import nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.*; Map containers = new TreeMap<>(); // Add the root container containers.put(Jenkins.instance.displayName, GroupContainerLocator.locate(Jenkins.instance)); // Add all the items that are be containers for (i in Jenkins.instance.allItems) { GroupContainer g = GroupContainerLocator.locate(i); if (g != null) containers.put(Jenkins.instance.displayName + "/" + i.fullDisplayName, g); } // Add all the nodes, as they are containers also (but be safe about it) for (i in Jenkins.instance.nodes) { if (GroupContainerLocator.isGroupContainer(i.getClass())) { GroupContainer g = GroupContainerLocator.locate(i); if (g != null) containers.put(Jenkins.instance.displayName + "/" + i.displayName, g); } } // There may be other group containers if somebody has written additional // extension points in additional plugins, but at this point in time this // is the full set of places where group containers can be hiding for (c in containers) { println(c.key); def roleFilters = c.value.roleFilters if (!roleFilters.isEmpty()) { println " Filtered Roles: ${roleFilters.join(",")}" } for (g in c.value.groups) { println(" " +; println(" Roles:"); for (r in g.roles) { println(" " + r + (g.doesPropagateToChildren(r) ? " (and children)" : " (pinned)")); } println(" Members:"); // g.members is the String names // g.membership is the corresponding AbstractAssignee objects (so this may involve an LDAP lookup) // but g.membership is the only way to determine what the String name corresponds to // listing here so you can see what can be done, but up to you to judge the runtime cost for (a in g.membership) { println(" " + + " <" + a.fullName + "> (" + a.description + " : " +a.getClass().getName() + ")"); } } }