# !/usr/bin/env python3 import urllib.error import urllib.request from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from time import time import os from tqdm import tqdm from ping3 import ping TIMEOUT = 30 VERBOSE = True DEBUG = False PROXY = '' class Network: def __init__(self, a=1, b=1, c=1, d=1): """ a . b .c. d :param a: First 8 Bit :param b: Next 8 Bit :param c: Next 8 Bit :param d: Last 8 Bit """ self.a = int(a) self.b = int(b) self.c = int(c) self.d = int(d) self.start_a = int(a) self.start_b = int(b) self.start_c = int(c) self.start_d = int(d) self.end_a = 255 self.end_b = 255 self.end_c = 255 self.end_d = 255 def set_end(self, end_a, end_b, end_c, end_d): self.end_a = int(end_a) self.end_b = int(end_b) self.end_c = int(end_c) self.end_d = int(end_d) def set_subnet(self, subnet_mask): """ :param subnet_mask: Number of network bits (0-31), type: int """ subnet_mask = int(subnet_mask) sub_a = '' sub_b = '' sub_c = '' sub_d = '' byte = 0 while byte < 32: if 0 <= byte <= 7: if byte < subnet_mask: sub_a += '0' else: sub_a += '1' elif 8 <= byte <= 15: if byte < subnet_mask: sub_b += '0' else: sub_b += '1' elif 16 <= byte <= 23: if byte < subnet_mask: sub_c += '0' else: sub_c += '1' elif 24 <= byte <= 31: if byte < subnet_mask: sub_d += '0' else: sub_d += '1' byte += 1 self.end_a = int(sub_a, 2) | self.start_a self.end_b = int(sub_b, 2) | self.start_b self.end_c = int(sub_c, 2) | self.start_c self.end_d = int(sub_d, 2) | self.start_d def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): self.d += 1 if self.d > 255: self.d = 0 self.c += 1 if self.c > 255: self.c = 0 self.b += 1 if self.b > 255: self.b = 0 self.a += 1 if self.a > 255: raise StopIteration if self.a == self.end_a and self.b == self.end_b and self.c == self.end_c and self.d == self.end_d: raise StopIteration return f'{self.a}.{self.b}.{self.c}.{self.d}' def __gt__(self, other): return self.a > other.a and self.b > other.b and self.c > other.c and self.d > other.d def __lt__(self, other): return self.a < other.a and self.b < other.b and self.c < other.v and self.d < other.d def __eq__(self, other): return self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b and self.c == other.c and self.d == other.d def __str__(self): return f'{self.a}.{self.b}.{self.c}.{self.d}' def __repr__(self): return f'' def __len__(self): return (self.end_a - self.start_a or 1) * (self.end_b - self.start_b or 1) * \ (self.end_c - self.start_c or 1) * (self.end_d - self.start_d or 1) @property def end_ip(self): return f'{self.end_a}.{self.end_b}.{self.end_c}.{self.end_d}' @property def start_ip(self): return f'{self.start_a}.{self.start_b}.{self.start_c}.{self.start_d}' def reset(self): self.a = self.start_a self.b = self.start_b self.c = self.start_c self.d = self.start_d def scan(ip_host): try: ping_val = ping(ip_host, size=8) except Exception as e: ping_val = None if DEBUG: print(ip_host, e) if ping_val is not None: response = None try: response = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://' + ip_host, timeout=TIMEOUT) status_code = response.getcode() rv = [ip_host, status_code] except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: rv = [ip_host, e] except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print(e) rv = [ip_host, f'PING-Reply {e}'] finally: if response is not None: response.close() return rv else: return def first(): print(" ") print(" ") print(" Welcome to IP Header scanner ") print(" _____________________________________ ") print(" Scanner IP Headers Python ") print(" _____________________________________ ") print(" ") print(" .--. .-..---. .-..-. ") print(" : .--': :: .; :: :; : ") print(" `. `. : :: _.': :.---. .-. .-. ") print(" _`, :: :: : : :: :: .; `: :_; : ") print(" `.__.':_;:_; :_;:_;: ._.'`._ . : ") print(" : : .-' ; ") print(" :_; `--' ") print(" ") print(" This application is developed by: ") print(" Clirim Furriku ") print(" ") print(" _____________________________________ ") print(" ") print(" _____________________________________ ") print(" Project source link: ") print("https://github.com/clirimfurriku/SIPHpy") print(" _____________________________________ ") print(" ") print(" _____________________________________ ") print(" ") first() print('IP Example:') ip_start = input('Please Enter start IP: ').split('.') if len(ip_start[-1].split('/')) == 2: subnet = ip_start[-1].split('/')[1] ip_start[-1] = ip_start[-1].split('/')[0] ip = Network(*ip_start) ip.set_subnet(subnet) else: ip_end = input('Please Enter last IP of the network: ').split('.') ip = Network(*ip_start) ip.set_end(*ip_end) print(f'Total number of IPs on the network is {len(ip)}') responses = [] start = time() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=(os.cpu_count() or 1) * 50) as executor: for i in tqdm(executor.map(scan, ip), total=len(ip), unit=' IP'): if i: responses.append(i) if VERBOSE: print(f'{i}') end = time() took = end - start print(f'It took {took}s to scan IPs from {ip.start_ip} to {ip.end_ip}') print('\nSaving results...') with open('results.txt', 'w') as file: for i in responses: file.write(str(i) + '\n') print(f'Results saved as results.txt at location {os.getcwd()}')