= :clojureD clojureD 2016-02-20 :jbake-type: event :jbake-edition: 2016 :jbake-link: http://www.clojured.de/ :jbake-location: Berlin, Germany :jbake-start: 2016-02-20 :jbake-end: 2016-02-20 :clojureD is an independent non-profit conference from the Clojure community for the Clojure community. Focus points will be interesting developments and ideas in the global Clojure community as well as introductory-level talks highlighting the fun aspects of learning and messing with Clojure. Besides a day of interesting talks :clojureD will be an opportunity to meet the German & European Clojure community and share a good time together. The conference will be held in English.