from requests import Session import json import re from typing import Pattern, Dict, Union class LoggedInException(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LoggedInException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class API(object): """ Unifi API for the Unifi Controller. """ _login_data = {} _current_status_code = None def __init__(self, username: str="ubnt", password: str="ubnt", site: str="default", baseurl: str="https://unifi:8443", verify_ssl: bool=True): """ Initiates tha api with default settings if none other are set. :param username: username for the controller user :param password: password for the controller user :param site: which site to connect to (Not the name you've given the site, but the url-defined name) :param baseurl: where the controller is located :param verify_ssl: Check if certificate is valid or not, throws warning if set to False """ self._login_data['username'] = username self._login_data['password'] = password self._site = site self._verify_ssl = verify_ssl self._baseurl = baseurl self._session = Session() def __enter__(self): """ Contextmanager entry handle :return: isntance object of class """ self.login() return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ Contextmanager exit handle :return: None """ self.logout() def login(self): """ Log the user in :return: None """ self._current_status_code ="{}/api/login".format(self._baseurl), data=json.dumps(self._login_data), verify=self._verify_ssl).status_code if self._current_status_code == 400: raise LoggedInException("Failed to log in to api with provided credentials") def logout(self): """ Log the user out :return: None """ self._session.get("{}/logout".format(self._baseurl)) self._session.close() def list_clients(self, filters: Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]=None, order_by: str=None) -> list: """ List all available clients from the api :param filters: dict with valid key, value pairs, string supplied is compiled to a regular expression :param order_by: order by a valid client key, defaults to '_id' if key is not found :return: A list of clients on the format of a dict """ r = self._session.get("{}/api/s/{}/stat/sta".format(self._baseurl, self._site, verify=self._verify_ssl), data="json={}") self._current_status_code = r.status_code if self._current_status_code == 401: raise LoggedInException("Invalid login, or login has expired") data = r.json()['data'] if filters: for term, value in filters.items(): value_re = value if isinstance(value, Pattern) else re.compile(value) data = [x for x in data if term in x.keys() and re.fullmatch(value_re, x[term])] if order_by: data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[order_by] if order_by in x.keys() else x['_id']) return data if __name__ == "__main__": api = API(username="admin", password="your_pw", baseurl="https://your_ip:8443", verify_ssl=False) api.login() device_list = (api.list_clients(order_by="ip")) print(json.dumps(device_list, indent=4)) api.logout()