#!/usr/bin/env python # ############################################################################## ### NZBGET POST-PROCESSING SCRIPT ### # Flatten all downloaded files into the root download directory. # # This removes all of the sub-folders created by the unpack process. # This should run before other scripts. # # NOTE: This script requires Python to be installed on your system. ############################################################################## ### OPTIONS ### # Destination Directory. # # Set the directory where you want all files to be moved to. # Use this if you want all downloaded files in a single "root" directory. # If left blank, files will all be "flattened" into the individual download's sub-directory. #DestinationDirectory= # Append Categories (yes, no). # # If using the Destination Directory above, then this option will append the download category. #AppendCategories=no ### NZBGET POST-PROCESSING SCRIPT ### ############################################################################## import os import sys import shutil # NZBGet Exit Codes NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_PARCHECK = 92 NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS = 93 NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_ERROR = 94 NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_NONE = 95 if 'NZBOP_SCRIPTDIR' not in os.environ: print("This script can only be called from NZBGet (11.0 or later).") sys.exit(0) if os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION'][0:5] < '11.0': print("[ERROR] NZBGet Version %s is not supported. Please update NZBGet." % (str(os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION']))) sys.exit(0) print("Script triggered from NZBGet Version %s." % (str(os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION']))) status = 0 if 'NZBPP_TOTALSTATUS' in os.environ: if not os.environ['NZBPP_TOTALSTATUS'] == 'SUCCESS': print("[ERROR] Download failed with status %s." % (os.environ['NZBPP_STATUS'])) status = 1 else: # Check par status if os.environ.get('NZBPP_PARSTATUS') == '1' or os.environ.get('NZBPP_PARSTATUS') == '4': print("[ERROR] Par-repair failed, setting status \"failed\".") status = 1 # Check unpack status if os.environ.get('NZBPP_UNPACKSTATUS') == '1': print("[ERROR] Unpack failed, setting status \"failed\".") status = 1 if os.environ.get('NZBPP_UNPACKSTATUS') == '0' and os.environ.get('NZBPP_PARSTATUS') == '0': # Unpack was skipped due to nzb-file properties or due to errors during par-check if os.environ.get('NZBPP_HEALTH') < 1000: print("[ERROR] Download health is compromised and Par-check/repair disabled or no .par2 files found. Setting status \"failed\".") print("[ERROR] Please check your Par-check/repair settings for future downloads.") status = 1 else: print("[ERROR] Par-check/repair disabled or no .par2 files found, and Unpack not required. Health is ok so handle as though download successful.") print("[WARNING] Please check your Par-check/repair settings for future downloads.") # Check if destination directory exists (important for reprocessing of history items) if not os.path.isdir(os.environ.get('NZBPP_DIRECTORY')): print("[ERROR] Nothing to post-process: destination directory", os.environ['NZBPP_DIRECTORY'], "doesn't exist. Setting status \"failed\".") status = 1 # All checks done, now launching the script. if status == 1: sys.exit(NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_NONE) def removeEmptyFolders(path, removeRoot=True): #Function to remove empty folders if not os.path.isdir(path): return # remove empty subfolders print("[INFO] Checking for empty folders in:%s" % path) files = os.listdir(path) if len(files): for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join(path, f) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): removeEmptyFolders(fullpath) # if folder empty, delete it files = os.listdir(path) if len(files) == 0 and removeRoot: print("[INFO] Removing empty folder:%s" % path) os.rmdir(path) directory = os.path.normpath(os.environ.get('NZBPP_DIRECTORY')) if os.environ.get('NZBPO_DESTINATIONDIRECTORY', False) and os.path.isdir(os.environ.get('NZBPO_DESTINATIONDIRECTORY')): destination = os.environ.get('NZBPO_DESTINATIONDIRECTORY') if os.environ.get('NZBPO_APPENDCATEGORIES') == 'yes': destination = os.path.join(destination, os.environ.get('NZBPP_CATEGORY')) else: destination = directory print("Flattening directory: %s" % (directory)) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for fileName in filenames: outputFile = os.path.join(dirpath, fileName) if dirpath == destination: continue target = os.path.join(destination, fileName) try: shutil.move(outputFile, target) except: print("[ERROR] Could not flatten %s" % outputFile) removeEmptyFolders(directory) # Cleanup empty directories sys.exit(NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS)