# vi: set ft=ruby : # https://docs.vagrantup.com Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # https://github.com/cmsirbu/ants config.vm.box = "cmsirbu/ants" # private management network for devices to connect to (assign .1 to host machine) # this should be vboxnet0 if you wish to interconnect to devices from examples/lab-vagrant # config.vm.network 'private_network', ip: "", netmask: 24 # 1024 is default, modify as needed # config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| # vb.memory = "1024" # vb.cpus = 2 # end # example provisioner for adding more packages # config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: <<-SHELL # pip3 install -U --user -r /vagrant/requirements.txt # SHELL end