{ VC only 016F=10,draw_shadow %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% angle %5d% size %6d% intensity %7d% colour %8d% %9d% %10d% 0349=1,text_draw_style = %1d% } { GTA3 only 04C2=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_object %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d% ;0400 in VC 04C3=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_car %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d% ;0407 in VC 04C4=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_actor %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d% 046F=2,store_player %1d% currently_armed_weapon_to %2d% 04DD=2,%2d% = actor %1d% armour 04C9=1, player %1d% driving_plane 04A8=1, player %1d% driving_boat 04AA=1, player %1d% driving_heli 047E=1, player %1d% driving_a_motorbike 0485=0, pc_version ;; never used in VC, always returns true 059A=0, australian_game ;; always returns false } 0601=2, is_button_pressed_on_pad %1d% with_sensitivity %2d% 0602=2, emulate_button_press_on_pad %1d% with_sensitivity %2d% 0603=0, is_camera_in_widescreen_mode 0604=2, %2d% = weapon %1d% model 0605=2, %2d% = model %1d% weapon id 0606=3, set_memory_offset memory_pointer %1d% memory_to_point %2d% virtual_protect %3d% 0607=1, %1d% = get_current_weather 0608=3, show_text_position %1d% %2d% text %3d% 0609=-1, show_formatted_text_position %1d% %2d% text %3d% 0673=4,play_animation on actor %1d% animgroup %2d% anim %3d% blendfactor %4f% 0A8C=4,write_memory %1d% size %2d% value %3d% virtual_protect %4d% 0A8D=4,%4d% = read_memory %1d% size %2d% virtual_protect %3d% 0A8E=3,%3d% = %1d% + %2d% ; int 0A8F=3,%3d% = %1d% - %2d% ; int 0A90=3,%3d% = %1d% * %2d% ; int 0A91=3,%3d% = %1d% / %2d% ; int 0A92=-1,create_custom_thread %1s% 0A93=0,end_custom_thread 0A96=2,%2d% = actor %1d% struct 0A97=2,%2d% = car %1d% struct 0A98=2,%2d% = object %1d% struct 0A99=1,chdir %1buserdir/rootdir% 0A9A=3,%3d% = openfile %1s% mode %2d% ; IF and SET 0A9B=1,closefile %1d% 0A9C=2,%2d% = file %1d% size 0A9D=3,readfile %1d% size %2d% to %3d% 0A9E=3,writefile %1d% size %2d% from %3d% 0A9F=1,%1d% = current_thread_pointer 0AA0=1,gosub_if_false %1p% 0AA1=0,return_if_false 0AA2=2,%2h% = load_library %1s% ; IF and SET 0AA3=1,free_library %1h% 0AA4=3,%3d% = get_proc_address %1s% library %2d% ; IF and SET 0AA5=-1,call %1d% num_params %2h% pop %3h% 0AA6=-1,call_method %1d% struct %2d% num_params %3h% pop %4h% 0AA7=-1,call_function %1d% num_params %2h% pop %3h% 0AA8=-1,call_function_method %1d% struct %2d% num_params %3h% pop %4h% 0AA9=0, is_game_version_original 0AAA=2,%2d% = thread %1s% pointer 0AAB=1, file_exists %1s% 0AB0=1, key_pressed %1d% 0AB1=-1,call_scm_func %1p% 0AB2=-1,ret 0AB3=2,cleo_shared_var %1d% = %2d% 0AB4=2,%2d% = cleo_shared_var %1d% 0ABA=1,end_custom_thread_named %1s% 0AC6=2,%2d% = label %1p% offset 0AC7=2,%2d% = var %1d% offset 0AC8=2,%2d% = allocate_memory_size %1d% 0AC9=1,free_allocated_memory %1d% 0ACA=1,show_text_box %1s% 0ACB=3,show_styled_text %1s% time %2d% style %3d% 0ACC=2,show_text_lowpriority %1s% time %2d% 0ACD=2,show_text_highpriority %1s% time %2d% 0ACE=-1,show_formatted_text_box %1s% 0ACF=-1,show_formatted_styled_text %1s% time %2d% style %3d% 0AD0=-1,show_formatted_text_lowpriority %1s% time %2s% 0AD1=-1,show_formatted_text_highpriority %1s% time %2s% 0AD3=-1,%1d% = format %2s% 0AD4=-1,%3d% = scan_string %1d% format %2s% 0AD5=3,file %1d% seek %2d% from_origin %3d% //IF and SET 0AD6=1, end_of_file %1d% reached 0AD7=3,read_string_from_file %1d% to %2d% size %3d% // IF and SET 0AD8=2,write_string_to_file %1d% from %2d% //IF and SET 0AD9=-1,write_formatted_text %2d% in_file %1d% 0ADA=-1,%3d% = scan_file %1d% format %2d% //IF and SET 0ADB=2,%2d% = car_model %1o% name 0ADC=1, test_cheat %1d% 0ADD=1,spawn_car_with_model %1o% like_a_cheat 0ADE=2,%2d% = text_by_GXT_entry %1d% 0ADF=2,add_dynamic_GXT_entry %1d% text %2d% 0AE0=1,remove_dynamic_GXT_entry %1d% 0AE1=7,%7d% = random_actor_near_point %1d% %2d% %3d% in_radius %4d% find_next %5h% pass_deads %6h% //IF and SET 0AE2=7,%7d% = random_vehicle_near_point %1d% %2d% %3d% in_radius %4d% find_next %5h% pass_wrecked %6h% //IF and SET 0AE3=6,%6d% = random_object_near_point %1d% %2d% %3d% in_radius %4d% find_next %5h% //IF and SET 0AE9=1,pop_float %1d% 0AEA=2,%2d% = actor_struct %1d% handle 0AEB=2,%2d% = car_struct %1d% handle 0AEC=2,%2d% = object_struct %1d% handle 0AEE=3,%3d% = exp %1d% base %2d% //all floats 0AEF=3,%3d% = log %1d% base %2d% //all floats 0AF0=4,%4d% = get_int_from_ini_file %1s% section %2s% key %3s% 0AF1=4,write_int %1d% to_ini_file %2s% section %3s% key %4s% 0AF2=4,%4d% = get_float_from_ini_file %1s% section %2s% key %3s% 0AF3=4,write_float %1d% to_ini_file %2s% section %3s% key %4s% 0AF4=4,%4d% = read_string_from_ini_file %1s% section %2s% key %3s% 0AF5=4,write_string %1s% to_ini_file %2s% section %3s% key %4s% 0B00=1,delete_file %1d% ;; IF and SET 0B01=2,delete_directory %1d% with_all_files_and_subdirectories %2d% ;; IF and SET 0B02=2,move_file %1d% to %2d% ;; IF and SET 0B03=2,move_directory %1d% to %2d% ;; IF and SET 0B04=2,copy_file %1d% to %2d% ;; IF and SET 0B05=2,copy_directory %1d% to %2d% ;; IF and SET 0B10=3,%3d% = %1d% AND %2d% 0B11=3,%3d% = %1d% OR %2d% 0B12=3,%3d% = %1d% XOR %2d% 0B13=2,%2d% = NOT %1d% 0B14=3,%3d% = %1d% MOD %2d% 0B15=3,%3d% = %1d% SHR %2d% 0B16=3,%3d% = %1d% SHL %2d% 0B17=2,%1d% &= %2d% 0B18=2,%1d% |= %2d% 0B19=2,%1d% ^= %2d% 0B1A=1,~%1d% 0B1B=2,%1d% %= %2d% 0B1C=2,%1d% >>= %2d% 0B1D=2,%1d% <<= %2d% 0B20=2,read_clipboard_data %1d% size %2d% 0B21=2,write_clipboard_data %1d% size %2d% 0BA2=2,%2h% = memory_load_library %1s% 0BA3=1,memory_free_library %1h% 0BA4=3,%3d% = memory_get_proc_address %1s% library %2d%