-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 9.1.4 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.1.4 -- Started on 2014-06-21 12:16:47 BRT SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- TOC entry 8 (class 2615 OID 741236) -- Name: global; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SCHEMA global; ALTER SCHEMA global OWNER TO biblivre; SET search_path = global, pg_catalog; -- -- TOC entry 265 (class 1255 OID 741237) -- Dependencies: 785 8 -- Name: unlink(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE FUNCTION unlink() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM pg_catalog.lo_unlink(OLD.blob); RETURN OLD; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN OLD; END; $$; ALTER FUNCTION global.unlink() OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 444 (class 1255 OID 848588) -- Dependencies: 7 1501 -- Name: update_translation(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE FUNCTION update_translation(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ DECLARE p_language ALIAS FOR $1; p_key ALIAS FOR $2; p_text ALIAS FOR $3; p_user ALIAS FOR $4; v_schema character varying; v_current_value TEXT; v_global_value TEXT; v_user_created BOOLEAN; v_query_string character varying; BEGIN v_schema = current_schema(); IF v_schema <> 'global' THEN -- Get the global value for this key SELECT INTO v_global_value text FROM global.translations WHERE language = p_language AND key = p_key; -- If the new text is the same as the global one, -- delete it from the current schema IF v_global_value = p_text THEN -- Fix for unqualified schema in functions EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.translations WHERE language = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_language) || ' AND key = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key); -- The code below will only work with multiple schemas after Postgresql 9.3 -- DELETE FROM translations WHERE language = p_language AND key = p_key; RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; -- Get the current value for this key -- Fix for unqualified schema in functions EXECUTE 'SELECT text FROM ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.translations WHERE language = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_language) || ' AND key = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key) INTO v_current_value; -- The code below will only work with multiple schemas after Postgresql 9.3 -- SELECT INTO v_current_value text FROM translations WHERE language = p_language AND key = p_key; -- If the new text is the same as the current one, -- return IF v_current_value = p_text THEN RETURN 2; END IF; -- If the new key isn't available in the global schema, -- then this is a user_created key v_user_created = v_schema <> 'global' AND v_global_value IS NULL; -- If the current value is null then there is no -- current translation for this key, then we should -- insert it IF v_current_value IS NULL THEN EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.translations (language, key, text, created_by, modified_by, user_created) VALUES (' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_language) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_text) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_user) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_user) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(v_user_created) || ');'; -- The code below will only work with multiple schemas after Postgresql 9.3 --INSERT INTO translations --(language, key, text, created_by, modified_by, user_created) --VALUES --(p_language, p_key, p_text, p_user, p_user, v_user_created); RETURN 3; ELSE EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.translations SET text = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_text) || ', modified = now(), modified_by = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_user) || ' WHERE language = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_language) || ' AND key = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key); -- The code below will only work with multiple schemas after Postgresql 9.3 --UPDATE translations --SET text = p_text, --modified = now(), --modified_by = p_user --WHERE language = p_language AND key = p_key; RETURN 4; END IF; END; $_$; ALTER FUNCTION global.update_translation(character varying, character varying, character varying, integer) OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 445 (class 1255 OID 848589) -- Dependencies: 7 1501 -- Name: update_user_value(integer, character varying, character varying, character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE FUNCTION update_user_value(integer, character varying, character varying, character varying) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ DECLARE p_id ALIAS FOR $1; p_key ALIAS FOR $2; p_value ALIAS FOR $3; p_ascii ALIAS FOR $4; v_schema character varying; v_current_value TEXT; BEGIN v_schema = current_schema(); IF v_schema = 'global' THEN -- Can't save user fields in global schema RETURN 1; END IF; -- Get the current value for this key EXECUTE 'SELECT value FROM ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.users_values WHERE user_id = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_id) || ' AND key = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key) INTO v_current_value; -- SELECT INTO v_current_value value FROM users_values WHERE user_id = p_id AND key = p_key; -- If the new value is the same as the current one, -- return IF v_current_value = p_value THEN RETURN 2; END IF; -- If the current value is null then there is no -- current value for this key, then we should -- insert it IF v_current_value IS NULL THEN -- RAISE LOG 'inserting into schema %', v_schema; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.users_values (user_id, key, value, ascii) VALUES (' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_id) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_value) || ', ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_ascii) || ');'; --INSERT INTO users_values (user_id, key, value, ascii) VALUES (p_id, p_key, p_value, p_ascii); RETURN 3; ELSE EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || pg_catalog.quote_ident(v_schema) || '.users_values SET value = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_value) || ', ascii = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_ascii) || ' WHERE user_id = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_id) || ' AND key = ' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_key); -- UPDATE users_values SET value = p_value, ascii = p_ascii WHERE user_id = p_id AND key = p_key; RETURN 4; END IF; END; $_$; ALTER FUNCTION global.update_user_value(integer, character varying, character varying, character varying) OWNER TO biblivre; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- TOC entry 163 (class 1259 OID 741240) -- Dependencies: 2412 2413 2414 8 -- Name: configurations; Type: TABLE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE configurations ( key character varying NOT NULL, value character varying NOT NULL, type character varying DEFAULT 'string'::character varying NOT NULL, required boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE global.configurations OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 164 (class 1259 OID 741249) -- Dependencies: 2415 2416 2417 8 -- Name: logins; Type: TABLE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE logins ( id integer NOT NULL, login character varying NOT NULL, employee boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, password text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE global.logins OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 165 (class 1259 OID 741258) -- Dependencies: 164 8 -- Name: logins_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE logins_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE global.logins_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2441 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 165 -- Name: logins_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE logins_id_seq OWNED BY logins.id; -- -- TOC entry 2442 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 165 -- Name: logins_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('logins_id_seq', 2, false); -- -- TOC entry 165 (class 1259 OID 848590) -- Dependencies: 2957 2958 7 -- Name: backups; Type: TABLE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE backups ( id integer NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, path character varying, schemas character varying NOT NULL, type character varying NOT NULL, scope character varying NOT NULL, downloaded boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, steps integer, current_step integer ); ALTER TABLE global.backups OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 166 (class 1259 OID 848598) -- Dependencies: 7 165 -- Name: backups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE backups_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE global.backups_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2965 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 166 -- Name: backups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE backups_id_seq OWNED BY backups.id; -- -- TOC entry 2966 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 166 -- Name: backups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('backups_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 2959 (class 2604 OID 848642) -- Dependencies: 166 165 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY backups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('backups_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 166 (class 1259 OID 741260) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: schemas; Type: TABLE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE schemas ( schema character varying NOT NULL, name character varying, disabled boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ); ALTER TABLE global.schemas OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 167 (class 1259 OID 741266) -- Dependencies: 2419 2420 2421 8 -- Name: translations; Type: TABLE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE translations ( language character varying NOT NULL, key character varying NOT NULL, text text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, user_created boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE global.translations OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 168 (class 1259 OID 741275) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: versions; Type: TABLE; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE versions ( installed_versions character varying NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE global.versions OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2418 (class 2604 OID 741281) -- Dependencies: 165 164 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY logins ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('logins_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2434 (class 0 OID 741240) -- Dependencies: 163 -- Data for Name: configurations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.default_language', 'pt-BR', 'string', true, '2013-04-13 13:37:22.871407', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('search.results_per_page', '25', 'integer', true, '2013-04-13 13:37:22.871407', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('search.result_limit', '6000', 'integer', true, '2013-04-13 13:37:22.871407', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.currency', 'R$', 'string', true, '2014-02-22 15:20:28.594713', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'Bib', 'string', true, '2014-02-22 15:20:56.235706', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('search.distributed_search_limit', '100', 'integer', true, '2014-02-22 15:21:15.676016', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.business_days', '2,3,4,5,6', 'string', true, '2014-02-22 15:22:11.189584', NULL); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.uid', '', 'string', false, '2014-05-21 21:46:46.702', 0); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.multi_schema', 'false', 'boolean', true, '2014-06-14 18:32:29.586269', 1); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.psql_path', '', 'string', false, '2014-06-21 11:40:03.8973', 1); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.pg_dump_path', '', 'string', false, '2014-06-21 11:40:03.8973', 1); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.backup_path', '', 'string', false, '2014-06-21 11:40:03.8973', 1); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.title', 'Biblivre IV', 'string', true, '2014-06-21 11:42:07.150326', 1); INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.subtitle', 'Versão 4.0 Beta', 'string', false, '2014-06-21 11:42:07.150326', 1); -- -- TOC entry 2435 (class 0 OID 741249) -- Dependencies: 164 -- Data for Name: logins; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO logins (id, login, employee, password, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (1, 'admin', true, 'C4wx3TpMHnSwdk1bUQ/V6qwAQmw=', '2013-04-13 13:38:46.652058', NULL, '2014-06-21 11:40:36.422497', 1); -- -- TOC entry 2436 (class 0 OID 741260) -- Dependencies: 166 -- Data for Name: schemas; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO schemas (schema, name) VALUES ('single', 'Biblivre IV'); -- -- TOC entry 2437 (class 0 OID 741266) -- Dependencies: 167 -- Data for Name: translations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configuration.description.general.title', 'Nomo que será exibido quando a página principal deste grupo de bibliotecas for acessada. Esta página listará todas as bibliotecas cadastradas neste grupo (gerenciadas pelo mesmo Biblivre 4).', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configuration.title.general.title', 'Nome deste Grupo de Bibliotecas', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configurations.page_help', 'A rotina de Configurações de Multi-bibliotecas permite alterar configurações globais do grupo de bibliotecas e configurações padrão que serão usadas pelas bibliotecas cadastradas. Todas as configurações marcadas com um asterisco (*) serão usadas por padrão em novas bibliotecas cadastradas neste grupo, mas podem ser alteradas internamente pelos administradores, através da opção "Administração", "Configurações", no menu superior.', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.multi_schema_translations', 'Traduções', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.translations.page_help', '

O módulo de "Traduções" de Multi-bibliotecas funciona de forma análoga a sua versão de uma única biblioteca, porém, textos alterados por aqui serão aplicados a todas as bibliotecas do grupo, desde que estas não tenham alterado o valor original de cada tradução.

Por exemplo, se você alterar a tradução da chave "menu.search" de "Pesquisa" para "Busca" pelo módulo de traduções multi-bibliotecas, todas as bibliotecas deste grupo verão a nova tradução. Porém, se um dos administradores de uma destas bibliotecas alterar, através do módulo de "Traduções" de sua biblioteca, a mesma chave para "Procurar", esta tradução interna terá prioridade, apenas para esta biblioteca.

Para adicionar um novo idioma, baixe o arquivo de idioma em Português, faça a tradução dos textos e depois faça o envio do arquivo. Lembre-se que apenas os textos (depois do sinal de igual) devem ser alterados. Não altere as chaves, ou o Biblivre 4 não conseguirá localizar o texto

Exemplo: digamos que você queira alterar o texto no menu principal de Pesquisa para Busca. Você deverá então baixar o arquivo do idioma e alterar a seguinte linha:

*menu.search = Pesquisa


*menu.search = Busca

E então fazer o Envio do arquivo de idiomas. O Biblivre 4 irá processar o arquivo, e alterar o texto do menu.

', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configuration.title.general.subtitle', 'Subtítulo deste Grupo de Bibliotecas', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configuration.description.general.subtitle', 'Subtítulo que será exibido quando a página principal deste grupo de bibliotecas for acessada. Esta página listará todas as bibliotecas cadastradas neste grupo (gerenciadas pelo mesmo Biblivre 4).', '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, '2014-06-21 11:54:49.572182', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_access_cards', 'Cartões de Acesso', '2014-06-21 12:23:05.099501', 1, '2014-06-21 12:23:05.099501', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.disable', 'Desabilitar biblioteca', '2014-06-21 17:04:41.838396', 1, '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.enable', 'Habilitar biblioteca', '2014-06-21 17:04:41.838396', 1, '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_reservation.page_help', '

Para realizar uma reserva, você deverá selecionar o registro que será reservado. Para encontrar o registro, realize uma pesquisa similar à pesquisa bibliográfica.

', '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'warning.download_site', 'Ir para o site de downloads', '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.invalid', 'O valor especificado para uma das configurações não é valido, verifique os erros abaixo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation_user_reservation', 'Reservas do Leitor', '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_user_reservation', 'Efetuar Reserva para si mesmo', '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.logged_in_text', 'Texto inicial para usuários logados', '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'warning.new_version', 'Já está disponível uma atualização para o Biblivre 4
Versão instalada: {0}. Versão mais recente: {1}', '2014-07-05 11:47:02.155561', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.logged_out_text', 'Texto inicial para usuários não logados', '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.subtitle', 'Subtítulo da biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.page_help', 'A tela de multi-bibliotecas permite cadastrar diversas bibliotecas para serem gerenciadas por um único Biblivre. A partir do momento que você habilitar o sistema de multi-bibliotecas, a lista de bibliotecas cadastradas será exibida sempre que alguém entrar no endereço padrão do Biblivre 4.', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.b', 'Numeración que sigue al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.error.save', 'Falla al guardar la cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.e', 'Relación con el documento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_acquisition_type', 'Tipo de Adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.type', 'Tipo de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.title.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1.1', 'Genera entrada para el título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1.0', 'No genera entrada para el título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.680.subfield.a', 'Nota de alcance', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field_count.description', '

Luego de seleccionar el campo Marc y la Ordenación, realice la búsqueda bibliográfica que servirá de base para el Informe, o haga click en Emitir Informe para utilizar toda la base bibliográfica.

Atención: Este Informe puede llevar algunos minutos para ser generado, dependiendo del tamaño de la base bibliográfica.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.end_number', 'Número final', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.modified_between', 'Alterado entre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.form.hidden_subfields_singular', 'Exhibir subcampo oculto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.author_numeration', 'Numeração que segue o prenome', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.description', 'Deseja ir para a tela de restauração e reconfiguração? Você poderá restaurar um backup do Biblivre 4, apagar os dados da sua biblioteca ou refazer uma migração.', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.title', 'Restauração e Reconfiguração', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.cancel.description', 'Clique no botão abaixo para desistir de restaurar esta instalação do Biblivre 4 e retornar à sua biblioteca.', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.button', 'Ir para a tela de restauração e reconfiguração', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.description', 'Use esta opção caso você queira restaurar um backup do Biblivre 4, apagar os dados da sua biblioteca ou refazer a migração do Biblivre 3. Você será enviado à tela inicial de instalação do Biblivre, onde poderá cancelar caso desista de fazer alterações.', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.author_title', 'Título e outras palavras associadas ao nome', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.select_item_button', 'Selecionar registro', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.title', 'Ir para a tela de restauração e reconfiguração', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.author_type', 'Tipo de Autor', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.question', 'Atenção: Todas as opções farão com que os dados de sua biblioteca sejam apagados em favor dos dados recuperados. Recomenda-se fazer um backup antes de iniciar esta ação. Deseja continuar?', '2014-06-21 14:25:12.053902', 1, '2014-06-21 17:04:41.838396', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.error.cant_disable_last_library', 'Não é possível desabilitar todas as bibliotecas deste grupo. Ao menos uma deve ficar habilitada.', '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.error.toggle', 'Erro ao trocar estado da biblioteca.', '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configurations.error.disable_multi_schema_schema_count', 'Não é possível desabilitar o sistema de multi-bibliotecas enquanto houver mais de uma biblioteca habilitada.', '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.configurations.error.disable_multi_schema_outside_global', 'Não é possível desabilitar o sistema de multi-bibliotecas de dentro de uma biblioteca.', '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, '2014-06-21 17:35:14.546952', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding_help', '

Utilize os campos abaixo para acelerar o processo de catalogação de exemplares. O preenchimento é opcional e nenhum exemplar será criado caso nenhum campo seja preenchido. Neste caso, você poderá criar exemplares manualmente, com o formulário completo, pela aba Exemplares.

Caso seja do seu interesse cadastrar exemplares agora, o único campo que precisa sempre ser preenchido é o Número de Exemplares. Para cada volume da obra serão criados esta quantidade selecionada de exemplares, portanto, se o registro bibliográfico possuir 3 volumes e você preencher o Número de Exemplares com o número 2 e o Número de Volumes da Obra com o número 3, serão criados 6 exemplares, 2 para o Volume 1, 2 para o Volume 2 e 2 para o Volume 3. Caso os exemplares sejam de apenas um volume, preencha o campo Número do Volume, e, caso a obra não tenha volumes, deixe ambos os campo em branco.

', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_count', 'Número de Exemplares', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding_title', 'Exemplares Automáticos', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_acquisition_date', 'Data de aquisição', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_library', 'Biblioteca Depositária', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.self_circulation', 'Reservas', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_acquisition_type', 'Tipo de Aquisição', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_volume_number', 'Número do Volume', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_volume_count', 'Quantidade de volumes da Obra', '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, '2014-07-05 17:20:32.670746', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.logged_out_text', 'Texto que será exibido na tela inicial do Biblivre, para usuários que não tenham entrado com login e senha. Você pode usar tags HTML, mas cuidado para não quebrar o layout do Biblivre 4. Atenção: esta configuração está relacionada com o sistema de traduções. Alterações feitas nesta tela afetarão somente o idioma atual. Para alterar em outros idiomas, use a tela de traduções ou acesse o Biblivre usando o idioma a ser alterado.', '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.logged_in_text', 'Texto que será exibido na tela inicial do Biblivre, para usuários que tenham entrado com login e senha. Você pode usar tags HTML, mas cuidado para não quebrar o layout do Biblivre 4. O termo {0} será substituído pelo nome do usuário logado. Atenção: esta configuração está relacionada com o sistema de traduções. Alterações feitas nesta tela afetarão somente o idioma atual. Para alterar em outros idiomas, use a tela de traduções ou acesse o Biblivre usando o idioma a ser alterado.', '2014-07-12 11:21:42.419959', 1, '2014-07-12 11:22:49.880351', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.error.save', 'Falla al guardar el servidor z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_access_cards', 'Tarjetas de Acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.quantity', 'Cantidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_save', 'Guardar registro de pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_restore', 'Recuperar copia de seguridad de la base de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.id_rg', 'Identidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.download.button', 'Descargar el idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_user_reservation', 'Efectuar Reserva para sí mismo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.error', 'Erro', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.title', 'Criação de Nova Biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.schema', 'Atalho da Biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.description', 'Para criar uma nova biblioteca, preencha abaixo seu nome e um subtítulo opcional. Você também precisará de um nome reduzido para a biblioteca, chamado de atalho, que será usado no endereço Web de acesso ao Biblivre 4, permitindo diferenciar as diversas bibliotecas instaladas no sistema. Este atalho deve conter apenas letras, números e o caractere _. Para facilitar, o Biblivre 4 irá sugerir um atalho automaticamente, baseado no nome da biblioteca.', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.multi_schema_configurations', 'Configurações', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.multi_schema_manage', 'Gerência de Bibliotecas', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.title', 'Nome da biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.button.create', 'Criar Biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'text.multi_schema.select_library', 'Lista de Bibliotecas', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.multi_schema', 'Multi-bibliotecas', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.schemas.description', 'Abaixo estão todas as bibliotecas cadastradas neste Biblivre 4. Caso queira alterar um nome ou subtítulo, acesse a tela de configurações da biblioteca.', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.schemas.title', 'Lista de Bibliotecas deste Servidor', '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, '2014-06-14 19:50:04.110972', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.edit', 'Editar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_digital_media_only', 'Backup de archivos digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.reservation_time_limit', 'Plazo de reserva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'format.datetime_user_friendly', 'DD/MM/AAAA hh:mm', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_save', 'Guardar registro de proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_title.inactive', 'Marcar usuario como "inactivo"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.operator', 'Operador', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.t', 'Título de la obra junto a la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.q', 'Forma completa del nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de solicitud?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_710', 'Autor secundario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.record_will_be_ignored', 'Este registro no será importado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_711', 'Autor secundario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.d', 'Fechas asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.value_must_be_numeric', 'El valor de este campo debe ser un número', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.summary', 'Informe de Sumario del Catálogo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550', 'TG (Término genérico)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.a', 'Apellido y/o nombre del autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.field.status', 'Situación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.id', 'Matrícula', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.b', 'Numeración que sigue al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.c', 'Título y otras palabras asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_remove_attachment_description', '¿Usted desea excluir este archivo digital?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.simple_term_title', 'Rellene el Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'warning.reindex_database', 'Usted precisa reindizar las bases de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.groups.cataloging', 'Catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.user.select_item_button', 'Seleccionar registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.advanced_search', 'Búsqueda Bibliográfica Avanzada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.error.description', 'Lamentablemente ocurrió un error al restaurar este backup de Biblivre 4. Verifique la próxima pantalla por el log de errores y, en caso necesario, entre en el fórum Biblivre para obtener ayuda.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.amount', 'Cantidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.users_without_user_card', 'Listar solamente Usuarios que nunca tuvieron tarjeta impresa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_remove_attachment', 'Excluir archivo digital', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de solicitud?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.error.accession_number_unavailable', 'Este sello patrimonial ya está en uso por otro ejemplar. Por favor, rellene otro valor o deje en blanco para que el sistema calcule uno automáticamente.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.100', 'Persona', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.button.add', 'Agregar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.uncancel', 'Recuperar Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.multi_schema_backup', 'Backup e Restauração', '2014-07-19 11:28:35.848301', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:35.848301', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.export_records', 'Exportar registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation_user', 'Registro de Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'text.main.noscript', '', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.dewey', 'Informe de Clasificación Dewey', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_reports', 'Informes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.digits', 'Dígitos significativos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.object_3d', 'Objeto 3D', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.supplier', 'Proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.022.subfield.a', 'Número de ISSN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.title', 'Nombre de la biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.e', 'Estado de la patente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.error.record_not_found', 'Registro no encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.d', 'Fecha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.f', 'Parte de un documento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones serán perdidas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de Pedido?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.256.subfield.a', 'Características del archivo de computadora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.date_from', 'De', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.date', 'Fecha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_exclude_digital_media', 'Crear backup sin archivos digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.psql_path', 'Camino para el programa psql', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging', 'Catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_913', 'Código Regional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.a', 'Número', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.b', 'País', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.c', 'Tipo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.0', 'Ningún carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.description', 'Use esta opción en caso que usted quiera restaurar e importar un backup existente del Biblivre 3.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.upload_button', 'Enviar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.search.distributed_search_limit', 'Límite de resultados para búsquedas distribuidas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.default', 'Seleccione...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1', 'Política de desdoblamiento de serie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.title.unit_value', 'Valor Unitario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.users_who_have_login_access', 'Listar solo Usuarios que poseen login de acceso al Biblivre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.email', 'Email', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation_user_cards', 'Impresión de Carnets', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.attachment.alias', 'Digite un nombre para este archivo digital', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.fieldset.title_info', 'Datos de la Obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.2', 'apellido compuesto (obsoleto)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.3', 'nombre de familia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.created', 'Fecha del Pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_730', 'Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.records_found_plural', '{0} registros encontrados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.lendings', 'Empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.error.shouldnt_delete_because_holding_is_or_was_lent', 'Este ejemplar está o ya fue prestado y no debe ser excluido. En caso que no este más disponible, el procedimiento correcto es cambiar su disponibilidad para No disponible. Si desea igualmente excluir este ejemplar, presione el botón "Forzar Exclusión".', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding_help', '

Utilice los campos abajo para acelerar el proceso de catalogación de ejemplares. El rellenado es opcional y no se creará ningún ejemplar en caso de no se rellene ningún campo. En este caso, usted podrá crear ejemplares manualmente, con el formulario completo, por la pestaña Exemplares.

En caso de ser de su interés registrar ejemplares ahora, el único campo que precisa ser rellenado siempre es el Número de Ejemplares. Para cada volumen de la obra se creará esta cantidad seleccionada de ejemplares, por lo tanto si el registro bibliográfico posee 3 volúmenes y usted rellena el Número de Ejemplares con el número 2 y el Número de Volúmenes de la Obra con el número 3, se crearán 6 ejemplares, 2 para el Volumen 1, 2 para el Volumen 2 y 2 para el Volumen 3. En caso de que los ejemplares sean de solamente un volumen, rellene el campo Número del Volumen, y, en caso de que la obra no tenga volúmenes, deje ambos campos en blanco.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.0', 'nombre simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.1', 'apellido simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082', 'Clasificación Decimal Dewey', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080', 'Clasificación Decimal Universal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.title_last_backups', 'Últimos Backups', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.lendings', 'Préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1.8', 'No generar constante en la exhibición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.marc_popup.title', 'Editar Registro MARC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.arrival_time', 'Fecha de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.success.update', 'Registro alterado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.dewey', 'Clasificación Dewey', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.title.requisition', 'Solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1.0', 'Índice remisivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.save', 'Guardar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1.0', 'No genera entrada para el título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1.1', 'Genera entrada para el título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.save', 'Guardar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_delete', 'Excluir registro de servidor z3950', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.fine_value', 'Valor de la multa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.095', 'Área de conocimiento de CNPq', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.error.no_users_found', 'Ningún usuario encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090', 'Número de llamada - Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.card_unavailable', 'Tarjeta no disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.simple_term_title', 'Rellena el Código de la Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_restore_path', 'El directorio configurado para la restauración de los archivos de backup no es válido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.pg_dump_path', 'Camino para el programa pg_dump', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.add_one_card', 'Registrar Nueva Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_save', 'Guardar registro de servidor z3950', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_description_plural', '¿Usted realmente desea mover estos {0} registros?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.button.select_item', 'Seleccionar ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.backup_path', 'Camino de destino de las copias de seguridad (Backups)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_300', 'Descripción física', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload.button', 'Enviar el idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.e', 'Soporte', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este usuario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.c', 'Materiales aplicados a la superficie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.d', 'Técnica en que se registra la información', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_306', 'Tiempo de duración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.a', 'Base y configuración del material', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.b', 'Dimensiones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.invalid_method_call', 'Llamada con método inválido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2._', 'ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_411', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_410', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_bibliographic', 'Catálogo Bibliográfico y de Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore', 'Restaurar un Backup del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.issn', 'ISSN (incluyendo guiones)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.no_permission', 'Usted no tiene permiso para ejecutar esta acción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.new', 'Nuevo usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2', 'Tesauro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1', 'Nivel del Asunto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.help_manual', 'Manual', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.id', 'Nº del registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.all_users', 'Informe de Todos los Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.invoice_number', 'Nº de la Factura', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.te_term', 'Término Específico (TE)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.450.subfield.a', 'Término tópico no usado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description_last_backups_1', 'Abajo están los enlaces para download de los últimos backups realizados. Es importante guardarlos en un lugar seguro, pues esta es la única forma de recuperar sus datos, en caso de que sea necesario.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description_last_backups_2', 'Estos archivos están guardados en el directorio especificado en la configuración del Biblivre ("Administración", "Configuraciones", en el menú superior). En caso que este directorio no esté disponible para la escritura en el momento del backup, un directorio temporal será usado en su lugar. Por este motivo, algunos de los backups pueden no estar disponibles luego de cierto tiempo. Recomendamos siempre hacer un download del backup y guardarlo en un lugar seguro.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.users.title', 'Buscar Lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.e', 'Fuentes convencionales de descripciones de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.logged_in_text', 'Texto inicial para usuarios logueados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.d', 'Agencia que alteró el registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.3', 'nombre de familia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.c', 'Agencia que transcribió el registro en formato legible por máquina', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.b', 'Idioma de la catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.a', 'Código de la Agencia Catalogadora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.0', 'nombre simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.1', 'apellido simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.invalid_json', 'El Biblivre no fue capaz de entender los datos recibidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.2', 'apellido compuesto (obsoleto)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'aquisition.request.error.request_not_found', 'No fue posible encontrar la requerimiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.database', 'Base', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.4', 'El Backup solamente de archivos digitales es una copia de todos los archivos de medio digital que fueron grabados en el Biblivre, sin ningún otro dato o información, como usuarios, base catalográfica, etc.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.3', 'El Backup sin archivos digitales es una copia de todos los datos e informaciones del Biblivre 4, excluyendo los archivos de medio digital. Por excluir los archivos de medio digital, el proceso tanto de backup cuanto de recuperación es más rápido, y el archivo de backup es menor.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.id_cpf', 'CPF', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.1', 'El Backup es un proceso donde ejecutamos la copia de informaciones para guardarlas en caso de algún problema en el sistema. Es una copia de los registros e informaciones del Biblivre. El Biblivre 4 posee 3 tipos de backup:', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.2', 'El Backup completo es una copia de todos los datos e informaciones del Biblivre 4, incluyendo los archivos de medio digital, como fotos de los usuarios, archivos digitales de los registros bibliográficos, etc.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.success.block', 'Tarjeta bloqueada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir el servidor z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.processing', 'Procesando...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.search.results_per_page', 'Esta configuración representa la cantidad máxima de resultados que serán exhibidos en una única página en las búsquedas del sistema. Un número muy grande podrá dejar el sistema más lento.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.d', 'Fecha de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la entidad o del lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.password', 'Contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_name', 'Nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_digital_media_only', 'Crear backup de archivos digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - sección de la obra - orden del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.active', 'Activo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.save', 'No fue posible guardar las traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamiento. (enmiendas, protocolos, selección, etc)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.g', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_400', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.t', 'Título de la obra junto a la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.confirm_description', '¿Usted realmente desea restaurar este Backup?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_title', 'Mover registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.custom_count', 'Informe de recuento del campo Marc', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_signup', 'Fecha de Matrícula', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.progress_popup.processing', 'El Biblivre de esta biblioteca está en manutención. Aguarde hasta que la misma sea concluida.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.dates', 'Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.page_help', '

El módulo de "Migración de Datos" permite importar los datos que están en una base de datos del Biblivre 3 existente para la base de datos vacía del Biblivre 4.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.subfield.z', 'Fuente de información', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.error.user_not_found', 'Usuario no encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.users', 'Usuarios, Logins de acceso y Tipos de Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.step_1_description', 'En este paso, usted puede importar un archivo conteniendo registros en los formatos MARC, XML y ISO2709 o realizar una búsqueda en otras bibliotecas. Seleccione abajo el modo de importación deseado, seleccionando el archivo o rellenando los términos de la búsqueda. En el paso siguiente, usted podrá seleccionar cuales registros deberán ser importados.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de vocabulario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'header.law', 'Ley de Incentivo a la Cultura', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_24_columns', 'Impresora 24 columnas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.book', 'Libro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.database_count', 'Total de Registros en las Bases en el Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.913.subfield.a', 'Código Lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.acquisition', 'Fecha de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.source_file_subtitle', 'Seleccione un archivo conteniendo los registros a ser importados. El formato de este archivo puede ser texto, XML o ISO2709, desde que la catalogación original sea compatible con MARC.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este usuario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670', 'Origen de las informaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.default_language', 'Idioma estándar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.default_language', 'Esta configuración representa el idioma padrón para la exhibición del Biblivre.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1', 'Genera entrada secundaria en la ficha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.java_locale_not_available', 'No existe un identificador de idioma java para el archivo de traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.circulation.lending_receipt.printer.type', 'Esta configuración representa el tipo de impresora que será utilizada para la impresión de recibos de préstamos. Los valores posibles son: impresora de 40 columnas, de 80 columnas, o impresora común (chorro de tinta).', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.685', 'Nota de historial o glosario (GLOSS)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.0', 'Parte del título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.field.port', 'Puerta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload.field.upload_file', 'Archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.680', 'Nota de alcance (NE)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.subtitle', 'Subtítulo de la biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.invalid_language', 'Seleccione un idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.label.author_count', 'Cantidad de registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.5', 'Título adicional en carátula secundaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.6', 'Título de partida', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.7', 'Título corriente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.8', 'Título del lomo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.1', 'Título paralelo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.loading', 'Cargando', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.2', 'Título específico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.3', 'Otro título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.4', 'Título de la tapa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.step_2_description', 'En este paso, verifique los registros que serán importados e impórtelos individualmente o en conjunto, a través de los botones disponibles al final de la página. El Biblivre detecta automáticamente si el registro es bibliográfico, autoridades o vocabulario, sin embargo permite que el usuario corrija antes de la importación. Importante: Los registros importados serán agregados a la Base de Trabajo y deberán ser corregidos y ajustados antes de ser movidos para la Base Principal. Eso evita que registros incorrectos sean agregados directamente a la base de datos final.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.terms_of_payment', 'Forma de pago', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_310', 'Peridiocidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.450', 'UP (remisiva para TE no usado)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_failure', 'Falla al reservar la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.summary', 'Sumario del Catálogo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.dewey', 'Clasificación Decimal Dewey', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_reservation.page_help', '

Para realizar una reserva, usted deberá selecionar el registro a ser reservado. Para encontrar el registro, realice una búsqueda similar a la búsqueda bibliográfica.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040', 'Fuente de la Catalogación (NR)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.subfield.a', 'Información de Fechas de Publicación y/o Volumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.success.update', 'Proveedor guardado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.button.show_log', 'Exhibir log', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.page_help', '

El módulo de "Traducciones" permite agregar nuevos idiomas al Biblivre 4 o alterar los textos ya existentes.

Atención: Este módulo realiza configuraciones avanzadas del Biblivre 4, y debe ser utilizado solamente por Usuarios avanzados, con experiencia en informática..

Para agregar un nuevo idioma, baje el archivo de idioma en portugués, haga la traducción de los textos y después envíe el archivo. Recuerde que solamente los textos (después del signo igual) deben ser alterados. No altere las llaves, caso contrario el Biblivre 4 no conseguirá localizar el texto

Ejemplo: digamos que usted quiera alterar el texto en el menú principal de Búsqueda para Buscar. Usted deberá entonces bajar el archivo del idioma y alterar la siguiente línea:

*menu.search = Búsqueda


*menu.search = Busca

Y entonces hacer el envío del archivo de idiomas. El Biblivre 4 procesará el archivo, y alterará el texto del menú.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.current_password', 'Contraseña actual', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.subfield.v', 'Número del volumen o designación secuencial de la serie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.0', 'Clasificación de la LC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.error.select_reader_first', 'Para reservar un registro usted precisa, primeramente, seleccionar un lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.2', 'National Library of Medicine Classification', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.1', 'CDD', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.4', 'Localización fija', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.3', 'Superintendent of Documents classification', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.6', 'En parte separado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.description', 'Fue detectada una instalación del Biblivre 3 en esta computadora. Usted podrá importar estos datos para el Biblivre 4 seleccionando los items de interés y haciendo click en el botón abajo. Luego de la importación, usted deberá reindizar las tres bases: Bibliográfica, Autoridades y Vocabulario, a través de la pantalla "Manutención" em "Administración" y seleccionar nuevamente las autorizaciones de los empleados con acceso al Biblivre, a través de la pantalla "Logins y Permisos" en "Administración".', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.operator.and_not', 'y no', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.5', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.7', 'Clasificación específica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.8', 'Otro esquema', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.periodic', 'Periódico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.subfield.a', 'Título Uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.edition', 'Edición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.name', 'Nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.all_users', 'Informe General de Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.949.subfield.a', 'Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.dewey', 'CDD', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.author_numeration', 'Numeración que sigue el prenombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.popup.title', 'Formato de las etiquetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.isbn_already_in_database', 'Ya existe un registro con este ISBN en la base de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.a', 'Clasificación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.success.delete', 'Registro excluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.b', 'Código del autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.c', 'Edición - volumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_040', 'Fuente de catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.d', 'Número del Ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_lent', 'Prestados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.search.result_limit', 'Esta configuración representa la cantidad máxima de resultados que serán encontrados en una búsqueda catalográfica. Este límite es importante para evitar lentitudes en el Biblivre en bibliotecas que posean una gran cantidad de registros. En caso de que la cantidad de resultados de la búsqueda del usuario exceda este límite, será recomendado que se mejoren los filtros de búsqueda.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1._', 'Índice', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.record_imported_successfully', 'Registro importado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.buttons.dismiss_fine', 'Abonar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.returned_lendings', 'Préstamos devueltos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.257.subfield.a', 'País de la entidad productora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.back_to_search', 'Regresar a la búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_450', 'Término Use Para', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.invalid_database', '', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.button.edit_marc', 'Editar MARC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.success.save', 'Servidor z39.50 guardado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.wait', 'Aguarde', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1._', 'Ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.music', 'Música', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630', 'Asunto - Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.success.delete', 'Servidor z39.50 excluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.t', 'Título de la obra junto a la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.n', 'Número de orden del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.status', 'Situación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_362', 'Fecha de la primera publicación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'language_code', 'es', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.e', 'Nombre de las subunidades del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.d', 'Fecha de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670.subfield.b', 'Información encontrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.a', 'Nombre del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.fine_popup.title', 'Devolución atrasada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Nombre retirado de', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.lending_date', 'Fecha de Préstamo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.buttons.pay_fine', 'Pagar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.description', '¿Desea ir a la pantalla de restauración y reconfiguración? Usted podrá restaurar un backup del Biblivre 4, borrar los datos de su biblioteca o rehacer una migración.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.410.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la entidad o del lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_vocabulary', 'Catálogo de Vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.page_help', '

La rutina de Permisos permite la creación de Login y Contraseña para un usuario, así como la definición de sus permisos de acceso o utilización de las diversas rutinas del Biblivre.

La búsqueda tratará de encontrar los Usuarios ya registrados en el Biblivre, y funciona de la misma manera que la búsqueda simplificada de la rutina de Registro de Usuarios.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.all', 'Cualquier campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651', 'Asunto - Nombre geográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650', 'Asunto - Tópico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'La Tarjeta será excluida permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.help_faq', 'Preguntas Frecuentes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.subject', 'Asunto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.clean_install.description', 'En caso que usted no tenga o no desee restaurar un backup, esta opción permitirá iniciar el uso del Biblivre 4 con una base de datos vacía. Luego de entrar en el Biblivre 4 por primera vez, utilice el login admin y la contraseña abracadabra para entrar al sistema y configurar su nueva biblioteca.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.success.save', 'Tarjeta incluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'warning.download_site', 'Ir para el sitio de descargas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.acquisition_order', 'Pedidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_852', 'Notas públicas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.load', 'No fue posible leer el archivo de traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload_popup.title', 'Enviando Archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.id', 'Nro. Registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.error.no_request_found', 'No fue posible encontrar ninguna Solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_save', 'Guardar registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.original_value', 'Valor original', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.photo', 'Foto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_delete', 'Excluir registro de proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este Servidor Z39.50?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration.description', 'Fue detectada una instalación de Biblivre 3 en esta computadora. Usted podrá importar estos datos para el Biblivre 4 seleccionando los items de interés y haciendo click en el botón abajo. Luego de la importación, usted deberá reindizar las tres bases: Bibliográfica, Autoridades y Vocabulario, a través de la pantalla "Manutención" en "Administración" y seleccionar nuevamente las autorizaciones de los empleados con acceso al Biblivre, a través de la pantalla "Logins y Permisos" en "Administración".', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.z', 'Nota estándar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.q', 'Descripción del índice en multimedio', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.p', 'Descripción de la colección en multimedio', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.o', 'Descripción del índice en microfilm', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_830', 'Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.n', 'Descripción de la colección en microfilm', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.u', 'Descripción del índice en otros soportes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.pamphlet', 'Panfleto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.t', 'Descripción de la colección en otros soportes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.s', 'Descripción del índice en braile', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.r', 'Descripción de la colección en braile', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.i', 'Descripción del índice con acceso on-line', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.f', 'Código de la biblioteca en el CCN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.g', 'Descripción del índice de colección impresa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.l', 'Descripción de la colección en microficha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.m', 'Descripción del índice en microficha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.j', 'Descripción de la colección en CD-ROM', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2', 'Tesauro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.issn', 'ISSN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.k', 'Descripción del índice en CD-ROM', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1', 'Nivel del Asunto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.search_authorities', 'Autoridades', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610', 'Asunto - Entidad Colectiva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.a', 'Sigla de la biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.psql_path', 'Atención: Esta es una configuración avanzada, pero importante. El Biblivre intentará encontrar automáticamente el camino para el programa psql y, excepto en casos donde sea exhibido un error abajo, usted no precisará alterar esta configuración. Esta configuración representa el camino, en el servidor donde el Biblivre está instalado, para lo ejecutable psql que es distribuído junto al PostgreSQL. En caso que esta configuración estuviera inválida, el Biblivre no será capaz de generar y restaurar copias de seguridad.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611', 'Asunto - Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.d', 'Año de la última adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.e', 'Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.b', 'Descripción de la colección impresa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.c', 'Tipo de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_volume_number', 'Número del Volumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.open', 'Abrir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.no_schema_selected', 'Ninguna biblioteca seleccionada.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configuration.description.general.title', 'Nombre que será exhibido cuando se accede a la página principal de este grupo de bibliotecas. Esta página listará todas las bibliotecas registradas en este grupo (administradas por el mismo Biblivre 4).', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.card_in_use', 'Tarjeta en uso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.field_count', 'Recuento por campo Marc', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.b', 'Código de idioma del sumario o resumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.a', 'Código del idioma de texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de ejemplar?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.error.description', 'Infelizmente ocurrió un error al restaurar este backup del Biblivre 3. Verifique la próxima pantalla por el log de errores y, en caso necesario, entre en el fórum Biblivre para obtener ayuda.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_bibliographic', 'Reindizar base bibliográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.database.main', 'Principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600', 'Asunto - Nombre personal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.status', 'Situación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.h', 'Código de idioma del documento original', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.0', 'Fecha - período únicos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.2', 'Extensión de fechas - períodos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.1', 'Fecha - período múltiples', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.subject', 'Asunto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record.inactive', 'Saldrá de la lista de búsquedas y solo podrá ser encontrado a través de la "búsqueda avanzada", de donde podrá ser excluido permanentemente o recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_complement', 'Complemento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_private_database_access', 'Acceso a la Base Privada.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.place', 'Lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.isrc', 'ISRC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.lendings', 'Préstamos activos, historia de préstamos y multas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.d', 'Escala de Longitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.c', 'Escala de Latitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.error.save', 'Falla al guardar el Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.acquisition', 'Adquisiciones (Proveedor, Requerimiento, Cotización y Pedido)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.trash_full', 'Papelera de Reciclaje', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.status.any', 'Cualquier', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.users.title', 'Buscar Lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir esta Tarjeta?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'field.error.invalid', 'Este valor no es válido para este campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.i', 'Calificador', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.a', 'Nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.b', 'Unidad de las Coordenadas o Unidad de la Distancia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_save', 'Guardar registro de tipo de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.page_help', 'La pantalla de multibibliotecas permite registrar diversas bibliotecas para ser administradas por un único Biblivre. A partir del momento que usted habilita el sistema de multi-bibliotecas, la lista de bibliotecas registradas será exhibida siempre que alguien entre en la dirección estándar del Biblivre 4.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access.user.search', 'Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.all', 'Cualquier campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_876', 'Nota de acceso restricto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.unblock', '¿Desea realmente desbloquear esta Tarjeta?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.3', 'nombre de familia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.movie', 'Película', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.1', 'apellido simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_authorities', 'Catálogo de Autoridades', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.2', 'nombre compuesto (obsoleto)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.0', 'nombre simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.holdings', 'Informe de Registro de Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_count', 'Número de Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.save', 'Salvar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.unit_value', 'Valor Unitario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.0', 'Ningún carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_delete', 'Excluir registro de tipo de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.open', 'Abrir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.status.in_use', 'En uso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.save_as_new', 'Guardar como Nuevo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.void', '', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670', 'Orígen de las informaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.info', 'Observaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.status.cancelled', 'Cancelado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_backup_type', 'El modo de backup seleccionado no existe', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.operator.or', 'o', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110', 'Autor - Entidad colectiva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111', 'Autor - Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.author', 'Búsqueda por Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.b', 'Complemento del título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.lending_limit', 'Límite de préstamos simultáneos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'label.username', 'Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.error.delete.user_has_lendings', 'Este usuario posee préstamos activos. Realice la devolución antes de excluir este usuario.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.a', 'Título/título abreviado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.user_has_card', 'Usuario ya posee tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.select_card', 'Seleccionar Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.g', 'Miscelánea', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.f', 'Información de volumen/número de fascículo y/o fecha de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.no_backups_found', 'Ningún backup encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.warning', 'Este proceso puede demorar algunos minutos, dependiendo de la configuración de hardware de su servidor.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.i', 'Exhibir texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.h', 'Medio físico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.504.subfield.a', 'Notas de bibliografía', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.expected_return_date', 'Fecha para devolución', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.field.name', 'Nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.invalid_backup_path', 'Camino inválido. Este directorio no existe o el Biblivre no posee permiso de escritura.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte/sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte/sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100', 'Autor - Nombre personal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.logged_out_text', 'Texto inicial para usuarios no logueados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.new_value', 'Nuevo valor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.page_help', '

O "Control de Acceso" permite administrar la entrada y permanencia de los lectores en las instalaciones de la biblioteca. Seleccione el lector a través de una búsqueda por nombre o matrícula y digite el número de una tarjeta de acceso disponible para vincular aquella tarjeta al lector.

En el momento de la salida del lector, usted podrá desvincular la tarjeta procurando por el código del mismo

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.title', 'Título Principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.marc_field', 'Valor del campo Marc', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.computer_legible', 'Archivo de Computadora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1', 'Genera entrada secundaria en la ficha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'El Tipo de Usuario será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload.title', 'Enviar archivo de idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_datamigration', 'Importar datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130', 'Obra anónima', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.save', 'Falla al guardar la Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address', 'Dirección', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.page_help', '

La búsqueda distribuida permite recuperar informaciones sobre registros en acervos de otras bibliotecas, que colocan a disposición sus registros para la búsqueda y catalogación colaborativa.

Para realizar una búsqueda, rellene los términos de la búsqueda, seleccionando el campo de interés. En seguida, seleccione una o más bibliotecas donde se deberán localizar los registros. Atención: seleccione pocas bibliotecas para evitar que la búsqueda distribuida sea muy lenta, entendiendo que ella depende de la comunicación entre las bibliotecas y el tamaño de cada acervo.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.save', 'Guardar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_common', 'Impresora común', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.number_of_titles', 'Número de Títulos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.button.continue_to_biblivre', 'Ir para el Biblivre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_count_by_type', 'Totales por Tipos de Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.step_2_title', 'Seleccionar registros para importación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.employee', 'Empleado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.current_value', 'Valor actual', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.uncancel', 'Recuperar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.title_found_backups', 'Backups Encontrados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir el Registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de Pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permission.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir el login', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.blocked', 'Bloqueado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.success.description', 'Backup restaurado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.start_date', 'Fecha Inicial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.680.subfield.a', 'Nota de alcance', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.return', 'Devolver', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.095.subfield.a', 'Área de conocimiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Se perderán todas las alteraciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de vocabulario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.import_as', 'Importar como:', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_save', 'Guardar registro de autoridad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.thesis', 'Tesis', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.import_popup.importing', 'Importando registros, por favor, aguarde', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.fieldset.title.values', 'Valores', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150', 'TE', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.acquisition_request', 'Requerimientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.0', 'Ningún nivel especificado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.1', 'Asunto primario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.2', 'Asunto secundario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.download.description', 'Seleccione abajo el idioma que desea descargar.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.zip_code', 'Código Postal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.z3950_servers', 'Servidores Z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.lending_date', 'Fecha del préstamo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.info', 'Observaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.trademark', 'Nombre de Fantasía', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.remove_item_button', 'Excluir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.title', 'Creación de Nueva Biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1._', 'Subcampos |b o |c no están presentes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.other_name', 'Otra Forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'aquisition.supplier.error.supplier_not_found', 'No fue posible encontrar el proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.button.print_user_cards', 'Imprimir carnets', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.tg_term', 'Término General (TG)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.description.6', 'En caso que el usuario pierda su contraseña, deberá igualmente entrar en contacto con el Administrador o Bibliotecario responsable por el Biblivre, que podrá proveer una nueva contraseña.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration.button', 'Importar datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.issn_already_in_database', 'Ya existe un registro con este ISSN en la base de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme atribuido al documento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.field.url', 'URL', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir la Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.d', 'Fecha que aparece junto al título uniforme en la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_zip', 'CEP', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto. Idioma del texto por extenso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.f', 'Fecha de edición del ítem que está siendo procesado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.button.show_log', 'Exhibir log', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.g', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.913.subfield.a', 'Código Lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.return_date', 'Fecha de devolución', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.description.1', 'El cambio de contraseña es el proceso por el cual un usuario puede alterar su contraseña actual por una nueva. Por cuestiones de seguridad, sugerimos que el usuario realice este procedimiento periódicamente.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.error.move', 'Falla al mover los Registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_datamigration', 'Migración de Datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.description.3', 'Mezcle letras, símbolos especiales y números en su contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.description.2', 'La única regla para creación de contraseñas en el Biblivre es la cantidad mínima de 3 caracteres. Sin embargo, sugerimos seguir las siguientes directivas:', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.page_help', '

La importación de registros permite expandir su base de datos sin que haya necesidad de catalogación manual. Nuevos registros pueden ser importados a través de búsquedas Z39.50 o a partir de archivos exportados por otros sistemas de biblioteconomía.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.description.5', 'Use una cantidad de caracteres superior al recomendado.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.description.4', 'Use letras mayúsculas y minúsculas; y', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.multi_schema', 'Esta configuración permite que se habilite el sistema de múltiples bibliotecas en esta instalación del Biblivre 4.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.block', 'Bloquear', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.949.subfield.a', 'Sello patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado en el tesauro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.410.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la entidad o del lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.log_header', '[Log de creación de nueva biblioteca del Biblivre 4]', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.renew_success', 'Préstamo renovado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging_vocabulary', 'Vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.labels.never_printed', 'Listar solamente ejemplares que nunca tuvieron etiquetas impresas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.user_total_lending_list', 'Historial de préstamos a este lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.manuscript', 'Manuscrito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.operator.and', 'y', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.step', 'Paso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_delete', 'Excluir registro de autoridad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.cancel', '¿Desea realmente cancelar esta Tarjeta?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.title', 'Restauración y Reconfiguración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.success.generate', 'Informe generado con éxito. El mismo será abierto en otra página.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.selected_records_singular', '{0} ejemplar seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.502.subfield.a', 'Notas de disertación o tesis', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.auto_download', 'Backup realizado, descargando automáticamente en algunos segundos...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.groups.acquisition', 'Adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.record_deleted', 'Registro excluido definitivamente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.c', 'Agencia que transcribió el registro en formato legible por máquina', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.b', 'Lenguaje de la catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.e', 'Fuentes convencionales de descripciones de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.d', 'Agencia que alteró el registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.a', 'Código de la agencia catalogadora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.searches_by_date', 'Informe de Total de Búsquedas por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.runtime_error', 'Error inesperado durante la ejecución de la tarea', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.subtitle', 'Títulos paralelos/subtítulo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.cancel.description', 'Cliquee en el botón abajo para desistir de restaurar esta instalación del Biblivre 4 y volver a su biblioteca.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.success.save', 'Proveedor incluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1', 'Tipo de período cronológico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_backup', 'Realizar copia de seguridad de la base de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.form.hidden_subfields_plural', 'Exhibir {0} subcampos ocultos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.page_help', '

Para realizar una reserva usted deberá seleccionar el lector para el cual la reserva será realizada y, en seguida, seleccionar el registro que será reservado. La búsqueda por el lector puede hacerse por nombre, matrícula u otro campo previamente registrado. Para encontrar el registro, realice una búsqueda similar a la búsqueda bibliográfica.

Los cancelamientos pueden hacerse seleccionando el lector que posee la reserva.

La duración de la reserva se calcula de acuerdo con el tipo de usuario, configurado por el menú Administración y definido durante el registro del lector.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.users_with_pending_fines', 'Listar solo Usuarios con multas pendientes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.acquisition', 'Informe de Pedidos de Adquisición Efectuados Por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.button.search', 'Buscar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Tanto el Login del Usuario como sus permisos serán excluidos permanentemente del sistema y no podrán ser recuperados.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.return_success', 'Ejemplar devuelto con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.search_count', '{current} / {total}', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.administration.z3950.server.active', 'Esta configuración indica si el servidor z39.50 Lugar estará activo. En los casos de instalaciones multi-biblioteca, el nombre de la Colección del servidor z39.50 será igual al nombre de cada biblioteca. Por ejemplo, el nombre de la colección para esta instalación es "{0}".', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_80_columns', 'Impresora 80 columnas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.invalid', 'El valor especificado para una de las configuraciones no es válido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.search_z3950', 'Distribuida', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.400', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.user.name_or_id', 'Nombre o Matrícula', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.start_less_than_or_equals_end', 'El Número inicial debe ser menor o igual al Número final', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.success.update', 'Usuario guardado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.user.field', 'Campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.title', 'Copia de Seguridad (Backup)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.error.invalid_marc', 'Falla al leer el Registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.no_fines', 'Este usuario no posee multas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.410', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.button.generate_report', 'Emitir Informe', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.d', 'Fecha de la realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.accession_number', 'Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de ejemplar?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.return.success', 'Tarjeta devuelta con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.title', 'Importación de Registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.l', 'Lenguaje de texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.in_this_library', 'En esta biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte sección de la obra orden del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este Tipo de Usuario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.success.delete', 'Usuario excluido permanentemente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'label.logout', 'Salir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.quotation', 'Cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.success', 'Restauración de Backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.requisition_select', 'Seleccione una Solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.holdings', 'Informe de Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'warning.create_backup', 'Hace más de 3 días que usted está sin generar una copia de seguridad (backup)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.schema', 'Atajo de la Biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.user.remove_item_button', 'Excluir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la entidad o del lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_status', 'Situación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.580', 'Nota de Enlace', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.a', 'Título adicional - Título analítico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.1', 'Generar nota y entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.0', 'Generar nota, no generar entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_delete', 'Excluir registro de cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.switch_to', 'Cambiar para', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.3', 'No generar nota, generar entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.2', 'No generar nota ni entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.psql_not_found', 'PSQL no encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.common.digital_files', 'Archivos Digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - Sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.dewey', 'Estadística por Clasificación Dewey', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte - Sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido para la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.page_help', '

El módulo "Impresión de Etiquetas" permite generar las etiquetas de identificación interna y de lomo para los ejemplares de la biblioteca.

Es posible Generar las etiquetas de uno o más ejemplares en una única impresión, utilizando la búsqueda abajo. Este atento al detalle de que el resultado de esta búsqueda es una lista de ejemplares y no de registros bibliográficos.

Luego de encontrar el(los) ejemplar(es) de interés, use el botón "Seleccionar ejemplar" para agregarlos a la lista de impresión de etiquetas. Usted podrá hacer diversas búsquedas, sin perder la selección hecha anteriormente. Cuando finalmente este satisfecho con la selección, cliquee en el botón "Imprimir etiquetas". Será posible seleccionar cual modelo de la hoja de etiquetas se utilizará y en qué posición iniciar.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1.2', 'International Standard Music Number (ISMN)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1.0', 'International Standard Recording Code/ (ISRC)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.accession_number', 'Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.user_has_no_card', 'No hay tarjeta asociada a este usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.date_to', 'a', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.deleted', 'Excluido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.in_these_libraries', 'En estas bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configuration.title.general.title', 'Nombre de este Grupo de Bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging_import', 'Importación de Registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.590', 'Notas locales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.yes', 'Sí', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595', 'Notas para inclusión en bibliografías', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.download.title', 'Descargar archivo de idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.button.import_this_record', 'Importar este registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.status.in_use_and_blocked', 'En uso y bloqueado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_late', 'Total de Libros atrasados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de proveedor?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.select_item', 'Seleccionar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.450.subfield.a', 'Término tópico no usado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.error.save', 'Falla al inscribir al Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2', 'Dimensiones de referencia geoespacial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.580.subfield.a', 'Nota de Enlace', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1', 'Dimensiones de referencia geoespacial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_returned_lendings', 'Historial de Devoluciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.description', 'Para crear una nueva biblioteca, rellene abajo con su nombre y un subtítulo opcional. Usted también precisará de un nombre reducido para la biblioteca, llamado de atajo, que será usado en la dirección Web de acceso al Biblivre 4, permitiendo diferenciar las diversas bibliotecas instaladas en el sistema. Este atajo debe contener solamente letras, números y/o caracteres _. Para facilitar, el Biblivre 4 sugerirá un atajo automáticamente, basado en el nombre de la biblioteca.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_search', 'Listar servidores z3950', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.password.success', 'Contraseña alterada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'label.password', 'Contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.button.select_item', 'Seleccionar usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.select_marc_field', 'Seleccione un campo Marc', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.button', 'Restaurar backup seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.simple_search', 'Búsqueda Bibliográfica Simplificada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore', 'Restaurar un Backup del Biblivre 4', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.holding_id', 'Nro. Registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.form.repeat', 'Repetir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.0', 'Ningún carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado en el tesauro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.topographic', 'Informe Topográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.pending_issues', 'Posee pendencias', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.error.no_records_found', 'Ningún registro encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.returns', 'Devoluciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.today', 'Hoy', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.lendings', 'Informe de Préstamos por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_360', 'Término Asociado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.form_invalid_values', 'Fueron encontrados errores en el rellenado del formulario abajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding_title', 'Ejemplares Automáticos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.user', 'Informe por Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'field.error.max_length', 'Este campo debe poseer como máximo {0} caracteres', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555', 'Nota de Índice Acumulativo o Remisivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.status.blocked', 'Bloqueado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.inactive_users_only', 'Listar solo Usuarios inactivos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.button', 'Ir a la pantalla de restauración y reconfiguración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.page_help', '

La rutina de Configuraciones permite la configuración de diversos parámetros utilizados por el Biblivre, como por ejemplo el Título de la Biblioteca, el Idioma Estándar o la Moneda a ser utilizada. Cada configuración posee un texto explicativo para facilitar su utilización.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.lendings_by_date', 'Informe de Préstamos por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.last_backup', 'Último Backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.log_header', '[Log de importación de datos del Biblivre 3 para el Biblivre 4]', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.edit', 'Editar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550', 'TG (Término genérico)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_243', 'Título uniforme colectivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.2', 'Numeración alternada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360', 'Remisiva VT (ver también) y TA (Término relacionado o asociado)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'warning.change_password', 'Usted todavia no modificó la contraseña estándar de administrador', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.total', 'Total', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_240', 'Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.1', 'Numeración primaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.0', 'No numerada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.525', 'Nota de Suplemento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.print_return_receipt', 'Imprimir recibo de devolución', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.success', 'Importación de datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.popup.description', 'Seleccione en qué etiqueta desea iniciar la impresión', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir la Solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.521', 'Notas de público meta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_list', 'Listar tarjetas de acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1', 'Tipo de número o código normalizado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_245', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520', 'Notas de resumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250.subfield.b', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.error.type_has_users', 'Este Tipo de Usuario posee Usuarios registrados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250.subfield.a', 'Indicación de la edición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir el Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.custom_count', 'Informe de recuento por el campo Marc:', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2._', 'Título llave abreviado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.add_multiple_cards', 'Registrar Secuencia de Tarjetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.page_help', '

La búsqueda bibliográfica permite recuperar informaciones sobre los registros del acervo de esta biblioteca, enlistando sus ejemplares, campos catalográficos y archivos digitales.

La forma más simple es usar la búsqueda simplificada, que tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los siguientes campos: {0}.

Las palabras son buscadas en su forma completa, pero es posible usar el caracter asterisco (*) para buscar por palabras incompletas, de modo que la búsqueda ''brasil*'' encuentre registros que contengan ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' y ''brasilero'', por ejemplo. Los pares de comillas pueden ser usados para encontrar dos palabras en secuencia, de modo que la búsqueda "mi amor" encuentre registros que contengan las dos palabras juntas, pero no encuentre registros con el texto ''mi primer amor''.

La búsqueda avanzada otorga un mayor control sobre los registros localizados, permitiendo, por ejemplo, buscar por fecha de catalogación o exactamente en el campo deseado.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.error.invalid_photo_extension', 'La extensión del archivo seleccionado no es válida para la foto del usuario. Use archivos .png, .jpg, .jpeg o .gif', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1._', 'ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.private_full', 'Base Privada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.534', 'Notas de facsímile', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.creation_date', 'Fecha Inclusión;', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.530', 'Notas de disponibilidad de forma física', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.description', 'Use esta opción en caso que usted desee restaurar un backup del Biblivre 4, borrar los datos de su biblioteca o rehacer la migración del Biblivre 3. Usted será enviado a la pantalla inicial de instalación del Biblivre, donde podrá cancelar en caso que desista de hacer alteraciones.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750', 'Término tópico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2._', 'Ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.vocabulary.page_help', '

La búsqueda de vocabulario permite recuperar informaciones sobre los términos presentes en el acervo de esta biblioteca, caso catalogados.

La búsqueda tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los siguientes campos: {0}.

Las palabras son buscadas en su forma completa, pero es posible usar el carácter asterisco (*) para buscar por palabras incompletas, de modo que la búsqueda ''brasil*'' encuentre registros que contengan ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' y ''brasilero'', por ejemplo. Los pares de comillas pueden ser usados para encontrar dos palabras en secuencia, de modo que la búsqueda "mi amor" encuentre registros que contengan las dos palabras juntas, pero no encuentre registros con el texto ''mi primer amor''.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.show_all', 'Mostrar todos los {0} backups', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.response_date', 'Fecha de Llegada de la Cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.bibliography', 'Informe de Bibliografía por Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.author_title', 'Título y otras palabras asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_260', 'Imprenta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.simple_search', 'Búsqueda Simplificada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_delete', 'Excluir registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permission.success.delete', 'Login excluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.500', 'Notas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.501', 'Notas iniciadas con la palabra "con"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.502', 'Notas de disertación o tesis', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.504', 'Notas de bibliografía', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.505', 'Notas de contenido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_password', 'Cambio de Contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1.1', 'no confidencial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1.0', 'confidencial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.buttons.apply_fine', 'Multar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lendings.holding_list_lendings', 'Listar solamente ejemplares prestados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_250', 'Edición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.datafield', 'Campo MARC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_255', 'Escala', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_256', 'Características del archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.error.description', 'Infelizmente ocurrió un error al importar los datos del Biblivre 3. Verifique la próxima pantalla por el log de errores y, en caso necesario, entre en el fórum Biblivre para obtener ayuda.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_257', 'Lugar de producción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.success.update', 'Cotización guardada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_258', 'Información sobre el material', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.location', 'Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.photo', 'Foto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.empty_login', 'El campo login no puede estar vacío', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.515', 'Nota de Peculiaridad en la Numeración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.selected_records_plural', '{0} registros seleccionados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.clear_search', 'Limpiar términos de la búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.biblio', 'Bibliográficos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.backup_not_complete', 'Backup no terminado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.error.no_supplier_found', 'No fue posible encontrar ningún proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.success.disable', 'Éxito al marcar usuario como inactivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'digitalmedia.error.file_not_found', 'El archivo especificado no fue encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.error.delete', 'Falla al exluir la cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'warning.fix_now', 'Resolver este problema', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.availability.available', 'Disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.holding.availability', 'Disponibilidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.status.available', 'Disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_city', 'Ciudad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.empty_new_password', 'El campo "nueva contraseña" no puede estar vacío', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.return_date', 'Fecha de la devolución', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.c', 'Indicación de responsabilidad de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.a', 'Título principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_move', 'Mover registro de vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.b', 'Títulos paralelos/subtítulos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.confirm_title', 'Restaurar Backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.popup.description', 'Seleccione en cuál etiqueta desea iniciar la impresión', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.button.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.email', 'Email', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.country', 'País', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.0', 'nombre invertido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.multi_schema_configurations', 'Configuraciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.1', 'nombre de la jurisdicción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.h', 'Medio', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_reservation_list', 'Listar reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.2', 'nombre en orden directo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_move', 'Mover registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.type.biblio', 'Registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.cancel', 'La Tarjeta será cancelada y estará indisponible para su uso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_status.blocked', 'Bloqueado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.order', 'Ordenar por', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.file_not_found', 'Archivo no encontrado.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.source_search_title', 'Importar registros a partir de una búsqueda Z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.expiration_date', 'Fecha de expiración de la reserva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.state', 'Estado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.subtitle', 'Subtítulo de la biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.upload_popup.uploading', 'Enviando archivo...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.error.save', 'Falla al guardar el proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Nota de origen del Término', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.title', 'Abriendo Archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.main_full', 'Base Principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.page_help', '

La rutina de Pedidos permite el registro y búsqueda de pedidos (compras) realizados con los proveedores registrados. Para registrar un nuevo Pedido, se debe seleccionar un Proveedor y una Cotización previamente registrados, así como entrar datos tales como Fecha de Vencimiento y datos de la Factura.

La búsqueda tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los campos Número de Registro de Pedido, Nombre de Fantasía del Proveedor, y Autor o Título de la Solicitud.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.3', 'Materiales especificados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.multi_schema', 'Habilitar Multibibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.couldnt_restore_backup', 'No fue posible restaurar el backup seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_configurations', 'Administrar configuraciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_available', 'Disponibles', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.group.custom', 'Informe Personalizado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.biblio_reservation', 'Reservas por registro bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_save', 'Guardar registro de requerimiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.return.error', 'Falla al devolver la Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.fine.failure_pay_fine', 'Falla al pagar multa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation_access', 'Control de Acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.login_change_password', 'Cambiar contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210', 'Título Abreviado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.multi_schema_manage', 'Gerencia de Bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.select_file', 'Seleccione un archivo de backup primero', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.y', 'Link en texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'field.error.date', 'El valor rellenado no tiene una fecha válida. Utilice el formato {0}', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.lend.error', 'Falla al vincular la Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.login', 'Login', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.d', 'Camino', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.processing', 'Procesando...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.a', 'Nota de índice acumulativo y remisivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.title', 'Nombre de la biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.b', 'Fuente disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_status.active', 'Activo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.success.update', 'Servidor z39.50 actualizado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.f', 'Nombre del archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.c', 'Grado de control', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.d', 'Referencia bibliográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.reserved.warning', 'Todos los ejemplares disponibles de este registro están reservados para otros lectores. El préstamo puede ser efectuado, sin embargo verifique las informaciones de reservas.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321.subfield.b', 'Fechas de la periodicidad anterior', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_cel', 'Celular', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321.subfield.a', 'Periodicidad Anterior', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.type.authorities', 'Autoridades', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.u', 'Identificador uniforme de recursos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.button.create', 'Crear Biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.searches', 'Informe de Total de Búsquedas por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.open_item_button', 'Abrir registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_configurations', 'Configuraciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1.0', 'El ítem no es y no incluye traducción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.tabs.reservations', 'Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'field.error.min_length', 'Este campo debe poseer como mínimo {0} caracteres', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.short_type', 'Tipo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1.1', 'El ítem es e incluye traducción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2._', 'ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging_labels', 'Impresión de Etiquetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.page_help', '

El módulo "Impresión de Carnets" permite Generar las etiquetas de identificación de los lectores de la biblioteca.

Es posible generar los carnets de uno o más lectores en una única impresión, utilizando la búsqueda abajo.

Luego de encontrar el(los) lector(es), use el botón "Seleccionar usuario" para agregarlos a la lista de impresión de carnets. Usted podrá realizar diversas búsquedas, sin perder la selección hecha anteriormente. Cuando este satisfecho con la selección, cliquee en el botón "Imprimir carnets". Será posible seleccionar la posición del primer carnet en la hoja de etiquetas.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_save', 'Guardar registro de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.info', 'Observaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.no_attachments', 'Este registro no posee archivos digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.error.save', 'Falla al guardar la Solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.505.subfield.a', 'Notas de contenido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.print_lending_receipt', 'Imprimir recibo de préstamo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.quotation_date', 'Fecha del Pedido de Cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.lending.error.holding_is_lent', 'El ejemplar seleccionado ya está prestado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.trash', 'Papelera de Reciclaje', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_top', 'Libros más prestados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.address_number', 'Número', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.id', 'Nº del registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250', 'Edición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.255', 'Dato matemático cartográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.256', 'Características del archivo de computadora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2.0', 'Library of Congress Subject Heading', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.obs', 'Observaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.help', 'Ayuda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258', 'Información sobre material filatélico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.257', 'País de la entidad productora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.articles', 'Artículo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.user_not_found', 'No fue posible encontrar el usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2.4', 'Source not specified', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.title.unit_value', 'Valor Unitario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.lending.error.holding_unavailable', 'El ejemplar seleccionado no está disponible para préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_full', 'Crear backup completo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.accession_number.full', 'Informe completo de Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.start_number', 'Número inicial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240', 'Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243', 'Título Convencional Para Archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245', 'Título principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.database_work', 'Trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246', 'Forma Variante de Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_lendings', 'Préstamos Activos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.page_help', '

La rutina de Cotizaciones permite el registro y búsqueda de cotizaciones (presupuestos) realizadas con los proveedores registrados. Para registar una nueva Cotización, se debe seleccionar un Proveedor y una Solicitud previamente registrados, así como entrar datos como el valor y la cantidad de obras cotizadas.

La búsqueda tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los campos Número de Registro de Cotización o Nombre Fantasía del Proveedor.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.bind_card', 'Vincular Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.search.distributed_search_limit', 'Esta configuración representa la cantidad máxima de resultados que serán encontrados en una búsqueda distribuida. Evite el uso de límite muy elevado pues las búsquedas distribuidas llevarán mucho tiempo para volver a los resultados encontrados.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de proveedor?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.success.update', 'Tarjeta guardada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation_user_reservation', 'Reservas del Lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'text.multi_schema.select_library', 'Lista de Bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.publication_year', 'Año de publicación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.y', 'Link en el texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_40_columns', 'Impresora 40 columnas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.no_backups_found', 'Ningún backup encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.d', 'Camino', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_delete', 'Excluir registro de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.515.subfield.a', 'Nota de Peculiaridad en la Numeración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.f', 'Nombre del archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.name', 'Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.949', 'Sello patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947', 'Información de la Colección', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'text.main.logged_in', '

Hola {0},

Sea bienvenido a la Biblioteca Libre (Biblivre) versión 4.0.

Usted podrá hacer búsquedas por registros bibliográficos, autoridades y vocabulario con la opción "Búsqueda" en el menú superior. Esta es la misma "Búsqueda" que los lectores podrán usar al accesar al Biblivre, sin necesidad de usuario y contraseña, para buscar por registros en la Base Principal.

Para registrar lectores, realizar préstamos, devoluciones y reservas, controlar el acceso a la biblioteca e imprimir carnets, use la opción "Circulación", también en el menú superior.

En la opción "Catalogación", usted podrá controlar el acervo de la biblioteca, catalogando obras y ejemplares, y efectuar el control de autoridades y de vocabulario. A través de esta opción también es posible imprimir las etiquetas usadas en los ejemplares, mover registros entre las bases de datos (Principal, Trabajo, Privada y Papelera de reciclaje), importar y exportar registros y agregar archivos digitales a los registros existentes.

El Biblivre también posee un sistema simple de control del proceso de adquisición, para auxiliar la compra y recibimiento de publicaciones, a través de la opción "Adquisición".

En "Administración", usted podrá cambiar la contraseña de acceso, configurar recursos del Biblivre como campos de los formularios, traducciones y tipos de usuario, registrar tarjetas de acceso, generar informes y realizar la manutención de la base de datos, que incluye la generación de la copia de seguridad (backup), y la Reindización de la base de datos, que debe ser usada cuando algunos registros no pueden ser encontrados a través de la búsqueda.

En caso que precise de más informaciones sobre el Biblivre, accese a la opción "Ayuda" y lea el Manual del programa o las preguntas frecuentes, en Fórum.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.groups.circulation', 'Circulación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.move_records', 'Mover Registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.holding.accession_number', 'Sello patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.page_help', '¡Bienvenido! Esta pantalla es el último paso antes de iniciar el uso del Biblivre IV y a través de ella usted podrá escoger si restaurará las informaciones de otra instalación del biblivre (a través de un backup o de la migración del Biblivre 3) o si desea iniciar una biblioteca nueva. Lea atentamente cada una de las opciones abajo y seleccione la más apropiada.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.i', 'Calificador', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.payment_date', 'Fecha de Pago', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.status', 'Situación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.error.no_valid_terms', 'La búsqueda especificada no contiene términos válidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_print_user_cards', 'Imprimir carnets', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.users_with_late_lendings', 'Listar solo Usuarios con préstamos en atraso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.delivered_quantity', 'Cantidad recibida', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_full', 'Informe completo de Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.page_help', '

Para realizar un préstamo usted deberá seleccionar el lector para el cual el préstamo será realizado y, en seguida, seleccionar el ejemplar que será prestado. La búsqueda por el lector puede ser hecha por nombre, matrícula u otro campo previamente registrado. Para encontrar el ejemplar, utilize su Sello Patrimonial.

Las devoluciones pueden ser hechas a través del lector seleccionado o directamente por el Sello Patrimonial del ejemplar que está siendo devuelto o renovado.

El plazo para la devolución se calcula de acuerdo con el tipo de usuario, configurado por el menu Administración y definido durante el registro del lector.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.fine_value', 'Valor de la Multa por atrasos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.distributed_search', 'Búsqueda Distribuida', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging_authorities', 'Autoridades', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import', 'Importar datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_list', 'Listar cotizaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.welcome', 'Sea bienvenido al Biblivre IV', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.paper_description', '{paper_size} {count} etiquetas ({height} mm x {width} mm)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.order', 'Ordenación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.selected_records_plural', '{0} Valores Agregados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670.subfield.b', 'Información encontrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Nombre retirado de', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.renew', 'Renovar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_field.short_type', 'Tipo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.0', 'Ningún caracter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.availability.unavailable', 'No disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.group.circulation', 'Circulación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.title.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.delivery_time', 'Plazo de entrega (Prometido)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.currency', 'Esta configuración representa la moneda que será utilizada en multas y en el módulo de adquisición.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.database_main', 'Principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.success.move', 'Registros movidos con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.acquisition_quotation', 'Cotizaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.availability', 'Disponibilidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.delete_success', 'Reserva excluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.029.subfield.a', 'Número de ISMN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.created_between', 'Catalogado entre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260', 'Publicación, edición. Etc.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de Pedido?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.fieldset.title.values', 'Valores', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.913', 'Código Lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.simple_term_title', 'Rellene los términos de la búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.title', 'Reindización de la Base de Datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.lending.error.blocked_user', 'El lector seleccionado está bloqueado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.records_found_singular', '{0} registro encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2._', 'ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.error.delete', 'Falla al excluir el proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.type.do_not_import', 'No importar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.error.delete.user_has_accesscard', 'Este usuario posee tarjeta de acceso en uso. Realice la devolución de la tarjeta antes de excluir este usuario.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.created_by', 'Responsable', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_130', 'Obra Anónima', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'language_name', 'Español (Internacional)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_534', 'Notas de facsímil', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.logged_in_text', 'Texto a ser exhibido en la pantalla inicial del Biblivre, para usuarios que tengan ingresado con login y contraseña. Usted puede utilizar tags HTML, pero cuidado de no quebrar el diseño del Biblivre 4. El término {0} será sustituido por el nombre del usuario logueado. Atención: esta configuración se relaciona con el sistema de traducciones. Las alteraciones realizadas en esta pantalla afectarán solamente el idioma actual. Para alterar en otros idiomas, utilice la pantalla de traducciones o acceda al Biblivre usando el idioma a ser alterado.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de Pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'warning.new_version', 'Ya está disponible una actualización para el Biblivre 4
Versión instalada: {0}. Versión más reciente: {1}', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.uploading', 'Enviando archivo...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.reservations', 'Informe de Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.progress_popup.title', 'Manutención del Biblivre 4', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.reservation_date', 'Fecha de la Reserva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.up', 'Término Use Para (UP)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_520', 'Notas de resumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.411.subfield.a', 'Nombre del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_521', 'Notas de público meta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.title.quantity', 'Cantidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.multi_schema', 'Multibibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.page_help', '

La rutina de Informes permite la generación e impresión de diversos Informes puestos a disposición por el Biblivre. Los Informes disponibles se dividen entre las rutinas de Adquisición, Catalogación y Circulación.

Algunos de los Informes disponibles poseen filtros, como Base Bibliográfica, o Período, por ejemplo. Para otros, basta seleccionar el Informe y cliquear en "Emitir Informe".

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_110', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.tabs.form', 'Registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_111', 'Autor Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.1', 'apellido simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.2', 'apellido compuesto (anticuado)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.3', 'nombre de la familia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configurations.page_help', 'La rutina de Configuraciones de Multi-bibliotecas permite alterar configuraciones globales del grupo de bibliotecas y configuraciones estándar que serán usadas por las bibliotecas registradas. Todas las configuraciones marcadas con un asterisco (*) serán usadas como estándar en nuevas bibliotecas registradas en este grupo, pero pueden ser alteradas internamente por los administradores, a través de la opción "Administración", "Configuraciones", en el menú superior.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.holdings_count', 'Cantidad de Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.clear', 'Limpiar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.0', 'nombre simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.selected_records_singular', '{0} Valor Agregado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.tg', 'Término General (TG)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.te', 'Término Específico (TE)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.preview', 'Pre visualización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490', 'Indicación de serie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.ta', 'Término Asociado (VT / TA)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.search', 'Búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.modified', 'Actualizado en', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.521.subfield.a', 'Notas de público meta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_home', 'Teléfono Residencial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.unclassified', '', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_translations', 'Administrar traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.501.subfield.a', 'Notas iniciadas con la palabra "con"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.b', 'Nombre del editor, publicador, etc.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.c', 'Fecha de publicación, distribución, etc.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.user.search', 'Digite el nombre o matrícula del Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.e', 'Nombre del impresor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.error.invalid_search_parameters', 'Los parámetros de esta búsqueda no están correctos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.select_author_type', 'Seleccione el tipo de autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.search.results_per_page', 'Resultados por página', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.a', 'Lugar de publicación, distribución, etc.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.biblivre_is_locked_please_wait', 'Este Biblivre está en mantenimiento. Por favor, intente nuevamente en algunos minutos.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_500', 'Notas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Será movido a la base de datos "papelera de reciclaje"', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.f', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_502', 'Nota de tesis', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.g', 'Fecha de impresión', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_505', 'Notas de contenido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_504', 'Notas de bibliografía', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_506', 'Notas de acceso restricto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_list', 'Listar préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520.subfield.a', 'Notas de resumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.record_reserved_to_the_following_readers', 'Este registro está reservado para los siguientes lectores', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.new_password', 'Nueva contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.password_not_matching', 'Los campos "nueva contraseña" y "repita la nueva contraseña" deben ser iguales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.d', 'Fecha de la realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.subject', 'Asunto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.save.success', 'Configuraciones alteradas con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'z3950.adresses.list.no_address_found', 'Ningún Servidor Z39.50 encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.search_limit', 'La búsqueda realizada encontró {0} registros, no obstante solamente los {1} primeros serán exhibidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - sección de la obra - orden del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.error.generate', 'Falla al Generar el Informe. Verifique el rellenado del formulario.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.renew', 'Renovar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.error.save', 'Falla al guardar el Registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_100', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.user.open_item_button', 'Abrir registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.success.unblock', 'Usuario desbloqueado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.vocabulary.simple_search', 'Búsqueda de Vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la entidad o del lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.unblock', 'Falla al desbloquear la Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_delete', 'Excluir registro de pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.ok', 'Ok', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de solicitud?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.button', 'Restaurar backup seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_670', 'Nombre retirado de', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición del Servidor Z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.field_count', 'Recuento del campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1.1', 'Nota no formateada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.error.invalid_file', 'Archivo inválido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1.0', 'Estilo formateado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.no', 'No', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.search_button', 'Buscar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este Servidor Z39.50?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.success', 'Restauración de Backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_access_control_bind', 'Administrar control de acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de proveedor?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_print_labels', 'Imprimir etiquetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080.subfield.2', 'Número de edición de la CDU', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.0', 'nombre simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones serán perdidas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.3', 'nombre de familia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.popup.title', 'Formato de las etiquetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.1', 'apellido simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.log_header', '[Log de restauración de backup del Biblivre 4]', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.2', 'apellido compuesto (obsoleto)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_authorities', 'Reindizar base de autoridades', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.authorities.simple_search', 'Búsqueda de Autoridades', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.user_current_lending_list', 'Ejemplares prestados a este lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.subfield.b', 'Calificador', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.subfield.a', 'Título Abreviado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.255.subfield.a', 'Escala', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging_label', 'Etiquetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_680', 'Nota sobre Alcance', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_700', 'Autor secundario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_685', 'Nota de Historial o Glosario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.clean_install', 'Nueva Biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_list', 'Listar pedidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.access_control', 'Tarjetas de acceso y Control de acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.query_placeholder', 'Rellene los términos de la búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.any', 'Cualquier', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.confirm_title', 'Restaurar Backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.description', 'Descripción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.lend.success', 'Tarjeta vinculada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.unblock', 'Desbloquear Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.inactive', 'Marcar como inactivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.error.description', 'Falla al crear nueva biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.topographic', 'Informe Topográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.title.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'text.main.logged_out', '

El programa Biblioteca Libre (Biblivre) versión 4.0 es un aplicativo que permite la inclusión digital del ciudadano en la sociedad de la información. Sepa más sobre el proyecto en "Sobre", en la opción "Ayuda" en el menú superior.

Se trata de un programa para catalogación y difusión de acervos de bibliotecas públicas y privadas, de variados portes, además de posibilitar la circulación y el compartir contenidos de información, tales como, textos, músicas, imágenes y películas o cualquier otro tipo de objeto digital.

Hoy, el Biblivre es un éxito en todo Brasil, así como en el exterior y, por su extrema relevancia cultural, se viene asentando como el aplicativo de elección para la inclusión digital del ciudadano.

Si desea solamente buscar el catálogo y accesar a las obras disponibles digitalmente, utilize la opción "Búsqueda" en el menú superior, sin la necesidad de usuario y contraseña.

Para otros servicios, tales como circulación, catalogación, adquisición y administración, es necesario un nombre de usuario y contraseña.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload_popup.processing', 'Procesando...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.up_term', 'Término Use Para (UP)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2.4', 'Source not specified', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.select_item_button', 'Seleccionar registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.block', 'Bloquear', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_vocabulary', 'Reindizar base de vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.error', 'Error al importar datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.400', 'Otra Forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_delete', 'Excluir tarjetas de acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.download.field.languages', 'Idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.block', 'Falla al bloquear Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.d', 'Fechas asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_670', 'Orígen de las Informaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.c', 'Título y otras palabras asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.410', 'Otra Forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.tabs.fines', 'Multas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.q', 'Forma completa de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.expected_date', 'Fecha prevista', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.success.delete', 'Tarjeta excluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.unavailable', 'No disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.private', 'Privado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'digitalmedia.error.file_could_not_be_saved', 'El archivo enviado no puede ser guardado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_id', 'Matrícula', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.411', 'Otra Forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2.0', 'Library of Congress Subject Headings', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.a', 'Apellido y/o nombre del autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.b', 'Numeración que sigue al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_590', 'Notas locales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.field.upload_file', 'Seleccionar archivo de backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.0', 'nombre simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.daily_fine', 'Multa diaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.1', 'apellido simple o compuesto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.2', 'apellido compuesto (obsoleto)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.3', 'nombre de familia', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.advanced_search', 'Búsqueda Avanzada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.title', 'Esta configuración representa el nombre de la biblioteca, que será exhibido al inicio de las páginas del Biblivre y en los informes.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_full', 'Backup completo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.search.result_limit', 'Límite de resultados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.error', 'Error al restaurar backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender', 'Género', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.empty_lending_list', 'Este lector no posee ejemplares prestados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.acquisition_supplier', 'Proveedores', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.card_not_found', 'Tarjeta no encontrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.multi_schema_backup', 'Backup y Restauración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición del Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar inclusión de Tarjetas de Acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.no_servers', 'No es posible realizar una búsqueda Z39.50 pues no existen bibliotecas remotas registradas. Para solucionar este problema, registre los servidores Z39.50 de las bibliotecas de interés en la opción "Servidores Z39.50" dentro de "Administración" en el menu superior. Para esto es necesario un nombre de usuario y contraseña.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.editor', 'Editora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.source_file_title', 'Importar registros a partir de un archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.year', 'Año', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.groups.digitalmedia', 'Medio Digital', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.reservation_limit', 'Límite de reservas simultáneas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.description', 'Use esta opción en caso que usted quiera restaurar un backup existente del Biblivre 4. En caso que el Biblivre encuentre backups guardados en sus documentos, usted podrá restaurarlos directamente de la lista abajo. En caso contrario, usted deberá enviar un archivo de backup (extensión .b4bz) a través del formulario.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.failure.unblock', 'Falla al desbloquear al Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.expiration_date', 'Fecha de Validez de la Cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.submit_button', 'Cambiar contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.field.upload_file', 'Seleccionar archivo de backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.work', 'Trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.reader', 'Lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_acquisition_date', 'Fecha de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1', 'Genera entrada secundaria en la ficha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.failure.block', 'Falla al bloquear al Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.450', 'UP (remisiva para TE no usado)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.b', 'Período de tiempo formateado de 9999 a.C en adelante', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.a', 'Código del período de tiempo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'digitalmedia.error.no_file_uploaded', 'Ningún archivo fue enviado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.c', 'Período de tiempo formateado anterior a 9999 a.C.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2.0', 'Otro título abreviado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.days_late', 'Días de atraso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.error.order_not_found', 'No fue posible encontrar el pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.holding_lent_to_the_following_reader', 'Este ejemplar está prestado para el lector abajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_555', 'Notas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.a', 'Asunto tópico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.sort_by', 'Ordenar por', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.accesscards.unbind_card', 'Devolver Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permission.error.create_login', 'Error al crear login de usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1.0', 'No generar entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.field.collection', 'Colección', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.migrate.error', 'Falla al importar los datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_status.pending_issues', 'Posee pendencias', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1.1', 'Generar entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title', 'Informes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.wait', 'Dependiendo del tamaño de la base de datos, esta operación podrá demorar. El Biblivre quedará indisponible durante el proceso, que puede durar hasta 15 minutos.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.deadline_date', 'Fecha de Vencimiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_651', 'Asunto geográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852', 'Informaciones sobre la localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_650', 'Asunto tópico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.database.work', 'Trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration', 'Administración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.856', 'Localización de obras por medio electrónico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.login_already_exists', 'Este login ya existe. Escoja otro nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.success.description', 'Backup restaurado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.requester', 'Solicitante', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'format.datetime', 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.new_holding', 'Nuevo ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.publisher', 'Editora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.no_card_found', 'Ninguna tarjeta encontrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.access_denied', 'Acceso denegado. Usuario o contraseña inválidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.success', 'Reindización concluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.534.subfield.a', 'Notas de facsímile', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.success.block', 'Usuario bloqueado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_lend', 'Realizar préstamos de obras', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir el Login de Usuario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.411', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.error.select_reader_first', 'Para prestar un ejemplar usted precisa, primeramente, seleccionar un lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.all', 'Cualquier campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.button.print_labels', 'Imprimir etiquetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.g', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.f', 'Fecha de edición del ítem que está siendo procesado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.year', 'Año', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.d', 'Fecha que aparece junto al título uniforme en la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_630', 'Asunto título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_indexing', 'Administrar indización de la base de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.685.subfield.i', 'Texto explicativo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.save_as_new', 'Guardar como nuevo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_success', 'Reserva efectuada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.page_help', '

La rutina de Servidores Z39.50 permite el registro y búsqueda de los Servidores utilizados por la rutina de Búsqueda Distribuida. Para realizar el registro serán necesarios los datos de la Colección Z39.50, así como la dirección URL y puerta de acceso.

Al accesar a esa rutina, el Biblivre listará automáticamente todos los Servidores previamente registrados. Usted podrá entonces filtrar esa lista, digitando el Nombre de un Servidor que quiera encontrar.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload.description', 'Seleccione abajo el archivo de idioma que desea enviar para procesamiento por el Biblivre 4.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tabs.form', 'Formulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_library', 'Biblioteca Depositaria', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.value_must_be_boolean', 'El valor de este campo debe ser verdadero o falso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.2', 'nombre en orden directo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.title', 'Cambio de contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.invalid_password', 'El campo "contraseña actual" no es compatible con su contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de autoridad?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.0', 'nombre invertido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.1', 'nombre de la jurisdicción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1.0', 'Título no desdoblado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.3', 'Especificaciones del material', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1.1', 'Título desdoblado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.590.subfield.a', 'Notas locales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_list', 'Listar requerimientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.invalid_pg_dump_path', 'Camino inválido. El Biblivre no será capaz de generar backups ya que el archivo pg_dump no fue encontrado.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.holdings.title', 'Buscar Ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.accession_number', 'Informe de Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.confirm_title', 'Importar datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.select_file', 'Seleccione un archivo de backup primero', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'El sello patrimonial es el campo que identifica únicamente un ejemplar. En el Biblivre, la regla de formación para el sello patrimonial depende del año de adquisición del ejemplar, de la cantidad de ejemplares adquiridos en el año y del prefijo del sello patrimonial. Este prefijo es el término que será incluido antes de la numeración de año, en el formato .. (Ex: Bib.2014.7).', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.1', 'nombre de la jurisdicción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.2', 'nombre en el orden directo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.0', 'nombre invertido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.previous', 'Anterior', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_list', 'Listar tipos de Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.button.select_page', 'Seleccionar usuarios de esta página', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_user_types', 'Tipos de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_610', 'Asunto entidad colectiva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_611', 'Asunto evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select_report', 'Seleccione un Informe', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.680', 'Nota de alcance (NE)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.business_days', 'Esta configuración representa los días de funcionamiento de la biblioteca y será usada por los módulos de préstamo y reserva. El principal uso de esta configuración es evitar que la devolución de un ejemplar sea marcada para un día en que la biblioteca está cerrada.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.wait', 'Aguarde', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.users', 'Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.685', 'Nota de historial o glosario (GLOSS)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation', 'Circulación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.user_deleted', 'Usuario excluido del sistema', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.cataloging_bibliographic', 'Bibliográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.cataloging', 'Búsqueda Bibliográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.supplier_number', 'CNPJ/CUIT', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.670', 'Nota de origen del Término', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.error.invalid_record_type', 'Tipo de registro en blanco o desconocido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.existing_card', 'La Tarjeta ya existe', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.authorities.page_help', '

La búsqueda de autoridades permite recuperar informaciones sobre los autores presentes en el acervo de esta biblioteca, caso catalogados.

La búsqueda tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los siguientes campos: {0}.

Las palabras son buscadas en su forma completa, pero es posible usar el caracter asterisco (*) para buscar por palabras incompletas, de modo que la búsqueda ''brasil*'' encuentre registros que contengan ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' y ''brasilero'', por ejemplo. Los pares de comillas pueden ser usados para encontrar dos palabras en secuencia, de modo que la búsqueda "mi amor" encuentre registros que contengan las dos palabras juntas, pero no encuentre registros con el texto ''mi primer amor''.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.add_field', 'Agregar Término', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_750', 'Término Tópico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.goodbye', 'Hasta luego', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.error.no_user_type_found', 'Ningún Tipo de Usuario encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.button.select_page', 'Seleccionar ejemplares de esta página', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.field.lending_time_limit', 'Plazo de préstamo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.tabs.lendings', 'Préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tabs.marc', 'MARC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_600', 'Asunto persona', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.groups.login', 'Login', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.subtitle', 'Esta configuración representa un subtítulo para la biblioteca, que será exhibido al inicio de las páginas del Biblivre, luego abajo del Nombre de la biblioteca. Esta configuración es opcional.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica adoptada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.selected_records_singular', '{0} Valor Agregado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.map', 'Mapa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.e', 'Nombre de subunidades del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.g', 'Informaciones adicionales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.a', 'Nombre del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.selected_records_singular', '{0} usuario seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.d', 'Fecha de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.n', 'Número de orden del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.user', 'Búsqueda de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.t', 'Título de la obra junto a la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.subfield.a', 'Título de la serie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.subfield.v', 'Número de volumen o designación secuencial de la serie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080.subfield.a', 'Número de Clasificación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a ser despreciados en la alfabetización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.value_is_required', 'El rellenado de este campo es obligatorio', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.area', 'Barrio', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.success.create', 'Nueva biblioteca creada con éxito.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.success.save', 'Solicitud incluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.group.cataloging', 'Catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_list_by_type', 'Lista de Usuarios Por Tipo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.title', 'Ir a la pantalla de restauración y reconfiguración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.button.import_all', 'Importar todas las páginas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.registered_between', 'Registrado entre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_count', 'Total de Libros prestados en el período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.reservation', 'Informe de Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.end_date', 'Fecha Final', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.0', 'Ningún carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.clean_install.button', 'Iniciar como una nueva biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.411.subfield.a', 'Nombre del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.repeat_password', 'Repetir contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de Pedido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.help', 'Ayuda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.error.you_cannot_delete_yourself', 'Usted no puede excluirse o marcarse como inactivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.self_circulation', 'Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.button.list_all', 'Listar Todos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1.0', 'No genera entrada para el título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.prefix', 'Prefijo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1.1', 'Genera entrada para el título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.custom_count', 'Recuento de Registros Bibliográficos por Campo Marc', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.invalid_handler', 'No fue posible encontrar un handler para esta acción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.containing_text', 'Conteniendo el texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.material_type', 'Tipo de material', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.button.migrate', 'Importar datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.expected_return_date', 'Fecha prevista para devolución', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1', 'Indicación de traducción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_delete', 'Excluir registro de vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.work_full', 'Base de Trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tabs.holdings', 'Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.paper_description', '{paper_size} {count} etiquetas ({height} mm x {width} mm)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.search_bibliographic', 'Bibliográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.b', 'Fecha que aparece junto al título uniforme en la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.success.delete', 'Solicitud excluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.page_help', '

La rutina de Proveedores permite el registro y búsqueda de Proveedores. La búsqueda tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los campos Nombre Fantasía, Razón Social o CNPJ.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.g', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.f', 'Fecha del trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.530.subfield.a', 'Notas de disponibilidad de forma física', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_maintenance', 'Manutención', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.requester', 'Solicitante', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.multi_schema.enabled', 'El sistema de multi-bibliotecas ya está habilitado para esta instalación del Biblivre 4. El administrador del sistema podrá deshabilitar esa opción en el menú de configuración de multibibliotecas.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.no_lendings', 'Este usuario no posee préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.title.author', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.id', 'Nº del registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.a', 'Nombre del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de autoridad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_reservation_reserve', 'Realizar reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_699', 'Asunto lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.access_control.card_available', 'Esta tarjeta está disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.400.subfield.a', 'Apellido y/o Nombre del Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'label.login', 'Entrar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.title', 'Permisos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.button.import_this_page', 'Importar registros de esta página', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.invalid_writable_path', 'Camino inválido. Este directorio no existe o el Biblivre no posee permiso de escritura.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.d', 'Fecha de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.e', 'Número atribuido a la adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.b', 'Dirección', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.c', 'Forma de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la fuente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.4', 'Problemas en la búsqueda, donde no se encuentran registros inscritos.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.0', 'Ningún carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.f', 'Propietario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.h', 'Precio de compra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.o', 'Tipo de unidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.2', 'Alteración en la configuración de campos aptos a ser buscados;', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.n', 'Cantidad de items adquiridos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_reserved', 'Reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.uncancel', 'La Tarjeta será recuperada y estará disponible para su uso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.3', 'Importación de registros de versiones antiguas del Biblivre; y', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830', 'Entrada secundaria - Serie - Título Uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.fine.pending', 'Pendiente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_080', 'CDU', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.1', 'La Reindización de la base de datos es el proceso en el cual el Biblivre analiza cada registro inscrito, creando índices en ciertos campos para que la búsqueda en ellos sea posible. Es un proceso demorado y que debe ser ejecutado solo en los casos específicos abajo:
', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.306.subfield.a', 'Tiempo de duración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.active_lendings', 'Préstamos activos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.button.remove_login', 'Remover Login', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.a', 'Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.button.select_reader', 'Seleccionar lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.b', 'Sub-localización o colección', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.c', 'Localización en el estante', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configurations.error.save', 'No fue posible guardar las configuraciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.e', 'Código postal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.label.example', 'ex.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.button.reserve', 'Reservar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.500.subfield.a', 'Notas generales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.quantity', 'Cantidad de ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_z3950_servers', 'Servidores Z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.title.quantity', 'Cantidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.same_password', 'La nueva contraseña debe ser diferente de la contraseña actual', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este Tipo de Usuario?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.field.code', 'Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.success.save', 'Tipo de Usuario incluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.suffix', 'Sufijo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.400.subfield.a', 'Apellido y/o Nombre del autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.a', 'Término tópico adoptado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.late_lendings', 'Informe de Préstamos en Atraso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.z', 'Nota pública', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856', 'Localización de obras por medio electrónico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.other_name', 'Otras formas del nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.currency', 'Moneda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.q', 'Condición física de la parte', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.x', 'Nota interna', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.delivered', 'Pedido recibido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.group.acquisition', 'Adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.supplier_select', 'Seleccione un Proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.multi_schema_translations', 'Traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.j', 'Número de control en el estante', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.select_page', 'Seleccionar registros de esta página', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.on_the_field', 'En el campo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.n', 'Código del País', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.e', 'Nombre de subunidades del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.material_type', 'Tipo de material', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.d', 'Fecha de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.fieldset.contact', 'Contactos/Teléfonos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.g', 'Informaciones adicionales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.n', 'Número de orden del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.k', 'Sub-encabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.labels.selected_records_plural', '{0} ejemplares seleccionados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_400', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.common.button.upload', 'Enviar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362', 'Información de Fechas de Publicación y/o Volumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360', 'Remisiva VT (ver también) y TA (Término relacionado o asociado)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.supplier_select', 'Seleccione un Proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.shelf_location', 'Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2._', 'ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_question.inactive', '¿Usted realmente desea marcar este usuario como "inactivo"?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.upload.field.user_created', 'Cargar traducciones creadas por el usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.logged_out_text', 'Texto a ser exhibido en la pantalla del Biblivre, para usuarios que no tengan ingresado con login y contraseña. Usted puede utilizar tags HTML, pero cuidado de no quebrar el diseño del Biblivre 4. Atención: esta configuración se relaciona con el sistema de traducciones. Las alteraciones realizadas en esta pantalla afectarán solamente el idioma actual. Para alterar en otros idiomas, utilice la pantalla de traducciones o acceda al Biblivre utilizando el idioma a ser alterado.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.dump', 'No fue posible generar el archivo de traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.couldnt_unzip_backup', 'No fue posible descompactar el backup seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.error.invalid_database', 'Base de datos inexistente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.created', 'Registrado en', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.page_help', '

La rutina de Tarjetas de Acceso permite el registro y búsqueda de las Tarjetas utilizadas por la rutina de Control de Acceso. Para realizar el registro el Biblivre ofrece dos opciones:

  • Registrar Nueva Tarjeta: utilice para registrar solo una tarjeta de acceso;
  • Registrar Secuencia de Tarjetas: utilice para registrar más de una tarjeta de acceso, en secuencia. Utilize el campo "Previsualización" para verificar como serán las numeraciones de las tarjetas incluidas.

Al accesar a esa rutina, el Biblivre alistará automáticamente todos las Tarjetas de Acceso previamente registradas. Usted podrá entonces filtrar esa lista, digitando el Código de una Tarjeta de Acceso que quiera encontrar.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de Pedido?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_reports', 'Generar Informes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.classification', 'Clasificación (CDD)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.url', 'URL', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.error.no_record_found', 'Ningún Registro válido encontrado en el archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.record_count', 'Registros en esta base: {0}', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.holdings.title', 'Buscar Registro Bibliográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de autoridad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro bibliográfico?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'format.date_user_friendly', 'DD/MM/AAAA', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_creation_by_date', 'Informe del Total de Inclusiones de Obras por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.birthday', 'Fecha de Nacimiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.complement', 'Complemento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750', 'Término tópico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_type', 'Tipo de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.fine_popup.description', 'Esta devolución está atrasada y está sujeta al pago de multa. Verifique abajo las informaciones presentadas y confirme si la multa será agregada al registro del usuario para ser pagada en el futuro (Multar), si ella fue pagada en el momento de la devolución (Pagar) o si ella será abonada (Abonar).', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340', 'Soporte físico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permission.success.permissions_saved', 'Permisos alterados con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343', 'Datos de coordenada plana', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_013', 'Información del control de patentes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342', 'Datos de referencia geoespacial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.added_to_list', 'Agregado a la lista', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.marc_popup.description', 'Use la caja abajo para alterar el MARC de este registro antes de importarlo.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.2', 'nombre en el orden directo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.0', 'nombre invertido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.confirm', '¿Desea confirmar la reindización de la base?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.1', 'nombre de la jurisdicción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.b', 'Código del autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.a', 'Clasificación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.search_vocabulary', 'Vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.modified', 'Fecha Cancelamiento/Alteración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740', 'Entrada secundaria - Título Adicional - Analítico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_410', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_411', 'Otra forma de nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.d', 'Número de ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.c', 'Edición / volumen', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.error', 'Error al restaurar backup', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_020', 'ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_024', 'ISRC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.print_receipt', 'Imprimir recibo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_022', 'ISSN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.0', 'Ningún caracter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.form.remove', 'Remover', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1', 'Formato de la fecha', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_save', 'Guardar registro de cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration', 'Importar datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.info', 'Observaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.orders_by_date', 'Informe de Pedidos por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.lend_success', 'Ejemplar prestado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.holding_reservation', 'Reservas por serie del ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.edit', 'Editar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de cotización?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la inclusión de Tarjetas de Acceso?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones serán perdidas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_exclude_digital_media', 'Backup sin archivos digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_permissions', 'Logins y Autorizaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1', 'Privacidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_list', 'Listar Usuarios', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.isrc_already_in_database', 'Ya existe un registro con este ISRC en la base de datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_state', 'Estado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.save_as_new', 'Guardar como nuevo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.isrc', 'ISRC', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.select.default', 'Seleccione una opción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.help_about_biblivre', 'Sobre el Biblivre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.save.success', 'Registros importados con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.uploading', 'Enviando archivo...', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'field.error.required', 'El rellenado de este campo es obligatorio', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.created', 'Fecha de registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_date', 'Fecha de reserva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permission.success.create_login', 'Login y permisos creados con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.file_not_found', 'Archivo no encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.issn', 'ISSN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.043.subfield.a', 'Código del área geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.reservation_count', 'Registros reservados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.help_about_library', 'Sobre la Biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.administration.z3950.server.active', 'Servidor z39.50 Lugar activo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.entity', 'Entidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.success.save', 'Usuario incluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310.subfield.a', 'Periodicidad Corriente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_reserved', 'Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310.subfield.b', 'Fecha de la periodicidad corriente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.090', 'Número de llamada / Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_delete', 'Excluir registro de requerimiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.vt_ta_term', 'Término Asociado (VT / TA)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.newest_backup', 'Backup más reciente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.corrupted_backup_file', 'El backup seleccionado no es un archivo válido o está corrompido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.schemas.description', 'Abajo están todas las bibliotecas registradas en este Biblivre 4. En caso que quiera alterar un nombre o subtítulo, accese a la pantalla de configuraciones de la biblioteca.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.description_found_backups_1', 'Abajo están los backups encontrados en los documentos de su computadora. Para restaurar uno de estos backups, cliquee sobre su nombre.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150', 'TE', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_return', 'Realizar devoluciones de obras', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.failure.delete', 'Falla al excluir usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.add_cards', 'Agregar Tarjetas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.pg_dump_path', 'Atención: Esta es una configuración avanzada, pero importante. El Biblivre intentará encontrar automáticamente el camino para el programa pg_dump y, excepto en casos donde sea exhibido un error abajo, usted no precisará alterar esta configuración. Esta configuración representa el camino, en el servidor donde el Biblivre está instalado, para lo ejecutable pg_dump que es distribuido junto al PostgreSQL. En caso que esta configuración estuviera inválida, el Biblivre no será capaz de generar copias de seguridad.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_move', 'Mover registro de autoridad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_description_singular', '¿Usted realmente desea mover este registro?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.cancel', 'Cancelar Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.reservations', 'Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.warning', 'Este proceso puede demorar algunos minutos, dependiendo de la configuración de hardware de su servidor. Durante este tiempo, el Biblivre no estará disponible para la búsqueda de registros, pero retornará cuando la indización termine.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.user.simple_term_title', 'Rellene los términos de la búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.paid_value', 'Valor Total Pago', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.delete_failure', 'Falla al excluir la reserva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082.subfield.a', 'Número de Clasificación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.lend', 'Prestar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.acquisition', 'Adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.913', 'Código Lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_150', 'Término Específico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_question', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de cotización?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.confirm_description', '¿Usted realmente desea restaurar este Backup?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.fieldset.database', 'Base de Datos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.clear_simple_search', 'Limpiar resultados de la búsqueda', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.source_search_subtitle', 'Seleccione una biblioteca remota y rellene los términos de la búsqueda. La búsqueda devolverá un límite de {0} registros. En caso que no encuentre el registro de interés, refine su búsqueda.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_550', 'Término Genérico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_work_extension', 'Ramal del Teléfono Comercial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro bibliográfico?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edición de registro de ejemplar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.late_lendings_count', 'Total de Préstamos en Atraso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme atribuido al documento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.no_records_found', 'Ningún registro encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.d', 'Fecha que aparece junto al título uniforme de entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.receipt_date', 'Fecha de recepción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.user', 'Informe por Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.p', 'Nombre de la parte - Sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.number_of_holdings', 'Número de Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.main', 'Principal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.f', 'Fecha de edición del ítem que está siendo procesado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.g', 'Informaciones adicionales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.page_help', '

La rutina de Solicitudes permite el registro y búsqueda de solicitudes de obras. Una solicitud es un registro de alguna obra que la Biblioteca desea adquirir, y puede ser utilizada para realizar Cotizaciones con los Proveedores previamente registrados.

La búsqueda tratará de encontrar cada uno de los términos digitados en los campos Solicitante, Autor o Título.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.no_reserves', 'Este usuario no posee reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto. Idioma del texto por extenso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.no_language_code_specified', 'El archivo de traducciones enviado no posee el identificador de idioma: *language_code', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082.subfield.2', 'Número de edición de la CDD', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', '¿Usted realmente desea excluir este registro de cotización?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1', 'Entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2', 'Tipo de Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.distributed.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permission.success.password_saved', 'Contraseña alterada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_490', 'Serie', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.0', 'Ningún nivel especificado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.1', 'Asunto primario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.2', 'Asunto secundario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'El Servidor Z39.50 será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_status.inactive', 'Inactivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.name', 'Razón Social', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.unavailable', 'Backup no disponible', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.translations.page_help', '

El módulo de "Traducciones" de Multibibliotecas funciona de forma análoga a su versión de una única biblioteca, no obstante, los textos alterados aquí se aplicarán a todas las bibliotecas del grupo, siempre que estas no hayan alterado el valor original de cada traducción.

Por ejemplo, si usted altera la traducción de la llave "menu.search" de "Búsqueda" para "Busca" por el módulo de traducciones multibibliotecas, todas las bibliotecas de este grupo verán la nueva traducción. Sin embargo, si uno de los administradores de una de estas bibliotecas alterara, a través del módulo de "Traducciones" de su biblioteca, la misma llave para "Procurar", esta traducción interna tendrá prioridad, solamente para esta biblioteca.

Para agregar un nuevo idioma, baje el archivo de idioma en Portugués, realice la traducción de los textos y después envíe el archivo. Recuerde que solamente los textos (después del signo igual) deben ser alterados. No altere las llaves, o el Biblivre 4 no conseguirá localizar el texto

Ejemplo: digamos que usted quiera alterar el texto en el menú principal de Búsqueda para Busca. Usted deberá entonces bajar el archivo de idioma y alterar la siguiente línea:

*menu.search = Búsqueda


*menu.search = Busca

Y entonces hacer el Envío de archivo de idiomas. El Biblivre 4 procesará el archivo, y alterará el texto del menú.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.digitalmedia_upload', 'Enviar medio digital', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.fine.success_pay_fine', 'Multa paga con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation_lending', 'Préstamos y Devoluciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_count', 'Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.a', 'Apellido y/o nombre del autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.step_1_title', 'Seleccionar origen de los datos de la importación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.b', 'Numeración que sigue al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.y', 'Subdivisión cronológica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'Prefijo del sello patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.x', 'Subdivisión general', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.reservation.record_list_reserved', 'Listar solo registros reservados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.z', 'Subdivisión geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.event', 'Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.javascript_locale_not_available', 'No existe un identificador de idioma javascript para el archivo de traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321', 'Periodicidad Anterior', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.no_server_found', 'Ningún servidor z39.50 encontrado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.invalid_user', 'Usuario inválido o inexistente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_late_lendings', 'Préstamos en Atraso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.description', 'Seleccione abajo qué items desea importar de la base de datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.error', 'Error', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.total_value', 'Valor total', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.supplier', 'Proveedor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.selected_records_singular', '{0} registro seleccionado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020.subfield.a', 'Número de ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020.subfield.c', 'Modalidad de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.confirm_description', '¿Usted realmente desea importar los datos del Biblivre 3?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.button.select_reader', 'Seleccionar lector', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.score', 'Partitura', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2', 'Tipo de ordenación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.groups.digital_media', 'Medios Digitales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_number', 'Número', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.q', 'Forma completa del nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.error.no_quotation_found', 'Ninguna cotización encontrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.marc_field', 'Campo Marc', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.d', 'Fechas asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.c', 'Título y otras palabras asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1', 'Esquema de clasificación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.delivery_time', 'Plazo de entrega (Prometido)', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.address', 'Dirección', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_100', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.biblivre_report_header', 'Informes Biblivre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.all_digits', 'Todos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'field.error.digits_only', 'Este campo debe ser rellenado con números', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300', 'Descripción física', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.change_password.repeat_password', 'Repita la nueva contraseña', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.306', 'Tiempo de duración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.card_not_found', 'Ningúna Tarjeta encontrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.block', '¿Desea realmente bloquear esta Tarjeta?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Servidor Z39.50', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.block', 'Bloquear Tarjeta', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.button.select_user', 'Seleccionar Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Tarjeta de Acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1.0', 'Sistema de coordenada horizontal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.a', 'Nombre geográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.unblock', 'La Tarjeta será desbloqueada y estará disponible para su uso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.block', 'La Tarjeta será bloqueada y estará indisponible para uso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310', 'Periodicidad Corriente', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1.1', 'Sistema de coordenada Vertical', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_access_control_list', 'Listar control de acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.success.delete', 'Tipo de Usuario excluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.title', 'Base de datos seleccionada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_save', 'Guardar registro de vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.error.existing_cards', 'Las siguientes Tarjetas ya existen:', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.a', 'Título del trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_by_date', 'Informe de Registro de Ejemplares', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.0', 'Geográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.next', 'Próximo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.1', 'Proyección de mapa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.field.quotation_select', 'Seleccione una Cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.2', 'Sistema de coordenadas en grid', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.3', 'Lugar planear', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.confirm_description', 'Você realmente deseja restaurar este Backup?', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.progress_popup.processing', 'O Biblivre desta biblioteca está em manutenção. Aguarde até que a mesma seja concluída.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.clean_install.description', 'Caso você não tenha ou não queira restaurar um backup, esta opção permitirá iniciar o uso do Biblivre 4 com uma base de dados vazia. Após entrar no Biblivre 4 pela primeira vez, utilize o login admin e senha abracadabra para acessar o sistema e configurar sua nova biblioteca.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.select.default', 'Selecione uma opção', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.button', 'Importar dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.4', 'Lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_110', 'Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.g', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.5', 'Modelo geodésico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_current', 'Total de Libros en préstamo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_111', 'Autor Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.6', 'Altitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.invalid_psql_path', 'Camino inválido. El Biblivre no será capaz de generar y restaurar backups ya que el archivo psql no fue encontrado.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.7', 'A especificar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration.description', 'Foi detectada uma instalação do Biblivre 3 neste computador. Você poderá importar estes dados para o Biblivre 4 selecionando os itens de interesse e clicando no botão abaixo. Após a importação, você deverá reindexar as três bases: Bibliográfica, Autoridades e Vocabulário, através da tela "Manutenção" em "Administração" e selecionar novamente as permissões dos funcionários com acesso ao Biblivre, através da tela "Logins e Permissões" em "Administração".', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.button.continue_to_biblivre', 'Ir para o Biblivre', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.title_found_backups', 'Backups Encontrados', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.success.description', 'Backup restaurado com sucesso', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration.button', 'Importar dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.button.show_log', 'Exibir log', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.psql_not_found', 'PSQL não encontrado', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore', 'Restaurar um Backup do Biblivre 4', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.log_header', '[Log de importação de dados do Biblivre 3 para o Biblivre 4]', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.custom_count', 'Relatório de contagem pelo campo Marc:', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.confirm_title', 'Restaurar Backup', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.page_help', 'Seja bem-vindo! Esta tela é o último passo antes de iniciar o uso do Biblivre IV e através dela você poderá escolher se irá restaurar as informações de outra instalação do biblivre (através de um backup ou da migração do Biblivre 3) ou se deseja iniciar uma biblioteca nova. Leia atentamente cada uma das opções abaixo e selecione a mais apropriada.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.progress_popup.title', 'Manutenção do Biblivre 4', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.biblivre_is_locked_please_wait', 'Este Biblivre está em manutenção. Por favor, tente novamente em alguns minutos.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.button', 'Restaurar backup selecionado', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.success', 'Restauração de Backup', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.log_header', '[Log de restauração de backup do Biblivre 4]', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.clean_install', 'Nova Biblioteca', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.field.upload_file', 'Selecionar arquivo de backup', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.description', 'Use esta opção caso você queira restaurar um backup existente do Biblivre 4. Caso o Biblivre encontre backups salvos em seus documentos, você poderá restaurá-los diretamente da lista abaixo. Caso contrário, você deverá enviar um arquivo de backup (extensão .b4bz) através do formulário.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.migrate.error', 'Falha ao importar os dados', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.clean_install.button', 'Iniciar como uma nova biblioteca', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.error', 'Erro ao restaurar backup', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration', 'Importar dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.newest_backup', 'Backup mais recente', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.description_found_backups_1', 'Abaixo estão os backups encontrados nos documentos do seu computador. Para restaurar um destes backups, clique sobre o seu nome.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.error.description', 'Infelizmente ocorreu um erro ao restaurar este backup do Biblivre 4. Verifique a próxima tela pelo log de erros e, caso necessário, entre no fórum Biblivre para obter ajuda.', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.migrate.success', 'Dados importados com sucesso', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.calculating', 'Calculando', '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, '2014-05-21 21:47:27.923', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'text.main.noscript', '', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.description', 'Use esta opção caso você queira restaurar e importar um backup existente do Biblivre 3.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore', 'Restaurar um Backup do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.4', 'O Backup somente de arquivos digitais é uma cópia de todos os arquivos de mídia digital que foram gravados no Biblivre, sem nenhum outro dado ou informação, como usuários, base catalográfica, etc.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.3', 'O Backup sem arquivos digitais é uma cópia de todos os dados e informações do Biblivre 4, excluindo os arquivos de mídia digital. Por excluir os arquivos de mídia digital, o processo tanto de backup quanto de recuperação é mais rápido, e o arquivo de backup é menor.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.id_cpf', 'CPF', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.1', 'O Backup é um processo onde executamos a cópia de informações para salvaguardá-las em caso de algum problema no sistema. É uma cópia dos registros e informações do Biblivre. O Biblivre 4 possui 3 tipos de backup:', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.2', 'O Backup completo é uma cópia de todos os dados e informações do Biblivre 4, incluindo os arquivos de mídia digital, como fotos dos usuários, arquivos digitais dos registros bibliográficos, etc.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.processing', 'Processando...', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.button.show_log', 'Exibir log', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.error.create', 'Falha ao criar nova biblioteca.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.export_records', 'Exportar registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.description', 'Foi detectada uma instalação do Biblivre 3 neste computador. Você poderá importar estes dados para o Biblivre 4 selecionando os itens de interesse e clicando no botão abaixo. Após a importação, você deverá reindexar as três bases: Bibliográfica, Autoridades e Vocabulário, através da tela "Manutenção" em "Administração" e selecionar novamente as permissões dos funcionários com acesso ao Biblivre, através da tela "Logins e Permissões" em "Administração".', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.error.description', 'Infelizmente ocorreu um erro ao restaurar este backup do Biblivre 3. Verifique a próxima tela pelo log de erros e, caso necessário, entre no fórum Biblivre para obter ajuda.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_complement', 'Complemento', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_private_database_access', 'Acesso à Base Privada.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.no_backups_found', 'Nenhum backup encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.warning', 'Este processo pode demorar alguns minutos, dependendo da configuração de hardware do seu servidor.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address', 'Endereço', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_zip', 'CEP', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.multi_schema', 'Esta configuração permite que se habilite o sistema de múltiplas bibliotecas nesta instalação do Biblivre 4.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.log_header', '[Log de criação de nova biblioteca do Biblivre 4]', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.success', 'Restauração de Backup', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.button', 'Restaurar backup selecionado', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.success', 'Importação de dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.error.description', 'Infelizmente ocorreu um erro ao importar os dados do Biblivre 3. Verifique a próxima tela pelo log de erros e, caso necessário, entre no fórum Biblivre para obter ajuda.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_city', 'Cidade', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.multi_schema', 'Habilitar Multi-bibliotecas', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.select_file', 'Selecione um arquivo de backup primeiro', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.reserved.warning', 'Todos os exemplares disponíveis deste registro estão reservados para outros leitores. O empréstimo pode ser efetuado, porém verifique as informações de reservas.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_cel', 'Celular', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import', 'Importar dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.uploading', 'Enviando arquivo...', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_home', 'Telefone Residencial', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.confirm_title', 'Restaurar Backup', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.error.description', 'Falha ao criar nova biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.error', 'Erro ao importar dados', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.error', 'Erro ao restaurar backup', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.groups.digitalmedia', 'Mídia Digital', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.field.upload_file', 'Selecionar arquivo de backup', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.reader', 'Leitor', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.success.description', 'Backup restaurado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.confirm_title', 'Importar dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.select_file', 'Selecione um arquivo de backup primeiro', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.manage.success.create', 'Nova biblioteca criada com sucesso.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.multi_schema.enabled', 'O sistema de multi-bibliotecas já está habilitado para esta instalação do Biblivre 4. O administrador do sistema poderá desabilitar essa opção no menu de configuração de multi-bibliotecas.', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.birthday', 'Data de Nascimento', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_state', 'Estado', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.select.default', 'Selecione uma opção', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.confirm_description', 'Você realmente deseja restaurar este Backup?', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_work_extension', 'Ramal do Telefone Comercial', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.digitalmedia_upload', 'Enviar mídia digital', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.confirm_description', 'Você realmente deseja importar os dados do Biblivre 3?', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_number', 'Número', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender.1', 'Masculino', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender.2', 'Feminino', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.id_rg', 'Identidade', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_work', 'Telefone Comercial', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.title', 'Abrindo Arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.success.description', 'Dados importados com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, '2014-06-14 19:32:35.338749', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation_user', 'Cadastro de Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.dewey', 'Relatório de Classificação Dewey', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_reports', 'Relatórios', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.digits', 'Dígitos significativos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.object_3d', 'Objeto 3D', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.error.invalid_data', 'Não foi possível processar a operação. Por favor, tente novamente.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.supplier', 'Fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.022.subfield.a', 'Número do ISSN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.title', 'Nome da biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.e', 'Estado da patente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.d', 'Data', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.error.record_not_found', 'Registro não encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.f', 'Parte de um documento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de Pedido?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.256.subfield.a', 'Características do arquivo de computador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.date_from', 'De', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.date', 'Data', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_exclude_digital_media', 'Gerar backup sem arquivos digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.psql_path', 'Caminho para o programa psql', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging', 'Catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_913', 'Código Local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.a', 'Número', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.b', 'País', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.c', 'Tipo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.upload_button', 'Enviar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.search.distributed_search_limit', 'Limite de resultados para buscas distribuídas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.default', 'Selecione...', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1', 'Política de desdobramento de série', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.users_who_have_login_access', 'Listar apenas usuários que possuem login de acesso ao Biblivre', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.title.unit_value', 'Valor Unitário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.email', 'Email', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation_user_cards', 'Impressão de Carteirinhas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.attachment.alias', 'Digite um nome para este arquivo digital', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.fieldset.title_info', 'Dados da Obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.2', 'sobrenome composto (obsoleto)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.3', 'nome de família', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.0', 'prenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.1', 'sobrenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082', 'Classificação Decimal Dewey', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080', 'Classificação Decimal Universal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1.8', 'Não gerar constante na exibição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.title_last_backups', 'Últimos Backups', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.marc_popup.title', 'Editar Registro MARC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.arrival_time', 'Data de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.success.update', 'Registro alterado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1.0', 'Índice remissivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.dewey', 'Classificação Dewey', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.title.requisition', 'Requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.save', 'Salvar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1.0', 'Não gera entrada para o título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1.1', 'Gera entrada para o título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.save', 'Salvar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.095', 'Área do conhecimento do CNPq', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_delete', 'Excluir registro de servidor z3950', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.fine_value', 'Valor da multa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.error.no_users_found', 'Nenhum usuário encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090', 'Número de chamada - Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.card_unavailable', 'Cartão indisponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.simple_term_title', 'Preencha o Código do Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_restore_path', 'O diretório configurado para restauração dos arquivos de backup não é valido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.pg_dump_path', 'Caminho para o programa pg_dump', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.add_one_card', 'Cadastrar Novo Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_save', 'Salvar registro de servidor z3950', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_description_plural', 'Você realmente deseja mover estes {0} registros?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.button.select_item', 'Selecionar exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.backup_path', 'Caminho de destino das cópias de segurança (Backups)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_300', 'Descrição física', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload.button', 'Enviar o idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.e', 'Suporte', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste usuário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.c', 'Materiais aplicados à superfície', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.d', 'Técnica em que se registra a informação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_306', 'Tempo de duração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.a', 'Base e configuração do material', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.b', 'Dimensões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2._', 'nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.invalid_method_call', 'Chamada a método inválido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_411', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_410', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_bibliographic', 'Catálogo Bibliográfico e de Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.issn', 'ISSN (incluindo hífens)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.no_permission', 'Você não tem permissão para executar esta ação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.new', 'Novo usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2', 'Tesauro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1', 'Nível do assunto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.help_manual', 'Manual', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.id', 'Nº do registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.all_users', 'Relatório de Todos os Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.invoice_number', 'Nº da Nota Fiscal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.te_term', 'Termo Específico (TE)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description_last_backups_1', 'Abaixo estão os links para download dos últimos backups realizados. É importante guardá-los em um local seguro, pois esta é a única forma de recuperar seus dados, caso necessário.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.450.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico não usado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description_last_backups_2', 'Estes arquivos estão guardados no diretório especificado na configuração do Biblivre ("Administração", "Configurações", no menu superior). Caso este diretório não esteja disponível para escrita no momento do backup, um diretório temporário será usado em seu lugar. Por este motivo, alguns dos backups podem não estar disponíveis após certo tempo. Recomendamos sempre fazer o download do backup e guardá-lo em um local seguro.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.users.title', 'Pesquisar Leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.e', 'Fontes convencionais de descrições de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.3', 'nome de família', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.d', 'Agência que alterou o registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.c', 'Agência que transcreveu o registro em formato legível por máquina', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.b', 'Idioma da catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.a', 'Código da Agência Catalogadora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.0', 'prenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.invalid_json', 'O Biblivre não foi capaz de entender os dados recebidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.1', 'sobrenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'aquisition.request.error.request_not_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar a requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.2', 'sobrenome composto (obsoleto)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.database', 'Base', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.success.block', 'Cartão bloqueado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.error.delete', 'Falha ao excluir o servidor z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.search.results_per_page', 'Esta configuração representa a quantidade máxima de resultados que serão exibidas em uma única página nas pesquisas do sistema. Um número muito grande poderá deixar o sistema mais lento.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.a', 'Nome da entidade ou do lugar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.password', 'Senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_name', 'Nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_digital_media_only', 'Gerar backup de arquivos digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - seção da obra - ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.active', 'Ativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.save', 'Não foi possível salvar as traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalho. (emendas, protocolos, seleção, etc)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_400', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.t', 'Título da obra junto à entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_title', 'Mover registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.custom_count', 'Relatório de contagem do campo Marc', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_signup', 'Data de Matrícula', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.dates', 'Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.page_help', '

O módulo de "Migração de Dados" permite importar os dados constantes de uma base de dados do Biblivre 3 existente para a base de dados vazia do Biblivre 4.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.subfield.z', 'Fonte de informação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.error.user_not_found', 'Usuário não encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.users', 'Usuários, Logins de acesso e Tipos de Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'header.law', 'Lei de Incentivo à Cultura', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.step_1_description', 'Neste passo, você pode importar um arquivo contendo registros nos formatos MARC, XML e ISO2709 ou fazer uma pesquisa em outras bibliotecas. Selecione abaixo o modo de importação desejado, selecionando o arquivo ou preenchendo os termos da pesquisa. No passo seguinte, você poderá selecionar quais registros deverão ser importados.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de vocabulário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_24_columns', 'Impressora 24 colunas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.book', 'Livro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.database_count', 'Total de Registros nas Bases no Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.913.subfield.a', 'Código local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.acquisition', 'Data de aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.source_file_subtitle', 'Selecione um arquivo contendo os registros a serem importados. O formato deste arquivo pode ser texto, XML ou ISO2709, desde que a catalogação original seja compatível com MARC.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este usuário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670', 'Origem das informações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.default_language', 'Idioma padrão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.default_language', 'Esta configuração representa o idioma padrão para exibição do Biblivre.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1', 'Gera entrada secundária na ficha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.java_locale_not_available', 'Não existe um identificador de idioma java para o arquivo de traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.circulation.lending_receipt.printer.type', 'Esta configuração representa o tipo de impressora que será utilizada para a impressão de recibos de empréstimos. Os valores possíveis são: impressora de 40 colunas, de 80 colunas, ou impressora comum (jato de tinta).', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.0', 'Parte do título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.685', 'Nota de histórico ou glossário (GLOSS)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.field.port', 'Porta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload.field.upload_file', 'Arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.680', 'Nota de escopo (NE)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.5', 'Título adicional em página de rosto secundária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.label.author_count', 'Quantidade de registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.invalid_language', 'Selecione um idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.6', 'Título de partida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.7', 'Título corrente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.8', 'Título da lombada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.1', 'Título paralelo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.2', 'Título específico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.loading', 'Carregando', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.3', 'Outro título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.4', 'Título da capa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.step_2_description', 'Neste passo, confira os registros que serão importados e importe-os individualmente ou em conjunto, através dos botões disponíveis no final da página. O Biblivre detecta automaticamente se o regristo é bibliográfico, autoridades ou vocabulário, porém permite que o usuário corrija antes da importação. Importante: Os registros importados serão adicionados à Base de Trabalho e deverão ser corrigidos e ajustados antes de serem movidos para a Base Principal. Isso evita que registros incorretos sejam adicionados diretamente à base de dados final.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.terms_of_payment', 'Forma de pagamento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_310', 'Peridiocidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.450', 'UP (remissiva para TE não usado)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_failure', 'Falha ao reservar a obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.summary', 'Sumário do Catálogo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.dewey', 'Classificação Decimal Dewey', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.subfield.a', 'Informação de Datas de Publicação e/ou Volume', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040', 'Fonte da Catalogação (NR)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.success.update', 'Fornecedor salvo com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.n', 'Número de ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_362', 'Data da primeira publicação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'language_code', 'pt-BR', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.e', 'Nome das subunidades do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.a', 'Nome do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.page_help', '

O módulo de "Traduções" permite adicionar novos idiomas ao Biblivre 4 ou alterar os textos já existentes.

Atenção: Este módulo realiza configurações avançadas do Biblivre 4, e deve ser utilizado apenas por Usuários avançados, com experiência em informática..

Para adicionar um novo idioma, baixe o arquivo de idioma em Português, faça a tradução dos textos e depois faça o envio do arquivo. Lembre-se que apenas os textos (depois do sinal de igual) devem ser alterados. Não altere as chaves, ou o Biblivre 4 não conseguirá localizar o texto

Exemplo: digamos que você queira alterar o texto no menu principal de Pesquisa para Busca. Você deverá então baixar o arquivo do idioma e alterar a seguinte linha:

*menu.search = Pesquisa


*menu.search = Busca

E então fazer o Envio do arquivo de idiomas. O Biblivre 4 irá processar o arquivo, e alterar o texto do menu.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.current_password', 'Senha atual', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.subfield.v', 'Número do volume ou designação sequencial da série', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.error.select_reader_first', 'Para reservar um registro você precisa, primeiramente, selecionar um leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.0', 'Classificação da LC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.2', 'National Library of Medicine Classification', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.1', 'CDD', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.4', 'Localização fixa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.3', 'Superintendent of Documents classification', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.6', 'Em parte separado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.5', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.operator.and_not', 'e não', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.7', 'Classificação específica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.8', 'Outro esquema', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.periodic', 'Periódico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.subfield.a', 'Título Uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.edition', 'Edição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.name', 'Nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.all_users', 'Relatório Geral de Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.dewey', 'CDD', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.949.subfield.a', 'Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.a', 'Classificação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.isbn_already_in_database', 'Já existe um registro com este ISBN na base de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.b', 'Código do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.success.delete', 'Registro excluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.c', 'Edição - volume', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.d', 'Número do Exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_040', 'Fonte de catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1._', 'Índice', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_lent', 'Emprestados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.search.result_limit', 'Esta configuração representa a quantidade máxima de resultados que serão encontrados em uma pesquisa catalográfica. Este limite é importante para evitar lentidões no Biblivre em bibliotecas que possuam uma grande quantidade de registros. Caso a quantidade de resultados da pesquisa do usuário exceda este limite, será recomendado que ele melhore os filtros da pesquisa.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.record_imported_successfully', 'Registro importado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.buttons.dismiss_fine', 'Abonar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.returned_lendings', 'Empréstimos devolvidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.257.subfield.a', 'País da entidade produtora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.back_to_search', 'Retornar à pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.invalid_database', '', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_450', 'Termo Use Para', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.button.edit_marc', 'Editar MARC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.wait', 'Aguarde', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.success.save', 'Servidor z39.50 salvo com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1._', 'Nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630', 'Assunto - Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.music', 'Música', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.success.delete', 'Servidor z39.50 excluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.t', 'Título da obra junto à entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.status', 'Situação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670.subfield.b', 'Informações encontradas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.fine_popup.title', 'Devolução em atraso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Nome retirado de', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.lending_date', 'Data de Empréstimo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.buttons.pay_fine', 'Pagar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.410.subfield.a', 'Nome da entidade ou do lugar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_vocabulary', 'Catálogo de Vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.e', 'Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.b', 'Descrição da coleção impressa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.c', 'Tipo de aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.page_help', '

A rotina de Permissões permite a criação de Login e Senha para um usuário, assim como a definição de suas permissões de acesso ou utilização das diversas rotinas do Biblivre.

A pesquisa buscará os usuários já cadastrados no Biblivre, e funciona da mesma forma que a pesquisa simplificada da rotina de Cadastro de Usuários.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.all', 'Qualquer campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651', 'Assunto - Nome geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650', 'Assunto - Tópico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'O Cartão será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.help_faq', 'Perguntas Frequentes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.subject', 'Assunto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.success.save', 'Cartão incluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_852', 'Notas públicas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.acquisition_order', 'Pedidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.load', 'Não foi possível ler o arquivo de traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload_popup.title', 'Enviando Arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.id', 'Nro. Registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.error.no_request_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma Requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_save', 'Salvar registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.original_value', 'Valor original', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.photo', 'Foto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_delete', 'Excluir registro de fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este Servidor Z39.50?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.z', 'Nota padrão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.q', 'Descrição do índice em multimeio', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.p', 'Descrição da coleção em multimeio', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.o', 'Descrição do índice em microfilme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_830', 'Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.n', 'Descrição da coleção em microfilme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.u', 'Descrição do índice em outros suportes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.t', 'Descrição da coleção em outros suportes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.pamphlet', 'Panfleto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.s', 'Descrição do índice em braile', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.r', 'Descrição da coleção em braile', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.i', 'Descrição do índice com acesso on-line', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.f', 'Código da biblioteca no CCN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.g', 'Descrição do índice de coleção impressa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.l', 'Descrição da coleção em microficha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.m', 'Descrição do índice em microficha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.j', 'Descrição da coleção em CD-ROM', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2', 'Tesauro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.k', 'Descrição do índice em CD-ROM', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.issn', 'ISSN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1', 'Nível do assunto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610', 'Assunto - Entidade Coletiva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.search_authorities', 'Autoridades', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.a', 'Sigla da biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.psql_path', 'Atenção: Esta é uma configuração avançada, porém importante. O Biblivre tentará encontrar automaticamente o caminho para o programa psql e, exceto em casos onde seja exibido um erro abaixo, você não precisará alterar esta configuração. Esta configuração representa o caminho, no servidor onde o Biblivre está instalado, para o executável psql que é distribuído junto do PostgreSQL. Caso esta configuração estiver inválida, o Biblivre não será capaz de gerar e restaurar cópias de segurança.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611', 'Assunto - Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.d', 'Ano da última aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.card_in_use', 'Cartão em uso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.field_count', 'Contagem por campo Marc', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.b', 'Código do idioma do sumário ou resumo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.a', 'Código do idioma do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de exemplar?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_bibliographic', 'Reindexar base bibliográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.database.main', 'Principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600', 'Assunto - Nome pessoal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.0', 'Data - período únicos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.h', 'Código do idioma do documento original', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.status', 'Situação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.2', 'Extensão de datas - períodos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.1', 'Data - período múltiplos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.subject', 'Assunto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record.inactive', 'Ele sairá da lista de pesquisas e só poderá ser encontrado através da "pesquisa avançada", de onde poderá ser excluído permanentemente ou recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.place', 'Local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.isrc', 'ISRC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.lendings', 'Empréstimos ativos, histórico de empréstimos e multas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.d', 'Escala da Longitude', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.c', 'Escala da Latitude', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar o Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.acquisition', 'Aquisições (Fornecedor, Requisição, Cotação e Pedido)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.trash_full', 'Lixeira', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.users.title', 'Pesquisar Leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.status.any', 'Qualquer', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este Cartão?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'field.error.invalid', 'Este valor não é válido para este campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.i', 'Qualificador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.a', 'Nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.b', 'Unidade das Coordenadas ou Unidade da Distância', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_save', 'Salvar registro de tipo de usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access.user.search', 'Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.all', 'Qualquer campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_876', 'Nota de acesso restrito', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.3', 'nome de família', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.unblock', 'Deseja realmente desbloquear este Cartão?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.1', 'sobrenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.movie', 'Filme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_authorities', 'Catálogo de Autoridades', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.2', 'sobrenome composto (obsoleto)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.0', 'prenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.holdings', 'Relatório de Cadastro de Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.unit_value', 'Valor Unitário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_delete', 'Excluir registro de tipo de usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.status.in_use', 'Em uso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.save_as_new', 'Salvar como Novo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.void', '', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670', 'Origem das informações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.info', 'Observações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.status.cancelled', 'Cancelado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_backup_type', 'O modo de backup selecionado não existe', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.operator.or', 'ou', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110', 'Autor - Entidade coletiva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111', 'Autor - Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.b', 'Complemento do título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.author', 'Pesquisa por Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.lending_limit', 'Limite de empréstimos simultâneos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'label.username', 'Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.a', 'Título/título abreviado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.error.delete.user_has_lendings', 'Este usuário possui empréstimos ativos. Realize a devolução antes de excluir este usuário.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.user_has_card', 'Usuário já possui um cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.g', 'Miscelânea', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.select_card', 'Selecionar Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.f', 'Informação de volume/número de fascículo e/ou data da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.i', 'Exibir texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.h', 'Meio físico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.504.subfield.a', 'Notas de bibliografia', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.expected_return_date', 'Data para devolução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.field.name', 'Nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.n', 'Número da parte/seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.invalid_backup_path', 'Caminho inválido. Este diretório não existe ou o Biblivre não possui permissão de escrita.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte/seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100', 'Autor - Nome pessoal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.new_value', 'Novo valor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.page_help', '

O "Controle de Acesso" permite gerenciar a entrada e permanência dos leitores nas instalações da biblioteca. Selecione o leitor através de uma pesquisa por nome ou matrícula e digite o número de um cartão de acesso disponível para vincular aquele cartão ao leitor.

No momento da saída do leitor, você poderá desvincular o cartão procurando pelo código do mesmo

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.title', 'Título Principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.marc_field', 'Valor do campo Marc', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1', 'Gera entrada secundária na ficha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.computer_legible', 'Arquivo de Computador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'O Tipo de Usuário será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload.title', 'Enviar arquivo de idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_datamigration', 'Importar dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130', 'Obra anônima', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar o Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.page_help', '

A pesquisa distribuída permite recuperar informações sobre registros em acervos de outras bibliotecas, que disponibilizam seus registros para pesquisa e catalogação colaborativa.

Para realizar uma pesquisa, preencha os termos da pesquisa, selecionando o campo de interesse. Em seguida, selecione uma ou mais bibliotecas onde os registros deverão ser localizados. Atenção: selecione poucas bibliotecas para evitar que a busca distribuída fique muito lenta, visto que ela depende da comunicação entre as bibliotecas e o tamanho de cada acervo.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_common', 'Impressora comum', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.number_of_titles', 'Número de Títulos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_count_by_type', 'Totais por Tipos de Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.login_data', 'Dados para acesso ao sistema', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.employee', 'Funcionário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.step_2_title', 'Selecionar registros para importação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.uncancel', 'Recuperar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.current_value', 'Valor atual', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.error.delete', 'Falha ao exluir o Registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de Pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permission.error.delete', 'Falha ao excluir o login', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.blocked', 'Bloqueado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.start_date', 'Data Inicial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.680.subfield.a', 'Nota de escopo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.return', 'Devolver', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.095.subfield.a', 'Área do conhecimento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de usuáro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de vocabulário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.import_as', 'Importar como:', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_save', 'Salvar registro de autoridade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.thesis', 'Tese', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.import_popup.importing', 'Importando registros, por favor, aguarde', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.fieldset.title.values', 'Valores', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150', 'TE', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.acquisition_request', 'Requisições', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.0', 'Nenhum nível especificado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.1', 'Assunto primário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.2', 'Assunto secundário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.download.description', 'Selecione abaixo o idioma que deseja baixar.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.zip_code', 'CEP', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.z3950_servers', 'Servidores Z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.lending_date', 'Data do empréstimo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.info', 'Observações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.trademark', 'Nome Fantasia', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.remove_item_button', 'Excluir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1._', 'Subcampos |b ou |c não estão presentes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'aquisition.supplier.error.supplier_not_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar o fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.other_name', 'Outra Forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.button.print_user_cards', 'Imprimir carteirinhas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.tg_term', 'Termo Geral (TG)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.description.6', 'Caso o usuário perca a sua senha, o mesmo deverá entrar em contato com o Administrador ou Bibliotecário responsável pelo Biblivre, que poderá fornecer uma nova senha.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.issn_already_in_database', 'Já existe um registro com este ISSN na base de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme atribuído ao documento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.field.url', 'URL', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.delete', 'Falha ao exluir o Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.d', 'Data que aparece junto ao título uniforme na entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto. Idioma do texto por extenso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.f', 'Data da edição do item que está sendo processado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.913.subfield.a', 'Código local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.return_date', 'Data de devolução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.description.1', 'A troca de senha é o processo no qual um usuário pode alterar a sua senha atual por uma nova. Por questões de segurança, sugerimos que o usuário realize este procedimento periodicamente.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.error.move', 'Falha ao mover os Registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_datamigration', 'Migração de Dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.button.search', 'Pesquisar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.description.3', 'Misture letras, símbolos especiais e números na sua senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.description.2', 'A única regra para criação de senhas no Biblivre é a quantidade mínima de 3 caracteres. No entanto, sugerimos seguir as seguintes diretivas:', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.page_help', '

A importação de registros permite expandir sua base de dados sem que haja necessidade de catalogação manual. Novos registros podem ser importados através de pesquisas Z39.50 ou a partir de arquivos exportados por outros sistemas de biblioteconomia.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.description.5', 'Use uma quantidade de caracteres superior ao recomendado.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.description.4', 'Use letras maiúsculas e minúsculas; e', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.block', 'Bloquear', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.949.subfield.a', 'Tombo patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado no tesauro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.410.subfield.a', 'Nome da entidade ou do lugar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.renew_success', 'Empréstimo renovado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging_vocabulary', 'Vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.labels.never_printed', 'Listar apenas exemplares que nunca tiveram etiquetas impressas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.user_total_lending_list', 'Histórico de empréstimos a este leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.manuscript', 'Manuscrito', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.step', 'Passo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.operator.and', 'e', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_delete', 'Excluir registro de autoridade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.cancel', 'Deseja realmente cancelar este Cartão?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.success.generate', 'Relatório gerado com sucesso. O mesmo será aberto em outra página.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.selected_records_singular', '{0} exemplar selecionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.502.subfield.a', 'Notas de dissertação ou tese', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.groups.acquisition', 'Aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.auto_download', 'Backup realizado, baixando automaticamente em alguns segundos...', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.record_deleted', 'Registro excluído definitivamente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.c', 'Agência que transcreveu o registro em formato legível por máquina', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.b', 'Língua da catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.e', 'Fontes convencionais de descrições de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.d', 'Agência que alterou o registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.a', 'Código da agência catalogadora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.searches_by_date', 'Relatório de Total de Pesquisas por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.runtime_error', 'Erro inesperado durante a execução da tarefa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.subtitle', 'Títulos paralelos/subtítulo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1', 'Tipo do período cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.success.save', 'Fornecedor incluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_backup', 'Realizar cópia de segurança da base de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.form.hidden_subfields_plural', 'Exibir {0} subcampos ocultos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.page_help', '

Para realizar uma reserva você deverá selecionar o leitor para o qual a reserva será realizada e, em seguida, selecionar o registro que será reservado. A pesquisa pelo leitor pode ser feita por nome, matrícula ou outro campo previamente cadastrado. Para encontrar o registro, realize uma pesquisa similar à pesquisa bibliográfica.

Cancelamentos podem ser feitos selecionando o leitor que possui a reserva.

A duração da reserva é calculada de acordo com o tipo de usuário, configurado pelo menu Administração e definido durante o cadastro do leitor.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.users_with_pending_fines', 'Listar apenas usuários com multas pendentes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.acquisition', 'Relatório de Pedidos de Aquisição Efetuados Por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Tanto o Login do Usuário quanto suas Permissões serão excluídos permanentemente do sistema e não poderão ser recuperados.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.return_success', 'Exemplar devolvido com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.search_count', '{current} / {total}', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_80_columns', 'Impressora 80 colunas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.administration.z3950.server.active', 'Esta configuração representa se o servidor z39.50 local estará ativo. Nos casos de instalações multi-biblioteca, o nome da Coleção do servidor z39.50 será igual ao nome de cada biblioteca. Por exemplo, o nome da coleção para esta instalação é "{0}".', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.search_z3950', 'Distribuída', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.400', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.user.name_or_id', 'Nome ou Matrícula', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.start_less_than_or_equals_end', 'O Número inicial deve ser menor ou igual ao Número final', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.success.update', 'Usuário salvo com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.title', 'Cópia de Segurança (Backup)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.user.field', 'Campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.error.invalid_marc', 'Falha ao ler o Registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.no_fines', 'Este usuário não possui multas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.410', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.button.generate_report', 'Emitir Relatório', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.accession_number', 'Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de exemplar?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.return.success', 'Cartão devolvido com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.title', 'Importação de Registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.in_this_library', 'Nesta biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.n', 'Número da parte seção da obra ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este Tipo de Usuário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.success.delete', 'Usuário excluído permanentemente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'label.logout', 'Sair', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.quotation', 'Cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.requisition_select', 'Selecione uma Requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.holdings', 'Relatório de Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'warning.create_backup', 'Você está a mais de 3 dias sem gerar uma cópia de segurança (backup)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.user.remove_item_button', 'Excluir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.a', 'Nome da entidade ou do lugar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.580', 'Nota de Ligação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_status', 'Situação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_status.active', 'Ativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.1', 'Gerar nota e entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.a', 'Título adicional - Título analítico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.0', 'Gerar nota, não gerar entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.database_work', 'Trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_delete', 'Excluir registro de cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.switch_to', 'Trocar para', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.3', 'Não gerar nota, gerar entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.2', 'Não gerar nota nem entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.common.digital_files', 'Arquivos Digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.dewey', 'Estatística por Classificação Dewey', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - Seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte - Seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.country', 'País', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.page_help', '

O módulo "Impressão de Etiquetas" permite gerar as etiquetas de identificação interna e de lombada para os exemplares da biblioteca.

É possível gerar as etiquetas de um ou mais exemplares em uma única impressão, utilizando a pesquisa abaixo. Fique atento ao detalhe de que o resultado desta pesquisa é uma lista de exemplares e não de registros bibliográficos.

Após encontrar o(s) exemplare(s) de interesse, use o botão "Selecionar exemplar" para adicioná-los à lista de impressão de etiquetas. Você poderá fazer diversas pesquisas, sem perder a seleção feita anteriormente. Quando finalmente estiver satisfeito com a seleção, clique no botão "Imprimir etiquetas". Será possível selecionar qual modelo da folha de etiquetas a ser usado e de qual posição iniciar.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1.2', 'International Standard Music Number (ISMN)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1.0', 'International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.accession_number', 'Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.user_has_no_card', 'Não há cartão associado a este usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.date_to', 'a', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.deleted', 'Excluído', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.in_these_libraries', 'Nestas bibliotecas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging_import', 'Importação de Registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.590', 'Notas locais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.yes', 'Sim', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595', 'Notas para inclusão em bibliografias', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.download.title', 'Baixar arquivo de idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.button.import_this_record', 'Importar este registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.status.in_use_and_blocked', 'Em uso e bloqueado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_late', 'Total de Livros atrasados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de fornecedor?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.select_item', 'Selecionar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.450.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico não usado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.error.save', 'Falha ao gravar o Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2', 'Dimensões de referência geospacial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.580.subfield.a', 'Nota de Ligação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1', 'Dimensões de referência geospacial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_returned_lendings', 'Histórico de Devoluções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_search', 'Listar servidores z3950', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.password.success', 'Senha alterada com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'label.password', 'Senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.button.select_item', 'Selecionar usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.select_marc_field', 'Selecione um campo Marc', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.simple_search', 'Pesquisa Bibliográfica Simplificada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.holding_id', 'Nro. Registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.form.repeat', 'Repetir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246', 'Forma Variante de Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado no tesauro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.topographic', 'Relatório Topográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.pending_issues', 'Possui pendências', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.returns', 'Devoluções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.error.no_records_found', 'Nenhum registro encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.today', 'Hoje', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.0', 'nome invertido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.lendings', 'Relatório de Empréstimos por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_360', 'Termo Associado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.form_invalid_values', 'Foram encontrados erros no preenchimento do formulário abaixo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.user', 'Relatório por Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'field.error.max_length', 'Este campo deve possuir no máximo {0} caracteres', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555', 'Nota de Índice Cumulativo ou Remissivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.status.blocked', 'Bloqueado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.inactive_users_only', 'Listar apenas usuários inativos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.page_help', '

A rotina de Configurações permite a configuração de diversos parâmetros utilizados pelo Biblivre, como por exemplo o Título da Biblioteca, o Idioma Padrão ou a Moeda a ser utilizada. Cada configuração possui um texto explicativo para facilitar a sua utilização.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.lendings_by_date', 'Relatório de Empréstimos por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.last_backup', 'Último Backup', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.edit', 'Editar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550', 'TG (termo genérico)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_243', 'Título uniforme coletivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.2', 'Numeração alternada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360', 'Remissiva VT (ver também) e TA (termo relacionado ou associado)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'warning.change_password', 'Você ainda não mudou a senha padrão de administrador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.total', 'Total', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_240', 'Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.1', 'Numeração primária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.0', 'Não numerada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.525', 'Nota de Suplemento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.print_return_receipt', 'Imprimir recibo de devolução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.popup.description', 'Selecione em qual etiqueta deseja iniciar a impressão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.error.delete', 'Falha ao exluir a Requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.521', 'Notas de público alvo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1', 'Tipo do número ou código normalizado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_list', 'Listar cartões de acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_245', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520', 'Notas de resumo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250.subfield.b', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250.subfield.a', 'Indicação da edição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.error.type_has_users', 'Este Tipo de Usuário possui Usuários cadastrados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.error.delete', 'Falha ao exluir o Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2._', 'Título chave abreviado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.add_multiple_cards', 'Cadastrar Sequência de Cartões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'digitalmedia.error.file_not_found', 'O arquivo especificado não foi encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.error.delete', 'Falha ao exluir a cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'warning.fix_now', 'Resolver este problema', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.availability.available', 'Disponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.status.available', 'Disponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.holding.availability', 'Disponibilidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.c', 'Indicação de responsabilidade da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.return_date', 'Data da devolução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.a', 'Título principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.page_help', '

A pesquisa bibliográfica permite recuperar informações sobre os registros do acervo desta biblioteca, listando seus exemplares, campos catalográficos e arquivos digitais.

A forma mais simples é usar a pesquisa simplificada, que buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos seguintes campos: {0}.

As palavras são pesquisadas em sua forma completa, porém é possível usar o caractere asterisco (*) para buscar por palavras incompletas, de modo que a pesquisa ''brasil*'' encontre registros que contenham ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' e ''brasileiro'', por exemplo. Aspas duplas podem ser usadas para encontrar duas palavras em sequência, de modo que a pesquisa "meu amor" encontre registros que contenham as duas palavras juntas, mas não encontre registros com o texto ''meu primeiro amor''.

A pesquisa avançada confere um maior controle sobre os registros localizados, permitindo, por exemplo, buscar por data de catalogação ou exatamente no campo desejado.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.error.invalid_photo_extension', 'A extensão do arquivo selecionado não é válida para a foto do usuário. Use arquivos .png, .jpg, .jpeg ou .gif', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1._', 'nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.private_full', 'Base Privativa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.534', 'Notas de fac-símile', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.creation_date', 'Data Inclusão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.530', 'Notas de disponibilidade de forma física', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750', 'Termo tópico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2._', 'Nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.vocabulary.page_help', '

A pesquisa de vocabulário permite recuperar informações sobre os termos presentes no acervo desta biblioteca, caso catalogados.

A pesquisa buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos seguintes campos: {0}.

As palavras são pesquisadas em sua forma completa, porém é possível usar o caractere asterisco (*) para buscar por palavras incompletas, de modo que a pesquisa ''brasil*'' encontre registros que contenham ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' e ''brasileiro'', por exemplo. Aspas duplas podem ser usadas para encontrar duas palavras em sequência, de modo que a pesquisa "meu amor" encontre registros que contenham as duas palavras juntas, mas não encontre registros com o texto ''meu primeiro amor''.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.show_all', 'Mostrar todos os {0} backups', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.response_date', 'Data de Chegada da Cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.bibliography', 'Relatório de Bibliografia por Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_260', 'Imprenta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_delete', 'Excluir registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.simple_search', 'Pesquisa Simplificada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.500', 'Notas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permission.success.delete', 'Login excluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.501', 'Notas iniciadas com a palavra "com"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.502', 'Notas de dissertação ou tese', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.504', 'Notas de bibliografia', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.505', 'Notas de conteúdo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1.1', 'não confidencial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_password', 'Troca de Senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1.0', 'confidencial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lendings.holding_list_lendings', 'Listar apenas exemplares emprestados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.buttons.apply_fine', 'Multar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_250', 'Edição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.datafield', 'Campo MARC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_255', 'Escala', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_256', 'Características do arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_257', 'Local de produção', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_258', 'Informação sobre o material', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.success.update', 'Cotação salva com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.location', 'Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.photo', 'Foto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.empty_login', 'O campo login não pode ser vazio', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.515', 'Nota de Peculiaridade na Numeração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.selected_records_plural', '{0} registros selecionados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.clear_search', 'Limpar termos da pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.biblio', 'Bibliográficos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.backup_not_complete', 'Backup não finalizado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.error.no_supplier_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar nenhum fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.success.disable', 'Sucesso ao marcar usuário como inativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.empty_new_password', 'O campo "nova senha" não pode ser vazio', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245', 'Título principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.b', 'Títulos paralelos/subtítulos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_move', 'Mover registro de vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.popup.description', 'Selecione em qual etiqueta deseja iniciar a impressão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.button.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.email', 'Email', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.h', 'Meio', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.1', 'nome da jurisdição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.2', 'nome na ordem direta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_reservation_list', 'Listar reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_move', 'Mover registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.type.biblio', 'Registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.cancel', 'O Cartão será cancelado e estará indisponível para uso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_status.blocked', 'Bloqueado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.order', 'Ordenar por', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.file_not_found', 'Arquivo não encontrado.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.source_search_title', 'Importar registros a partir de uma pesquisa Z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.expiration_date', 'Data de expiração da reserva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.state', 'Estado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.subtitle', 'Subtítulo da biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.upload_popup.uploading', 'Enviando arquivo...', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar o fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Nota de origem do termo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.title', 'Abrindo Arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.main_full', 'Base Principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.page_help', '

A rotina de Pedidos permite o cadastramento e pesquisa de pedidos (compras) realizados com os fornecedores cadastrados. Para cadastrar um novo Pedido, deve-se selecionar um Fornecedor e uma Cotação previamente cadastrados, assim como entrar dados como Data de Vencimento e dados da Nota Fiscal.

A pesquisa buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos campos Número do Registro do Pedido, Nome Fantasia do Fornecedor, e Autor ou Título da Requisição.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.3', 'Materiais especificados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.couldnt_restore_backup', 'Não foi possível restaurar o backup selecionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_configurations', 'Gerenciar configurações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_available', 'Disponíveis', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.group.custom', 'Relatório Personalizado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.biblio_reservation', 'Reservas por registro bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_save', 'Salvar registro de requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.return.error', 'Falha ao devolver o Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.fine.failure_pay_fine', 'Falha ao pagar multa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation_access', 'Controle de Acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.login_change_password', 'Trocar senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210', 'Título Abreviado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.y', 'Link em texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'field.error.date', 'O valor preenchido não é uma data válida. Utilize o formato {0}', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.lend.error', 'Falha ao vincular o Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.login', 'Login', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.d', 'Caminho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.processing', 'Processando...', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.no_data', 'Não existem dados para gerar este relatório', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.a', 'Nota de índice cumulativo e remissivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.b', 'Fonte disponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.success.update', 'Servidor z39.50 atualizado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.c', 'Grau de controle', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.f', 'Nome do arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.d', 'Referência bibliográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321.subfield.b', 'Datas da periodicidade anterior', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321.subfield.a', 'Peridiocidade Anterior', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.type.authorities', 'Autoridades', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.u', 'Identificador uniforme de recursos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.searches', 'Relatório de Total de Pesquisas por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.open_item_button', 'Abrir registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_configurations', 'Configurações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1.0', 'Item não é e não inclui tradução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.tabs.reservations', 'Reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.cancel', 'Cancelar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'field.error.min_length', 'Este campo deve possuir no mínimo {0} caracteres', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1.1', 'Item é ou inclui tradução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2._', 'nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging_labels', 'Impressão de Etiquetas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.page_help', '

O módulo "Impressão de Carteirinhas" permite gerar as etiquetas de identificação dos leitores da biblioteca.

É possível gerar as carteirinhas de um ou mais leitores em uma única impressão, utilizando a pesquisa abaixo.

Após encontrar o(s) leitor(es), use o botão "Selecionar usuário" para adicioná-los à lista de impressão de carteirinhas. Você poderá fazer diversas pesquisas, sem perder a seleção feita anteriormente. Quando estiver satisfeito com a seleção, clique no botão "Imprimir carteirinhas". Será possível selecionar a posição da primeira carteirinha na folha de etiquetas.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_save', 'Salvar registro de usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.info', 'Observações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.no_attachments', 'Este registro não possui arquivos digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar a Requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.505.subfield.a', 'Notas de conteúdo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.print_lending_receipt', 'Imprimir recibo de empréstimo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.quotation_date', 'Data do Pedido de Cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.lending.error.holding_is_lent', 'O exemplar selecionado já está emprestado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.trash', 'Lixeira', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_top', 'Livros mais emprestados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.id', 'Nº do registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.address_number', 'Número', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250', 'Edição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.255', 'Dado matemático cartográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.256', 'Características do arquivo de computador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.obs', 'Observações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2.0', 'Library of Congress Subject Heading', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.help', 'Ajuda', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258', 'Informação sobre material filatélico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.257', 'País da entidade produtora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.articles', 'Artigo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.user_not_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar o usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.title.unit_value', 'Valor Unitário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2.4', 'Source not specified', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.lending.error.holding_unavailable', 'O exemplar selecionado está indisponível para empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_full', 'Gerar backup completo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.accession_number.full', 'Relatório completo de Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.start_number', 'Número inicial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240', 'Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243', 'Título Convencionado Para Arquivamento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_lendings', 'Empréstimos Ativos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.page_help', '

A rotina de Cotações permite o cadastramento e pesquisa de cotações (orçamentos) realizadas com os fornecedores cadastrados. Para cadastrar uma nova Cotação, deve-se selecionar um Fornecedor e uma Requisição previamente cadastrados, assim como entrar dados como o valor e a quantidade de obras cotadas.

A pesquisa buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos campos Número do Registro de Cotação ou Nome Fantasia do Fornecedor.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.bind_card', 'Vincular Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.search.distributed_search_limit', 'Esta configuração representa a quantidade máxima de resultados que serão encontrados em uma pesquisa distribuída. Evite o uso de um limite muito elevado pois as buscas distribuídas levarão muito tempo para retornar os resultados pesquisados.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.3', 'nome de família', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de fornecedor?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.success.update', 'Cartão salvo com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.y', 'Link em texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.publication_year', 'Ano de publicação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.no_backups_found', 'Nenhum backup encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_40_columns', 'Impressora 40 colunas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.d', 'Caminho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.515.subfield.a', 'Nota de Peculiaridade na Numeração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_delete', 'Excluir registro de usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.name', 'Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.f', 'Nome do arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.949', 'Tombo patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947', 'Informação da Coleção', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'text.main.logged_in', '

Olá {0},

Seja bem-vindo ao Biblioteca Livre (Biblivre) versão 4.0.

Você poderá fazer pesquisas por registros bibliográficos, autoridades e vocabulário pela opção "Pesquisa" no menu superior. Esta é a mesma "Pesquisa" que os leitores poderão usar ao acessar o Biblivre, sem necessidade de usuário e senha, para pesquisar por registros na Base Principal.

Para cadastrar leitores, realizar empréstimos, devoluções e reservas, controlar o acesso à biblioteca e imprimir carteirinhas, use a opção "Circulação", também no menu superior.

Na opção "Catalogação", você poderá controlar o acervo da biblioteca, catalogando obras e exemplares, e efetuar o controle de autoridades e do vocabulário. Através desta opção tambem é possível imprimir as etiquetas usadas nos exemplares, mover registros entre as bases de dados (Principal, Trabalho, Privada e Lixeira), importar e exportar registros e adicionar arquivos digitais aos registros existentes.

O Biblivre também possui um sistema simples de controle do processo de aquisição, para auxiliar a compra e recebimento de publicações, através da opção "Aquisição".

Em "Administração", você poderá trocar a senha de acesso, configurar recursos do Biblivre como campos dos formulários, traduções e tipos de usuário, cadastrar cartões de acesso, gerar relatórios e realizar a manutenção da base de dados, que inclui a geração da cópia de segurança (backup), e a reindexação da base de dados, que deve ser usada quando alguns registros não puderem ser encontrados através da pesquisa.

Caso precise de mais informações sobre o Biblivre, acesse a opção "Ajuda" e leia o Manual do programa ou as perguntas frequentes, no Fórum.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.groups.circulation', 'Circulação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.move_records', 'Mover Registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.holding.accession_number', 'Tombo patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.i', 'Qualificador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.payment_date', 'Data de Pagamento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.status', 'Situação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_print_user_cards', 'Imprimir carteirinhas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.error.no_valid_terms', 'A pesquisa especificada não contém termos validos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.users_with_late_lendings', 'Listar apenas usuários com empréstimos em atraso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.delivered_quantity', 'Quantidade recebida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_full', 'Relatório completo de Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.page_help', '

Para realizar um empréstimo você deverá selecionar o leitor para o qual o empréstimo será realizado e, em seguida, selecionar o exemplar que será emprestado. A pesquisa pelo leitor pode ser feita por nome, matrícula ou outro campo previamente cadastrado. Para encontrar o exemplar, utilize seu Tombo Patrimonial.

Devoluções podem ser feitas através do leitor selecionado ou diretamente pelo Tombo Patrimonial do exemplar que está sendo devolvido ou renovado.

O prazo para devolução é calculado de acordo com o tipo de usuário, configurado pelo menu Administração e definido durante o cadastro do leitor.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.fine_value', 'Valor da Multa por atrasos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.distributed_search', 'Pesquisa Distribuída', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging_authorities', 'Autoridades', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_list', 'Listar cotações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.welcome', 'Seja bem-vindo ao Biblivre IV', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.paper_description', '{paper_size} {count} etiquetas ({height} mm x {width} mm)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.order', 'Ordenação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.selected_records_plural', '{0} Valores Adicionados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670.subfield.b', 'Informações encontradas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Nome retirado de', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.group.circulation', 'Circulação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.availability.unavailable', 'Indisponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.title.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.delivery_time', 'Prazo de entrega (Prometido)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.currency', 'Esta configuração representa a moeda que será utilizada em multas e no módulo de aquisição.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.database_main', 'Principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.success.move', 'Registros movidos com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.acquisition_quotation', 'Cotações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.availability', 'Disponibilidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.delete_success', 'Reserva excluída com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.029.subfield.a', 'Número do ISNM', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.created_between', 'Catalogado entre', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260', 'Publicação, edição. Etc.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de Pedido?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.fieldset.title.values', 'Valores', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.913', 'Código local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.title', 'Reindexação da Base de Dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.simple_term_title', 'Preencha os termos da pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.lending.error.blocked_user', 'O leitor selecionado está bloqueado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.records_found_singular', '{0} registro encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2._', 'nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.error.delete', 'Falha ao exluir o fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.type.do_not_import', 'Não importar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.error.delete.user_has_accesscard', 'Este usuário possui cartão de acesso em uso. Realize a devolução do cartão antes de excluir este usuário.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.created_by', 'Responsável', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_130', 'Obra Anônima', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'language_name', 'Português (Brasil)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_534', 'Notas de fac-símile', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de Pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.reservations', 'Relatório de Reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.reservation_date', 'Data da Reserva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.up', 'Termo Use Para (UP)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_520', 'Notas de resumo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.411.subfield.a', 'Nome do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_521', 'Notas de público alvo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.title.quantity', 'Quantidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.page_help', '

A rotina de Relatórios permite a geração e impressão de diversos relatórios disponibilizados pelo Biblivre. Os relatórios disponíveis se dividem entre as rotinas de Aquisição, Catalogação e Circulação.

Alguns dos relatórios disponíveis possuem filtros, como Base Bibliográfica, ou Período, por exemplo. Para outros, basta selecionar o relatório e clicar em "Emitir Relatório".

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_110', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.tabs.form', 'Cadastro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_111', 'Autor Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.1', 'sobrenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.2', 'sobrenome composto (obsoleto)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.holdings_count', 'Qtdd. Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.clear', 'Limpar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.0', 'prenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.selected_records_singular', '{0} Valor Adicionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.tg', 'Termo Geral (TG)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.te', 'Termo Específico (TE)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.preview', 'Pré visualização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490', 'Indicação de série', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.ta', 'Termo Associado (VT / TA)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.modified', 'Atualizado em', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.521.subfield.a', 'Notas de público alvo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.search', 'Pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.unclassified', '', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_translations', 'Gerenciar traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.501.subfield.a', 'Notas iniciadas com a palavra "com"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.b', 'Nome do editor, publicador, etc.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.c', 'Data de publicação, distribuição, etc.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.user.search', 'Digite o nome ou matrícula do Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.e', 'Nome do impressor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.error.invalid_search_parameters', 'Os parâmetros desta pesquisa não estão corretos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.search.results_per_page', 'Resultados por página', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.select_author_type', 'Selecione o tipo de autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.a', 'Local de publicação, distribuição, etc.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_500', 'Notas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.f', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.g', 'Data de impressão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_502', 'Nota de tese', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_505', 'Notas de conteúdo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_504', 'Notas de bibliografia', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_506', 'Notas de acesso restrito', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_list', 'Listar empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520.subfield.a', 'Notas de resumo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.record_reserved_to_the_following_readers', 'Este registro está reservado para os seguintes leitores', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.new_password', 'Nova senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.password_not_matching', 'Os campos "nova senha" e "repita a nova senha" devem ser iguais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.subject', 'Assunto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.save.success', 'Configurações alteradas com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'z3950.adresses.list.no_address_found', 'Nenhum Servidor Z39.50 encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.search_limit', 'A pesquisa realizada encontrou {0} registros, porém apenas os {1} primeiros serão exibidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - seção da obra - ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.error.generate', 'Falha ao gerar o relatório. Verifique o preenchimento do formulário.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar o Registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_100', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.success.unblock', 'Usuário desbloqueado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.user.open_item_button', 'Abrir cadastro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.vocabulary.simple_search', 'Pesquisa de Vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.a', 'Nome da entidade ou do lugar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.unblock', 'Falha ao desbloquear o Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_delete', 'Excluir registro de pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.ok', 'Ok', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de requisição?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_670', 'Nome retirado de', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.field_count', 'Contagem do campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição do Servidor Z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1.1', 'Nota não formatada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1.0', 'Estilo formatado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.error.invalid_file', 'Arquivo inválido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.no', 'Não', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.search_button', 'Pesquisar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste Servidor Z39.50?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_access_control_bind', 'Gerenciar controle de acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080.subfield.2', 'Número de edição da CDU', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_print_labels', 'Imprimir etiquetas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de fornecedor?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.0', 'prenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.popup.title', 'Formato das etiquetas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.3', 'nome de família', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.1', 'sobrenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.2', 'sobrenome composto (obsoleto)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_authorities', 'Reindexar base de autoridades', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.authorities.simple_search', 'Pesquisa de Autoridades', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.user_current_lending_list', 'Exemplares emprestados a este leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.subfield.b', 'Qualificador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.subfield.a', 'Título Abreviado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.255.subfield.a', 'Escala', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging_label', 'Etiquetas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_680', 'Nota de Escopo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_700', 'Autor secundário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_685', 'Nota de Histórico ou Glossário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_list', 'Listar pedidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.access_control', 'Cartões de acesso e Controle de acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.query_placeholder', 'Preencha os termos da pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.any', 'Qualquer', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.description', 'Descrição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.lend.success', 'Cartão vinculado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.unblock', 'Desbloquear Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.inactive', 'Marcar como inativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2', 'Tipo de entrada secundária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.topographic', 'Relatório Topográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.title.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.year', 'Ano', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'text.main.logged_out', '

O programa Biblioteca Livre (Biblivre) versão 4.0 é um aplicativo que permite a inclusão digital do cidadão na sociedade da informação. Saiba mais sobre o projeto em "Sobre", na opção "Ajuda" no menu superior.

Trata-se de um programa para catalogação e difusão de acervos de bibliotecas públicas e privadas, de variados portes, além de possibilitar a circulação e o compartilhamento de conteúdos de informação, tais como, textos, músicas, imagens e filmes ou qualquer outro tipo de objeto digital.

Hoje, o Biblivre é sucesso em todo o Brasil, assim como no exterior e, por sua extrema relevância cultural, vem se firmando como o aplicativo de escolha para a inclusão digital do cidadão.

Se desejar somente pesquisar o catálogo e acessar as obras disponíveis digitalmente, utilize a opção "Pesquisa" no menu superior, sem a necessidade de usuário e senha.

Para outros serviços, tais como circulação, catalogação, aquisição e administração, é necessário um nome de usuário e senha.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload_popup.processing', 'Processando...', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.up_term', 'Termo Use Para (UP)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2.4', 'Source not specified', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.block', 'Bloquear', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_vocabulary', 'Reindexar base de vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.400', 'Outra Forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_delete', 'Excluir cartões de acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.download.field.languages', 'Idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.block', 'Falha ao bloquear o Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.d', 'Datas associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.c', 'Título e outras palavras associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_670', 'Origem das Informações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.410', 'Outra Forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.tabs.fines', 'Multas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.q', 'Forma completa do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.expected_date', 'Data prevista', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.success.delete', 'Cartão excluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.unavailable', 'Indisponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'digitalmedia.error.file_could_not_be_saved', 'O arquivo enviado não pôde ser salvo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.private', 'Privativa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_id', 'Matrícula', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.411', 'Outra Forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2.0', 'Library of Congress Subject Headings', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.a', 'Sobrenome e/ou prenome do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.b', 'Numeração que segue o prenome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_590', 'Notas locais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.0', 'prenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.daily_fine', 'Multa diária', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.1', 'sobrenome simples ou composto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.2', 'sobrenome composto (obsoleto)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.3', 'nome de família', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.advanced_search', 'Pesquisa Avançada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_full', 'Backup completo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.title', 'Esta configuração representa o nome da biblioteca, que será exibido no topo das páginas do Biblivre e nos relatórios.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.search.result_limit', 'Limite de resultados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender', 'Gênero', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.empty_lending_list', 'Este leitor não possui exemplares emprestados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.acquisition_supplier', 'Fornecedores', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.card_not_found', 'Cartão não encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição do Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar inclusão de Cartões de Acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir o Login do Usuário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.no_servers', 'Não é possível realizar uma pesquisa Z39.50 pois não existem bibliotecas remotas cadastradas. Para solucionar este problema, cadastre os servidores Z39.50 das bibliotecas de interesse na opção "Servidores Z39.50" dentro de "Administração" no menu superior. Para isto é necessário um nome de usuário e senha.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.editor', 'Editora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.source_file_title', 'Importar registros a partir de um arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.reservation_limit', 'Limite de reservas simultâneas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.failure.unblock', 'Falha ao desbloquear o Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.expiration_date', 'Data de Validade da Cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.submit_button', 'Trocar Senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.work', 'Trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1', 'Gera entrada secundária na ficha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.failure.block', 'Falha ao bloquear o Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.450', 'UP (remissiva para TE não usado)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.b', 'Período de tempo formatado de 9999 a.C em diante', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.a', 'Código do período de tempo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'digitalmedia.error.no_file_uploaded', 'Nenhum arquivo foi enviado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.c', 'Período de tempo formatado anterior a 9999 a.C.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2.0', 'Outro título abreviado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.days_late', 'Dias de atraso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.error.order_not_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar o pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.holding_lent_to_the_following_reader', 'Este exemplar está emprestado para o leitor abaixo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_555', 'Notas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.a', 'Assunto tópico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.accesscards.unbind_card', 'Devolver Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.sort_by', 'Ordenar por', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permission.error.create_login', 'Erro ao criar login de usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1.0', 'Não gerar entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.field.collection', 'Coleção', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.delete', 'Excluir', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_status.pending_issues', 'Possui pendências', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1.1', 'Gerar entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title', 'Relatórios', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.wait', 'Dependendo do tamanho da base de dados, esta operação poderá demorar. O biblivre ficará indisponível durante o processo, que pode durar até 15 minutos.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.deadline_date', 'Data de Vencimento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_651', 'Assunto geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_650', 'Assunto tópico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852', 'Informações sobre a localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.database.work', 'Trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration', 'Administração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.login_already_exists', 'Este login já existe. Escolha outro nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.856', 'Localização de obras por meio eletrônico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.requester', 'Requerente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'format.datetime', 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.new_holding', 'Novo exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.publisher', 'Editora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.no_card_found', 'Nenhum cartão encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.access_denied', 'Acesso negado. Usuário ou senha inválidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.success', 'Reindexação concluída com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.534.subfield.a', 'Notas de fac-símile', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.success.block', 'Usuário bloqueado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_lend', 'Realizar empréstimos de obras', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.411', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.error.select_reader_first', 'Para emprestar um exemplar você precisa, primeiramente, selecionar um leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.all', 'Qualquer campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.button.print_labels', 'Imprimir etiquetas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.f', 'Data de edição do item que está sendo processado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.year', 'Ano', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.d', 'Data que aparece junto ao título uniforme na entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_630', 'Assunto título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_indexing', 'Gerenciar indexação da base de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.685.subfield.i', 'Texto explicativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.save_as_new', 'Salvar como novo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_success', 'Reserva efetuada com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload.description', 'Selecione abaixo o arquivo de idioma que deseja enviar para processamento pelo Biblivre 4.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.page_help', '

A rotina de Servidores Z39.50 permite o cadastramento e pesquisa dos Servidores utilizados pela rotina de Pesquisa Distribuída. Para realizar o cadastramento serão necessários os dados da Coleção Z39.50, assim como endereço URL e porta de acesso.

Ao acessar essa rotina, o Biblivre listará automaticamente todos os Servidores previamente cadastrados. Você poderá então filtrar essa lista, digitando o Nome de um Servidor que queira encontrar.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tabs.form', 'Formulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.value_must_be_boolean', 'O valor deste campo deve ser verdadeiro ou falso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.2', 'nome na ordem direta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.invalid_password', 'O campo "senha atual" não confere com a sua senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.title', 'Troca de Senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de autoridade?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.0', 'nome invertido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.1', 'nome da jurisdição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1.0', 'Título não desdobrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1.1', 'Título desdobrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.3', 'Especificações do material', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.590.subfield.a', 'Notas locais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_list', 'Listar requisições', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.invalid_pg_dump_path', 'Caminho inválido. O Biblivre não será capaz de gerar backups já que o arquivo pg_dump não foi encontrado.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.holdings.title', 'Pesquisar Exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.accession_number', 'Relatório de Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'O tombo patrimonial é o campo que identifica unicamente um exemplar. No Biblivre, a regra de formação para o tombo patrimonial depende do ano de aquisição do exemplar, da quantidade de exemplares adquiridos no ano e do prefixo do tombo patrimonial. Este prefixo é o termo que será inserido antes da numeração de ano, no formato .. (Ex: Bib.2014.7).', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.1', 'nome da jurisdição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.2', 'nome na ordem direta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.0', 'nome invertido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.previous', 'Anterior', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_list', 'Listar tipos de usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.button.select_page', 'Selecionar usuários desta página', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_610', 'Assunto entidade coletiva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_user_types', 'Tipos de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_611', 'Assunto evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select_report', 'Selecione um Relatório', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.680', 'Nota de escopo (NE)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.business_days', 'Esta configuração representa os dias de funcionamento da biblioteca e será usada pelos módulos de empréstimo e reserva. O principal uso desta configuração é evitar que a devolução de um exemplar seja agendada para um dia em que a biblioteca está fechada.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.wait', 'Aguarde', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.685', 'Nota de histórico ou glossário (GLOSS)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.users', 'Usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation', 'Circulação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.user_deleted', 'Usuário excluído do sistema', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.cataloging_bibliographic', 'Bibliográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.cataloging', 'Pesquisa Bibliográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.supplier_number', 'CNPJ', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.670', 'Nota de origem do termo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.error.invalid_record_type', 'Tipo de registro em branco ou desconhecido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.existing_card', 'O Cartão ja existe', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.authorities.page_help', '

A pesquisa de autoridades permite recuperar informações sobre os autores presentes no acervo desta biblioteca, caso catalogados.

A pesquisa buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos seguintes campos: {0}.

As palavras são pesquisadas em sua forma completa, porém é possível usar o caractere asterisco (*) para buscar por palavras incompletas, de modo que a pesquisa ''brasil*'' encontre registros que contenham ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' e ''brasileiro'', por exemplo. Aspas duplas podem ser usadas para encontrar duas palavras em sequência, de modo que a pesquisa "meu amor" encontre registros que contenham as duas palavras juntas, mas não encontre registros com o texto ''meu primeiro amor''.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.add_field', 'Adicionar termo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_750', 'Termo Tópico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.goodbye', 'Até logo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.button.select_page', 'Selecionar exemplares desta página', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.error.no_user_type_found', 'Nenhum Tipo de Usuário encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.lending_time_limit', 'Prazo de empréstimo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.tabs.lendings', 'Empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tabs.marc', 'MARC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_600', 'Assunto pessoa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.groups.login', 'Login', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.subtitle', 'Esta configuração representa um subtítulo para a biblioteca, que será exibido no topo das páginas do Biblivre, logo abaixo do Nome da biblioteca. Esta configuração é opcional.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.selected_records_singular', '{0} Valor Adicionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfica adotada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.map', 'Mapa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.e', 'Nome de subunidades do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.a', 'Nome do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.selected_records_singular', '{0} usuário selecionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.n', 'Número de ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.user', 'Pesquisa de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.t', 'Título da obra junto a entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.subfield.a', 'Título da série', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.subfield.v', 'Número do volume ou designação sequencial da série', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080.subfield.a', 'Número de Classificação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.value_is_required', 'O preenchimento deste campo é obrigatório', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.area', 'Bairro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.success.save', 'Requisição incluída com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.group.cataloging', 'Catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_list_by_type', 'Lista de Usuários Por Tipo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.button.import_all', 'Importar todas as páginas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_count', 'Total de Livros emprestados no período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.registered_between', 'Cadastrado entre', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.reservation', 'Relatório de Reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.end_date', 'Data Final', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.411.subfield.a', 'Nome do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.repeat_password', 'Repetir senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de Pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.help', 'Ajuda', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.error.you_cannot_delete_yourself', 'Você não pode excluir-se ou marcar-se como inativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1.0', 'Não gera entrada para o título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.button.list_all', 'Listar Todos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1.1', 'Gera entrada para o título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.prefix', 'Prefixo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.custom_count', 'Contagem de Registros Bibliográficos por Campo Marc', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.invalid_handler', 'Não foi possível encontrar um handler para esta ação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.material_type', 'Tipo de material', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.containing_text', 'Contendo o texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.button.migrate', 'Importar dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.expected_return_date', 'Data prevista para devolução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1', 'Indicação de tradução', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_delete', 'Excluir registro de vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.work_full', 'Base de Trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tabs.holdings', 'Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.paper_description', '{paper_size} {count} etiquetas ({height} mm x {width} mm)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.b', 'Data que aparece junto ao título uniforme na entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.search_bibliographic', 'Bibliográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.success.delete', 'Requisição excluída com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.page_help', '

A rotina de Fornecedores permite o cadastramento e pesquisa de fornecedores. A pesquisa buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos campos Nome Fantasia, Razão Social ou CNPJ.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.f', 'Data do trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.530.subfield.a', 'Notas de disponibilidade de forma física', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.requester', 'Requerente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_maintenance', 'Manutenção', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.no_lendings', 'Este usuário não possui empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.title.author', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.id', 'Nº do registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.a', 'Nome do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_reservation_reserve', 'Realizar reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_699', 'Assunto local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de autoridade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.access_control.card_available', 'Este cartão está disponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.400.subfield.a', 'Sobrenome e/ou Prenome do Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'label.login', 'Entrar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.title', 'Permissões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.button.import_this_page', 'Importar registros desta página', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.invalid_writable_path', 'Caminho inválido. Este diretório não existe ou o Biblivre não possui permissão de escrita.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.d', 'Data da aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.e', 'Número atribuído a aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.b', 'Endereço', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.c', 'Forma de aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.a', 'Nome da fonte', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.success.save', 'Usuário incluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.4', 'Problemas na pesquisa, onde registros cadastrados não são encontrados.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.f', 'Proprietário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.h', 'Preço de compra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.2', 'Alteração na configuração de campos buscáveis;', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.o', 'Tipo de unidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830', 'Entrada secundária - Série - Título Uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.3', 'Importação de registros de versões antigas do Biblivre; e', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.uncancel', 'O Cartão será recuperado e estará disponível para uso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.n', 'Quantidade de itens adquiridos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.1', 'A reindexação da base de dados é o processo no qual o Biblivre analisa cada registro cadastrado, criando índices em certos campos para que a pesquisa neles seja possível. É um processo demorado e que deve ser executado apenas nos casos específicos abaixo:
', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.306.subfield.a', 'Tempo de duração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.active_lendings', 'Empréstimos ativos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.button.remove_login', 'Remover Login', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.button.select_reader', 'Selecionar leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.a', 'Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.b', 'Sub-localização ou coleção', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.c', 'Localização na estante', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.save', 'Não foi possível salvar as configurações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.e', 'Endereço postal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.label.example', 'ex.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.button.reserve', 'Reservar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.500.subfield.a', 'Notas gerais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.quantity', 'Quantidade de exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_z3950_servers', 'Servidores Z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.title.quantity', 'Quantidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.same_password', 'A nova senha deve ser diferente da senha atual', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste Tipo de Usuário?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.field.code', 'Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.success.save', 'Tipo de Usuário incluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.400.subfield.a', 'Sobrenome e/ou Prenome do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.suffix', 'Sufixo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.a', 'Termo tópico adotado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.late_lendings', 'Relatório de Empréstimos em Atraso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.z', 'Nota pública', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856', 'Localização de obras por meio eletrônico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.other_name', 'Outras formas do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.currency', 'Moeda', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.q', 'Condição física da parte', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.x', 'Nota interna', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.delivered', 'Pedido recebido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.group.acquisition', 'Aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.supplier_select', 'Selecione um Fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.j', 'Número de controle na estante', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.select_page', 'Selecionar registros desta página', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.on_the_field', 'No campo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.n', 'Código do País', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.e', 'Nome de subunidades do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.material_type', 'Tipo de material', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.fieldset.contact', 'Contatos/Telefones', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.n', 'Número de ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.selected_records_plural', '{0} exemplares selecionados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_400', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.common.button.upload', 'Enviar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362', 'Informação de Datas de Publicação e/ou Volume', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360', 'Remissiva VT (ver também) e TA (termo relacionado ou associado)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.supplier_select', 'Selecione um Fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.shelf_location', 'Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2._', 'nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_question.inactive', 'Você realmente deseja marcar este usuário como "inativo"?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.couldnt_unzip_backup', 'Não foi possível descompactar o backup selecionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.dump', 'Não foi possível gerar o arquivo de traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.error.invalid_database', 'Base de dados inexistente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.created', 'Cadastrado em', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.page_help', '

A rotina de Cartões de Acesso permite o cadastramento e pesquisa dos Cartões utilizados pela rotina de Controle de Acesso. Para realizar o cadastramento o Biblivre oferece duas opções:

  • Cadastrar Novo Cartão: utilize para cadastrar apenas um cartão de acesso;
  • Cadastrar Sequência de Cartões: utilize para cadastrar mais de um cartão de acesso, em sequência. Utilize o campo "Pré visualização" para verificar como serão as numerações dos cartões incluídos.

Ao acessar essa rotina, o Biblivre listará automaticamente todos os Cartões de Acesso previamente cadastrados. Você poderá então filtrar essa lista, digitando o Código de um Cartão de Acesso que queira encontrar.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de Pedido?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_reports', 'Gerar Relatórios', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.classification', 'Classificação (CDD)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.url', 'URL', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.error.no_record_found', 'Nenhum Registro válido encontrado no arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.holdings.title', 'Pesquisar Registro Bibliográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.record_count', 'Registros nesta base: {0}', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Excluir registro de autoridade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro bibliográfico?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'format.date_user_friendly', 'DD/MM/AAAA', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_creation_by_date', 'Relatório de Total de Inclusões de Obras por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.complement', 'Complemento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750', 'Termo tópico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_type', 'Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340', 'Suporte físico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.fine_popup.description', 'Esta devolução está em atraso e está sujeita a pagamento de multa. Verifique abaixo as informações apresentadas e confirme se a multa será adicionada ao cadastro do usuário para ser paga futuramente (Multar), se ela foi paga no momento da devolução (Pagar) ou se ela será abonada (Abonar).', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permission.success.permissions_saved', 'Permissões alteradas com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343', 'Dados de coordenada plana', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342', 'Dados de referência geospacial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_013', 'Informação do controle de patentes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.added_to_list', 'Adicionado à lista', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.marc_popup.description', 'Use a caixa abaixo para alterar o MARC deste registro antes de importá-lo.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.2', 'nome na ordem direta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.confirm', 'Deseja confirmar a reindexação da base?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.0', 'nome invertido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.1', 'nome da jurisdição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.b', 'Código do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.a', 'Classificação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.search_vocabulary', 'Vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.modified', 'Data Cancelamento/Alteração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740', 'Entrada secundária - Título Adicional - Analítico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_410', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_411', 'Outra forma do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.d', 'Número do exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.c', 'Edição / volume', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_020', 'ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_024', 'ISRC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.print_receipt', 'Imprimir recibo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_022', 'ISSN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1', 'Formato da data', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.form.remove', 'Remover', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_save', 'Salvar registro de cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.info', 'Observações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.orders_by_date', 'Relatório de Pedidos por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.lend_success', 'Exemplar emprestado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.holding_reservation', 'Reservas por serial do exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.edit', 'Editar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de cotação?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a inclusão de Cartões de Acesso?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_exclude_digital_media', 'Backup sem arquivos digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_permissions', 'Logins e Permissões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_list', 'Listar usuários', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1', 'Privacidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.isrc_already_in_database', 'Já existe um registro com este ISRC na base de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.save_as_new', 'Salvar como novo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.isrc', 'ISRC', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.help_about_biblivre', 'Sobre o Biblivre', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.save.success', 'Registros importados com successo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'field.error.required', 'O preenchimendo deste campo é obrigatório', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.uploading', 'Enviando arquivo...', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_date', 'Data da reserva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.created', 'Data de cadastro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permission.success.create_login', 'Login e permissões criados com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.file_not_found', 'Arquivo não encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.043.subfield.a', 'Código de área geográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.issn', 'ISSN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.reservation_count', 'Registros reservados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.help_about_library', 'Sobre a Biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.administration.z3950.server.active', 'Servidor z39.50 local ativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.entity', 'Entidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310.subfield.a', 'Periodicidade Corrente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310.subfield.b', 'Data da periodicidade corrente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_delete', 'Excluir registro de requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.090', 'Número de chamada / Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.vt_ta_term', 'Termo Associado (VT / TA)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150', 'TE', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_return', 'Realizar devoluções de obras', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.failure.delete', 'Falha ao excluir usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.add_cards', 'Adicionar Cartões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_move', 'Mover registro de autoridade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.pg_dump_path', 'Atenção: Esta é uma configuração avançada, porém importante. O Biblivre tentará encontrar automaticamente o caminho para o programa pg_dump e, exceto em casos onde seja exibido um erro abaixo, você não precisará alterar esta configuração. Esta configuração representa o caminho, no servidor onde o Biblivre está instalado, para o executável pg_dump que é distribuído junto do PostgreSQL. Caso esta configuração estiver inválida, o Biblivre não será capaz de gerar cópias de segurança.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.cancel', 'Cancelar Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_description_singular', 'Você realmente deseja mover este registro?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.reservations', 'Reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.warning', 'Este processo pode demorar alguns minutos, dependendo da configuração de hardware do seu servidor. Durante este tempo, o Biblivre não estará disponível para a pesquisa de registros, mas voltará assim que a indexação terminar.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.user.simple_term_title', 'Preencha os termos da pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.delete_failure', 'Falha ao excluir a reserva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.paid_value', 'Valor Total Pago', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082.subfield.a', 'Número de Classificação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.lend', 'Emprestar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.913', 'Código local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.acquisition', 'Aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_150', 'Termo Específico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de cotação?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.fieldset.database', 'Base de Dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.source_search_subtitle', 'Selecione uma biblioteca remota e preencha os termos da pesquisa. A pesquisa retornará um limite de {0} registros. Caso não encontre o registro de interesse, refine sua pesquisa.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.clear_simple_search', 'Limpar resultados da pesquisa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_550', 'Termo Genérico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro bibliográfico?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.late_lendings_count', 'Total de Empréstimos em Atraso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancelar edição de registro de exemplar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.a', 'Título uniforme atribuído ao documento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.no_records_found', 'Nenhum registro encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.d', 'Data que aparece junto ao título uniforme de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.receipt_date', 'Data do recebimento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.user', 'Relatório por Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.p', 'Nome da parte - Seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.number_of_holdings', 'Número de Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.main', 'Principal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.f', 'Data da edição do item que está sendo processado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.address', 'Endereço', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.page_help', '

A rotina de Requisições permite o cadastramento e pesquisa de requisições de obras. Uma requisição é um registro de alguma obra que a Biblioteca deseja adquirir, e pode ser utilizada para se realizar Cotações com os Fornecedores previamente cadastrados.

A pesquisa buscará cada um dos termos digitados nos campos Requerente, Autor ou Título.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.no_reserves', 'Este usuário não possui reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto. Idioma do texto por extenso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.no_language_code_specified', 'O arquivo de traduções enviado não possui o identificador de idioma: *language_code', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082.subfield.2', 'Número de edição da CDD', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de cotação?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1', 'Entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2', 'Tipo de Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_data', 'Dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.distributed.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permission.success.password_saved', 'Senha alterada com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_490', 'Série', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.0', 'Nenhum nível especificado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.1', 'Assunto primário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'O Servidor Z39.50 será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.2', 'Assunto secundário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_status.inactive', 'Inativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.name', 'Razão Social', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.unavailable', 'Backup não disponível', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.fine.success_pay_fine', 'Multa paga com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation_lending', 'Empréstimos e Devoluções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.a', 'Sobrenome e/ou prenome do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_count', 'Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.b', 'Numeração que segue o prenome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.step_1_title', 'Selecionar origem dos dados da importação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'Prefixo do tombo patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.reservation.record_list_reserved', 'Listar apenas registros reservados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.event', 'Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321', 'Peridiocidade Anterior', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.javascript_locale_not_available', 'Não existe um identificador de idioma javascript para o arquivo de traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.no_server_found', 'Nenhum servidor z39.50 encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.invalid_user', 'Usuário inválido ou inexistente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_late_lendings', 'Empréstimos em Atraso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.description', 'Selecione abaixo quais items deseja importar da base de dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.total_value', 'Valor total', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.supplier', 'Fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020.subfield.a', 'Número do ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.selected_records_singular', '{0} registro selecionado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020.subfield.c', 'Modalidade de aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.button.select_reader', 'Selecionar leitor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2', 'Tipo de ordenação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.score', 'Partitura', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.groups.digital_media', 'Mídias Digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.q', 'Forma completa do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.error.no_quotation_found', 'Nenhuma cotação encontrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.marc_field', 'Campo Marc', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.d', 'Datas associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.c', 'Título e outras palavras associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1', 'Esquema de classificação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.delivery_time', 'Prazo de entrega (Prometido)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_100', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.biblivre_report_header', 'Relatórios Biblivre', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.all_digits', 'Todos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'field.error.digits_only', 'Este campo deve ser preenchido com números', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300', 'Descrição física', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.change_password.repeat_password', 'Repita a nova senha', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.306', 'Tempo de duração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.card_not_found', 'Nenhum Cartão encontrado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.block', 'Deseja realmente bloquear este Cartão?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Servidor Z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.button.select_user', 'Selecionar Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.block', 'Bloquear Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Cartão de Acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1.0', 'Sistema de coordenada horizontal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.unblock', 'O Cartão será desbloqueado e estará disponível para uso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.a', 'Nome geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.block', 'O Cartão será bloqueado e estará indisponível para uso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310', 'Periodicidade Corrente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1.1', 'Sistema de coordenada Vertical', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_access_control_list', 'Listar controle de acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.success.delete', 'Tipo de Usuário excluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.title', 'Base de dados selecionada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_save', 'Salvar registro de vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.a', 'Título do trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.error.existing_cards', 'Os seguintes Cartões já existem:', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_by_date', 'Relatório de Cadastro de Exemplares', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.0', 'Geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.1', 'Projeção de mapa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.next', 'Próximo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.quotation_select', 'Selecione uma Cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.2', 'Sistema de coordenadas em grid', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.3', 'Local planar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.4', 'Local', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.5', 'Modelo geodésico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_110', 'Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_current', 'Total de Livros ainda emprestados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.6', 'Altitude', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_111', 'Autor Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.7', 'A especificar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.invalid_psql_path', 'Caminho inválido. O Biblivre não será capaz de gerar e restaurar backups já que o arquivo psql não foi encontrado.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.success.delete', 'Fornecedor excluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.8', 'Profundidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.uncancel', 'Deseja realmente recuperar este Cartão?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.f', 'Data do trabalho', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.import_popup.title', 'Importando Registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258.subfield.b', 'Denominação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.t', 'Título da obra junto à entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258.subfield.a', 'Jurisdição emissora', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_list', 'Listar fornecedores', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.q', 'Forma completa do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.groups.admin', 'Administração', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.unit_value', 'Valor Unitário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type', 'Tipo de autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.records', 'Relatório de Inclusões de Obras por Período', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_save', 'Incluir cartões de acesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.c', 'Título e outras palavras associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.d', 'Datas associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.a', 'Sobrenome e-ou prenome do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.b', 'Numeração que segue o prenome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar a cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.e', 'Relação com o documento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.type', 'Tipo de usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1.1', 'Gera entrada para o título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.title.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1.0', 'Não gera entrada para o título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.680.subfield.a', 'Nota de escopo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1', 'Número de caracteres a serem desprezados na alfabetação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field_count.description', '

Após selecionar o campo Marc e a Ordenação, realize a pesquisa bibliográfica que servirá de base para o relatório, ou clique em Emitir Relatório para utilizar toda a base bibliográfica.

Atenção: Este relatório pode levar alguns minutos para ser gerado, dependendo do tamanho da base bibliográfica.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.end_number', 'Número final', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.modified_between', 'Alterado entre', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.form.hidden_subfields_singular', 'Exibir subcampo oculto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.z3950.error.save', 'Falha ao salvar o servidor z39.50', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Ele será movido para a base de dados "lixeira"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_restore', 'Recuperar cópia de segurança da base de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_save', 'Salvar registro de pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.quantity', 'Quantidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.download.button', 'Baixar o idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.edit', 'Editar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_digital_media_only', 'Backup de arquivos digitais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.field.reservation_time_limit', 'Prazo de reserva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'format.datetime_user_friendly', 'DD/MM/AAAA hh:mm', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_save', 'Salvar registro de fornecedor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_title.inactive', 'Marcar usuário como "inativo"', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.t', 'Título da obra junto a entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.operator', 'Operador', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.q', 'Forma completa do nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de requisição?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_710', 'Autor secundário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.record_will_be_ignored', 'Este registro não será importado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_711', 'Autor secundário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configurations.error.value_must_be_numeric', 'O valor deste campo deve ser um número', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.d', 'Datas associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.summary', 'Relatório de Sumário do Catálogo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.field.status', 'Situação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.a', 'Sobrenome e-ou prenome do autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550', 'TG (termo genérico)', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_field.id', 'Matrícula', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.b', 'Numeração que segue o prenome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.c', 'Título e outras palavras associadas ao nome', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_remove_attachment_description', 'Você deseja excluir esse arquivo digital?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.simple_term_title', 'Preencha o Tipo de Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'warning.reindex_database', 'Você precisa reindexar as bases de dados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.groups.cataloging', 'Catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.user.select_item_button', 'Selecionar cadastro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.advanced_search', 'Pesquisa Bibliográfica Avançada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.z', 'Subdivisão geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.amount', 'Quantidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.x', 'Subdivisão geral', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.y', 'Subdivisão cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.users_without_user_card', 'Listar apenas usuários que nunca tiveram carteirinha impressa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_remove_attachment', 'Excluir arquivo digital', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Você realmente deseja excluir este registro de requisição?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041', 'Código da língua', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.error.accession_number_unavailable', 'Este tombo patrimonial já está em uso por outro exemplar. Por favor, preencha outro valor ou deixe em branco para que o sistema calcule um automaticamente.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir registro de requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.100', 'Pessoa', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.button.add', 'Adicionar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.uncancel', 'Recuperar Cartão', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.field.created', 'Data do Pedido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_730', 'Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.records_found_plural', '{0} registros encontrados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1', 'Forma de entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_080', 'CDU', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.upload.field.user_created', 'Carregar traduções criadas pelo usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.holding.error.shouldnt_delete_because_holding_is_or_was_lent', 'Este exemplar está ou já foi emprestado e não deve ser excluído. Caso ele não esteja mais disponível, o procedimento correto é mudar sua disponibilidade para Indisponível. Se desejar mesmo assim excluir este exemplar, pressione o botão "Forçar Exclusão".', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.page_help', '

O "Cadastro de Usuários" permitirá guardar informações sobre os leitores e funcionários da biblioteca para que seja possível realizar empréstimos, reservas e controlar o acesso destes usuários à biblioteca.

Antes de cadastrar um usuário é recomendado verificar se ele já está cadastrado, através da pesquisa simplificada, que buscará cada um dos termos digitados no campo selecionado ou através da pesquisa avançada, que confere um maior controle sobre os usuários localizados, permitindo, por exemplo, buscar usuários com multas pendentes.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.order.selected_records_plural', '{0} Valores Adicionados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.110', 'Entidade Coletiva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.button.unblock', 'Desbloquear', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.111', 'Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.a', 'Nome da entidade ou do lugar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.field.edition', 'Número da edição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.city', 'Cidade', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.d', 'Data de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'aquisition.quotation.error.quotation_not_found', 'Não foi possível encontrar a cotação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.l', 'Língua do texto', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_740', 'Título analítico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.n', 'Número da parte - Seção da obra', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.success.save', 'Arquivo de idiomas processado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.1', 'nome da jurisdição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.0', 'nome invertido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.administration_translations', 'Traduções', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.2', 'nome na ordem direta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.t', 'Título da obra junto a entrada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.type.vocabulary', 'Vocabulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.b', 'Material Ilustrativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'menu.circulation_reservation', 'Reservas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.a', 'Número de volumes e/ou paginação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.c', 'Dimensões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2', 'Tipo de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.option.location', 'Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1', 'Controle de nota/entrada secundária de título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.record.success.save', 'Registro incluído com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.success.update', 'Tipo de Usuário salvo com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.e', 'Material adicional', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.f', 'Tipo de unidade de armazenamento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.g', 'Tamanho da unidade de armazenamento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.users.failure.disable', 'Falha ao marcar usuário como inativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_090', 'Localização', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.bibliographic.id', 'Nº do registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.library', 'Biblioteca', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.estimated_fine', 'Multa estimada para devolução hoje', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040', 'Fonte de catalogação', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.043', 'Código de área geográfica', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'search.common.button.filter', 'Filtrar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045', 'Código do período cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.backup_never_downloaded', 'Este backup nunca foi baixado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Você deseja cancelar a edição deste registro de autoridade?', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas as alterações serão perdidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_082', 'CDD', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user.fine.pending', 'Pendente', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.corrupted_backup_file', 'O backup selecionado não é um arquivo válido ou está corrompido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.labels.popup.title', 'Formato das etiquetas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.3', 'Especificação Material adicional', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.general.business_days', 'Dias de funcionamento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1', 'Controle de constante na exibição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.migration.title', 'Migração de dados do Biblivre 3', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.0', 'Nenhum caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.1', '1 caractere a desprezar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.select.option.bibliography', 'Relatório de Bibliografia do Autor', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.supplier.field.vat_registration_number', 'Inscrição Estadual', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.receipt.renews', 'Renovações', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.database.record_moved', 'Registro movido para a {0}', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tabs.brief', 'Resumo Catalográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.685.subfield.i', 'Texto explicativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_095', 'Área do conhecimento do CNPq', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.new', 'Novo registro', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.029', 'ISNM', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.inactive', 'Inativo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.022', 'ISSN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.nonmusical_sound', 'Som não musical', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024', 'Outros números ou códigos normalizados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595.subfield.b', 'Notas de Bibliografia, índices e/ou apêndices', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595.subfield.a', 'Código da bibliografia', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020', 'ISBN', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343.subfield.a', 'Método de codificação da coordenada plana', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343.subfield.b', 'Unidade de distância plana', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.title.circulation.lending_receipt.printer.type', 'Tipo de impressora para recibo de empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.n', 'Número de ordem do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.k', 'Subcabeçalhos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'login.error.user_has_login', 'Este usuário já possui um login', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.close', 'Fechar', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.2', 'nome na ordem direta', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.e', 'Nome de subunidades do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.1', 'nome da jurisdição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.d', 'Data da realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_041', 'Idioma', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.0', 'nome invertido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.c', 'Local de realização do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.translations.error.invalid_file', 'Arquivo inválido', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_043', 'Código geográfico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.request.success.update', 'Requisição salva com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.import.save.failed', 'Falha ao importar os Registros', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_045', 'Código cronológico', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.g', 'Informações adicionais', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.upload_popup.title', 'Enviando Arquivo', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.form', 'Formulário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'format.date', 'dd/MM/yyyy', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.a', 'Nome do evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.success.delete', 'Proveedor excluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.8', 'Profundidad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.uncancel', '¿Desea realmente recuperar esta Tarjeta?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.f', 'Fecha del trabajo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.user_type.page_help', '

A rotina de Tipos de Usuários permite o cadastramento e pesquisa dos Tipos de Usuários utilizados pela rotina de Cadastro de Usuários. Aqui são definidas informações como Limite de Empréstimos simultâneos, prazos para devolução de empréstimos e valores de multas diárias para cada tipo de usuário separadamente.

Ao acessar essa rotina, o Biblivre listará automaticamente todos os Tipos de Usuários previamente cadastrados. Você poderá então filtrar essa lista, digitando o Nome de um Tipo de Usuário que queira encontrar.

', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.accesscards.success.unblock', 'Cartão desbloqueado com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013', 'Informação do controle de patentes', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110', 'Autor - Entidade coletiva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111', 'Autor - Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.login', 'Login', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730', 'Entrada secundária - Título uniforme', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.949', 'Tombo Patrimonial', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.525.subfield.a', 'Nota de Suplemento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'error.invalid_parameters', 'O Biblivre não foi capaz de entender os parâmetros recebidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.title', 'Título', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.success.save', 'Cotação incluída com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_permissions', 'Gerenciar permissões', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.late_lendings', 'Relatório de Empréstimos Atrasados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.configuration.description.general.backup_path', 'Esta configuração representa o caminho, no servidor onde o Biblivre está instalado, para a pasta onde deverão ser guardados as cópias de segurança do Biblivre. Caso esta configuração estiver vazia, as cópias de segurança serão gravadas no diretório Biblivre dentro da pasta do usuário do sistema.
Recomendamos que este caminho esteja associado a algum tipo de backup automático em núvem, como os serviços Dropbox, SkyDrive ou Google Drive. Caso o Biblivre não consiga guardar os arquivos no caminho especificado, os mesmos serão guardados em um diretório temporário e poderão ficar indisponíveis com o tempo. Lembre-se, um backup é a única forma de recuperar os dados inseridos no Biblivre.', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.lending.lending_count', 'Exemplares emprestados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Login do Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.holding.datafield.541', 'Nota sobre a fonte de aquisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100', 'Autor - Nome pessoal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.title.user_creation_count', 'Total de Inclusões Por Usuário', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700', 'Entrada secundária - Nome pessoal', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'common.unblock', 'Desbloquear', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_schema', 'A lista de backup possui uma ou mais bibliotecas inválidas', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.material_type.all', 'Todos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.field.requisition', 'Requisição', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710', 'Entrada secundária - Entidade Coletiva', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711', 'Entrada secundária - Evento', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Ele será excluído permanentemente do sistema e não poderá ser recuperado', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'acquisition.quotation.success.delete', 'Cotação excluída com sucesso', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2._', 'nenhuma informação fornecida', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'circulation.user_cards.selected_records_plural', '{0} usuários selecionados', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.reports.field.lendings', 'Empréstimos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'cataloging.lending.error.limit_exceeded', 'O leitor selecionado ultrapassou o limite de empréstimos permitidos', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.import_popup.title', 'Importando Registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.t', 'Título de la obra junto a la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258.subfield.b', 'Denominación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_list', 'Listar Proveedores', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258.subfield.a', 'Jurisdicción emisora', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.q', 'Forma completa del nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender.1', 'Masculino', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender.2', 'Femenino', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.groups.admin', 'Administración', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.unit_value', 'Valor Unitario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type', 'Tipo de autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.records', 'Informe de Inclusiones de Obras por Período', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_save', 'Incluir tarjetas de acceso', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.c', 'Título y otras palabras asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.d', 'Fechas asociadas al nombre', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.a', 'Apellido y/o nombre de autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.page_help', '

El "Registro de Usuarios" permitirá guardar información sobre los lectores y empleados de la biblioteca para que sea posible realizar préstamos, reservas y controlar el acceso de estos Usuarios a la biblioteca.

Antes de registrar un usuario es recomendable verificar si el ya está registrado, a través de la búsqueda simplificada, que buscará cada uno de los términos digitados en el campo seleccionado o a través de la búsqueda avanzada, que otorga un mayor control sobre los Usuarios localizados, permitiendo, por ejemplo, buscar Usuarios con multas pendientes.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.110', 'Entidad Colectiva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.order.selected_records_plural', '{0} Valores Agregados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.111', 'Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user.button.unblock', 'Desbloquear', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.a', 'Nombre de la entidad o del lugar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.b', 'Unidades subordinadas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.edition', 'Número de la edición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.city', 'Ciudad', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.d', 'Fecha de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.g', 'Informaciones adicionales', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'aquisition.quotation.error.quotation_not_found', 'No fue posible encontrar la cotización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.l', 'Idioma del texto', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_740', 'Título analítico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.n', 'Número de la parte - Sección de la obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.success.save', 'Archivo de idiomas procesado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.1', 'nombre de la jurisdicción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.administration_translations', 'Traducciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.0', 'nombre invertido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.t', 'Título de la obra junto a la entrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.2', 'nombre en el orden directo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.type.vocabulary', 'Vocabulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'menu.circulation_reservation', 'Reservas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.b', 'Material Ilustrativo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.a', 'Número de volumenes y/o paginación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.c', 'Dimensiones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.option.location', 'Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2', 'Tipo de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1', 'Control de nota/entrada secundaria de título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.record.success.save', 'Registro incluido con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.success.update', 'Tipo de Usuario guardado con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_work', 'Teléfono Comercial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.e', 'Material adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.f', 'Tipo de unidad de almacenamiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.g', 'Tamaño de la unidad de almacenamiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.users.failure.disable', 'Falla al marcar usuario como inactivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_090', 'Localización', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.bibliographic.id', 'Nº de registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.library', 'Biblioteca', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.title', 'Abriendo Archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2.2', 'entrada analítica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.schemas.title', 'Lista de Bibliotecas de este Servidor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.estimated_fine', 'Multa estimada para devolución hoy', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.migrate.success', 'Datos importados con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041', 'Código del lenguaje', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040', 'Fuente de catalogación', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'search.common.button.filter', 'Filtrar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.043', 'Código de área geográfica', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.backup_never_downloaded', 'Este backup nunca fue descargado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045', 'Código de período cronológico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing.1', '¿Usted desea cancelar la edición de este registro de autoridad?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Todas las alteraciones se perderán', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_082', 'CDD', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.6', '6 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.7', '7 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.8', '8 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.3', 'Especificación Material adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.9', '9 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.general.business_days', 'Días de funcionamiento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.2', '2 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.3', '3 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.4', '4 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.5', '5 caracteres a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1', 'Control de constante en la exhibición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.migration.title', 'Migración de datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.0', 'Ningún carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.success.description', 'Datos importados con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.1', '1 carácter a despreciar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.select.option.bibliography', 'Informe de Bibliografía del Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.supplier.field.vat_registration_number', 'Inscripción Estatal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.database.record_moved', 'Registro movido para la {0}', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.receipt.renews', 'Renovaciones', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tabs.brief', 'Resumen Catalográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.685.subfield.i', 'Texto explicativo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.question', 'Atención. Todas las opciones harán con que los datos de su biblioteca sean borrados a favor de los datos recuperados. Se recomienda hacer un backup antes de iniciar esta acción. ¿Desea continuar?', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.select.default', 'Seleccione una opción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_095', 'Área de conocimiento de CNPq', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.new', 'Nuevo registro', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.029', 'ISNM', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.inactive', 'Inactivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.nonmusical_sound', 'Sonido no musical', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.022', 'ISSN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024', 'Otros números o códigos normalizados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595.subfield.b', 'Notas de Bibliografía, índices y/o apéndices', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595.subfield.a', 'Código de la bibliografía', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020', 'ISBN', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343.subfield.a', 'Método de codificación de la coordenada plana', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.button', 'Importar datos del Biblivre 3', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343.subfield.b', 'Unidad de distancia plana', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.title.circulation.lending_receipt.printer.type', 'Tipo de impresora para recibo de préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.n', 'Número de orden de evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'login.error.user_has_login', 'Este usuario ya posee un login', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.k', 'Subencabezamientos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.2', 'nombre en el orden directo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.close', 'Cerrar', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.1', 'nombre de la jurisdicción', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.e', 'Nombre de subunidades del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.0', 'nombre invertido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_041', 'Idioma', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.d', 'Fecha de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.c', 'Lugar de realización del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.translations.error.invalid_file', 'Archivo inválido', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_043', 'Código geográfico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.import.save.failed', 'Falla al importar los Registros', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.success.update', 'Solicitud guardada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_045', 'Código cronológico', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.g', 'Información adicional', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.upload_popup.title', 'Enviando Archivo', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.form', 'Formulario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'format.date', 'dd/MM/aaaa', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.a', 'Nombre del evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.user_type.page_help', '

La rutina de Tipos de Usuarios permite el registro y búsqueda de los Tipos de Usuarios utilizados por la rutina de Registro de Usuarios. Aquí están definidas las informaciones como Límite de Préstamos simultáneos, plazos para devolución de préstamos y valores de multas diarias para cada tipo de usuario separadamente.

Al accesar a esa rutina, el Biblivre listará automáticamente todos los Tipos de Usuarios previamente registrados. Usted podrá entonces filtrar esa lista, digitando el Nombre de un Tipo de Usuario que quiera encontrar.

', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.accesscards.success.unblock', 'Tarjeta desbloqueada con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110', 'Autor - Entidad colectiva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013', 'Información de control de patentes', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111', 'Autor - Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.login', 'Login', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configuration.title.general.subtitle', 'Subtítulo de este Grupo de Bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730', 'Entrada secundaria - Título uniforme', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.949', 'Sello Patrimonial', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'error.invalid_parameters', 'El Biblivre no fue capaz de entender los parámetros recibidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.525.subfield.a', 'Nota de Suplemento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.title', 'Título', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.success.save', 'Cotización incluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_permissions', 'Administrar permisos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.late_lendings', 'Informe de Préstamos Atrasados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.configuration.description.general.backup_path', 'Esta configuración representa el camino, en el servidor donde el Biblivre está instalado, para la carpeta donde deberán guardarse las copias de seguridad del Biblivre. En caso que esta configuración este vacía, las copias de seguridad serán grabadas en el directorio Biblivre dentro de la carpeta del usuario del sistema.
Recomendamos que este camino esté asociado a algún tipo de backup automático en nube, como los servicios Dropbox, SkyDrive ou Google Drive. En caso que el Biblivre no consiga guardar los archivos en el camino especificado, los mismos serán guardados en un directorio temporario y podrán quedar indisponibles con el tiempo. Recuerde, un backup es la única forma de recuperar los datos incluidos en el Biblivre.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.request.field.author_type', 'Tipo de Autor', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.lending.lending_count', 'Ejemplares prestados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Excluir Login de Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.holding.datafield.541', 'Nota sobre la fuente de adquisición', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100', 'Autor - Nombre personal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.title.user_creation_count', 'Total de Inclusiones Por Usuario', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700', 'Entrada secundaria - Nombre personal', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.unblock', 'Desbloquear', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_schema', 'La lista de backup posee una o más bibliotecas inválidas', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'common.calculating', 'Calculando', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.material_type.all', 'Todos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.field.requisition', 'Solicitud', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_volume_count', 'Cantidad de volúmenes de la Obra', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.error.create', 'Falla al crear nueva biblioteca.', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710', 'Entrada secundaria - Entidad Coletiva', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711', 'Entrada secundaria - Evento', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Será excluido permanentemente del sistema y no podrá ser recuperado', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configuration.description.general.subtitle', 'Subtítulo que será exhibido cuando se accede a la página principal de este grupo de bibliotecas. Esta página listará todas las bibliotecas registradas en este grupo (administradas por el mismo Biblivre 4).', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'acquisition.quotation.success.delete', 'Cotización excluida con éxito', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2._', 'ninguna información suministrada', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.lendings', 'Préstamos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'circulation.user_cards.selected_records_plural', '{0} usuarios seleccionados', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.lending.error.limit_exceeded', 'El lector seleccionado excedió el límite de préstamos permitidos', '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, '2014-07-19 11:28:46.69376', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'cataloging.error.invalid_data', 'No fue posible procesar la operación. Por favor, intente nuevamente.', '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.permissions.login_data', 'Datos para el acceso al sistema', '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.no_data', 'No existen datos para Generar este Informe', '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.reports.field.user_data', 'Datos', '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, '2014-07-19 11:35:18.227701', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.select_restore.description_found_backups', 'Abaixo estão os backups encontrados na pasta {0} do servidor Biblivre. Clique sobre o backup para ver a lista de opções de restauração disponíveis.', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.dont_restore', 'Não restaurar esta biblioteca', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_complete_backup.title', 'Restaurar todas as informações do Backup, substituindo todas as bibliotecas deste Biblivre', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.select_restore.library_list_inside_backup', 'Bibliotecas neste backup', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.backup.schemas.title', 'Cópia de Segurança (Backup) de Múltiplas Bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.select_restore.title', 'Restauração de Backup de Múltiplas Bibliotecas', '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.select_restore.description', 'Use esta opção caso você queira restaurar um backup existente do Biblivre 4. Caso o Biblivre encontre backups salvos em seus documentos, você poderá restaurá-los diretamente da lista abaixo. Caso contrário, você deverá enviar um arquivo de backup (extensão .b4bz) através do formulário.', '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.backup.schemas.description', 'Selecione abaixo todas as bibliotecas que farão parte do backup. Mesmo que um backup possua diversas bibliotecas, você poderá escolher quais deseja restaurar quando precisar.', '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, '2014-07-19 13:50:48.346587', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.title', 'Opções de Restauração de Backup', '2014-07-19 14:05:42.310014', 1, '2014-07-19 14:05:42.310014', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.warning_overwrite', 'Atenção: já existe uma biblioteca cadastrada com o endereço acima. Se você fizer a restauração com esta opção selecionada, o conteúdo da biblioteca existente será substituído pelo conteúdo do Backup.', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 14:05:42.310014', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_with_original_schema_name', 'Restaurar esta biblioteca usando seu endereço original', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 14:05:42.310014', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_with_new_schema_name', 'Restaurar esta biblioteca usando um novo endereço', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 14:05:42.310014', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_complete_backup.description', 'Caso você deseje restaurar todo o conteúdo deste backup, use o botão abaixo. Atenção: Isso substituirá TODO o conteúdo do seu Biblivre, inclusive substituindo todas as bibliotecas existentes pelas que estão no backup. Use esta opção apenas se desejar voltar completamente no tempo, até a data do backup.', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 14:11:39.121566', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_partial_backup.title', 'Restaurar bibliotecas de acordo com os critérios acima', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-19 14:11:39.121566', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.no_schema_selected', 'Nenhuma biblioteca selecionada', '2014-06-14 19:34:08.805257', 1, '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_destination_schema', 'O atalho de destino é inválido', '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.backup_file_not_found', 'Arquivo de backup não encontrado', '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_origin_schema', 'O Backup não possui a biblioteca selecionada', '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.duplicated_destination_schema', 'Não é possível restaurar duas bibliotecas para um único atalho', '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, '2014-07-19 17:20:20.928313', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.export_records', 'Export records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete supplier record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation_user', 'User Registry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'text.main.noscript', '', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.dewey', 'Dewey Classification Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_reports', 'Reports', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.digits', 'Significant digits', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.object_3d', 'Object 3D', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.error.invalid_data', 'It was not possible to process the operation. Please try again.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.cancel', 'Cancel', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.supplier', 'Supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.022.subfield.a', 'ISSN number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.title', 'Library title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.e', 'Patent status', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.error.record_not_found', 'Record not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.d', 'Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.f', 'Part of a document', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'Modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this acquisition order?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.256.subfield.a', 'Characteristics of the computer file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.date_from', 'from', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.date', 'Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_exclude_digital_media', 'Create backup without digital files', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.psql_path', 'Path for the program psql', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging', 'Cataloging', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_913', 'Local Code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.a', 'Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.b', 'Country', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013.subfield.c', 'Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.description', 'Use this option if you wish to restore and import a Biblivre3 existing backup.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.upload_button', 'Send', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.search.distributed_search_limit', 'Limit of results for distributed searches', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.default', 'Select...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1', 'Policy for serial split', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.title.unit_value', 'Unit Value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.users_who_have_login_access', 'List only users having a Biblivre access login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.title', 'Backup Restoring Options', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.email', 'Email', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation_user_cards', 'Printing of User Cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.attachment.alias', 'Insert a name for this digital file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.fieldset.title_info', 'Information on Work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.2', 'compound surname (obsolete)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.3', 'family name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.0', 'simple or compound name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1.1', 'simple or compound surname', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082', 'Dewey Decimal Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080', 'Universal Decimal Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.title_last_backups', 'Last Backups', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.lendings', 'Loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1.8', 'Do not generate constant in the exhibition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.marc_popup.title', 'Edit MARC Record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.arrival_time', 'Arrival time', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.success.update', 'Record successfully modified', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.dewey', 'Dewey Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.title.requisition', 'Requisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1.0', 'Remissive index', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.save', 'Save', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1.0', 'Does not generate entry for the Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1.1', 'Generates entry for the title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.save', 'Save', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_delete', 'Delete z3950 server record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.fine_value', 'Fine value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.095', 'Area of knowledge of the CNPq', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.error.no_users_found', 'No user found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090', 'Call number - Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete quotation record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.card_unavailable', 'Card unavailable', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.simple_term_title', 'Fill in Card Code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_restore_path', 'The configured directory for restoring backup files is not valid', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.pg_dump_path', 'Path for the program pg_dump', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.add_one_card', 'Register New Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_save', 'Save server z3950 record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_description_plural', 'Do you really wish to move these {0} records?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.button.select_item', 'Select item', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.backup_path', 'Destination path for safety copies (backups)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_300', 'Physical description', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload.button', 'Send language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.e', 'Carrier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this user?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.success.block', 'Card successfully blocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.select_restore.description_found_backups', 'Below the backups found in the folder {0} of the Biblivre server. Click on backup to see the restoring list of options available.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.c', 'Materials applied to surface', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.d', 'Technique in which the information is recorded', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_306', 'Duration (time)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.a', 'Basis and configuration of material', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340.subfield.b', 'Dimensions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.invalid_method_call', 'Invalid method call', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2._', 'no information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_411', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_410', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_bibliographic', 'Bibliographic and Units Catalogue', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore', 'Restore a Biblivre 3 Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.issn', 'ISSN (including hyphens)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.warning_overwrite', 'Beware!: There is already a library registered with the address above. If you restore using the option selected, the content of the existing library will be replaced by the Backup content.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.no_permission', 'You have no permission to execute this action', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.new', 'New user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'He will be excluded from the system forever and cannot be retrieved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2', 'Thesaurus', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1', 'Subject level', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.help_manual', 'Manual', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.id', 'Record Id', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.all_users', 'All-Users Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.invoice_number', 'Invoice No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.te_term', 'Narrower Term (NT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.450.subfield.a', 'Topical term not used', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description_last_backups_1', 'Links for downloading the last backups made below. It is important to keep them in a safe place, as this is the only way to recover data, if necessary.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description_last_backups_2', 'These files are kept in the directory specified in Biblivre configuration ("Administration", "Configurations", in the upper menu). Should this directory be unavailable for writing when the backup is made, a temporary directory will be used as an alternative. For that reason, some backups may not be available after a certain date. we recommend downloading backups and keeping them in a safe place.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.users.title', 'Search Reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.e', 'Convential sources of data description', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.d', 'Agency that modified the record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.3', 'family name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.c', 'Agency that transcribed the record in legible format by machine', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.b', 'Cataloging Language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040.subfield.a', 'Code of Cataloging Agency', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.0', 'simple or compound name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.1', 'simple or compound surname', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.invalid_json', 'Biblivre could not understand data received', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1.2', 'compound surname (obsolete)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'aquisition.request.error.request_not_found', 'It was not possible to find the request', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.database', 'Base', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.4', 'Backup of just digital files is a copy of all the digital media files save in Biblivre, without any other data or information, such as users, catalographic basis, and so on.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.3', 'Backup without digital files is a copy of all the Biblivre4 data and information, excluding digital media files. In view of the exclusion of digital media files, the backup and retrieval processes are faster, and the backup file is smaller.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.id_cpf', 'Taxpayer No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.1', 'Backup is a process where we copy information in order to secure them in case of problems in the system. It is a copy of the Biblivre records and information. Biblivre 4 has 3 types of backups:', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.description.2', 'Complete Backup is a copy of all the Biblivre 4 data and information, including digital media files, such as user photos, digital files of bibliographic records and so on.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.error.delete', 'Error in deleting Z39.50 Server', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.processing', 'Processing...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.c', 'Venue of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.search.results_per_page', 'This configuration represents the highest number of results to be exhibited on a single page in the searches of the system. A very high number may lead to slow operating system.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.a', 'Name of entity or of place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.b', 'Subordinated units', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.password', 'Password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_name', 'Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_digital_media_only', 'Create digital files backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.n', 'Number of part - section of the work - order of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.active', 'Active', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.save', 'It was not possible to save the translations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.k', 'Subheading. (amendments, protocols, selection, etc.)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_400', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.subfield.t', 'Title of the work close to entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.confirm_description', 'Do you really wish to restore this Backup?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2', 'Type of secondary entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_title', 'Move records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.custom_count', 'Marc field counting report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_signup', 'Date of user signup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.x', 'General subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.progress_popup.processing', 'Biblivre in this library is under maintenance. Please wait until maintenance is concluded.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.dates', 'Period / Term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.page_help', '

The "Data Migration" module allows importing data from an existing Biblivre 3 database to the empty Biblivre 4 database 4.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.subfield.z', 'Information source', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.error.user_not_found', 'User not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.users', 'Users, access Logins and Users Types', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.step_1_description', 'At this stage, you can import a file with records in MARC, XML and ISO2709 formats of conduct a search in other libraries. Select below the import arrangement you wish, selecting the file or filling in the search terms. The next step will be to select which records should be imported.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this vocabulary record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'header.law', 'Law for the Promotion of Culture', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_24_columns', '24 column printer', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.book', 'Book', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.database_count', 'Total Base Records in the Term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.913.subfield.a', 'Local code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.acquisition', 'Acquisition Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.source_file_subtitle', 'Select a file with the records to be imported. This file´s format can be text, XML or ISO2709, provided original cataloging is compatible with MARC.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this user?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670', 'Origin of information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.default_language', 'Default language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.default_language', 'This configuration represents the default language in the case of Biblivre exhibition.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1', 'Generates secondary entry in sheet', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.java_locale_not_available', 'There no identifier of java language for the translations file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.circulation.lending_receipt.printer.type', 'This configuration represent the type of printer to be used for printing loan receipts. Possible values are: 40 column printer, 80 column printer, or common printers (ink jet).', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.685', 'Historical or glossary note (GLOSS)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.0', 'Part of title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.field.port', 'Port', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload.field.upload_file', 'File', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.680', 'Scope note (SN)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.subtitle', 'Library subtitle', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.invalid_language', 'Select a language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.label.author_count', 'Number of records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.5', 'Additional title in secondary cover sheet', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.6', 'Batch Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.7', 'Normal title*marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.8 = Spine title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.1', 'Parallel title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.loading', 'Loading', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.2', 'Specific title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.3', 'Another title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2.4', 'Cover title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.step_2_description', 'In this case, please check the records to be imported and import them individually or altogether, through the buttons available at the end of the page. Biblivre automatically detects if the record is a bibliographic one, or authorities or vocabulary, but it allows the user to correct the importation beforehand. Important: Imported record will be added to the Work base and must be corrected and adjusted before moving them to the Main Base. This avoids incorrect records added directly to the final database.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.terms_of_payment', 'Payment terms', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_310', 'Periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.450', 'UF (remissive for unused NT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_failure', 'Work reservation failure', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.summary', 'Catalogue Summary', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.dewey', 'Dewey Decimal Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.040', 'Cataloging Source (NR)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.subfield.a', 'Information on Publishing Date and/or Volume', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.success.update', 'Supplier successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.button.show_log', 'Show log', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.page_help', '

The module "Translations" allows adding new languages to Biblivre 4 or modifying existing texts.

Attention: this module performs advanced configurations in Biblivre 4, and needs to be used solely by advanced Users, experienced in IT..

To add a new language, please download the Portuguese language file, do the translation of the texts and then send the file. Remember that only the texts (after the = sign) must be translated. Do not modify the keys; if you do so, Biblivre 4 will not be able to find the text

Example: let´s imagine that you wish to modify the text in the main menu of Search to Look for. You will then have to download the language file and modify the following line:

*menu.search = Search


*menu.search = Loo for

And then deliver the language file. Biblivre 4 will process the file and will modify the menu text.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.current_password', 'Current password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.subfield.v', 'Number of volume of sequence designation of the series', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.0', 'LC Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.error.select_reader_first', 'To reserve a record you need, first of all, to select a reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.2', 'National Library of Medicine Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.1', 'CDD', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.4', 'Steady location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.3', 'Superintendent of Documents classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.6', 'Partly separated', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.operator.and_not', 'and not', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.5', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.7', 'Specific classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1.8', 'Another scheme', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.periodic', 'Periodical', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.subfield.a', 'Uniform title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.edition', 'Edition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.name', 'Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.all_users', 'Users General Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.949.subfield.a', 'Asset cataloging reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.dewey', 'CDD', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.author_numeration', 'Numeration after First Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.isbn_already_in_database', 'There is already a record with that ISBN in the database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.a', 'Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.success.delete', 'Record successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.b', 'Author code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.c', 'Edition - volume', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_040', 'Cataloging source', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.090.subfield.d', 'Copy (unit) Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_lent', 'Lent', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.search.result_limit', 'This configuration represents the maximum quantity of results to be found in catalographic searches. This limit is relevant to avoid slow Biblivre operations in libraries with a large number of records. Should the quantity of results of the search exceed the limit, the recommendation will be to improve search filters.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1._', 'Index', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.record_imported_successfully', 'Record successfully imported', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.buttons.dismiss_fine', 'Dismiss fine', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.returned_lendings', 'Lendings returned', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.257.subfield.a', 'Country of producing entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.back_to_search', 'Return to search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_450', 'Use for Term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.invalid_database', '', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.button.edit_marc', 'Edit MARC', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.success.save', 'Z39.50 Server successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.wait', 'Please wait', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1._', 'No information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.music', 'Music', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630', 'Subject - Uniform title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.success.delete', 'Z39.50 Server successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.t', 'Title of the work close to entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.n', 'Order number of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.status', 'Status', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_362', 'Date of first publication', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'language_code', 'en-US', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.e', 'Name of event subunits', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.c', 'Venue of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670.subfield.b', 'Information found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.subfield.a', 'Name of event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.fine_popup.title', 'Late Return', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Name taken from', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.lending_date', 'Loan date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.buttons.pay_fine', 'Pay', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.description', 'Do you wish to go to the restoration and reconfiguration screen? You will be able to restore a Biblivre 4 backup, delete data in your library or redo a migration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.410.subfield.a', 'Name of the entity or of the place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_vocabulary', 'Vocabulary Catalogue', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.page_help', '

The permissions routine allows the user to create a Login and Password, as well as the definition of the access permissions or use of the various Biblivre routines.

The search will search Biblivre registered users and will work in the same manner of the User Registration Simple search routine.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be moved to the recycle bin database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.all', 'Any field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651', 'Subject - Geographical name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650', 'Subject - Topic', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Card will be permanently deleted from system and cannot be recovered', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.backup.schemas.title', 'Backup copy of Multiple Libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.help_faq', 'Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.subject', 'Subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.clean_install.description', 'If you do not have or do not wish to restore a backup, this option will allow start using Biblivre 4 with an empty database. When entering Biblivre 4 for the first time, use the admin and password abracadabra to access the system and configure your new library.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.success.save', 'Card successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.acquisition_order', 'Orders', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_852', 'Public Notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.load', 'It was not possible to read the translations file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload_popup.title', 'Sending File', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.error.no_request_found', 'It was not possible to find any requisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be permanently deleted from the system and cannot be retrieved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.no_schema_selected', 'No library selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_save', 'Save bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.original_value', 'Original value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.photo', 'Photograph', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_delete', 'Delete supplier record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this Z39.50 Server?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration.description', 'A Biblivre 3 installation was detected in this computer. You may wish to import these data for Biblivre 4 by selecting the items you are interested in and pressing the button below. After importation, you will have to reindex the three bases: the Bibliographic ones, Authorities and Vocabulary , through the "Maintenance" screen in "Administration" and select again the permissions of employees able to access Biblivre, through the "Logins and Permissions" screen in "Administration".', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.z', 'Standard note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.q', 'Description of index in multimedia', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.p', 'Description of collection in multimedia', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_destination_schema', 'Invalid destination shortcut', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.o', 'Description of index in microfilm', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_830', 'Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.n', 'Description of collection microfilm', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.u', 'Description of index in other carriers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.pamphlet', 'Pamphlet', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.t', 'Description of collection in other carriers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.s', 'Description of index in Braille', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.r', 'Description of collection in Braille', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.i', 'Index description with online access', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.f', 'Library code at CCN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.g', 'Description of index of printed collection', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.l', 'Description of collection in microfiche', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.m', 'Description of index in microfiche', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.j', 'Description of collection in CD-ROM', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2', 'Thesaurus', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.issn', 'ISSN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.k', 'Description of index CD-ROM', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1', 'Subject level', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.search_authorities', 'Authorities', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610', 'Subject - Collective Entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.a', 'Library acronym', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.psql_path', 'Attention: This is an advanced configuration, but an important one. Biblivre will try to find automatically the path for the program psql and except in cases where an error is show down below, you will not need to modify this configuration. This configuration represents the path on the server where Biblivre is installed, for the executable psql which id distributed with the PostgreSQL. Should this configuration be invalid, Biblivre will not be able to create safety copies.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611', 'Subject - Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.d', 'Year of last acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.e', 'Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.b', 'Description of printed collection', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947.subfield.c', 'Type of acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configuration.description.general.title', 'Nome to be shown when the main page of the library group is accessed. o que será exibido quando a página principal deste grupo de bibliotecas for acessada. This page will list all the registered libraries in this group (managed by the same Biblivre 4).', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.card_in_use', 'Card in use', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.field_count', 'Count by Marc field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.b', 'Language code of summary or abstract', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.a', 'Language code of text', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this unit record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.error.description', 'Regretably an error occurred when restoring Biblivre3 backup. Check the next screen by error log and, if necessary go to the Biblivre forum for assistance .', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_bibliographic', 'Reindex bibliographic base', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.database.main', 'Main', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600', 'Subject - Personal name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.status', 'Status', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.subfield.h', 'Language code of original document', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.0', 'Date - sole period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.2', 'Date extension - periods', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1.1', 'Date - multiple period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.subject', 'Subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_complement', 'Complement', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_private_database_access', 'Access to Private Database.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.place', 'Local', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.x', 'General subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.isrc', 'ISRC', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.lendings', 'Active loans, loan and fine historical record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.d', 'Longitude Scale', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.c', 'Latitude Scale', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.error.save', 'Error saving User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.acquisition', 'Acquisitions (Supplier, Requisition, Quotation and Order)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.status.any', 'Any', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.users.title', 'Search Reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this Card?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.select_restore.title', 'Backup restoring of Multiple Libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_with_original_schema_name', 'Restore this library using the original address', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'field.error.invalid', 'This value is not valid for this field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150.subfield.i', 'Qualifier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.a', 'Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.subfield.b', 'Coordinate Unit or Distance Unit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_save', 'Save user type record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.page_help', 'The multi-libraries screen allows registering several libraries to be managed by a single Biblivre. Since the moment the multi-libraries system is in action, the list of registered libraries will be shown when the person accesses the standard Biblivre 4 address.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access.user.search', 'Users', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.all', 'Any field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_876', 'Restricted access notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.unblock', 'Do you really wish to unblock this Card?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.3', 'family name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.movie', 'Film', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.1', 'simple or compound surname', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.cataloging_authorities', 'Authorities Catalogue', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.2', 'compound surname (obsolete)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1.0', 'simple or compound name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.holdings', 'Unit Registry Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.unit_value', 'Unit Value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1', 'Form of entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.cancel', 'Cancel', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_delete', 'Delete user type record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.2.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.open', 'Open', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.status.in_use', 'In use', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.save_as_new', 'Save as New', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.void', '', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.error.cant_disable_last_library', 'Cannot disable all the libraries in this group. At least one should be enabled.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670', 'Origin of information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.info', 'Remarks', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.status.cancelled', 'Cancelled', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_backup_type', 'This is an invalid backup type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.operator.or', 'or', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110', 'Author - Collective entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111', 'Author - Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.author', 'Search by Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.b', 'Title complement', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.lending_limit', 'Limit for simultaneous loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'label.username', 'User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.error.delete.user_has_lendings', 'This user has active lendings. Return items before deleting this user.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.a', 'Title/abbreviated title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.user_has_card', 'User already has a card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.select_card', 'Select Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.g', 'Miscellaneous', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.f', 'Information on volume /fascicle number and/or date of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.no_backups_found', 'No backup found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.warning', 'This process may take some minutes, depending on the hardware configuration of your server.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.i', 'Show text', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.h', 'Physical means', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.504.subfield.a', 'Bibliography notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.expected_return_date', 'Return date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.field.name', 'Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.invalid_backup_path', 'Invalid path. This directory does not exist or Biblivre is not authorized to write.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.n', 'Number of the part / section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.subfield.p', 'Name of the part / section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100', 'Author - Personal name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.new_value', 'New value valor', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.page_help', '

The "Access Control " allows managing the entry and permanence of readers in the library facilities. Select the reader through a search by name or Enrollment Number and insert the number of an access card available to bind that card to the reader.

When the reader is leaving, you will be able to unbind the card looking for its code

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2.2', 'analytical entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.title', 'Main Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.marc_field', 'Marc field Value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.computer_legible', 'Computer file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.1', 'Generates secondary entry in the sheet', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'User Type will be permanently deleted from system and cannot be restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload.title', 'Send language file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_datamigration', 'Import Biblivre 3 data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130', 'Anonymous work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.save', 'Error when saving Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address', 'Address', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.page_help', '

Distributed searches allow retrieving information on records in contents from other libraries, which make their records available for collaborative searches and cataloging.

In order to conduct a search please fill in the terms of the search, selecting your field of interest. Right afterwards, select one or more libraries where the records can be traced.. Attention: select just a few libraries in order to prevent the Distributed Search from running too slowly, as this depends on the communication between libraries and on the size of each collection.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.save', 'Save', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_common', 'Common printer', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.number_of_titles', 'Number of Titles', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.button.continue_to_biblivre', 'Go to Biblivre', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_count_by_type', 'Total by User Types', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.login_data', 'Data for accessing the system', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.step_2_title', 'Select records for importation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.employee', 'Employee', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.current_value', 'Current value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.uncancel', 'Restore', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.title_found_backups', 'Backups Found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.error.delete', 'Error deleting Record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel editing of order record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permission.error.delete', 'Login deletion error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.blocked', 'Blocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.success.description', 'Backup successfully restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.start_date', 'Starting Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.680.subfield.a', 'Scope note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.return', 'Return', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel user editing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.095.subfield.a', 'Subject areas', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this vocabulary record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.import_as', 'Import as:', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_save', 'Save authority record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'Record will be deleted forever and cannot be recovered', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.thesis', 'Thesis', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.import_popup.importing', 'Importing records, please wait', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.fieldset.title.values', 'Values', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150', 'NT', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.acquisition_request', 'Requests', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.0', 'No specified level', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.1', 'Primary subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.1.2', 'Secondary subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.download.description', 'Select below the language you wish to download.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.zip_code', 'ZIP Code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.delete', 'Delete', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.z3950_servers', 'Z39.50 Servers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.lending_date', 'Lending date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.info', 'Remarks', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.trademark', 'Fancy Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.remove_item_button', 'Remove', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.title', 'Creation of New Library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1._', 'Subfields |b or |c are not present', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.other_name', 'Other name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'aquisition.supplier.error.supplier_not_found', 'It was not possible to find the supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.button.print_user_cards', 'Print user cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.tg_term', 'Broader Term (BT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.description.6', 'If the user losses his/her password, he / she must contact the Administrator or the Librarian in charge of Biblivre, and they may furnish a new password.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration.button', 'Import Biblivre 3 data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.issn_already_in_database', 'There is already a record with this ISSN in the database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.a', 'Uniform title given to the document', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.field.url', 'URL', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.delete', 'Error when deleting Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.d', 'Date that appears close to the uniform entry title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_zip', 'ZI P Code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.l', 'Text language. Text language in full', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.f', 'Date of edition of the item that is being processed', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.button.show_log', 'Show log', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.913.subfield.a', 'Local code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.return_date', 'Return date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.description.1', 'Password change means the process in which the user may modify current password with a new one. For security reasons, we suggest users to do this periodically.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.error.move', 'Error moving Records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_datamigration', 'Data Migration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.description.3', 'Use letter, special characters and numbers if your password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.description.2', 'A three-digit password is the only rule to create passwords in Biblivre. However, we suggest following these guidelines:', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.p', 'Name of part - Section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.page_help', '

Record import allows expanding your database without any need of manual cataloging. New records can be imported through Z39.50 searches or from files exported by other librarianship systems.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.description.5', 'Use a larger number of digits than recommended.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.description.4', 'Use Capital and small letters; and', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.multi_schema', 'This configuration allows setting up the multiple library system in this Biblivre 4 installation.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.block', 'Block', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.949.subfield.a', 'Asset cataloging reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted by Thesaurus', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.410.subfield.a', 'Name of entity or name of place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.log_header', '[New Biblivre 4 Library Log]', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550.subfield.x', 'General subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.renew_success', 'Loan renewed successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging_vocabulary', 'Vocabulary', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.labels.never_printed', 'List only the copies that never had printed labels', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.user_total_lending_list', 'Background information on loans to this reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.manuscript', 'Manuscript', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.operator.and', 'and', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.step', 'Step', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_delete', 'Delete authority record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.cancel', 'Do you really wish to cancel this Card?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.title', 'Restoration and Reconfiguration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.cancel', 'Cancel', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.success.generate', 'Report successfully generated. It will open on another page.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.selected_records_singular', '{0} unit (copy/item) selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.502.subfield.a', 'Dissertation or thesis notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.auto_download', 'Backup made, automatic download in a few seconds…', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.groups.acquisition', 'Acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.record_deleted', 'Record deleted for ever', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.c', 'Agency that transcribed the record in legible format per machine', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.b', 'Cataloging language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.e', 'Conventional sources for data description', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.d', 'Agency that modified the record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040.subfield.a', 'Code of cataloging agency', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.searches_by_date', 'Report on the Total Number of Searches by Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.runtime_error', 'Unexpected error during runtime', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.subtitle', 'Parallel titles/subtitle', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.cancel.description', 'Press the button below to desist restoring this bb4 installation and return to your library.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.success.save', 'Supplier successfully included', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.indicator.1', 'Type of chronological period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_backup', 'Obtain a backup of the database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.form.hidden_subfields_plural', 'Show {0} hidden subfields', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.page_help', '

To make a reservation you will need to select the reader in the name of whom the reservation is made and, right afterwards, you will have to select the record to be reserved. Search by reader can be made by name, user number or other field previously registered. In order to find registration, you have to carry out a search similar to the bibliographic search.

Cancellations can be made selecting the reader with the reservation.

The duration of the reserve is calculated according to the User Type, configured by the Administration menu and defined during the reader´s registration.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.users_with_pending_fines', 'List only users with pending fines', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete supplier record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.acquisition', 'Acquisition Order Report for the Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.button.search', 'Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'User Login and permissions will be deleted forever from the system and cannot be restored.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.return_success', 'Unit returned successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.search_count', '{current} / {total}', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.administration.z3950.server.active', 'This configuration is showing whether local server z39.50 will be active. In case of multiple libraries, the name of the Server z39.50 Collection will be identical to the name of each library. For example, the name of the collection for this installation is "{0}".', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_80_columns', '80-column printer', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.invalid', 'The value specified for one of the configurations is invalid', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.search_z3950', 'Distributed', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.400', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.user.name_or_id', 'Name or User Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.start_less_than_or_equals_end', 'Initial number must be less or equal to end number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.success.update', 'User successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.user.field', 'Field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.title', 'Safety Copy (Backup)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.error.invalid_marc', 'Error reading Record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel editing of vocabulary record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.no_fines', 'This user has no fines', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.410', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.button.generate_report', 'Generate Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.c', 'Venue for the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.b', 'Subordinated units', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.accession_number', 'Asset Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this unit record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.return.success', 'Card successfully returned', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.title', 'Records Importation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.in_this_library', 'In this library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.n', 'Number of the part of the section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.0', 'Not numbered', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this User Type?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.success.delete', 'User deleted forever', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'label.logout', 'Logout', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.quotation', 'Quotation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.success', 'Backup restoration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.requisition_select', 'Select a Requisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.holdings', 'Asset Cataloging Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'warning.create_backup', 'You have not created a backup copy in more than 3 days', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.schema', 'Library shortcut', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.user.remove_item_button', 'Remove', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.subfield.a', 'Name of entity or place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_status', 'Status', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.580', 'Linkage Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.a', 'Additional title - analytical title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.1', 'Generate note and secondary title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.0', 'Generate note, do not generate secondary title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.usertype.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_delete', 'Delete quotation record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.switch_to', 'Switch to', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.3', 'Do not generate note, generate secondary title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1.2', 'Do not generate note nor secondary title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.psql_not_found', 'PSQL not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.common.digital_files', 'Digital Files', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.n', 'Number of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.dewey', 'Dewey Classification Statistic', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.subfield.p', 'Name of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be moved to the trash database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.page_help', '

The module "Label Printing " allows creating internal and spine (back) identifications for the book in the case of library copies.

Labels for one or more titles can be created in a single printing, using the search below. Please remember the details, as the result of this search is a list of copies (units) and not of bibliographic records.

After finding the copy(ies) you are interested in, use the button "Select copy (or unit) " to add it to the list of labels to be printed. You may carry out several searches, without losing the previous selection. When you are finally satisfied with the selection, press the button "Print labels ". You may choose which model of the labels page you will use and the initial position.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1.2', 'International Standard Music Number (ISMN)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1.0', 'International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.accession_number', 'Asset reference number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.user_has_no_card', 'No card is associated to this user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.date_to', 'to', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.deleted', 'Deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.in_these_libraries', 'In these libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configuration.title.general.title', 'Name of this Group of Libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging_import', 'Record Importation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.590', 'Local notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.yes', 'Yes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595', 'Notes for inclusion in bibliographies', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.download.title', 'Download language file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.button.import_this_record', 'Import this record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.status.in_use_and_blocked', 'In use and blocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.backup_file_not_found', 'Backup file not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_late', 'Total number of late books', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this supplier record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.select_item', 'Select', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.450.subfield.a', 'Topical term not used', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.error.save', 'Failure fixing User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2', 'Geo-spatial reference dimensions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.580.subfield.a', 'Linkage note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1', 'Geo-spatial reference dimensions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_returned_lendings', 'Returns Record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.description', 'To create a new library, please fill in below your name and an optional subtitle. You will also need a short name for the library, which is called shortcut, to be used in the web address for accessing Biblivre 4, which allows differentiation among different libraries installed in the system. This shortcut must contain only letters, numbers and the character _. To make things easier, Biblivre 4 will automatically suggest a shortcut, based on the library name.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_z3950_search', 'List z3950 Servers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.password.success', 'Password successfully modified', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'label.password', 'Password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.button.select_item', 'Select user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be deleted from the system forever and cannot be restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.select_marc_field', 'Select a Marc field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.button', 'Restore selected backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.simple_search', 'Simplified Bibliographic Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore', 'Restore a Biblivre 4 Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.holding_id', 'Record No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.form.repeat', 'Repeat', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel edition of bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted by Thesaurus', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.topographic', 'Topographic Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.pending_issues', 'Pending issues', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.error.no_records_found', 'No records found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.returns', 'Returns', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.today', 'Today', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.lendings', 'Report on Loans during Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_360', 'Associated term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.form_invalid_values', 'Errors were found in the filling in of the form below', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.user', 'Report by User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'field.error.max_length', 'This field must have {0} characters maximum', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555', 'Note of Cumulative or Remissive Index', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.status.blocked', 'Blocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.inactive_users_only', 'List solely inactive users', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.button', 'Go to the reinstall and reconfiguration screen', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.page_help', '

The Configurations routine allows configurations in several parameters used by Biblivre, for example Library Title, Default Language or Currency to be used. Each configuration has an explanatory text in order to facilitate usage.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.lendings_by_date', 'Report on Loans by Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.last_backup', 'Last Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.log_header', '[Import data log from Biblivre 3 to Biblivre 4]', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.edit', 'Edit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.550', 'BT (broader term)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.dont_restore', 'Do not restore this library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_243', 'Collective Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.delete', 'Delete', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.2', 'Alternate numbering', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360', 'Remissive VT (see also) and AT (related or associated term)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'warning.change_password', 'You have not changed the standard administrator password yet', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.total', 'Total', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_240', 'Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2.1', 'Primary numbering', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.525', 'Supplementary Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.print_return_receipt', 'Print return receipt', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.success', 'Import of Biblivre 3 data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.popup.description', 'Select in which label you wish to start printing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.error.delete', 'Error when deleting Requisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.521', 'Target public notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_list', 'List access cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024.indicator.1', 'Number type or standardized code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_245', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520', 'Summary notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250.subfield.b', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.error.type_has_users', 'This User Type has Users registered', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250.subfield.a', 'Indication on the edition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.error.delete', 'Error when deleting User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.custom_count', 'Count Report by Marc field:', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2._', 'Key abbreviated Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.add_multiple_cards', 'Register Card Sequence', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.page_help', '

The bibliographic search allows retrieving information on the records of this library, listing the volumes, catalographic fields and digital files.

The simplest way is using the Simple search , that will search each one of the terms typed in the following fields: {0}.

Terms are sought in its full form, however it is possible to use the asterisk (*) to look for incomplete terms, so that the serarch in ''brasil*'' may find, for example, records containing ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' and in ''brasileiro''. Double quotation marks can be used to find terms in sequence, so that search "my love" may find records containing the two terms together, but shall not find records such as in the text ''my first love''.

The advanced search provides a higher control on the records traced, allowing, for example, searches by cataloging date or exactly in the desired field.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.error.invalid_photo_extension', 'The extension of the filed selected is not valid for the photo of the user. Use fields such as.png, .jpg, .jpeg or .gif', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1._', 'no information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.private_full', 'Private Base', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.534', 'Fac-simile notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.creation_date', 'Date of Inclusion', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.530', 'Notes on availability of physical form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.description', 'Use this option if you wish to restore a Biblivre 4 backup, or to delete data in your library or to redo Biblivre 3 migration. You will be taken to the Biblivre install initial screen, and you may cancel the operation if you do not wish to make modifications.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750', 'Topical term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2._', 'No information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.vocabulary.page_help', '

Vocabulary searches can retrieve information on the terms in the coolection of this library, if and when they are cataloged.

Search will look for each one of the terms typed in the following fields: {0}.

Terms are sought in its full form, however it is possible to use the asterisk (*) to look for incomplete terms, so that the search in ''brasil*'' may find records containing, for example, ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' and in ''brasileiro''. Double quotation marks can be used to find terms in sequence, so that search "my love" may find records containing the two terms together, but shall not find records such as in the text ''my first love''.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.show_all', 'Show all the {0} backups', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.response_date', 'Quotation arrival date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.bibliography', 'Bibliography Report by Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.author_title', 'Title and other terms associated to name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_260', 'Printer', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.simple_search', 'Simple Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_delete', 'Delete bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permission.success.delete', 'Login successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.500', 'Notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.502', 'Notes of dissertation or thesis', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.504', 'Bibliography Notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.505', 'Content notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1.1', 'non confidential', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1.0', 'confidential', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.buttons.apply_fine', 'Fine', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lendings.holding_list_lendings', 'List only copies lent', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_password', 'Change Password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:42:51.201768', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_250', 'Edition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_complete_backup.description', 'Should you wish to restore all the contente in this backup, use the button below. Beware! This will replace ALL the content of your Biblivre, also replacing all the existing libraries for those in the backup. Use this option only if you wish to go back in time, until backup date.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.datafield', 'MARC field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_255', 'Scale', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_256', 'File characteristics', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.error.description', 'Regretably there was an error when importing Biblivre 3 data. Please check the next screen by the error log and, if necessary, go to the Biblivre forum for assistance.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_257', 'Production place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.success.update', 'Quotation successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_258', 'Information on the material', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.location', 'Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.photo', 'Photograph', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.empty_login', 'The field login cannot be empty', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.515', 'Numeration Peculiarity Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.selected_records_plural', '{0} records selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.clear_search', 'Clear search terms', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.biblio', 'Bibliographic', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.backup_not_complete', 'Backup not complete', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.error.no_supplier_found', 'It was not possible to find a supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel quotation record editing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.success.disable', 'Success in marking user as inactive', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'digitalmedia.error.file_not_found', 'The specified file was not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.error.delete', 'Error when deleting quotation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'warning.fix_now', 'Solve this problem', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.availability.available', 'Available', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.holding.availability', 'Availability', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.status.available', 'Available', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_city', 'City', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.empty_new_password', 'The field "new password" cannot be empty', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.return_date', 'Return date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.c', 'Indication on responsibility for the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.a', 'Main Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_move', 'Move Vocabulary record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.b', 'Parallel Titles /subtitles', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.confirm_title', 'Restore Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.popup.description', 'Select in which label you wish to start printing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.button.delete', 'Delete', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.p', 'Name of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.email', 'Email', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.country', 'Country', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.n', 'Number of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.0', 'Inverted name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.multi_schema_configurations', 'Configurations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.1', 'Name of jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.subfield.h', 'Means', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1.2', 'Name in the direct order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_bibliographic_move', 'Move bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.type.biblio', 'Bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.cancel', 'Card will be canceled and will not be available for use', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_status.blocked', 'Blocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.order', 'Sort by', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.file_not_found', 'File not found.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.source_search_title', 'Import records from a Z39.50 search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.expiration_date', 'Reservation expiration date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.state', 'State', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.subtitle', 'Library subtitle', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.upload_popup.uploading', 'Sending file...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.error.save', 'Supplier saving error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Note on origin of the term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.title', 'Opening File', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.main_full', 'Main Base', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.page_help', '

Order routine allows order registration and research (purchases) with registered suppliers. To register a new order, a previously registered Supplier and a Quotation must be chosen, in addition to providing information such as Validation Date and Invoice information.

Each search will look for each of the terms entered in the fieldsNumber of Order Registration, Fancy Name of Supplier and Author or Title of Request.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.3', 'Specified materials', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.multi_schema', 'Set up Multi-libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.couldnt_restore_backup', 'The selected backup could not be restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_configurations', 'Manage configurations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_available', 'Available', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.group.custom', 'Customized Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_save', 'Save requests record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.return.error', 'Card return error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.fine.failure_pay_fine', 'Fine payment failure', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2.2', 'analytical entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation_access', 'Access Control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.login_change_password', 'Change password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210', 'Abbreviated Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.multi_schema_manage', 'Libraries Management', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.select_file', 'Select a backup file first', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.y', 'Text link', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'field.error.date', 'The Value filled in is not a valid date. Use the format {0}', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.lend.error', 'Binding Card Error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.login', 'Login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.d', 'Path', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.processing', 'Processing...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.no_data', 'No data available for creating this report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.a', 'Cumulative and remissive index note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.field.title', 'Library name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.b', 'Source available', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_status.active', 'Active', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.success.update', 'Z39.50 Server successfully updated', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.856.subfield.f', 'File name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.c', 'Degree of control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.d', 'Bibliographical reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.reserved.warning', 'All the copies (units) available of this record are reserved for other readers. Loans can be made, however, please see the reservation information.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321.subfield.b', 'Dates of previous periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_cel', 'Mobile phone No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321.subfield.a', 'Previous periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.type.authorities', 'Authorities', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.subfield.u', 'Resource uniform identifier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.new_schema.button.create', 'Create Library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.searches', 'Report on Total Searches during Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.open_item_button', 'Open record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_configurations', 'Configurations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1.0', 'Item is not and does not include translation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.tabs.reservations', 'Reservations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.cancel', 'Cancel', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'field.error.min_length', 'This field must have {0} characters minimum', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1.1', 'Item is or incluldes translation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging_labels', 'Label Printing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.publication_year', 'Year of publication', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_save', 'Save user record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.info', 'Remarks', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.no_attachments', 'This record does not have digital files', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.error.save', 'Error when saving Requisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.505.subfield.a', 'Content notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete unit record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.print_lending_receipt', 'Print lending receipt', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.quotation_date', 'Quotation requisition date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.lending.error.holding_is_lent', 'The item selected is already on loan', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_top', 'Top lending books', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.address_number', 'Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.id', 'Registration order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.250', 'Edition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.255', 'Cartographical Mathematical Datum', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.256', 'Characteristics of computer file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2.0', 'Library of Congress Subject Heading', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.obs', 'Remarks', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.help', 'Help', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258', 'Information about philatelic material', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.257', 'Country of producing entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.articles', 'Article', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_partial_backup.title', 'Restore libraries in accordance with the criteria above', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.user_not_found', 'User not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.x', 'General subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750.indicator.2.4', 'Source not specified', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.title.unit_value', 'Unit Value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.lending.error.holding_unavailable', 'The item selected is not available for loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.button_full', 'Create complete backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.accession_number.full', 'Full Report of Asset Cataloging Reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.start_number', 'Start number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240', 'Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243', 'Agreed Title for Filing Purposes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245', 'Title principal', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.database_work', 'Work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246', 'Variant Form of Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_lendings', 'Active loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.page_help', '

Quotation routine allows quotation registration search conducted with registered suppliers. To register a new Quotation, you must select a Supplier and a previously registered Acquisition; data such as value and quantity of works quoted are should also be included.

Search will look for every single term inserted in fields Quotation Registration Number or Supplier Fancy Name .

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.bind_card', 'Associate (bind) Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.search.distributed_search_limit', 'This configuration represents the maximum number of results to be found on a research already distributed. The use of a very high limit should be avoided, because searches distributed would take a long time in providing the results of the search.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this supplier record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.success.update', 'Card successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'text.multi_schema.select_library', 'List of Libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.y', 'Link in text', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.printer_type.printer_40_columns', '40-column printer', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.no_backups_found', 'No backups found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.d', 'Path', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_delete', 'Delete user record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.515.subfield.a', 'Numeration Peculiarity Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856.subfield.f', 'File name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.name', 'User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.949', 'Asset cataloging reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.947', 'Information on the Collection', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.611.indicator.1', 'Form of entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'text.main.logged_in', '

Hello {0},

Welcome to the Free Library (Biblivre) version 4.0.

You may conduct searches by Bibliographic Records, Authorities and Vocabulary through the option "Search" in the upper menu. This is the same "Search" that readers may use when accessing Biblivre, without the need of username and password when searching for records in the Main Base.

In order to register readers, make loans, returns and reservations, and also to control access to the library and print user cards, please use the option "Circulation", also in the upper menu.

In the option "Cataloging", you will be able to control the collections of the library, and to catalog Works and copies, and also carry out controls on Authorities and Vocabulary. Also through this option you can print labels used in copies or units, and move records among databases (Main, Work, Private and Recycle Bin), import and export records and add digital files to the existing records.

Biblivre also has a control system for the acquisition process, in order to assist in the purchase and reception of publication, through the option "Acquisition".

In "Administration", you will be able to change access passwords, configure Biblivre resources, such as forms fields, translations and user types, register access cards, create reports and conduct maintenance services in the database, which include the generation of backups and the reindexing of the database, which must be used when some records cannot be found in the searches.

Should you need additional information on Biblivre, please go to the option "Help" and read the Manual of the program or the FAQs, in Forum.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.groups.circulation', 'Circulation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.move_records', 'Move Records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.holding.accession_number', 'Asset cataloging reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.page_help', 'Welcome! This screen is the last one before starting to use Biblivre IV and through it you will be able to choose whether to restore the information from another Biblivre installation (by means of a backup or through a migration of Biblivre 3) or if you wish to start a new library. Please read each option below carefully and select the most appropriate one.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.150.subfield.i', 'Qualifier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.payment_date', 'Payment date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.status', 'Situation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.error.no_valid_terms', 'The specified search does not contain valid terms', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_print_user_cards', 'Print user cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.users_with_late_lendings', 'List only users with pending lendings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.delivered_quantity', 'Quantity received', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_full', 'Full Report on Asset Cataloging', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.page_help', '

In order to conduct a loan you will have to select the reader who will take the volume and select the unit or copy to be lent. Search by reader can be made by name, user number or any other field previously registered. In order to find the copy, use your Asset Cataloging Reference.

Returns can be made through the selected reader or directly by the Asset Cataloging Reference of the copy (unit) which is being returned or renewed..

the deadline for returning the unit is calculated according to User Type, as configured by the menu Administration and defined during the reader registration process.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.fine_value', 'Value of fine in case of late returns', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.distributed_search', 'Distributed search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging_authorities', 'Authorities', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import', 'Import Biblivre 3 Data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_list', 'List quotations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.disable', 'Disable library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.welcome', 'Welcome to Biblivre IV', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.paper_description', '{paper_size} {count} labels ({height} mm x {width} mm)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.order', 'Order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.selected_records_plural', '{0} Values Added', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670.subfield.b', 'Information found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.670.subfield.a', 'Name taken from', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2', 'Type of secondary entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.1', 'Form of entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.short_type', 'Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.availability.unavailable', 'Unavailable', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.group.circulation', 'Circulation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.title.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.delivery_time', 'Delivery time (Promised on)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.currency', 'This configuration represents the currency to be used in the case of fines and on the acquisition module.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_complete_backup.title', 'Restore all the Backup information, replacing all the libraries in this Biblivre', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.database_main', 'Main', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.success.move', 'Records successfully moved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.acquisition_quotation', 'Quotations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.availability', 'Availability', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.delete_success', 'Reservation deleted successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.029.subfield.a', 'ISNM number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.created_between', 'Cataloged between', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete quotation record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260', 'Publication, edition, etc.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this Order record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.fieldset.title.values', 'Values', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be permanently deleted from the system and cannot be retrieved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.913', 'Local code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.simple_term_title', 'Fill in the search terms', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.title', 'Database reindexing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.lending.error.blocked_user', 'The selected reader is blocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.records_found_singular', '{0} record found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2._', 'no information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.error.delete', 'Error when deleting supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.type.do_not_import', 'Do not import', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2', 'Type of secondary entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.error.delete.user_has_accesscard', 'This user has an access card in use. Return the card before deleting this user.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.created_by', 'Person in charge', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_130', 'Anonymous work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'language_name', 'English (United States)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_534', 'Facsimile notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete Order record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.x', 'General subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.uploading', 'Sending file...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.reservations', 'Reservations Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.progress_popup.title', 'Biblivre 4 maintenance', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.reservation_date', 'Reservation Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.up', 'Term Use for (UF)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_520', 'Summary notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.411.subfield.a', 'Name of event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_521', 'Target public notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.title.quantity', 'Quantity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.multi_schema', 'Multi-libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_110', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.tabs.form', 'Registry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_111', 'Author Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.1', 'Single or compound Surname', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.2', 'Compound surname (obsolete)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.3', 'Family name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configurations.page_help', 'The routine for Multi-libraries Configuration allows modification of global configurations of the library group and standard configurations to be used by the registered libraries. All the configurations marked with asterisk (*) will be used as standards in new libraries registered in this group, but they can be modified internally by administrators, through the option "Administration", "Configurations", in the upper menu.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.clear', 'Clear', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.indicator.1.0', 'Single or compound name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.selected_records_singular', '{0} Value Added', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.tg', 'Broader Term (BT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.te', 'Narrower Term (NT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.preview', 'Pre-visualization', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Exclude vocabulary record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490', 'Serial Indication', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.term.ta', 'Associated Term (AT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.search', 'Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.modified', 'Updated on', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.521.subfield.a', 'Target public notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_home', 'Home Telephone No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.unclassified', '', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_translations', 'Manage translations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.501.subfield.a', 'Notes starting with the term "with"', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.b', 'Name of Publisher, Publishing company, etc..', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.c', 'Date of publication, distribution, etc.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.user.search', 'Insert name or User number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.e', 'Name of printing company', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.error.invalid_search_parameters', 'Parameters in this search are not correct', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.select_author_type', 'Select author type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.search.results_per_page', 'Results per page', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.a', 'Place of publication, distribution, etc.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.biblivre_is_locked_please_wait', 'This Biblivre is under maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_500', 'Notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'Records will be sent to the trash database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.f', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_502', 'Thesis note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.260.subfield.g', 'Date of print', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_505', 'Content notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_504', 'Bibliography notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_506', 'Restricted access notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_list', 'List loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520.subfield.a', 'Summary notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.record_reserved_to_the_following_readers', 'This record is reserved to the following readers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.new_password', 'New password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.b', 'Subordinated units', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.c', 'Venue of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.subject', 'Subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.save.success', 'Configurations modified successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'z3950.adresses.list.no_address_found', 'Z39.50 Server found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.password_not_matching', 'The fields "new password " and "repeat new password" have to be identical', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.search_limit', 'The search conducted found {0} records, but only the {1} ones will be shown', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.n', 'Number of the part - section of the work - order of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.error.generate', 'Error when generating report. Check form information.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.renew', 'Renew', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.error.save', 'Error saving Record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_100', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.user.open_item_button', 'Open record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.success.unblock', 'User successfully unblocked', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.vocabulary.simple_search', 'Vocabulary search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.subfield.a', 'Name of entity or of place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.unblock', 'Error when unblocking Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_delete', 'Delete order records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.ok', 'Ok', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this requisition record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.button', 'Restore selected backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_670', 'Name withdrawn from', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel edition of Z39.50 Server', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.field_count', 'Field Count', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1.1', 'Non-formatted note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.error.invalid_file', 'Invalid File', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1.0', 'Formatted style', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.no', 'No', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.search_button', 'Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing the Z39.50 Server?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.success', 'Backup restoration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_access_control_bind', 'Manage access control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to delete editing this supplier record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_print_labels', 'Print labels', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080.subfield.2', 'Number of edition of the CDU', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.0', 'simple or compound name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the alterations will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.3', 'family name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.popup.title', 'Label format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.1', 'simple or compound surname', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.log_header', '[Log for Biblivre 4 backup restoration]', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1.2', 'compound surname (obsolete)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_authorities', 'Reindex authorities base', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.authorities.simple_search', 'Authorities Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.520.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.user_current_lending_list', 'Copies on loan to this reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.subfield.b', 'Qualifier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.subfield.a', 'Abbreviated Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.255.subfield.a', 'Scale', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging_label', 'Labels', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_680', 'Scope Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_700', 'Secondary Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_685', 'Background or Glossary Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.clean_install', 'New Library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_list', 'List orders', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.access_control', 'Access cards and access Control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.query_placeholder', 'Fill in the terms for the search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.any', 'Any', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.confirm_title', 'Restore Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.description', 'Description', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.lend.success', 'Card successfully bound', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.unblock', 'Unblock Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.inactive', 'Mark as inactive', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2', 'Type of secondary entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.error.description', 'Failure creating a new library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.topographic', 'Topographic Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.title.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'text.main.logged_out', '

The program Free Library (Biblivre) version 4.0 is an application promoting the digital inclusion of the citizen in the information society. Know more about the project in "About", in the option "Help" in the upper menu.

It is a program involving cataloging and the dissemination of collections from public and private libraries, of varied sizes, in addition to promoting the circulation and sharing of information content, such as texts, music, images and films or any other kind of digital object.

Today Biblivre is successful throughout Brazil as well as abroad and, in view of its high cultural importance, it is consolidating as the preferential application for the digital inclusion of citizens.

If you wish to search the catalogue and have access to the digital works available, please use the option "Search" in the upper menu. No username or password is required.

For other services, such as circulation, cataloging, acquisition and administration, you will need a username and password.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload_popup.processing', 'Processing...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.up_term', 'Term of Use for (UF)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2.4', 'Source not specified', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.select_item_button', 'Select record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.block', 'Block', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.button_vocabulary', 'Reindex vocabulary base', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.error', 'Import data error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.400', 'Other name form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_delete', 'Delete access cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.download.field.languages', 'Language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.block', 'Error when blocking Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.d', 'Dates associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_670', 'Origin of information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.c', 'Title and other terms associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.410', 'Other name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.tabs.fines', 'Fines', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.q', 'Form of complete name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.expected_date', 'Expected date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.success.delete', 'Card successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.unavailable', 'Unavailable', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.630.indicator.1', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.private', 'Private', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'digitalmedia.error.file_could_not_be_saved', 'The file sent could not be saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_id', 'User id', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.411', 'Other name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.2.0', 'Library of Congress Subject Headings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.a', 'Surname and/or name of author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.subfield.b', 'Numeration following name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_590', 'Local notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.field.upload_file', 'Select backup file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.daily_fine', 'Daily fine', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.0', 'Simple or compound name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.1', 'Simple or compound surname', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.2', 'Composed surname (obsolete)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.indicator.1.3', 'Family name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.advanced_search', 'Advanced Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.title', 'This configuration represents the name of the library, to be shown on the upper part of the Biblivre pages and in the reports.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_full', 'Complete Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.search.result_limit', 'Result limit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.error', 'Backup restoration error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender', 'Gender', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.empty_lending_list', 'This reader does not have units (copies) lent', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.acquisition_supplier', 'Suppliers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.card_not_found', 'Card not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel editing of User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel addition of Access Cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.no_servers', 'A Z39.50 search is not possible as there are no remote libraries registered. In order to solve this problem, please registers Z39.50 servers of the libraries of interest in the option " Z39.50 Servers" within "Administration" in the upper Menu. For this a name of user andpassword is needed.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.editor', 'Publisher', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.source_file_title', 'Import records from a file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.year', 'Year', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.groups.digitalmedia', 'Digital Media', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.reservation_limit', 'Simultaneous reservations limit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.description', 'Use this option should you wish to restore an existing Biblivre 4 backup. Should Biblivre find backups saved in your documents, you will be able to restore them directly from the list below. Otherwise, you will have to send a backup file (extension .b4bz) by means of the form.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.failure.unblock', 'Failure unblocking User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.expiration_date', 'Quotation expiration date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.submit_button', 'Change password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.field.upload_file', 'Select backup file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.work', 'Work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.reader', 'Reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1', 'Generates secondary entry in sheet', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.failure.block', 'Failure blocking User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.450', 'Use For', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.b', 'Time period formatted from 9999 b.C onwards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.a', 'Code of time period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'digitalmedia.error.no_file_uploaded', 'No file sent', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045.subfield.c', 'Time period formatted before 9999 b.C', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2.0', 'Another abbreviated Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.days_late', 'Days behind schedule', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.error.order_not_found', 'It was not possible to find the order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.error.toggle', 'Error changing library status.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.holding_lent_to_the_following_reader', 'This copy was lent to the reader below', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_555', 'Notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.a', 'Topical Subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.sort_by', 'Sort by', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.accesscards.unbind_card', 'Return Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permission.error.create_login', 'Error when creating User login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1.0', 'Do not generate secondary Title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.field.collection', 'Collection', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.delete', 'Delete', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.migrate.error', 'Error when importing data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_status.pending_issues', 'Has pending issues', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1.1', 'Generate secondary Title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title', 'Reports', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.wait', 'Subject to the size of the database, this operation may take longer. Biblivre will not be available during this process as it may last up to 15 minutes.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.deadline_date', 'Valid until', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_651', 'Subject geography', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852', 'Information on location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_650', 'Subject topic', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.database.work', 'Work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration', 'Administration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.856', 'Work tracking by electronic means', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.login_already_exists', 'This login already exists. Choose another name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.success.description', 'Backup successfully restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.requester', 'Requester', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'format.datetime', 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configurations.error.disable_multi_schema_schema_count', 'It is not possible to disable the multi=libraries scheme when more than one library is enabled.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.new_holding', 'New unit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.publisher', 'Publisher', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.no_card_found', 'No card found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.650.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.access_denied', 'Access denied. Invalid user or password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.success', 'Reindexing concluded successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.534.subfield.a', 'Fac-simile note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.p', 'Name of the part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.success.block', 'User blocked successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_lend', 'Conduct work loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.n', 'Number of the part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete the User Login?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.411', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.error.select_reader_first', 'To lend a copy you need, in the first place, to select a reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.all', 'Any field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.button.print_labels', 'Print labels', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.f', 'Date of edition of item that is being processed', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.year', 'Year', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.d', 'Date that appears close to the uniform entry title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.subfield.a', 'Uniform title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_630', 'Subject Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_indexing', 'Manage database indexing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.685.subfield.i', 'Explanatory text', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be deleted forever from system and cannot be restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.save_as_new', 'Save as new', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_success', 'Reservation successfully made', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.page_help', '

the Z39.50 server routine allows registration and search in Servers used by the Distributed Search routine. To register the data of the Z39.50 collection are needed, as well as the URL address and access port.

When accessing this routine, Biblivre will automatically list all the Servers previously registered. You may then filter the list, inserting the Name of a Server you may wish to find.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload.description', 'Select below the language file you wish to send for processing by Biblivre 4.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tabs.form', 'Form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.value_must_be_boolean', 'Value in this field must be true or false', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.2', 'name in the direct order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.title', 'Password change', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.invalid_password', 'The field "current password" does not match with your password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this authority record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.0', 'inverted name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.110.indicator.1.1', 'name of jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1.0', 'Unsplit title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.3', 'Material specifications', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.indicator.1.1', 'Split title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.590.subfield.a', 'Local notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_list', 'List requests', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.invalid_pg_dump_path', 'Invalid path. Biblivre will not be able to create backups because the pg_dump file was not found.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.holdings.title', 'Search Copy (Unit)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.accession_number', 'Asset Cataloging Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.confirm_title', 'Import Biblivre 3 data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.select_file', 'Select a backup file first', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'Asset cataloging is the field that solely identifies a copy. In Biblivre, the rule for asset reference numbers depends on the year of acquisition of the unit, on the quantity of units entered in the year and on the prefix of the asset reference number. This prefix is the term to be included before the year number, in the format .. (Ex: Bib.2014.7).', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be deleted from system forever and cannot be recovered', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.1', 'name of jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.2', 'name in direct order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.indicator.1.0', 'Inverted name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.previous', 'Previous', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_with_new_schema_name', 'Restore this library using a new address', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_usertype_list', 'List user types', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.button.select_page', 'Select users in this page', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_user_types', 'User Types', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_610', 'Subject collective entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_611', 'Subject event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select_report', 'Select a Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.680', 'Scope note (SC)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.business_days', 'This configuration represents the working days at the library and shall be used by the loan and reservation modules. The main use of this configuration is to avoid scheduling the return of the copy on a date in which the library is closed.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.wait', 'Wait', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.users', 'Users', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.685', 'Historical or glossary note (GLOSS)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation', 'Circulation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.user_deleted', 'User deleted from system', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.cataloging_bibliographic', 'Bibliographic', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.cataloging', 'Bibliographic Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.supplier_number', 'Taxpayer No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.670', 'Note on the origin of term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.error.invalid_record_type', 'Blank or unknown record type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.existing_card', 'Card already exists', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.authorities.page_help', '

The search by Authorities allows retrieving information on the authors in the content of this library, if and when are cataloged

The search will look for one of the terms inserted in the following fields: {0}.

Terms are searched in its full format, however it is possible to use the asterisk (*) to look for incomplete terms, so that the search ''brasil*'' may find records containing, for example ''brasil'', ''brasilia'' and brasileiro. Double quotation marks can be used to find two terms in sequence, so that the search "my love" may find records containing the two terms together, but it will not find records such as in the text ''my first love''.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.add_field', 'Add term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_750', 'Topic Term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.goodbye', 'Goodbye', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.error.no_user_type_found', 'No User Type found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.button.select_page', 'Select items in this page', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.lending_time_limit', 'Loan term limit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.tabs.lendings', 'Loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tabs.marc', 'MARC', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_600', 'Subject person', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.groups.login', 'Login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.subtitle', 'This configuration represents a subtitle for the library, to be shown on the upper part of the Biblivre pages, just below the Name of Library . This is an optional configuration.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.x', 'General subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.selected_records_singular', '{0} Value Added', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.map', 'Map', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.e', 'Name of event subunits', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.a', 'Name of event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.c', 'Venue of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.selected_records_singular', '{0} user selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.n', 'Name of order of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.user', 'Search by User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.subfield.t', 'Title of the work close to entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.subfield.a', 'Title of series', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.490.subfield.v', 'Number of volume or sequence designation of the series', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.080.subfield.a', 'Classification Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830.indicator.2', 'Number of characters to be overridden in alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.value_is_required', 'Filling in this field is required', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.360.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.area', 'Neighborhood', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.success.create', 'New library successfully created.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.success.save', 'Request successfully included', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.group.cataloging', 'Cataloging', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.select_restore.description', 'Use this option if you wish to restore an existing Biblivre 4 backup. When the Biblivre find backups saved among your documents, you will be able to restore the, directly from the list below. Otherwise, you will have to send a backup file (extension .b4bz) through the form.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_list_by_type', 'List of Users by Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.title', 'Go to the restoration and reconfiguration screen', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.button.import_all', 'Import all the pages', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.registered_between', 'Registered between', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_count', 'Total number of Books lent in the period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.reservation', 'Reservations Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.end_date', 'Final Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.1.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.p', 'Number of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.clean_install.button', 'Start as a new library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.411.subfield.a', 'Name of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.repeat_password', 'Repeat password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete Order record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.help', 'Help', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.error.you_cannot_delete_yourself', 'You cannot delete yourself or mark you as inactive', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.button.list_all', 'List All', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1.0', 'Does not generate entry for title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.prefix', 'Prefix', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.1.1', 'Generates entry for title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.custom_count', 'Bibliographic Record Count by Marc Field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.invalid_handler', 'It was not possible to find a handler for this action', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.containing_text', 'Containing the text', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.material_type', 'Material type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.button.migrate', 'Import data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.expected_return_date', 'Expected return date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041.indicator.1', 'Indication of translation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_delete', 'Delete vocabulary record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.work_full', 'Work database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tabs.holdings', 'Copies (Units)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.paper_description', '{paper_size} {count} labels ({height} mm x {width} mm)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.search_bibliographic', 'Bibliographic', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.b', 'Date that appears close to the uniform entry title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.a', 'Uniform title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.success.delete', 'Request successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.page_help', '

Supplier routine allows supplier registration and search. Searches will search for each one of the terms inserted in the fields Fancy Name, Company Name or Taxpayer No. .

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.f', 'Work date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.530.subfield.a', 'Notes on physical form availability', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_maintenance', 'Maintenance', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.requester', 'Requester', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.multi_schema.enabled', 'The multi-library system is already active for this Biblivre 4 installation. The system administrator can deactivate this option in the multi-library configuration menu.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.n', 'Number of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.no_lendings', 'This user has no lendings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.title.author', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.id', 'Record Id', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.a', 'Name of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel editing of authority record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_699', 'Subject local', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.access_control.card_available', 'This card is available', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.400.subfield.a', 'Surname and/or Name of Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'label.login', 'Login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.title', 'Permissions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.button.import_this_page', 'Import records from this page', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.invalid_writable_path', 'Invalid path. This directory does not exist or Biblivre is not authorized to write.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.d', 'Date of acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.e', 'Number given to cquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.b', 'Address', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.c', 'Form of acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.a', 'Name of source', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.4', 'Problems with the search, registered records are not found.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.f', 'Owner', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.h', 'Purchase price', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.o', 'Type of unit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.2', 'Modification in the configuration of searchable fields;', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.subfield.n', 'Quantity of items purchased', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.uncancel', 'Card will be recovered and will be available for use', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.3', 'Import of old Biblivre records; and', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.830', 'Secondary entry - Series - Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.1.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.description.1', 'Database reindexing is a process thorugh which Biblivre analyzes each record registered, and creates indexes in certain field in order to make searches possible. This is a lengthy process that has to be executed only in the specific cases below:
', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.306.subfield.a', 'Duration time', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.active_lendings', 'Active lendings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.button.remove_login', 'Remove Login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.a', 'Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.button.select_reader', 'Select reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.b', 'Sub-location or collection', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.c', 'Location on rack', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.save', 'Impossible to save configurations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.e', 'Mail address', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.label.example', 'ex.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.button.reserve', 'Reserve', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.500.subfield.a', 'General notes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.quantity', 'Quantity of copies', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_z3950_servers', 'Z39.50 Servers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.title.quantity', 'Quantity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.same_password', 'The new password must be different from the current password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this User Type?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.usertype.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.field.code', 'Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.success.save', 'User Type successfully included', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.suffix', 'Suffix', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.400.subfield.a', 'Surname and/or name of author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360.subfield.a', 'Topical term adopted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.late_lendings', 'Late Loans Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.z', 'Public note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.856', 'Tracking of works through electronic means', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.2.2', 'analytical entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.other_name', 'Other name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.currency', 'Currency', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.q', 'Condição física da parte', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.x', 'Internal note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.delivered', 'Order received', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.u', 'URI', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.group.acquisition', 'Acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.supplier_select', 'Select a Supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.multi_schema_translations', 'Translations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.j', 'Control number in rack', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.select_page', 'Select records from this page', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.on_the_field', 'In the field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.subfield.n', 'Country code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.e', 'Name of subunits of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.c', 'Venue for the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.material_type', 'Type of material', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.fieldset.contact', 'Contacts/Phone numbers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.n', 'Number of order of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.selected_records_plural', '{0} units (copies/items) selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_400', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.common.button.upload', 'Send', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362', 'Information on Publication and/or Volume Dates', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.360', 'Remissive SA (see also) and AT (related or associated term)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.supplier_select', 'Select a Supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.shelf_location', 'Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.indicator.2._', 'no information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.dump', 'It was not possible to generate translation file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.couldnt_unzip_backup', 'Backup selected could not be unzipped', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete requisition record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.error.invalid_database', 'Invalid database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.created', 'Registered in', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this Order record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_reports', 'Create Reports', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.classification', 'Classification (CDD)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.url', 'URL', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.error.no_record_found', 'No valid Record was found in the file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.enable', 'Enable library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.record_count', 'Records in this base: {0}', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.holdings.title', 'Search Bibliographic record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record_title', 'Delete authority record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to exclude this bibliographic record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'format.date_user_friendly', 'DD/MM/YYYY', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.select_restore.library_list_inside_backup', 'Libraries in this backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_creation_by_date', 'Reporto n Total Work Inclusions by Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.birthday', 'Date of Birth', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.complement', 'Complement', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.750', 'Topical term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_type', 'User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.fine_popup.description', 'This is a ''behind schedule'' (late) return and is subject to a fine. Please check below the information presented and confirm if the fine will be added to the user records in order to be paid in the future (Fine), if it was paid together with the return (Pay) or if it will be exempted (Exempt).', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.340', 'Physical carrier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permission.success.permissions_saved', 'Permissions modified successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343', 'Data of flat coordinate', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_013', 'Information from patent control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342', 'Data on geospatial reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.added_to_list', 'Added to list', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.marc_popup.description', 'Use the box below to modify the MARC of this record before importing it.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.2', 'name in direct order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.0', 'inverted name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.confirm', 'Do you wish to confirm base reindexing?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.indicator.1.1', 'name of jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.b', 'Code of author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.a', 'Classification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.search_vocabulary', 'Vocabulary', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.modified', 'Cancellation/Alteration Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740', 'Secondary entry - Additional Title - Analytical', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_410', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_411', 'Another name format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.d', 'Copy number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.090.subfield.c', 'Edition / volume', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.error', 'Backup restoring error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_020', 'ISBN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_024', 'ISRC', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.print_receipt', 'Print receipt', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_022', 'ISSN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.form.remove', 'Remove', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.240.indicator.2.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.362.indicator.1', 'Date format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_quotation_save', 'Save quotation record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3migration', 'Import Biblivre 3 data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.info', 'Remarks', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.orders_by_date', 'Report on Orders by Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.lend_success', 'Copy (unit) lent successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_origin_schema', 'Backup did not have selected library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.edit', 'Edit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this quotation record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel inclusion of Access Cards?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_exclude_digital_media', 'Backup without digital files', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_permissions', 'Logins and Permissions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541.indicator.1', 'Privacy', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_list', 'List users', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.isrc_already_in_database', 'There is already a record with this ISRC in the database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_state', 'State', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.save_as_new', 'Save as new', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.610.indicator.1', 'Form of entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.isrc', 'ISRC', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.select.default', 'Select an option', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.help_about_biblivre', 'About Biblivre', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.save.success', 'Records imported successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel edition of supplier registration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.upload_popup.uploading', 'Sending file...', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'field.error.required', 'Filling in this field is compulsory', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.created', 'Registration Date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.reserve_date', 'Reservation date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permission.success.create_login', 'Login and permissions successfully created', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.file_not_found', 'File not found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.issn', 'ISSN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.043.subfield.a', 'Code of geographical area', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.reservation_count', 'Records reserved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.help_about_library', 'About the Library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_partial_backup.description', 'To restore only some libraries, use the form below. In this case you may either choose the libraries to be restored and they will replace the existing ones, or they will be restored as new libraries. This is useful for duplicating libraries or for checking if backup is correct.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.administration.z3950.server.active', 'Local active server z39.50', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.entity', 'Entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.success.save', 'User successfully included', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310.subfield.a', 'Usual Periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_reserved', 'Reserved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310.subfield.b', 'Date of usual periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.090', 'Call number / Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_request_delete', 'Delete requests record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.indexing_groups.vt_ta_term', 'Associated Term (AT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.newest_backup', 'Most recent Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.schemas.description', 'Please see below all the libraries registered in this Biblivre 4. Should you wish to modify a name or subtitle, please go to the configurations screen of the Library.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.description_found_backups_1', 'See below backups found in the documents in your computer. To restore these backups, press the button on your name.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.150', 'Narrower Term (NT)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_lending_return', 'Conduct work returns', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.failure.delete', 'Failure deleting user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel editing of requisition record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.add_cards', 'Ad Cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.pg_dump_path', 'Attention: This is an advanced configuration, although important. Biblivre will endeavor to automatically find the path for the program pg_dump and except in cases when an error is show below, you will not need to modify this configuration. This configuration represents the path on the server where Biblivre is installed, for the executable pg_dump which is distributed with the PostgreSQL. Should this configuration be invalid, Biblivre will not be able to create safety copies.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_authorities_move', 'Move authority record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_move_record_description_singular', 'Do you really wish to mover this record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.cancel', 'Cancel Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reindex.warning', 'This process may take some minutes, subject to the hardware configuration of your server. During this, Biblivre will not be available for record searches, but will operate again when reindexing finishes.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.user.simple_term_title', 'Fill in the terms for the search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.paid_value', 'Total Value Paid', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.delete_failure', 'Reservation delete failure', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082.subfield.a', 'Classification Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.lend', 'Lend', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.acquisition', 'Acquisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.913', 'Local code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_150', 'Narrower Term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this quotation record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3restore.confirm_description', 'Do you really wish to restore this Backup?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.fieldset.database', 'Database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.clear_simple_search', 'Clear search results', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.source_search_subtitle', 'Select a remote library and fill in the search terms. The search will provide a limit of {0} records. If you do not see the record that interests you, please refine your search.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.vocabulary_550', 'Broader Term', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_work_extension', 'Extension of commercial telephone number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this bibliographic record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_cancel_editing_title', 'Cancel editing unit record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.late_lendings_count', 'Total of late loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.no_records_found', 'No records found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.d', 'Date that appears close to the uniform entry title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.receipt_date', 'Receipt date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.user', 'Report by User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.p', 'Name of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.number_of_holdings', 'Number of Copies', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.main', 'Main', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.f', 'Date of edition of the item that is being processed', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.page_help', '

Requisition routine allows registration and search of work requisitions. A requisition is a record on a work the Library wishes to purchase and can be used to conduct Quotations with previously registered Suppliers.

Search will look for each one of the terms inserted in the fields Requester, author or Title .

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.no_reserves', 'This user has no reservations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.l', 'Text language. Language of the text in full', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.no_language_code_specified', 'The translations file sent does not have the language identifier: *language_code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.082.subfield.2', 'Number of edition of the CDD', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this quotation record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.1', 'Secondary Title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.210.indicator.2', 'Title Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_data', 'Data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.distributed.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permission.success.password_saved', 'Password modified successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_490', 'Series', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.0', 'No specified level', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.1', 'Primary subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.750.indicator.1.2', 'Secondary subject', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'The Z39.50 Server will be deleted forever from the system and cannot be restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_status.inactive', 'Inactive', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.name', 'Company Name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.unavailable', 'Backup unavailable', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.block', 'Do you really wish to block this Card?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete Z39.50 Server', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.block', 'Block Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.digitalmedia_upload', 'Upload digital media', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.fine.success_pay_fine', 'Fine paid successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation_lending', 'Loans and Returns', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.holdings_count', 'Copies', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.a', 'Surname and/or name of author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.step_1_title', 'Select origin of import data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.b', 'Numbering that follows the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.cataloging.accession_number_prefix', 'Prefix of asset reference number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.duplicated_destination_schema', 'It is not possible to restore two libraries for a single shortcut', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.reservation.record_list_reserved', 'List only records reserved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.event', 'Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.javascript_locale_not_available', 'There is no JavaScript language identifier for the translations file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.321', 'Previous Periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.no_server_found', 'No z39.50 server found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.invalid_user', 'Invalid or non-existing user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_late_lendings', 'Late loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.description', 'Select below the items you wish to import from the Biblivre 3 database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.error', 'Error', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.total_value', 'Total value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.supplier', 'Supplier', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.selected_records_singular', '{0} record selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020.subfield.a', 'ISBN number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020.subfield.c', 'Acquisition arrangement', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.confirm_description', 'Do you really wish to import Biblivre 3 data?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.button.select_reader', 'Select reader', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.score', 'Score', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.2', 'Order type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.digital_media', 'Digital Media', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.address_number', 'Number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.q', 'Complete form of the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.error.no_quotation_found', 'No quotation found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.marc_field', 'Marc Field', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.d', 'Dates associated to name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100.subfield.c', 'Title and other words associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.852.indicator.1', 'Classification scheme', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.delivery_time', 'Delivery time (as promised)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.address', 'Address', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_100', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.biblivre_report_header', 'Biblivre reports', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.all_digits', 'All', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'field.error.digits_only', 'This field must be filled in with numbers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300', 'Physical description', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.change_password.repeat_password', 'Repeat new password', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.306', 'Duration time', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.card_not_found', 'No Card found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.button.select_user', 'Select User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete Access Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1.0', 'Horizontal coordinate system', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.651.subfield.a', 'Geographical name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.unblock', 'Card will be unblocked and will be available for use', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.block', 'Card will be blocked and will not be available for use', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.310', 'Usual Periodicity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.1.1', 'Vertical coordinate system', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_access_control_list', 'List access control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.success.delete', 'User Type successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.title', 'Selected database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.cataloging_vocabulary_save', 'Save vocabulary record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.error.existing_cards', 'The following Cards already exist:', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.a', 'Work title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.holdings_by_date', 'Copies Registration Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.0', 'Geographical', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.next', 'Next', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.1', 'Map projection', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.quotation_select', 'Select one Quotation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.2', 'System of grid coordinates', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.3', 'Flat place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.4', 'Place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_110', 'Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.5', 'Geodesic model', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.lendings_current', 'Total number of Books still on loan', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.authorities_111', 'Author Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.6', 'Altitude', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.invalid_psql_path', 'Invalid path. Biblivre cannot create and recover backups because the psql file was not found.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.7', 'To specify', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.success.delete', 'Supplier successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.342.indicator.2.8', 'Depth', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.question.uncancel', 'Do you really wish to recover this Card?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.subfield.f', 'Date of work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.import_popup.title', 'Importing Records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.t', 'Title of the work close to the entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258.subfield.b', 'Denomination', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_list', 'List suppliers', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.258.subfield.a', 'Issuing jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.q', 'Complete form of name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender.1', 'Male', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.gender.2', 'Female', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.groups.admin', 'Administration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.unit_value', 'Unit Value', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type', 'Author type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.records', 'Report on Inclusion of Works during Period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_accesscards_save', 'Include access cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.c', 'Title and other terms associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.d', 'Dates associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.a', 'Surname and/or name of author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.b', 'Numbering following name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.error.save', 'Error saving quotation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700.subfield.e', 'Relation to the document', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be moved to the trash recycle bin', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.type', 'User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.title.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1.1', 'Generates entry for title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.243.indicator.1.0', 'Does not generated entry for title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.680.subfield.a', 'Scope note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.130.indicator.1', 'Number of characters to be overridden in the alphabetation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field_count.description', '

After selecting the Marc field and Ordering, please conduct bibliographic search that will be the basis for the report, or press Issue Report to use the complete bibliographic base.

Attention: Issuance of this report may take some minutes, depending on the size of the bibliographic base.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.end_number', 'End number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.modified_between', 'Modified between', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.form.hidden_subfields_singular', 'Show hidden subfield', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.z3950.error.save', 'Error saving Z39.50 Server', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.backup.schemas.description', 'Select below all the libraries that will make up the backup. If a backup has several libraries, you will be able to choose the ones to be restored when necessary.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_access_cards', 'Access Cards', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.quantity', 'Quantity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_order_save', 'Save order record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_restore', 'Restore database backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.id_rg', 'Identity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.download.button', 'Download the language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.edit', 'Edit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.label_digital_media_only', 'Backup of digital files', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.field.reservation_time_limit', 'Reservation time', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'format.datetime_user_friendly', 'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.acquisition_supplier_save', 'Save supplier record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.operator', 'Operator', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.t', 'Title of the work close to the entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.q', 'Complete format of the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_question.forever', 'Do you really wish to delete this requisition record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_710', 'Secondary Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.record_will_be_ignored', 'This record will not be imported', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_711', 'Secondary Author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.d', 'Dates associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configurations.error.value_must_be_numeric', 'The value in this field must be numeric', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.summary', 'Catalogue Summary Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.550', 'BT (broader term)', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.a', 'Name and/or surname of author', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.field.status', 'Status', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_field.id', 'User number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.b', 'Numbering following name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.c', 'Title and other terms associated to the name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_remove_attachment_description', 'Do you wish to delete this digital file?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.simple_term_title', 'Fill in User Type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'warning.reindex_database', 'You need database reindexing', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.groups.cataloging', 'Cataloging', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.user.select_item_button', 'Select record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.advanced_search', 'Bibliographic Advanced Search', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre4restore.error.description', 'Regrettably an error occurred when restoring this Biblivre 4 backup. Check next screen through the error log and, if necessary, go to the Biblivre forum for assistance.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.z', 'Geographical subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.amount', 'Quantity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.x', 'General subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.600.subfield.y', 'Chronological subdivision', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.users_without_user_card', 'List only users that never had their library card printed', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.confirm_remove_attachment', 'Delete digital file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_question', 'Do you really wish to delete this requisition record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.k', 'Subheadings', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.error.accession_number_unavailable', 'This asset reference number is already in use by other unit. Please fill in another value or leave it blank so that the system can make the calculation automatically.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete requisition record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.100', 'Person', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.button.add', 'Add', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.change_status.title.uncancel', 'Recover Card', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.field.created', 'Order date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_730', 'Uniform Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.records_found_plural', '{0} records found', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.100.indicator.1', 'Entry form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.error.shouldnt_delete_because_holding_is_or_was_lent', 'This unit is or was already lent and must not be deleted. Should it be no longer available, the correct procedure is to change from ''available'' to ''unavailable''. However, if you still wish to delete this unit, press button "Force Deletion ".', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.page_help', '

The "User Registry" allows storing information on readers and library employees in order to facilitate lendings, reservations and also to control access of these users to the library.

Before registering a user it is recommended to check whether he/she is already registered, through a Simple search, which will search each of the terms inserted in the selected field or through an Advanced research , which provides a better control on users found, allowing, for example, searching users with pending fines.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.110', 'Collective Entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.order.selected_records_plural', '{0} Values Added', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.author_type.111', 'Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.button.unblock', 'Unblock', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.a', 'Name of entity or of place', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.b', 'Subordinated units', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.edition', 'Edition number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.c', 'Venue of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.city', 'City', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.d', 'Date of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'aquisition.quotation.error.quotation_not_found', 'It was not possible to find the quotation', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.l', 'Text language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_740', 'Analytical Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.n', 'Number of part - section of the work', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.success.save', 'Language file processed successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.1', 'Name of jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.administration_translations', 'Translations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.isbn', 'ISBN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.0', 'Inverted name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710.subfield.t', 'Title of the work close to entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110.indicator.1.2', 'Name in the direct order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.type.vocabulary', 'Vocabulary', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation_reservation', 'Reservations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.b', 'Illustrations', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.a', 'Number of volumes and/or pages', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.c', 'Dimensions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.option.location', 'Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.2', 'Type of title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.246.indicator.1', 'Note control/secondary title entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.record.success.save', 'Record successfully included', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.success.update', 'User Type successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.custom.user_field.phone_work', 'Commercial Telephone No.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.e', 'Additional material', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.f', 'Type of storage unit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.g', 'Size of storage unit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.users.failure.disable', 'Failure marking user as inactive', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_090', 'Location', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.bibliographic.id', 'Record Id', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.library', 'Library', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.upload_popup.title', 'Opening file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2.2', 'analytical entry', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.schemas.title', 'List of Libraries in this Server', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.estimated_fine', 'Estimated fine in case of return today', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be permanently deleted from the system and cannot be retrieved.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.migrate.success', 'Data imported successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.041', 'Language code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.040', 'Cataloging source', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'search.common.button.filter', 'Filter', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.043', 'Code of geographical area', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configurations.error.disable_multi_schema_outside_global', 'It is not possible to disable the multi-libraries scheme within a library.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.backup_never_downloaded', 'This backup was never downloaded', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.045', 'Code for the chronological period', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing.1', 'Do you wish to cancel editing this authority record?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.confirm_cancel_editing.2', 'All the modifications will be lost', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_082', 'CDD', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.authorities.indexing_groups.total', 'Total', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.fine.pending', 'Pending', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_080', 'CDU', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.upload.field.user_created', 'Upload translations created by the user', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.corrupted_backup_file', 'Backup selected is not a valid file or is corrupt', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.labels.popup.title', 'Labels format', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.6', '6 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.7', '7 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.8', '8 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.300.subfield.3', 'Additional Material Specification', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.9', '9 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.general.business_days', 'Business days', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.2', '2 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.3', '3 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.4', '4 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.5', '5 characters to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.555.indicator.1', 'Constant exhibition control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.title', 'Biblivre 3 data migration', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.0', 'No character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.success.description', 'Data successfully imported', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.245.indicator.2.1', '1 character to be overridden', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.select.option.bibliography', 'Author Bibliography Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.field.vat_registration_number', 'State registration number', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.record_moved', 'Record moved to {0}', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.receipt.renews', 'Renewals', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tabs.brief', 'Catalographic Summary', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.vocabulary.datafield.685.subfield.i', 'Explanatory text', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.reinstall.confirm.question', 'Your attention, please. All the options will delete the data in your library in favor of the retrieved data. Do you wish to continue?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.select.default', 'Select an option', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_095', 'Area is known by the CNPq', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.button.new', 'New record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.029', 'ISNM', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.user_status.inactive', 'Inactive', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.nonmusical_sound', 'No musical sound', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.022', 'ISSN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.024', 'Other standardized numbers or codes', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595.subfield.b', 'Notes for bibliography, indices and/or appendices', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.595.subfield.a', 'Bibliography code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.020', 'ISBN', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343.subfield.a', 'Method for codification of flat coordinate', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.button', 'Import Biblivre 3 data', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.343.subfield.b', 'Flat distance unit', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.circulation.lending_receipt.printer.type', 'Type of printer for loan receipts', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.n', 'Number of order of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'login.error.user_has_login', 'This user already has a login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.2', 'name in direct order', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.close', 'Close', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.1', 'name of jurisdiction', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.e', 'Name of event subunits', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711.indicator.1.0', 'inverted name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_041', 'Language', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.d', 'Event date', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.c', 'Venue for the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.translations.error.invalid_file', 'Invalid file', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_043', 'Geographical Code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.import.save.failed', 'Error when importing Records', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.success.update', 'Request successfully saved', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.tab.record.custom.field_label.biblio_045', 'Chronological Code', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.g', 'Additional information', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.upload_popup.title', 'Sending File', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.form', 'Form', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'format.date', 'dd/MM/yyyy', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.111.subfield.a', 'Name of the event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.user_type.page_help', '

The Users Type routine allows registration and search of Users types used by the Users Registration routine. Herein you will find definitions about pieces of information such as Limits of simultaneous Loans, terms for loan returns and daily fines for each type of user separately.

When accessing this routine, Biblivre will automatically list all the types of Users previously registered. You will be able to filter that list, inserting the Name of a Type of User you wish to trace.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.success.unblock', 'Card unblocked successfully', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.110', 'Author - Collective entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.013', 'Information about patent control', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.111', 'Author - Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.login', 'Login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configuration.title.general.subtitle', 'Subtitle of this Group of Libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730', 'Secondary entry - Uniform title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.949', 'Asset cataloging reference', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'error.invalid_parameters', 'Biblivre could not understand parameters received', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.525.subfield.a', 'Supplementary Note', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.indexing_groups.title', 'Title', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.success.save', 'Quotation successfully included', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.administration_permissions', 'Manage permissions', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.late_lendings', 'Late Lendings Report', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.general.backup_path', 'This configuration represents the path on the server where Biblivre is installed, for the file in which Biblivre security copies are to be kept. Should this configuration be empty, security copies will be save on the directory Biblivre in the folder of the user of the system.
The recommendation is to associate this path to any kind of automatic backup in cloud such as the services Dropbox, SkyDrive or Google Drive. Should Biblivre be unable to keep the files in the specified path, they will be kept in a temporary directory and may not become available. Please remember that a backup is the only way to retrieve data inserted in Biblivre.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.request.field.author_type', 'Author type', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.lending.lending_count', 'Copies lent', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.confirm_delete_record_title.forever', 'Delete User Login', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.holding.datafield.541', 'Note on acquisition source', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.authorities.datafield.100', 'Author - Personal name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.title.user_creation_count', 'Total of Inclusions by User', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.700', 'Secondary entry - Personal name', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.unblock', 'Unblock', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_schema', 'Backup list has one or more invalid libraries', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'common.calculating', 'Calculating', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.material_type.all', 'All', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.field.requisition', 'Requisition', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.manage.error.create', 'Failure creating new library.', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.710', 'Secondary entry - Collective Entity', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.711', 'Secondary entry - Event', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record.forever', 'It will be deleted forever from the system and cannot be restored', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.configuration.description.general.subtitle', 'Subtitle shown when the main page in this library broup is accessed. This page will list all the registered libraries in this group (managed by the same Biblivre 4).', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.success.delete', 'Quotation successfully deleted', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.740.indicator.2._', 'no information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.lendings', 'Loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.selected_records_plural', '{0} users selected', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.lending.error.limit_exceeded', 'The selected reader surpassed the limit of authorized loans', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.title', 'Opciones de Restauración de Backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.select_restore.description_found_backups', 'Abajo están los backups encontrados en la carpeta {0} del servidor Biblivre. Pulse sobre el backup para ver la lista de opciones de restauración disponibles.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.warning_overwrite', 'Atención: ya existe una biblioteca registrada con la dirección arriba. Si usted efectuara la restauración con esta opción seleccionada, el contenido de la biblioteca existente será sustituido por el contenido del Backup.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.backup.schemas.title', 'Copia de Seguridad (Backup) de Bibliotecas Múltiples', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_destination_schema', 'El atajo de destino es inválido.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.select_restore.title', 'Restauración de Backup de Bibliotecas Múltiples', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_with_original_schema_name', 'Restaurar esta biblioteca usando su dirección original.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.error.cant_disable_last_library', 'No es posible deshabilitar todas las bibliotecas de este grupo. Al menos una debe quedar habilitada.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.backup_file_not_found', 'Archivo de backup no encontrado', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.dont_restore', 'No restaurar esta biblioteca', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_complete_backup.description', 'En caso de desear restaurar todo el contenido de este backup, use la tecla abajo. Atención: Esto sustituirá TODO el contenido de su Biblivre, incluso sustituyendo todas las bibliotecas existentes por las que se encuentran en el backup. Use esta opción solo si desea retornar completamente en el tiempo, hasta la fecha del backup.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_partial_backup.title', 'Restaurar bibliotecas de acuerdo con los criterios arriba.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.disable', 'Deshabilitar biblioteca', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_complete_backup.title', 'Restaurar todas las informaciones del Backup, substituyendo todas las bibliotecas de este Biblivre.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.error.toggle', 'Error al cambiar el estado de la biblioteca.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configurations.error.disable_multi_schema_schema_count', 'No es posible deshabilitar el sistema de multi bibliotecas mientras exista más de una biblioteca habilitada.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_with_new_schema_name', 'Restaurar esta biblioteca usando una nueva dirección.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.select_restore.description', 'Use esta opción en caso de desear restaurar un backup existente del Biblivre 4. En el caso de que el Biblivre encuentre backups guardados en sus documentos, usted podrá restaurarlos directamente de la lista siguiente. De lo contrario, usted deberá enviar un archivo de backup (extensión .b4bz) a través del formulario.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.select_restore.library_list_inside_backup', 'Bibliotecas en este backup', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.invalid_origin_schema', 'El Backup no posee la biblioteca seleccionada.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_partial_backup.description', 'Para restaurar solo algunas bibliotecas, use el formulario siguiente. En este caso usted podrá elegir qué bibliotecas serán restauradas y si ellas sustituirán a las existentes o si serán restauradas como nuevas bibliotecas. Esto es útil para duplicar bibliotecas o verificar si el backup está correcto.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.manage.enable', 'Habilitar biblioteca', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'administration.maintenance.backup.error.duplicated_destination_schema', 'No es posible restaurar dos bibliotecas para un único atajo.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.backup.schemas.description', 'Seleccione abajo todas las bibliotecas que formarán parte del backup. Aunque un backup contenga distintas bibliotecas, usted podrá elegir cuál desea restaurar cuando así lo precise.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('es', 'multi_schema.configurations.error.disable_multi_schema_outside_global', 'No es posible deshabilitar el sistema de multi bibliotecas del interior de una biblioteca.', '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:23.669888', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('pt-BR', 'multi_schema.restore.restore_partial_backup.description', 'Para restaurar apenas algumas bibliotecas, use o formulário abaixo. Neste caso você poderá escolher quais bibliotecas serão restauradas e se elas substituirão as existentes ou se serão restauradas como novas bibliotecas. Isto é útil para duplicar bibliotecas ou verificar se o backup está correto.', '2014-07-19 13:48:01.039737', 1, '2014-07-26 10:56:27.710005', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding_help', '

Use the form below to speed up the Copies creation process. This is an optional step and no holding will be created if the form below is left blank. In that case, you can create your holdings in the Copies tab.

If you want to create the Copies now, the only mandatory field is "Number of Copies". This field will decide the number of copies created for each volume, so, if the bibliographic record has 3 volumes and you set "Number of Copies" as 2, 6 copies will be created, 2 for each volume. If there''s only one volume, fill in the "Volume Number" field, and if there''s no volume, leave both fields blank.

', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.logged_in_text', 'Greeting message for logged users', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_reservation.page_help', '

To reserve your selected book, please search for it below, just like in the Bibliographic Search module.

', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'warning.download_site', 'Go to download site', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.id', 'Registration No.', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_count', 'Number of copies', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.title.logged_out_text', 'Greeting message for unlogged users', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding_title', 'Automatic Copies Creation', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_reservation_list', 'List reserves', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.biblio_reservation', 'Reserves by bibliographical record', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.indicator.2._', 'no information provided', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.circulation_user_reservation', 'Reserves', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.logged_in_text', 'Message that will show at Biblivre''s welcome screen, for users that have logged in. You may use HTML tags, but be careful not to break Biblivre''s layout. Warning: this configuration is related to the Translations module. Changes made here will only affect the current language. To change other languages, use the Translations Module or open Biblivre in the desired language.', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'warning.new_version', 'There''s an update for Biblivre 4 available
Current Version: {0}. Latest version: {1}', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.holdings_count', 'Number of copies', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.multi_schema_backup', 'Backup and Restore', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_acquisition_date', 'Acquisition date', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_library', 'Depository Library', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'menu.self_circulation', 'Reserves', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_reservation_reserve', 'Reserve', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.configuration.description.logged_out_text', 'Message that will show at Biblivre''s welcome screen, for users that haven''t logged in. You may use HTML tags, but be careful not to break Biblivre''s layout. Warning: this configuration is related to the Translations module. Changes made here will only affect the current language. To change other languages, use the Translations Module or open Biblivre in the desired language.', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.field.holding_reservation', 'Reserves by Holding Id', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.migration.groups.reservations', 'Reserves', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.730.subfield.a', 'Uniform title given to document', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_acquisition_type', 'Acquisition Type', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.permissions.items.circulation_user_reservation', 'Reserve a book yourself', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_volume_number', 'Volume number', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.bibliographic.automatic_holding.holding_volume_count', 'Number of volumes', '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, '2014-07-26 12:01:11.320131', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.setup.biblivre3import.description', 'A Biblivre 3 installation was detected in this computer. You may wish to import these data for Biblivre 4, by selecting the items you are interested in, and pressing the button below. After importation, you will have to reindex the three bases: the Bibliographic one, and the ones for Authorities and Vocabulary , through the "Maintenance" screen in "Administration" and select again the permissions of employees with access to Biblivre, through the "Logins and Permissions" screen in "Administration".', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.quotation.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be sent to the "trash" recycle bin database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record.inactive', 'He will be deleted from the search list and will only be found through an "advanced search", from which he can be excluded forever, or recovered', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.trash_full', 'Recycle "trash" bin', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.vocabulary.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be moved to the recycle-bin "trash" database"', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.holding.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be moved to the recycle "trash" bin', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'marc.bibliographic.datafield.501', 'Notes starting with the term "with"', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user_cards.page_help', '

The module"Printing User Cards" allows generating the identification labels of the library readers.

It is possible to generate the user cards for one or more readers in a single printing, using the search below.

After finding the reader(s), use the button "Select user " to add them to the User Cards printing list. You can do several searches, without missing the previous selection. Once you are satisfied with the selection, press the button "print user cards ". You can select the position of the first user card in the label page.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'cataloging.database.trash', 'Recycle "trash" bin', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.reports.page_help', '

The Reports routine allows to create and print several reports made available by Biblivre. Reports available are Split among the Acquisition, Cataloging and Circulation routines.

Some of the reports available have filters, such as Bibliographic Base, or Term, for example. For others, you just have to select the report and press "Generate Report" ".

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_question.inactive', 'Do you really wish to mark this user as "inactive "?', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'administration.accesscards.page_help', '

Routine for Access Cards allows registration and search of Cards used by Access control routines. Biblivre offers two registration options:

  • Register New Card: Use just one access card;
  • To Register Card Sequence: use more than just one access card in sequence. Use the field "pre-visualization'' to see how card will be numbered.

When accessing this routine, Biblivre will automatically list all the Access Cards previously registered. You may then filter that list, inserting the Code of the Access Card you wish to find.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'multi_schema.translations.page_help', '

The module of "Translations" for Multilibraries Works similarly to the version corresponding to just one library. However, texts which were modified here will be applied to all the libraries in the group, provided they have not modified the original value of each translation.

For example, if you modify the translation of the key "menu.search" from "Search" to "Trace" through the Translations module for multi-libraries, all the libraries in this group will see the new translation. However, if one of the administrators of one of these libraries modifies, through the "Translations" module of his library, the same key to "Search", this in-house translation will have priority just for this library.

In order to add a new language, you will have to download the language file in Portuguese, do the translation of the texts and then upload the file. Remember that only the texts (after the = sign) must be modified. Do not modify the keys, as otherwise the Biblivre 4 will not be able to trace the text

Example: Let´s say that you wish to modify the text in the main menu from Search to Trace. You will have to download the language file and modify this line:

*menu.search = Search


*menu.search = Trace

and then upload the language file. Biblivre 4 will process the file and will modify the menu text.

', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'acquisition.supplier.confirm_delete_record.trash', 'It will be moved to the "trash" database', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); INSERT INTO translations (language, key, text, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, user_created) VALUES ('en-US', 'circulation.user.confirm_delete_record_title.inactive', 'Mark user as "inactive"', '2014-07-26 10:56:18.338867', 1, '2014-07-26 13:41:48.22945', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 2438 (class 0 OID 741275) -- Dependencies: 168 -- Data for Name: versions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO versions (installed_versions) VALUES ('4.0.0b'); -- -- TOC entry 2423 (class 2606 OID 741283) -- Dependencies: 163 163 -- Name: PK_configurations; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY configurations ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_configurations" PRIMARY KEY (key); -- -- TOC entry 2425 (class 2606 OID 741285) -- Dependencies: 164 164 -- Name: PK_logins; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY logins ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_logins" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2429 (class 2606 OID 741287) -- Dependencies: 166 166 -- Name: PK_schemas; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY schemas ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_schemas" PRIMARY KEY (schema); -- -- TOC entry 2431 (class 2606 OID 741289) -- Dependencies: 167 167 167 -- Name: PK_translations; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY translations ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_translations" PRIMARY KEY (language, key); -- -- TOC entry 2433 (class 2606 OID 741291) -- Dependencies: 168 168 -- Name: PK_versions; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY versions ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_versions" PRIMARY KEY (installed_versions); -- -- TOC entry 2427 (class 2606 OID 741293) -- Dependencies: 164 164 -- Name: UN_logins; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: global; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY logins ADD CONSTRAINT "UN_logins" UNIQUE (login); -- Completed on 2014-06-21 12:16:47 BRT -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 9.1.4 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.1.4 -- Started on 2014-06-09 23:23:00 BRT SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- TOC entry 8 (class 2615 OID 729290) -- Name: bib4template; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SCHEMA bib4template; ALTER SCHEMA bib4template OWNER TO biblivre; SET search_path = bib4template, pg_catalog; -- -- TOC entry 268 (class 1255 OID 729291) -- Dependencies: 8 835 -- Name: clear_indexing_type(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE FUNCTION clear_indexing_type() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM "' || TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '".' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_idx_fields WHERE indexing_group_id = ' || OLD.id; EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM "' || TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '".' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_idx_sort WHERE indexing_group_id = ' || OLD.id; RETURN NULL; END; $$; ALTER FUNCTION bib4template.clear_indexing_type() OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 269 (class 1255 OID 729292) -- Dependencies: 8 835 -- Name: clear_record(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE FUNCTION clear_record() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM "' || TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '".' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_idx_fields WHERE record_id = ' || OLD.id; EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM "' || TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '".' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_idx_sort WHERE record_id = ' || OLD.id; EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM "' || TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '".' || TG_ARGV[0] || '_search_results WHERE record_id = ' || OLD.id; RETURN NULL; END; $$; ALTER FUNCTION bib4template.clear_record() OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 169 (class 1259 OID 729293) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: access_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE access_cards_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.access_cards_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2822 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 169 -- Name: access_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('access_cards_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- TOC entry 170 (class 1259 OID 729295) -- Dependencies: 2462 2463 2464 8 -- Name: access_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE access_cards ( id integer DEFAULT nextval('access_cards_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, code character varying NOT NULL, status character varying NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.access_cards OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 171 (class 1259 OID 729304) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: access_control_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE access_control_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.access_control_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2823 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 171 -- Name: access_control_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('access_control_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 172 (class 1259 OID 729306) -- Dependencies: 2465 2466 2467 2468 8 -- Name: access_control; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE access_control ( id integer DEFAULT nextval('access_control_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, access_card_id integer NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL, arrival_time timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, departure_time timestamp without time zone, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.access_control OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 173 (class 1259 OID 729313) -- Dependencies: 2469 2470 8 -- Name: authorities_brief_formats; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_brief_formats ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, format text NOT NULL, sort_order integer, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_brief_formats OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 174 (class 1259 OID 729321) -- Dependencies: 2471 2472 2473 2474 8 -- Name: authorities_form_datafields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_form_datafields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, indicator_1 character varying, indicator_2 character varying, material_type character varying, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_form_datafields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 175 (class 1259 OID 729331) -- Dependencies: 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 8 -- Name: authorities_form_subfields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_form_subfields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, autocomplete_type character varying DEFAULT 'disabled'::character varying NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_form_subfields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 176 (class 1259 OID 729342) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: authorities_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_idx_autocomplete ( id integer NOT NULL, datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, word character varying NOT NULL, phrase character varying NOT NULL, record_id integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_idx_autocomplete OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 177 (class 1259 OID 729348) -- Dependencies: 8 176 -- Name: authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2824 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 177 -- Name: authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq OWNED BY authorities_idx_autocomplete.id; -- -- TOC entry 2825 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 177 -- Name: authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 178 (class 1259 OID 729350) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: authorities_idx_fields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_idx_fields ( record_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, word character varying NOT NULL, datafield integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_idx_fields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 179 (class 1259 OID 729356) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: authorities_idx_sort; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_idx_sort ( record_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, phrase character varying, ignore_chars_count integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_idx_sort OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 180 (class 1259 OID 729362) -- Dependencies: 2481 2482 2483 2484 8 -- Name: authorities_indexing_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_indexing_groups ( id integer NOT NULL, translation_key character varying NOT NULL, datafields text, sortable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, default_sort boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_indexing_groups OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 181 (class 1259 OID 729372) -- Dependencies: 8 180 -- Name: authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2826 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 181 -- Name: authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq OWNED BY authorities_indexing_groups.id; -- -- TOC entry 2827 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 181 -- Name: authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq', 5, false); -- -- TOC entry 182 (class 1259 OID 729374) -- Dependencies: 2486 2487 2488 8 -- Name: authorities_records; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_records ( id integer NOT NULL, iso2709 text NOT NULL, material character varying(20), database character varying(10) DEFAULT 'main'::character varying NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_records OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 183 (class 1259 OID 729383) -- Dependencies: 8 182 -- Name: authorities_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE authorities_records_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_records_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2828 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 183 -- Name: authorities_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE authorities_records_id_seq OWNED BY authorities_records.id; -- -- TOC entry 2829 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 183 -- Name: authorities_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('authorities_records_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 184 (class 1259 OID 729385) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: authorities_search_results; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_search_results ( search_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, record_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_search_results OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 185 (class 1259 OID 729388) -- Dependencies: 2490 8 -- Name: authorities_searches; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE authorities_searches ( id integer NOT NULL, parameters text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_searches OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 186 (class 1259 OID 729395) -- Dependencies: 8 185 -- Name: authorities_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE authorities_searches_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.authorities_searches_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2830 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 186 -- Name: authorities_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE authorities_searches_id_seq OWNED BY authorities_searches.id; -- -- TOC entry 2831 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 186 -- Name: authorities_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('authorities_searches_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 187 (class 1259 OID 729397) -- Dependencies: 2492 2493 8 -- Name: backups; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE backups ( id integer NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, path character varying, schemas character varying NOT NULL, type character varying NOT NULL, scope character varying NOT NULL, downloaded boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, steps integer, current_step integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.backups OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 188 (class 1259 OID 729405) -- Dependencies: 8 187 -- Name: backups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE backups_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.backups_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2832 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 188 -- Name: backups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE backups_id_seq OWNED BY backups.id; -- -- TOC entry 2833 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 188 -- Name: backups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('backups_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 189 (class 1259 OID 729407) -- Dependencies: 2495 2496 8 -- Name: biblio_brief_formats; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_brief_formats ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, format text NOT NULL, sort_order integer, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_brief_formats OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 190 (class 1259 OID 729415) -- Dependencies: 2497 2498 2499 2500 8 -- Name: biblio_form_datafields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_form_datafields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, indicator_1 character varying, indicator_2 character varying, material_type character varying, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_form_datafields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 191 (class 1259 OID 729425) -- Dependencies: 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 8 -- Name: biblio_form_subfields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_form_subfields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, autocomplete_type character varying DEFAULT 'disabled'::character varying NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_form_subfields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 192 (class 1259 OID 729436) -- Dependencies: 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 8 -- Name: biblio_holdings; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_holdings ( id integer NOT NULL, record_id integer NOT NULL, iso2709 text NOT NULL, database character varying(10) DEFAULT 'main'::character varying NOT NULL, accession_number character varying NOT NULL, location_d character varying, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, material character varying(20), availability character varying DEFAULT 'available'::character varying NOT NULL, label_printed boolean DEFAULT false ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_holdings OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 193 (class 1259 OID 729447) -- Dependencies: 8 192 -- Name: biblio_holdings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE biblio_holdings_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_holdings_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2834 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 193 -- Name: biblio_holdings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE biblio_holdings_id_seq OWNED BY biblio_holdings.id; -- -- TOC entry 2835 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 193 -- Name: biblio_holdings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('biblio_holdings_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 194 (class 1259 OID 729449) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: biblio_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_idx_autocomplete ( id integer NOT NULL, datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, word character varying NOT NULL, phrase character varying NOT NULL, record_id integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_idx_autocomplete OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 195 (class 1259 OID 729455) -- Dependencies: 8 194 -- Name: biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2836 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 195 -- Name: biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq OWNED BY biblio_idx_autocomplete.id; -- -- TOC entry 196 (class 1259 OID 729457) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: biblio_idx_fields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_idx_fields ( record_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, word character varying NOT NULL, datafield integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_idx_fields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 197 (class 1259 OID 729463) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: biblio_idx_sort; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_idx_sort ( record_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, phrase character varying, ignore_chars_count integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_idx_sort OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 198 (class 1259 OID 729469) -- Dependencies: 2513 2514 2515 2516 8 -- Name: biblio_indexing_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_indexing_groups ( id integer NOT NULL, translation_key character varying NOT NULL, datafields text, sortable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, default_sort boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_indexing_groups OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 199 (class 1259 OID 729479) -- Dependencies: 8 198 -- Name: biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2838 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 199 -- Name: biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq OWNED BY biblio_indexing_groups.id; -- -- TOC entry 2839 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 199 -- Name: biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq', 7, false); -- -- TOC entry 200 (class 1259 OID 729481) -- Dependencies: 2518 2519 2520 8 -- Name: biblio_records; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_records ( id integer NOT NULL, iso2709 text NOT NULL, material character varying(20), database character varying(10) DEFAULT 'main'::character varying NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_records OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 201 (class 1259 OID 729490) -- Dependencies: 8 200 -- Name: biblio_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE biblio_records_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_records_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2840 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 201 -- Name: biblio_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE biblio_records_id_seq OWNED BY biblio_records.id; -- -- TOC entry 2841 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 201 -- Name: biblio_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('biblio_records_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 202 (class 1259 OID 729492) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: biblio_search_results; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_search_results ( search_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, record_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_search_results OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 203 (class 1259 OID 729495) -- Dependencies: 2522 8 -- Name: biblio_searches; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE biblio_searches ( id integer NOT NULL, parameters text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_searches OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 204 (class 1259 OID 729502) -- Dependencies: 8 203 -- Name: biblio_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE biblio_searches_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.biblio_searches_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2842 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 204 -- Name: biblio_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE biblio_searches_id_seq OWNED BY biblio_searches.id; -- -- TOC entry 2843 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 204 -- Name: biblio_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('biblio_searches_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 205 (class 1259 OID 729504) -- Dependencies: 2524 2525 2526 8 -- Name: configurations; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE configurations ( key character varying NOT NULL, value character varying NOT NULL, type character varying DEFAULT 'string'::character varying NOT NULL, required boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.configurations OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 206 (class 1259 OID 729513) -- Dependencies: 2527 8 -- Name: digital_media; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE digital_media ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying, blob oid NOT NULL, content_type character varying, size bigint, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.digital_media OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 207 (class 1259 OID 729520) -- Dependencies: 8 206 -- Name: digital_media_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE digital_media_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.digital_media_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2844 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 207 -- Name: digital_media_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE digital_media_id_seq OWNED BY digital_media.id; -- -- TOC entry 2845 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 207 -- Name: digital_media_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('digital_media_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 208 (class 1259 OID 729522) -- Dependencies: 2529 8 -- Name: holding_creation_counter; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE holding_creation_counter ( id integer NOT NULL, user_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, user_login character varying(100), created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.holding_creation_counter OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 209 (class 1259 OID 729526) -- Dependencies: 8 208 -- Name: holding_creation_counter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE holding_creation_counter_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.holding_creation_counter_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2846 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 209 -- Name: holding_creation_counter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE holding_creation_counter_id_seq OWNED BY holding_creation_counter.id; -- -- TOC entry 2847 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 209 -- Name: holding_creation_counter_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('holding_creation_counter_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 210 (class 1259 OID 729528) -- Dependencies: 2531 2532 2533 2534 8 -- Name: holding_form_datafields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE holding_form_datafields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, indicator_1 character varying, indicator_2 character varying, material_type character varying, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.holding_form_datafields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 211 (class 1259 OID 729538) -- Dependencies: 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 8 -- Name: holding_form_subfields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE holding_form_subfields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, autocomplete_type character varying DEFAULT 'disabled'::character varying NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.holding_form_subfields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 212 (class 1259 OID 729549) -- Dependencies: 2540 8 -- Name: lending_fines; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE lending_fines ( id integer NOT NULL, lending_id integer NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL, fine_value real NOT NULL, payment_date timestamp without time zone, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.lending_fines OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 213 (class 1259 OID 729553) -- Dependencies: 212 8 -- Name: lending_fines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE lending_fines_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.lending_fines_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2848 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 213 -- Name: lending_fines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE lending_fines_id_seq OWNED BY lending_fines.id; -- -- TOC entry 2849 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 213 -- Name: lending_fines_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('lending_fines_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 214 (class 1259 OID 729555) -- Dependencies: 2542 8 -- Name: lendings; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE lendings ( id integer NOT NULL, holding_id integer NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL, previous_lending_id integer, expected_return_date timestamp without time zone, return_date timestamp without time zone, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.lendings OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 215 (class 1259 OID 729559) -- Dependencies: 8 214 -- Name: lendings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE lendings_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.lendings_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2850 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 215 -- Name: lendings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE lendings_id_seq OWNED BY lendings.id; -- -- TOC entry 2851 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 215 -- Name: lendings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('lendings_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 216 (class 1259 OID 729561) -- Dependencies: 2544 2545 2546 8 -- Name: logins; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE logins ( id integer NOT NULL, login character varying NOT NULL, employee boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, password text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.logins OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 217 (class 1259 OID 729570) -- Dependencies: 8 216 -- Name: logins_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE logins_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.logins_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2852 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 217 -- Name: logins_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE logins_id_seq OWNED BY logins.id; -- -- TOC entry 2853 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 217 -- Name: logins_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('logins_id_seq', 2, false); -- -- TOC entry 218 (class 1259 OID 729572) -- Dependencies: 2548 2549 2550 2551 8 -- Name: orders; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE orders ( id integer NOT NULL, info text, status character varying, invoice_number character varying, receipt_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), total_value numeric, delivered_quantity integer, terms_of_payment character varying, deadline_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, quotation_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.orders OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 219 (class 1259 OID 729582) -- Dependencies: 8 218 -- Name: orders_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE orders_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.orders_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2854 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 219 -- Name: orders_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE orders_id_seq OWNED BY orders.id; -- -- TOC entry 2855 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 219 -- Name: orders_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('orders_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 220 (class 1259 OID 729584) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: permissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE permissions ( login_id integer NOT NULL, permission character varying(80) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.permissions OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 221 (class 1259 OID 729587) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: quotations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE quotations_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.quotations_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2856 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 221 -- Name: quotations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('quotations_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 222 (class 1259 OID 729589) -- Dependencies: 2553 2554 2555 8 -- Name: quotations; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE quotations ( id integer DEFAULT nextval('quotations_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, supplier_id integer NOT NULL, response_date timestamp without time zone, expiration_date timestamp without time zone, delivery_time integer, info text, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.quotations OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 223 (class 1259 OID 729598) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: request_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE request_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.request_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2857 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 223 -- Name: request_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('request_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 224 (class 1259 OID 729600) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: request_quotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE request_quotation ( request_id integer NOT NULL, quotation_id integer NOT NULL, quotation_quantity integer, unit_value numeric, response_quantity integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.request_quotation OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 225 (class 1259 OID 729606) -- Dependencies: 2556 2557 2558 8 -- Name: requests; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE requests ( id integer DEFAULT nextval('request_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, requester character varying, author character varying, item_title character varying, item_subtitle character varying, edition_number character varying, publisher character varying, info text, status character varying, quantity integer, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.requests OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 226 (class 1259 OID 729615) -- Dependencies: 2559 8 -- Name: reservations; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE reservations ( id integer NOT NULL, record_id integer NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL, expires timestamp without time zone, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.reservations OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 227 (class 1259 OID 729619) -- Dependencies: 226 8 -- Name: reservations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE reservations_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.reservations_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2858 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 227 -- Name: reservations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE reservations_id_seq OWNED BY reservations.id; -- -- TOC entry 2859 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 227 -- Name: reservations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('reservations_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 228 (class 1259 OID 729621) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: supplier_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE supplier_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.supplier_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2860 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 228 -- Name: supplier_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('supplier_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 229 (class 1259 OID 729623) -- Dependencies: 2561 2562 2563 8 -- Name: suppliers; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE suppliers ( id integer DEFAULT nextval('supplier_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, trademark character varying NOT NULL, supplier_name character varying, supplier_number character varying NOT NULL, vat_registration_number character varying, address character varying, address_number character varying, address_complement character varying, area character varying, city character varying, state character varying, country character varying, zip_code character varying, telephone_1 character varying, telephone_2 character varying, telephone_3 character varying, telephone_4 character varying, contact_1 character varying, contact_2 character varying, contact_3 character varying, contact_4 character varying, info character varying, url character varying, email character varying, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.suppliers OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 230 (class 1259 OID 729632) -- Dependencies: 2564 2565 2566 8 -- Name: translations; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE translations ( language character varying NOT NULL, key character varying NOT NULL, text text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, user_created boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.translations OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 231 (class 1259 OID 729641) -- Dependencies: 2567 2568 2569 8 -- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE users ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, type integer, photo_id character varying, status character varying NOT NULL, login_id integer, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, user_card_printed boolean DEFAULT false, name_ascii character varying ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.users OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 232 (class 1259 OID 729650) -- Dependencies: 2571 2572 2573 2574 8 -- Name: users_fields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE users_fields ( key character varying NOT NULL, type character varying NOT NULL, required boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, max_length integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, sort_order integer, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.users_fields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 233 (class 1259 OID 729660) -- Dependencies: 8 231 -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE users_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.users_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2861 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 233 -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE users_id_seq OWNED BY users.id; -- -- TOC entry 2862 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 233 -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 234 (class 1259 OID 729662) -- Dependencies: 2575 2576 2577 8 -- Name: users_types; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE users_types ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, description character varying, lending_limit integer, reservation_limit integer, lending_time_limit integer, reservation_time_limit integer, fine_value real DEFAULT 0.00 NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.users_types OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 235 (class 1259 OID 729671) -- Dependencies: 234 8 -- Name: users_types_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE users_types_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.users_types_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2863 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 235 -- Name: users_types_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE users_types_id_seq OWNED BY users_types.id; -- -- TOC entry 2864 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 235 -- Name: users_types_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_types_id_seq', 3, false); -- -- TOC entry 236 (class 1259 OID 729673) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: users_values; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE users_values ( user_id integer NOT NULL, key character varying NOT NULL, value character varying NOT NULL, ascii character varying ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.users_values OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 237 (class 1259 OID 729679) -- Dependencies: 2579 2580 8 -- Name: vocabulary_brief_formats; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_brief_formats ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, format text NOT NULL, sort_order integer, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_brief_formats OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 238 (class 1259 OID 729687) -- Dependencies: 2581 2582 2583 2584 8 -- Name: vocabulary_form_datafields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_form_datafields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, indicator_1 character varying, indicator_2 character varying, material_type character varying, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_form_datafields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 239 (class 1259 OID 729697) -- Dependencies: 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 8 -- Name: vocabulary_form_subfields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_form_subfields ( datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, collapsed boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, repeatable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer, autocomplete_type character varying DEFAULT 'disabled'::character varying NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_form_subfields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 240 (class 1259 OID 729708) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: vocabulary_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_idx_autocomplete ( id integer NOT NULL, datafield character(3) NOT NULL, subfield character(1) NOT NULL, word character varying NOT NULL, phrase character varying NOT NULL, record_id integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_idx_autocomplete OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 241 (class 1259 OID 729714) -- Dependencies: 8 240 -- Name: vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2865 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 241 -- Name: vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq OWNED BY vocabulary_idx_autocomplete.id; -- -- TOC entry 2866 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 241 -- Name: vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 242 (class 1259 OID 729716) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: vocabulary_idx_fields; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_idx_fields ( record_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, word character varying NOT NULL, datafield integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_idx_fields OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 243 (class 1259 OID 729722) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: vocabulary_idx_sort; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_idx_sort ( record_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, phrase character varying, ignore_chars_count integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_idx_sort OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 244 (class 1259 OID 729728) -- Dependencies: 2591 2592 2593 2594 8 -- Name: vocabulary_indexing_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_indexing_groups ( id integer NOT NULL, translation_key character varying NOT NULL, datafields text, sortable boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, default_sort boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_indexing_groups OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 245 (class 1259 OID 729738) -- Dependencies: 244 8 -- Name: vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2867 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 245 -- Name: vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq OWNED BY vocabulary_indexing_groups.id; -- -- TOC entry 2868 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 245 -- Name: vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq', 5, false); -- -- TOC entry 246 (class 1259 OID 729740) -- Dependencies: 2596 2597 2598 8 -- Name: vocabulary_records; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_records ( id integer NOT NULL, iso2709 text NOT NULL, material character varying(20), database character varying(10) DEFAULT 'main'::character varying NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer, modified timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, modified_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_records OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 247 (class 1259 OID 729749) -- Dependencies: 8 246 -- Name: vocabulary_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE vocabulary_records_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_records_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2869 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 247 -- Name: vocabulary_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE vocabulary_records_id_seq OWNED BY vocabulary_records.id; -- -- TOC entry 2870 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 247 -- Name: vocabulary_records_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('vocabulary_records_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 248 (class 1259 OID 729751) -- Dependencies: 8 -- Name: vocabulary_search_results; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_search_results ( search_id integer NOT NULL, indexing_group_id integer NOT NULL, record_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_search_results OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 249 (class 1259 OID 729754) -- Dependencies: 2600 8 -- Name: vocabulary_searches; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE vocabulary_searches ( id integer NOT NULL, parameters text NOT NULL, created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, created_by integer ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_searches OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 250 (class 1259 OID 729761) -- Dependencies: 8 249 -- Name: vocabulary_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE vocabulary_searches_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.vocabulary_searches_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2871 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 250 -- Name: vocabulary_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE vocabulary_searches_id_seq OWNED BY vocabulary_searches.id; -- -- TOC entry 2872 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 250 -- Name: vocabulary_searches_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('vocabulary_searches_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 251 (class 1259 OID 729763) -- Dependencies: 2602 8 -- Name: z3950_addresses; Type: TABLE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE z3950_addresses ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, url character varying NOT NULL, port integer NOT NULL, collection character varying DEFAULT 'default'::character varying NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE bib4template.z3950_addresses OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 252 (class 1259 OID 729770) -- Dependencies: 8 251 -- Name: z3950_addresses_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE SEQUENCE z3950_addresses_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE bib4template.z3950_addresses_id_seq OWNER TO biblivre; -- -- TOC entry 2873 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 252 -- Name: z3950_addresses_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER SEQUENCE z3950_addresses_id_seq OWNED BY z3950_addresses.id; -- -- TOC entry 2874 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 252 -- Name: z3950_addresses_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('z3950_addresses_id_seq', 13, false); -- -- TOC entry 2480 (class 2604 OID 729772) -- Dependencies: 177 176 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_idx_autocomplete ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('authorities_idx_autocomplete_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2485 (class 2604 OID 729773) -- Dependencies: 181 180 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_indexing_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('authorities_indexing_groups_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2489 (class 2604 OID 729774) -- Dependencies: 183 182 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_records ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('authorities_records_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2491 (class 2604 OID 729775) -- Dependencies: 186 185 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_searches ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('authorities_searches_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2494 (class 2604 OID 729776) -- Dependencies: 188 187 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY backups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('backups_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2511 (class 2604 OID 729777) -- Dependencies: 193 192 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_holdings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('biblio_holdings_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2512 (class 2604 OID 729778) -- Dependencies: 195 194 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_idx_autocomplete ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2517 (class 2604 OID 729779) -- Dependencies: 199 198 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_indexing_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('biblio_indexing_groups_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2521 (class 2604 OID 729780) -- Dependencies: 201 200 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_records ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('biblio_records_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2523 (class 2604 OID 729781) -- Dependencies: 204 203 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_searches ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('biblio_searches_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2528 (class 2604 OID 729782) -- Dependencies: 207 206 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY digital_media ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('digital_media_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2530 (class 2604 OID 729783) -- Dependencies: 209 208 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY holding_creation_counter ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('holding_creation_counter_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2541 (class 2604 OID 729784) -- Dependencies: 213 212 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lending_fines ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('lending_fines_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2543 (class 2604 OID 729785) -- Dependencies: 215 214 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lendings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('lendings_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2547 (class 2604 OID 729786) -- Dependencies: 217 216 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY logins ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('logins_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2552 (class 2604 OID 729787) -- Dependencies: 219 218 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY orders ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('orders_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2560 (class 2604 OID 729788) -- Dependencies: 227 226 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY reservations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('reservations_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2570 (class 2604 OID 729789) -- Dependencies: 233 231 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2578 (class 2604 OID 729790) -- Dependencies: 235 234 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_types ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_types_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2590 (class 2604 OID 729791) -- Dependencies: 241 240 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_idx_autocomplete ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2595 (class 2604 OID 729792) -- Dependencies: 245 244 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_indexing_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('vocabulary_indexing_groups_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2599 (class 2604 OID 729793) -- Dependencies: 247 246 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_records ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('vocabulary_records_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2601 (class 2604 OID 729794) -- Dependencies: 250 249 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_searches ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('vocabulary_searches_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2603 (class 2604 OID 729795) -- Dependencies: 252 251 -- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY z3950_addresses ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('z3950_addresses_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- TOC entry 2765 (class 0 OID 729295) -- Dependencies: 170 -- Data for Name: access_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2766 (class 0 OID 729306) -- Dependencies: 172 -- Data for Name: access_control; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2767 (class 0 OID 729313) -- Dependencies: 173 -- Data for Name: authorities_brief_formats; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('100', '${a}_{; }${c}_{ - }${d}', 1, '2014-03-20 12:20:01.029', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:20:01.029', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('670', '${a}', 7, '2014-03-20 12:23:36.822', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:23:36.822', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('400', '${a}', 4, '2014-03-20 12:22:53.502', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:22:53.502', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('410', '${a}', 5, '2014-03-20 12:23:04.503', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:23:04.503', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('411', '${a}', 6, '2014-03-20 12:23:14.566', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:23:14.566', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('110', '${a}_{; }${c}_{ - }${d} ', 2, '2014-03-20 12:22:07.272', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:22:07.272', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('111', '${a}_{; }${c}_{ - }${d}', 3, '2014-03-20 12:22:40.585', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:22:40.585', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2768 (class 0 OID 729321) -- Dependencies: 174 -- Data for Name: authorities_form_datafields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('100', false, false, '0,1,2,3', '', '100', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('110', false, false, '0,1,2', '', '110', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('111', false, false, '0,1,2', '', '111', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('400', false, true, '', '', '100', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('410', false, true, '', '', '110', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('411', false, true, '', '', '111', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('670', false, true, '', '', '100,110,111', '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:21:25.813358', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2769 (class 0 OID 729331) -- Dependencies: 175 -- Data for Name: authorities_form_subfields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('100', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('100', 'b', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('100', 'c', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('100', 'd', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('100', 'q', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('400', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('670', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('670', 'b', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'c', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'd', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'e', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'g', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'k', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('111', 'n', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('411', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('110', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('110', 'b', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('110', 'c', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('110', 'd', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('110', 'l', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('110', 'n', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO authorities_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('410', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:26:31.667337', NULL, 'disabled'); -- -- TOC entry 2770 (class 0 OID 729342) -- Dependencies: 176 -- Data for Name: authorities_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2771 (class 0 OID 729350) -- Dependencies: 178 -- Data for Name: authorities_idx_fields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2772 (class 0 OID 729356) -- Dependencies: 179 -- Data for Name: authorities_idx_sort; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2773 (class 0 OID 729362) -- Dependencies: 180 -- Data for Name: authorities_indexing_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO authorities_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (0, 'all', NULL, false, false, '2014-03-04 11:09:07.241', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:09:07.241', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (1, 'author', '100_a', true, true, '2014-03-04 11:13:31.512', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:13:31.512', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (2, 'entity', '110_a', true, false, '2014-03-04 11:13:46.059', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:13:46.059', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (3, 'event', '111_a', true, false, '2014-03-04 11:14:39.973', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:14:39.973', NULL); INSERT INTO authorities_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (4, 'other_name', '400_a, 410_a, 411_a', true, false, '2014-03-04 11:14:55.617', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:14:55.617', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2774 (class 0 OID 729374) -- Dependencies: 182 -- Data for Name: authorities_records; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2775 (class 0 OID 729385) -- Dependencies: 184 -- Data for Name: authorities_search_results; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2776 (class 0 OID 729388) -- Dependencies: 185 -- Data for Name: authorities_searches; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2777 (class 0 OID 729397) -- Dependencies: 187 -- Data for Name: backups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2778 (class 0 OID 729407) -- Dependencies: 189 -- Data for Name: biblio_brief_formats; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('130', '${a}', 4, '2014-02-01 11:43:41.882279', NULL, '2014-02-01 11:43:41.882279', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('260', '${a}_{: }${b}_{, }${c}', 20, '2014-02-01 12:04:44.576993', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:04:44.576993', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('650', '${a}_{ - }${x}_{ - }${y}_{ - }${z}', 41, '2014-02-01 12:06:20.547937', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:06:20.547937', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('651', '${a}_{ - }${x}_{ - }${y}_{ - }${z}', 42, '2014-02-01 12:06:27.116236', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:06:27.116236', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('699', '${a}_{ - }${x}_{ - }${y}_{ - }${z}', 43, '2014-02-01 12:06:34.276548', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:06:34.276548', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('100', '${a}', 1, '2013-05-11 14:09:22.681914', NULL, '2013-05-11 14:09:22.681914', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('110', '${a}', 2, '2013-05-11 14:09:28.849574', NULL, '2013-05-11 14:09:28.849574', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('111', '${a}', 3, '2013-05-11 14:09:33.10575', NULL, '2013-05-11 14:09:33.10575', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('611', '${a}_{ - }${x}_{ - }${y}_{ - }${z}', 39, '2014-02-01 12:06:02.963596', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:06:02.963596', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('630', '${a}_{ - }${x}_{ - }${y}_{ - }${z}', 40, '2014-02-01 12:06:13.363821', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:06:13.363821', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('306', '${a}', 25, '2014-02-01 12:13:07.424794', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:13:07.424794', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('490', '${a}', 26, '2014-02-01 12:13:12.984999', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:13:12.984999', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('520', '${a}', 27, '2014-02-01 12:13:19.273647', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:13:19.273647', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('020', '${a}', 22, '2014-02-01 12:04:17.840354', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:04:17.840354', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('022', '${a}', 23, '2014-02-01 12:04:24.056557', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:04:24.056557', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('024', '${a}', 24, '2014-02-01 12:04:30.936737', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:04:30.936737', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('245', '${a}_{: }${b}', 11, '2013-05-11 14:09:53.242277', NULL, '2013-05-11 14:09:53.242277', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('256', '${a}', 44, '2014-02-01 12:15:25.005212', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:15:25.005212', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('043', '${a}', 45, '2014-02-01 12:15:33.581457', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:15:33.581457', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('045', '${a}', 46, '2014-02-01 12:15:42.981651', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:15:42.981651', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('255', '${a}', 47, '2014-02-01 12:15:46.853963', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:15:46.853963', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('041', '${a}', 48, '2014-02-01 12:15:50.093832', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:15:50.093832', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('090', '${a}_{ }${b}_{ }${c}_{ }${d}', 49, '2014-02-01 12:05:17.018043', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:05:17.018043', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('310', '${a}', 50, '2014-02-01 12:16:08.046403', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:16:08.046403', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('362', '${a}', 51, '2014-02-01 12:16:11.822932', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:16:11.822932', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('555', '${a}', 52, '2014-02-01 12:16:16.422789', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:16:16.422789', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('852', '${a}', 53, '2014-02-01 12:16:20.998809', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:16:20.998809', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('400', '${a}', 5, '2014-02-01 12:03:15.21457', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:03:15.21457', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('410', '${a}', 6, '2014-02-01 12:03:19.934289', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:03:19.934289', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('411', '${a}', 7, '2014-02-01 12:03:27.070922', NULL, '2014-02-01 12:03:27.070922', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('700', '${a}', 8, '2014-02-01 11:44:15.995588', NULL, '2014-02-01 11:44:15.995588', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('710', '${a}', 9, '2014-02-01 11:44:21.019794', NULL, '2014-02-01 11:44:21.019794', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('711', '${a}', 10, '2014-02-01 11:44:27.579924', NULL, '2014-02-01 11:44:27.579924', NULL); 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-- -- TOC entry 2781 (class 0 OID 729436) -- Dependencies: 192 -- Data for Name: biblio_holdings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2782 (class 0 OID 729449) -- Dependencies: 194 -- Data for Name: biblio_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2783 (class 0 OID 729457) -- Dependencies: 196 -- Data for Name: biblio_idx_fields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2784 (class 0 OID 729463) -- Dependencies: 197 -- Data for Name: biblio_idx_sort; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2785 (class 0 OID 729469) -- Dependencies: 198 -- Data for Name: biblio_indexing_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO biblio_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (4, 'subject', '650_a_x_y_z,600_a_x_y_z,610_a_x_y_z,611_a_x_y_z,630_a_x_y_z,651_a_x_y_z,699_a_x_y_z', false, false, '2013-04-13 13:45:00.977717', NULL, '2013-04-13 13:45:00.977717', NULL); 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Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2789 (class 0 OID 729504) -- Dependencies: 205 -- Data for Name: configurations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('setup.new_library', 'true', 'boolean', false, '2014-05-28 22:01:58.228421', 0); -- INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.business_days', '2,3,4,5,6,7', 'string', true, '2014-02-22 17:07:33.380256', 1); -- INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.default_language', 'pt-BR', 'string', true, '2014-02-22 17:18:48.852604', 1); -- INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('general.title', 'Biblivre IV', 'string', true, '2014-02-22 17:01:57.071056', 1); -- INSERT INTO configurations (key, value, type, required, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('administration.z3950.server.active', 'true', 'boolean', true, '2014-04-07 19:58:15.127', 1); 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Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO holding_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('949', false, false, '', '', 'holdings', '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL); INSERT INTO holding_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('541', false, true, '_,0,1', '', 'holdings', '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL); INSERT INTO holding_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('090', false, false, '', '', 'holdings', '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL); INSERT INTO holding_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('852', false, true, '_,0,1,2,4,5,6,8', '0,1,2', 'holdings', '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:07:07.222864', NULL); 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INSERT INTO holding_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('852', 'z', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO holding_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('856', 'd', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO holding_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('856', 'f', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO holding_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('856', 'u', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO holding_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('856', 'y', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:10:19.847594', NULL, 'disabled'); -- -- TOC entry 2794 (class 0 OID 729549) -- Dependencies: 212 -- Data for Name: lending_fines; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2795 (class 0 OID 729555) -- Dependencies: 214 -- Data for Name: lendings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2796 (class 0 OID 729561) -- Dependencies: 216 -- Data for Name: logins; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO logins (id, login, employee, password, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (1, 'admin', true, 'C4wx3TpMHnSwdk1bUQ/V6qwAQmw=', '2014-05-18 15:46:31.632', 1, '2014-05-18 15:46:31.632', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2797 (class 0 OID 729572) -- Dependencies: 218 -- Data for Name: orders; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2798 (class 0 OID 729584) -- Dependencies: 220 -- Data for Name: permissions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2799 (class 0 OID 729589) -- Dependencies: 222 -- Data for Name: quotations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2800 (class 0 OID 729600) -- Dependencies: 224 -- Data for Name: request_quotation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2801 (class 0 OID 729606) -- Dependencies: 225 -- Data for Name: requests; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2802 (class 0 OID 729615) -- Dependencies: 226 -- Data for Name: reservations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2803 (class 0 OID 729623) -- Dependencies: 229 -- Data for Name: suppliers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2804 (class 0 OID 729632) -- Dependencies: 230 -- Data for Name: translations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2805 (class 0 OID 729641) -- Dependencies: 231 -- Data for Name: users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2806 (class 0 OID 729650) -- Dependencies: 232 -- Data for Name: users_fields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('email', 'string', true, 0, 1, '2013-04-13 13:47:34.765388', NULL, '2013-04-13 13:47:34.765388', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('gender', 'list', false, 2, 2, '2014-06-07 12:51:14.565458', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:51:14.565458', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('phone_cel', 'string', false, 25, 3, '2014-06-07 12:47:50.811875', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:47:50.811875', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('phone_home', 'string', false, 25, 4, '2014-06-07 12:47:33.283702', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:47:33.283702', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('phone_work', 'string', false, 25, 5, '2014-06-07 12:47:42.779511', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:47:42.779511', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('obs', 'text', false, 0, 1002, '2013-04-13 13:47:34.765388', NULL, '2013-04-13 13:47:34.765388', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('id_cpf', 'string', false, 20, 8, '2014-06-07 12:46:47.409991', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:46:47.409991', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('address', 'string', false, 500, 9, '2014-06-07 12:41:23.221671', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:41:23.221671', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('address_number', 'string', false, 100, 10, '2014-06-07 12:42:30.610671', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:42:30.610671', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('address_complement', 'string', false, 100, 11, '2014-06-07 12:44:27.624027', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:44:27.624027', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('address_zip', 'string', false, 20, 12, '2014-06-07 12:45:05.425222', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:45:05.425222', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('address_city', 'string', false, 100, 13, '2014-06-07 12:45:21.458004', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:45:21.458004', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('address_state', 'string', false, 100, 14, '2014-06-07 12:45:31.657995', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:45:31.657995', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('birthday', 'date', false, 0, 15, '2014-06-07 12:50:08.933974', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:50:08.933974', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('id_rg', 'string', false, 20, 7, '2014-06-07 12:46:30.386262', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:46:30.386262', NULL); INSERT INTO users_fields (key, type, required, max_length, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('phone_work_extension', 'string', false, 10, 6, '2014-06-07 12:53:42.743594', NULL, '2014-06-07 12:53:42.743594', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2807 (class 0 OID 729662) -- Dependencies: 234 -- Data for Name: users_types; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO users_types (id, name, description, lending_limit, reservation_limit, lending_time_limit, reservation_time_limit, fine_value, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (1, 'Leitor', 'Leitores', 3, 3, 15, 10, 0, '2014-05-18 15:46:31.379', 1, '2014-05-18 15:46:31.379', NULL); INSERT INTO users_types (id, name, description, lending_limit, reservation_limit, lending_time_limit, reservation_time_limit, fine_value, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (2, 'Funcionário', 'Funcionários', 99, 99, 365, 365, 0, '2014-05-18 15:46:31.379', 1, '2014-05-18 15:46:31.379', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2808 (class 0 OID 729673) -- Dependencies: 236 -- Data for Name: users_values; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2809 (class 0 OID 729679) -- Dependencies: 237 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_brief_formats; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('040', '${a}_{- }${b}', 1, '2014-03-20 12:26:27.691', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:26:27.691', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('150', '${a}_{- }${i}_{; }${x}', 2, '2014-03-20 12:28:43.529', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:28:43.529', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('450', '${a}_{; }${x}', 4, '2014-03-20 12:29:58.601', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:29:58.601', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('550', '${a}_{; }${x}', 5, '2014-03-20 12:30:37.837', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:30:37.837', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('670', '${a}', 6, '2014-03-20 12:30:52.156', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:30:52.156', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('680', '${a}', 7, '2014-03-20 12:31:13.64', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:31:13.64', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('685', '${a}', 8, '2014-03-20 12:31:24.135', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:31:24.135', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('750', '${a}_{; }${x}_{; }${y}_{; }${z}', 9, '2014-03-20 12:32:37.881', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:32:37.881', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('913', '${a}', 10, '2014-03-20 12:32:57.598', NULL, '2014-03-20 12:32:57.598', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_brief_formats (datafield, format, sort_order, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('360', '${a}_{; }${x}', 3, '2014-03-20 13:03:12.684', NULL, '2014-03-20 13:03:12.684', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2810 (class 0 OID 729687) -- Dependencies: 238 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_form_datafields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('040', false, false, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('150', false, false, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('450', false, true, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('550', false, true, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('360', false, true, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('670', false, false, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('680', false, true, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('685', false, true, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('750', false, false, '0,1,2', '0,4', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_datafields (datafield, collapsed, repeatable, indicator_1, indicator_2, material_type, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES ('913', false, false, '', '', '', '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:29:41.844864', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2811 (class 0 OID 729697) -- Dependencies: 239 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_form_subfields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('040', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('040', 'b', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('040', 'c', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('040', 'd', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('040', 'e', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('150', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('150', 'i', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('150', 'x', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('150', 'y', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('150', 'z', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('450', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('550', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('550', 'x', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('550', 'y', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('550', 'z', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('360', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('360', 'x', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('360', 'y', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('360', 'z', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('670', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('680', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('685', 'i', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('750', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('750', 'x', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('750', 'y', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('750', 'z', false, true, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); INSERT INTO vocabulary_form_subfields (datafield, subfield, collapsed, repeatable, created, created_by, modified, modified_by, autocomplete_type) VALUES ('913', 'a', false, false, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, '2014-02-08 15:30:23.272565', NULL, 'disabled'); -- -- TOC entry 2812 (class 0 OID 729708) -- Dependencies: 240 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2813 (class 0 OID 729716) -- Dependencies: 242 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_idx_fields; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2814 (class 0 OID 729722) -- Dependencies: 243 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_idx_sort; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2815 (class 0 OID 729728) -- Dependencies: 244 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_indexing_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO vocabulary_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (0, 'all', NULL, false, false, '2014-03-04 11:16:16.428', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:16:16.428', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (1, 'te_term', '150_a', true, true, '2014-03-04 11:16:31.24', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:16:31.24', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (2, 'up_term', '450_a', true, false, '2014-03-04 11:16:48.069', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:16:48.069', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (3, 'tg_term', '550_a', true, false, '2014-03-04 11:16:59.899', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:16:59.899', NULL); INSERT INTO vocabulary_indexing_groups (id, translation_key, datafields, sortable, default_sort, created, created_by, modified, modified_by) VALUES (4, 'vt_ta_term', '360_a', true, false, '2014-03-04 11:17:18.848', NULL, '2014-03-04 11:17:18.848', NULL); -- -- TOC entry 2816 (class 0 OID 729740) -- Dependencies: 246 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_records; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2817 (class 0 OID 729751) -- Dependencies: 248 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_search_results; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2818 (class 0 OID 729754) -- Dependencies: 249 -- Data for Name: vocabulary_searches; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- -- -- TOC entry 2819 (class 0 OID 729763) -- Dependencies: 251 -- Data for Name: z3950_addresses; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (1, 'Universidad de Chile - Santiago, Chile', 'unicornio.uchile.cl', 2200, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (2, 'Université Laval - Quebec, Canadá', 'ariane2.ulaval.ca', 2200, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (3, 'Brunel University - Londres, Reino Unido', 'library.brunel.ac.uk', 2200, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (4, 'Acadia University - Nova Escócia, Canada', 'jasper.acadiau.ca', 2200, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (5, 'Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA - EUA', 'webcat.library.cmu.edu', 2200, 'unicorn'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (6, 'New York Public Library - EUA', 'catalog.nypl.org', 210, 'INNOPAC'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (7, 'Biblioteca Nacional da Espanha - Madrid', 'sigb.bne.es', 2200, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (8, 'Library of Congress Online Catalog - EUA', '', 210, 'LCDB'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (9, 'South University New Orleans, EUA', 'suno.louislibraries.org', 7705, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (10, 'Penn State University, EUA', 'zcat.libraries.psu.edu', 2200, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (11, 'The Fletcher School, Tufts University, EUA', 'fletcher.louislibraries.org', 8205, 'default'); INSERT INTO z3950_addresses (id, name, url, port, collection) VALUES (12, 'Univerdidad de Madrid, Espanha', 'marte.biblioteca.upm.es', 2200, 'default'); -- -- TOC entry 2605 (class 2606 OID 729797) -- Dependencies: 170 170 -- Name: PK_access_cards; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY access_cards ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_access_cards" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2611 (class 2606 OID 729799) -- Dependencies: 172 172 -- Name: PK_access_control; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY access_control ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_access_control" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2614 (class 2606 OID 729801) -- Dependencies: 173 173 -- Name: PK_authorities_brief_formats; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_brief_formats ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_brief_formats" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2616 (class 2606 OID 729803) -- Dependencies: 174 174 -- Name: PK_authorities_form_datafields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_form_datafields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_form_datafields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2618 (class 2606 OID 729805) -- Dependencies: 175 175 175 -- Name: PK_authorities_form_subfields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_form_subfields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield, subfield); -- -- TOC entry 2622 (class 2606 OID 729807) -- Dependencies: 176 176 -- Name: PK_authorities_idx_autocomplete; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_idx_autocomplete ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_idx_autocomplete" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2625 (class 2606 OID 729809) -- Dependencies: 178 178 178 178 178 -- Name: PK_authorities_idx_fields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_idx_fields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_idx_fields" PRIMARY KEY (record_id, indexing_group_id, word, datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2627 (class 2606 OID 729811) -- Dependencies: 179 179 179 -- Name: PK_authorities_idx_sort; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_idx_sort ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_idx_sort" PRIMARY KEY (record_id, indexing_group_id); -- -- TOC entry 2629 (class 2606 OID 729813) -- Dependencies: 180 180 -- Name: PK_authorities_indexing_groups; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_indexing_groups ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_indexing_groups" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2631 (class 2606 OID 729815) -- Dependencies: 182 182 -- Name: PK_authorities_records; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_records ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_records" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2634 (class 2606 OID 729817) -- Dependencies: 184 184 184 184 -- Name: PK_authorities_search_results; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_search_results ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_search_results" PRIMARY KEY (search_id, indexing_group_id, record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2636 (class 2606 OID 729819) -- Dependencies: 185 185 -- Name: PK_authorities_searches; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_searches ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_authorities_searches" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2638 (class 2606 OID 729821) -- Dependencies: 187 187 -- Name: PK_backups; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY backups ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_backups" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2640 (class 2606 OID 729823) -- Dependencies: 189 189 -- Name: PK_biblio_brief_formats; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_brief_formats ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_brief_formats" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2642 (class 2606 OID 729825) -- Dependencies: 190 190 -- Name: PK_biblio_form_datafields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_form_datafields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_form_datafields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2644 (class 2606 OID 729827) -- Dependencies: 191 191 191 -- Name: PK_biblio_form_subfields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_form_subfields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield, subfield); -- -- TOC entry 2653 (class 2606 OID 729829) -- Dependencies: 194 194 -- Name: PK_biblio_idx_autocomplete; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_idx_autocomplete ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_idx_autocomplete" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2656 (class 2606 OID 729831) -- Dependencies: 196 196 196 196 196 -- Name: PK_biblio_idx_fields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_idx_fields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_idx_fields" PRIMARY KEY (record_id, indexing_group_id, word, datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2658 (class 2606 OID 729833) -- Dependencies: 197 197 197 -- Name: PK_biblio_idx_sort; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_idx_sort ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_idx_sort" PRIMARY KEY (record_id, indexing_group_id); -- -- TOC entry 2660 (class 2606 OID 729835) -- Dependencies: 198 198 -- Name: PK_biblio_indexing_groups; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_indexing_groups ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_indexing_groups" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2662 (class 2606 OID 729837) -- Dependencies: 200 200 -- Name: PK_biblio_records; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_records ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_records" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2665 (class 2606 OID 729839) -- Dependencies: 202 202 202 202 -- Name: PK_biblio_search_results; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_search_results ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_search_results" PRIMARY KEY (search_id, indexing_group_id, record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2667 (class 2606 OID 729841) -- Dependencies: 203 203 -- Name: PK_biblio_searches; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_searches ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_biblio_searches" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2669 (class 2606 OID 729843) -- Dependencies: 205 205 -- Name: PK_configurations; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY configurations ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_configurations" PRIMARY KEY (key); -- -- TOC entry 2671 (class 2606 OID 729845) -- Dependencies: 206 206 -- Name: PK_digital_media; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY digital_media ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_digital_media" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2673 (class 2606 OID 729847) -- Dependencies: 208 208 -- Name: PK_holding_creation_counter; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY holding_creation_counter ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_holding_creation_counter" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2675 (class 2606 OID 729849) -- Dependencies: 210 210 -- Name: PK_holding_form_datafields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY holding_form_datafields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_holding_form_datafields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2677 (class 2606 OID 729851) -- Dependencies: 211 211 211 -- Name: PK_holding_form_subfields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY holding_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_holding_form_subfields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield, subfield); -- -- TOC entry 2679 (class 2606 OID 729853) -- Dependencies: 212 212 -- Name: PK_lending_fines; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lending_fines ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_lending_fines" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2683 (class 2606 OID 729855) -- Dependencies: 216 216 -- Name: PK_logins; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY logins ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_logins" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2687 (class 2606 OID 729857) -- Dependencies: 218 218 -- Name: PK_order; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY orders ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_order" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2689 (class 2606 OID 729859) -- Dependencies: 220 220 220 -- Name: PK_permissions; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY permissions ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_permissions" PRIMARY KEY (login_id, permission); -- -- TOC entry 2691 (class 2606 OID 729861) -- Dependencies: 222 222 -- Name: PK_quotations; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quotations ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_quotations" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2695 (class 2606 OID 729863) -- Dependencies: 225 225 -- Name: PK_request; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY requests ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_request" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2693 (class 2606 OID 729865) -- Dependencies: 224 224 224 -- Name: PK_request_quotation; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY request_quotation ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_request_quotation" PRIMARY KEY (request_id, quotation_id); -- -- TOC entry 2699 (class 2606 OID 729867) -- Dependencies: 229 229 -- Name: PK_supplier; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY suppliers ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_supplier" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2701 (class 2606 OID 729869) -- Dependencies: 230 230 230 -- Name: PK_translations; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY translations ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_translations" PRIMARY KEY (language, key); -- -- TOC entry 2706 (class 2606 OID 729871) -- Dependencies: 232 232 -- Name: PK_users_fields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_fields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_users_fields" PRIMARY KEY (key); -- -- TOC entry 2708 (class 2606 OID 729873) -- Dependencies: 234 234 -- Name: PK_users_types; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_types ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_users_types" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2710 (class 2606 OID 729875) -- Dependencies: 236 236 236 -- Name: PK_users_values; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_values ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_users_values" PRIMARY KEY (user_id, key); -- -- TOC entry 2712 (class 2606 OID 729877) -- Dependencies: 237 237 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_brief_formats; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_brief_formats ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_brief_formats" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2714 (class 2606 OID 729879) -- Dependencies: 238 238 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_form_datafields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_form_datafields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_form_datafields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2716 (class 2606 OID 729881) -- Dependencies: 239 239 239 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_form_subfields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_form_subfields" PRIMARY KEY (datafield, subfield); -- -- TOC entry 2720 (class 2606 OID 729883) -- Dependencies: 240 240 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_idx_autocomplete; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_idx_autocomplete ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_idx_autocomplete" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2723 (class 2606 OID 729885) -- Dependencies: 242 242 242 242 242 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_idx_fields; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_idx_fields ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_idx_fields" PRIMARY KEY (record_id, indexing_group_id, word, datafield); -- -- TOC entry 2725 (class 2606 OID 729887) -- Dependencies: 243 243 243 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_idx_sort; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_idx_sort ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_idx_sort" PRIMARY KEY (record_id, indexing_group_id); -- -- TOC entry 2727 (class 2606 OID 729889) -- Dependencies: 244 244 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_indexing_groups; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_indexing_groups ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_indexing_groups" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2729 (class 2606 OID 729891) -- Dependencies: 246 246 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_records; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_records ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_records" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2732 (class 2606 OID 729893) -- Dependencies: 248 248 248 248 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_search_results; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_search_results ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_search_results" PRIMARY KEY (search_id, indexing_group_id, record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2734 (class 2606 OID 729895) -- Dependencies: 249 249 -- Name: PK_vocabulary_searches; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_searches ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_vocabulary_searches" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2736 (class 2606 OID 729897) -- Dependencies: 251 251 -- Name: PK_z3950_addresses; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY z3950_addresses ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_z3950_addresses" PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2607 (class 2606 OID 729899) -- Dependencies: 170 170 -- Name: UN_access_cards; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY access_cards ADD CONSTRAINT "UN_access_cards" UNIQUE (code); -- -- TOC entry 2685 (class 2606 OID 729901) -- Dependencies: 216 216 -- Name: UN_logins; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY logins ADD CONSTRAINT "UN_logins" UNIQUE (login); -- -- TOC entry 2649 (class 2606 OID 729903) -- Dependencies: 192 192 -- Name: pk_biblio_holdings; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_holdings ADD CONSTRAINT pk_biblio_holdings PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2681 (class 2606 OID 729905) -- Dependencies: 214 214 -- Name: pk_lendings; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lendings ADD CONSTRAINT pk_lendings PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2697 (class 2606 OID 729907) -- Dependencies: 226 226 -- Name: pk_reservations; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY reservations ADD CONSTRAINT pk_reservations PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2704 (class 2606 OID 729909) -- Dependencies: 231 231 -- Name: users_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users ADD CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- TOC entry 2608 (class 1259 OID 729910) -- Dependencies: 172 -- Name: FKI_access_control_access_cards; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "FKI_access_control_access_cards" ON access_control USING btree (access_card_id); -- -- TOC entry 2609 (class 1259 OID 729911) -- Dependencies: 172 -- Name: FKI_access_control_users; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "FKI_access_control_users" ON access_control USING btree (user_id); -- -- TOC entry 2619 (class 1259 OID 729912) -- Dependencies: 176 -- Name: IX_authorities_idx_autocomplete_record_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_authorities_idx_autocomplete_record_id" ON authorities_idx_autocomplete USING btree (record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2620 (class 1259 OID 729913) -- Dependencies: 176 176 176 -- Name: IX_authorities_idx_autocomplete_word; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_authorities_idx_autocomplete_word" ON authorities_idx_autocomplete USING btree (datafield, subfield, word varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2623 (class 1259 OID 729914) -- Dependencies: 178 -- Name: IX_authorities_idx_fields_word; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_authorities_idx_fields_word" ON authorities_idx_fields USING btree (word varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2632 (class 1259 OID 729915) -- Dependencies: 184 184 -- Name: IX_authorities_search_results; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_authorities_search_results" ON authorities_search_results USING btree (search_id, record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2645 (class 1259 OID 729916) -- Dependencies: 192 -- Name: IX_biblio_holdings_accession_number; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IX_biblio_holdings_accession_number" ON biblio_holdings USING btree (accession_number); -- -- TOC entry 2646 (class 1259 OID 729917) -- Dependencies: 192 192 -- Name: IX_biblio_holdings_biblio_record; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_biblio_holdings_biblio_record" ON biblio_holdings USING btree (record_id, database); -- -- TOC entry 2647 (class 1259 OID 729918) -- Dependencies: 192 192 -- Name: IX_biblio_holdings_location_d; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_biblio_holdings_location_d" ON biblio_holdings USING btree (record_id, location_d); -- -- TOC entry 2650 (class 1259 OID 729919) -- Dependencies: 194 -- Name: IX_biblio_idx_autocomplete_record_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_biblio_idx_autocomplete_record_id" ON biblio_idx_autocomplete USING btree (record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2651 (class 1259 OID 729920) -- Dependencies: 194 194 194 -- Name: IX_biblio_idx_autocomplete_word; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_biblio_idx_autocomplete_word" ON biblio_idx_autocomplete USING btree (datafield, subfield, word varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2654 (class 1259 OID 729921) -- Dependencies: 196 -- Name: IX_biblio_idx_fields_word; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_biblio_idx_fields_word" ON biblio_idx_fields USING btree (word varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2663 (class 1259 OID 729922) -- Dependencies: 202 202 -- Name: IX_biblio_search_results; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_biblio_search_results" ON biblio_search_results USING btree (search_id, record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2702 (class 1259 OID 729923) -- Dependencies: 231 -- Name: IX_users_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_users_name" ON users USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2717 (class 1259 OID 729924) -- Dependencies: 240 -- Name: IX_vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_record_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_record_id" ON vocabulary_idx_autocomplete USING btree (record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2718 (class 1259 OID 729925) -- Dependencies: 240 240 240 -- Name: IX_vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_word; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_vocabulary_idx_autocomplete_word" ON vocabulary_idx_autocomplete USING btree (datafield, subfield, word varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2721 (class 1259 OID 729926) -- Dependencies: 242 -- Name: IX_vocabulary_idx_fields_word; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_vocabulary_idx_fields_word" ON vocabulary_idx_fields USING btree (word varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- TOC entry 2730 (class 1259 OID 729927) -- Dependencies: 248 248 -- Name: IX_vocabulary_search_results; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX "IX_vocabulary_search_results" ON vocabulary_search_results USING btree (search_id, record_id); -- -- TOC entry 2612 (class 1259 OID 729928) -- Dependencies: 172 172 -- Name: ix_access_control_departure_time_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX ix_access_control_departure_time_user_id ON access_control USING btree (departure_time, user_id); -- -- TOC entry 2758 (class 2620 OID 729929) -- Dependencies: 268 180 -- Name: TRIGGER_clear_authorities_indexing_type; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_clear_authorities_indexing_type" AFTER DELETE ON authorities_indexing_groups FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE clear_indexing_type('authorities'); -- -- TOC entry 2759 (class 2620 OID 729930) -- Dependencies: 269 182 -- Name: TRIGGER_clear_authorities_record; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_clear_authorities_record" AFTER DELETE ON authorities_records FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE clear_record('authorities'); -- -- TOC entry 2760 (class 2620 OID 729931) -- Dependencies: 268 198 -- Name: TRIGGER_clear_biblio_indexing_type; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_clear_biblio_indexing_type" AFTER DELETE ON biblio_indexing_groups FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE clear_indexing_type('biblio'); -- -- TOC entry 2761 (class 2620 OID 729932) -- Dependencies: 200 269 -- Name: TRIGGER_clear_biblio_record; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_clear_biblio_record" AFTER DELETE ON biblio_records FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE clear_record('biblio'); -- -- TOC entry 2763 (class 2620 OID 729933) -- Dependencies: 268 244 -- Name: TRIGGER_clear_vocabulary_indexing_type; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_clear_vocabulary_indexing_type" AFTER DELETE ON vocabulary_indexing_groups FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE clear_indexing_type('vocabulary'); -- -- TOC entry 2764 (class 2620 OID 729934) -- Dependencies: 246 269 -- Name: TRIGGER_clear_vocabulary_record; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_clear_vocabulary_record" AFTER DELETE ON vocabulary_records FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE clear_record('vocabulary'); -- -- TOC entry 2762 (class 2620 OID 729935) -- Dependencies: 265 206 -- Name: TRIGGER_digital_media_lo; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- CREATE TRIGGER "TRIGGER_digital_media_lo" BEFORE DELETE ON digital_media FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE global.unlink(); -- -- TOC entry 2737 (class 2606 OID 729936) -- Dependencies: 170 172 2604 -- Name: FK_access_control_access_cards; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY access_control ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_access_control_access_cards" FOREIGN KEY (access_card_id) REFERENCES access_cards(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2738 (class 2606 OID 729941) -- Dependencies: 231 2703 172 -- Name: FK_access_control_users; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY access_control ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_access_control_users" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2739 (class 2606 OID 729946) -- Dependencies: 2615 174 175 -- Name: FK_authorities_form_subfields_authorities_form_datafields; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authorities_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_authorities_form_subfields_authorities_form_datafields" FOREIGN KEY (datafield) REFERENCES authorities_form_datafields(datafield) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2740 (class 2606 OID 729951) -- Dependencies: 2641 191 190 -- Name: FK_biblio_form_subfields_biblio_form_datafields; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_biblio_form_subfields_biblio_form_datafields" FOREIGN KEY (datafield) REFERENCES biblio_form_datafields(datafield) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2742 (class 2606 OID 729956) -- Dependencies: 211 2674 210 -- Name: FK_holding_form_subfields_holding_form_datafields; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY holding_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_holding_form_subfields_holding_form_datafields" FOREIGN KEY (datafield) REFERENCES holding_form_datafields(datafield) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2743 (class 2606 OID 729961) -- Dependencies: 212 214 2680 -- Name: FK_lending_fines_lendings; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lending_fines ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_lending_fines_lendings" FOREIGN KEY (lending_id) REFERENCES lendings(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2744 (class 2606 OID 729966) -- Dependencies: 2703 231 212 -- Name: FK_lending_fines_users; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lending_fines ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_lending_fines_users" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2749 (class 2606 OID 729971) -- Dependencies: 216 2682 220 -- Name: FK_permissions_logins; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY permissions ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_permissions_logins" FOREIGN KEY (login_id) REFERENCES logins(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2750 (class 2606 OID 729976) -- Dependencies: 229 2698 222 -- Name: FK_quotations_suppliers; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quotations ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_quotations_suppliers" FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id) REFERENCES suppliers(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2751 (class 2606 OID 729981) -- Dependencies: 222 224 2690 -- Name: FK_request_quotation_quotations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY request_quotation ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_request_quotation_quotations" FOREIGN KEY (quotation_id) REFERENCES quotations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2752 (class 2606 OID 729986) -- Dependencies: 225 224 2694 -- Name: FK_request_quotation_requests; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY request_quotation ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_request_quotation_requests" FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES requests(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2755 (class 2606 OID 729991) -- Dependencies: 236 2703 231 -- Name: FK_users_values_users; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_values ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_users_values_users" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2756 (class 2606 OID 729996) -- Dependencies: 236 232 2705 -- Name: FK_users_values_users_fields; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_values ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_users_values_users_fields" FOREIGN KEY (key) REFERENCES users_fields(key) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2757 (class 2606 OID 730001) -- Dependencies: 238 2713 239 -- Name: FK_vocabulary_form_subfields_vocabulary_form_datafields; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY vocabulary_form_subfields ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_vocabulary_form_subfields_vocabulary_form_datafields" FOREIGN KEY (datafield) REFERENCES vocabulary_form_datafields(datafield) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2748 (class 2606 OID 730205) -- Dependencies: 2690 222 218 -- Name: PK_orders_quotations; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY orders ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_orders_quotations" FOREIGN KEY (quotation_id) REFERENCES quotations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2741 (class 2606 OID 730011) -- Dependencies: 200 2661 192 -- Name: fk_biblio_holdings_biblio_records; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY biblio_holdings ADD CONSTRAINT fk_biblio_holdings_biblio_records FOREIGN KEY (record_id) REFERENCES biblio_records(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2745 (class 2606 OID 730016) -- Dependencies: 2648 192 214 -- Name: fk_lendings_biblio_holdings; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lendings ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lendings_biblio_holdings FOREIGN KEY (holding_id) REFERENCES biblio_holdings(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2746 (class 2606 OID 730021) -- Dependencies: 214 214 2680 -- Name: fk_lendings_lendings; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lendings ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lendings_lendings FOREIGN KEY (previous_lending_id) REFERENCES lendings(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2747 (class 2606 OID 730026) -- Dependencies: 2703 231 214 -- Name: fk_lendings_users; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY lendings ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lendings_users FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2753 (class 2606 OID 730031) -- Dependencies: 231 226 2703 -- Name: fk_lendings_users; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY reservations ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lendings_users FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2754 (class 2606 OID 730036) -- Dependencies: 226 200 2661 -- Name: fk_reservations_biblio_records; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: bib4template; Owner: biblivre -- ALTER TABLE ONLY reservations ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reservations_biblio_records FOREIGN KEY (record_id) REFERENCES biblio_records(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- TOC entry 2415 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 195 -- Name: biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: single; Owner: biblivre -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('biblio_idx_autocomplete_id_seq', 5103, false); -- -- TOC entry 2412 (class 0 OID 753973) -- Dependencies: 194 -- Data for Name: biblio_idx_autocomplete; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: single; Owner: biblivre -- INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Exatas e da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Exatas e da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4, '095', 'a', 'exatas', ' Ciências Exatas e da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Ciências Exatas e da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (6, '095', 'a', 'terra', ' Ciências Exatas e da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (7, '095', 'a', '', ' Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (8, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (9, '095', 'a', '', ' Álgebra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (10, '095', 'a', 'algebra', ' Álgebra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (11, '095', 'a', '', ' Conjuntos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (12, '095', 'a', 'conjuntos', ' Conjuntos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (13, '095', 'a', '', ' Lógica Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (14, '095', 'a', 'logica', ' Lógica Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (15, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Lógica Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (16, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria dos Números', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (17, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria dos Números', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (18, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Teoria dos Números', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (19, '095', 'a', 'numeros', ' Teoria dos Números', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (20, '095', 'a', '', ' Grupos de Algebra Não-Comutaviva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (21, '095', 'a', 'grupos', ' Grupos de Algebra Não-Comutaviva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (22, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Grupos de Algebra Não-Comutaviva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (23, '095', 'a', 'algebra', ' Grupos de Algebra Não-Comutaviva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (24, '095', 'a', 'nao-comutaviva', ' Grupos de Algebra Não-Comutaviva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (25, '095', 'a', '', ' Algebra Comutativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (26, '095', 'a', 'algebra', ' Algebra Comutativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (27, '095', 'a', 'comutativa', ' Algebra Comutativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (28, '095', 'a', '', ' Geometria Algebrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (29, '095', 'a', 'geometria', ' Geometria Algebrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (30, '095', 'a', 'algebrica', ' Geometria Algebrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (31, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (32, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (33, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Complexa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (34, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Complexa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (35, '095', 'a', 'complexa', ' Análise Complexa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (36, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Funcional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (37, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Funcional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (38, '095', 'a', 'funcional', ' Análise Funcional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (39, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Funcional Não-Linear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (40, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Funcional Não-Linear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (41, '095', 'a', 'funcional', ' Análise Funcional Não-Linear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (42, '095', 'a', 'nao-linear', ' Análise Funcional Não-Linear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (43, '095', 'a', '', ' Equações Diferênciais Ordinárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (44, '095', 'a', 'equacoes', ' Equações Diferênciais Ordinárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (45, '095', 'a', 'diferenciais', ' Equações Diferênciais Ordinárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (46, '095', 'a', 'ordinarias', ' Equações Diferênciais Ordinárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (47, '095', 'a', '', ' Equações Diferênciais Parciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (48, '095', 'a', 'equacoes', ' Equações Diferênciais Parciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (49, '095', 'a', 'diferenciais', ' Equações Diferênciais Parciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (50, '095', 'a', 'parciais', ' Equações Diferênciais Parciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (51, '095', 'a', '', ' Equações Diferênciais Funcionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (52, '095', 'a', 'equacoes', ' Equações Diferênciais Funcionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (53, '095', 'a', 'diferenciais', ' Equações Diferênciais Funcionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (54, '095', 'a', 'funcionais', ' Equações Diferênciais Funcionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (55, '095', 'a', '', ' Geometria e Topologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (56, '095', 'a', 'geometria', ' Geometria e Topologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (57, '095', 'a', 'topologia', ' Geometria e Topologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (58, '095', 'a', '', ' Geometria Diferêncial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (59, '095', 'a', 'geometria', ' Geometria Diferêncial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (60, '095', 'a', 'diferencial', ' Geometria Diferêncial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (61, '095', 'a', '', ' Topologia Algébrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (62, '095', 'a', 'topologia', ' Topologia Algébrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (63, '095', 'a', 'algebrica', ' Topologia Algébrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (64, '095', 'a', '', ' Topologia das Variedades', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (65, '095', 'a', 'topologia', ' Topologia das Variedades', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (66, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Topologia das Variedades', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (67, '095', 'a', 'variedades', ' Topologia das Variedades', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (68, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas Dinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (69, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas Dinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (70, '095', 'a', 'dinamicos', ' Sistemas Dinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (71, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (72, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (73, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (74, '095', 'a', 'singularidades', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (75, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (76, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (77, '095', 'a', 'catastrofes', ' Teoria das Singularidades e Teoria das Catástrofes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (78, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria das Folheações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (79, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria das Folheações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (80, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Teoria das Folheações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (81, '095', 'a', 'folheacoes', ' Teoria das Folheações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (82, '095', 'a', '', ' Matemática Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (83, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Matemática Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (84, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Matemática Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (85, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (86, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (87, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Física Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (88, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Numérica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (89, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Numérica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (90, '095', 'a', 'numerica', ' Análise Numérica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (91, '095', 'a', '', ' Matemática Discreta e Combinatoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (92, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Matemática Discreta e Combinatoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (93, '095', 'a', 'discreta', ' Matemática Discreta e Combinatoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (94, '095', 'a', 'combinatoria', ' Matemática Discreta e Combinatoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (95, '095', 'a', '', ' Probabilidade e Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (96, '095', 'a', 'probabilidade', ' Probabilidade e Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (97, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Probabilidade e Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (98, '095', 'a', '', ' Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (99, '095', 'a', 'probabilidade', ' Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (100, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral e Fundamentos da Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (101, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral e Fundamentos da Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (102, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral e Fundamentos da Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (103, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Teoria Geral e Fundamentos da Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (104, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria Geral e Fundamentos da Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (105, '095', 'a', 'probabilidade', ' Teoria Geral e Fundamentos da Probabilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (106, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral e Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (107, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral e Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (108, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral e Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (109, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Teoria Geral e Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (110, '095', 'a', 'estocasticos', ' Teoria Geral e Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (111, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoremas de Limite', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (112, '095', 'a', 'teoremas', ' Teoremas de Limite', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (113, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teoremas de Limite', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (114, '095', 'a', 'limite', ' Teoremas de Limite', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (115, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Markovianos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (116, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Markovianos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (117, '095', 'a', 'markovianos', ' Processos Markovianos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (118, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Estocástica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (119, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Estocástica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (120, '095', 'a', 'estocastica', ' Análise Estocástica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (121, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Estocásticos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (122, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Estocásticos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (123, '095', 'a', 'estocasticos', ' Processos Estocásticos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (124, '095', 'a', 'especiais', ' Processos Estocásticos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (125, '095', 'a', '', ' Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (126, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (127, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos da Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (128, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos da Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (129, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fundamentos da Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (130, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Fundamentos da Estatística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (131, '095', 'a', '', ' Inferência Paramétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (132, '095', 'a', 'inferencia', ' Inferência Paramétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (133, '095', 'a', 'parametrica', ' Inferência Paramétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (134, '095', 'a', '', ' Inferência Nao-Paramétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (135, '095', 'a', 'inferencia', ' Inferência Nao-Paramétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (136, '095', 'a', 'nao-parametrica', ' Inferência Nao-Paramétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (137, '095', 'a', '', ' Inferência em Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (138, '095', 'a', 'inferencia', ' Inferência em Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (139, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Inferência em Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (140, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Inferência em Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (141, '095', 'a', 'estocasticos', ' Inferência em Processos Estocásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (142, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Multivariada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (143, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Multivariada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (144, '095', 'a', 'multivariada', ' Análise Multivariada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (145, '095', 'a', '', ' Regressão e Correlação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (146, '095', 'a', 'regressao', ' Regressão e Correlação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (147, '095', 'a', 'correlacao', ' Regressão e Correlação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (148, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento de Experimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (149, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento de Experimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (150, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Planejamento de Experimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (151, '095', 'a', 'experimentos', ' Planejamento de Experimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (152, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (153, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (154, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (155, '095', 'a', 'dados', ' Análise de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (156, '095', 'a', '', ' Probabilidade e Estatística Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (157, '095', 'a', 'probabilidade', ' Probabilidade e Estatística Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (158, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Probabilidade e Estatística Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (159, '095', 'a', 'aplicadas', ' Probabilidade e Estatística Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (160, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciência da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (161, '095', 'a', 'ciencia', ' Ciência da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (162, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Ciência da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (163, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Ciência da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (164, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (165, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (166, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (167, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Teoria da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (168, '095', 'a', '', ' Computabilidade e Modelos de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (169, '095', 'a', 'computabilidade', ' Computabilidade e Modelos de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (170, '095', 'a', 'modelos', ' Computabilidade e Modelos de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (171, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Computabilidade e Modelos de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (172, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Computabilidade e Modelos de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (173, '095', 'a', '', ' Linguagem Formais e Automatos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (174, '095', 'a', 'linguagem', ' Linguagem Formais e Automatos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (175, '095', 'a', 'formais', ' Linguagem Formais e Automatos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (176, '095', 'a', 'automatos', ' Linguagem Formais e Automatos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (177, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (178, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (179, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (180, '095', 'a', 'algoritmos', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (181, '095', 'a', 'complexidade', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (182, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (183, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (184, '095', 'a', '', ' Lógicas e Semântica de Programas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (185, '095', 'a', 'logicas', ' Lógicas e Semântica de Programas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (186, '095', 'a', 'semantica', ' Lógicas e Semântica de Programas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (187, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Lógicas e Semântica de Programas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (188, '095', 'a', 'programas', ' Lógicas e Semântica de Programas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (189, '095', 'a', '', ' Matemática da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (190, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Matemática da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (191, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Matemática da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (192, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Matemática da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (193, '095', 'a', '', ' Matemática Simbólica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (194, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Matemática Simbólica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (195, '095', 'a', 'simbolica', ' Matemática Simbólica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (196, '095', 'a', '', ' Modelos Analíticos e de Simulação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (197, '095', 'a', 'modelos', ' Modelos Analíticos e de Simulação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (198, '095', 'a', 'analiticos', ' Modelos Analíticos e de Simulação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (199, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Modelos Analíticos e de Simulação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (200, '095', 'a', 'simulacao', ' Modelos Analíticos e de Simulação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (201, '095', 'a', '', ' Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (202, '095', 'a', 'metodologia', ' Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (203, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (204, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (205, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (206, '095', 'a', '', ' Linguagens de Programação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (207, '095', 'a', 'linguagens', ' Linguagens de Programação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (208, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Linguagens de Programação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (209, '095', 'a', 'programacao', ' Linguagens de Programação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (210, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Software', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (211, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Software', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (212, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Software', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (213, '095', 'a', 'software', ' Engenharia de Software', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (214, '095', 'a', '', ' Banco de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (215, '095', 'a', 'banco', ' Banco de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (216, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Banco de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (217, '095', 'a', 'dados', ' Banco de Dados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (218, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (219, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (220, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sistemas de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (221, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Sistemas de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (222, '095', 'a', '', ' Processamento Gráfico (Graphics)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (223, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Processamento Gráfico (Graphics)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (224, '095', 'a', 'grafico', ' Processamento Gráfico (Graphics)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (225, '095', 'a', '(graphics)', ' Processamento Gráfico (Graphics)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (226, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (227, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (228, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (229, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (230, '095', 'a', '', ' Hardware', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (231, '095', 'a', 'hardware', ' Hardware', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (232, '095', 'a', '', ' Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (233, '095', 'a', 'arquitetura', ' Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (234, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (235, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (236, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (237, '095', 'a', 'computacao', ' Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (238, '095', 'a', '', ' Software Básico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (239, '095', 'a', 'software', ' Software Básico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (240, '095', 'a', 'basico', ' Software Básico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (241, '095', 'a', '', ' Teleinformática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (242, '095', 'a', 'teleinformatica', ' Teleinformática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (243, '095', 'a', '', ' Astronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (244, '095', 'a', 'astronomia', ' Astronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (245, '095', 'a', '', ' Astronomia de Posição e Mecânica Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (246, '095', 'a', 'astronomia', ' Astronomia de Posição e Mecânica Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (247, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Astronomia de Posição e Mecânica Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (248, '095', 'a', 'posicao', ' Astronomia de Posição e Mecânica Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (249, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Astronomia de Posição e Mecânica Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (250, '095', 'a', 'celeste', ' Astronomia de Posição e Mecânica Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (251, '095', 'a', '', ' Astronomia Fundamental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (252, '095', 'a', 'astronomia', ' Astronomia Fundamental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (253, '095', 'a', 'fundamental', ' Astronomia Fundamental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (254, '095', 'a', '', ' Astronomia Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (255, '095', 'a', 'astronomia', ' Astronomia Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (256, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Astronomia Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (257, '095', 'a', '', ' Astrofísica Estelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (258, '095', 'a', 'astrofisica', ' Astrofísica Estelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (259, '095', 'a', 'estelar', ' Astrofísica Estelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (260, '095', 'a', '', ' Astrofísica do Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (261, '095', 'a', 'astrofisica', ' Astrofísica do Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (262, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Astrofísica do Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (263, '095', 'a', 'meio', ' Astrofísica do Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (264, '095', 'a', 'interestelar', ' Astrofísica do Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (265, '095', 'a', '', ' Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (266, '095', 'a', 'meio', ' Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (267, '095', 'a', 'interestelar', ' Meio Interestelar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (268, '095', 'a', '', ' Nebulosa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (269, '095', 'a', 'nebulosa', ' Nebulosa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (270, '095', 'a', '', ' Astrofísica Extragaláctica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (271, '095', 'a', 'astrofisica', ' Astrofísica Extragaláctica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (272, '095', 'a', 'extragalactica', ' Astrofísica Extragaláctica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (273, '095', 'a', '', ' Galáxias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (274, '095', 'a', 'galaxias', ' Galáxias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (275, '095', 'a', '', ' Aglomerados de Galáxias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (276, '095', 'a', 'aglomerados', ' Aglomerados de Galáxias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (277, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aglomerados de Galáxias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (278, '095', 'a', 'galaxias', ' Aglomerados de Galáxias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (279, '095', 'a', '', ' Quasares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (280, '095', 'a', 'quasares', ' Quasares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (281, '095', 'a', '', ' Cosmologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (282, '095', 'a', 'cosmologia', ' Cosmologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (283, '095', 'a', '', ' Astrofísica do Sistema Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (284, '095', 'a', 'astrofisica', ' Astrofísica do Sistema Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (285, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Astrofísica do Sistema Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (286, '095', 'a', 'sistema', ' Astrofísica do Sistema Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (287, '095', 'a', 'solar', ' Astrofísica do Sistema Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (288, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (289, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (290, '095', 'a', 'solar', ' Física Solar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (291, '095', 'a', '', ' Movimento da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (292, '095', 'a', 'movimento', ' Movimento da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (293, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Movimento da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (294, '095', 'a', 'terra', ' Movimento da Terra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (295, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistema Planetário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (296, '095', 'a', 'sistema', ' Sistema Planetário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (297, '095', 'a', 'planetario', ' Sistema Planetário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (298, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Astronômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (299, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Astronômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (300, '095', 'a', 'astronomica', ' Instrumentação Astronômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (301, '095', 'a', '', ' Astronômia Ótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (302, '095', 'a', 'astronomia', ' Astronômia Ótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (303, '095', 'a', 'otica', ' Astronômia Ótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (304, '095', 'a', '', ' Radioastronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (305, '095', 'a', 'radioastronomia', ' Radioastronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (306, '095', 'a', '', ' Astronomia Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (307, '095', 'a', 'astronomia', ' Astronomia Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (308, '095', 'a', 'espacial', ' Astronomia Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (309, '095', 'a', '', ' Processamento de Dados Astronômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (310, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Processamento de Dados Astronômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (311, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processamento de Dados Astronômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (312, '095', 'a', 'dados', ' Processamento de Dados Astronômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (313, '095', 'a', 'astronomicos', ' Processamento de Dados Astronômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (314, '095', 'a', '', ' Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (315, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (316, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (317, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (318, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Física Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (319, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos Matemáticos da Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (320, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos Matemáticos da Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (321, '095', 'a', 'matematicos', ' Métodos Matemáticos da Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (322, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Métodos Matemáticos da Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (323, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Métodos Matemáticos da Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (324, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (325, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (326, '095', 'a', 'classica', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (327, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (328, '095', 'a', 'quantica;', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (329, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (330, '095', 'a', 'campos', ' Física Clássica e Física Quântica; Mecânica e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (331, '095', 'a', '', ' Relatividade e Gravitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (332, '095', 'a', 'relatividade', ' Relatividade e Gravitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (333, '095', 'a', 'gravitacao', ' Relatividade e Gravitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (334, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Estatística e Termodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (335, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Estatística e Termodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (336, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Física Estatística e Termodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (337, '095', 'a', 'termodinamica', ' Física Estatística e Termodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (338, '095', 'a', '', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (339, '095', 'a', 'metrologia,', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (340, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (341, '095', 'a', 'gerais', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (342, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (343, '095', 'a', 'laboratorio,', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (344, '095', 'a', 'sistema', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (345, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (346, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Metrologia, Técnicas Gerais de Laboratório, Sistema de Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (347, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (348, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (349, '095', 'a', 'especifica', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (350, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (351, '095', 'a', 'uso', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (352, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (353, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (354, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Instrumentação Específica de Uso Geral em Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (355, '095', 'a', '', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (356, '095', 'a', 'areas', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (357, '095', 'a', 'classicas', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (358, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (359, '095', 'a', 'fenomenologia', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (360, '095', 'a', 'suas', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (361, '095', 'a', 'aplicacoes', ' Áreas Clássicas de Fenomenologia e suas Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (362, '095', 'a', '', ' Eletricidade e Magnetismo; Campos e Partículas Carregadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (363, '095', 'a', 'eletricidade', ' Eletricidade e Magnetismo; Campos e Partículas Carregadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (364, '095', 'a', 'magnetismo;', ' Eletricidade e Magnetismo; Campos e Partículas Carregadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (365, '095', 'a', 'campos', ' Eletricidade e Magnetismo; Campos e Partículas Carregadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (366, '095', 'a', 'particulas', ' Eletricidade e Magnetismo; Campos e Partículas Carregadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (367, '095', 'a', 'carregadas', ' Eletricidade e Magnetismo; Campos e Partículas Carregadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (368, '095', 'a', '', ' Ótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (369, '095', 'a', 'otica', ' Ótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (370, '095', 'a', '', ' Acústica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (371, '095', 'a', 'acustica', ' Acústica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (372, '095', 'a', '', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (373, '095', 'a', 'transferencia', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (374, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (375, '095', 'a', 'calor;', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (376, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (377, '095', 'a', 'termicos', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (378, '095', 'a', 'termodinamicos', ' Transferência de Calor; Processos Térmicos e Termodinâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (379, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânica, Elasticidade e Reologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (380, '095', 'a', 'mecanica,', ' Mecânica, Elasticidade e Reologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (381, '095', 'a', 'elasticidade', ' Mecânica, Elasticidade e Reologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (382, '095', 'a', 'reologia', ' Mecânica, Elasticidade e Reologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (383, '095', 'a', '', ' Dinâmica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (384, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Dinâmica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (385, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Dinâmica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (386, '095', 'a', 'fluidos', ' Dinâmica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (387, '095', 'a', '', ' Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (388, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (389, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (390, '095', 'a', 'particulas', ' Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (391, '095', 'a', 'elementares', ' Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (392, '095', 'a', 'campos', ' Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (393, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral de Partículas e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (394, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral de Partículas e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (395, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral de Partículas e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (396, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teoria Geral de Partículas e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (397, '095', 'a', 'particulas', ' Teoria Geral de Partículas e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (398, '095', 'a', 'campos', ' Teoria Geral de Partículas e Campos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (399, '095', 'a', '', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (400, '095', 'a', 'teorias', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (401, '095', 'a', 'especificas', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (402, '095', 'a', 'modelos', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (403, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (404, '095', 'a', 'interacao;', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (405, '095', 'a', 'sistematica', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (406, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (407, '095', 'a', 'particulas;', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (408, '095', 'a', 'raios', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (409, '095', 'a', 'cosmicos', ' Teorias Específicas e Modelos de Interação; Sistematica de Partículas; Raios Cósmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (410, '095', 'a', '', ' Reações Específicas e Fenomiologia de Partículas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (411, '095', 'a', 'reacoes', ' Reações Específicas e Fenomiologia de Partículas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (412, '095', 'a', 'especificas', ' Reações Específicas e Fenomiologia de Partículas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (413, '095', 'a', 'fenomiologia', ' Reações Específicas e Fenomiologia de Partículas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (414, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Reações Específicas e Fenomiologia de Partículas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (415, '095', 'a', 'particulas', ' Reações Específicas e Fenomiologia de Partículas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (416, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades de Partículas Específicas e Ressonâncias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (417, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades de Partículas Específicas e Ressonâncias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (418, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Propriedades de Partículas Específicas e Ressonâncias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (419, '095', 'a', 'particulas', ' Propriedades de Partículas Específicas e Ressonâncias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (420, '095', 'a', 'especificas', ' Propriedades de Partículas Específicas e Ressonâncias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (421, '095', 'a', 'ressonancias', ' Propriedades de Partículas Específicas e Ressonâncias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (422, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (423, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (424, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (425, '095', 'a', '', ' Estrutura Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (426, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Estrutura Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (427, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Estrutura Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (428, '095', 'a', '', ' Desintegração Nuclear e Radioatividade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (429, '095', 'a', 'desintegracao', ' Desintegração Nuclear e Radioatividade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (430, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Desintegração Nuclear e Radioatividade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (431, '095', 'a', 'radioatividade', ' Desintegração Nuclear e Radioatividade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (432, '095', 'a', '', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (433, '095', 'a', 'reacoes', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (434, '095', 'a', 'nucleares', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (435, '095', 'a', 'espalhamento', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (436, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (437, '095', 'a', '', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento (Reações Específicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (438, '095', 'a', 'reacoes', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento (Reações Específicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (439, '095', 'a', 'nucleares', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento (Reações Específicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (440, '095', 'a', 'espalhamento', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento (Reações Específicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (441, '095', 'a', '(reacoes', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento (Reações Específicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (442, '095', 'a', 'especificas)', ' Reações Nucleares e Espalhamento (Reações Específicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (443, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades de Núcleos Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (444, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades de Núcleos Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (445, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Propriedades de Núcleos Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (446, '095', 'a', 'nucleos', ' Propriedades de Núcleos Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (447, '095', 'a', 'especificos', ' Propriedades de Núcleos Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (448, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (449, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (450, '095', 'a', 'experimentais', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (451, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (452, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (453, '095', 'a', 'particulas', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (454, '095', 'a', 'elementares', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (455, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (456, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Métodos Experimentais e Instrumentação para Partículas Elementares e Física Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (457, '095', 'a', '', ' Física Atômica e Molécular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (458, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física Atômica e Molécular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (459, '095', 'a', 'atomica', ' Física Atômica e Molécular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (460, '095', 'a', 'molecular', ' Física Atômica e Molécular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (461, '095', 'a', '', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (462, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (463, '095', 'a', 'eletronica', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (464, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (465, '095', 'a', 'atomos', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (466, '095', 'a', 'moleculas;', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (467, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos e Moléculas; Teoria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (468, '095', 'a', '', ' Espectros Atômicos e Integração de Fótons', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (469, '095', 'a', 'espectros', ' Espectros Atômicos e Integração de Fótons', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (470, '095', 'a', 'atomicos', ' Espectros Atômicos e Integração de Fótons', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (471, '095', 'a', 'integracao', ' Espectros Atômicos e Integração de Fótons', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (472, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Espectros Atômicos e Integração de Fótons', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (473, '095', 'a', 'fotons', ' Espectros Atômicos e Integração de Fótons', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (474, '095', 'a', '', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (475, '095', 'a', 'espectros', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (476, '095', 'a', 'moleculares', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (477, '095', 'a', 'interacoes', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (478, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (479, '095', 'a', 'fotons', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (480, '095', 'a', 'com', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (481, '095', 'a', 'moleculas', ' Espectros Moléculares e Interações de Fótons com Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (482, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (483, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (484, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (485, '095', 'a', 'colisao', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (486, '095', 'a', 'interacoes', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (487, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (488, '095', 'a', 'atomos', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (489, '095', 'a', 'moleculas', ' Processos de Colisão e Interações de Átomos e Moléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (490, '095', 'a', '', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (491, '095', 'a', 'inf.sobre', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (492, '095', 'a', 'atomos', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (493, '095', 'a', 'moleculas', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (494, '095', 'a', 'obtidos', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (495, '095', 'a', 'experimentalmente;instrumentacao', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (496, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Inf.Sobre Átomos e Moléculas Obtidos Experimentalmente;Instrumentação e Técnicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (497, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos de Átomos e Moléculas Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (498, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos de Átomos e Moléculas Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (499, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estudos de Átomos e Moléculas Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (500, '095', 'a', 'atomos', ' Estudos de Átomos e Moléculas Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (501, '095', 'a', 'moleculas', ' Estudos de Átomos e Moléculas Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (502, '095', 'a', 'especiais', ' Estudos de Átomos e Moléculas Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (503, '095', 'a', '', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (504, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (505, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (506, '095', 'a', 'fluidos,', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (507, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (508, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (509, '095', 'a', 'plasmas', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (510, '095', 'a', 'descargas', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (511, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Física dos Fluidos, Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (512, '095', 'a', '', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (513, '095', 'a', 'cinetica', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (514, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (515, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (516, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (517, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (518, '095', 'a', 'fluidos;', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (519, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (520, '095', 'a', 'fisicas', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (521, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (522, '095', 'a', 'gases', ' Cinética e Teoria de Transporte de Fluidos; Propriedades Físicas de Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (523, '095', 'a', '', ' Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (524, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (525, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (526, '095', 'a', 'plasmas', ' Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (527, '095', 'a', 'descargas', ' Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (528, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Física de Plasmas e Descargas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (529, '095', 'a', '', ' Física da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (530, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (531, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Física da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (532, '095', 'a', 'materia', ' Física da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (533, '095', 'a', 'condensada', ' Física da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (534, '095', 'a', '', ' Estrutura de Líquidos e Sólidos; Cristalografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (535, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Estrutura de Líquidos e Sólidos; Cristalografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (536, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estrutura de Líquidos e Sólidos; Cristalografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (537, '095', 'a', 'liquidos', ' Estrutura de Líquidos e Sólidos; Cristalografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (538, '095', 'a', 'solidos;', ' Estrutura de Líquidos e Sólidos; Cristalografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (539, '095', 'a', 'cristalografia', ' Estrutura de Líquidos e Sólidos; Cristalografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (540, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (541, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (542, '095', 'a', 'mecanicas', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (543, '095', 'a', 'acusticas', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (544, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (545, '095', 'a', 'materia', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (546, '095', 'a', 'condensada', ' Propriedades Mecânicas e Acústicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (547, '095', 'a', '', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (548, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (549, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (550, '095', 'a', 'rede', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (551, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (552, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (553, '095', 'a', 'cristais', ' Dinâmica da Rede e Estatística de Cristais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (554, '095', 'a', '', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (555, '095', 'a', 'equacao', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (556, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (557, '095', 'a', 'estado,', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (558, '095', 'a', 'equilibrio', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (559, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (560, '095', 'a', 'fases', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (561, '095', 'a', 'transicoes', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (562, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (563, '095', 'a', 'fase', ' Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (564, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Térmicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (565, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Térmicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (566, '095', 'a', 'termicas', ' Propriedades Térmicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (567, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Propriedades Térmicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (568, '095', 'a', 'materia', ' Propriedades Térmicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (569, '095', 'a', 'condensada', ' Propriedades Térmicas da Matéria Condensada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (570, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (571, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (572, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (573, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (574, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (575, '095', 'a', 'materia', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (576, '095', 'a', 'condensada', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (577, '095', 'a', '(nao', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (578, '095', 'a', 'eletronicas)', ' Propriedades de Transportes de Matéria Condensada (Não Eletrônicas)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (579, '095', 'a', '', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (580, '095', 'a', 'campos', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (581, '095', 'a', 'quanticos', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (582, '095', 'a', 'solidos,', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (583, '095', 'a', 'helio,', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (584, '095', 'a', 'liquido,', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (585, '095', 'a', 'solido', ' Campos Quânticos e Sólidos, Hélio, Líquido, Sólido', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (586, '095', 'a', '', ' Superfícies e Interfaces; Películas e Filamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (587, '095', 'a', 'superficies', ' Superfícies e Interfaces; Películas e Filamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (588, '095', 'a', 'interfaces;', ' Superfícies e Interfaces; Películas e Filamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (589, '095', 'a', 'peliculas', ' Superfícies e Interfaces; Películas e Filamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (590, '095', 'a', 'filamentos', ' Superfícies e Interfaces; Películas e Filamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (591, '095', 'a', '', ' Estados Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (592, '095', 'a', 'estados', ' Estados Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (593, '095', 'a', 'eletronicos', ' Estados Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (594, '095', 'a', '', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (595, '095', 'a', 'transp.eletronicos', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (596, '095', 'a', 'prop.', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (597, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (598, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (599, '095', 'a', 'superficies;', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (600, '095', 'a', 'interfaces', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (601, '095', 'a', 'peliculas', ' Transp.Eletrônicos e Prop. Elétricas de Superfícies; Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (602, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (603, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (604, '095', 'a', 'eletronicas', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (605, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (606, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (607, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (608, '095', 'a', 'superficies', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (609, '095', 'a', 'interfaces', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (610, '095', 'a', 'peliculas', ' Estruturas Eletrônicas e Propriedades Elétricas de Superfícies Interfaces e Películas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (611, '095', 'a', '', ' Supercondutividade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (612, '095', 'a', 'supercondutividade', ' Supercondutividade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (613, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Magnéticos e Propriedades Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (614, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Magnéticos e Propriedades Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (615, '095', 'a', 'magneticos', ' Materiais Magnéticos e Propriedades Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (616, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Materiais Magnéticos e Propriedades Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (617, '095', 'a', 'magneticas', ' Materiais Magnéticos e Propriedades Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (618, '095', 'a', '', ' Ressonância Mag.e Relax.Na Mat.Condens;Efeitos Mosbauer;Corr.Ang.Pertubada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (619, '095', 'a', 'ressonancia', ' Ressonância Mag.e Relax.Na Mat.Condens;Efeitos Mosbauer;Corr.Ang.Pertubada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (620, '095', 'a', 'mag.e', ' Ressonância Mag.e Relax.Na Mat.Condens;Efeitos Mosbauer;Corr.Ang.Pertubada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (621, '095', 'a', 'relax.na', ' Ressonância Mag.e Relax.Na Mat.Condens;Efeitos Mosbauer;Corr.Ang.Pertubada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (622, '095', 'a', 'mat.condens;efeitos', ' Ressonância Mag.e Relax.Na Mat.Condens;Efeitos Mosbauer;Corr.Ang.Pertubada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (623, '095', 'a', 'mosbauer;corr.ang.pertubada', ' Ressonância Mag.e Relax.Na Mat.Condens;Efeitos Mosbauer;Corr.Ang.Pertubada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (624, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Dielétricos e Propriedades Dielétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (625, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Dielétricos e Propriedades Dielétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (626, '095', 'a', 'dieletricos', ' Materiais Dielétricos e Propriedades Dielétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (627, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Materiais Dielétricos e Propriedades Dielétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (628, '095', 'a', 'dieletricas', ' Materiais Dielétricos e Propriedades Dielétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (629, '095', 'a', '', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (630, '095', 'a', 'prop.oticas', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (631, '095', 'a', 'espectrosc.da', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (632, '095', 'a', 'mat.condens;outras', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (633, '095', 'a', 'inter.da', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (634, '095', 'a', 'mat.com', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (635, '095', 'a', 'rad.e', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (636, '095', 'a', 'part.', ' Prop.Óticas e Espectrosc.da Mat.Condens;Outras Inter.da Mat.Com Rad.e Part.', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (637, '095', 'a', '', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (638, '095', 'a', 'emissao', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (639, '095', 'a', 'eletronica', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (640, '095', 'a', 'ionica', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (641, '095', 'a', 'por', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (642, '095', 'a', 'liquidos', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (643, '095', 'a', 'solidos;', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (644, '095', 'a', 'fenomenos', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (645, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (646, '095', 'a', 'impacto', ' Emissão Eletrônica e Iônica por Líquidos e Sólidos; Fenômenos de Impacto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (647, '095', 'a', '', ' Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (648, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (649, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (650, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (651, '095', 'a', 'organica', ' Química Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (652, '095', 'a', '', ' Estrutura, Conformação e Estereoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (653, '095', 'a', 'estrutura,', ' Estrutura, Conformação e Estereoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (654, '095', 'a', 'conformacao', ' Estrutura, Conformação e Estereoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (655, '095', 'a', 'estereoquimica', ' Estrutura, Conformação e Estereoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (656, '095', 'a', '', ' Sintese Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (657, '095', 'a', 'sintese', ' Sintese Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (658, '095', 'a', 'organica', ' Sintese Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (659, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisico-Química Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (660, '095', 'a', 'fisico-quimica', ' Fisico-Química Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (661, '095', 'a', 'organica', ' Fisico-Química Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (662, '095', 'a', '', ' Fotoquímica Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (663, '095', 'a', 'fotoquimica', ' Fotoquímica Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (664, '095', 'a', 'organica', ' Fotoquímica Orgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (665, '095', 'a', '', ' Química dos Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (666, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química dos Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (667, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Química dos Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (668, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Química dos Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (669, '095', 'a', 'naturais', ' Química dos Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (670, '095', 'a', '', ' Evolução, Sistemática e Ecologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (671, '095', 'a', 'evolucao,', ' Evolução, Sistemática e Ecologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (672, '095', 'a', 'sistematica', ' Evolução, Sistemática e Ecologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (673, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Evolução, Sistemática e Ecologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (674, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Evolução, Sistemática e Ecologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (675, '095', 'a', '', ' Polimeros e Colóides', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (676, '095', 'a', 'polimeros', ' Polimeros e Colóides', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (677, '095', 'a', 'coloides', ' Polimeros e Colóides', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (678, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (679, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (680, '095', 'a', 'inorganica', ' Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (681, '095', 'a', '', ' Campos de Coordenação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (682, '095', 'a', 'campos', ' Campos de Coordenação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (683, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Campos de Coordenação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (684, '095', 'a', 'coordenacao', ' Campos de Coordenação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (685, '095', 'a', '', ' Não-Metais e Seus Compostos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (686, '095', 'a', 'nao-metais', ' Não-Metais e Seus Compostos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (687, '095', 'a', 'seus', ' Não-Metais e Seus Compostos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (688, '095', 'a', 'compostos', ' Não-Metais e Seus Compostos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (689, '095', 'a', '', ' Compostos Organo-Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (690, '095', 'a', 'compostos', ' Compostos Organo-Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (691, '095', 'a', 'organo-metalicos', ' Compostos Organo-Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (692, '095', 'a', '', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (693, '095', 'a', 'determinacao', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (694, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (695, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (696, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (697, '095', 'a', 'compostos', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (698, '095', 'a', 'inorganicos', ' Determinação de Estrutura de Compostos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (699, '095', 'a', '', ' Foto-Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (700, '095', 'a', 'foto-quimica', ' Foto-Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (701, '095', 'a', 'inorganica', ' Foto-Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (702, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisico Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (703, '095', 'a', 'fisico', ' Fisico Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (704, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Fisico Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (705, '095', 'a', 'inorganica', ' Fisico Química Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (706, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Bio-Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (707, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Bio-Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (708, '095', 'a', 'bio-inorganica', ' Química Bio-Inorgânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (709, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisico-Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (710, '095', 'a', 'fisico-quimica', ' Fisico-Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (711, '095', 'a', '', ' Cinética Química e Catálise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (712, '095', 'a', 'cinetica', ' Cinética Química e Catálise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (713, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Cinética Química e Catálise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (714, '095', 'a', 'catalise', ' Cinética Química e Catálise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (715, '095', 'a', '', ' Eletroquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (716, '095', 'a', 'eletroquimica', ' Eletroquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (717, '095', 'a', '', ' Espectroscopia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (718, '095', 'a', 'espectroscopia', ' Espectroscopia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (719, '095', 'a', '', ' Química de Interfaces', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (720, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química de Interfaces', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (721, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Química de Interfaces', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (722, '095', 'a', 'interfaces', ' Química de Interfaces', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (723, '095', 'a', '', ' Química do Estado Condensado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (724, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química do Estado Condensado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (725, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Química do Estado Condensado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (726, '095', 'a', 'estado', ' Química do Estado Condensado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (727, '095', 'a', 'condensado', ' Química do Estado Condensado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (728, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Nuclear e Radioquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (729, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Nuclear e Radioquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (730, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Química Nuclear e Radioquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (731, '095', 'a', 'radioquimica', ' Química Nuclear e Radioquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (732, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Teórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (733, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Teórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (734, '095', 'a', 'teorica', ' Química Teórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (735, '095', 'a', '', ' Termodinâmica Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (736, '095', 'a', 'termodinamica', ' Termodinâmica Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (737, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Termodinâmica Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (738, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Analítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (739, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Analítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (740, '095', 'a', 'analitica', ' Química Analítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (741, '095', 'a', '', ' Separação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (742, '095', 'a', 'separacao', ' Separação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (743, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos Óticos de Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (744, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos Óticos de Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (745, '095', 'a', 'oticos', ' Métodos Óticos de Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (746, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos Óticos de Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (747, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Métodos Óticos de Análise', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (748, '095', 'a', '', ' Eletroanalítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (749, '095', 'a', 'eletroanalitica', ' Eletroanalítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (750, '095', 'a', '', ' Gravimetria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (751, '095', 'a', 'gravimetria', ' Gravimetria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (752, '095', 'a', '', ' Titimetria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (753, '095', 'a', 'titimetria', ' Titimetria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (754, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Analítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (755, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Analítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (756, '095', 'a', 'analitica', ' Instrumentação Analítica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (757, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise de Traços e Química Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (758, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise de Traços e Química Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (759, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Traços e Química Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (760, '095', 'a', 'tracos', ' Análise de Traços e Química Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (761, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Análise de Traços e Química Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (762, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Análise de Traços e Química Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (763, '095', 'a', '', ' GeoCiências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (764, '095', 'a', 'geociencias', ' GeoCiências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (765, '095', 'a', '', ' Geologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (766, '095', 'a', 'geologia', ' Geologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (767, '095', 'a', '', ' Mineralogia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (768, '095', 'a', 'mineralogia', ' Mineralogia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (769, '095', 'a', '', ' Petrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (770, '095', 'a', 'petrologia', ' Petrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (771, '095', 'a', '', ' Geoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (772, '095', 'a', 'geoquimica', ' Geoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (773, '095', 'a', '', ' Geologia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (774, '095', 'a', 'geologia', ' Geologia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (775, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Geologia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (776, '095', 'a', '', ' Geotectônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (777, '095', 'a', 'geotectonica', ' Geotectônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (778, '095', 'a', '', ' Geocronologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (779, '095', 'a', 'geocronologia', ' Geocronologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (780, '095', 'a', '', ' Cartografia Geológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (781, '095', 'a', 'cartografia', ' Cartografia Geológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (782, '095', 'a', 'geologica', ' Cartografia Geológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (783, '095', 'a', '', ' Metalogenia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (784, '095', 'a', 'metalogenia', ' Metalogenia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (785, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidrogeologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (786, '095', 'a', 'hidrogeologia', ' Hidrogeologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (787, '095', 'a', '', ' Prospecção Mineral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (788, '095', 'a', 'prospeccao', ' Prospecção Mineral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (789, '095', 'a', 'mineral', ' Prospecção Mineral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (790, '095', 'a', '', ' Sedimentologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (791, '095', 'a', 'sedimentologia', ' Sedimentologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (792, '095', 'a', '', ' Paleontologia Estratigráfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (793, '095', 'a', 'paleontologia', ' Paleontologia Estratigráfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (794, '095', 'a', 'estratigrafica', ' Paleontologia Estratigráfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (795, '095', 'a', '', ' Estratigrafia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (796, '095', 'a', 'estratigrafia', ' Estratigrafia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (797, '095', 'a', '', ' Geologia Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (798, '095', 'a', 'geologia', ' Geologia Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (799, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Geologia Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (800, '095', 'a', '', ' Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (801, '095', 'a', 'geofisica', ' Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (802, '095', 'a', '', ' Geomagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (803, '095', 'a', 'geomagnetismo', ' Geomagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (804, '095', 'a', '', ' Sismologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (805, '095', 'a', 'sismologia', ' Sismologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (806, '095', 'a', '', ' Geotermia e Fluxo Térmico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (807, '095', 'a', 'geotermia', ' Geotermia e Fluxo Térmico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (808, '095', 'a', 'fluxo', ' Geotermia e Fluxo Térmico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (809, '095', 'a', 'termico', ' Geotermia e Fluxo Térmico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (810, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Físicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (811, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Físicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (812, '095', 'a', 'fisicas', ' Propriedades Físicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (813, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Propriedades Físicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (814, '095', 'a', 'rochas', ' Propriedades Físicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (815, '095', 'a', '', ' Geofísica Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (816, '095', 'a', 'geofisica', ' Geofísica Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (817, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Geofísica Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (818, '095', 'a', '', ' Sensoriamento Remoto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (819, '095', 'a', 'sensoriamento', ' Sensoriamento Remoto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (820, '095', 'a', 'remoto', ' Sensoriamento Remoto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (821, '095', 'a', '', ' Aeronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (822, '095', 'a', 'aeronomia', ' Aeronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (823, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenvolvimento de Instrumentação Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (824, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Desenvolvimento de Instrumentação Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (825, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Desenvolvimento de Instrumentação Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (826, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Desenvolvimento de Instrumentação Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (827, '095', 'a', 'geofisica', ' Desenvolvimento de Instrumentação Geofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (828, '095', 'a', '', ' Geofísica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (829, '095', 'a', 'geofisica', ' Geofísica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (830, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Geofísica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (831, '095', 'a', '', ' Gravimetria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (832, '095', 'a', 'gravimetria', ' Gravimetria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (833, '095', 'a', '', ' Meteorologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (834, '095', 'a', 'meteorologia', ' Meteorologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (835, '095', 'a', '', ' Meteorologia Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (836, '095', 'a', 'meteorologia', ' Meteorologia Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (837, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Meteorologia Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (838, '095', 'a', '', ' Meteorologia Sinótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (839, '095', 'a', 'meteorologia', ' Meteorologia Sinótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (840, '095', 'a', 'sinotica', ' Meteorologia Sinótica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (841, '095', 'a', '', ' Meteorologia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (842, '095', 'a', 'meteorologia', ' Meteorologia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (843, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Meteorologia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (844, '095', 'a', '', ' Química da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (845, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (846, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Química da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (847, '095', 'a', 'atmosfera', ' Química da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (848, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Meteorológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (849, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Meteorológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (850, '095', 'a', 'meteorologica', ' Instrumentação Meteorológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (851, '095', 'a', '', ' Climatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (852, '095', 'a', 'climatologia', ' Climatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (853, '095', 'a', '', ' Micrometeorologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (854, '095', 'a', 'micrometeorologia', ' Micrometeorologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (855, '095', 'a', '', ' Sensoriamento Remoto da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (856, '095', 'a', 'sensoriamento', ' Sensoriamento Remoto da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (857, '095', 'a', 'remoto', ' Sensoriamento Remoto da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (858, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Sensoriamento Remoto da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (859, '095', 'a', 'atmosfera', ' Sensoriamento Remoto da Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (860, '095', 'a', '', ' Meteorologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (861, '095', 'a', 'meteorologia', ' Meteorologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (862, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Meteorologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (863, '095', 'a', '', ' Geodesia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (864, '095', 'a', 'geodesia', ' Geodesia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (865, '095', 'a', '', ' Geodesia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (866, '095', 'a', 'geodesia', ' Geodesia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (867, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Geodesia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (868, '095', 'a', '', ' Geodesia Geométrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (869, '095', 'a', 'geodesia', ' Geodesia Geométrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (870, '095', 'a', 'geometrica', ' Geodesia Geométrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (871, '095', 'a', '', ' Geodesia Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (872, '095', 'a', 'geodesia', ' Geodesia Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (873, '095', 'a', 'celeste', ' Geodesia Celeste', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (874, '095', 'a', '', ' Fotogrametria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (875, '095', 'a', 'fotogrametria', ' Fotogrametria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (876, '095', 'a', '', ' Cartografia Básica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (877, '095', 'a', 'cartografia', ' Cartografia Básica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (878, '095', 'a', 'basica', ' Cartografia Básica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (879, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (880, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (881, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Geografia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (882, '095', 'a', '', ' Geomorfologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (883, '095', 'a', 'geomorfologia', ' Geomorfologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (884, '095', 'a', '', ' Climatologia Geográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (885, '095', 'a', 'climatologia', ' Climatologia Geográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (886, '095', 'a', 'geografica', ' Climatologia Geográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (887, '095', 'a', '', ' Pedologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (888, '095', 'a', 'pedologia', ' Pedologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (889, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidrogeografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (890, '095', 'a', 'hidrogeografia', ' Hidrogeografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (891, '095', 'a', '', ' Geoecologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (892, '095', 'a', 'geoecologia', ' Geoecologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (893, '095', 'a', '', ' Fotogeografia (Físico-Ecológica)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (894, '095', 'a', 'fotogeografia', ' Fotogeografia (Físico-Ecológica)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (895, '095', 'a', '(fisico-ecologica)', ' Fotogeografia (Físico-Ecológica)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (896, '095', 'a', '', ' Geocartografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (897, '095', 'a', 'geocartografia', ' Geocartografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (898, '095', 'a', '', ' Oceanografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (899, '095', 'a', 'oceanografia', ' Oceanografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (900, '095', 'a', '', ' Oceanografia Biológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (901, '095', 'a', 'oceanografia', ' Oceanografia Biológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (902, '095', 'a', 'biologica', ' Oceanografia Biológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (903, '095', 'a', '', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (904, '095', 'a', 'interacao', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (905, '095', 'a', 'entre', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (906, '095', 'a', 'os', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (907, '095', 'a', 'organismos', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (908, '095', 'a', 'marinhos', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (909, '095', 'a', 'os', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (910, '095', 'a', 'parametros', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (911, '095', 'a', 'ambientais', ' Interação entre os Organismos Marinhos e os Parâmetros Ambientais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (912, '095', 'a', '', ' Oceanografia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (913, '095', 'a', 'oceanografia', ' Oceanografia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (914, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Oceanografia Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (915, '095', 'a', '', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (916, '095', 'a', 'variaveis', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (917, '095', 'a', 'fisicas', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (918, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (919, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (920, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (921, '095', 'a', 'mar', ' Variáveis Físicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (922, '095', 'a', '', ' Movimento da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (923, '095', 'a', 'movimento', ' Movimento da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (924, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Movimento da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (925, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Movimento da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (926, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Movimento da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (927, '095', 'a', 'mar', ' Movimento da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (928, '095', 'a', '', ' Origem das Massas de Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (929, '095', 'a', 'origem', ' Origem das Massas de Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (930, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Origem das Massas de Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (931, '095', 'a', 'massas', ' Origem das Massas de Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (932, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Origem das Massas de Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (933, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Origem das Massas de Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (934, '095', 'a', '', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (935, '095', 'a', 'interacao', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (936, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (937, '095', 'a', 'oceano', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (938, '095', 'a', 'com', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (939, '095', 'a', 'leito', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (940, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (941, '095', 'a', 'mar', ' Interação do Oceano com o Leito do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (942, '095', 'a', '', ' Interação do Oceano com a Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (943, '095', 'a', 'interacao', ' Interação do Oceano com a Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (944, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Interação do Oceano com a Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (945, '095', 'a', 'oceano', ' Interação do Oceano com a Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (946, '095', 'a', 'com', ' Interação do Oceano com a Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (947, '095', 'a', 'atmosfera', ' Interação do Oceano com a Atmosfera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (948, '095', 'a', '', ' Oceanografia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (949, '095', 'a', 'oceanografia', ' Oceanografia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (950, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Oceanografia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (951, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (952, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (953, '095', 'a', 'quimicas', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (954, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (955, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (956, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (957, '095', 'a', 'mar', ' Propriedades Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (958, '095', 'a', '', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (959, '095', 'a', 'interacoes', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (960, '095', 'a', 'quimico-biologicas/geologicas', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (961, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (962, '095', 'a', 'substancias', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (963, '095', 'a', 'quimicas', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (964, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (965, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (966, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (967, '095', 'a', 'mar', ' Interações Químico-Biológicas/Geológicas das Substâncias Químicas da Água do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (968, '095', 'a', '', ' Oceanografia Geológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (969, '095', 'a', 'oceanografia', ' Oceanografia Geológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (970, '095', 'a', 'geologica', ' Oceanografia Geológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (971, '095', 'a', '', ' Geomorfologia Submarina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (972, '095', 'a', 'geomorfologia', ' Geomorfologia Submarina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (973, '095', 'a', 'submarina', ' Geomorfologia Submarina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (974, '095', 'a', '', ' Sedimentologia Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (975, '095', 'a', 'sedimentologia', ' Sedimentologia Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (976, '095', 'a', 'marinha', ' Sedimentologia Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (977, '095', 'a', '', ' Geofísica Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (978, '095', 'a', 'geofisica', ' Geofísica Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (979, '095', 'a', 'marinha', ' Geofísica Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (980, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Biológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (981, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Biológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (982, '095', 'a', 'biologicas', ' Ciências Biológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (983, '095', 'a', '', ' Biologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (984, '095', 'a', 'biologia', ' Biologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (985, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Biologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (986, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (987, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (988, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética Quantitativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (989, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética Quantitativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (990, '095', 'a', 'quantitativa', ' Genética Quantitativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (991, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética Molecular e de Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (992, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética Molecular e de Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (993, '095', 'a', 'molecular', ' Genética Molecular e de Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (994, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Genética Molecular e de Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (995, '095', 'a', 'microorganismos', ' Genética Molecular e de Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (996, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (997, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (998, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Genética Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (999, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1000, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1001, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Genética Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1002, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética Humana e Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1003, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética Humana e Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1004, '095', 'a', 'humana', ' Genética Humana e Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1005, '095', 'a', 'medica', ' Genética Humana e Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1006, '095', 'a', '', ' Mutagênese', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1007, '095', 'a', 'mutagenese', ' Mutagênese', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1008, '095', 'a', '', ' Botânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1009, '095', 'a', 'botanica', ' Botânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1010, '095', 'a', '', ' Paleobotânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1011, '095', 'a', 'paleobotanica', ' Paleobotânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1012, '095', 'a', '', ' Morfologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1013, '095', 'a', 'morfologia', ' Morfologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1014, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Morfologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1015, '095', 'a', '', ' Morfologia Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1016, '095', 'a', 'morfologia', ' Morfologia Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1017, '095', 'a', 'externa', ' Morfologia Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1018, '095', 'a', '', ' Citologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1019, '095', 'a', 'citologia', ' Citologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1020, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Citologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1021, '095', 'a', '', ' Anatomia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1022, '095', 'a', 'anatomia', ' Anatomia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1023, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Anatomia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1024, '095', 'a', '', ' Palinologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1025, '095', 'a', 'palinologia', ' Palinologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1026, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1027, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1028, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Fisiologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1029, '095', 'a', '', ' Nutrição e Crescimento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1030, '095', 'a', 'nutricao', ' Nutrição e Crescimento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1031, '095', 'a', 'crescimento', ' Nutrição e Crescimento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1032, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Nutrição e Crescimento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1033, '095', 'a', '', ' Reprodução Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1034, '095', 'a', 'reproducao', ' Reprodução Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1035, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Reprodução Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1036, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecofisiologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1037, '095', 'a', 'ecofisiologia', ' Ecofisiologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1038, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Ecofisiologia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1039, '095', 'a', '', ' Taxonomia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1040, '095', 'a', 'taxonomia', ' Taxonomia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1041, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Taxonomia Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1042, '095', 'a', '', ' Taxonomia de Criptógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1043, '095', 'a', 'taxonomia', ' Taxonomia de Criptógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1044, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Taxonomia de Criptógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1045, '095', 'a', 'criptogamos', ' Taxonomia de Criptógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1046, '095', 'a', '', ' Taxonomia de Fanerógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1047, '095', 'a', 'taxonomia', ' Taxonomia de Fanerógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1048, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Taxonomia de Fanerógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1049, '095', 'a', 'fanerogamos', ' Taxonomia de Fanerógamos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1050, '095', 'a', '', ' Fitogeografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1051, '095', 'a', 'fitogeografia', ' Fitogeografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1052, '095', 'a', '', ' Botânica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1053, '095', 'a', 'botanica', ' Botânica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1054, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Botânica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1055, '095', 'a', '', ' Zoologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1056, '095', 'a', 'zoologia', ' Zoologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1057, '095', 'a', '', ' Paleozoologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1058, '095', 'a', 'paleozoologia', ' Paleozoologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1059, '095', 'a', '', ' Morfologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1060, '095', 'a', 'morfologia', ' Morfologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1061, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Morfologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1062, '095', 'a', 'grupos', ' Morfologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1063, '095', 'a', 'recentes', ' Morfologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1064, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1065, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1066, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Fisiologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1067, '095', 'a', 'grupos', ' Fisiologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1068, '095', 'a', 'recentes', ' Fisiologia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1069, '095', 'a', '', ' Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1070, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1071, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1072, '095', 'a', '', ' Taxonomia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1073, '095', 'a', 'taxonomia', ' Taxonomia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1074, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Taxonomia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1075, '095', 'a', 'grupos', ' Taxonomia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1076, '095', 'a', 'recentes', ' Taxonomia dos Grupos Recentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1077, '095', 'a', '', ' Zoologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1078, '095', 'a', 'zoologia', ' Zoologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1079, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Zoologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1080, '095', 'a', '', ' Conservação das Espécies Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1081, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Conservação das Espécies Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1082, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Conservação das Espécies Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1083, '095', 'a', 'especies', ' Conservação das Espécies Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1084, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Conservação das Espécies Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1085, '095', 'a', '', ' Utilização dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1086, '095', 'a', 'utilizacao', ' Utilização dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1087, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Utilização dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1088, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Utilização dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1089, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle Populacional de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1090, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle Populacional de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1091, '095', 'a', 'populacional', ' Controle Populacional de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1092, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Controle Populacional de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1093, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Controle Populacional de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1094, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1095, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Ecologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1096, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecologia Teórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1097, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Ecologia Teórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1098, '095', 'a', 'teorica', ' Ecologia Teórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1099, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecologia de Ecossistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1100, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Ecologia de Ecossistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1101, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Ecologia de Ecossistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1102, '095', 'a', 'ecossistemas', ' Ecologia de Ecossistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1103, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1104, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Ecologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1105, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Ecologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1106, '095', 'a', '', ' Morfologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1107, '095', 'a', 'morfologia', ' Morfologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1108, '095', 'a', '', ' Citologia e Biologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1109, '095', 'a', 'citologia', ' Citologia e Biologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1110, '095', 'a', 'biologia', ' Citologia e Biologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1111, '095', 'a', 'celular', ' Citologia e Biologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1112, '095', 'a', '', ' Embriologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1113, '095', 'a', 'embriologia', ' Embriologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1114, '095', 'a', '', ' Histologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1115, '095', 'a', 'histologia', ' Histologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1116, '095', 'a', '', ' Anatomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1117, '095', 'a', 'anatomia', ' Anatomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1118, '095', 'a', '', ' Anatomia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1119, '095', 'a', 'anatomia', ' Anatomia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1120, '095', 'a', 'humana', ' Anatomia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1121, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1122, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1123, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1124, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1125, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Fisiologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1126, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia de Órgaos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1127, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia de Órgaos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1128, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fisiologia de Órgaos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1129, '095', 'a', 'orgaos', ' Fisiologia de Órgaos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1130, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Fisiologia de Órgaos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1131, '095', 'a', '', ' Neurofisiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1132, '095', 'a', 'neurofisiologia', ' Neurofisiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1133, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Cardiovascular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1134, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Cardiovascular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1135, '095', 'a', 'cardiovascular', ' Fisiologia Cardiovascular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1136, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia da Respiração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1137, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia da Respiração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1138, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fisiologia da Respiração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1139, '095', 'a', 'respiracao', ' Fisiologia da Respiração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1140, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Renal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1141, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Renal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1142, '095', 'a', 'renal', ' Fisiologia Renal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1143, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Endocrina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1144, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Endocrina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1145, '095', 'a', 'endocrina', ' Fisiologia Endocrina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1146, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia da Digestão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1147, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia da Digestão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1148, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fisiologia da Digestão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1149, '095', 'a', 'digestao', ' Fisiologia da Digestão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1150, '095', 'a', '', ' Cinesiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1151, '095', 'a', 'cinesiologia', ' Cinesiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1152, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia do Esforço', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1153, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia do Esforço', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1154, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Fisiologia do Esforço', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1155, '095', 'a', 'esforco', ' Fisiologia do Esforço', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1156, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Comparada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1157, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Comparada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1158, '095', 'a', 'comparada', ' Fisiologia Comparada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1159, '095', 'a', '', ' Bioquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1160, '095', 'a', 'bioquimica', ' Bioquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1161, '095', 'a', '', ' Química de Macromoléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1162, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química de Macromoléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1163, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Química de Macromoléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1164, '095', 'a', 'macromoleculas', ' Química de Macromoléculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1165, '095', 'a', '', ' Proteínas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1166, '095', 'a', 'proteinas', ' Proteínas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1167, '095', 'a', '', ' Lipídeos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1168, '095', 'a', 'lipideos', ' Lipídeos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1169, '095', 'a', '', ' Glicídeos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1170, '095', 'a', 'glicideos', ' Glicídeos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1171, '095', 'a', '', ' Bioquímica dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1172, '095', 'a', 'bioquimica', ' Bioquímica dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1173, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Bioquímica dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1174, '095', 'a', 'microorganismos', ' Bioquímica dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1175, '095', 'a', '', ' Metabolismo e Bioenergética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1176, '095', 'a', 'metabolismo', ' Metabolismo e Bioenergética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1177, '095', 'a', 'bioenergetica', ' Metabolismo e Bioenergética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1178, '095', 'a', '', ' Biologia Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1179, '095', 'a', 'biologia', ' Biologia Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1180, '095', 'a', 'molecular', ' Biologia Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1181, '095', 'a', '', ' Enzimologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1182, '095', 'a', 'enzimologia', ' Enzimologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1183, '095', 'a', '', ' Biofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1184, '095', 'a', 'biofisica', ' Biofísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1185, '095', 'a', '', ' Biofísica Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1186, '095', 'a', 'biofisica', ' Biofísica Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1187, '095', 'a', 'molecular', ' Biofísica Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1188, '095', 'a', '', ' Biofísica Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1189, '095', 'a', 'biofisica', ' Biofísica Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1190, '095', 'a', 'celular', ' Biofísica Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1191, '095', 'a', '', ' Biofísica de Processos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1192, '095', 'a', 'biofisica', ' Biofísica de Processos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1193, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Biofísica de Processos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1194, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Biofísica de Processos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1195, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Biofísica de Processos e Sistemas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1196, '095', 'a', '', ' Radiologia e Fotobiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1197, '095', 'a', 'radiologia', ' Radiologia e Fotobiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1198, '095', 'a', 'fotobiologia', ' Radiologia e Fotobiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1199, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1200, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1201, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1202, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1203, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Farmacologia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1204, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacocinética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1205, '095', 'a', 'farmacocinetica', ' Farmacocinética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1206, '095', 'a', '', ' Biodisponibilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1207, '095', 'a', 'biodisponibilidade', ' Biodisponibilidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1208, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia Autonômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1209, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia Autonômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1210, '095', 'a', 'autonomica', ' Farmacologia Autonômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1211, '095', 'a', '', ' Neuropsicofarmacologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1212, '095', 'a', 'neuropsicofarmacologia', ' Neuropsicofarmacologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1213, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia Cardiorenal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1214, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia Cardiorenal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1215, '095', 'a', 'cardiorenal', ' Farmacologia Cardiorenal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1216, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia Bioquímica e Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1217, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia Bioquímica e Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1218, '095', 'a', 'bioquimica', ' Farmacologia Bioquímica e Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1219, '095', 'a', 'molecular', ' Farmacologia Bioquímica e Molecular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1220, '095', 'a', '', ' Etnofarmacologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1221, '095', 'a', 'etnofarmacologia', ' Etnofarmacologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1222, '095', 'a', '', ' Toxicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1223, '095', 'a', 'toxicologia', ' Toxicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1224, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1225, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1226, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Farmacologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1227, '095', 'a', '', ' Imunologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1228, '095', 'a', 'imunologia', ' Imunologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1229, '095', 'a', '', ' Imunoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1230, '095', 'a', 'imunoquimica', ' Imunoquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1231, '095', 'a', '', ' Imunologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1232, '095', 'a', 'imunologia', ' Imunologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1233, '095', 'a', 'celular', ' Imunologia Celular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1234, '095', 'a', '', ' Imunogenética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1235, '095', 'a', 'imunogenetica', ' Imunogenética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1236, '095', 'a', '', ' Imunologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1237, '095', 'a', 'imunologia', ' Imunologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1238, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Imunologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1239, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1240, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1241, '095', 'a', '', ' Biologia e Fisiologia dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1242, '095', 'a', 'biologia', ' Biologia e Fisiologia dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1243, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Biologia e Fisiologia dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1244, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Biologia e Fisiologia dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1245, '095', 'a', 'microorganismos', ' Biologia e Fisiologia dos Microorganismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1246, '095', 'a', '', ' Virologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1247, '095', 'a', 'virologia', ' Virologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1248, '095', 'a', '', ' Bacterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1249, '095', 'a', 'bacterologia', ' Bacterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1250, '095', 'a', '', ' Micologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1251, '095', 'a', 'micologia', ' Micologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1252, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1253, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1254, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Microbiologia Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1255, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1256, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1257, '095', 'a', 'medica', ' Microbiologia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1258, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia Industrial e de Fermentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1259, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia Industrial e de Fermentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1260, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Microbiologia Industrial e de Fermentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1261, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Microbiologia Industrial e de Fermentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1262, '095', 'a', 'fermentacao', ' Microbiologia Industrial e de Fermentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1263, '095', 'a', '', ' Parasitologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1264, '095', 'a', 'parasitologia', ' Parasitologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1265, '095', 'a', '', ' Protozoologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1266, '095', 'a', 'protozoologia', ' Protozoologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1267, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Protozoologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1268, '095', 'a', 'parasitos', ' Protozoologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1269, '095', 'a', '', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1270, '095', 'a', 'protozoologia', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1271, '095', 'a', 'parasitaria', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1272, '095', 'a', 'humana', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1273, '095', 'a', '', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1274, '095', 'a', 'protozoologia', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1275, '095', 'a', 'parasitaria', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1276, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Protozoologia Parasitária Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1277, '095', 'a', '', ' Helmintologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1278, '095', 'a', 'helmintologia', ' Helmintologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1279, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Helmintologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1280, '095', 'a', 'parasitos', ' Helmintologia de Parasitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1281, '095', 'a', '', ' Helmintologia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1282, '095', 'a', 'helmintologia', ' Helmintologia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1283, '095', 'a', 'humana', ' Helmintologia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1284, '095', 'a', '', ' Helmintologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1285, '095', 'a', 'helmintologia', ' Helmintologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1286, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Helmintologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1287, '095', 'a', '', ' Entomologia e Malacologia de Parasitos e Vetores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1288, '095', 'a', 'entomologia', ' Entomologia e Malacologia de Parasitos e Vetores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1289, '095', 'a', 'malacologia', ' Entomologia e Malacologia de Parasitos e Vetores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1290, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Entomologia e Malacologia de Parasitos e Vetores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1291, '095', 'a', 'parasitos', ' Entomologia e Malacologia de Parasitos e Vetores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1292, '095', 'a', 'vetores', ' Entomologia e Malacologia de Parasitos e Vetores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1293, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1294, '095', 'a', 'engenharias', ' Engenharias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1295, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1296, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1297, '095', 'a', 'civil', ' Engenharia Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1298, '095', 'a', '', ' Construção Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1299, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Construção Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1300, '095', 'a', 'civil', ' Construção Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1301, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais e Componentes de Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1302, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Componentes de Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1303, '095', 'a', 'componentes', ' Materiais e Componentes de Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1304, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Materiais e Componentes de Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1305, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Materiais e Componentes de Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1306, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Construtivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1307, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Construtivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1308, '095', 'a', 'construtivos', ' Processos Construtivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1309, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações Prediais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1310, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações Prediais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1311, '095', 'a', 'prediais', ' Instalações Prediais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1312, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1313, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1314, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas de Concreto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1315, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas de Concreto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1316, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estruturas de Concreto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1317, '095', 'a', 'concreto', ' Estruturas de Concreto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1318, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1319, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1320, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estruturas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1321, '095', 'a', 'madeiras', ' Estruturas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1322, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas Metálicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1323, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas Metálicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1324, '095', 'a', 'metalicas', ' Estruturas Metálicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1325, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânica das Estruturas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1326, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Mecânica das Estruturas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1327, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Mecânica das Estruturas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1328, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Mecânica das Estruturas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1329, '095', 'a', '', ' Geotécnica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1330, '095', 'a', 'geotecnica', ' Geotécnica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1331, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundações e Escavações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1332, '095', 'a', 'fundacoes', ' Fundações e Escavações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1333, '095', 'a', 'escavacoes', ' Fundações e Escavações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1334, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1335, '095', 'a', 'mecanicas', ' Mecânicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1336, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Mecânicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1337, '095', 'a', 'rochas', ' Mecânicas das Rochas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1338, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânicas dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1339, '095', 'a', 'mecanicas', ' Mecânicas dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1340, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Mecânicas dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1341, '095', 'a', 'solos', ' Mecânicas dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1342, '095', 'a', '', ' Obras de Terra e Enrocamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1343, '095', 'a', 'obras', ' Obras de Terra e Enrocamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1344, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Obras de Terra e Enrocamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1345, '095', 'a', 'terra', ' Obras de Terra e Enrocamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1346, '095', 'a', 'enrocamento', ' Obras de Terra e Enrocamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1347, '095', 'a', '', ' Pavimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1348, '095', 'a', 'pavimentos', ' Pavimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1349, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Hidráulica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1350, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Hidráulica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1351, '095', 'a', 'hidraulica', ' Engenharia Hidráulica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1352, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidráulica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1353, '095', 'a', 'hidraulica', ' Hidráulica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1354, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1355, '095', 'a', 'hidrologia', ' Hidrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1356, '095', 'a', '', ' Infra-Estrutura de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1357, '095', 'a', 'infra-estrutura', ' Infra-Estrutura de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1358, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Infra-Estrutura de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1359, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Infra-Estrutura de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1360, '095', 'a', '', ' Aeroportos; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1361, '095', 'a', 'aeroportos;', ' Aeroportos; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1362, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Aeroportos; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1363, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Aeroportos; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1364, '095', 'a', '', ' Ferrovias; Projetos e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1365, '095', 'a', 'ferrovias;', ' Ferrovias; Projetos e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1366, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Ferrovias; Projetos e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1367, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Ferrovias; Projetos e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1368, '095', 'a', '', ' Portos e Vias Nevegáveis; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1369, '095', 'a', 'portos', ' Portos e Vias Nevegáveis; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1370, '095', 'a', 'vias', ' Portos e Vias Nevegáveis; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1371, '095', 'a', 'nevegaveis;', ' Portos e Vias Nevegáveis; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1372, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Portos e Vias Nevegáveis; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1373, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Portos e Vias Nevegáveis; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1374, '095', 'a', '', ' Rodovias; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1375, '095', 'a', 'rodovias;', ' Rodovias; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1376, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Rodovias; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1377, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Rodovias; Projeto e Construção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1378, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Minas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1379, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Minas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1380, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Minas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1381, '095', 'a', 'minas', ' Engenharia de Minas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1382, '095', 'a', '', ' Pesquisa Mineral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1383, '095', 'a', 'pesquisa', ' Pesquisa Mineral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1384, '095', 'a', 'mineral', ' Pesquisa Mineral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1385, '095', 'a', '', ' Caracterização do Minério', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1386, '095', 'a', 'caracterizacao', ' Caracterização do Minério', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1387, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Caracterização do Minério', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1388, '095', 'a', 'minerio', ' Caracterização do Minério', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1389, '095', 'a', '', ' Dimensionamento de Jazidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1390, '095', 'a', 'dimensionamento', ' Dimensionamento de Jazidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1391, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Dimensionamento de Jazidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1392, '095', 'a', 'jazidas', ' Dimensionamento de Jazidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1393, '095', 'a', '', ' Lavra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1394, '095', 'a', 'lavra', ' Lavra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1395, '095', 'a', '', ' Lavra a Céu Aberto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1396, '095', 'a', 'lavra', ' Lavra a Céu Aberto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1397, '095', 'a', 'ceu', ' Lavra a Céu Aberto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1398, '095', 'a', 'aberto', ' Lavra a Céu Aberto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1399, '095', 'a', '', ' Lavra de Mina Subterrânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1400, '095', 'a', 'lavra', ' Lavra de Mina Subterrânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1401, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Lavra de Mina Subterrânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1402, '095', 'a', 'mina', ' Lavra de Mina Subterrânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1403, '095', 'a', 'subterranea', ' Lavra de Mina Subterrânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1404, '095', 'a', '', ' Equipamentos de Lavra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1405, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Equipamentos de Lavra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1406, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Equipamentos de Lavra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1407, '095', 'a', 'lavra', ' Equipamentos de Lavra', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1408, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1409, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1410, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1411, '095', 'a', 'minerios', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1412, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1413, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1414, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1415, '095', 'a', 'concentracao', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1416, '095', 'a', 'enriquecimento', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1417, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1418, '095', 'a', 'minerios', ' Métodos de Concentração e Enriquecimento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1419, '095', 'a', '', ' Equipamentos de Beneficiamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1420, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Equipamentos de Beneficiamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1421, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Equipamentos de Beneficiamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1422, '095', 'a', 'beneficiamento', ' Equipamentos de Beneficiamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1423, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Equipamentos de Beneficiamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1424, '095', 'a', 'minerios', ' Equipamentos de Beneficiamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1425, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1426, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1427, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1428, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1429, '095', 'a', 'metalurgica', ' Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1430, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações e Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1431, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações e Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1432, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Instalações e Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1433, '095', 'a', 'metalurgicos', ' Instalações e Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1434, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações Metalúrgicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1435, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações Metalúrgicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1436, '095', 'a', 'metalurgicas', ' Instalações Metalúrgicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1437, '095', 'a', '', ' Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1438, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1439, '095', 'a', 'metalurgicos', ' Equipamentos Metalúrgicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1440, '095', 'a', '', ' Metalurgia Extrativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1441, '095', 'a', 'metalurgia', ' Metalurgia Extrativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1442, '095', 'a', 'extrativa', ' Metalurgia Extrativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1443, '095', 'a', '', ' Aglomeração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1444, '095', 'a', 'aglomeracao', ' Aglomeração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1445, '095', 'a', '', ' Eletrometalurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1446, '095', 'a', 'eletrometalurgia', ' Eletrometalurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1447, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidrometalurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1448, '095', 'a', 'hidrometalurgia', ' Hidrometalurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1449, '095', 'a', '', ' Pirometalurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1450, '095', 'a', 'pirometalurgia', ' Pirometalurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1451, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1452, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1453, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1454, '095', 'a', 'minerios', ' Tratamento de Minérios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1455, '095', 'a', '', ' Metalurgia de Transformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1456, '095', 'a', 'metalurgia', ' Metalurgia de Transformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1457, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Metalurgia de Transformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1458, '095', 'a', 'transformacao', ' Metalurgia de Transformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1459, '095', 'a', '', ' Conformação Mecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1460, '095', 'a', 'conformacao', ' Conformação Mecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1461, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Conformação Mecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1462, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1463, '095', 'a', 'fundicao', ' Fundição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1464, '095', 'a', '', ' Metalurgia de Po', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1465, '095', 'a', 'metalurgia', ' Metalurgia de Po', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1466, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Metalurgia de Po', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1467, '095', 'a', 'po', ' Metalurgia de Po', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1468, '095', 'a', '', ' Recobrimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1469, '095', 'a', 'recobrimentos', ' Recobrimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1470, '095', 'a', '', ' Soldagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1471, '095', 'a', 'soldagem', ' Soldagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1472, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamento Térmicos, Mecânicos e Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1473, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Tratamento Térmicos, Mecânicos e Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1474, '095', 'a', 'termicos,', ' Tratamento Térmicos, Mecânicos e Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1475, '095', 'a', 'mecanicos', ' Tratamento Térmicos, Mecânicos e Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1476, '095', 'a', 'quimicos', ' Tratamento Térmicos, Mecânicos e Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1477, '095', 'a', '', ' Usinagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1478, '095', 'a', 'usinagem', ' Usinagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1479, '095', 'a', '', ' Metalurgia Fisica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1480, '095', 'a', 'metalurgia', ' Metalurgia Fisica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1481, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Metalurgia Fisica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1482, '095', 'a', '', ' Estrutura dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1483, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Estrutura dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1484, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Estrutura dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1485, '095', 'a', 'metais', ' Estrutura dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1486, '095', 'a', 'ligas', ' Estrutura dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1487, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Físicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1488, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Físicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1489, '095', 'a', 'fisicas', ' Propriedades Físicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1490, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Propriedades Físicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1491, '095', 'a', 'metais', ' Propriedades Físicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1492, '095', 'a', 'ligas', ' Propriedades Físicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1493, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Mecânicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1494, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Mecânicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1495, '095', 'a', 'mecanicas', ' Propriedades Mecânicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1496, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Propriedades Mecânicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1497, '095', 'a', 'metais', ' Propriedades Mecânicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1498, '095', 'a', 'ligas', ' Propriedades Mecânicas dos Metais e Ligas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1499, '095', 'a', '', ' Transformação de Fases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1500, '095', 'a', 'transformacao', ' Transformação de Fases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1501, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Transformação de Fases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1502, '095', 'a', 'fases', ' Transformação de Fases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1503, '095', 'a', '', ' Corrosão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1504, '095', 'a', 'corrosao', ' Corrosão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1505, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1506, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1507, '095', 'a', 'nao', ' Materiais não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1508, '095', 'a', 'metalicos', ' Materiais não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1509, '095', 'a', '', ' Extração e Transformação de Materiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1510, '095', 'a', 'extracao', ' Extração e Transformação de Materiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1511, '095', 'a', 'transformacao', ' Extração e Transformação de Materiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1512, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Extração e Transformação de Materiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1513, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Extração e Transformação de Materiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1514, '095', 'a', '', ' Cerâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1515, '095', 'a', 'ceramicos', ' Cerâmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1516, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Conjugados não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1517, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Conjugados não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1518, '095', 'a', 'conjugados', ' Materiais Conjugados não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1519, '095', 'a', 'nao', ' Materiais Conjugados não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1520, '095', 'a', 'metalicos', ' Materiais Conjugados não Metálicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1521, '095', 'a', '', ' Polímeros, Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1522, '095', 'a', 'polimeros,', ' Polímeros, Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1523, '095', 'a', 'aplicacoes', ' Polímeros, Aplicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1524, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1525, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1526, '095', 'a', 'eletrica', ' Engenharia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1527, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1528, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1529, '095', 'a', 'eletricos', ' Materiais Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1530, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Condutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1531, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Condutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1532, '095', 'a', 'condutores', ' Materiais Condutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1533, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais e Componentes Semicondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1534, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Componentes Semicondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1535, '095', 'a', 'componentes', ' Materiais e Componentes Semicondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1536, '095', 'a', 'semicondutores', ' Materiais e Componentes Semicondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1537, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Supercondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1538, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Supercondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1539, '095', 'a', 'dispositivos', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Supercondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1540, '095', 'a', 'supercondutores', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Supercondutores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1541, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Dielétricos, Piesoelétricos e Ferroelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1542, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Dielétricos, Piesoelétricos e Ferroelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1543, '095', 'a', 'dieletricos,', ' Materiais Dielétricos, Piesoelétricos e Ferroelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1544, '095', 'a', 'piesoeletricos', ' Materiais Dielétricos, Piesoelétricos e Ferroelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1545, '095', 'a', 'ferroeletricos', ' Materiais Dielétricos, Piesoelétricos e Ferroelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1546, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1547, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1548, '095', 'a', 'componentes', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1549, '095', 'a', 'eletrooticos', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1550, '095', 'a', 'magnetooticos,', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1551, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1552, '095', 'a', 'fotoeletricos', ' Materiais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1553, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Magnéticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1554, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Magnéticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1555, '095', 'a', 'dispositivos', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Magnéticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1556, '095', 'a', 'magneticos', ' Materiais e Dispositivos Magnéticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1557, '095', 'a', '', ' Medidas Elétricas, Magnéticas e Eletrônicas; Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1558, '095', 'a', 'medidas', ' Medidas Elétricas, Magnéticas e Eletrônicas; Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1559, '095', 'a', 'eletricas,', ' Medidas Elétricas, Magnéticas e Eletrônicas; Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1560, '095', 'a', 'magneticas', ' Medidas Elétricas, Magnéticas e Eletrônicas; Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1561, '095', 'a', 'eletronicas;', ' Medidas Elétricas, Magnéticas e Eletrônicas; Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1562, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Medidas Elétricas, Magnéticas e Eletrônicas; Instrumentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1563, '095', 'a', '', ' Medidas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1564, '095', 'a', 'medidas', ' Medidas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1565, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Medidas Elétricas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1566, '095', 'a', '', ' Medidas Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1567, '095', 'a', 'medidas', ' Medidas Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1568, '095', 'a', 'magneticas', ' Medidas Magnéticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1569, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Eletromecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1570, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Eletromecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1571, '095', 'a', 'eletromecanica', ' Instrumentação Eletromecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1572, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Eletrônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1573, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Eletrônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1574, '095', 'a', 'eletronica', ' Instrumentação Eletrônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1575, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1576, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1577, '095', 'a', 'eletronicos', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1578, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1579, '095', 'a', 'medida', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1580, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1581, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Sistemas Eletrônicos de Medida e de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1582, '095', 'a', '', ' Circuitos Elétricos, Magnéticos e Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1583, '095', 'a', 'circuitos', ' Circuitos Elétricos, Magnéticos e Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1584, '095', 'a', 'eletricos,', ' Circuitos Elétricos, Magnéticos e Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1585, '095', 'a', 'magneticos', ' Circuitos Elétricos, Magnéticos e Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1586, '095', 'a', 'eletronicos', ' Circuitos Elétricos, Magnéticos e Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1587, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral dos Circuitos Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1588, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral dos Circuitos Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1589, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral dos Circuitos Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1590, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Teoria Geral dos Circuitos Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1591, '095', 'a', 'circuitos', ' Teoria Geral dos Circuitos Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1592, '095', 'a', 'eletricos', ' Teoria Geral dos Circuitos Elétricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1593, '095', 'a', '', ' Circuitos Lineares e Não-Lineares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1594, '095', 'a', 'circuitos', ' Circuitos Lineares e Não-Lineares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1595, '095', 'a', 'lineares', ' Circuitos Lineares e Não-Lineares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1596, '095', 'a', 'nao-lineares', ' Circuitos Lineares e Não-Lineares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1597, '095', 'a', '', ' Circuitos Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1598, '095', 'a', 'circuitos', ' Circuitos Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1599, '095', 'a', 'eletronicos', ' Circuitos Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1600, '095', 'a', '', ' Circuitos Magnéticos, Magnetismos, Eletromagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1601, '095', 'a', 'circuitos', ' Circuitos Magnéticos, Magnetismos, Eletromagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1602, '095', 'a', 'magneticos,', ' Circuitos Magnéticos, Magnetismos, Eletromagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1603, '095', 'a', 'magnetismos,', ' Circuitos Magnéticos, Magnetismos, Eletromagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1604, '095', 'a', 'eletromagnetismo', ' Circuitos Magnéticos, Magnetismos, Eletromagnetismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1605, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1606, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1607, '095', 'a', 'eletricos', ' Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1608, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1609, '095', 'a', 'potencia', ' Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1610, '095', 'a', '', ' Geração da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1611, '095', 'a', 'geracao', ' Geração da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1612, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Geração da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1613, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Geração da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1614, '095', 'a', 'eletrica', ' Geração da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1615, '095', 'a', '', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1616, '095', 'a', 'transmissao', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1617, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1618, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1619, '095', 'a', 'eletrica,', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1620, '095', 'a', 'distribuicao', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1621, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1622, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1623, '095', 'a', 'eletrica', ' Transmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1624, '095', 'a', '', ' Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1625, '095', 'a', 'conversao', ' Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1626, '095', 'a', 'retificacao', ' Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1627, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1628, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1629, '095', 'a', 'eletrica', ' Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1630, '095', 'a', '', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1631, '095', 'a', 'medicao,', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1632, '095', 'a', 'controle,', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1633, '095', 'a', 'correcao', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1634, '095', 'a', 'protecao', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1635, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1636, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1637, '095', 'a', 'eletricos', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1638, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1639, '095', 'a', 'potencia', ' Medição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1640, '095', 'a', '', ' Máquinas Elétricas e Dispositivos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1641, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Máquinas Elétricas e Dispositivos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1642, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Máquinas Elétricas e Dispositivos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1643, '095', 'a', 'dispositivos', ' Máquinas Elétricas e Dispositivos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1644, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Máquinas Elétricas e Dispositivos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1645, '095', 'a', 'potencia', ' Máquinas Elétricas e Dispositivos de Potência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1646, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações Elétricas Prediais e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1647, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações Elétricas Prediais e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1648, '095', 'a', 'eletricas', ' Instalações Elétricas Prediais e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1649, '095', 'a', 'prediais', ' Instalações Elétricas Prediais e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1650, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Instalações Elétricas Prediais e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1651, '095', 'a', '', ' Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1652, '095', 'a', 'eletronica', ' Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1653, '095', 'a', 'industrial,', ' Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1654, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1655, '095', 'a', 'controles', ' Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1656, '095', 'a', 'eletronicos', ' Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1657, '095', 'a', '', ' Eletrônica Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1658, '095', 'a', 'eletronica', ' Eletrônica Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1659, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Eletrônica Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1660, '095', 'a', '', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1661, '095', 'a', 'automacao', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1662, '095', 'a', 'eletronica', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1663, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1664, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1665, '095', 'a', 'eletricos', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1666, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1667, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle de Processos Eletrônicos, Retroalimentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1668, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle de Processos Eletrônicos, Retroalimentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1669, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Controle de Processos Eletrônicos, Retroalimentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1670, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Controle de Processos Eletrônicos, Retroalimentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1671, '095', 'a', 'eletronicos,', ' Controle de Processos Eletrônicos, Retroalimentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1672, '095', 'a', 'retroalimentacao', ' Controle de Processos Eletrônicos, Retroalimentação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1673, '095', 'a', '', ' Telecomunicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1674, '095', 'a', 'telecomunicacoes', ' Telecomunicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1675, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1676, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1677, '095', 'a', 'eletromagnetica,', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1678, '095', 'a', 'microondas,', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1679, '095', 'a', 'propagacao', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1680, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1681, '095', 'a', 'ondas,', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1682, '095', 'a', 'antenas', ' Teoria Eletromagnética, Microondas, Propagação de Ondas, Antenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1683, '095', 'a', '', ' Radionavegação e Radioastronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1684, '095', 'a', 'radionavegacao', ' Radionavegação e Radioastronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1685, '095', 'a', 'radioastronomia', ' Radionavegação e Radioastronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1686, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas de Telecomunicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1687, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas de Telecomunicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1688, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sistemas de Telecomunicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1689, '095', 'a', 'telecomunicacoes', ' Sistemas de Telecomunicações', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1690, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Mecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1691, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Mecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1692, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Engenharia Mecânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1693, '095', 'a', '', ' Fenômenos de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1694, '095', 'a', 'fenomenos', ' Fenômenos de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1695, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fenômenos de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1696, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Fenômenos de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1697, '095', 'a', '', ' Transferência de Calor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1698, '095', 'a', 'transferencia', ' Transferência de Calor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1699, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Transferência de Calor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1700, '095', 'a', 'calor', ' Transferência de Calor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1701, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1702, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Mecânica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1703, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Mecânica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1704, '095', 'a', 'fluidos', ' Mecânica dos Fluidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1705, '095', 'a', '', ' Dinâmica dos Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1706, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Dinâmica dos Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1707, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Dinâmica dos Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1708, '095', 'a', 'gases', ' Dinâmica dos Gases', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1709, '095', 'a', '', ' Principios Variacionais e Métodos Numéricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1710, '095', 'a', 'principios', ' Principios Variacionais e Métodos Numéricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1711, '095', 'a', 'variacionais', ' Principios Variacionais e Métodos Numéricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1712, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Principios Variacionais e Métodos Numéricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1713, '095', 'a', 'numericos', ' Principios Variacionais e Métodos Numéricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1714, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Térmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1715, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Térmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1716, '095', 'a', 'termica', ' Engenharia Térmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1717, '095', 'a', '', ' Termodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1718, '095', 'a', 'termodinamica', ' Termodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1719, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1720, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1721, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Controle Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1722, '095', 'a', '', ' Aproveitamento da Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1723, '095', 'a', 'aproveitamento', ' Aproveitamento da Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1724, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Aproveitamento da Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1725, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Aproveitamento da Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1726, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânica dos Sólidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1727, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Mecânica dos Sólidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1728, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Mecânica dos Sólidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1729, '095', 'a', 'solidos', ' Mecânica dos Sólidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1730, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1731, '095', 'a', 'mecanica', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1732, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1733, '095', 'a', 'corpos', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1734, '095', 'a', 'solidos,', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1735, '095', 'a', 'elasticos', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1736, '095', 'a', 'plasticos', ' Mecânica dos Corpos Sólidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1737, '095', 'a', '', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1738, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1739, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1740, '095', 'a', 'corpos', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1741, '095', 'a', 'rigidos,', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1742, '095', 'a', 'elasticos', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1743, '095', 'a', 'plasticos', ' Dinâmica dos Corpos Rígidos, Elásticos e Plásticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1744, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise de Tensões', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1745, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise de Tensões', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1746, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Tensões', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1747, '095', 'a', 'tensoes', ' Análise de Tensões', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1748, '095', 'a', '', ' Termoelasticidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1749, '095', 'a', 'termoelasticidade', ' Termoelasticidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1750, '095', 'a', '', ' Projetos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1751, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Projetos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1752, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projetos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1753, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Projetos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1754, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria dos Mecanismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1755, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria dos Mecanismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1756, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Teoria dos Mecanismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1757, '095', 'a', 'mecanismos', ' Teoria dos Mecanismos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1758, '095', 'a', '', ' Estática e Dinâmica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1759, '095', 'a', 'estatica', ' Estática e Dinâmica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1760, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Estática e Dinâmica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1761, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Estática e Dinâmica Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1762, '095', 'a', '', ' Elementos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1763, '095', 'a', 'elementos', ' Elementos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1764, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Elementos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1765, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Elementos de Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1766, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1767, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1768, '095', 'a', 'gerais', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1769, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1770, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1771, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1772, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Fundamentos Gerais de Projetos das Máquinas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1773, '095', 'a', '', ' Máquinas, Motores e Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1774, '095', 'a', 'maquinas,', ' Máquinas, Motores e Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1775, '095', 'a', 'motores', ' Máquinas, Motores e Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1776, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Máquinas, Motores e Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1777, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1778, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1779, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1780, '095', 'a', 'sintese', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1781, '095', 'a', 'otimizacao', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1782, '095', 'a', 'aplicados', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1783, '095', 'a', 'ao', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1784, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1785, '095', 'a', 'mecanico', ' Métodos de Síntese e Otimização Aplicados ao Projeto Mecânico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1786, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle de Sistemas Mecânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1787, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle de Sistemas Mecânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1788, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Controle de Sistemas Mecânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1789, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Controle de Sistemas Mecânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1790, '095', 'a', 'mecanicos', ' Controle de Sistemas Mecânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1791, '095', 'a', '', ' Aproveitamento de Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1792, '095', 'a', 'aproveitamento', ' Aproveitamento de Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1793, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aproveitamento de Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1794, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Aproveitamento de Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1795, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos de Fabricação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1796, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos de Fabricação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1797, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Fabricação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1798, '095', 'a', 'fabricacao', ' Processos de Fabricação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1799, '095', 'a', '', ' Matrizes e Ferramentas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1800, '095', 'a', 'matrizes', ' Matrizes e Ferramentas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1801, '095', 'a', 'ferramentas', ' Matrizes e Ferramentas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1802, '095', 'a', '', ' Máquinas de Usinagem e Conformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1803, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Máquinas de Usinagem e Conformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1804, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Máquinas de Usinagem e Conformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1805, '095', 'a', 'usinagem', ' Máquinas de Usinagem e Conformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1806, '095', 'a', 'conformacao', ' Máquinas de Usinagem e Conformação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1807, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle Numérico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1808, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle Numérico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1809, '095', 'a', 'numerico', ' Controle Numérico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1810, '095', 'a', '', ' Robotização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1811, '095', 'a', 'robotizacao', ' Robotização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1812, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos de Fabricação, Seleção Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1813, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos de Fabricação, Seleção Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1814, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Fabricação, Seleção Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1815, '095', 'a', 'fabricacao,', ' Processos de Fabricação, Seleção Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1816, '095', 'a', 'selecao', ' Processos de Fabricação, Seleção Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1817, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Processos de Fabricação, Seleção Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1818, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1819, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1820, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1821, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Industriais de Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1822, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Industriais de Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1823, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Processos Industriais de Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1824, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos Industriais de Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1825, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Processos Industriais de Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1826, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Processos Industriais de Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1827, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Bioquimicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1828, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Bioquimicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1829, '095', 'a', 'bioquimicos', ' Processos Bioquimicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1830, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Orgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1831, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Orgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1832, '095', 'a', 'organicos', ' Processos Orgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1833, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1834, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1835, '095', 'a', 'inorganicos', ' Processos Inorgânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1836, '095', 'a', '', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1837, '095', 'a', 'operacoes', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1838, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1839, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1840, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1841, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1842, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Operações Industriais e Equipamentos para Engenharia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1843, '095', 'a', '', ' Reatores Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1844, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Reatores Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1845, '095', 'a', 'quimicos', ' Reatores Químicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1846, '095', 'a', '', ' Operações Características de Processos Bioquímicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1847, '095', 'a', 'operacoes', ' Operações Características de Processos Bioquímicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1848, '095', 'a', 'caracteristicas', ' Operações Características de Processos Bioquímicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1849, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Operações Características de Processos Bioquímicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1850, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Operações Características de Processos Bioquímicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1851, '095', 'a', 'bioquimicos', ' Operações Características de Processos Bioquímicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1852, '095', 'a', '', ' Operações de Separação e Mistura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1853, '095', 'a', 'operacoes', ' Operações de Separação e Mistura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1854, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Operações de Separação e Mistura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1855, '095', 'a', 'separacao', ' Operações de Separação e Mistura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1856, '095', 'a', 'mistura', ' Operações de Separação e Mistura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1857, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1858, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1859, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Tecnologia Química', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1860, '095', 'a', '', ' Balancos Globais de Matéria e Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1861, '095', 'a', 'balancos', ' Balancos Globais de Matéria e Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1862, '095', 'a', 'globais', ' Balancos Globais de Matéria e Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1863, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Balancos Globais de Matéria e Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1864, '095', 'a', 'materia', ' Balancos Globais de Matéria e Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1865, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Balancos Globais de Matéria e Energia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1866, '095', 'a', '', ' Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1867, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1868, '095', 'a', '', ' Álcool', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1869, '095', 'a', 'alcool', ' Álcool', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1870, '095', 'a', '', ' Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1871, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1872, '095', 'a', '', ' Borrachas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1873, '095', 'a', 'borrachas', ' Borrachas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1874, '095', 'a', '', ' Carvão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1875, '095', 'a', 'carvao', ' Carvão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1876, '095', 'a', '', ' Cerâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1877, '095', 'a', 'ceramica', ' Cerâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1878, '095', 'a', '', ' Cimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1879, '095', 'a', 'cimento', ' Cimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1880, '095', 'a', '', ' Couro', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1881, '095', 'a', 'couro', ' Couro', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1882, '095', 'a', '', ' Detergentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1883, '095', 'a', 'detergentes', ' Detergentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1884, '095', 'a', '', ' Fertilizantes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1885, '095', 'a', 'fertilizantes', ' Fertilizantes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1886, '095', 'a', '', ' Medicamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1887, '095', 'a', 'medicamentos', ' Medicamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1888, '095', 'a', '', ' Metais não-Ferrosos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1889, '095', 'a', 'metais', ' Metais não-Ferrosos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1890, '095', 'a', 'nao-ferrosos', ' Metais não-Ferrosos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1891, '095', 'a', '', ' Óleos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1892, '095', 'a', 'oleos', ' Óleos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1893, '095', 'a', '', ' Papel e Celulose', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1894, '095', 'a', 'papel', ' Papel e Celulose', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1895, '095', 'a', 'celulose', ' Papel e Celulose', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1896, '095', 'a', '', ' Petróleo e Petroquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1897, '095', 'a', 'petroleo', ' Petróleo e Petroquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1898, '095', 'a', 'petroquimica', ' Petróleo e Petroquímica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1899, '095', 'a', '', ' Polímeros', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1900, '095', 'a', 'polimeros', ' Polímeros', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1901, '095', 'a', '', ' Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1902, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1903, '095', 'a', 'naturais', ' Produtos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1904, '095', 'a', '', ' Têxteis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1905, '095', 'a', 'texteis', ' Têxteis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1906, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamentos e Aproveitamento de Rejeitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1907, '095', 'a', 'tratamentos', ' Tratamentos e Aproveitamento de Rejeitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1908, '095', 'a', 'aproveitamento', ' Tratamentos e Aproveitamento de Rejeitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1909, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tratamentos e Aproveitamento de Rejeitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1910, '095', 'a', 'rejeitos', ' Tratamentos e Aproveitamento de Rejeitos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1911, '095', 'a', '', ' Xisto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1912, '095', 'a', 'xisto', ' Xisto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1913, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1914, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1915, '095', 'a', 'sanitaria', ' Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1916, '095', 'a', '', ' Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1917, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1918, '095', 'a', 'hidricos', ' Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1919, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1920, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1921, '095', 'a', 'integrado', ' Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1922, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1923, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1924, '095', 'a', 'hidricos', ' Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos Hídricos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1925, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia e Problemas Sanitários de Irrigação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1926, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia e Problemas Sanitários de Irrigação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1927, '095', 'a', 'problemas', ' Tecnologia e Problemas Sanitários de Irrigação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1928, '095', 'a', 'sanitarios', ' Tecnologia e Problemas Sanitários de Irrigação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1929, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia e Problemas Sanitários de Irrigação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1930, '095', 'a', 'irrigacao', ' Tecnologia e Problemas Sanitários de Irrigação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1931, '095', 'a', '', ' Águas Subterrâneas e Poços Profundos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1932, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Águas Subterrâneas e Poços Profundos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1933, '095', 'a', 'subterraneas', ' Águas Subterrâneas e Poços Profundos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1934, '095', 'a', 'pocos', ' Águas Subterrâneas e Poços Profundos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1935, '095', 'a', 'profundos', ' Águas Subterrâneas e Poços Profundos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1936, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle de Enchentes e de Barragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1937, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle de Enchentes e de Barragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1938, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Controle de Enchentes e de Barragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1939, '095', 'a', 'enchentes', ' Controle de Enchentes e de Barragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1940, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Controle de Enchentes e de Barragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1941, '095', 'a', 'barragens', ' Controle de Enchentes e de Barragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1942, '095', 'a', '', ' Sedimentologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1943, '095', 'a', 'sedimentologia', ' Sedimentologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1944, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1945, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1946, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1947, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1948, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1949, '095', 'a', 'abastecimento', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1950, '095', 'a', 'residuarias', ' Tratamento de Águas de Abastecimento e Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1951, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1952, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1953, '095', 'a', 'sanitaria', ' Química Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1954, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1955, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1956, '095', 'a', 'simplificados', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1957, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1958, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1959, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1960, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Processos Simplificados de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1961, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1962, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1963, '095', 'a', 'convencionais', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1964, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1965, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1966, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1967, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Técnicas Convencionais de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1968, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1969, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1970, '095', 'a', 'avancadas', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1971, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1972, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1973, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1974, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Técnicas Avancadas de Tratamento de Águas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1975, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos e Caracterização de Efluentes Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1976, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos e Caracterização de Efluentes Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1977, '095', 'a', 'caracterizacao', ' Estudos e Caracterização de Efluentes Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1978, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estudos e Caracterização de Efluentes Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1979, '095', 'a', 'efluentes', ' Estudos e Caracterização de Efluentes Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1980, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Estudos e Caracterização de Efluentes Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1981, '095', 'a', '', ' Lay Out de Processos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1982, '095', 'a', 'lay', ' Lay Out de Processos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1983, '095', 'a', 'out', ' Lay Out de Processos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1984, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Lay Out de Processos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1985, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Lay Out de Processos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1986, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Lay Out de Processos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1987, '095', 'a', '', ' Resíduos Radioativos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1988, '095', 'a', 'residuos', ' Resíduos Radioativos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1989, '095', 'a', 'radioativos', ' Resíduos Radioativos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1990, '095', 'a', '', ' Saneamento Básico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1991, '095', 'a', 'saneamento', ' Saneamento Básico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1992, '095', 'a', 'basico', ' Saneamento Básico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1993, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Abastecimento da Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1994, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Abastecimento da Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1995, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Abastecimento da Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1996, '095', 'a', 'abastecimento', ' Técnicas de Abastecimento da Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1997, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Técnicas de Abastecimento da Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1998, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Técnicas de Abastecimento da Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (1999, '095', 'a', '', ' Drenagem de Águas Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2000, '095', 'a', 'drenagem', ' Drenagem de Águas Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2001, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Drenagem de Águas Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2002, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Drenagem de Águas Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2003, '095', 'a', 'residuarias', ' Drenagem de Águas Residuárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2004, '095', 'a', '', ' Drenagem Urbana de Águas Pluviais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2005, '095', 'a', 'drenagem', ' Drenagem Urbana de Águas Pluviais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2006, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Drenagem Urbana de Águas Pluviais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2007, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Drenagem Urbana de Águas Pluviais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2008, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Drenagem Urbana de Águas Pluviais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2009, '095', 'a', 'pluviais', ' Drenagem Urbana de Águas Pluviais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2010, '095', 'a', '', ' Resíduos Sólidos, Domésticos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2011, '095', 'a', 'residuos', ' Resíduos Sólidos, Domésticos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2012, '095', 'a', 'solidos,', ' Resíduos Sólidos, Domésticos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2013, '095', 'a', 'domesticos', ' Resíduos Sólidos, Domésticos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2014, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Resíduos Sólidos, Domésticos e Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2015, '095', 'a', '', ' Limpeza Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2016, '095', 'a', 'limpeza', ' Limpeza Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2017, '095', 'a', 'publica', ' Limpeza Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2018, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações Hidráulico-Sanitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2019, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações Hidráulico-Sanitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2020, '095', 'a', 'hidraulico-sanitarias', ' Instalações Hidráulico-Sanitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2021, '095', 'a', '', ' Saneamento Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2022, '095', 'a', 'saneamento', ' Saneamento Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2023, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Saneamento Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2024, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2025, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Ecologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2026, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Ecologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2027, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Ecologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2028, '095', 'a', 'sanitaria', ' Ecologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2029, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia Aplicada e Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2030, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia Aplicada e Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2031, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Microbiologia Aplicada e Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2032, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Microbiologia Aplicada e Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2033, '095', 'a', 'sanitaria', ' Microbiologia Aplicada e Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2034, '095', 'a', '', ' Parasitologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2035, '095', 'a', 'parasitologia', ' Parasitologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2036, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Parasitologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2037, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Parasitologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2038, '095', 'a', 'sanitaria', ' Parasitologia Aplicada à Engenharia Sanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2039, '095', 'a', '', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2040, '095', 'a', 'qualidade', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2041, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2042, '095', 'a', 'ar,', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2043, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2044, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2045, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2046, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Qualidade do Ar, das Águas e do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2047, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle da Poluição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2048, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle da Poluição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2049, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Controle da Poluição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2050, '095', 'a', 'poluicao', ' Controle da Poluição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2051, '095', 'a', '', ' Legislação Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2052, '095', 'a', 'legislacao', ' Legislação Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2053, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Legislação Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2054, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2055, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2056, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2057, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Engenharia de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2058, '095', 'a', '', ' Gerência de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2059, '095', 'a', 'gerencia', ' Gerência de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2060, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Gerência de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2061, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Gerência de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2062, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento de Instalações Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2063, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento de Instalações Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2064, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Planejamento de Instalações Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2065, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Planejamento de Instalações Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2066, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Planejamento de Instalações Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2067, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2068, '095', 'a', 'planejamento,', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2069, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2070, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2071, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2072, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2073, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2074, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Planejamento, Projeto e Controle de Sistemas de Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2075, '095', 'a', '', ' Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2076, '095', 'a', 'higiene', ' Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2077, '095', 'a', 'seguranca', ' Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2078, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2079, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2080, '095', 'a', '', ' Suprimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2081, '095', 'a', 'suprimentos', ' Suprimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2082, '095', 'a', '', ' Garantia de Controle de Qualidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2083, '095', 'a', 'garantia', ' Garantia de Controle de Qualidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2084, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Garantia de Controle de Qualidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2085, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Garantia de Controle de Qualidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2086, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Garantia de Controle de Qualidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2087, '095', 'a', 'qualidade', ' Garantia de Controle de Qualidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2088, '095', 'a', '', ' Pesquisa Operacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2089, '095', 'a', 'pesquisa', ' Pesquisa Operacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2090, '095', 'a', 'operacional', ' Pesquisa Operacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2091, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Estocásticos e Teorias da Filas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2092, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Estocásticos e Teorias da Filas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2093, '095', 'a', 'estocasticos', ' Processos Estocásticos e Teorias da Filas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2094, '095', 'a', 'teorias', ' Processos Estocásticos e Teorias da Filas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2095, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Processos Estocásticos e Teorias da Filas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2096, '095', 'a', 'filas', ' Processos Estocásticos e Teorias da Filas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2097, '095', 'a', '', ' Programação Linear, Não-Linear, Mista e Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2098, '095', 'a', 'programacao', ' Programação Linear, Não-Linear, Mista e Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2099, '095', 'a', 'linear,', ' Programação Linear, Não-Linear, Mista e Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2100, '095', 'a', 'nao-linear,', ' Programação Linear, Não-Linear, Mista e Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2101, '095', 'a', 'mista', ' Programação Linear, Não-Linear, Mista e Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2102, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Programação Linear, Não-Linear, Mista e Dinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2103, '095', 'a', '', ' Séries Temporais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2104, '095', 'a', 'series', ' Séries Temporais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2105, '095', 'a', 'temporais', ' Séries Temporais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2106, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria dos Grafos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2107, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria dos Grafos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2108, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Teoria dos Grafos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2109, '095', 'a', 'grafos', ' Teoria dos Grafos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2110, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria dos Jogos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2111, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria dos Jogos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2112, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Teoria dos Jogos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2113, '095', 'a', 'jogos', ' Teoria dos Jogos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2114, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2115, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2116, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Engenharia do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2117, '095', 'a', 'produto', ' Engenharia do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2118, '095', 'a', '', ' Ergonomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2119, '095', 'a', 'ergonomia', ' Ergonomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2120, '095', 'a', '', ' Metodologia de Projeto do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2121, '095', 'a', 'metodologia', ' Metodologia de Projeto do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2122, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Metodologia de Projeto do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2123, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Metodologia de Projeto do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2124, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Metodologia de Projeto do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2125, '095', 'a', 'produto', ' Metodologia de Projeto do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2126, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2127, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2128, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2129, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Processos de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2130, '095', 'a', '', ' Gerência do Projeto e do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2131, '095', 'a', 'gerencia', ' Gerência do Projeto e do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2132, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Gerência do Projeto e do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2133, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Gerência do Projeto e do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2134, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Gerência do Projeto e do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2135, '095', 'a', 'produto', ' Gerência do Projeto e do Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2136, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenvolvimento de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2137, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Desenvolvimento de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2138, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Desenvolvimento de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2139, '095', 'a', 'produto', ' Desenvolvimento de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2140, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2141, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2142, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Engenharia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2143, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudo de Mercado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2144, '095', 'a', 'estudo', ' Estudo de Mercado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2145, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estudo de Mercado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2146, '095', 'a', 'mercado', ' Estudo de Mercado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2147, '095', 'a', '', ' Localização Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2148, '095', 'a', 'localizacao', ' Localização Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2149, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Localização Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2150, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise de Custos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2151, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise de Custos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2152, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Custos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2153, '095', 'a', 'custos', ' Análise de Custos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2154, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia de Tecnologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2155, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia de Tecnologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2156, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Economia de Tecnologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2157, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Economia de Tecnologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2158, '095', 'a', '', ' Vida Econômica dos Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2159, '095', 'a', 'vida', ' Vida Econômica dos Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2160, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Vida Econômica dos Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2161, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Vida Econômica dos Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2162, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Vida Econômica dos Equipamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2163, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2164, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2165, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2166, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Avaliação de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2167, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2168, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2169, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Engenharia Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2170, '095', 'a', '', ' Aplicações de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2171, '095', 'a', 'aplicacoes', ' Aplicações de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2172, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aplicações de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2173, '095', 'a', 'radioisotopos', ' Aplicações de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2174, '095', 'a', '', ' Produção de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2175, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Produção de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2176, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Produção de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2177, '095', 'a', 'radioisotopos', ' Produção de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2178, '095', 'a', '', ' Aplicações Industriais de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2179, '095', 'a', 'aplicacoes', ' Aplicações Industriais de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2180, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Aplicações Industriais de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2181, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aplicações Industriais de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2182, '095', 'a', 'radioisotopos', ' Aplicações Industriais de Radioisotopos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2183, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2184, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2185, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2186, '095', 'a', 'medida', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2187, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2188, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2189, '095', 'a', 'radiacao', ' Instrumentação para Medida e Controle de Radiação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2190, '095', 'a', '', ' Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2191, '095', 'a', 'fusao', ' Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2192, '095', 'a', 'controlada', ' Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2193, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Industriais da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2194, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Industriais da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2195, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Processos Industriais da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2196, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Processos Industriais da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2197, '095', 'a', 'fusao', ' Processos Industriais da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2198, '095', 'a', 'controlada', ' Processos Industriais da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2199, '095', 'a', '', ' Problemas Tecnológicos da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2200, '095', 'a', 'problemas', ' Problemas Tecnológicos da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2201, '095', 'a', 'tecnologicos', ' Problemas Tecnológicos da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2202, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Problemas Tecnológicos da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2203, '095', 'a', 'fusao', ' Problemas Tecnológicos da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2204, '095', 'a', 'controlada', ' Problemas Tecnológicos da Fusão Controlada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2205, '095', 'a', '', ' Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2206, '095', 'a', 'combustivel', ' Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2207, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2208, '095', 'a', '', ' Extração de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2209, '095', 'a', 'extracao', ' Extração de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2210, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Extração de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2211, '095', 'a', 'combustivel', ' Extração de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2212, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Extração de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2213, '095', 'a', '', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2214, '095', 'a', 'conversao,', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2215, '095', 'a', 'enriquecimento', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2216, '095', 'a', 'fabricacao', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2217, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2218, '095', 'a', 'combustivel', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2219, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Conversão, Enriquecimento e Fabricação de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2220, '095', 'a', '', ' Reprocessamento de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2221, '095', 'a', 'reprocessamento', ' Reprocessamento de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2222, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Reprocessamento de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2223, '095', 'a', 'combustivel', ' Reprocessamento de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2224, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Reprocessamento de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2225, '095', 'a', '', ' Rejeitos de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2226, '095', 'a', 'rejeitos', ' Rejeitos de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2227, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Rejeitos de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2228, '095', 'a', 'combustivel', ' Rejeitos de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2229, '095', 'a', 'nuclear', ' Rejeitos de Combustível Nuclear', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2230, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia dos Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2231, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia dos Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2232, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Tecnologia dos Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2233, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Tecnologia dos Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2234, '095', 'a', '', ' Núcleo do Reator', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2235, '095', 'a', 'nucleo', ' Núcleo do Reator', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2236, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Núcleo do Reator', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2237, '095', 'a', 'reator', ' Núcleo do Reator', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2238, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Nucleares e Blindagem de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2239, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Nucleares e Blindagem de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2240, '095', 'a', 'nucleares', ' Materiais Nucleares e Blindagem de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2241, '095', 'a', 'blindagem', ' Materiais Nucleares e Blindagem de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2242, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Materiais Nucleares e Blindagem de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2243, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Materiais Nucleares e Blindagem de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2244, '095', 'a', '', ' Transferência de Calor em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2245, '095', 'a', 'transferencia', ' Transferência de Calor em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2246, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Transferência de Calor em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2247, '095', 'a', 'calor', ' Transferência de Calor em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2248, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Transferência de Calor em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2249, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Transferência de Calor em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2250, '095', 'a', '', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2251, '095', 'a', 'geracao', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2252, '095', 'a', 'integracao', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2253, '095', 'a', 'com', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2254, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2255, '095', 'a', 'eletricos', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2256, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2257, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Geração e Integração Com Sistemas Elétricos em Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2258, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2259, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2260, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2261, '095', 'a', 'operacao', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2262, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2263, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2264, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Instrumentação Para Operação e Controle de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2265, '095', 'a', '', ' Seguranca, Localização e Licênciamento de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2266, '095', 'a', 'seguranca,', ' Seguranca, Localização e Licênciamento de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2267, '095', 'a', 'localizacao', ' Seguranca, Localização e Licênciamento de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2268, '095', 'a', 'licenciamento', ' Seguranca, Localização e Licênciamento de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2269, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Seguranca, Localização e Licênciamento de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2270, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Seguranca, Localização e Licênciamento de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2271, '095', 'a', '', ' Aspectos Econômicos de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2272, '095', 'a', 'aspectos', ' Aspectos Econômicos de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2273, '095', 'a', 'economicos', ' Aspectos Econômicos de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2274, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aspectos Econômicos de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2275, '095', 'a', 'reatores', ' Aspectos Econômicos de Reatores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2276, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2277, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2278, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2279, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Engenharia de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2280, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2281, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2282, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Planejamento de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2283, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Planejamento de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2284, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2285, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2286, '095', 'a', 'organizacao', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2287, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2288, '095', 'a', 'sistema', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2289, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2290, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Planejamento e Organização do Sistema de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2291, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia dos Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2292, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia dos Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2293, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Economia dos Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2294, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Economia dos Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2295, '095', 'a', '', ' Veículos e Equipamentos de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2296, '095', 'a', 'veiculos', ' Veículos e Equipamentos de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2297, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Veículos e Equipamentos de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2298, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Veículos e Equipamentos de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2299, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Veículos e Equipamentos de Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2300, '095', 'a', '', ' Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2301, '095', 'a', 'vias', ' Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2302, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2303, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2304, '095', 'a', '', ' Veículos de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2305, '095', 'a', 'veiculos', ' Veículos de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2306, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Veículos de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2307, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Veículos de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2308, '095', 'a', '', ' Estação de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2309, '095', 'a', 'estacao', ' Estação de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2310, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estação de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2311, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Estação de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2312, '095', 'a', '', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares e Controles', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2313, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares e Controles', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2314, '095', 'a', 'auxiliares', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares e Controles', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2315, '095', 'a', 'controles', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares e Controles', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2316, '095', 'a', '', ' Operações de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2317, '095', 'a', 'operacoes', ' Operações de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2318, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Operações de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2319, '095', 'a', 'transportes', ' Operações de Transportes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2320, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Tráfego', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2321, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Tráfego', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2322, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Tráfego', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2323, '095', 'a', 'trafego', ' Engenharia de Tráfego', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2324, '095', 'a', '', ' Capacidade de Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2325, '095', 'a', 'capacidade', ' Capacidade de Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2326, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Capacidade de Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2327, '095', 'a', 'vias', ' Capacidade de Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2328, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Capacidade de Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2329, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Capacidade de Vias de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2330, '095', 'a', '', ' Operação de Sistemas de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2331, '095', 'a', 'operacao', ' Operação de Sistemas de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2332, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Operação de Sistemas de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2333, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Operação de Sistemas de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2334, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Operação de Sistemas de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2335, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Operação de Sistemas de Transporte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2336, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2337, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2338, '095', 'a', 'naval', ' Engenharia Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2339, '095', 'a', 'oceanica', ' Engenharia Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2340, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidrodinâmica de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2341, '095', 'a', 'hidrodinamica', ' Hidrodinâmica de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2342, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Hidrodinâmica de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2343, '095', 'a', 'navios', ' Hidrodinâmica de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2344, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Hidrodinâmica de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2345, '095', 'a', 'oceanicos', ' Hidrodinâmica de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2346, '095', 'a', '', ' Resistência Hidrodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2347, '095', 'a', 'resistencia', ' Resistência Hidrodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2348, '095', 'a', 'hidrodinamica', ' Resistência Hidrodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2349, '095', 'a', '', ' Propulsão de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2350, '095', 'a', 'propulsao', ' Propulsão de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2351, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Propulsão de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2352, '095', 'a', 'navios', ' Propulsão de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2353, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas Navais e Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2354, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas Navais e Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2355, '095', 'a', 'navais', ' Estruturas Navais e Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2356, '095', 'a', 'oceanicas', ' Estruturas Navais e Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2357, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Teórica e Experimental de Estrutura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2358, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Teórica e Experimental de Estrutura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2359, '095', 'a', 'teorica', ' Análise Teórica e Experimental de Estrutura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2360, '095', 'a', 'experimental', ' Análise Teórica e Experimental de Estrutura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2361, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise Teórica e Experimental de Estrutura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2362, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Análise Teórica e Experimental de Estrutura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2363, '095', 'a', '', ' Dinâmica Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2364, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Dinâmica Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2365, '095', 'a', 'estrutural', ' Dinâmica Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2366, '095', 'a', 'naval', ' Dinâmica Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2367, '095', 'a', 'oceanica', ' Dinâmica Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2368, '095', 'a', '', ' Síntese Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2369, '095', 'a', 'sintese', ' Síntese Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2370, '095', 'a', 'estrutural', ' Síntese Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2371, '095', 'a', 'naval', ' Síntese Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2372, '095', 'a', 'oceanica', ' Síntese Estrutural Naval e Oceânica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2373, '095', 'a', '', ' Máquinas Marítimas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2374, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Máquinas Marítimas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2375, '095', 'a', 'maritimas', ' Máquinas Marítimas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2376, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2377, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2378, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2379, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Análise de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2380, '095', 'a', 'propulsores', ' Análise de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2381, '095', 'a', '', ' Controle e Automação de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2382, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Controle e Automação de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2383, '095', 'a', 'automacao', ' Controle e Automação de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2384, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Controle e Automação de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2385, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Controle e Automação de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2386, '095', 'a', 'propulsores', ' Controle e Automação de Sistemas Propulsores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2387, '095', 'a', '', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares do Sistema Propulsivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2388, '095', 'a', 'equipamentos', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares do Sistema Propulsivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2389, '095', 'a', 'auxiliares', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares do Sistema Propulsivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2390, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares do Sistema Propulsivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2391, '095', 'a', 'sistema', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares do Sistema Propulsivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2392, '095', 'a', 'propulsivo', ' Equipamentos Auxiliares do Sistema Propulsivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2393, '095', 'a', '', ' Motor de Propulsão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2394, '095', 'a', 'motor', ' Motor de Propulsão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2395, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Motor de Propulsão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2396, '095', 'a', 'propulsao', ' Motor de Propulsão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2397, '095', 'a', '', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2398, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2399, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2400, '095', 'a', 'navios', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2401, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2402, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2403, '095', 'a', 'oceanicos', ' Projeto de Navios e de Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2404, '095', 'a', '', ' Projetos de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2405, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Projetos de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2406, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projetos de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2407, '095', 'a', 'navios', ' Projetos de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2408, '095', 'a', '', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2409, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2410, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2411, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2412, '095', 'a', 'oceanicos', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2413, '095', 'a', 'fixos', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2414, '095', 'a', 'semi-fixos', ' Projetos de Sistemas Oceânicos Fixos e Semi-Fixos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2415, '095', 'a', '', ' Projetos de Embarcações Não-Convencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2416, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Projetos de Embarcações Não-Convencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2417, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projetos de Embarcações Não-Convencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2418, '095', 'a', 'embarcacoes', ' Projetos de Embarcações Não-Convencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2419, '095', 'a', 'nao-convencionais', ' Projetos de Embarcações Não-Convencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2420, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2421, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2422, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2423, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2424, '095', 'a', 'naval', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2425, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2426, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2427, '095', 'a', 'oceanicas', ' Tecnologia de Construção Naval e de Sistemas Oceânicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2428, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2429, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2430, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2431, '095', 'a', 'fabricacao', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2432, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2433, '095', 'a', 'navios', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2434, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2435, '095', 'a', 'oceanicos', ' Métodos de Fabricação de Navios e Sistemas Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2436, '095', 'a', '', ' Soldagem de Estruturas Navais e Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2437, '095', 'a', 'soldagem', ' Soldagem de Estruturas Navais e Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2438, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Soldagem de Estruturas Navais e Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2439, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Soldagem de Estruturas Navais e Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2440, '095', 'a', 'navais', ' Soldagem de Estruturas Navais e Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2441, '095', 'a', 'oceanicos', ' Soldagem de Estruturas Navais e Oceânicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2442, '095', 'a', '', ' Custos de Construção Naval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2443, '095', 'a', 'custos', ' Custos de Construção Naval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2444, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Custos de Construção Naval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2445, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Custos de Construção Naval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2446, '095', 'a', 'naval', ' Custos de Construção Naval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2447, '095', 'a', '', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2448, '095', 'a', 'normatizacao', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2449, '095', 'a', 'certificacao', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2450, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2451, '095', 'a', 'qualidade', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2452, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2453, '095', 'a', 'navios', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Navios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2454, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2455, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2456, '095', 'a', 'aeroespacial', ' Engenharia Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2457, '095', 'a', '', ' Aerodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2458, '095', 'a', 'aerodinamica', ' Aerodinâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2459, '095', 'a', '', ' Aerodinâmica de Aeronaves Espaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2460, '095', 'a', 'aerodinamica', ' Aerodinâmica de Aeronaves Espaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2461, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aerodinâmica de Aeronaves Espaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2462, '095', 'a', 'aeronaves', ' Aerodinâmica de Aeronaves Espaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2463, '095', 'a', 'espaciais', ' Aerodinâmica de Aeronaves Espaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2464, '095', 'a', '', ' Aerodinâmica dos Processos Geofísicos e Interplanetarios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2465, '095', 'a', 'aerodinamica', ' Aerodinâmica dos Processos Geofísicos e Interplanetarios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2466, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Aerodinâmica dos Processos Geofísicos e Interplanetarios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2467, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Aerodinâmica dos Processos Geofísicos e Interplanetarios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2468, '095', 'a', 'geofisicos', ' Aerodinâmica dos Processos Geofísicos e Interplanetarios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2469, '095', 'a', 'interplanetarios', ' Aerodinâmica dos Processos Geofísicos e Interplanetarios', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2470, '095', 'a', '', ' Dinâmica de Vôo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2471, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Dinâmica de Vôo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2472, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Dinâmica de Vôo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2473, '095', 'a', 'voo', ' Dinâmica de Vôo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2474, '095', 'a', '', ' Trajetorias e Orbitas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2475, '095', 'a', 'trajetorias', ' Trajetorias e Orbitas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2476, '095', 'a', 'orbitas', ' Trajetorias e Orbitas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2477, '095', 'a', '', ' Estabilidade e Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2478, '095', 'a', 'estabilidade', ' Estabilidade e Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2479, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Estabilidade e Controle', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2480, '095', 'a', '', ' Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2481, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2482, '095', 'a', 'aeroespaciais', ' Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2483, '095', 'a', '', ' Aeroelasticidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2484, '095', 'a', 'aeroelasticidade', ' Aeroelasticidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2485, '095', 'a', '', ' Fadiga', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2486, '095', 'a', 'fadiga', ' Fadiga', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2487, '095', 'a', '', ' Projeto de Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2488, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Projeto de Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2489, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projeto de Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2490, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Projeto de Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2491, '095', 'a', 'aeroespaciais', ' Projeto de Estruturas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2492, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2493, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2494, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2495, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2496, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2497, '095', 'a', 'aeronautica', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2498, '095', 'a', 'aeroespacial', ' Materiais e Processos para Engenharia Aeronáutica e Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2499, '095', 'a', '', ' Propulsão Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2500, '095', 'a', 'propulsao', ' Propulsão Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2501, '095', 'a', 'aeroespacial', ' Propulsão Aeroespacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2502, '095', 'a', '', ' Combustão e Escoamento com Reações Químicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2503, '095', 'a', 'combustao', ' Combustão e Escoamento com Reações Químicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2504, '095', 'a', 'escoamento', ' Combustão e Escoamento com Reações Químicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2505, '095', 'a', 'com', ' Combustão e Escoamento com Reações Químicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2506, '095', 'a', 'reacoes', ' Combustão e Escoamento com Reações Químicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2507, '095', 'a', 'quimicas', ' Combustão e Escoamento com Reações Químicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2508, '095', 'a', '', ' Propulsão de Foguetes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2509, '095', 'a', 'propulsao', ' Propulsão de Foguetes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2510, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Propulsão de Foguetes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2511, '095', 'a', 'foguetes', ' Propulsão de Foguetes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2512, '095', 'a', '', ' Máquinas de Fluxo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2513, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Máquinas de Fluxo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2514, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Máquinas de Fluxo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2515, '095', 'a', 'fluxo', ' Máquinas de Fluxo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2516, '095', 'a', '', ' Motores Alternativos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2517, '095', 'a', 'motores', ' Motores Alternativos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2518, '095', 'a', 'alternativos', ' Motores Alternativos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2519, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2520, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2521, '095', 'a', 'aeroespaciais', ' Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2522, '095', 'a', '', ' Aviões', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2523, '095', 'a', 'avioes', ' Aviões', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2524, '095', 'a', '', ' Foguetes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2525, '095', 'a', 'foguetes', ' Foguetes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2526, '095', 'a', '', ' Helicópteros', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2527, '095', 'a', 'helicopteros', ' Helicópteros', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2528, '095', 'a', '', ' Hovercraft', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2529, '095', 'a', 'hovercraft', ' Hovercraft', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2530, '095', 'a', '', ' Satélites e Outros Dispositivos Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2531, '095', 'a', 'satelites', ' Satélites e Outros Dispositivos Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2532, '095', 'a', 'outros', ' Satélites e Outros Dispositivos Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2533, '095', 'a', 'dispositivos', ' Satélites e Outros Dispositivos Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2534, '095', 'a', 'aeroespaciais', ' Satélites e Outros Dispositivos Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2535, '095', 'a', '', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2536, '095', 'a', 'normatizacao', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2537, '095', 'a', 'certificacao', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2538, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2539, '095', 'a', 'qualidade', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2540, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2541, '095', 'a', 'aeronaves', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2542, '095', 'a', 'componentes', ' Normatização e Certificação de Qualidade de Aeronaves e Componentes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2543, '095', 'a', '', ' Manutenção de Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2544, '095', 'a', 'manutencao', ' Manutenção de Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2545, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Manutenção de Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2546, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Manutenção de Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2547, '095', 'a', 'aeroespaciais', ' Manutenção de Sistemas Aeroespaciais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2548, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Biomédica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2549, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Biomédica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2550, '095', 'a', 'biomedica', ' Engenharia Biomédica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2551, '095', 'a', '', ' Bioengenharia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2552, '095', 'a', 'bioengenharia', ' Bioengenharia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2553, '095', 'a', '', ' Processamento de Sinais Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2554, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Processamento de Sinais Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2555, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processamento de Sinais Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2556, '095', 'a', 'sinais', ' Processamento de Sinais Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2557, '095', 'a', 'biologicos', ' Processamento de Sinais Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2558, '095', 'a', '', ' Modelagem de Fenomenos Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2559, '095', 'a', 'modelagem', ' Modelagem de Fenomenos Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2560, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Modelagem de Fenomenos Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2561, '095', 'a', 'fenomenos', ' Modelagem de Fenomenos Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2562, '095', 'a', 'biologicos', ' Modelagem de Fenomenos Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2563, '095', 'a', '', ' Modelagem de Sistemas Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2564, '095', 'a', 'modelagem', ' Modelagem de Sistemas Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2565, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Modelagem de Sistemas Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2566, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Modelagem de Sistemas Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2567, '095', 'a', 'biologicos', ' Modelagem de Sistemas Biológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2568, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2569, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2570, '095', 'a', 'medica', ' Engenharia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2571, '095', 'a', '', ' Biomateriais e Materiais Biocompatíveis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2572, '095', 'a', 'biomateriais', ' Biomateriais e Materiais Biocompatíveis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2573, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Biomateriais e Materiais Biocompatíveis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2574, '095', 'a', 'biocompativeis', ' Biomateriais e Materiais Biocompatíveis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2575, '095', 'a', '', ' Transdutores para Aplicações Biomédicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2576, '095', 'a', 'transdutores', ' Transdutores para Aplicações Biomédicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2577, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Transdutores para Aplicações Biomédicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2578, '095', 'a', 'aplicacoes', ' Transdutores para Aplicações Biomédicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2579, '095', 'a', 'biomedicas', ' Transdutores para Aplicações Biomédicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2580, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Odontológica e Médico-Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2581, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Odontológica e Médico-Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2582, '095', 'a', 'odontologica', ' Instrumentação Odontológica e Médico-Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2583, '095', 'a', 'medico-hospitalar', ' Instrumentação Odontológica e Médico-Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2584, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Próteses', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2585, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Próteses', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2586, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Próteses', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2587, '095', 'a', 'proteses', ' Tecnologia de Próteses', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2588, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2589, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2590, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Ciências da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2591, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Ciências da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2592, '095', 'a', '', ' Medicina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2593, '095', 'a', 'medicina', ' Medicina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2594, '095', 'a', '', ' Clínica Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2595, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Clínica Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2596, '095', 'a', 'medica', ' Clínica Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2597, '095', 'a', '', ' Angiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2598, '095', 'a', 'angiologia', ' Angiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2599, '095', 'a', '', ' Dermatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2600, '095', 'a', 'dermatologia', ' Dermatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2601, '095', 'a', '', ' Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2602, '095', 'a', 'alergologia', ' Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2603, '095', 'a', 'imunologia', ' Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2604, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2605, '095', 'a', '', ' Cancerologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2606, '095', 'a', 'cancerologia', ' Cancerologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2607, '095', 'a', '', ' Hematologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2608, '095', 'a', 'hematologia', ' Hematologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2609, '095', 'a', '', ' Endocrinologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2610, '095', 'a', 'endocrinologia', ' Endocrinologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2611, '095', 'a', '', ' Neurologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2612, '095', 'a', 'neurologia', ' Neurologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2613, '095', 'a', '', ' Pediatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2614, '095', 'a', 'pediatria', ' Pediatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2615, '095', 'a', '', ' Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2616, '095', 'a', 'doencas', ' Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2617, '095', 'a', 'infecciosas', ' Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2618, '095', 'a', 'parasitarias', ' Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2619, '095', 'a', '', ' Cardiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2620, '095', 'a', 'cardiologia', ' Cardiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2621, '095', 'a', '', ' Gastroenterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2622, '095', 'a', 'gastroenterologia', ' Gastroenterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2623, '095', 'a', '', ' Pneumologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2624, '095', 'a', 'pneumologia', ' Pneumologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2625, '095', 'a', '', ' Nefrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2626, '095', 'a', 'nefrologia', ' Nefrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2627, '095', 'a', '', ' Reumatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2628, '095', 'a', 'reumatologia', ' Reumatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2629, '095', 'a', '', ' Ginecologia e Obstetrícia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2630, '095', 'a', 'ginecologia', ' Ginecologia e Obstetrícia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2631, '095', 'a', 'obstetricia', ' Ginecologia e Obstetrícia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2632, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2633, '095', 'a', 'fisiatria', ' Fisiatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2634, '095', 'a', '', ' Oftalmologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2635, '095', 'a', 'oftalmologia', ' Oftalmologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2636, '095', 'a', '', ' Ortopedia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2637, '095', 'a', 'ortopedia', ' Ortopedia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2638, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2639, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2640, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Plástica e Restauradora', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2641, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Plástica e Restauradora', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2642, '095', 'a', 'plastica', ' Cirurgia Plástica e Restauradora', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2643, '095', 'a', 'restauradora', ' Cirurgia Plástica e Restauradora', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2644, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Otorrinolaringológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2645, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Otorrinolaringológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2646, '095', 'a', 'otorrinolaringologica', ' Cirurgia Otorrinolaringológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2647, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Oftalmológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2648, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Oftalmológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2649, '095', 'a', 'oftalmologica', ' Cirurgia Oftalmológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2650, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Cardiovascular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2651, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Cardiovascular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2652, '095', 'a', 'cardiovascular', ' Cirurgia Cardiovascular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2653, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Toráxica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2654, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Toráxica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2655, '095', 'a', 'toraxica', ' Cirurgia Toráxica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2656, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Gastroenterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2657, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Gastroenterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2658, '095', 'a', 'gastroenterologia', ' Cirurgia Gastroenterologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2659, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Pediátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2660, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Pediátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2661, '095', 'a', 'pediatrica', ' Cirurgia Pediátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2662, '095', 'a', '', ' Neurocirurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2663, '095', 'a', 'neurocirurgia', ' Neurocirurgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2664, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Urológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2665, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Urológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2666, '095', 'a', 'urologica', ' Cirurgia Urológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2667, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Proctológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2668, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Proctológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2669, '095', 'a', 'proctologica', ' Cirurgia Proctológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2670, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Ortopédica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2671, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Ortopédica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2672, '095', 'a', 'ortopedica', ' Cirurgia Ortopédica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2673, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Traumatológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2674, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Traumatológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2675, '095', 'a', 'traumatologica', ' Cirurgia Traumatológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2676, '095', 'a', '', ' Anestesiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2677, '095', 'a', 'anestesiologia', ' Anestesiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2678, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Experimental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2679, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Experimental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2680, '095', 'a', 'experimental', ' Cirurgia Experimental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2681, '095', 'a', '', ' Saúde Materno-Infantil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2682, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Saúde Materno-Infantil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2683, '095', 'a', 'materno-infantil', ' Saúde Materno-Infantil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2684, '095', 'a', '', ' Psiquiatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2685, '095', 'a', 'psiquiatria', ' Psiquiatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2686, '095', 'a', '', ' Anatomia Patológica e Patologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2687, '095', 'a', 'anatomia', ' Anatomia Patológica e Patologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2688, '095', 'a', 'patologica', ' Anatomia Patológica e Patologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2689, '095', 'a', 'patologia', ' Anatomia Patológica e Patologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2690, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Anatomia Patológica e Patologia Clínica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2691, '095', 'a', '', ' Radiologia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2692, '095', 'a', 'radiologia', ' Radiologia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2693, '095', 'a', 'medica', ' Radiologia Médica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2694, '095', 'a', '', ' Medicina Legal e Deontologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2695, '095', 'a', 'medicina', ' Medicina Legal e Deontologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2696, '095', 'a', 'legal', ' Medicina Legal e Deontologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2697, '095', 'a', 'deontologia', ' Medicina Legal e Deontologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2698, '095', 'a', '', ' Odontologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2699, '095', 'a', 'odontologia', ' Odontologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2700, '095', 'a', '', ' Clínica Odontológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2701, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Clínica Odontológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2702, '095', 'a', 'odontologica', ' Clínica Odontológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2703, '095', 'a', '', ' Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2704, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2705, '095', 'a', 'buco-maxilo-facial', ' Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2706, '095', 'a', '', ' Ortodontia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2707, '095', 'a', 'ortodontia', ' Ortodontia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2708, '095', 'a', '', ' Odontopediatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2709, '095', 'a', 'odontopediatria', ' Odontopediatria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2710, '095', 'a', '', ' Periodontia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2711, '095', 'a', 'periodontia', ' Periodontia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2712, '095', 'a', '', ' Endodontia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2713, '095', 'a', 'endodontia', ' Endodontia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2714, '095', 'a', '', ' Radiologia Odontológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2715, '095', 'a', 'radiologia', ' Radiologia Odontológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2716, '095', 'a', 'odontologica', ' Radiologia Odontológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2717, '095', 'a', '', ' Odontologia Social e Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2718, '095', 'a', 'odontologia', ' Odontologia Social e Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2719, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Odontologia Social e Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2720, '095', 'a', 'preventiva', ' Odontologia Social e Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2721, '095', 'a', '', ' Materiais Odontológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2722, '095', 'a', 'materiais', ' Materiais Odontológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2723, '095', 'a', 'odontologicos', ' Materiais Odontológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2724, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmácia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2725, '095', 'a', 'farmacia', ' Farmácia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2726, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacotecnia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2727, '095', 'a', 'farmacotecnia', ' Farmacotecnia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2728, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacognosia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2729, '095', 'a', 'farmacognosia', ' Farmacognosia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2730, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Toxicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2731, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Toxicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2732, '095', 'a', 'toxicologica', ' Análise Toxicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2733, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise e Controle e Medicamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2734, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise e Controle e Medicamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2735, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Análise e Controle e Medicamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2736, '095', 'a', 'medicamentos', ' Análise e Controle e Medicamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2737, '095', 'a', '', ' Bromatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2738, '095', 'a', 'bromatologia', ' Bromatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2739, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2740, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2741, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2742, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2743, '095', 'a', 'medico-cirurgica', ' Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2744, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem Obstétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2745, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem Obstétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2746, '095', 'a', 'obstetrica', ' Enfermagem Obstétrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2747, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem Pediátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2748, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem Pediátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2749, '095', 'a', 'pediatrica', ' Enfermagem Pediátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2750, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem Psiquiátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2751, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem Psiquiátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2752, '095', 'a', 'psiquiatrica', ' Enfermagem Psiquiátrica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2753, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem de Doenças Contagiosas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2754, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem de Doenças Contagiosas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2755, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Enfermagem de Doenças Contagiosas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2756, '095', 'a', 'doencas', ' Enfermagem de Doenças Contagiosas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2757, '095', 'a', 'contagiosas', ' Enfermagem de Doenças Contagiosas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2758, '095', 'a', '', ' Enfermagem de Saúde Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2759, '095', 'a', 'enfermagem', ' Enfermagem de Saúde Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2760, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Enfermagem de Saúde Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2761, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Enfermagem de Saúde Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2762, '095', 'a', 'publica', ' Enfermagem de Saúde Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2763, '095', 'a', '', ' Nutrição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2764, '095', 'a', 'nutricao', ' Nutrição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2765, '095', 'a', '', ' Bioquímica da Nutrição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2766, '095', 'a', 'bioquimica', ' Bioquímica da Nutrição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2767, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Bioquímica da Nutrição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2768, '095', 'a', 'nutricao', ' Bioquímica da Nutrição', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2769, '095', 'a', '', ' Dietética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2770, '095', 'a', 'dietetica', ' Dietética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2771, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Nutricional de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2772, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Nutricional de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2773, '095', 'a', 'nutricional', ' Análise Nutricional de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2774, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Análise Nutricional de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2775, '095', 'a', 'populacao', ' Análise Nutricional de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2776, '095', 'a', '', ' Desnutrição e Desenvolvimento Fisiológico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2777, '095', 'a', 'desnutricao', ' Desnutrição e Desenvolvimento Fisiológico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2778, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Desnutrição e Desenvolvimento Fisiológico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2779, '095', 'a', 'fisiologico', ' Desnutrição e Desenvolvimento Fisiológico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2780, '095', 'a', '', ' Saúde Coletiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2781, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Saúde Coletiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2782, '095', 'a', 'coletiva', ' Saúde Coletiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2783, '095', 'a', '', ' Epidemiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2784, '095', 'a', 'epidemiologia', ' Epidemiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2785, '095', 'a', '', ' Saúde Publica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2786, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Saúde Publica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2787, '095', 'a', 'publica', ' Saúde Publica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2788, '095', 'a', '', ' Medicina Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2789, '095', 'a', 'medicina', ' Medicina Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2790, '095', 'a', 'preventiva', ' Medicina Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2791, '095', 'a', '', ' Fonoaudiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2792, '095', 'a', 'fonoaudiologia', ' Fonoaudiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2793, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2794, '095', 'a', 'fisioterapia', ' Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2795, '095', 'a', 'terapia', ' Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2796, '095', 'a', 'ocupacional', ' Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2797, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2798, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2799, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Educação Física', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2800, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Agrárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2801, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Agrárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2802, '095', 'a', 'agrarias', ' Ciências Agrárias', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2803, '095', 'a', '', ' Agronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2804, '095', 'a', 'agronomia', ' Agronomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2805, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciência do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2806, '095', 'a', 'ciencia', ' Ciência do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2807, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Ciência do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2808, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Ciência do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2809, '095', 'a', '', ' Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2810, '095', 'a', 'genese,', ' Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2811, '095', 'a', 'morfologia', ' Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2812, '095', 'a', 'classificacao', ' Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2813, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2814, '095', 'a', 'solos', ' Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2815, '095', 'a', '', ' Física do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2816, '095', 'a', 'fisica', ' Física do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2817, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Física do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2818, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Física do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2819, '095', 'a', '', ' Química do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2820, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2821, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Química do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2822, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Química do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2823, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2824, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2825, '095', 'a', 'bioquimica', ' Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2826, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2827, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2828, '095', 'a', '', ' Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2829, '095', 'a', 'fertilidade', ' Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2830, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2831, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2832, '095', 'a', 'adubacao', ' Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2833, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo e Conservação do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2834, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo e Conservação do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2835, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Manejo e Conservação do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2836, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Manejo e Conservação do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2837, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Manejo e Conservação do Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2838, '095', 'a', '', ' Fitossanidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2839, '095', 'a', 'fitossanidade', ' Fitossanidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2840, '095', 'a', '', ' Fitopatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2841, '095', 'a', 'fitopatologia', ' Fitopatologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2842, '095', 'a', '', ' Entomologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2843, '095', 'a', 'entomologia', ' Entomologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2844, '095', 'a', 'agricola', ' Entomologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2845, '095', 'a', '', ' Parasitologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2846, '095', 'a', 'parasitologia', ' Parasitologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2847, '095', 'a', 'agricola', ' Parasitologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2848, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2849, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2850, '095', 'a', 'agricola', ' Microbiologia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2851, '095', 'a', '', ' Defesa Fitossanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2852, '095', 'a', 'defesa', ' Defesa Fitossanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2853, '095', 'a', 'fitossanitaria', ' Defesa Fitossanitária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2854, '095', 'a', '', ' Fitotecnia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2855, '095', 'a', 'fitotecnia', ' Fitotecnia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2856, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo e Tratos Culturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2857, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo e Tratos Culturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2858, '095', 'a', 'tratos', ' Manejo e Tratos Culturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2859, '095', 'a', 'culturais', ' Manejo e Tratos Culturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2860, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecanização Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2861, '095', 'a', 'mecanizacao', ' Mecanização Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2862, '095', 'a', 'agricola', ' Mecanização Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2863, '095', 'a', '', ' Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2864, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2865, '095', 'a', 'beneficiamento', ' Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2866, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2867, '095', 'a', 'sementes', ' Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2868, '095', 'a', '', ' Produção de Mudas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2869, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Produção de Mudas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2870, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Produção de Mudas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2871, '095', 'a', 'mudas', ' Produção de Mudas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2872, '095', 'a', '', ' Melhoramento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2873, '095', 'a', 'melhoramento', ' Melhoramento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2874, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Melhoramento Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2875, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2876, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2877, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2878, '095', 'a', 'plantas', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2879, '095', 'a', 'cultivadas', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Cultivadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2880, '095', 'a', '', ' Matologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2881, '095', 'a', 'matologia', ' Matologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2882, '095', 'a', '', ' Floricultura, Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2883, '095', 'a', 'floricultura,', ' Floricultura, Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2884, '095', 'a', 'parques', ' Floricultura, Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2885, '095', 'a', 'jardins', ' Floricultura, Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2886, '095', 'a', '', ' Floricultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2887, '095', 'a', 'floricultura', ' Floricultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2888, '095', 'a', '', ' Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2889, '095', 'a', 'parques', ' Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2890, '095', 'a', 'jardins', ' Parques e Jardins', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2891, '095', 'a', '', ' Arborização de Vias Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2892, '095', 'a', 'arborizacao', ' Arborização de Vias Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2893, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Arborização de Vias Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2894, '095', 'a', 'vias', ' Arborização de Vias Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2895, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Arborização de Vias Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2896, '095', 'a', '', ' Agrometeorologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2897, '095', 'a', 'agrometeorologia', ' Agrometeorologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2898, '095', 'a', '', ' Extensão Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2899, '095', 'a', 'extensao', ' Extensão Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2900, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Extensão Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2901, '095', 'a', '', ' Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2902, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2903, '095', 'a', 'florestais', ' Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2904, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2905, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2906, '095', 'a', '', ' Silvicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2907, '095', 'a', 'silvicultura', ' Silvicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2908, '095', 'a', '', ' Dendrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2909, '095', 'a', 'dendrologia', ' Dendrologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2910, '095', 'a', '', ' Florestamento e Reflorestamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2911, '095', 'a', 'florestamento', ' Florestamento e Reflorestamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2912, '095', 'a', 'reflorestamento', ' Florestamento e Reflorestamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2913, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética e Melhoramento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2914, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética e Melhoramento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2915, '095', 'a', 'melhoramento', ' Genética e Melhoramento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2916, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Genética e Melhoramento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2917, '095', 'a', '', ' Sementes Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2918, '095', 'a', 'sementes', ' Sementes Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2919, '095', 'a', 'florestais', ' Sementes Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2920, '095', 'a', '', ' Nutrição Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2921, '095', 'a', 'nutricao', ' Nutrição Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2922, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Nutrição Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2923, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2924, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2925, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Fisiologia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2926, '095', 'a', '', ' Solos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2927, '095', 'a', 'solos', ' Solos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2928, '095', 'a', 'florestais', ' Solos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2929, '095', 'a', '', ' Proteção Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2930, '095', 'a', 'protecao', ' Proteção Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2931, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Proteção Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2932, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2933, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2934, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Manejo Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2935, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2936, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2937, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Economia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2938, '095', 'a', '', ' Politica e Legislação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2939, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Politica e Legislação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2940, '095', 'a', 'legislacao', ' Politica e Legislação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2941, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Politica e Legislação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2942, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2943, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2944, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Administração Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2945, '095', 'a', '', ' Dendrometria e Inventário Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2946, '095', 'a', 'dendrometria', ' Dendrometria e Inventário Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2947, '095', 'a', 'inventario', ' Dendrometria e Inventário Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2948, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Dendrometria e Inventário Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2949, '095', 'a', '', ' Fotointerpretação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2950, '095', 'a', 'fotointerpretacao', ' Fotointerpretação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2951, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Fotointerpretação Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2952, '095', 'a', '', ' Ordenamento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2953, '095', 'a', 'ordenamento', ' Ordenamento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2954, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Ordenamento Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2955, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas e Operações Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2956, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas e Operações Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2957, '095', 'a', 'operacoes', ' Técnicas e Operações Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2958, '095', 'a', 'florestais', ' Técnicas e Operações Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2959, '095', 'a', '', ' Exploração Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2960, '095', 'a', 'exploracao', ' Exploração Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2961, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Exploração Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2962, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecanização Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2963, '095', 'a', 'mecanizacao', ' Mecanização Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2964, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Mecanização Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2965, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2966, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2967, '095', 'a', 'utilizacao', ' Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2968, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2969, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2970, '095', 'a', 'florestais', ' Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2971, '095', 'a', '', ' Anatomia e Identificação de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2972, '095', 'a', 'anatomia', ' Anatomia e Identificação de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2973, '095', 'a', 'identificacao', ' Anatomia e Identificação de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2974, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Anatomia e Identificação de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2975, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Anatomia e Identificação de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2976, '095', 'a', 'florestais', ' Anatomia e Identificação de Produtos Florestais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2977, '095', 'a', '', ' Propriedades Físico-Mecânicas da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2978, '095', 'a', 'propriedades', ' Propriedades Físico-Mecânicas da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2979, '095', 'a', 'fisico-mecanicas', ' Propriedades Físico-Mecânicas da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2980, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Propriedades Físico-Mecânicas da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2981, '095', 'a', 'madeira', ' Propriedades Físico-Mecânicas da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2982, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Água-Madeira e Secagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2983, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Água-Madeira e Secagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2984, '095', 'a', 'agua-madeira', ' Relações Água-Madeira e Secagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2985, '095', 'a', 'secagem', ' Relações Água-Madeira e Secagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2986, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamento da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2987, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Tratamento da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2988, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Tratamento da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2989, '095', 'a', 'madeira', ' Tratamento da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2990, '095', 'a', '', ' Processamento Mecânico da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2991, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Processamento Mecânico da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2992, '095', 'a', 'mecanico', ' Processamento Mecânico da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2993, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Processamento Mecânico da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2994, '095', 'a', 'madeira', ' Processamento Mecânico da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2995, '095', 'a', '', ' Química da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2996, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2997, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Química da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2998, '095', 'a', 'madeira', ' Química da Madeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (2999, '095', 'a', '', ' Resinas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3000, '095', 'a', 'resinas', ' Resinas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3001, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Resinas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3002, '095', 'a', 'madeiras', ' Resinas de Madeiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3003, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Celulose e Papel', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3004, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Celulose e Papel', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3005, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Celulose e Papel', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3006, '095', 'a', 'celulose', ' Tecnologia de Celulose e Papel', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3007, '095', 'a', 'papel', ' Tecnologia de Celulose e Papel', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3008, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Chapas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3009, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Chapas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3010, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Chapas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3011, '095', 'a', 'chapas', ' Tecnologia de Chapas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3012, '095', 'a', '', ' Conservação da Natureza', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3013, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Conservação da Natureza', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3014, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Conservação da Natureza', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3015, '095', 'a', 'natureza', ' Conservação da Natureza', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3016, '095', 'a', '', ' Hidrologia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3017, '095', 'a', 'hidrologia', ' Hidrologia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3018, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Hidrologia Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3019, '095', 'a', '', ' Conservação de Áreas Silvestres', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3020, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Conservação de Áreas Silvestres', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3021, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Conservação de Áreas Silvestres', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3022, '095', 'a', 'areas', ' Conservação de Áreas Silvestres', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3023, '095', 'a', 'silvestres', ' Conservação de Áreas Silvestres', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3024, '095', 'a', '', ' Conservação de Bacias Hidrográficas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3025, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Conservação de Bacias Hidrográficas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3026, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Conservação de Bacias Hidrográficas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3027, '095', 'a', 'bacias', ' Conservação de Bacias Hidrográficas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3028, '095', 'a', 'hidrograficas', ' Conservação de Bacias Hidrográficas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3029, '095', 'a', '', ' Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3030, '095', 'a', 'recuperacao', ' Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3031, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3032, '095', 'a', 'areas', ' Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3033, '095', 'a', 'degradadas', ' Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3034, '095', 'a', '', ' Energia de Biomassa Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3035, '095', 'a', 'energia', ' Energia de Biomassa Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3036, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Energia de Biomassa Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3037, '095', 'a', 'biomassa', ' Energia de Biomassa Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3038, '095', 'a', 'florestal', ' Energia de Biomassa Florestal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3039, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3040, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3041, '095', 'a', 'agricola', ' Engenharia Agrícola', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3042, '095', 'a', '', ' Máquinas e Implementos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3043, '095', 'a', 'maquinas', ' Máquinas e Implementos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3044, '095', 'a', 'implementos', ' Máquinas e Implementos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3045, '095', 'a', 'agricolas', ' Máquinas e Implementos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3046, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Água e Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3047, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Água e Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3048, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Água e Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3049, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Engenharia de Água e Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3050, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Engenharia de Água e Solo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3051, '095', 'a', '', ' Irrigação e Drenagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3052, '095', 'a', 'irrigacao', ' Irrigação e Drenagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3053, '095', 'a', 'drenagem', ' Irrigação e Drenagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3054, '095', 'a', '', ' Conservação de Solo e Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3055, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Conservação de Solo e Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3056, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Conservação de Solo e Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3057, '095', 'a', 'solo', ' Conservação de Solo e Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3058, '095', 'a', 'agua', ' Conservação de Solo e Água', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3059, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3060, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3061, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3062, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3063, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3064, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3065, '095', 'a', 'agricolas', ' Engenharia de Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3066, '095', 'a', '', ' Pré-Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3067, '095', 'a', 'pre-processamento', ' Pré-Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3068, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Pré-Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3069, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Pré-Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3070, '095', 'a', 'agricolas', ' Pré-Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3071, '095', 'a', '', ' Armazenamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3072, '095', 'a', 'armazenamento', ' Armazenamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3073, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Armazenamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3074, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Armazenamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3075, '095', 'a', 'agricolas', ' Armazenamento de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3076, '095', 'a', '', ' Transferência de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3077, '095', 'a', 'transferencia', ' Transferência de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3078, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Transferência de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3079, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Transferência de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3080, '095', 'a', 'agricolas', ' Transferência de Produtos Agrícolas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3081, '095', 'a', '', ' Construções Rurais e Ambiência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3082, '095', 'a', 'construcoes', ' Construções Rurais e Ambiência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3083, '095', 'a', 'rurais', ' Construções Rurais e Ambiência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3084, '095', 'a', 'ambiencia', ' Construções Rurais e Ambiência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3085, '095', 'a', '', ' Assentamento Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3086, '095', 'a', 'assentamento', ' Assentamento Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3087, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Assentamento Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3088, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Construções Rurais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3089, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Construções Rurais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3090, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Construções Rurais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3091, '095', 'a', 'construcoes', ' Engenharia de Construções Rurais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3092, '095', 'a', 'rurais', ' Engenharia de Construções Rurais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3093, '095', 'a', '', ' Saneamento Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3094, '095', 'a', 'saneamento', ' Saneamento Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3095, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Saneamento Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3096, '095', 'a', '', ' Energização Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3097, '095', 'a', 'energizacao', ' Energização Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3098, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Energização Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3099, '095', 'a', '', ' Zootecnia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3100, '095', 'a', 'zootecnia', ' Zootecnia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3101, '095', 'a', '', ' Ecologia dos Animais Domésticos e Etologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3102, '095', 'a', 'ecologia', ' Ecologia dos Animais Domésticos e Etologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3103, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Ecologia dos Animais Domésticos e Etologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3104, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Ecologia dos Animais Domésticos e Etologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3105, '095', 'a', 'domesticos', ' Ecologia dos Animais Domésticos e Etologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3106, '095', 'a', 'etologia', ' Ecologia dos Animais Domésticos e Etologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3107, '095', 'a', '', ' Genética e Melhoramento dos Animais Domésticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3108, '095', 'a', 'genetica', ' Genética e Melhoramento dos Animais Domésticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3109, '095', 'a', 'melhoramento', ' Genética e Melhoramento dos Animais Domésticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3110, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Genética e Melhoramento dos Animais Domésticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3111, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Genética e Melhoramento dos Animais Domésticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3112, '095', 'a', 'domesticos', ' Genética e Melhoramento dos Animais Domésticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3113, '095', 'a', '', ' Nutrição e Alimentação Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3114, '095', 'a', 'nutricao', ' Nutrição e Alimentação Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3115, '095', 'a', 'alimentacao', ' Nutrição e Alimentação Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3116, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Nutrição e Alimentação Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3117, '095', 'a', '', ' Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3118, '095', 'a', 'exigencias', ' Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3119, '095', 'a', 'nutricionais', ' Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3120, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3121, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Exigências Nutricionais dos Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3122, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3123, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3124, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3125, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Avaliação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3126, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Avaliação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3127, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Avaliação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3128, '095', 'a', '', ' Conservação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3129, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Conservação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3130, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Conservação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3131, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Conservação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3132, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Conservação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3133, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Conservação de Alimentos para Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3134, '095', 'a', '', ' Pastagem e Forragicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3135, '095', 'a', 'pastagem', ' Pastagem e Forragicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3136, '095', 'a', 'forragicultura', ' Pastagem e Forragicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3137, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação, Produção e Conservação de Forragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3138, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao,', ' Avaliação, Produção e Conservação de Forragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3139, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Avaliação, Produção e Conservação de Forragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3140, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Avaliação, Produção e Conservação de Forragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3141, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação, Produção e Conservação de Forragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3142, '095', 'a', 'forragens', ' Avaliação, Produção e Conservação de Forragens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3143, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo e Conservação de Pastagens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3144, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo e Conservação de Pastagens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3145, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Manejo e Conservação de Pastagens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3146, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Manejo e Conservação de Pastagens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3147, '095', 'a', 'pastagens', ' Manejo e Conservação de Pastagens', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3148, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Forrageiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3149, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Forrageiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3150, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Forrageiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3151, '095', 'a', 'plantas', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Forrageiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3152, '095', 'a', 'forrageiras', ' Fisiologia de Plantas Forrageiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3153, '095', 'a', '', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3154, '095', 'a', 'melhoramento', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3155, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3156, '095', 'a', 'plantas', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3157, '095', 'a', 'forrageiras', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3158, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3159, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3160, '095', 'a', 'sementes', ' Melhoramento de Plantas Forrageiras e Produção de Sementes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3161, '095', 'a', '', ' Toxicologia e Plantas Tóxicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3162, '095', 'a', 'toxicologia', ' Toxicologia e Plantas Tóxicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3163, '095', 'a', 'plantas', ' Toxicologia e Plantas Tóxicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3164, '095', 'a', 'toxicas', ' Toxicologia e Plantas Tóxicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3165, '095', 'a', '', ' Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3166, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3167, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3168, '095', 'a', '', ' Criação de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3169, '095', 'a', 'criacao', ' Criação de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3170, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Criação de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3171, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Criação de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3172, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3173, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3174, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Manejo de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3175, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Manejo de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3176, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações para Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3177, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações para Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3178, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Instalações para Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3179, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Instalações para Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3180, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Instalações para Produção Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3181, '095', 'a', '', ' Medicina Veterinária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3182, '095', 'a', 'medicina', ' Medicina Veterinária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3183, '095', 'a', 'veterinaria', ' Medicina Veterinária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3184, '095', 'a', '', ' Clínica e Cirurgia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3185, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Clínica e Cirurgia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3186, '095', 'a', 'cirurgia', ' Clínica e Cirurgia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3187, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Clínica e Cirurgia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3188, '095', 'a', '', ' Anestesiologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3189, '095', 'a', 'anestesiologia', ' Anestesiologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3190, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Anestesiologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3191, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3192, '095', 'a', 'tecnica', ' Técnica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3193, '095', 'a', 'cirurgica', ' Técnica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3194, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Técnica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3195, '095', 'a', '', ' Radiologia de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3196, '095', 'a', 'radiologia', ' Radiologia de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3197, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Radiologia de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3198, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Radiologia de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3199, '095', 'a', '', ' Farmacologia e Terapêutica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3200, '095', 'a', 'farmacologia', ' Farmacologia e Terapêutica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3201, '095', 'a', 'terapeutica', ' Farmacologia e Terapêutica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3202, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Farmacologia e Terapêutica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3203, '095', 'a', '', ' Obstetrícia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3204, '095', 'a', 'obstetricia', ' Obstetrícia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3205, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Obstetrícia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3206, '095', 'a', '', ' Clínica Veterinária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3207, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Clínica Veterinária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3208, '095', 'a', 'veterinaria', ' Clínica Veterinária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3209, '095', 'a', '', ' Clínica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3210, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Clínica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3211, '095', 'a', 'cirurgica', ' Clínica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3212, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Clínica Cirúrgica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3213, '095', 'a', '', ' Toxicologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3214, '095', 'a', 'toxicologia', ' Toxicologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3215, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Toxicologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3216, '095', 'a', '', ' Medicina Veterinária Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3217, '095', 'a', 'medicina', ' Medicina Veterinária Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3218, '095', 'a', 'veterinaria', ' Medicina Veterinária Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3219, '095', 'a', 'preventiva', ' Medicina Veterinária Preventiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3220, '095', 'a', '', ' Epidemiologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3221, '095', 'a', 'epidemiologia', ' Epidemiologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3222, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Epidemiologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3223, '095', 'a', '', ' Saneamento Aplicado à Saúde do Homem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3224, '095', 'a', 'saneamento', ' Saneamento Aplicado à Saúde do Homem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3225, '095', 'a', 'aplicado', ' Saneamento Aplicado à Saúde do Homem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3226, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Saneamento Aplicado à Saúde do Homem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3227, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Saneamento Aplicado à Saúde do Homem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3228, '095', 'a', 'homem', ' Saneamento Aplicado à Saúde do Homem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3229, '095', 'a', '', ' Doenças Infecciosas de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3230, '095', 'a', 'doencas', ' Doenças Infecciosas de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3231, '095', 'a', 'infecciosas', ' Doenças Infecciosas de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3232, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Doenças Infecciosas de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3233, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Doenças Infecciosas de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3234, '095', 'a', '', ' Doenças Parasitárias de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3235, '095', 'a', 'doencas', ' Doenças Parasitárias de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3236, '095', 'a', 'parasitarias', ' Doenças Parasitárias de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3237, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Doenças Parasitárias de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3238, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Doenças Parasitárias de Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3239, '095', 'a', '', ' Saúde Animal (Programas Sanitários)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3240, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Saúde Animal (Programas Sanitários)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3241, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Saúde Animal (Programas Sanitários)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3242, '095', 'a', '(programas', ' Saúde Animal (Programas Sanitários)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3243, '095', 'a', 'sanitarios)', ' Saúde Animal (Programas Sanitários)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3244, '095', 'a', '', ' Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3245, '095', 'a', 'patologia', ' Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3246, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3247, '095', 'a', '', ' Patologia Aviária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3248, '095', 'a', 'patologia', ' Patologia Aviária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3249, '095', 'a', 'aviaria', ' Patologia Aviária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3250, '095', 'a', '', ' Anatomia Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3251, '095', 'a', 'anatomia', ' Anatomia Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3252, '095', 'a', 'patologia', ' Anatomia Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3253, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Anatomia Patologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3254, '095', 'a', '', ' Patologia Clínica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3255, '095', 'a', 'patologia', ' Patologia Clínica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3256, '095', 'a', 'clinica', ' Patologia Clínica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3257, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Patologia Clínica Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3258, '095', 'a', '', ' Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3259, '095', 'a', 'reproducao', ' Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3260, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3261, '095', 'a', '', ' Ginecologia e Andrologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3262, '095', 'a', 'ginecologia', ' Ginecologia e Andrologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3263, '095', 'a', 'andrologia', ' Ginecologia e Andrologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3264, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Ginecologia e Andrologia Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3265, '095', 'a', '', ' Inseminação Artificial Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3266, '095', 'a', 'inseminacao', ' Inseminação Artificial Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3267, '095', 'a', 'artificial', ' Inseminação Artificial Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3268, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Inseminação Artificial Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3269, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiopatologia da Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3270, '095', 'a', 'fisiopatologia', ' Fisiopatologia da Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3271, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fisiopatologia da Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3272, '095', 'a', 'reproducao', ' Fisiopatologia da Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3273, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Fisiopatologia da Reprodução Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3274, '095', 'a', '', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3275, '095', 'a', 'inspecao', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3276, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3277, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3278, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3279, '095', 'a', 'origem', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3280, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3281, '095', 'a', '', ' Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3282, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3283, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3284, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3285, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3286, '095', 'a', 'pesca', ' Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3287, '095', 'a', '', ' Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3288, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3289, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3290, '095', 'a', 'marinhos', ' Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3291, '095', 'a', '', ' Fatores Abióticos do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3292, '095', 'a', 'fatores', ' Fatores Abióticos do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3293, '095', 'a', 'abioticos', ' Fatores Abióticos do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3294, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Fatores Abióticos do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3295, '095', 'a', 'mar', ' Fatores Abióticos do Mar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3296, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3297, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3298, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3299, '095', 'a', 'estoques', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3300, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3301, '095', 'a', 'marinhos', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3302, '095', 'a', '', ' Exploração Pesqueira Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3303, '095', 'a', 'exploracao', ' Exploração Pesqueira Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3304, '095', 'a', 'pesqueira', ' Exploração Pesqueira Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3305, '095', 'a', 'marinha', ' Exploração Pesqueira Marinha', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3306, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3552, '095', 'a', 'especiais', ' Direitos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3307, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3308, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3309, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3310, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3311, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3312, '095', 'a', 'marinhos', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros Marinhos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3313, '095', 'a', '', ' Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3314, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3315, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3316, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3317, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3318, '095', 'a', 'interiores', ' Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3319, '095', 'a', '', ' Fatores Abióticos de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3320, '095', 'a', 'fatores', ' Fatores Abióticos de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3321, '095', 'a', 'abioticos', ' Fatores Abióticos de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3322, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fatores Abióticos de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3323, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Fatores Abióticos de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3324, '095', 'a', 'interiores', ' Fatores Abióticos de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3325, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3326, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3327, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3328, '095', 'a', 'estoques', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3329, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3330, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3331, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3332, '095', 'a', 'interiores', ' Avaliação de Estoques Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3333, '095', 'a', '', ' Explotação Pesqueira de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3334, '095', 'a', 'explotacao', ' Explotação Pesqueira de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3335, '095', 'a', 'pesqueira', ' Explotação Pesqueira de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3336, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Explotação Pesqueira de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3337, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Explotação Pesqueira de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3338, '095', 'a', 'interiores', ' Explotação Pesqueira de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3339, '095', 'a', '', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3340, '095', 'a', 'manejo', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3341, '095', 'a', 'conservacao', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3342, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3343, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3344, '095', 'a', 'pesqueiros', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3345, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3346, '095', 'a', 'aguas', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3347, '095', 'a', 'interiores', ' Manejo e Conservação de Recursos Pesqueiros de Águas Interiores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3348, '095', 'a', '', ' Aqüicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3349, '095', 'a', 'aquicultura', ' Aqüicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3350, '095', 'a', '', ' Maricultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3351, '095', 'a', 'maricultura', ' Maricultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3352, '095', 'a', '', ' Carcinocultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3353, '095', 'a', 'carcinocultura', ' Carcinocultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3354, '095', 'a', '', ' Ostreicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3355, '095', 'a', 'ostreicultura', ' Ostreicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3356, '095', 'a', '', ' Piscicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3357, '095', 'a', 'piscicultura', ' Piscicultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3358, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3359, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3360, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3361, '095', 'a', 'pesca', ' Engenharia de Pesca', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3362, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3363, '095', 'a', 'ciencia', ' Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3364, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3365, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3366, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3367, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciência de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3368, '095', 'a', 'ciencia', ' Ciência de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3369, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Ciência de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3370, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Ciência de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3371, '095', 'a', '', ' Valor Nutritivo de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3372, '095', 'a', 'valor', ' Valor Nutritivo de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3373, '095', 'a', 'nutritivo', ' Valor Nutritivo de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3374, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Valor Nutritivo de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3375, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Valor Nutritivo de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3376, '095', 'a', '', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3377, '095', 'a', 'quimica,', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3378, '095', 'a', 'fisica,', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3379, '095', 'a', 'fisico-quimica', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3380, '095', 'a', 'bioquimica', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3381, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4969, '095', 'a', 'musica', ' Música', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3382, '095', 'a', 'alim.', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3383, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3384, '095', 'a', 'mat.-primas', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3385, '095', 'a', 'alimentares', ' Química, Física, Físico-Química e Bioquímica dos Alim. e das Mat.-Primas Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3386, '095', 'a', '', ' Microbiologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3387, '095', 'a', 'microbiologia', ' Microbiologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3388, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Microbiologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3389, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Microbiologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3390, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia Pós-Colheita', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3391, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia Pós-Colheita', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3392, '095', 'a', 'pos-colheita', ' Fisiologia Pós-Colheita', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3393, '095', 'a', '', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3394, '095', 'a', 'toxicidade', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3395, '095', 'a', 'residuos', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3396, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3397, '095', 'a', 'pesticidas', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3398, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3399, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Toxicidade e Resíduos de Pesticidas em Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3400, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3401, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3402, '095', 'a', 'controle', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3403, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3404, '095', 'a', 'qualidade', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3405, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3406, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3407, '095', 'a', '', ' Padrões, Legislação e Fiscalização de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3408, '095', 'a', 'padroes,', ' Padrões, Legislação e Fiscalização de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3409, '095', 'a', 'legislacao', ' Padrões, Legislação e Fiscalização de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3410, '095', 'a', 'fiscalizacao', ' Padrões, Legislação e Fiscalização de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3411, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Padrões, Legislação e Fiscalização de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3412, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Padrões, Legislação e Fiscalização de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3413, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3414, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3415, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3416, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3417, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3418, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3419, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3420, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3421, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3422, '095', 'a', 'origem', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3423, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3424, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3425, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3426, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3427, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3428, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3429, '095', 'a', 'origem', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3430, '095', 'a', 'vegetal', ' Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Vegetal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3431, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia das Bebidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3432, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia das Bebidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3433, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Tecnologia das Bebidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3434, '095', 'a', 'bebidas', ' Tecnologia das Bebidas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3435, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos Dietéticos e Nutricionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3436, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos Dietéticos e Nutricionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3437, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos Dietéticos e Nutricionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3438, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos Dietéticos e Nutricionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3439, '095', 'a', 'dieteticos', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos Dietéticos e Nutricionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3440, '095', 'a', 'nutricionais', ' Tecnologia de Alimentos Dietéticos e Nutricionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3441, '095', 'a', '', ' Aproveitamento de Subprodutos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3442, '095', 'a', 'aproveitamento', ' Aproveitamento de Subprodutos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3443, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Aproveitamento de Subprodutos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3444, '095', 'a', 'subprodutos', ' Aproveitamento de Subprodutos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3445, '095', 'a', '', ' Embalagens de Produtos Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3446, '095', 'a', 'embalagens', ' Embalagens de Produtos Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3447, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Embalagens de Produtos Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3448, '095', 'a', 'produtos', ' Embalagens de Produtos Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3449, '095', 'a', 'alimentares', ' Embalagens de Produtos Alimentares', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3450, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3451, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3452, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3453, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Engenharia de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3454, '095', 'a', '', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3455, '095', 'a', 'instalacoes', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3456, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3457, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3458, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3459, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3460, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Instalações Industriais de Produção de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3461, '095', 'a', '', ' Armazenamento de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3462, '095', 'a', 'armazenamento', ' Armazenamento de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3463, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Armazenamento de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3464, '095', 'a', 'alimentos', ' Armazenamento de Alimentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3465, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Sociais Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3466, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Sociais Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3467, '095', 'a', 'sociais', ' Ciências Sociais Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3468, '095', 'a', 'aplicadas', ' Ciências Sociais Aplicadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3469, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3470, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3471, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3472, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3473, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3474, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Teoria do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3475, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3476, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3477, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3478, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria Geral do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3479, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Teoria Geral do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3480, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral do Processo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3481, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral do Processo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3482, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral do Processo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3483, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria Geral do Processo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3484, '095', 'a', 'processo', ' Teoria Geral do Processo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3485, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3486, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3487, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3488, '095', 'a', 'estado', ' Teoria do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3489, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3490, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3491, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3492, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' História do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3493, '095', 'a', '', ' Filosofia do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3494, '095', 'a', 'filosofia', ' Filosofia do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3495, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Filosofia do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3496, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Filosofia do Direito', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3497, '095', 'a', '', ' Lógica Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3498, '095', 'a', 'logica', ' Lógica Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3499, '095', 'a', 'juridica', ' Lógica Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3500, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3501, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3502, '095', 'a', 'juridica', ' Sociologia Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3503, '095', 'a', '', ' Antropologia Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3504, '095', 'a', 'antropologia', ' Antropologia Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3505, '095', 'a', 'juridica', ' Antropologia Jurídica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3506, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3507, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3508, '095', 'a', 'publico', ' Direito Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3509, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Tributário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3510, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Tributário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3511, '095', 'a', 'tributario', ' Direito Tributário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3512, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3513, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3514, '095', 'a', 'penal', ' Direito Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3515, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Processual Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3516, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Processual Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3517, '095', 'a', 'processual', ' Direito Processual Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3518, '095', 'a', 'penal', ' Direito Processual Penal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3519, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Processual Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3520, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Processual Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3521, '095', 'a', 'processual', ' Direito Processual Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3522, '095', 'a', 'civil', ' Direito Processual Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3523, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Constitucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3524, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Constitucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3525, '095', 'a', 'constitucional', ' Direito Constitucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3526, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Administrativo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3527, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Administrativo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3528, '095', 'a', 'administrativo', ' Direito Administrativo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3529, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Internacional Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3530, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Internacional Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3531, '095', 'a', 'internacional', ' Direito Internacional Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3532, '095', 'a', 'publico', ' Direito Internacional Público', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3533, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3534, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3535, '095', 'a', 'privado', ' Direito Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3536, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3537, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3538, '095', 'a', 'civil', ' Direito Civil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3539, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Comercial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3540, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Comercial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3541, '095', 'a', 'comercial', ' Direito Comercial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3542, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3543, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3544, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Direito do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3545, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Direito do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3546, '095', 'a', '', ' Direito Internacional Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3547, '095', 'a', 'direito', ' Direito Internacional Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3548, '095', 'a', 'internacional', ' Direito Internacional Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3549, '095', 'a', 'privado', ' Direito Internacional Privado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3550, '095', 'a', '', ' Direitos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3551, '095', 'a', 'direitos', ' Direitos Especiais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3553, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3554, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3555, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração de Empresas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3556, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração de Empresas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3557, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração de Empresas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3558, '095', 'a', 'empresas', ' Administração de Empresas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3559, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração da Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3560, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração da Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3561, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Administração da Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3562, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Administração da Produção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3563, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3564, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3565, '095', 'a', 'financeira', ' Administração Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3566, '095', 'a', '', ' Mercadologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3567, '095', 'a', 'mercadologia', ' Mercadologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3568, '095', 'a', '', ' Negócios Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3569, '095', 'a', 'negocios', ' Negócios Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3570, '095', 'a', 'internacionais', ' Negócios Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3571, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração de Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3572, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração de Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3573, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração de Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3574, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Administração de Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3575, '095', 'a', 'humanos', ' Administração de Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3576, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3577, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3578, '095', 'a', 'publica', ' Administração Pública', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3579, '095', 'a', '', ' Contabilidade e Financas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3580, '095', 'a', 'contabilidade', ' Contabilidade e Financas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3581, '095', 'a', 'financas', ' Contabilidade e Financas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3582, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Contabilidade e Financas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3583, '095', 'a', '', ' Organizações Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3584, '095', 'a', 'organizacoes', ' Organizações Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3585, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Organizações Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3586, '095', 'a', '', ' Política e Planejamento Governamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3587, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política e Planejamento Governamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3588, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Política e Planejamento Governamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3589, '095', 'a', 'governamentais', ' Política e Planejamento Governamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3590, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3591, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3592, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3593, '095', 'a', 'pessoal', ' Administração de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3594, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração de Setores Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3595, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração de Setores Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3596, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração de Setores Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3597, '095', 'a', 'setores', ' Administração de Setores Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3598, '095', 'a', 'especificos', ' Administração de Setores Específicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3599, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Contábeis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3600, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Contábeis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3601, '095', 'a', 'contabeis', ' Ciências Contábeis', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3602, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3603, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3604, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3605, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3606, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Teoria Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3607, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3608, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3609, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Economia Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3610, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral da Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3611, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral da Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3612, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral da Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3613, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria Geral da Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3614, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Teoria Geral da Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3615, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Pensamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3616, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Pensamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3617, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Pensamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3618, '095', 'a', 'pensamento', ' História do Pensamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3619, '095', 'a', 'economico', ' História do Pensamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3620, '095', 'a', '', ' História Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3621, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3622, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' História Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3623, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas Econômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3624, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas Econômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3625, '095', 'a', 'economicos', ' Sistemas Econômicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3626, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos Quantitativos em Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3627, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos Quantitativos em Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3628, '095', 'a', 'quantitativos', ' Métodos Quantitativos em Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3629, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Métodos Quantitativos em Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3630, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Métodos Quantitativos em Economia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3631, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos e Modelos Matemáticos, Econométricos e Estatísticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3632, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos e Modelos Matemáticos, Econométricos e Estatísticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3633, '095', 'a', 'modelos', ' Métodos e Modelos Matemáticos, Econométricos e Estatísticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3634, '095', 'a', 'matematicos,', ' Métodos e Modelos Matemáticos, Econométricos e Estatísticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3635, '095', 'a', 'econometricos', ' Métodos e Modelos Matemáticos, Econométricos e Estatísticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3636, '095', 'a', 'estatisticos', ' Métodos e Modelos Matemáticos, Econométricos e Estatísticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3637, '095', 'a', '', ' Estatística Sócio-Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3638, '095', 'a', 'estatistica', ' Estatística Sócio-Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3639, '095', 'a', 'socio-economica', ' Estatística Sócio-Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3640, '095', 'a', '', ' Contabilidade Nacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3641, '095', 'a', 'contabilidade', ' Contabilidade Nacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3642, '095', 'a', 'nacional', ' Contabilidade Nacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3643, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3644, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3645, '095', 'a', 'matematica', ' Economia Matemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3646, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Monetária e Fiscal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3647, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Monetária e Fiscal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3648, '095', 'a', 'monetaria', ' Economia Monetária e Fiscal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3649, '095', 'a', 'fiscal', ' Economia Monetária e Fiscal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3650, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Monetária e Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3651, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Monetária e Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3652, '095', 'a', 'monetaria', ' Teoria Monetária e Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3653, '095', 'a', 'financeira', ' Teoria Monetária e Financeira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3654, '095', 'a', '', ' Instituições Monetárias e Financeiras do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3655, '095', 'a', 'instituicoes', ' Instituições Monetárias e Financeiras do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3656, '095', 'a', 'monetarias', ' Instituições Monetárias e Financeiras do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3657, '095', 'a', 'financeiras', ' Instituições Monetárias e Financeiras do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3658, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Instituições Monetárias e Financeiras do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3659, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' Instituições Monetárias e Financeiras do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3660, '095', 'a', '', ' Financas Públicas Internas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3661, '095', 'a', 'financas', ' Financas Públicas Internas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3662, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Financas Públicas Internas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3663, '095', 'a', 'internas', ' Financas Públicas Internas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3664, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Fiscal do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3665, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Fiscal do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3666, '095', 'a', 'fiscal', ' Política Fiscal do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3667, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Política Fiscal do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3668, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' Política Fiscal do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3669, '095', 'a', '', ' Crescimento, Flutuações e Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3670, '095', 'a', 'crescimento,', ' Crescimento, Flutuações e Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3671, '095', 'a', 'flutuacoes', ' Crescimento, Flutuações e Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3672, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Crescimento, Flutuações e Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3673, '095', 'a', 'economico', ' Crescimento, Flutuações e Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3674, '095', 'a', '', ' Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3675, '095', 'a', 'crescimento', ' Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3676, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3677, '095', 'a', 'economico', ' Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3678, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria e Política de Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3679, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria e Política de Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3680, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Teoria e Política de Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3681, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teoria e Política de Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3682, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Teoria e Política de Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3683, '095', 'a', 'economico', ' Teoria e Política de Planejamento Econômico', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3684, '095', 'a', '', ' Flutuações Cíclicas e Projeções Econômicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3685, '095', 'a', 'flutuacoes', ' Flutuações Cíclicas e Projeções Econômicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3686, '095', 'a', 'ciclicas', ' Flutuações Cíclicas e Projeções Econômicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3687, '095', 'a', 'projecoes', ' Flutuações Cíclicas e Projeções Econômicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3688, '095', 'a', 'economicas', ' Flutuações Cíclicas e Projeções Econômicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3689, '095', 'a', '', ' Inflação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3690, '095', 'a', 'inflacao', ' Inflação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3691, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3692, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3693, '095', 'a', 'internacional', ' Economia Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3694, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria do Comércio Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3695, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria do Comércio Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3696, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria do Comércio Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3697, '095', 'a', 'comercio', ' Teoria do Comércio Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3698, '095', 'a', 'internacional', ' Teoria do Comércio Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3699, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3700, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3701, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3702, '095', 'a', 'comercio;', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3703, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3704, '095', 'a', 'comercial;', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3705, '095', 'a', 'integracao', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3706, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Relações do Comércio; Política Comercial; Integração Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3707, '095', 'a', '', ' Balanço de Pagamentos; Financas Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3708, '095', 'a', 'balanco', ' Balanço de Pagamentos; Financas Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3709, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Balanço de Pagamentos; Financas Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3710, '095', 'a', 'pagamentos;', ' Balanço de Pagamentos; Financas Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3711, '095', 'a', 'financas', ' Balanço de Pagamentos; Financas Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3712, '095', 'a', 'internacionais', ' Balanço de Pagamentos; Financas Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3713, '095', 'a', '', ' Investimentos Internacionais e Ajuda Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3714, '095', 'a', 'investimentos', ' Investimentos Internacionais e Ajuda Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3715, '095', 'a', 'internacionais', ' Investimentos Internacionais e Ajuda Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3716, '095', 'a', 'ajuda', ' Investimentos Internacionais e Ajuda Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3717, '095', 'a', 'externa', ' Investimentos Internacionais e Ajuda Externa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3718, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia dos Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3719, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia dos Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3720, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Economia dos Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3721, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Economia dos Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3722, '095', 'a', 'humanos', ' Economia dos Recursos Humanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3723, '095', 'a', '', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3724, '095', 'a', 'treinamento', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3725, '095', 'a', 'alocacao', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3726, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3727, '095', 'a', 'mao-de-obra;', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3728, '095', 'a', 'oferta', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3729, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3730, '095', 'a', 'mao-de-obra', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3731, '095', 'a', 'forca', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3732, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3733, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Treinamento e Alocação de Mão-de-Obra; Oferta de Mão-de-Obra e Força de Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3734, '095', 'a', '', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3735, '095', 'a', 'mercado', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3736, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3737, '095', 'a', 'trabalho;', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3738, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3739, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3740, '095', 'a', 'governo', ' Mercado de Trabalho; Política do Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3741, '095', 'a', '', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3742, '095', 'a', 'sindicatos,', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3743, '095', 'a', 'dissidios', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3744, '095', 'a', 'coletivos,', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3745, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3746, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3747, '095', 'a', 'emprego', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3748, '095', 'a', '(empregador/empregado)', ' Sindicatos, Dissídios Coletivos, Relações de Emprego (Empregador/Empregado)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3749, '095', 'a', '', ' Capital Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3750, '095', 'a', 'capital', ' Capital Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3751, '095', 'a', 'humano', ' Capital Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3752, '095', 'a', '', ' Demografia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3753, '095', 'a', 'demografia', ' Demografia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3754, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Demografia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3755, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3756, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3757, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Economia Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3758, '095', 'a', '', ' Organização Industrial e Estudos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3759, '095', 'a', 'organizacao', ' Organização Industrial e Estudos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3760, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Organização Industrial e Estudos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3761, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Organização Industrial e Estudos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3762, '095', 'a', 'industriais', ' Organização Industrial e Estudos Industriais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3763, '095', 'a', '', ' Mudança Tecnologica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3764, '095', 'a', 'mudanca', ' Mudança Tecnologica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3765, '095', 'a', 'tecnologica', ' Mudança Tecnologica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3766, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia do Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3767, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia do Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3768, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Economia do Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3769, '095', 'a', 'bem-estar', ' Economia do Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3770, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Economia do Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3771, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3772, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3773, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3774, '095', 'a', 'programas', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3775, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3776, '095', 'a', 'bem-estar', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3777, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Economia dos Programas de Bem-Estar Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3778, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia do Consumidor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3779, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia do Consumidor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3780, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Economia do Consumidor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3781, '095', 'a', 'consumidor', ' Economia do Consumidor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3782, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Regional e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3783, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Regional e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3784, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Economia Regional e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3785, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Economia Regional e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3786, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3787, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3788, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Economia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3789, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3790, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3791, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Economia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3792, '095', 'a', '', ' Renda e Tributação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3793, '095', 'a', 'renda', ' Renda e Tributação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3794, '095', 'a', 'tributacao', ' Renda e Tributação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3795, '095', 'a', '', ' Economias Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3796, '095', 'a', 'economias', ' Economias Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3797, '095', 'a', 'agraria', ' Economias Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3798, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Economias Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3799, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Economias Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3800, '095', 'a', 'naturais', ' Economias Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3801, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Agrária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3802, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Agrária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3803, '095', 'a', 'agraria', ' Economia Agrária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3804, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3805, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3806, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' Economia dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3807, '095', 'a', 'recursos', ' Economia dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3808, '095', 'a', 'naturais', ' Economia dos Recursos Naturais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3809, '095', 'a', '', ' Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3810, '095', 'a', 'arquitetura', ' Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3811, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3812, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3813, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3814, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fundamentos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3815, '095', 'a', 'arquitetura', ' Fundamentos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3816, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' Fundamentos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3817, '095', 'a', '', ' História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3818, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3819, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3820, '095', 'a', 'arquitetura', ' História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3821, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3822, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Arquitetura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3823, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Arquitetura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3824, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Arquitetura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3825, '095', 'a', 'arquitetura', ' Teoria da Arquitetura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3826, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3827, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3828, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3829, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' História do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3830, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3831, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3832, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3833, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' Teoria do Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3834, '095', 'a', '', ' Projeto de Arquitetuta e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3835, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Projeto de Arquitetuta e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3836, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projeto de Arquitetuta e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3837, '095', 'a', 'arquitetuta', ' Projeto de Arquitetuta e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3838, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' Projeto de Arquitetuta e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3839, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3840, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3841, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3842, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3843, '095', 'a', 'edificacao', ' Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3844, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3845, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3846, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3847, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3848, '095', 'a', 'espaco', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3849, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3850, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Equipamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3851, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Equipamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3852, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Equipamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3853, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Equipamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3854, '095', 'a', 'equipamento', ' Planejamento e Projeto do Equipamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3855, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3856, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3857, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tecnologia de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3858, '095', 'a', 'arquitetura', ' Tecnologia de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3859, '095', 'a', 'urbanismo', ' Tecnologia de Arquitetura e Urbanismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3860, '095', 'a', '', ' Adequação Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3861, '095', 'a', 'adequacao', ' Adequação Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3862, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Adequação Ambiental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3863, '095', 'a', '', ' Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3864, '095', 'a', 'paisagismo', ' Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3865, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenvolvimento Histórico do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3866, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Desenvolvimento Histórico do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3867, '095', 'a', 'historico', ' Desenvolvimento Histórico do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3868, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Desenvolvimento Histórico do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3869, '095', 'a', 'paisagismo', ' Desenvolvimento Histórico do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3870, '095', 'a', '', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3871, '095', 'a', 'conceituacao', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3872, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3873, '095', 'a', 'paisagismo', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3874, '095', 'a', 'metodologia', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3875, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3876, '095', 'a', 'paisagismo', ' Conceituação de Paisagismo e Metodologia do Paisagismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3877, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3878, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3879, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3880, '095', 'a', 'organizacao', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3881, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3882, '095', 'a', 'espaco', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3883, '095', 'a', 'exterior', ' Estudos de Organização do Espaço Exterior', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3884, '095', 'a', '', ' Projetos de Espaços Livres Urbanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3885, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Projetos de Espaços Livres Urbanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3886, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Projetos de Espaços Livres Urbanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3887, '095', 'a', 'espacos', ' Projetos de Espaços Livres Urbanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3888, '095', 'a', 'livres', ' Projetos de Espaços Livres Urbanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3889, '095', 'a', 'urbanos', ' Projetos de Espaços Livres Urbanos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3890, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3891, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3892, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3893, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3894, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3895, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3896, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Fundamentos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3897, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Fundamentos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3898, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Fundamentos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3899, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Fundamentos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3900, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3901, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3902, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3903, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Teoria do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3904, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Teoria do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3905, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Teoria do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3906, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Urbanização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3907, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Urbanização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3908, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Urbanização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3909, '095', 'a', 'urbanizacao', ' Teoria da Urbanização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3910, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3911, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3912, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Política Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3913, '095', 'a', '', ' História Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3914, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3915, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' História Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3916, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3917, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3918, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3919, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3920, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3921, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3922, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Métodos e Técnicas do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3923, '095', 'a', '', ' Informação, Cadastro e Mapeamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3924, '095', 'a', 'informacao,', ' Informação, Cadastro e Mapeamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3925, '095', 'a', 'cadastro', ' Informação, Cadastro e Mapeamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3926, '095', 'a', 'mapeamento', ' Informação, Cadastro e Mapeamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3927, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnica de Previsão Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3928, '095', 'a', 'tecnica', ' Técnica de Previsão Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3929, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnica de Previsão Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3930, '095', 'a', 'previsao', ' Técnica de Previsão Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3931, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Técnica de Previsão Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3932, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Técnica de Previsão Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3933, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3934, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3935, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3936, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3937, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3938, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3939, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Técnicas de Análise e Avaliação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3940, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3941, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3942, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3943, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3944, '095', 'a', 'projeto', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3945, '095', 'a', 'urbanos', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3946, '095', 'a', 'regionais', ' Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3947, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviços Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3948, '095', 'a', 'servicos', ' Serviços Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3949, '095', 'a', 'urbanos', ' Serviços Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3950, '095', 'a', 'regionais', ' Serviços Urbanos e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3951, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Municipal e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3952, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Municipal e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3953, '095', 'a', 'municipal', ' Administração Municipal e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3954, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Administração Municipal e Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3955, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3956, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3957, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Estudos da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3958, '095', 'a', 'habitacao', ' Estudos da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3959, '095', 'a', '', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3960, '095', 'a', 'aspectos', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3961, '095', 'a', 'sociais', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3962, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3963, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3964, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3965, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Aspectos Sociais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3966, '095', 'a', '', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3967, '095', 'a', 'aspectos', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3968, '095', 'a', 'economicos', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3969, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3970, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3971, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3972, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Aspectos Econômicos do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3973, '095', 'a', '', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3974, '095', 'a', 'aspectos', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3975, '095', 'a', 'fisico-ambientais', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3976, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3977, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3978, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3979, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Aspectos Físico-Ambientais do Planejamento Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3980, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviços Comunitários', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3981, '095', 'a', 'servicos', ' Serviços Comunitários', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3982, '095', 'a', 'comunitarios', ' Serviços Comunitários', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3983, '095', 'a', '', ' Infra-Estruturas Urbanas e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3984, '095', 'a', 'infra-estruturas', ' Infra-Estruturas Urbanas e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3985, '095', 'a', 'urbanas', ' Infra-Estruturas Urbanas e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3986, '095', 'a', 'regionais', ' Infra-Estruturas Urbanas e Regionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3987, '095', 'a', '', ' Transporte e Tráfego Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3988, '095', 'a', 'transporte', ' Transporte e Tráfego Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3989, '095', 'a', 'trafego', ' Transporte e Tráfego Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3990, '095', 'a', 'urbano', ' Transporte e Tráfego Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3991, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Transporte e Tráfego Urbano e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3992, '095', 'a', '', ' Legislação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3993, '095', 'a', 'legislacao', ' Legislação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3994, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Legislação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3995, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Legislação Urbana e Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3996, '095', 'a', '', ' Demografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3997, '095', 'a', 'demografia', ' Demografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3998, '095', 'a', '', ' Distribuição Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (3999, '095', 'a', 'distribuicao', ' Distribuição Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4000, '095', 'a', 'espacial', ' Distribuição Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4001, '095', 'a', '', ' Distribuição Espacial Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4002, '095', 'a', 'distribuicao', ' Distribuição Espacial Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4003, '095', 'a', 'espacial', ' Distribuição Espacial Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4004, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Distribuição Espacial Geral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4005, '095', 'a', '', ' Distribuição Espacial Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4006, '095', 'a', 'distribuicao', ' Distribuição Espacial Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4007, '095', 'a', 'espacial', ' Distribuição Espacial Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4008, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Distribuição Espacial Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4009, '095', 'a', '', ' Distribuição Espacial Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4010, '095', 'a', 'distribuicao', ' Distribuição Espacial Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4011, '095', 'a', 'espacial', ' Distribuição Espacial Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4012, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Distribuição Espacial Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4013, '095', 'a', '', ' Tendência Populacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4014, '095', 'a', 'tendencia', ' Tendência Populacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4015, '095', 'a', 'populacional', ' Tendência Populacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4016, '095', 'a', '', ' Tendências Passadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4017, '095', 'a', 'tendencias', ' Tendências Passadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4018, '095', 'a', 'passadas', ' Tendências Passadas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4019, '095', 'a', '', ' Taxas e Estimativas Correntes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4020, '095', 'a', 'taxas', ' Taxas e Estimativas Correntes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4021, '095', 'a', 'estimativas', ' Taxas e Estimativas Correntes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4022, '095', 'a', 'correntes', ' Taxas e Estimativas Correntes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4023, '095', 'a', '', ' Projeções', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4024, '095', 'a', 'projecoes', ' Projeções', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4025, '095', 'a', '', ' Componentes da Dinâmica Demográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4026, '095', 'a', 'componentes', ' Componentes da Dinâmica Demográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4027, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Componentes da Dinâmica Demográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4028, '095', 'a', 'dinamica', ' Componentes da Dinâmica Demográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4029, '095', 'a', 'demografica', ' Componentes da Dinâmica Demográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4030, '095', 'a', '', ' Fecundidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4031, '095', 'a', 'fecundidade', ' Fecundidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4032, '095', 'a', '', ' Mortalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4033, '095', 'a', 'mortalidade', ' Mortalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4034, '095', 'a', '', ' Migração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4035, '095', 'a', 'migracao', ' Migração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4036, '095', 'a', '', ' Nupcialidade e Família', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4037, '095', 'a', 'nupcialidade', ' Nupcialidade e Família', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4038, '095', 'a', 'familia', ' Nupcialidade e Família', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4039, '095', 'a', '', ' Casamento e Divórcio', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4040, '095', 'a', 'casamento', ' Casamento e Divórcio', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4041, '095', 'a', 'divorcio', ' Casamento e Divórcio', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4042, '095', 'a', '', ' Família e Reprodução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4043, '095', 'a', 'familia', ' Família e Reprodução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4044, '095', 'a', 'reproducao', ' Família e Reprodução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4045, '095', 'a', '', ' Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4046, '095', 'a', 'demografia', ' Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4047, '095', 'a', 'historica', ' Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4048, '095', 'a', '', ' Distribuição Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4049, '095', 'a', 'distribuicao', ' Distribuição Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4050, '095', 'a', 'espacial', ' Distribuição Espacial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4051, '095', 'a', '', ' Natalidade, Mortalidade, Migração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4052, '095', 'a', 'natalidade,', ' Natalidade, Mortalidade, Migração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4053, '095', 'a', 'mortalidade,', ' Natalidade, Mortalidade, Migração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4054, '095', 'a', 'migracao', ' Natalidade, Mortalidade, Migração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4055, '095', 'a', '', ' Nupcialidade e Família', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4056, '095', 'a', 'nupcialidade', ' Nupcialidade e Família', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4057, '095', 'a', 'familia', ' Nupcialidade e Família', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4058, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4059, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4060, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4061, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4062, '095', 'a', 'demografia', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4063, '095', 'a', 'historica', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Demografia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4064, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Pública e População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4065, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Pública e População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4066, '095', 'a', 'publica', ' Política Pública e População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4067, '095', 'a', 'populacao', ' Política Pública e População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4068, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Populacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4069, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Populacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4070, '095', 'a', 'populacional', ' Política Populacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4071, '095', 'a', '', ' Políticas de Redistribuição de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4072, '095', 'a', 'politicas', ' Políticas de Redistribuição de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4073, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Políticas de Redistribuição de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4074, '095', 'a', 'redistribuicao', ' Políticas de Redistribuição de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4075, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Políticas de Redistribuição de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4076, '095', 'a', 'populacao', ' Políticas de Redistribuição de População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4077, '095', 'a', '', ' Políticas de Planejamento Familiar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4078, '095', 'a', 'politicas', ' Políticas de Planejamento Familiar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4079, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Políticas de Planejamento Familiar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4080, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Políticas de Planejamento Familiar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4081, '095', 'a', 'familiar', ' Políticas de Planejamento Familiar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4082, '095', 'a', '', ' Fontes de Dados Demográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4083, '095', 'a', 'fontes', ' Fontes de Dados Demográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4084, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Fontes de Dados Demográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4085, '095', 'a', 'dados', ' Fontes de Dados Demográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4086, '095', 'a', 'demograficos', ' Fontes de Dados Demográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4087, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciência da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4088, '095', 'a', 'ciencia', ' Ciência da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4089, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Ciência da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4090, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Ciência da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4091, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4092, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4093, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4094, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Teoria da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4095, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4096, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4097, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4098, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria Geral da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4099, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Teoria Geral da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4100, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4101, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4102, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Processos da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4103, '095', 'a', 'comunicacao', ' Processos da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4104, '095', 'a', '', ' Representação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4105, '095', 'a', 'representacao', ' Representação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4106, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Representação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4107, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Representação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4108, '095', 'a', '', ' Biblioteconomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4109, '095', 'a', 'biblioteconomia', ' Biblioteconomia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4110, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Classificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4111, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Classificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4112, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Classificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4113, '095', 'a', 'classificacao', ' Teoria da Classificação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4114, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos Quantitativos. Bibliometria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4115, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos Quantitativos. Bibliometria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4116, '095', 'a', 'quantitativos.', ' Métodos Quantitativos. Bibliometria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4117, '095', 'a', 'bibliometria', ' Métodos Quantitativos. Bibliometria', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4118, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Recuperação de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4119, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Recuperação de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4120, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Recuperação de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4121, '095', 'a', 'recuperacao', ' Técnicas de Recuperação de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4122, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Recuperação de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4123, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Técnicas de Recuperação de Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4124, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos de Disseminação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4125, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos de Disseminação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4126, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Disseminação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4127, '095', 'a', 'disseminacao', ' Processos de Disseminação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4128, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Processos de Disseminação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4129, '095', 'a', 'informacao', ' Processos de Disseminação da Informação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4130, '095', 'a', '', ' Arquivologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4131, '095', 'a', 'arquivologia', ' Arquivologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4132, '095', 'a', '', ' Organização de Arquivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4133, '095', 'a', 'organizacao', ' Organização de Arquivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4134, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Organização de Arquivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4135, '095', 'a', 'arquivos', ' Organização de Arquivos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4136, '095', 'a', '', ' Museologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4137, '095', 'a', 'museologia', ' Museologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4138, '095', 'a', '', ' Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4139, '095', 'a', 'comunicacao', ' Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4140, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4141, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4142, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4143, '095', 'a', 'comunicacao', ' Teoria da Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4144, '095', 'a', '', ' Jornalismo e Editoração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4145, '095', 'a', 'jornalismo', ' Jornalismo e Editoração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4146, '095', 'a', 'editoracao', ' Jornalismo e Editoração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4147, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria e Ética do Jornalismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4148, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria e Ética do Jornalismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4149, '095', 'a', 'etica', ' Teoria e Ética do Jornalismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4150, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria e Ética do Jornalismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4151, '095', 'a', 'jornalismo', ' Teoria e Ética do Jornalismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4152, '095', 'a', '', ' Organização Editorial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4153, '095', 'a', 'organizacao', ' Organização Editorial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4154, '095', 'a', 'editorial', ' Organização Editorial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4155, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Organização Editorial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4156, '095', 'a', 'jornais', ' Organização Editorial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4157, '095', 'a', '', ' Organização Comercial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4158, '095', 'a', 'organizacao', ' Organização Comercial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4159, '095', 'a', 'comercial', ' Organização Comercial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4160, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Organização Comercial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4161, '095', 'a', 'jornais', ' Organização Comercial de Jornais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4162, '095', 'a', '', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4163, '095', 'a', 'jornalismo', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4164, '095', 'a', 'especializado', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4165, '095', 'a', '(comunitario,', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4166, '095', 'a', 'rural,', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4167, '095', 'a', 'empresarial,', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4168, '095', 'a', 'cientifico)', ' Jornalismo Especializado (Comunitário, Rural, Empresarial, Científico)', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4169, '095', 'a', '', ' Rádio e Televisão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4170, '095', 'a', 'radio', ' Rádio e Televisão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4171, '095', 'a', 'televisao', ' Rádio e Televisão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4172, '095', 'a', '', ' Radiodifusão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4173, '095', 'a', 'radiodifusao', ' Radiodifusão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4174, '095', 'a', '', ' Videodifusão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4175, '095', 'a', 'videodifusao', ' Videodifusão', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4176, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Públicas e Propaganda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4177, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Públicas e Propaganda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4178, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Relações Públicas e Propaganda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4179, '095', 'a', 'propaganda', ' Relações Públicas e Propaganda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4180, '095', 'a', '', ' Comunicação Visual', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4181, '095', 'a', 'comunicacao', ' Comunicação Visual', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4182, '095', 'a', 'visual', ' Comunicação Visual', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4183, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4184, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4185, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4186, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos do Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4187, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos do Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4188, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Fundamentos do Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4189, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Fundamentos do Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4190, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Fundamentos do Serviço Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4191, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social Aplicado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4192, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social Aplicado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4193, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social Aplicado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4194, '095', 'a', 'aplicado', ' Serviço Social Aplicado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4195, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4196, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4197, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4198, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Serviço Social do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4199, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Serviço Social do Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4200, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4201, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4202, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4203, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Serviço Social da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4204, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Serviço Social da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4205, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social do Menor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4206, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social do Menor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4207, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social do Menor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4208, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Serviço Social do Menor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4209, '095', 'a', 'menor', ' Serviço Social do Menor', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4210, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4211, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4212, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4213, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Serviço Social da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4214, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Serviço Social da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4215, '095', 'a', '', ' Serviço Social da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4216, '095', 'a', 'servico', ' Serviço Social da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4217, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Serviço Social da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4218, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Serviço Social da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4219, '095', 'a', 'habitacao', ' Serviço Social da Habitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4220, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia Doméstica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4221, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia Doméstica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4222, '095', 'a', 'domestica', ' Economia Doméstica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4223, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenho Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4224, '095', 'a', 'desenho', ' Desenho Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4225, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Desenho Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4226, '095', 'a', '', ' Programação Visual', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4227, '095', 'a', 'programacao', ' Programação Visual', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4228, '095', 'a', 'visual', ' Programação Visual', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4229, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenho de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4230, '095', 'a', 'desenho', ' Desenho de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4231, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Desenho de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4232, '095', 'a', 'produto', ' Desenho de Produto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4233, '095', 'a', '', ' Turismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4234, '095', 'a', 'turismo', ' Turismo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4235, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Humanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4236, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Humanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4237, '095', 'a', 'humanas', ' Ciências Humanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4238, '095', 'a', '', ' Filosofia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4239, '095', 'a', 'filosofia', ' Filosofia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4240, '095', 'a', '', ' História da Filosofia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4241, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da Filosofia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4242, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da Filosofia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4243, '095', 'a', 'filosofia', ' História da Filosofia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4244, '095', 'a', '', ' Metafísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4245, '095', 'a', 'metafisica', ' Metafísica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4246, '095', 'a', '', ' Lógica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4247, '095', 'a', 'logica', ' Lógica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4248, '095', 'a', '', ' Ética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4249, '095', 'a', 'etica', ' Ética', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4250, '095', 'a', '', ' Epistemologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4251, '095', 'a', 'epistemologia', ' Epistemologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4252, '095', 'a', '', ' Filosofia Brasileira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4253, '095', 'a', 'filosofia', ' Filosofia Brasileira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4254, '095', 'a', 'brasileira', ' Filosofia Brasileira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4255, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4256, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4257, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4258, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4259, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fundamentos da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4260, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Fundamentos da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4261, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Sociológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4262, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Sociológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4263, '095', 'a', 'sociologica', ' Teoria Sociológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4264, '095', 'a', '', ' História da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4265, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4266, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4267, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' História da Sociologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4268, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia do Conhecimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4269, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia do Conhecimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4270, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Sociologia do Conhecimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4271, '095', 'a', 'conhecimento', ' Sociologia do Conhecimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4272, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia do Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4273, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia do Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4274, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Sociologia do Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4275, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Sociologia do Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4276, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4277, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4278, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Sociologia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4279, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4280, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4281, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Sociologia Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4282, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4283, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4284, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Sociologia da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4285, '095', 'a', 'saude', ' Sociologia da Saúde', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4286, '095', 'a', '', ' Outras Sociologias Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4287, '095', 'a', 'outras', ' Outras Sociologias Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4288, '095', 'a', 'sociologias', ' Outras Sociologias Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4289, '095', 'a', 'especificas', ' Outras Sociologias Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4290, '095', 'a', '', ' Antropologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4291, '095', 'a', 'antropologia', ' Antropologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4292, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Antropológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4293, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Antropológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4294, '095', 'a', 'antropologica', ' Teoria Antropológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4295, '095', 'a', '', ' Etnologia Indígena', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4296, '095', 'a', 'etnologia', ' Etnologia Indígena', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4297, '095', 'a', 'indigena', ' Etnologia Indígena', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4298, '095', 'a', '', ' Antropologia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4299, '095', 'a', 'antropologia', ' Antropologia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4300, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Antropologia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4301, '095', 'a', '', ' Antropologia Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4302, '095', 'a', 'antropologia', ' Antropologia Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4303, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Antropologia Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4304, '095', 'a', '', ' Antropologia das Populações Afro-Brasileiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4305, '095', 'a', 'antropologia', ' Antropologia das Populações Afro-Brasileiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4306, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Antropologia das Populações Afro-Brasileiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4307, '095', 'a', 'populacoes', ' Antropologia das Populações Afro-Brasileiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4308, '095', 'a', 'afro-brasileiras', ' Antropologia das Populações Afro-Brasileiras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4309, '095', 'a', '', ' Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4310, '095', 'a', 'arqueologia', ' Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4311, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria e Método em Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4312, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria e Método em Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4313, '095', 'a', 'metodo', ' Teoria e Método em Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4314, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Teoria e Método em Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4315, '095', 'a', 'arqueologia', ' Teoria e Método em Arqueologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4316, '095', 'a', '', ' Arqueologia Pré-Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4317, '095', 'a', 'arqueologia', ' Arqueologia Pré-Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4318, '095', 'a', 'pre-historica', ' Arqueologia Pré-Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4319, '095', 'a', '', ' Arqueologia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4320, '095', 'a', 'arqueologia', ' Arqueologia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4321, '095', 'a', 'historica', ' Arqueologia Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4322, '095', 'a', '', ' História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4323, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4324, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria e Filosofia da História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4325, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria e Filosofia da História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4326, '095', 'a', 'filosofia', ' Teoria e Filosofia da História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4327, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria e Filosofia da História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4328, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' Teoria e Filosofia da História', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4329, '095', 'a', '', ' História Antiga e Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4330, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Antiga e Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4331, '095', 'a', 'antiga', ' História Antiga e Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4332, '095', 'a', 'medieval', ' História Antiga e Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4333, '095', 'a', '', ' História Moderna e Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4334, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Moderna e Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4335, '095', 'a', 'moderna', ' História Moderna e Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4336, '095', 'a', 'contemporanea', ' História Moderna e Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4337, '095', 'a', '', ' História da América', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4338, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da América', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4339, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da América', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4340, '095', 'a', 'america', ' História da América', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4341, '095', 'a', '', ' História dos Estados Unidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4342, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História dos Estados Unidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4343, '095', 'a', 'dos', ' História dos Estados Unidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4344, '095', 'a', 'estados', ' História dos Estados Unidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4345, '095', 'a', 'unidos', ' História dos Estados Unidos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4346, '095', 'a', '', ' História Latino-Americana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4347, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Latino-Americana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4348, '095', 'a', 'latino-americana', ' História Latino-Americana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4349, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4350, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4351, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4352, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' História do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4353, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Brasil Colônia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4354, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Brasil Colônia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4355, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Brasil Colônia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4356, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' História do Brasil Colônia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4357, '095', 'a', 'colonia', ' História do Brasil Colônia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4358, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Brasil Império', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4359, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Brasil Império', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4360, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Brasil Império', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4361, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' História do Brasil Império', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4362, '095', 'a', 'imperio', ' História do Brasil Império', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4363, '095', 'a', '', ' História do Brasil República', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4364, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História do Brasil República', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4365, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História do Brasil República', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4366, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' História do Brasil República', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4367, '095', 'a', 'republica', ' História do Brasil República', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4368, '095', 'a', '', ' História Regional do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4369, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Regional do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4370, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' História Regional do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4371, '095', 'a', 'do', ' História Regional do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4372, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' História Regional do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4373, '095', 'a', '', ' História das Ciências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4374, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História das Ciências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4375, '095', 'a', 'das', ' História das Ciências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4376, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' História das Ciências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4377, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4378, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4379, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4380, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4381, '095', 'a', 'humana', ' Geografia Humana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4382, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia da População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4383, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia da População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4384, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Geografia da População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4385, '095', 'a', 'populacao', ' Geografia da População', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4386, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Agrária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4387, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Agrária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4388, '095', 'a', 'agraria', ' Geografia Agrária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4389, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4390, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4391, '095', 'a', 'urbana', ' Geografia Urbana', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4392, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4393, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4394, '095', 'a', 'economica', ' Geografia Econômica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4395, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4396, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4397, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Geografia Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4398, '095', 'a', '', ' Geografia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4399, '095', 'a', 'geografia', ' Geografia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4400, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Geografia Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4401, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria do Desenvolvimento Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4402, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria do Desenvolvimento Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4403, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Teoria do Desenvolvimento Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4404, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Teoria do Desenvolvimento Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4405, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Teoria do Desenvolvimento Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4406, '095', 'a', '', ' Regionalização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4407, '095', 'a', 'regionalizacao', ' Regionalização', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4408, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4409, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4410, '095', 'a', 'regional', ' Análise Regional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4411, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4412, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4413, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos e Medidas da Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4414, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos e Medidas da Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4415, '095', 'a', 'medidas', ' Fundamentos e Medidas da Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4416, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fundamentos e Medidas da Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4417, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Fundamentos e Medidas da Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4418, '095', 'a', '', ' História, Teorias e Sistemas em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4419, '095', 'a', 'historia,', ' História, Teorias e Sistemas em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4420, '095', 'a', 'teorias', ' História, Teorias e Sistemas em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4421, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' História, Teorias e Sistemas em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4422, '095', 'a', 'em', ' História, Teorias e Sistemas em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4423, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' História, Teorias e Sistemas em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4424, '095', 'a', '', ' Metodologia, Instrumentação e Equipamento em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4425, '095', 'a', 'metodologia,', ' Metodologia, Instrumentação e Equipamento em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4426, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Metodologia, Instrumentação e Equipamento em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4427, '095', 'a', 'equipamento', ' Metodologia, Instrumentação e Equipamento em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4428, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Metodologia, Instrumentação e Equipamento em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4429, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Metodologia, Instrumentação e Equipamento em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4430, '095', 'a', '', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4431, '095', 'a', 'construcao', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4432, '095', 'a', 'validade', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4433, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4434, '095', 'a', 'testes,', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4435, '095', 'a', 'escalas', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4436, '095', 'a', 'outras', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4437, '095', 'a', 'medidas', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4438, '095', 'a', 'psicologicas', ' Construção e Validade de Testes, Escalas e Outras Medidas Psicológicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4439, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4440, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4441, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4442, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4443, '095', 'a', 'estatistico,', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4444, '095', 'a', 'matematico', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4445, '095', 'a', 'computacional', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4446, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4447, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Técnicas de Processamento Estatístico, Matemático e Computacional em Psicologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4448, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia Experimental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4449, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia Experimental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4450, '095', 'a', 'experimental', ' Psicologia Experimental', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4451, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Perceptuais e Motores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4452, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Perceptuais e Motores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4453, '095', 'a', 'perceptuais', ' Processos Perceptuais e Motores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4454, '095', 'a', 'motores', ' Processos Perceptuais e Motores', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4455, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos de Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4456, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos de Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4457, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos de Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4458, '095', 'a', 'aprendizagem,', ' Processos de Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4459, '095', 'a', 'memoria', ' Processos de Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4460, '095', 'a', 'motivacao', ' Processos de Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4461, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Cognitivos e Atencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4462, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Cognitivos e Atencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4463, '095', 'a', 'cognitivos', ' Processos Cognitivos e Atencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4464, '095', 'a', 'atencionais', ' Processos Cognitivos e Atencionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4465, '095', 'a', '', ' Estados Subjetivos e Emoção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4466, '095', 'a', 'estados', ' Estados Subjetivos e Emoção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4467, '095', 'a', 'subjetivos', ' Estados Subjetivos e Emoção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4468, '095', 'a', 'emocao', ' Estados Subjetivos e Emoção', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4469, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia Fisiológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4470, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia Fisiológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4471, '095', 'a', 'fisiologica', ' Psicologia Fisiológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4472, '095', 'a', '', ' Neurologia, Eletrofisiologia e Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4473, '095', 'a', 'neurologia,', ' Neurologia, Eletrofisiologia e Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4474, '095', 'a', 'eletrofisiologia', ' Neurologia, Eletrofisiologia e Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4475, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Neurologia, Eletrofisiologia e Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4476, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Psico-Fisiológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4477, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Psico-Fisiológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4478, '095', 'a', 'psico-fisiologicos', ' Processos Psico-Fisiológicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4479, '095', 'a', '', ' Estimulação Elétrica e com Drogas; Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4480, '095', 'a', 'estimulacao', ' Estimulação Elétrica e com Drogas; Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4481, '095', 'a', 'eletrica', ' Estimulação Elétrica e com Drogas; Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4482, '095', 'a', 'com', ' Estimulação Elétrica e com Drogas; Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4483, '095', 'a', 'drogas;', ' Estimulação Elétrica e com Drogas; Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4484, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Estimulação Elétrica e com Drogas; Comportamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4485, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicobiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4486, '095', 'a', 'psicobiologia', ' Psicobiologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4487, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia Comparativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4488, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia Comparativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4489, '095', 'a', 'comparativa', ' Psicologia Comparativa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4490, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4491, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4492, '095', 'a', 'naturalisticos', ' Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4493, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4494, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4495, '095', 'a', 'animal', ' Estudos Naturalísticos do Comportamento Animal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4496, '095', 'a', '', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4497, '095', 'a', 'mecanismos', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4498, '095', 'a', 'instintivos', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4499, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4500, '095', 'a', 'sociais', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4501, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4502, '095', 'a', 'animais', ' Mecanismos Instintivos e Processos Sociais em Animais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4503, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4504, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4505, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Psicologia Social', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4506, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Interpessoais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4507, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Interpessoais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4508, '095', 'a', 'interpessoais', ' Relações Interpessoais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4509, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Grupais e de Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4510, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Grupais e de Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4511, '095', 'a', 'grupais', ' Processos Grupais e de Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4512, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Processos Grupais e de Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4513, '095', 'a', 'comunicacao', ' Processos Grupais e de Comunicação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4514, '095', 'a', '', ' Papéis e Estruturas Sociais; Indivíduo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4515, '095', 'a', 'papeis', ' Papéis e Estruturas Sociais; Indivíduo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4516, '095', 'a', 'estruturas', ' Papéis e Estruturas Sociais; Indivíduo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4517, '095', 'a', 'sociais;', ' Papéis e Estruturas Sociais; Indivíduo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4518, '095', 'a', 'individuo', ' Papéis e Estruturas Sociais; Indivíduo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4519, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia Cognitiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4520, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia Cognitiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4521, '095', 'a', 'cognitiva', ' Psicologia Cognitiva', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4522, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4523, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4524, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4525, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4526, '095', 'a', 'humano', ' Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4527, '095', 'a', '', ' Processos Perceptuais e Cognitivos; Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4528, '095', 'a', 'processos', ' Processos Perceptuais e Cognitivos; Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4529, '095', 'a', 'perceptuais', ' Processos Perceptuais e Cognitivos; Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4530, '095', 'a', 'cognitivos;', ' Processos Perceptuais e Cognitivos; Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4531, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Processos Perceptuais e Cognitivos; Desenvolvimento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4532, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenvolvimento Social e da Personalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4533, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Desenvolvimento Social e da Personalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4534, '095', 'a', 'social', ' Desenvolvimento Social e da Personalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4535, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Desenvolvimento Social e da Personalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4536, '095', 'a', 'personalidade', ' Desenvolvimento Social e da Personalidade', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4537, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4538, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4539, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4540, '095', 'a', 'ensino', ' Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4541, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4542, '095', 'a', 'aprendizagem', ' Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4543, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4544, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4545, '095', 'a', 'institucional', ' Planejamento Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4546, '095', 'a', '', ' Programação de Condições de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4547, '095', 'a', 'programacao', ' Programação de Condições de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4548, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Programação de Condições de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4549, '095', 'a', 'condicoes', ' Programação de Condições de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4550, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Programação de Condições de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4551, '095', 'a', 'ensino', ' Programação de Condições de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4552, '095', 'a', '', ' Treinamento de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4553, '095', 'a', 'treinamento', ' Treinamento de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4554, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Treinamento de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4555, '095', 'a', 'pessoal', ' Treinamento de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4556, '095', 'a', '', ' Aprendizagem e Desempenho Acadêmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4557, '095', 'a', 'aprendizagem', ' Aprendizagem e Desempenho Acadêmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4558, '095', 'a', 'desempenho', ' Aprendizagem e Desempenho Acadêmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4559, '095', 'a', 'academicos', ' Aprendizagem e Desempenho Acadêmicos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4560, '095', 'a', '', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4561, '095', 'a', 'ensino', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4562, '095', 'a', 'aprendizagem', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4563, '095', 'a', 'na', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4564, '095', 'a', 'sala', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4565, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4566, '095', 'a', 'aula', ' Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4567, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia do Trabalho e Organizacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4568, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia do Trabalho e Organizacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4569, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Psicologia do Trabalho e Organizacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4570, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Psicologia do Trabalho e Organizacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4571, '095', 'a', 'organizacional', ' Psicologia do Trabalho e Organizacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4572, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4573, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4574, '095', 'a', 'institucional', ' Análise Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4575, '095', 'a', '', ' Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4576, '095', 'a', 'recrutamento', ' Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4577, '095', 'a', 'selecao', ' Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4578, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4579, '095', 'a', 'pessoal', ' Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4580, '095', 'a', '', ' Treinamento e Avaliação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4581, '095', 'a', 'treinamento', ' Treinamento e Avaliação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4582, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Treinamento e Avaliação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4583, '095', 'a', '', ' Fatores Humanos no Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4584, '095', 'a', 'fatores', ' Fatores Humanos no Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4585, '095', 'a', 'humanos', ' Fatores Humanos no Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4586, '095', 'a', 'no', ' Fatores Humanos no Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4587, '095', 'a', 'trabalho', ' Fatores Humanos no Trabalho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4588, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento Ambiental e Comportamento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4589, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento Ambiental e Comportamento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4590, '095', 'a', 'ambiental', ' Planejamento Ambiental e Comportamento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4591, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Planejamento Ambiental e Comportamento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4592, '095', 'a', 'humano', ' Planejamento Ambiental e Comportamento Humano', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4593, '095', 'a', '', ' Tratamento e Prevenção Psicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4594, '095', 'a', 'tratamento', ' Tratamento e Prevenção Psicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4595, '095', 'a', 'prevencao', ' Tratamento e Prevenção Psicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4596, '095', 'a', 'psicologica', ' Tratamento e Prevenção Psicológica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4597, '095', 'a', '', ' Intervenção Terapêutica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4598, '095', 'a', 'intervencao', ' Intervenção Terapêutica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4599, '095', 'a', 'terapeutica', ' Intervenção Terapêutica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4600, '095', 'a', '', ' Programas de Atendimento Comunitário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4601, '095', 'a', 'programas', ' Programas de Atendimento Comunitário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4602, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Programas de Atendimento Comunitário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4603, '095', 'a', 'atendimento', ' Programas de Atendimento Comunitário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4604, '095', 'a', 'comunitario', ' Programas de Atendimento Comunitário', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4605, '095', 'a', '', ' Treinamento e Reabilitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4606, '095', 'a', 'treinamento', ' Treinamento e Reabilitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4607, '095', 'a', 'reabilitacao', ' Treinamento e Reabilitação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4608, '095', 'a', '', ' Desvios da Conduta', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4609, '095', 'a', 'desvios', ' Desvios da Conduta', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4610, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Desvios da Conduta', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4611, '095', 'a', 'conduta', ' Desvios da Conduta', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4612, '095', 'a', '', ' Distúrbios da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4613, '095', 'a', 'disturbios', ' Distúrbios da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4614, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Distúrbios da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4615, '095', 'a', 'linguagem', ' Distúrbios da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4616, '095', 'a', '', ' Distúrbios Psicossomáticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4617, '095', 'a', 'disturbios', ' Distúrbios Psicossomáticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4618, '095', 'a', 'psicossomaticos', ' Distúrbios Psicossomáticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4619, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4620, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4621, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4622, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4623, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fundamentos da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4624, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Fundamentos da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4625, '095', 'a', '', ' Filosofia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4626, '095', 'a', 'filosofia', ' Filosofia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4627, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Filosofia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4628, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Filosofia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4629, '095', 'a', '', ' História da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4630, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4631, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4632, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' História da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4633, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociologia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4634, '095', 'a', 'sociologia', ' Sociologia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4635, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Sociologia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4636, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Sociologia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4637, '095', 'a', '', ' Antropologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4638, '095', 'a', 'antropologia', ' Antropologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4639, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Antropologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4640, '095', 'a', '', ' Economia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4641, '095', 'a', 'economia', ' Economia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4642, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Economia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4643, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Economia da Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4644, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4645, '095', 'a', 'psicologia', ' Psicologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4646, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Psicologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4647, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4648, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4649, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Administração Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4650, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração de Sistemas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4651, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração de Sistemas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4652, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração de Sistemas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4653, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Administração de Sistemas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4654, '095', 'a', 'educacionais', ' Administração de Sistemas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4655, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração de Unidades Educativas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4656, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração de Unidades Educativas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4657, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração de Unidades Educativas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4658, '095', 'a', 'unidades', ' Administração de Unidades Educativas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4659, '095', 'a', 'educativas', ' Administração de Unidades Educativas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4660, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento e Avaliação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4661, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento e Avaliação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4662, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Planejamento e Avaliação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4663, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Planejamento e Avaliação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4664, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4665, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4666, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Política Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4667, '095', 'a', '', ' Planejamento Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4668, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Planejamento Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4669, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Planejamento Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4670, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4671, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4672, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4673, '095', 'a', 'sistemas,', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4674, '095', 'a', 'instituicoes,', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4675, '095', 'a', 'planos', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4676, '095', 'a', 'programas', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4677, '095', 'a', 'educacionais', ' Avaliação de Sistemas, Instituições, Planos e Programas Educacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4678, '095', 'a', '', ' Ensino-Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4679, '095', 'a', 'ensino-aprendizagem', ' Ensino-Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4680, '095', 'a', '', ' Teorias da Instrução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4681, '095', 'a', 'teorias', ' Teorias da Instrução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4682, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teorias da Instrução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4683, '095', 'a', 'instrucao', ' Teorias da Instrução', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4684, '095', 'a', '', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4685, '095', 'a', 'metodos', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4686, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4687, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4688, '095', 'a', 'ensino', ' Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4689, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecnologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4690, '095', 'a', 'tecnologia', ' Tecnologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4691, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Tecnologia Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4692, '095', 'a', '', ' Avaliação da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4693, '095', 'a', 'avaliacao', ' Avaliação da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4694, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Avaliação da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4695, '095', 'a', 'aprendizagem', ' Avaliação da Aprendizagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4696, '095', 'a', '', ' Currículo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4697, '095', 'a', 'curriculo', ' Currículo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4698, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4699, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4700, '095', 'a', 'geral', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4701, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4702, '095', 'a', 'planejamento', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4703, '095', 'a', 'desenvolvimento', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4704, '095', 'a', 'curricular', ' Teoria Geral de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Curricular', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4705, '095', 'a', '', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4706, '095', 'a', 'curriculos', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4707, '095', 'a', 'especificos', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4708, '095', 'a', 'para', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4709, '095', 'a', 'niveis', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4710, '095', 'a', 'tipos', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4711, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4712, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4713, '095', 'a', '', ' Orientação e Aconselhamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4714, '095', 'a', 'orientacao', ' Orientação e Aconselhamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4715, '095', 'a', 'aconselhamento', ' Orientação e Aconselhamento', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4716, '095', 'a', '', ' Orientação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4717, '095', 'a', 'orientacao', ' Orientação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4718, '095', 'a', 'educacional', ' Orientação Educacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4719, '095', 'a', '', ' Orientação Vocacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4720, '095', 'a', 'orientacao', ' Orientação Vocacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4721, '095', 'a', 'vocacional', ' Orientação Vocacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4722, '095', 'a', '', ' Tópicos Específicos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4723, '095', 'a', 'topicos', ' Tópicos Específicos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4724, '095', 'a', 'especificos', ' Tópicos Específicos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4725, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Tópicos Específicos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4726, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Tópicos Específicos de Educação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4727, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação de Adultos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4728, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação de Adultos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4729, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Educação de Adultos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4730, '095', 'a', 'adultos', ' Educação de Adultos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4731, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação Permanente', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4732, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação Permanente', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4733, '095', 'a', 'permanente', ' Educação Permanente', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4734, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4735, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4736, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Educação Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4737, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação em Periferias Urbanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4738, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação em Periferias Urbanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4739, '095', 'a', 'em', ' Educação em Periferias Urbanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4740, '095', 'a', 'periferias', ' Educação em Periferias Urbanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4741, '095', 'a', 'urbanas', ' Educação em Periferias Urbanas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4742, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação Especial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4743, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação Especial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4744, '095', 'a', 'especial', ' Educação Especial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4745, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação Pré-Escolar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4746, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação Pré-Escolar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4747, '095', 'a', 'pre-escolar', ' Educação Pré-Escolar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4748, '095', 'a', '', ' Ensino Profissionalizante', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4749, '095', 'a', 'ensino', ' Ensino Profissionalizante', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4750, '095', 'a', 'profissionalizante', ' Ensino Profissionalizante', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4751, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciência Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4752, '095', 'a', 'ciencia', ' Ciência Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4753, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Ciência Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4754, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4755, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4756, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Teoria Política', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4757, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Política Clássica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4758, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Política Clássica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4759, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Teoria Política Clássica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4760, '095', 'a', 'classica', ' Teoria Política Clássica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4761, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Política Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4762, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Política Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4763, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Teoria Política Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4764, '095', 'a', 'medieval', ' Teoria Política Medieval', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4765, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Política Moderna', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4766, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Política Moderna', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4767, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Teoria Política Moderna', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4768, '095', 'a', 'moderna', ' Teoria Política Moderna', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4769, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Política Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4770, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Política Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4771, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Teoria Política Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4772, '095', 'a', 'contemporanea', ' Teoria Política Contemporânea', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4773, '095', 'a', '', ' Estado e Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4774, '095', 'a', 'estado', ' Estado e Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4775, '095', 'a', 'governo', ' Estado e Governo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4776, '095', 'a', '', ' Estrutura e Transformação do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4777, '095', 'a', 'estrutura', ' Estrutura e Transformação do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4778, '095', 'a', 'transformacao', ' Estrutura e Transformação do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4779, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Estrutura e Transformação do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4780, '095', 'a', 'estado', ' Estrutura e Transformação do Estado', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4781, '095', 'a', '', ' Sistemas Governamentais Comparados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4782, '095', 'a', 'sistemas', ' Sistemas Governamentais Comparados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4783, '095', 'a', 'governamentais', ' Sistemas Governamentais Comparados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4784, '095', 'a', 'comparados', ' Sistemas Governamentais Comparados', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4785, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Intergovernamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4786, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Intergovernamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4787, '095', 'a', 'intergovernamentais', ' Relações Intergovernamentais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4788, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos do Poder Local', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4789, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos do Poder Local', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4790, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Estudos do Poder Local', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4791, '095', 'a', 'poder', ' Estudos do Poder Local', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4792, '095', 'a', 'local', ' Estudos do Poder Local', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4793, '095', 'a', '', ' Instituições Governamentais Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4794, '095', 'a', 'instituicoes', ' Instituições Governamentais Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4795, '095', 'a', 'governamentais', ' Instituições Governamentais Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4796, '095', 'a', 'especificas', ' Instituições Governamentais Específicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4797, '095', 'a', '', ' Comportamento Político', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4798, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Comportamento Político', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4799, '095', 'a', 'politico', ' Comportamento Político', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4800, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos Eleitorais e Partidos Políticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4801, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos Eleitorais e Partidos Políticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4802, '095', 'a', 'eleitorais', ' Estudos Eleitorais e Partidos Políticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4803, '095', 'a', 'partidos', ' Estudos Eleitorais e Partidos Políticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4804, '095', 'a', 'politicos', ' Estudos Eleitorais e Partidos Políticos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4805, '095', 'a', '', ' Atitude e Ideologias Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4806, '095', 'a', 'atitude', ' Atitude e Ideologias Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4807, '095', 'a', 'ideologias', ' Atitude e Ideologias Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4808, '095', 'a', 'politicas', ' Atitude e Ideologias Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4809, '095', 'a', '', ' Conflitos e Coalizões Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4810, '095', 'a', 'conflitos', ' Conflitos e Coalizões Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4811, '095', 'a', 'coalizoes', ' Conflitos e Coalizões Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4812, '095', 'a', 'politicas', ' Conflitos e Coalizões Políticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4813, '095', 'a', '', ' Comportamento Legislativo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4814, '095', 'a', 'comportamento', ' Comportamento Legislativo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4815, '095', 'a', 'legislativo', ' Comportamento Legislativo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4816, '095', 'a', '', ' Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4817, '095', 'a', 'classes', ' Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4818, '095', 'a', 'sociais', ' Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4819, '095', 'a', 'grupos', ' Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4820, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4821, '095', 'a', 'interesse', ' Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4822, '095', 'a', '', ' Políticas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4823, '095', 'a', 'politicas', ' Políticas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4824, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Políticas Públicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4825, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise do Processo Decisório', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4826, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise do Processo Decisório', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4827, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Análise do Processo Decisório', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4828, '095', 'a', 'processo', ' Análise do Processo Decisório', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4829, '095', 'a', 'decisorio', ' Análise do Processo Decisório', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4830, '095', 'a', '', ' Análise Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4831, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Análise Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4832, '095', 'a', 'institucional', ' Análise Institucional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4833, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Antecipação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4834, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Antecipação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4835, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Antecipação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4836, '095', 'a', 'antecipacao', ' Técnicas de Antecipação', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4837, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4838, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4839, '095', 'a', 'internacional', ' Política Internacional', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4840, '095', 'a', '', ' Política Externa do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4841, '095', 'a', 'politica', ' Política Externa do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4842, '095', 'a', 'externa', ' Política Externa do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4843, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Política Externa do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4844, '095', 'a', 'brasil', ' Política Externa do Brasil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4845, '095', 'a', '', ' Organizações Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4846, '095', 'a', 'organizacoes', ' Organizações Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4847, '095', 'a', 'internacionais', ' Organizações Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4848, '095', 'a', '', ' Integração Internacional, Conflito, Guerra e Paz', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4849, '095', 'a', 'integracao', ' Integração Internacional, Conflito, Guerra e Paz', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4850, '095', 'a', 'internacional,', ' Integração Internacional, Conflito, Guerra e Paz', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4851, '095', 'a', 'conflito,', ' Integração Internacional, Conflito, Guerra e Paz', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4852, '095', 'a', 'guerra', ' Integração Internacional, Conflito, Guerra e Paz', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4853, '095', 'a', 'paz', ' Integração Internacional, Conflito, Guerra e Paz', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4854, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Internacionais, Bilaterais e Multilaterais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4855, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Internacionais, Bilaterais e Multilaterais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4856, '095', 'a', 'internacionais,', ' Relações Internacionais, Bilaterais e Multilaterais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4857, '095', 'a', 'bilaterais', ' Relações Internacionais, Bilaterais e Multilaterais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4858, '095', 'a', 'multilaterais', ' Relações Internacionais, Bilaterais e Multilaterais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4859, '095', 'a', '', ' Teologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4860, '095', 'a', 'teologia', ' Teologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4861, '095', 'a', '', ' História da Teologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4862, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da Teologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4863, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da Teologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4864, '095', 'a', 'teologia', ' História da Teologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4865, '095', 'a', '', ' Teologia Moral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4866, '095', 'a', 'teologia', ' Teologia Moral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4867, '095', 'a', 'moral', ' Teologia Moral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4868, '095', 'a', '', ' Teologia Sistemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4869, '095', 'a', 'teologia', ' Teologia Sistemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4870, '095', 'a', 'sistematica', ' Teologia Sistemática', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4871, '095', 'a', '', ' Teologia Pastoral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4872, '095', 'a', 'teologia', ' Teologia Pastoral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4873, '095', 'a', 'pastoral', ' Teologia Pastoral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4874, '095', 'a', '', ' Lingüística, Letras e Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4875, '095', 'a', 'linguistica,', ' Lingüística, Letras e Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4876, '095', 'a', 'letras', ' Lingüística, Letras e Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4877, '095', 'a', 'artes', ' Lingüística, Letras e Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4878, '095', 'a', '', ' Lingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4879, '095', 'a', 'linguistica', ' Lingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4880, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria e Análise Lingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4881, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria e Análise Lingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4882, '095', 'a', 'analise', ' Teoria e Análise Lingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4883, '095', 'a', 'linguistica', ' Teoria e Análise Lingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4884, '095', 'a', '', ' Fisiologia da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4885, '095', 'a', 'fisiologia', ' Fisiologia da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4886, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Fisiologia da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4887, '095', 'a', 'linguagem', ' Fisiologia da Linguagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4888, '095', 'a', '', ' Lingüística Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4889, '095', 'a', 'linguistica', ' Lingüística Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4890, '095', 'a', 'historica', ' Lingüística Histórica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4891, '095', 'a', '', ' Sociolingüística e Dialetologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4892, '095', 'a', 'sociolinguistica', ' Sociolingüística e Dialetologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4893, '095', 'a', 'dialetologia', ' Sociolingüística e Dialetologia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4894, '095', 'a', '', ' Psicolingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4895, '095', 'a', 'psicolinguistica', ' Psicolingüística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4896, '095', 'a', '', ' Lingüística Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4897, '095', 'a', 'linguistica', ' Lingüística Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4898, '095', 'a', 'aplicada', ' Lingüística Aplicada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4899, '095', 'a', '', ' Letras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4900, '095', 'a', 'letras', ' Letras', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4901, '095', 'a', '', ' Língua Portuguesa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4902, '095', 'a', 'lingua', ' Língua Portuguesa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4903, '095', 'a', 'portuguesa', ' Língua Portuguesa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4904, '095', 'a', '', ' Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4905, '095', 'a', 'linguas', ' Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4906, '095', 'a', 'estrangeiras', ' Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4907, '095', 'a', 'modernas', ' Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4908, '095', 'a', '', ' Línguas Clássicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4909, '095', 'a', 'linguas', ' Línguas Clássicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4910, '095', 'a', 'classicas', ' Línguas Clássicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4911, '095', 'a', '', ' Línguas Indígenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4912, '095', 'a', 'linguas', ' Línguas Indígenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4913, '095', 'a', 'indigenas', ' Línguas Indígenas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4914, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria Literária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4915, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria Literária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4916, '095', 'a', 'literaria', ' Teoria Literária', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4917, '095', 'a', '', ' Literatura Brasileira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4918, '095', 'a', 'literatura', ' Literatura Brasileira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4919, '095', 'a', 'brasileira', ' Literatura Brasileira', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4920, '095', 'a', '', ' Outras Literaturas Vernáculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4921, '095', 'a', 'outras', ' Outras Literaturas Vernáculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4922, '095', 'a', 'literaturas', ' Outras Literaturas Vernáculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4923, '095', 'a', 'vernaculas', ' Outras Literaturas Vernáculas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4924, '095', 'a', '', ' Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4925, '095', 'a', 'literaturas', ' Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4926, '095', 'a', 'estrangeiras', ' Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4927, '095', 'a', 'modernas', ' Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4928, '095', 'a', '', ' Literaturas Clássicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4929, '095', 'a', 'literaturas', ' Literaturas Clássicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4930, '095', 'a', 'classicas', ' Literaturas Clássicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4931, '095', 'a', '', ' Literatura Comparada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4932, '095', 'a', 'literatura', ' Literatura Comparada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4933, '095', 'a', 'comparada', ' Literatura Comparada', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4934, '095', 'a', '', ' Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4935, '095', 'a', 'artes', ' Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4936, '095', 'a', '', ' Fundamentos e Crítica das Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4937, '095', 'a', 'fundamentos', ' Fundamentos e Crítica das Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4938, '095', 'a', 'critica', ' Fundamentos e Crítica das Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4939, '095', 'a', 'das', ' Fundamentos e Crítica das Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4940, '095', 'a', 'artes', ' Fundamentos e Crítica das Artes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4941, '095', 'a', '', ' Teoria da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4942, '095', 'a', 'teoria', ' Teoria da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4943, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Teoria da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4944, '095', 'a', 'arte', ' Teoria da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4945, '095', 'a', '', ' História da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4946, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4947, '095', 'a', 'da', ' História da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4948, '095', 'a', 'arte', ' História da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4949, '095', 'a', '', ' Crítica da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4950, '095', 'a', 'critica', ' Crítica da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4951, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Crítica da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4952, '095', 'a', 'arte', ' Crítica da Arte', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4953, '095', 'a', '', ' Artes Plásticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4954, '095', 'a', 'artes', ' Artes Plásticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4955, '095', 'a', 'plasticas', ' Artes Plásticas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4956, '095', 'a', '', ' Pintura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4957, '095', 'a', 'pintura', ' Pintura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4958, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4959, '095', 'a', 'desenho', ' Desenho', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4960, '095', 'a', '', ' Gravura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4961, '095', 'a', 'gravura', ' Gravura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4962, '095', 'a', '', ' Escultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4963, '095', 'a', 'escultura', ' Escultura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4964, '095', 'a', '', ' Cerâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4965, '095', 'a', 'ceramica', ' Cerâmica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4966, '095', 'a', '', ' Tecelagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4967, '095', 'a', 'tecelagem', ' Tecelagem', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4968, '095', 'a', '', ' Música', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4970, '095', 'a', '', ' Regência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4971, '095', 'a', 'regencia', ' Regência', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4972, '095', 'a', '', ' Instrumentação Musical', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4973, '095', 'a', 'instrumentacao', ' Instrumentação Musical', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4974, '095', 'a', 'musical', ' Instrumentação Musical', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4975, '095', 'a', '', ' Composição Musical', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4976, '095', 'a', 'composicao', ' Composição Musical', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4977, '095', 'a', 'musical', ' Composição Musical', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4978, '095', 'a', '', ' Canto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4979, '095', 'a', 'canto', ' Canto', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4980, '095', 'a', '', ' Dança', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4981, '095', 'a', 'danca', ' Dança', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4982, '095', 'a', '', ' Execução da Dança', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4983, '095', 'a', 'execucao', ' Execução da Dança', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4984, '095', 'a', 'da', ' Execução da Dança', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4985, '095', 'a', 'danca', ' Execução da Dança', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4986, '095', 'a', '', ' Coreografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4987, '095', 'a', 'coreografia', ' Coreografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4988, '095', 'a', '', ' Teatro', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4989, '095', 'a', 'teatro', ' Teatro', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4990, '095', 'a', '', ' Dramaturgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4991, '095', 'a', 'dramaturgia', ' Dramaturgia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4992, '095', 'a', '', ' Direção Teatral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4993, '095', 'a', 'direcao', ' Direção Teatral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4994, '095', 'a', 'teatral', ' Direção Teatral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4995, '095', 'a', '', ' Cenografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4996, '095', 'a', 'cenografia', ' Cenografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4997, '095', 'a', '', ' Interpretação Teatral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4998, '095', 'a', 'interpretacao', ' Interpretação Teatral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (4999, '095', 'a', 'teatral', ' Interpretação Teatral', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5000, '095', 'a', '', ' Ópera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5001, '095', 'a', 'opera', ' Ópera', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5002, '095', 'a', '', ' Fotografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5003, '095', 'a', 'fotografia', ' Fotografia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5004, '095', 'a', '', ' Cinema', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5005, '095', 'a', 'cinema', ' Cinema', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5006, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração e Produção de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5007, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração e Produção de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5008, '095', 'a', 'producao', ' Administração e Produção de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5009, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Administração e Produção de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5010, '095', 'a', 'filmes', ' Administração e Produção de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5011, '095', 'a', '', ' Roteiro e Direção Cinematográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5012, '095', 'a', 'roteiro', ' Roteiro e Direção Cinematográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5013, '095', 'a', 'direcao', ' Roteiro e Direção Cinematográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5014, '095', 'a', 'cinematograficos', ' Roteiro e Direção Cinematográficos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5015, '095', 'a', '', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5016, '095', 'a', 'tecnicas', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5017, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5018, '095', 'a', 'registro', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5019, '095', 'a', 'processamento', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5020, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5021, '095', 'a', 'filmes', ' Técnicas de Registro e Processamento de Filmes', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5022, '095', 'a', '', ' Interpretação Cinematográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5023, '095', 'a', 'interpretacao', ' Interpretação Cinematográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5024, '095', 'a', 'cinematografica', ' Interpretação Cinematográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5025, '095', 'a', '', ' Artes do Vídeo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5026, '095', 'a', 'artes', ' Artes do Vídeo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5027, '095', 'a', 'do', ' Artes do Vídeo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5028, '095', 'a', 'video', ' Artes do Vídeo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5029, '095', 'a', '', ' Educação Artística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5030, '095', 'a', 'educacao', ' Educação Artística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5031, '095', 'a', 'artistica', ' Educação Artística', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5032, '095', 'a', '', ' Outros', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5033, '095', 'a', 'outros', ' Outros', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5034, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5035, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5036, '095', 'a', 'hospitalar', ' Administração Hospitalar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5037, '095', 'a', '', ' Administração Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5038, '095', 'a', 'administracao', ' Administração Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5039, '095', 'a', 'rural', ' Administração Rural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5040, '095', 'a', '', ' Carreira Militar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5041, '095', 'a', 'carreira', ' Carreira Militar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5042, '095', 'a', 'militar', ' Carreira Militar', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5043, '095', 'a', '', ' Carreira Religiosa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5044, '095', 'a', 'carreira', ' Carreira Religiosa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5045, '095', 'a', 'religiosa', ' Carreira Religiosa', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5046, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5047, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5048, '095', 'a', '', ' Biomedicina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5049, '095', 'a', 'biomedicina', ' Biomedicina', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5050, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Atuariais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5051, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Atuariais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5052, '095', 'a', 'atuariais', ' Ciências Atuariais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5053, '095', 'a', '', ' Ciências Sociais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5054, '095', 'a', 'ciencias', ' Ciências Sociais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5055, '095', 'a', 'sociais', ' Ciências Sociais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5056, '095', 'a', '', ' Decoração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5057, '095', 'a', 'decoracao', ' Decoração', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5058, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenho de Moda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5059, '095', 'a', 'desenho', ' Desenho de Moda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5060, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Desenho de Moda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5061, '095', 'a', 'moda', ' Desenho de Moda', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5062, '095', 'a', '', ' Desenho de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5063, '095', 'a', 'desenho', ' Desenho de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5064, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Desenho de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5065, '095', 'a', 'projetos', ' Desenho de Projetos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5066, '095', 'a', '', ' Diplomacia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5067, '095', 'a', 'diplomacia', ' Diplomacia', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5068, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Agrimensura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5069, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Agrimensura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5070, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Agrimensura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5071, '095', 'a', 'agrimensura', ' Engenharia de Agrimensura', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5072, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Cartográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5073, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Cartográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5074, '095', 'a', 'cartografica', ' Engenharia Cartográfica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5075, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia de Armamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5076, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia de Armamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5077, '095', 'a', 'de', ' Engenharia de Armamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5078, '095', 'a', 'armamentos', ' Engenharia de Armamentos', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5079, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Mecatrônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5080, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Mecatrônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5081, '095', 'a', 'mecatronica', ' Engenharia Mecatrônica', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5082, '095', 'a', '', ' Engenharia Têxtil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5083, '095', 'a', 'engenharia', ' Engenharia Têxtil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5084, '095', 'a', 'textil', ' Engenharia Têxtil', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5085, '095', 'a', '', ' Estudos Sociais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5086, '095', 'a', 'estudos', ' Estudos Sociais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5087, '095', 'a', 'sociais', ' Estudos Sociais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5088, '095', 'a', '', ' História Natural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5089, '095', 'a', 'historia', ' História Natural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5090, '095', 'a', 'natural', ' História Natural', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5091, '095', 'a', '', ' Química Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5092, '095', 'a', 'quimica', ' Química Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5093, '095', 'a', 'industrial', ' Química Industrial', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5094, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5095, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5096, '095', 'a', 'internacionais', ' Relações Internacionais', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5097, '095', 'a', '', ' Relações Publicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5098, '095', 'a', 'relacoes', ' Relações Publicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5099, '095', 'a', 'publicas', ' Relações Publicas', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5100, '095', 'a', '', ' Secretariado Executivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5101, '095', 'a', 'secretariado', ' Secretariado Executivo', NULL); INSERT INTO biblio_idx_autocomplete (id, datafield, subfield, word, phrase, record_id) VALUES (5102, '095', 'a', 'executivo', ' Secretariado Executivo', NULL); -- Completed on 2014-06-09 23:23:00 BRT -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- ALTER SCHEMA bib4template RENAME TO single;