clusteredMode: false ##--------------------------------------------- ## Flow storage configuration section ##--------------------------------------------- storage: volumes: serverPlugins: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce # Storage class for plugins directory. Currently it has to be shared across server and web replicas. # Server and web are co-located using hard affinity rule for non clusteredMode. StorageClass is null here to ensure the same behavior across all cloud providers # (it forces storage class to fall back to "default" disk based ReadWriteOnce platform specific storage class) storageClass: null storage: 5Gi repositoryStorage: storage: 10Gi ##--------------------------------------------- ## Flow components/workloads configuration section ##--------------------------------------------- server: resources: limits: cpu: 2 requests: cpu: 2 # Install mariadb chart for demo mode # and create a database and user for Flow to use. # Note that the database user name and password # specified in the `initdbScripts` section must # match the values in the `database` section below. mariadb: enabled: true db: user: "flow" database: dbName: "demo" dbUser: "flow" dbType: "mariadb" dbPort: 3306 clusterEndpoint: "mariadb" # externalEndpoint: "" ##--------------------------------------------- ## Flow server admin credentials section ##--------------------------------------------- flowCredentials: ## Name of the secret containing the admin user password to use. If set, the admin user password ## will be read from the secret instead of the plain-text `adminPassword` (not recommended for production). ## ## The data field must contain base64 encoded value for key 'CBF_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD'. ## E.g., kubectl create secret generic flow-admin-secret --from-literal=CBF_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD='rrx!*d$z75Dsb' ## ## Uncomment the following line to set the name of the secret to use to read the admin user password. # existingSecret: flow-admin-secret ## ## IMPORTANT: This is clearly not meant for production use and is only meant for demo environments ## where security may not be a concern. Use of `existingSecret` is preferred. adminPassword: dois: enabled: false