# Colosseum Configuration colosseum.url = http://{ip-of-colosseum}:9000/api colosseum.user = john.doe@example.com colosseum.password = admin colosseum.tenant = admin # Cloud configuration # Comma seperated list of all clouds clouds = myCloud ## all configuration options should be present by using cloudName + PropertyName ## ### myCloud ## The name for the cloud myCloud.cloud.name = myCloud ## The endpoint of the cloud myCloud.cloud.endpoint = http://endpoint.com ## The username for this cloud myCloud.cloud.credential.username = myUser ## The credential for this cloud myCloud.cloud.credential.password = topSecret ## The name for the api myCloud.api.name = MyApi ## The driver for this cloud myCloud.api.internalProviderName = openstack-nova ## ID of the image myCloud.image.providerId = 9c154d9a-fab9-4507-a3d7-21b72d31de97 ## ID of the location myCloud.location.providerId = RegionOne ## ID of the hardware myCloud.hardware.providerId = 3 ## The login for the image myCloud.image.loginName = ## A comma seperated list of properties for this cloud myCloud.properties =