# Enable or disable whitelist Enabled: true # Interval, in milliseconds, for checking if whitelist.txt needs to be reloaded. FileCheckInterval: 100 # Kick message! KickMessage: "&bSorry %NAME%! you are not on the &fwhitelist!" # Kick message notification (Set to blank to disable) KickMessageNotify: "%NAME% tried to joined the game, but is not on the &fwhitelist!" # Enable or disable SQL mode SqlEnable: false # SQL driver class SqlDriver: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" # Jdbc connection string SqlDriverConnection: jdbc:mysql://localhost/DATABASENAME SqlPass: PASSWORD SqlUser: USERNAME # Query for determining if a player is in the whitelist SqlQuery: "SELECT name FROM tbl_users WHERE name='<%USERNAME%>'" # Query for listing users in the database SqlQueryList: "SELECT name FROM tbl_users" # Query for adding users to the database SqlQueryAdd: "INSERT INTO tbl_users (name) VALUES ('<%USERNAME%>')" # Query for removing users from the database SqlQueryRemove: "DELETE FROM tbl_users WHERE Name='<%USERNAME%>'" #### Example queries for UUID mode #### # SqlQuery: SELECT name FROM tbl_users WHERE uuid='<%UUID%>' # SqlQueryAdd: INSERT INTO tbl_users (name,uuid,oper,time) VALUES ('<%USERNAME%>','<%UUID%>','<%OPER%>','<%TIME%>') # SqlQueryRemove: DELETE FROM tbl_users WHERE uuid='<%UUID%>' ####################################### # Connector SqlDriverJar: "lib/mysql-connector-java-bin.jar" # Check player UUID instead of name. This will convert txt file to json automatically. UUIDMode: false # Print extra stuff to the log DebugMode: false