# General Import import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms # Import settings for modules from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import * from GeneratorInterface.ExternalDecays.TauolaSettings_cff import * # Define the generator module generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter", pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False), maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1), filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0), comEnergy = cms.double(8000.0), crossSection = cms.untracked.double(1.1), ExternalDecays = cms.PSet( Tauola = cms.untracked.PSet( TauolaPolar, # tau polarisation switch on TauolaDefaultInputCards #set default TAUOLA input card ), parameterSets = cms.vstring('Tauola') ), UseExternalGenerators = cms.untracked.bool(True), PythiaParameters = cms.PSet( pythiaUESettingsBlock, processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User defined processes', 'MSUB(401) = 1 ! qqbar', 'MSUB(402) = 1 ! gg', 'MSTP(129) = 1000', # Set the masses of the higgs and tan beta 'PMAS(6,1) = 172.5 ! top quark mass', 'PMAS(37,1) = 500. ! charged Higgs mass ', 'PARU(141) = 30. ! tan beta = 30', # Switch off / on desirable channels for top quark 'MDME(41,1) = 0 ! t decay into g t', 'MDME(42,1) = 0 ! t decay into gamma t', 'MDME(43,1) = 0 ! t decay into Z0 t', 'MDME(44,1) = 0 ! t decay into W d', 'MDME(45,1) = 0 ! t decay into W s', 'MDME(46,1) = 1 ! t decay into W and b (channel is ON for tbar, OFF for t)', 'MDME(47,1) = 0 ! t decay into W b` ', 'MDME(48,1) = 0 ! t decay into h0 t', 'MDME(49,1) = 0 ! t decay into H and b (channel is ON for t, OFF for tbar)', 'MDME(50,1) = 0 ! t decay into ~chi_10 ~t_1', 'MDME(51,1) = 0 ! t decay into ~chi_20 ~t_1', 'MDME(52,1) = 0 ! t decay into ~chi_30 ~t_1', 'MDME(53,1) = 0 ! t decay into ~chi_40 ~t_1', 'MDME(54,1) = 0 ! t decay into ~g ~t_1', 'MDME(55,1) = 0 ! t decay into ~Gravitino ~t_1', # Switch off / on desirable channels for H+ 'MDME(503,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into dbar u', 'MDME(504,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into sbar c', 'MDME(505,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into bbar t', 'MDME(506,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into b`bar t`', 'MDME(507,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into e+ nu_e', 'MDME(508,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into mu+ nu_mu', 'MDME(509,1) = 1 ! H+ decay into tau+ nu_tau (channel is switched on)', 'MDME(510,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into tau`+ nu`_tau', 'MDME(511,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into W+ h0', 'MDME(512,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_10 ~chi_1+', 'MDME(513,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_10 ~chi_2+', 'MDME(514,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_20 ~chi_1+', 'MDME(515,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_20 ~chi_2+', 'MDME(516,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_30 ~chi_1+', 'MDME(517,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_30 ~chi_2+', 'MDME(518,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_40 ~chi_1+', 'MDME(519,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~chi_40 ~chi_2+', 'MDME(520,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~t_1 ~b_1bar ', 'MDME(521,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~t_2 ~b_1bar ', 'MDME(522,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~t_1 ~b_2bar ', 'MDME(523,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~t_2 ~b_2bar ', 'MDME(524,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~d_Lbar ~u_L ', 'MDME(525,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~s_Lbar ~c_L ', 'MDME(526,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~e_L+ ~nu_muL ', 'MDME(527,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~mu_L+ ~u_L ', 'MDME(528,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~tau_1+ ~nu_tauL', 'MDME(529,1) = 0 ! H+ decay into ~tau_2+ ~nu_tauL'), # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', 'processParameters') ) ) ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator) configurationMetadata = cms.untracked.PSet( version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $'), name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/GenProduction/python/EightTeV/PYTHIA_Tauola_TB_H500_8TeV_cff.py,v $'), annotation = cms.untracked.string('PYTHIA6-TB Hplus500, with Tauola at 8TeV') )