photo userdata[lookupId] = {} if person['people'][personId]['name'] then displayName = person['people'][personId]['name'][1]['displayName'] stdnse.debug1("Display name:%s", displayName) userdata[lookupId].name = displayName end if person['people'][personId]['photo'] then photo = person['people'][personId]['photo'][1]['url'] stdnse.debug1("Photo:%s", photo) userdata[lookupId].photo = photo end return true, userdata else stdnse.debug2("User '%s' wasn't found.", email) return false, 'No match' end end local function google_logout(cookie) local options = {} options['cookies'] = cookie local response = http.generic_request('accounts.google.com', '443', 'GET', '/Logout', options) return end action = function(host, port) local username = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".username") or nil local password = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".password") or nil local target = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".domain") or nil local output = stdnse.output_table() if not(target) then if host.name then target = host.name else stdnse.debug1("Target not specified and Nmap couldn't resolve hostname.") return "[ERROR] Please set a target with the script argument google-people-enum.domain." end end if not(username) or not(password) then return "[ERROR] This script needs a valid Google username (google-people-enum.username) and password (google-people-enum.password)." end local response = google_login(username, password) if http.response_contains(response, "CheckCookie") then cookie = get_cookie(response) options = get_opts(cookie) local tmp = {} local try = nmap.new_try() local usernames = try(unpwdb.usernames()) for username in usernames do stdnse.debug1("Checking if user '%s@%s' exists", username, target) local status, result = lookup(string.format("%s@%s", username, target), options) if status then stdnse.debug1("User '%s' exists! Display name:%s Photo:%s", username, result.name, result.photo) table.insert(tmp, result) end end google_logout(cookie) if #tmp>0 then output.users = tmp return output end end end