{$CLEO .cs} 0000: const POSX = 0@ POSY = 1@ POSZ = 2@ SPAWN_CAR = 4@ LINE = 5@ MAXWANTED = 6@ FBI_REQ = 7@ ARMY_REQ = 8@ end while true wait 0 if and 00E1: player 0 pressed_button 6 // aim 80E0: not player 0 in_any_car $ONMISSION == 0 then $ONMISSION = 1 break end end while true wait 0 if 80E1: not player 0 pressed_button 4 then break end end 0109: player 0 money += 10000 0054: store_player 0 position_to POSX POSY POSZ 0247: request_model #KURUMA 038B: load_requested_models POSX += 4.0 00A5: SPAWN_CAR = create_car #KURUMA at POSX POSY POSZ 0249: release_model #KURUMA FBI_REQ = 0 02BD: set_fbi_required 0 ARMY_REQ = 0 02BE: set_army_required 0 while true wait 10 03F0: enable_text_draw 0 LINE = 0 gosub @PRINT_SOON gosub @IS_PLAYER_STILL_ALIVE gosub @SET_FBI_REQUIRED gosub @SET_ARMY_REQUIRED gosub @REMOVE_ALL_CHAR_WEAPONS gosub @GET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL gosub @PRINT_HELP_WITH_NUMBER gosub @IS_PLAYER_TOUCHING_VEHICLE gosub @IS_CHAR_TOUCHING_VEHICLE if and 00E1: player 0 pressed_button 6 // aim 80E0: not player 0 in_any_car then 01C3: mark_car_as_no_longer_needed SPAWN_CAR $ONMISSION = 0 05DC: end_custom_thread end // maxwanted, fbi_req, army_req 0308: text_6numbers 'HJSTATW' MAXWANTED FBI_REQ ARMY_REQ 0 0 0 time 10 flag 5 end :TEXT_STYLE 0343: set_text_linewidth 500.0 033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.3 1.2 LINE += 11.0 return :PRINT_SOON if 0ADC: test_cheat "PRINTSOON" then 018C: play_sound 94 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 00BE: text_clear_all 01E6: text_1number_mediumpriority 'HJSTATW' 1 time 500 1 0301: text_3numbers_mediumpriority 'HJSTATW' 1 2 3 time 500 1 0304: text_4numbers_mediumpriority 'HJSTATW' 1 2 3 4 time 500 1 0307: text_5numbers_mediumpriority 'HJSTATW' 1 2 3 4 5 time 500 1 030A: text_6numbers_mediumpriority 'HJSTATW' 1 2 3 4 5 6 time 500 1 end return :IS_PLAYER_STILL_ALIVE gosub @TEXT_STYLE if 0116: player 0 alive then 0608: show_text_position 10.0 LINE text "0116: Player is alive" else 0608: show_text_position 10.0 LINE text "0116: Player is dead" end return :SET_FBI_REQUIRED if 0ADC: test_cheat "FBIREQ" then 018C: play_sound 94 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 if FBI_REQ == 0 then FBI_REQ = 1 02BD: set_fbi_required 1 else FBI_REQ = 0 02BD: set_fbi_required 0 end end return :SET_ARMY_REQUIRED if 0ADC: test_cheat "ARMYREQ" then 018C: play_sound 94 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 if ARMY_REQ == 0 then ARMY_REQ = 1 02BE: set_army_required 1 else ARMY_REQ = 0 02BE: set_army_required 0 end end return :REMOVE_ALL_CHAR_WEAPONS if 0ADC: test_cheat "CLEARWEAPONS" then 018C: play_sound 94 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 048F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR remove_weapons end return :GET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL 050F: get_max_wanted_level_to MAXWANTED return :PRINT_HELP_WITH_NUMBER if 0ADC: test_cheat "PRINTHELP" then 018C: play_sound 94 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 0511: show_text_box_1number 'NUMBER' number 1 end return :IS_PLAYER_TOUCHING_VEHICLE gosub @TEXT_STYLE if 0546: player 0 touching_car SPAWN_CAR then 0608: show_text_position 10.0 LINE text "0546: Player is touching spawned car" else 0608: show_text_position 10.0 LINE text "0546: Player is not touching spawned car" end return :IS_CHAR_TOUCHING_VEHICLE gosub @TEXT_STYLE if 0547: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR touching_car SPAWN_CAR then 0608: show_text_position 10.0 LINE text "0547: Player character is touching spawned car" else 0608: show_text_position 10.0 LINE text "0547: Player character is not touching spawned car" end return