#!/usr/bin/env bash # See https://github.com/rancher/k3d/releases # This variable is also read in Jenkinsfile K3D_VERSION=5.6.0 # When updating please also adapt in Dockerfile, vars.tf and ApplicationConfigurator.groovy K8S_VERSION=1.29.1 K3S_VERSION="rancher/k3s:v${K8S_VERSION}-k3s2" set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail function main() { readParameters "$@" [[ $TRACE == true ]] && set -x; # Install k3d if necessary if ! command -v k3d >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo The GitOps playground uses k3d, which is not found on the PATH. installK3d else ACTUAL_K3D_VERSION="$(k3d --version | grep k3d | sed 's/k3d version v\(.*\)/\1/')" if [[ "${K3D_VERSION}" != "${ACTUAL_K3D_VERSION}" ]]; then echoHightlighted "WARNING: GitOps playground was tested with ${K3D_VERSION}. You are running k3d ${ACTUAL_K3D_VERSION}." fi fi createCluster } function installK3d() { echo "Installing install k3d ${K3D_VERSION} to \$HOME/.local/bin" echo 'Using this script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh' # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'If $HOME/.local/bin is not on your PATH, you can add it for this session: export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'You can uninstall k3d later via: rm $HOME/.local/bin/k3d' if confirm "Do you want to continue?" ' [y/N]'; then # Allow this script to execute k3d without having /.local/bin on the path export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin" curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | \ TAG=v${K3D_VERSION} K3D_INSTALL_DIR=${HOME}/.local/bin bash -s -- --no-sudo else echo "Not installed." # Return error here to avoid possible subsequent commands to be executed exit 1 fi } function createCluster() { if k3d cluster list ${CLUSTER_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1; then if confirm "Cluster '${CLUSTER_NAME}' already exists. Do you want to recreate the cluster?" ' [y/N]'; then echo "Deleting cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}" k3d cluster delete ${CLUSTER_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1; else echo "Not recreated." # Return error here to avoid possible subsequent commands to be executed exit 1 fi fi HOST_PORT_RANGE='8010-65535' K3D_ARGS=( # Allow services to bind to ports < 30000 > 32xxx "--k3s-arg=--kube-apiserver-arg=service-node-port-range=${HOST_PORT_RANGE}@server:0" # Used by Jenkins Agents pods '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock@server:0' # Allows for finding out the GID of the docker group in order to allow the Jenkins agents pod to access docker socket '-v /etc/group:/etc/group@server:0' # Persists the cache of Jenkins agents pods for faster builds '-v /tmp:/tmp@server:0' # Pin k8s version via k3s image "--image=$K3S_VERSION" # Disable traefik (we roll our own ingress-controller) '--k3s-arg=--disable=traefik@server:0' ) if [[ ${BIND_LOCALHOST} == 'true' ]]; then K3D_ARGS+=( '--network=host' ) else if [[ "${BIND_REGISTRY_PORT}" != '0' ]]; then # Internal Docker registry must be on localhost. Otherwise docker will use HTTPS, leading to errors on docker push # in the example application's Jenkins Jobs. K3D_ARGS+=( "-p ${BIND_REGISTRY_PORT}:30000@server:0:direct" ) else # User wants us to choose an arbitrary port. # The port must then be passed when applying the playground as --internal-registry-port (printed after creation) K3D_ARGS+=( '-p 30000@server:0:direct' ) fi # Bind ingress port only when requested by parameter. # On linux the pods can be reached without ingress via the k3d container's network address and the node port. if [[ -n "${BIND_INGRESS_PORT}" ]]; then # Note that$BIND_INGRESS_PORT would be more secure, but then requests to localhost fail K3D_ARGS+=( "-p ${BIND_INGRESS_PORT}:80@server:0:direct" ) fi fi echo "Creating cluster '${CLUSTER_NAME}'" k3d cluster create ${CLUSTER_NAME} ${K3D_ARGS[*]} >/dev/null if [[ ${BIND_REGISTRY_PORT} != '30000' ]]; then local registryPort registryPort=$(docker inspect \ --format='{{ with (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "30000/tcp") }}{{ (index . 0).HostPort }}{{ end }}' \ k3d-${CLUSTER_NAME}-server-0) echo "Bound internal registry port 30000 to localhost port ${registryPort}." echoHightlighted "Make sure to pass --internal-registry-port=${registryPort} when applying the playground." fi if [[ -n "${BIND_INGRESS_PORT}" ]]; then echo "Bound ingress port to localhost:${BIND_INGRESS_PORT}." echoHightlighted "Make sure to pass a base-url, e.g. --ingress-nginx --base-url=http://localhost$(if [ "$BIND_INGRESS_PORT" -ne 80 ]; then echo ":${BIND_INGRESS_PORT}"; fi) when applying the playground." fi # Write ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml # https://k3d.io/v5.6.0/usage/kubeconfig/ # Using this file makes applying the playground from docker more reliable and secure # Otherwise a change of the current kubecontext (e.g. via kubectx) in the default kubeconfig will lead to the playground being applied to the wrong cluster k3d kubeconfig write ${CLUSTER_NAME} > /dev/null } function printParameters() { echo "The following parameters are valid:" echo echo " -h | --help >> Help screen" echo echo " | --cluster-name=STRING >> Set your preferred cluster name to install k3d. Defaults to 'gitops-playground'." echo " | --bind-localhost=BOOLEAN >> Bind the k3d container to host network. Exposes all k8s nodePorts to localhost. Defaults to true." echo " | --bind-ingress-port=INT >> Bind the ingress controller to this localhost port. Sets --bind-localhost=false. Defaults to empty." echo " | --bind-registry-port=INT >> Specify a custom port for the container registry to bind to localhost port. Only use this when port 30000 is blocked and --bind-localhost=true. Defaults to 30000 (default used by the playground)." echo echo " -x | --trace >> Debug + Show each command executed (set -x)" } function confirm() { # shellcheck disable=SC2145 # - the line break between args is intended here! printf "%s\n" "${@:-Are you sure? [y/N]} " read -r response case "$response" in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) true ;; *) false ;; esac } get_longopt_value(){ # ensure $1 has the form --longopt=value VALUE=$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//') if [ -z "$VALUE" ]; then echo "missing value of paramater $2" >&2 exit 1 elif [ "$VALUE" = "$1" ]; then echo "missing value of paramater $2" >&2 exit 1 else echo "$VALUE" fi } readParameters() { CLUSTER_NAME=gitops-playground BIND_LOCALHOST=true BIND_INGRESS_PORT="" # Use default port for playground registry, because no parameter is required when applying BIND_REGISTRY_PORT="30000" TRACE=false while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h | --help ) printParameters; exit 0 ;; --cluster-name*) CLUSTER_NAME=$(get_longopt_value $1 "--cluster-name"); shift ;; --bind-localhost*) BIND_LOCALHOST=$(get_longopt_value $1 "--bind-localhost"); shift ;; --bind-ingress-port*) BIND_INGRESS_PORT=$(get_longopt_value $1 "--bind-ingress-port"); shift ;; --bind-registry-port*) BIND_REGISTRY_PORT=$(get_longopt_value $1 "--bind-registry-port"); shift ;; -x | --trace ) TRACE=true; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done # bind-ingress-port takes precedence over bind-localhost if [[ -n "${BIND_INGRESS_PORT}" ]]; then BIND_LOCALHOST=false fi } function echoHightlighted() { # fallback to normal echo if TERM is not set # because tput requires a valid terminal if [ -z "$TERM" ] || ! command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$@" else # Print to stdout in green tput setaf 2 echo "$@" tput sgr0 fi } main "$@"