#!/bin/bash VERSION=1591273737 ## Script to automatically determine what version of plugin needs to be downloaded ## and installs it ## Uncomment these lines if you get errors about invalid ssl certificates #WGET_OPTIONS="--no-check-certificate" #CURL_OPTIONS="-k" echo "Executing core-modern-unbreak.sh version $VERSION" #TODO: Verify that this will always be the location PLUGIN_ROOT=/var/jenkins_home/plugins SELECTOR="com.cloudbees.cje.tenant" hinit() { rm -f /tmp/hashmap.$1 } hput() { echo "$2 $3" >> /tmp/hashmap.$1 } hget() { PLUGIN_URL=$(grep "^$2 " /tmp/hashmap.$1 | awk '{ print $2 };' ) } # is PLUGIN_ROOT set? if [[ -z "$PLUGIN_ROOT" ]]; then echo "PLUGIN_ROOT not set, exiting..." exit else echo "Using PLUGIN_ROOT defined as $PLUGIN_ROOT" fi toolsMissing="0" verify_command() { echo "Verifying command [${1}] is installed..." if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Confirmed command [${1}] present." else echo "Command [${1}] ${2}" toolsMissing="1" fi } echo "Checking to see if required tools are present" echo "" verify_command awk "awk is required, please install it and re-run this script" verify_command grep "grep is required, please install it and re-run this script" verify_command tr "tr is required, please install it and re-run this script" verify_command kubectl "kubectl is required, please install it and re-run this script" if [ "$toolsMissing" == "1" ] ; then echo "Required tools are missing, please install and re-run." exit 1 fi echo "Checking for wget or curl...." downloadTool="" verify_command wget "wget is not installed, checking for curl" if [ "$toolsMissing" == "0" ] ; then downloadTool="wget -nv $WGET_OPTIONS --output-document=./cloudbees-license.jpi" else toolsMissing="0" verify_command curl "curl is not installed" if [ "$toolsMissing" == "0" ] ; then downloadTool="curl -sS $CURL_OPTIONS --output ./cloudbees-license.jpi" fi fi if [ "$toolsMissing" == "1" ] ; then echo "curl or wget are required, please install one of these and re-run." exit 1 fi echo "" hinit versions hput versions "9.33" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.33.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.32" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.32.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.31" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.31.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.30" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.30.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.28" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.28.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.27" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.27.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.26" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.26.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.24" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.24.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.20" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.20.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.18.1" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/" hput versions "9.18" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/" hput versions "9.17" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.17.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.13" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.13.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hput versions "9.11" "https://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.11.1/cloudbees-license.hpi" hinit backports hput backports "9.33.1" "backport" hput backports "9.32.1" "backport" hput backports "9.31.1" "backport" hput backports "9.30.1" "backport" hput backports "9.28.1" "backport" hput backports "9.27.1" "backport" hput backports "9.26.1" "backport" hput backports "9.24.1" "backport" hput backports "9.20.1" "backport" hput backports "" "backport" hput backports "" "backport" hput backports "9.13.1" "backport" hput backports "9.11.1" "backport" hput backports "9.34" "ok" hput backports "9.34.1" "ok" hput backports "9.35" "ok" hput backports "9.35.1" "ok" hput backports "9.36" "ok" hput backports "9.36.1" "ok" hput backports "9.37" "ok" hput backports "9.38" "ok" hput backports "9.39" "ok" hput backports "9.39.1" "ok" hput backports "9.40" "ok" hput backports "9.41" "ok" hput backports "9.42" "ok" # get all pods running Cloudbees Jenkins #cbpods=$(kubectl get pods --selector=$SELECTOR -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}' --all-namespaces) cbpods=$(kubectl get pods --selector=com.cloudbees.cje.tenant -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"|"}{.metadata.namespace}{" "}{end}' --all-namespaces) echo "Checking all pods..." #echo $cbpods # loop over pods for pod in `echo ${cbpods}`; do echo "-----------------" set -- `echo $pod | tr '|' ' '` POD_NAME=$1 POD_NAMESPACE=$2 echo "pod name $POD_NAME" echo "pod ns $POD_NAMESPACE" echo "Checking pod $POD_NAME" # find the currently installed version of the cloudbees-license plugin # strip out any odd control chars! CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION=$(kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- cat /tmp/jenkins/plugins/cloudbees-license/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep "Plugin-Version" | awk '{ print $2 };' | tr -d '\000-\031') echo "Current plugin version is [$CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION]" # Check if the user does not need to upgrade (ie. 9.34 or newer already) hget backports "$CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION" if [ "$PLUGIN_URL" == "ok" ] ; then echo "Currently installed plugin version $CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION already supports the new license. No upgrade necessary" continue fi # Check if the user has already upgraded hget backports "$CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION" if [ "$PLUGIN_URL" == "backport" ] ; then echo "Currently installed plugin version $CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION already supports the new license. No upgrade necessary" continue fi # lookup the updated plugin download url hget versions "$CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION" if [[ -z "$PLUGIN_URL" ]]; then echo "No updated plugin exists for $CURRENT_PLUGIN_VERSION" echo "Please contact support@cloudbees.com" continue fi # try to determine the current fileowner file_meta=($(kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- ls -ld "$PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.jpi")) JENKINS_USER="${file_meta[2]}" echo "Using JENKINS_USER defined as $JENKINS_USER" # try to determine the current filegroup file_meta=($(kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- ls -ld "$PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.jpi")) JENKINS_GROUP="${file_meta[3]}" echo "Using JENKINS_GROUP defined as $JENKINS_GROUP" # backup the currently installed plugin echo "Backing up the currently installed license plugin" kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- mv $PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.jpi $PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.bak kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- chown $JENKINS_USER $PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.bak kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- chgrp $JENKINS_GROUP $PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.bak # now download the plugin echo "Downloading updated plugin from $PLUGIN_URL" $downloadTool $PLUGIN_URL echo "Copying updated plugin to pod" kubectl cp ./cloudbees-license.jpi --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE $POD_NAME:/var/jenkins_home/plugins/cloudbees-license.jpi kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- chown $JENKINS_USER $PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.jpi kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE -- chgrp $JENKINS_GROUP $PLUGIN_ROOT/cloudbees-license.jpi echo "Restarting pod $pod" kubectl delete pod $POD_NAME --namespace $POD_NAMESPACE done echo "-----------------"