                                 Enable Viacam
                         a webcam based mouse emulator

Enable Viacam (eviacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer
as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. 
No additional hardware is required. Based on the award winning Facial Mouse 

 Supported platforms
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

(NOTE: as of version 1.4, the instructions manual is included in the software)

First install and configure your web camera before using eViacam. It's very 
important to configure your camera in manual exposure mode and adjust this 
parameter to get about 25 fps or more. Most modern cameras can deliver 30fps. 
Please check your web camera manual when necessary.

Once installed run evicam (evicam.exe for Windows). The application should 
open, automatically detect your camera and begin streaming the live video. 

Place the camera to get a frontal view of your face. The width of your face in
the image should be a third of the width of the frame. Centre the tracking box
around your face either moving the camera or displacing the on-screen blue box 
with the mouse (clicking at the corner).

Enable the tracking function from the File menu. Try moving your head and see 
the result. You should adjust the sensitivity (X and Y axis speed) from the 
options dialog.  You should be able to reach all the screen area with the mouse

For clicking simply stop the pointer over the desired position. In few moments 
a click will be generated automatically (you can adjust the dwell time in the 
options dialog). You can use the docked window at the top of the screen for 
selecting the different kinds of clicks.

Command line flags:

    [-d] enable debug mode

 Build instructions
See INSTALL file.

- Asturian (Bable) support

The current stable version of wxWidgets (2.8.12, May 2013) doesn't support 
Asturian language yet, but it seems that support has been added to development
version. So, if you want enable Asturian language support, you need the latest
wxWidgets development snapshot and should uncomment the line before compiling
    // #define ENABLE_ASTURIAN
Note that this file use special enconding.

eViacam is released under the GNU/GPL license.
See the COPYING file for details on program's licensing.

 (c) 2008-13 Cesar Mauri Loba (cesar at crea-si dot com)

Please see the AUTHORS and THANKS files for information about other 

Acknowledgements and awards
In 2012 Enable Viacam has been awarded a second prize in VI Premio Vodafone 
a la Innovación en Telecomunicaciones.

This software has been developed with the support of different collaborators
and sponsored by:
    - Consorcio Fernando de los Rios (Junta de Andalucía)
    - Seceretaría de Telecomunicacions i Societat de la Informació del 
      Departament de Governació i Administracions Públiques de la Generalitat
      de Catalunya
    - Associació Provincial de Paràlisi Cerebral (APPC) de Tarragona.

Thanks to everyone in the APPC for his/her collaboration in testing and 
particularly to users who have collaborated actively, including Ruben, Gloria,
Cristina and many many others. Thank you all.

 - Enable Viacam website

 - CREA Software Systems site

 - wxWidgets toolkit homepage

 - Open Computer Vision Library homepage

 - Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs