/* Script #2 - Upgrade your instances Checks for and applies incremental updates for you jenkins instances so that they are ready to consume the new license */ // script version def _version = "ce00ec5" // Set restart = true to automatically restart jenkins after the update is applied. // A restart is always required after plugin upgrade. It can be done either manually or // automatically using the script. def restart = false // Set slowConnection = true if the connection performance between OC and masters is not good enough. def slowConnection = false // set debug = true for additional debug ouput. The output is supposed to be consumed by a support engineer. def debug = false // set skipMasters = true to avoid requests to masters. Please, don't enable it unless you know what you are doing. < def skipMasters = false // set direct = true to enable directly updating the cloudbees-license-plugin if no incremental update is available (should not be needed). // direct method is useful when BeeKeeper is disabled or the instance cannot reach the public update site. It only replaces the current version // of cloudbees-license plugin by its patched version. def direct = false // Scripts // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def script_status = ''' def _status = ["-","-","-","-","-", "-"] try { try { def assurance = com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get() def cap if (assurance.metaClass.respondsTo(assurance, "getBeekeeperState",null).isEmpty()) { if (assurance.metaClass.respondsTo(assurance, "getBeekeeper", null).isEmpty()) { cap = assurance.getReport().getStatus() } else { cap = assurance.getBeekeeper().getStatus() } } else { cap = assurance.getBeekeeperState().getStatus() } // [2] Is BeeKeeper enabled? if (cap == "SUCCESS") { _status[2] = "1" } else if ("WARNING") { _status[2] = "2" } else { _status[2] = "0" } } catch (Exception be) { _status[2] = "0" } def customUpdateSite = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getUpdateCenter().getSites().find{ it.class.getName() == "com.cloudbees.opscenter.updatecenters.ContextUpdateSite"} != null // [3] Is Custom Update Center configured? if (customUpdateSite) { _status[3]="1" } else { _status[3]="0" } // [1] Is your instance compatible with Incremental Upgrades? if (_status[2] != "0" && !customUpdateSite) { _status[1] ='1' } else { _status[1] ='0' } def plugin = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin('cloudbees-license') // [0] Plugin requires update? // [4] Is cloudbees-license plugin version compatible with new Root Ca? if(plugin != null && plugin.getWrapper().isActive()) { if (hudson.license.License.metaClass.respondsTo(hudson.license.License, "loadLicenseCaCertificates").isEmpty()) { // cloudbees-license plugin < 9.34 and non patched _status[0]='1' _status[4]='0' } else { // cloudbees-license plugin >= 9.34 or patched _status[0]='0' _status[4]='1' } } else { _status[0]='1' } return _status } catch (Exception err) { _status[5] = err.getMessage() return _status } ''' /* * Asks for a safe restart. */ script_restart = ''' jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.doSafeRestart(null) ''' /* * Applies an incremental release if available * returns: * * RESTART_REQUIRED if the incremental has been picked for the installation after the restart * * NO if there is no incremental available * * ERROR plus the cause if there is a problem with the execution */ script_incremental = '''try { def tries = 10 def waitingFor = 2000 def assurance = com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get() com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.props.BeekeeperProp.get().NO_FULL_UPGRADES.set() if (assurance.metaClass.respondsTo(assurance, "refreshOfferedUpgrade").isEmpty()) { assurance.refreshStateSync() } if (!assurance.ucRefresher.metaClass.respondsTo(assurance.ucRefresher, "awaitRefresh").isEmpty()) { def ucFuture = assurance.refreshUpdateCenters() for(int i=1; i<=tries; i++) { if(ucFuture.isDone()) { break; } else { sleep(waitingFor) } } assurance.refreshStateSync() } else { assurance.ucRefresher.refresh() for(int i=1; i<=tries; i++) { if (com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get().getOfferedUpgrade().getClass().getName() == 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.OfferedUpgrade$Incremental') { break; } else { sleep(waitingFor) } } } def incrementalUpgrade = false if (assurance.metaClass.respondsTo(assurance, "getUpgradeAction").isEmpty()) { // == 2.60.xxx if (com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get().getOfferedUpgrade().getClass().getName() == 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.OfferedUpgrade$Incremental') { incrementalUpgrade = true def offered = com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get().getOfferedUpgrade() if (!offered.metaClass.respondsTo(offered, "pick", null).isEmpty()) { offered.pick() } else if (!offered.metaClass.respondsTo(offered, "pick", boolean).isEmpty()) { offered.pick(false) } else { incrementalUpgrade = false } } } else { // != 2.60.xxx if (com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get().getUpgradeAction().getUpgrade().isIncrementalUpgrade()) { incrementalUpgrade = true com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.assurance.CloudBeesAssurance.get().getUpgradeAction().getUpgrade().pick(false, null) } } return incrementalUpgrade ? "RESTART_REQUIRED" : "NO" } catch (Exception fatal) { return "ERROR. Cause: " + fatal.getMessage()}''' /* * Looks for an update available for cloudbees-license plugin in the update centers * returns: * * RESTART_REQUIRED if the plugin has been upgraded (no effect until the restart) * * NO if there is plugin update available * * ERROR plus the cause if there is a problem with the execution */ script_custom = '''try { jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.updateCenter.sites.each { us -> if (us.hasUpdates()) { us.getUpdates().each { update -> if (update.name == "cloudbees-license") { update.deploy() return "RESTART_REQUIRED" } } } } return "NO" } catch (Exception fatal) { return "ERROR. Cause: " + fatal.getMessage()}''' /* * Looks for an update available for cloudbees-license plugin in the update centers * returns: * * RESTART_REQUIRED if the plugin has been upgraded (no effect until the restart) * * NO if there is plugin update available * * ERROR plus the cause if there is a problem with the execution */ script_download = ''' def plugin = 'cloudbees-license' def backports = ['9.9' : ['9.9.1',''], '9.10' : ['9.10.1',''], '9.11' : ['9.11.1',''], '9.13' : ['9.13.1','http://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/cloudbees-license/9.13.1/cloudbees-license.hpi'], '9.14' : ['9.14.1',''], '9.17' : ['9.17.1',''], '9.18' : ['',''], '9.18.1' : ['',''], '9.20' : ['9.20.1',''], '9.24' : ['9.24.1',''], '9.26' : ['9.26.1',''], '9.27' : ['9.27.1',''], '9.28' : ['9.28.1',''], '9.31' : ['9.31.1',''], '9.32' : ['9.32.1',''], '9.33' : ['9.33.1','']] def base = 'http://jenkins-updates.cloudbees.com/download/plugins/' def tries = 5 def waitingFor = 5000 //---------------------------------------- try { def _timeout = tries*waitingFor def _restart = false def _plugin = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin(plugin) if(_plugin != null && _plugin.getWrapper().isActive()) { def _version = _plugin.getWrapper().getVersionNumber().toString() def _backport = backports[_version] if (_backport != null && _backport[0] != null) { def _url = _backport[1] != '' ? _backport[1] : base + plugin + '/' + _backport[0] + '/' + plugin + '.hpi' //println "cloudbees-license " + _version + " backport " + _backport[0] + " url " + _url def _httpClient = new com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient(new com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder() .setRequestTimeoutInMs(_timeout) .setProxyServer(jenkins.plugins.asynchttpclient.AHCUtils.getProxyServer()).build()) def _future = _httpClient.prepareGet(_url).execute(); for(int i=1; i<=tries; i++) { if(_future.isDone()) { break; } else { sleep(waitingFor) } } if (_future.isDone()){ def _response = _future.get() if (_response.getStatusCode() == 200) { def rootDir = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getRootDir() def pluginsDir = new java.io.File(rootDir, 'plugins') def pluginFile = new java.io.File(pluginsDir, plugin + '.hpi') def jpi = new java.io.File(pluginsDir, plugin + '.jpi') def bak = new java.io.File(pluginsDir, plugin + '.jpi.bak') org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(_response.getResponseBodyAsStream(), pluginFile); if (bak.isFile()) { org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.deleteQuietly(bak) } if (jpi.isFile()) { org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFile(jpi, bak) } org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFile(pluginFile, jpi) _restart = true } } } } return _restart ? "RESTART_REQUIRED" : "NO" } catch (Exception fatal) { return "ERROR. Cause: " + fatal.getMessage()} ''' // script-upgrade main code // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ println "upgrade-license-plugin.groovy running... [v" + _version + "]" def _statusKey = [] _statusKey[0] = "Plugin requires update?" _statusKey[1] = "Is your instance compatible with Incremental Upgrades?" _statusKey[2] = "Is BeeKeeper enabled?" _statusKey[3] = "Is Custom Update Center configured?" _statusKey[4] = "Is cloudbees-license plugin version compatible with new Root Ca?" _statusKey[5] = "Error message" def _summary = new StringBuilder() def _summary2 = new StringBuilder() def type = productType() println "Determine the instance type: " + type boolean all = true if (type == Product.OPERATIONS_CENTER && !skipMasters) { int plugins = 0 int offline = 0 int tries = 20 long waitingFor = 1000 if (slowConnection) { waitingFor = 3000 } jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.ConnectedMaster.class).each { master -> println "Analyzing " + master.name + "... " if(master.channel != null) { def _masterResult = executeScriptRemotely(master, script_status, tries, waitingFor) if (_masterResult != null) { def _masterStatus = parseMasterStatus(_masterResult) if (debug) { print " " + _masterStatus } if (_masterStatus.size() != 6) { offline++ _summary.append(master.name) _summary.append(" - Connected master status is not valid.\n") } else if (_masterStatus[0] == '1') { // If plugin requires update _summary.append(master.name) _summary.append(" - ") boolean upgraded = performPluginUpdate(_masterStatus, direct, master) if(upgraded) { if (debug) { print " Plugin upgraded successfully. " } _summary.append(" Plugin upgraded successfully, ") if (restart) { if (debug) { print "Restarting the instance..." } _summary.append(" restarting the instance...\n") executeScript(script_restart,master) } else { if (debug) { print "Manual restart required." } _summary.append(" manual restart required.\n") } println "" } else { plugins++ if (debug) { println "Plugin cannot be upgraded. Please contact CloudBees support." } _summary.append("Plugin cannot be upgraded. Please contact CloudBees support.\n") _summary.append("Additional information for ") _summary.append(master.name) _summary.append("\n") if (_masterStatus[1] == '0') { _summary.append("\tInstance cannot apply incremental upgrade\n") } if (_masterStatus[2] == '0') { _summary.append("\tBeekeeper is not enabled\n") } if (_masterStatus[3] == '1') { _summary.append("\tInstance is using a custom update center") } _summary.append("\n") } } else { _summary.append(master.name) _summary.append(" - Connected master has already been upgraded, no further action needed\n") } if (debug) { println("Additional Info - " + master.name) for (int i=0;i<_masterStatus.size();i++) { print _statusKey[i] + " = " + _masterStatus[i].toString() + "\n" } } } else { offline++ _summary.append(master.name) _summary.append(" - Connected master performance is not enough to determine the status.\n") } } else { offline++ _summary.append(master.name) _summary.append(" - Connected master is offline, its status can not be determined.\n") } _summary.append("\n") } if(offline > 0) { if (debug) { println 'There are ' + offline +' connected masters offline. Their status cannot be determined.' } _summary2.append("There are ") _summary2.append(offline) _summary2.append(" connected masters offline. Their status cannot be determined.\n") } if(plugins > 0) { if (debug) { println 'You have one or more connected master instances that need to be upgraded.' } _summary2.append("You have one or more connected master instances that need to be upgraded.\n") all = false } } // After upgrading masters (in case of OC)... def _status = executeScript(script_status) // If plugin requires update if (_status[0] == '1') { println "Analyzing " + type + "... " _summary.append(type) _summary.append(" - ") boolean upgraded = performPluginUpdate(_status, direct) if(upgraded) { print " Plugin upgraded successfully. " _summary.append(" Plugin upgraded successfully") if (restart) { print "Restarting the instance..." _summary.append(" Restarting the instance...\n") executeScript(script_restart) } else { print "Manual restart required." _summary.append(" Manual restart required.\n") } println "" } else { _summary.append(" Plugin cannot be upgraded. Please contact CloudBees support.\n") all = false } } else { println "cloudbees-license plugin is updated on your " + type + " instance." _summary.append("cloudbees-license plugin is updated on your ") _summary.append(type) _summary.append(" instance.\n") } println "" if (all) { _summary2.append("\nAll instances haven been upgraded sucessfully\n") } else { _summary2.append("\nYou have one or more instances that need to be upgraded.\n") } println("------------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------") println _summary.toString() print "\n\n" println _summary2.toString() // script-upgrade common code // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def parseMasterStatus(String response) { def _return = response.minus('[').minus(']') String[] masterStatus = _return.tokenize(',') masterStatus.eachWithIndex { it,i -> masterStatus[i] = it.trim() } return masterStatus } def performPluginUpdate(def _status, boolean directDownload = false, master = null) { if (_status[0] != '1') { return false } boolean upgraded = false if(directDownload) { if (executeScript(script_download, master) == 'RESTART_REQUIRED') { print "[direct]" upgraded = true } } // Incremental upgrade if (!upgraded && _status[1] == '1') { if (executeScript(script_incremental, master) == 'RESTART_REQUIRED') { print "[incremental]" upgraded = true } } // Custom update center if(!upgraded && _status[3] == '1') { if (executeScript(script_custom, master) == 'RESTART_REQUIRED') { print "[custom]" upgraded = true } } return upgraded } def executeScript(String script, master = null) { if (master == null) { return executeScriptInLocally(script) } else { return executeScriptRemotely(master, script) } } // Common code // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum Product { CONNECTED_MASTER('Connected Master'), STANDALONE_MASTER('Standalone Master'), OPERATIONS_CENTER('Operations Center'), CJD('CJD') Product(String detail) { this.detail = detail } final String detail public String toString() { return detail } } def productType() { def _plugin_oc_server = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin('operations-center-server') if(_plugin_oc_server != null && _plugin_oc_server.getWrapper().isActive()) { return Product.OPERATIONS_CENTER } else { def _plugin_oc_client = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin('operations-center-client') if(_plugin_oc_client != null && _plugin_oc_client.getWrapper().isActive()) { def _descriptor = com.cloudbees.opscenter.client.plugin.OperationsCenterRootAction.descriptor() if (_descriptor != null && _descriptor.isEnabled()) { return Product.CONNECTED_MASTER } else { return Product.STANDALONE_MASTER } } else { def _plugin_oc_context = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin('operations-center-context') def _plugin_folder_plus = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin('cloudbees-folders-plus') if((_plugin_oc_context != null && _plugin_oc_context.getWrapper().isActive()) || (_plugin_folder_plus != null && _plugin_folder_plus.getWrapper().isActive())) { return Product.STANDALONE_MASTER } else { return Product.CJD } } } } def executeScriptRemotely(def master, String script, int tries = 20, long waitingFor = 1000) { def _plugin_oc_clusterops = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getPlugin('operations-center-clusterops') if(_plugin_oc_clusterops != null && _plugin_oc_clusterops.getWrapper().isActive()) { def _stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); def _listener = new hudson.model.StreamBuildListener(_stream); def _future if (com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.clusterops.steps.MasterGroovyClusterOpStep.Script.metaClass.hasProperty(com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.clusterops.steps.MasterGroovyClusterOpStep.Script, "parameters") != null) { //_future = master.channel.callAsync(new com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.clusterops.steps.MasterGroovyClusterOpStep.Script(script, _listener, "host-script.groovy", [:])) _future = master.channel.callAsync(Class.forName('com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.clusterops.steps.MasterGroovyClusterOpStep$Script').newInstance(script, _listener, "host-script.groovy", [:])) } else { //_future = master.channel.callAsync(new com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.clusterops.steps.MasterGroovyClusterOpStep.Script(script, _listener, "host-script.groovy")) _future = master.channel.callAsync(Class.forName('com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.clusterops.steps.MasterGroovyClusterOpStep$Script').newInstance(script, _listener, "host-script.groovy")) } for(int i=1; i<=tries; i++) { if(_future.isDone()) { break; } else { sleep(waitingFor) } } if (_future.isDone()) { def _return = _stream.toString().minus('Result: ').minus('\n') _listener.close() _stream.close() return _return } } return null } def executeScriptInLocally(String script) { def _groovy = new groovy.lang.GroovyShell(jenkins.model.Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getPluginManager().uberClassLoader) return _groovy.run(script, "local.script", new java.util.ArrayList()) }