Setting up the PostgreSQL database ---------------------------------- - Please install a PostgreSQL database server in version 9.3 or above - As system user "postgres", create a user called "rmmusic": $ createuser -d rmmusic $ psql postgres=# alter user rmmusic with password 'rmmusic'; postgres=# \q $ createdb rmmusic $ psql rmmusic postgres=# psql rmmusic < schema.sql - If you want to use different database names, users or password, you have to modify the accordingly, by modifying the properties - spring.datasource.url - spring.datasource.username - spring.datasource.password Install the systemd script -------------------------- As root (via sudo), perform the following tasks: - sudo cp src/systemd/rmmusic.service to /etc/systemd/system - sudo systemctl daemon-reload - sudo systemctl restart rmmusic - sudo systemctl enable rmmusic