Railway Station Problem Description Given schedule of trains and their stoppage time at a Railway Station, find minimum number of platforms needed. Note - If Train A's departure time is x and Train B's arrival time is x, then we can't accommodate Train B on the same platform as Train A. Constraints 1 <= N <= 10^5 0 <= a <= 86400 0 < b <= 86400 Number of platforms > 0 Input First line contains N denoting number of trains. Next N line contain 2 integers, a and b, denoting the arrival time and stoppage time of train. Output Single integer denoting the minimum numbers of platforms needed to accommodate every train. Time Limit 1 Examples Example 1 Input 3 10 2 5 10 13 5 Output 2 Explanation The earliest arriving train at time t = 5 will arrive at platform# 1. Since it will stay there till t = 15, train arriving at time t = 10 will arrive at platform# 2. Since it will depart at time t = 12, train arriving at time t = 13 will arrive at platform# 2.