#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --watch --check --allow-sys=hostname --allow-read --allow-net --allow-run=deno,dot --allow-env import { httpTracer, trace } from "./deps.ts"; import { serveFont, servePublic, serveTemplatedHtml } from './lib/request-handling.ts'; // The different HTTP surfaces we expose import * as DependenciesOf from './feat/dependencies-of/api.ts'; import * as Shields from './feat/shields/api.ts'; import * as RegistryKey from './feat/registry-key/api.ts'; let port = 5000; try { port = parseInt(Deno.env.get('PORT') || port.toString()); } catch (err) { console.error(`WARN: failed to read $PORT due to ${err.name}`); } console.log('Setting up on', { port }); Deno.serve({ port, }, httpTracer(async request => { const resp = await handleReq(request); return resp ?? new Response('404 Not Found', { status: 404, }); })); async function handleReq(req: Request): Promise { const url = new URL(req.url); { // feature: dependencies-of const match = url.pathname.match(/^\/dependencies-of\/(.*)$/); if (match && req.method === 'GET') { trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('http.route', 'dependencies-of'); return await DependenciesOf.handleRequest(req, match[1], url.searchParams); } } { // feature: shields const match = url.pathname.match(/^\/shields\/([^\/]+)\/(.+)$/); if (match && req.method === 'GET') { trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('http.route', 'shield.'+match[1]); return await Shields.handleRequest(req, match[1], match[2]); } } { // feature: registry-key if (url.pathname === '/registry-key' && req.method === 'GET') { trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('http.route', 'registry-key'); return await RegistryKey.handleRequest(req); } } if (url.pathname === '/') { trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('http.route', '/'); return await serveTemplatedHtml(req, 'public/index.html'); } if ([ '/global.css', '/icon-deps.png', '/interactive-graph.js', ].includes(url.pathname)) { trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('http.route', 'public'); return await servePublic(req, url.pathname); } if (url.pathname.startsWith('/fonts/') && url.pathname.endsWith('.woff2')) { trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('http.route', 'fonts'); return await serveFont(req, url.pathname.slice(6)); } }