import hudson.model.UpdateCenter; import hudson.model.UpdateSite; import hudson.util.PersistedList; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.license.nectar.CloudBeesUpdateSite; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import; import hudson.model.DownloadService; /** * What does this script do? * - This script is intended to detect and provide a short-term fix for CloudBees CI instances which * are using an offline update center that was signed by a certificate which is now expired. * * * Who should run this script? * - Air-gapped customers (i.e. without any Internet access) * CloudBees CI or CloudBees Jenkins Platform customers on these versions * - 2.303.2.5 or lower on the rolling release, or * - or lower on the 2.277.x fixed release, or * - or lower on the 2.249.x fixed release * who are deployed in an environment with no external network access * AND are using the default off-line update center should run this script in * order to disable certificate validation for the update center until they can be upgraded * to these CloudBees CI or CloudBees Jenkins Platform versions * - 2.303.2.6 or newer on the rolling release, or * - or newer on the 2.277.x fixed release, or * - on the 2.249.x fixed release * * - Non-air-gapped customers * CloudBees CI or CloudBees Jenkins Platform customers on these versions * - 2.303.2.5 or lower on the rolling release, or * - or lower on the 2.277.x fixed release, or * - or lower on the 2.249.x fixed release * who are deployed in an environment with external network access * should run this script in order to disable the off-line update center until they * can be upgraded to these CloudBees CI or CloudBees Jenkins Platform versions * - 2.303.2.6 or newer on the rolling release, or * - or newer on the 2.277.x fixed release, or * - on the 2.249.x fixed release * * How to use this script * - This script can be run using the script console on any individual operations center or controller. It may also be run via * a cluster-operation ( * using the `Execute Groovy Script on Controller` step. * * Technical Details * - It is safe to run this script multiple times on any CloudBees CI or CloudBees Jenkins Platform instance. * - For non-air-gapped systems, if a problem is detected with the certificate used to sign the off-line * update center then the off-line update center will be removed. This will prevent an error message from * being displayed in the plugin manager. * - For air-gapped systems, if a problem is detected with the certificate used to sign the off-line update center * then update center certificate validation will be disabled. This will allow air-gapped systems to continue * being able to manage plugins using the plugin manager * - For both air-gapped and online systems, a copy of this script will be installed to * /init.d.groovy/ucCertRemediation.groovy. This is needed because the fixes applied by this * script are not persistent across restarts and need to be re-applied. * - The proper solution for this problem is to upgrade to CloudBees CI or CloudBees Jenkins Platform versions listed above. * We would like to help prepare a customized update plan, and guide you through update testing via an Assisted Update: * - If the script detects that the off-line update center is no longer using an invalid certificate * then it will automatically remove itself. * * * This script returns one of the following possible results: * NO_CHANGE_NEEDED * DEFAULT_OFFLINC_UC_NOT_FOUND * DISABLED_CERT_VALIDATION * REMOVED_OFFLINE_UC * UNINSTALLED_SCRIPT * ERROR_CONTACT_SUPPORT: [msg] */ def _script = ''' import hudson.model.UpdateCenter; import hudson.model.UpdateSite; import hudson.util.PersistedList; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.license.nectar.CloudBeesUpdateSite; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import; import hudson.model.DownloadService; /** * parameters: * * _dry_run If set to true, no changes will actually be made to the instance * _debug If set to true, additional information will be logged to the console * */ _debug = false; _dry_run = false; //Constants - do not edit below this line // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _version = "00010"; _online_uc_url_prefix = ""; _retry_time = 30000; // how long to wait before checking for an update site to be loaded _cert_error_str = "CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Tue Oct 19 14:31:36 EDT 2021"; // MAIN CODE BODY info("Executing remediation check [v" + _version + "]"); if (['_CLOUDBEES_UC_CERT_REMEDIATION_INSTALL'] == "TRUE") { info("Running bootstrap install, disabling retry interval"); _retry_time = 0;['_CLOUDBEES_UC_CERT_REMEDIATION_INSTALL'] = ''; } info("Checking if certificate validation is already disabled"); if (!isCertificateCheckingEnabled()) { info("Certificate validation was already disabled, no changes needed"); //check the offline uc anyway, maybe we can uninstall the script if (checkOfflineUC(true)) { info("Offline update center is ok, removing script"); if (removeScript()) { debug("script has been uninstalled"); enableCertificateValidation(); return "UNINSTALLED_SCRIPT"; } else { info("Problem removing script"); } } info("Offline update center is invalid, but signature checking has already been disabled"); return "NO_CHANGE_NEEDED"; } info("Checking offline update center certificates..."); if (isAirGapped()) { debug("airgapped!"); info("System appears to be airgapped, checking offline updatecenter"); if (hasDefaultOfflineUC(_retry_time) && !checkOfflineUC()) { info("Offline update center has invalid certificate, disabling certificate validation"); disableCertificateValidation(); // sanity check, should pass validation now if (!checkOfflineUC()) { info("ERROR - offline uc is still invalid after disabling certificate validation"); return "ERROR_CONTACT_SUPPORT: offline uc is still invalid after disabling certificate validation"; } else { info("Sanity check complete, offline updatecenter is valid"); return "DISABLED_CERT_VALIDATION"; } } else { info("Offline update center is ok, no update needed"); debug("removing the script since it is no longer needed for this system"); removeScript(); return "NO_CHANGE_NEEDED"; } } else { debug("not airgapped"); if (hasDefaultOfflineUC(_retry_time)) { if (!checkOfflineUC()) { // fix is needed info("Offline update center failed validation, update required"); info("removing current offline update center"); if (!removeUpdateCenter(getDefaultOfflineUC())) { info("Error removing current offline update center"); return "ERROR_CONTACT_SUPPORT: There was a problem removing the default offline update center"; } else { return "REMOVED_OFFLINE_UC"; } } else { info("Offline update center is ok, no update needed"); // remove the script since it is no longer needed for this system removeScript(); return "NO_CHANGE_NEEDED"; } } else { info("default offline updatecenter was not found, if this is not expected you may need to increase the value for _retry_time"); return("DEFAULT_OFFLINC_UC_NOT_FOUND"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // methods below // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * removes the ucCertRemediation.groovy script from the filesystem */ def removeScript() { File f = new File(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "init.groovy.d" + File.separator + "ucCertRemediation.groovy"); if (f.exists()) { debug("Removing script " + f.getAbsolutePath()); if (!_dry_run) { f.delete(); info("Script has been uninstalled"); } else { info("dry run, not removing script file"); } return true; } else { info(f.getAbsolutePath() + " not found, skipping uninstall"); return false; } } def isCertificateCheckingEnabled() { debug("DownloadService.signatureCheck == " + DownloadService.signatureCheck); return DownloadService.signatureCheck; } def disableCertificateValidation() { info("disabling certificate validation"); setCertificateValidation(false); } def enableCertificateValidation() { info("enabling certificate validation"); setCertificateValidation(true); } def setCertificateValidation(boolean check) { debug("DownloadService.signatureCheck original value [" + DownloadService.signatureCheck + "]"); if (!_dry_run) { DownloadService.signatureCheck = check; debug("DownloadService.signatureCheck new value [" + DownloadService.signatureCheck + "]"); } else { info("dry run, not changing signature check"); } } // this currently makes the assumption that any error checking the online uc means we are airgapped // possibly this needs to be more fine-grained? // returns false if the online uc is able to be validated, true otherwise def isAirGapped() { return(!checkOnlineUC(false)); } def checkOfflineUC(boolean validate) { return checkUpdateSite(getDefaultOfflineUC(), validate); } def checkOfflineUC() { return checkUpdateSite(getDefaultOfflineUC(), DownloadService.signatureCheck); } def checkOnlineUC(boolean validate) { return checkUpdateSite(getDefaultOnlineUc(), validate); } def checkOnlineUC() { return checkUpdateSite(getDefaultOnlineUc(), DownloadService.signatureCheck); } def checkUpdateSite(UpdateSite site, boolean validate) { if(site == null){ debug("update site is already null"); return true; } // ugly to accomodate the logic in nectar-license plugin originalCheckValue = isCertificateCheckingEnabled(); if (validate && !isCertificateCheckingEnabled()) { setCertificateValidation(true); } try { debug("checking update site " + site + " with validate == " + validate); FormValidation v = site.updateDirectlyNow(validate); debug("form validation -> " + v); if (v.kind == FormValidation.Kind.OK) { debug(site.getUrl() + " is ok"); setCertificateValidation(originalCheckValue); return true; } else if (v.kind == FormValidation.ERROR) { if (v.toString().contains(_cert_error_str)) { debug("cert expired error found validating " + site.getUrl()); setCertificateValidation(originalCheckValue); return false; } else { debug("Some other error was found validating " + site.getUrl()); } } else { debug("Found a warning validating " + site.getUrl()); } } catch (Exception e) { debug("Caught exception " + e.class + " validating cert from " + site.getUrl()); if (e.toString().contains(_cert_error_str)) { debug("cert expired error found validating " + site.getUrl()); setCertificateValidation(originalCheckValue); return false; } else { debug("Some other error was found validating " + site.getUrl()); setCertificateValidation(originalCheckValue); return false; } } } def hasDefaultOfflineUC() { return hasDefaultOfflineUC(0); } def hasDefaultOfflineUC(int retryTime) { UpdateSite s = getDefaultOfflineUC(retryTime); debug("default offline updatecenter = " + s); if (s != null) { debug("AA"); return true; } else { debug("BB"); return false; } } def getDefaultOfflineUC() { return getDefaultOfflineUC(0); } def getDefaultOfflineUC(int retryTime) { PersistedList sites = Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites(); for (UpdateSite s: sites) { if (s.getId().contains("-offline")) { debug("Found default offline updatecenter " +s.getUrl()); return s; } } debug("default offline updatecenter was not found"); if (retryTime > 0) { debug("default offline updatecenter was not found, sleeping for " + retryTime + " ms and will try again"); Thread.sleep(retryTime); for (UpdateSite s: sites) { debug("checking " + s.getUrl()); if (s.getId().contains("-offline")) { debug("Found default offline updatecenter " +s.getUrl() + " on second attempt"); return s; } } } debug("getDefaultOfflineUC returns null"); return null; } def getDefaultOnlineUc() { PersistedList sites = Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites(); for (UpdateSite s: sites) { if (s.getUrl().startsWith(_online_uc_url_prefix)) { debug("Found default online updatecenter " +s.getUrl()); return s; } } debug("default offline updatecenter was not found"); return null; } def removeUpdateCenter(UpdateSite s) { if (!_dry_run) { if (Jenkins.getInstance().getUpdateCenter().getSites().remove(s)) { debug("Removed update center " +s.getUrl()); return true; } else { debug("update center was not found, nothing removed"); return false; } } else { info("dry run, not removing update center " + s.getUrl()); return true; } } def debug(String msg) { if (_debug) { println("DEBUG: " + msg); } } def info(String msg) { println("INFO: " + msg); } ''' // end script /** * installer */ _init_groovy_dir = Jenkins.getInstance().getRootDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator +"init.groovy.d"; def writeScriptToInitGroovyFolder(String script) { // create the init.groovy.d folder if it does not exist File folder = new File(_init_groovy_dir); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } File scriptFile = new File("ucCertRemediation.groovy", folder); scriptFile.write(script); }['_CLOUDBEES_UC_CERT_REMEDIATION_INSTALL'] = 'TRUE'; String result = evaluate(_script); if (result.equals("NO_CHANGE_NEEDED")) { println("SUCCESS: System is up to date, no changes needed"); } else if (result.equals("DEFAULT_OFFLINC_UC_NOT_FOUND")) { println("INFO: If you still see issues (though you should not), please increase '_retry_time', set '_debug = true;' and run this script again, then share the output with CloudBees support ("); println("SUCCESS: The remediation appears to have already been run successfully in the past, or this instance does not have an offline update center."); } else if (result.equals("DISABLED_CERT_VALIDATION") || result.equals("REMOVED_OFFLINE_UC")) { println("persisting script"); writeScriptToInitGroovyFolder(_script); println("Reloading update center data"); Jenkins.getInstance().pluginManager.doCheckUpdatesServer(); println("SUCCESS: The remediation is now complete and successful"); } else if (result.equals("UNINSTALLED_SCRIPT")) { println("SUCCESS: No issues detected, script has been uninstalled"); } else { // some other error occured println("ERROR: An error occured: " + result); println("ERROR: Please set '_debug = true;' and run this script again, then share the output with CloudBees support ("); }