# Google Closure Library Snippets Sublime plugin with snippets for the [Google Closure Library](https://developers.google.com/closure/library/) ## Install Install with [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). Search for: **Google Closure Library Snippets**. ## Getting started Just type `cl` on a javascript document and work with autocomplete. The snippets are namespaced based on functionality, at most you'll have to type 4 chars and `Enter`:
clareach Arrays goog.array.forEach()
clevlisten Events Event listener (goog.event.listen())
clevdispatch Events Dispatch an event, verbose version
clevcb Events Callback function declaration for events, including block docs
cldispose Generic dispose internal declaration (.disposeInternal = function())
clfn Generic Default function declaration with a logger
clsingle Generic Singleton declaration (goog.addSingletonGetter())
cltypedef Generic A very verbose type definition with weird annotation cases
clenum Generic Enum declaration
clprov Generic goog.provide();
clreq Generic goog.require();
clclassev New filesNew class boilerplate with events inheritance
clobjeach Objects goog.object.forEach()
## Contributing I am using this package as a helper for my workflow with Closure Library, feel free to do the same by submitting snippets that you use in yours. ## License [MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License) © [Thanasis Polychronakis](https://github.com/thanpolas)