# Notation {#sec:notation} The material here uses the following notation. This is especially helpful if you contribute content, so we keep the content consistent. If you like to see the details on how to create them in the markdown documents, you can to look at the file source while clicking on the cloud in the heading of the Notation section (@sec:notation). This brings you to the markdown text. However, to see it you still have to look at the [raw content](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudmesh-community/book/master/chapters/preface/notation.md) to see the details. :cloud: or ![Github](images/github.png) `![Github](images/github.png)` > If you click on the :cloud: or ![Github](images/github.png) in a > heading, you can go directly to the document in GitHub that contains the > next content. This is convenient to fix errors or make additions to the > content. The cloud is automatically added upon the inclusion of a new > markdown file that includes in its first line a section header. $ > Content in bash is marked with verbatim text and a dollar sign > > ```bash > $ This is a bash text > ``` [@las14cloudmeshmultiple] > References are indicated with a number and are included in the > reference chapter [@las14cloudmeshmultiple]. Use it in markdown with > `[@las14cloudmeshmultiple]`. References must be added to the > `references.bib` file in BibTex format. :o2: or [![No](images/no.png)]() > Chapters marked with this emoji are not yet complete or have some > issue that we know about. These chapters need to be fixed. If you like > to help us fixing this section, please let us know. Use it in markdown > with `:o2:` or if you like to use the image with `![No](images/no.png)`. [![Video](images/video.png) REST 36:02](https://youtu.be/xjFuA6q5N_U) > Example for a video with the `![Video](images/video.png)` emoji. Use it in markdown with > `[![Video](images/video.png) REST 36:02](https://youtu.be/xjFuA6q5N_U)` [![Presentation](images/presentation.png) Slides 10](TBD) > Example for slides with the `![Presentation](images/presentation.png)` emoji. These slides may or > may not include audio. [![Audio](images/audio.png) Slides 10](TBD) > Slides without any audio. They may be faster to download. Use it in > markdown with `[![Presentation](images/presentation.png) Slides 10](TBD)`. [![Learning](images/learning.png)]() > A set of learning objectives with the `![Learning](images/learning.png)` emoji. [![Ok](images/ok.png)]() > A section is released when it is marked with this emoji in the > syllabus. Use it in markdown with `![Ok](images/ok.png)`. [![Question](images/question.png)]() > Indicates opportunities for contributions. Use it in markdown with > `![Question](images/question.png)`. [![Construction](images/construction.png)]() > Indicates sections that are worked on by contributors. Use it in > markdown with `![Construction](images/construction.png)`. [![Smiley](images/smile.png)]() > Sections marked by the contributor with this emoji `![Smiley](images/smile.png)` > when they are ready to be reviewed. [![Comment](images/comment.png)]() > Sections that need modifications are indicated with this emoji `![Comment](images/comment.png)`. [![Warning](images/warning.png)]() > A warning that we need to look at in more detail `![Warning](images/warning.png)` [![Idea](images/idea.png)]() > Notes are indicated with a bulb `![Idea](images/idea.png)` Other emojis > Other emojis can be found at > . However, note that emojis > may not be viewable in other formats or on all platforms. We know that > some emojis do not show in Calibre, but they do show in macOS iBooks and > MS Edge > This is the list of emojis that can be converted to PDF. So if you like a > PDF, please limit your emojis to `:cloud:` :cloud: `:o2:` :o2: `:relaxed:` :relaxed: `:sunny:` :sunny: `:baseball:` :baseball: `:spades:` :spades: `:hearts:` :hearts: `:clubs:` :clubs: `:diamonds:` :diamonds: `:hotsprings:` :hotsprings: `:warning:` :warning: `:parking:` :parking: `:a:` :a: `:b:` :b: `:recycle:` :recycle: `:copyright:` :copyright: `:registered:` :registered: `:tm:` :tm: `:bangbang:` :bangbang: `:interrobang:` :interrobang: `:scissors:` :scissors: `:phone:` :phone: ## Figures Figures have a caption and can be referred to in the ePub simple with a number. We show such a reference pointer while referring to @fig:code-example. ![Figure example [@las14cloudmeshmultiple]](images/code.png){#fig:code-example width=1in} Figures must be written in the md as ```markdown ![Figure example [@las14cloudmeshmultiple]](images/code.png){#fig:code-example width=1in} ``` Note that the text must be in one line and must not be broken up even if it is longer than 80 characters. You can refer to them with `@fig:code-example`. Please note for numbering to work, figure references must include the `#fig:` followed by a unique identifier. Please note that identifiers must be unique and that identifies such as `#fig:cloud` or similar simple identifiers are a poor choice and will likely not work. To check, please list all lines with an identifier, such as. Also not that if the image is copied form the internet you must not use the http link, but you must copy the image into the images folder. In addition for these images you must create a bibtex entru to the source where this image originated from. This applies also to images that you reused in other papers of yours. However if you have created the image yoruslef and it is not just a redrawing of somone elses work, you do not need a citation. ```bash $ grep -R "#fig:" chapters ``` and see if your identifier is genuinely unique. ## Hyperlinks in the document To create hyperlinks in the document other than images, we need to use proper markdown syntax in the source. This is achieved with a reference, for example, in sections headers. Let us discuss the reference header for this section, e.g., Notation. We have augmented the section header as follows: ```# Notation {#sec:notation}``` Now we can use the reference in the text as follows: ```In @sec:notation we explain ...``` It will be rendered as: In @sec:notation we explain ... ## Equations {#sec:equations} Equations can be written as ```$$a^2+b^2=c^2$${#eq:pythagoras}``` and used in text: $$a^2+b^2=c^2$${#eq:pythagoras} It will render as: As we see in @eq:pythagoras. The equation number is optional. Inline equations just use one dollar sign and do not need an equation number: ```This is the Pythagoras theorem: $a^2+b^2=c^2$``` Which renders as: This is the Pythagoras theorem: $a^2+b^2=c^2$. ## Tables {#sec:tables} Tables can be placed in the text as follows: ``` : Sample Data Table {#tbl:sample-table} x y z --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 42 --- --- --- As usual, make sure the label is unique. When compiling, it results in an error if labels are not unique. Additionally, there are several md table generators available on the internet and make creating table more efficient.