bases: - environments.yaml --- repositories: - name: "bitnami" url: "" releases: # - # - # - (obsolete) - name: "external-dns" namespace: "kube-system" labels: chart: "external-dns" repo: "stable" component: "dns" namespace: "kube-system" vendor: "kubernetes" chart: "bitnami/external-dns" version: {{ .Values.chart_version | quote }} wait: true timeout: 180 atomic: true cleanupOnFail: true installed: {{ .Values.installed }} values: - sources: - service - ingress {{- /* We test for eq true (which may seem redundant) so that we see an error when the value is a string instead of a bool, otherwise "false" would evaluate as true. */ -}} {{- if or (index .Values "istio_enabled") false | eq true }} - istio-gateway {{- end }} {{- if .Values.crd_enabled | eq true }} - crd {{- end }} txtOwnerId: {{ printf "%s-%s" .Values.txt_prefix .Values.stage | quote }} txtPrefix: {{ printf "%s-%s-" .Values.txt_prefix .Values.stage | quote }} publishInternalServices: {{ .Values.publishInternalServices }} policy: {{ .Values.policy | quote }} provider: {{ .Values.provider | quote }} podAnnotations: "true" crd: ## Install and use the integrated DNSEndpoint CRD create: {{ .Values.crd_enabled }} resources: limits: cpu: {{ .Values.limit_cpu | quote }} memory: {{ .Values.limit_memory | quote }} requests: cpu: {{ .Values.request_cpu | quote }} memory: {{ .Values.request_memory | quote }} rbac: create: {{ .Values.rbac_enabled }} ## Service Account for pods ## ## RBAC API version apiVersion: v1 ## Podsecuritypolicy pspEnabled: false serviceAccount: name: {{ .Values.service_account_name | quote }} ## Annotations for the Service Account {{- if .Values.provider | eq "aws" }} annotations: {{ printf "arn:aws:iam::%v:role/%v-%v-%v-eks-%v@kube-system" .Values.account_number .Values.namespace .Values.environment .Values.stage .Values.service_account_name | quote }} {{- end }} aws: region: {{ .Values.region | quote }} evaluateTargetHealth: false