--- title: "Lecture 1: Exercises" date: September 27th, 2018 output: html_notebook: toc: true toc_float: true --- # Exercise 1: Vectors 1. Generate and print a vector of 10 random numbers between 5 and 500. 2. Generate a random vector Z of 1000 letters (from "a" to "z"). Hint: the variable `letters` is already defined in R. 3. Print a summary of Z in the form of a frequency table. 4. Print the list of letters that appear an even number of times in Z. # Exercise 2: Matrices 1. Create the following 5 by 5 matrix and store it as variable X. ```{r echo = FALSE} matrix(1:30, nrow = 5, byrow = FALSE) ``` 2. Create a matrix Y by adding an independent Gaussian noise (random numbers) with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 to each entry of X. e.g. 3. Find the inverse of Y. 4. Show numerically that the matrix product of Y and its inverse is the identity matrix. # Exercise 3: Data fames 1. Create the following data frame and name it “exams”. ```{r, echo = FALSE} set.seed(123) data.frame( student = c("Alice", "Sarah", "Harry", "Ron", "Kate"), score = sample(80:100, 5), letter = sample(c("A","B"), 5, replace = TRUE), late = sample(c(T, F), 5, replace = TRUE) ) ``` 2. Compute the mean score for this exam and print it. 3. Find the student with the highest score and print the corresponding row of "exams". Hint: use the function `which.max()`.