= $p1 && $index-$p1 < sizeof($pages)) $posts = $pages[$index-$p1]; else $posts = array(); if (!empty($posts)) { $showexcerpt = nm_get_option('excerpt'); if ($filter) ob_start(); foreach ($posts as $post) nm_show_post($post->slug, $showexcerpt, false); if (sizeof($pages) > 1 && nm_get_option('shownav',true)) nm_show_navigation($index, sizeof($pages)); if ($filter) echo nm_ob_get_content(true); } else { echo '

' . i18n_r('news_manager/NO_POSTS') . '

'; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_show_archive * @param $id - unique archive id * @param $filter - if true, apply content filter * @action show posts by archive * @return true if posts shown */ function nm_show_archive($archive, $filter=true) { global $NMSETTING; $archives = nm_get_archives($NMSETTING['archivesby']); if (array_key_exists($archive, $archives)) { $showexcerpt = nm_get_option('excerpt'); $posts = $archives[$archive]; if ($filter) ob_start(); foreach ($posts as $slug) nm_show_post($slug, $showexcerpt, false); if ($filter) echo nm_ob_get_content(true); return true; } else { return false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_show_tag * @param $tag - unique tag id * @param $filter - if true, apply content filter * @action show posts by tag * @return true if posts shown */ function nm_show_tag($tag, $filter=true) { $tag = nm_lowercase_tags($tag); $tags = nm_get_tags(); if (array_key_exists($tag, $tags)) { $showexcerpt = nm_get_option('excerpt'); $posts = $tags[$tag]; if ($filter) ob_start(); foreach ($posts as $slug) nm_show_post($slug, $showexcerpt, false); if ($filter) echo nm_ob_get_content(true); return true; } else { return false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_show_tag_page * @param $tag - unique tag id * @param $index - page index (pagination) * @param $filter - if true, apply content filter * @action show posts by tag with pagination * @return true if posts shown * @since 3.0 */ function nm_show_tag_page($tag, $index=NMFIRSTPAGE, $filter=true) { global $NMPOSTSPERPAGE; $tag = nm_lowercase_tags($tag); $tags = nm_get_tags(); if (array_key_exists($tag, $tags)) { $showexcerpt = nm_get_option('excerpt'); $posts = $tags[$tag]; $p1 = intval(NMFIRSTPAGE); $index = intval($index); $pages = array_chunk($posts, intval($NMPOSTSPERPAGE), true); if ($index >= $p1 && $index-$p1 < sizeof($pages)) { $posts = $pages[$index-$p1]; if ($filter) ob_start(); foreach ($posts as $slug) nm_show_post($slug, $showexcerpt, false); if (sizeof($pages) > 1 && nm_get_option('shownav',true)) nm_show_navigation($index, sizeof($pages), $tag); if ($filter) echo nm_ob_get_content(true); return true; } } return false; } /******************************************************* * @function nm_show_search_results() * @action search posts by keyword(s) */ function nm_show_search_results() { $keywords = @explode(' ', $_POST['keywords']); $posts = nm_get_posts(); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $match = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $data = getXML(NMPOSTPATH.$post->slug.'.xml'); $content = $data->title . $data->content; if (stripos($content, $keyword) !== false) $match[] = $post; } $posts = $match; } if (!empty($posts)) { $showexcerpt = nm_get_option('excerpt'); echo '

' . i18n_r('news_manager/FOUND') . '

',PHP_EOL; foreach ($posts as $post) nm_show_post($post->slug, $showexcerpt, false); } else { echo '

' . i18n_r('news_manager/NOT_FOUND') . '

',PHP_EOL; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_reset_options * @param $pagetype news page type, can be 'single', 'main', 'archive', 'tag', 'search' or empty * @action set default or specific layout values * @since 3.0 */ function nm_reset_options($pagetype='') { global $nmoption, $NMSETTING, $NMSHOWEXCERPT; $nmoption = array(); # full/excerpt, readmore if ($NMSHOWEXCERPT == 'Y' || in_array($pagetype, array('archive','search','tag'))) { $nmoption['excerpt'] = true; if ($NMSETTING['readmore'] == 'R') $nmoption['readmore'] = true; elseif ($NMSETTING['readmore'] == 'F') $nmoption['readmore'] = 'a'; else $nmoption['readmore'] = false; } else { $nmoption['excerpt'] = false; // full post } # title link $nmoption['titlelink'] = ($NMSETTING['titlelink']=='Y' || ($NMSETTING['titlelink']=='P' && $pagetype != 'single')); # go back link if ($pagetype == 'single') { if ($NMSETTING['gobacklink'] == 'N') $nmoption['gobacklink'] = false; elseif ($NMSETTING['gobacklink'] == 'M') $nmoption['gobacklink'] = 'main'; else $nmoption['gobacklink'] = true; } # tag separator $nmoption['tagseparator'] = ' '; # author $nmoption['showauthor'] = false; $nmoption['defaultauthor'] = ''; # images if ( $NMSETTING['images'] == 'N' || ($pagetype == 'single' && $NMSETTING['images'] == 'P') || ($pagetype != 'main' && $NMSETTING['images'] == 'M') ) { $nmoption['showimages'] = false; } else { $nmoption['showimages'] = true; } $nmoption['imagewidth'] = intval($NMSETTING['imagewidth']); $nmoption['imageheight'] = intval($NMSETTING['imageheight']); $nmoption['imagecrop'] = ($NMSETTING['imagecrop'] == '1'); $nmoption['imagealt'] = ($NMSETTING['imagealt'] == '1'); $nmoption['imagelink'] = ($pagetype != 'single' && $NMSETTING['imagelink'] == '1'); $nmoption['imagetitle'] = false; $nmoption['imageexternal'] = false; $nmoption['imagedefault'] = ''; $nmoption['imagesizeattr'] = false; # custom settings if ($NMSETTING['enablecustomsettings'] == '1') { # extract settings foreach(preg_split('~\R~', $NMSETTING['customsettings']) as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line && strpos($line,'#') !== 0 && strpos($line,'//') !== 0) { // exclude empty and commented lines $arr = explode(' ',preg_replace("/[[:blank:]]+/"," ",$line)); if (count($arr) > 1) { if (in_array($arr[0], array('main','single','archive','tag','search'))) $customsettings[$arr[0]][$arr[1]] = implode(' ',array_slice($arr,2)); else $customsettings['default'][$arr[0]] = implode(' ',array_slice($arr,1)); } } } # process settings and strings foreach(array('default', $pagetype) as $type) { if (isset($customsettings[$type])) { foreach($customsettings[$type] as $key=>$value) { if (substr($value,0,1) == '"' || substr($value,0,1) == "'") $value = substr($value,1,strlen($value)-2); if (strtoupper($key) == $key) { # language string nm_set_text($key, $value); } else { # setting $nmoption[strtolower($key)] = $value; } } } } } # html tags $nmoption['markuppost'] = isset($nmoption['markuppost']) ? str_replace(array('<','>'),'',$nmoption['markuppost']) : 'div'; $nmoption['markuptitle'] = isset($nmoption['markuptitle']) ? str_replace(array('<','>'),'',$nmoption['markuptitle']) : 'h3'; # fields if (isset($nmoption['showfields'])) { $nmoption['fields'] = explode(' ',preg_replace('/ +/', ' ',trim(str_replace(',',' ',$nmoption['showfields'])))); } else { $nmoption['fields'] = array('title','date','author','image','content','tags'); } # imagesize shorthand if (isset($nmoption['imagesize'])) { if ($nmoption['imagesize'] == 0 || $nmoption['imagesize'] == 'full') { $nmoption['imagewidth'] = 0; $nmoption['imageheight'] = 0; $nmoption['imagecrop'] = 0; } else { $imageparams = explode(' ',preg_replace('/ +/', ' ',trim(str_replace(',',' ',$nmoption['imagesize'])))); $nmoption['imagewidth'] = isset($imageparams[0]) ? $imageparams[0] : 0; $nmoption['imageheight'] = isset($imageparams[1]) ? $imageparams[1] : 0; $nmoption['imagecrop'] = isset($imageparams[2]) ? $imageparams[2] : 0; } } # custom excerpt length if (isset($nmoption['excerptlength'])) { global $NMEXCERPTLENGTH; $NMEXCERPTLENGTH = $nmoption['excerptlength']; // workaround(*) } # more if (!isset($nmoption['more'])) $nmoption['more'] = false; # readmore if (!isset($nmoption['readmore'])) $nmoption['readmore'] = false; else // custom setting - anything beginning with 'a' (all, Always, ...) if (strtolower($nmoption['readmore'][0]) == 'a') $nmoption['readmore'] = 'a'; # tag pagination if (!isset($nmoption['tagpagination'])) { $nmoption['tagpagination'] = false; } else { // anything beginning with 'd' (Default, Dynamic...) or 'f' (Fancy, Folder...) $nmoption['tagpagination'] = strtolower($nmoption['tagpagination'][0]); if (!in_array($nmoption['tagpagination'], array('d','f'))) $nmoption['tagpagination'] = false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_show_post * @param $slug post slug * @param $showexcerpt - if TRUE, print only a short summary * @param $filter - if true, apply content filter * @param $single post page? * @action show the requested post on front-end news page, as defined by $nmoption values * @return true if post exists */ function nm_show_post($slug, $showexcerpt=false, $filter=true, $single=false) { global $nmoption, $nmdata; $file = NMPOSTPATH.$slug.'.xml'; if (dirname(realpath($file)) == realpath(NMPOSTPATH)) // no path traversal $post = @getXML($file); if (!empty($post) && $post->private != 'Y') { $url = nm_get_url('post') . $slug; $title = stripslashes($post->title); $date = nm_get_date(i18n_r('news_manager/DATE_FORMAT'), strtotime($post->date)); $content = strip_decode($post->content); $image = stripslashes($post->image); $tags = !empty($post->tags) ? explode(',', nm_lowercase_tags(strip_decode($post->tags))) : array(); # save post data? $nmdata = ($single) ? compact('slug', 'url', 'title', 'content', 'image', 'tags') : array(); if ($filter) ob_start(); echo ' <',$nmoption['markuppost'],' class="nm_post'; if ($single) echo ' nm_post_single'; echo '">',PHP_EOL; foreach ($nmoption['fields'] as $field) { switch($field) { case 'title': echo ' <',$nmoption['markuptitle'],' class="nm_post_title">'; if ($nmoption['titlelink']) echo '',$title,''; else echo $title; echo '',PHP_EOL; break; case 'date': echo '

',i18n_r('news_manager/PUBLISHED'),' ',$date,'

',PHP_EOL; break; case 'content': echo '
'; if ($single) { echo $content; } else { $slice = ''; $readmore = $nmoption['readmore']; if ($nmoption['more']) { $morepos = strpos($content, ''.i18n_r('news_manager/READ_MORE').'

'.PHP_EOL; } } if ($slice) { echo $slice; } else { if ($showexcerpt) { if (!$readmore) echo nm_create_excerpt($content); elseif ($readmore === 'a') echo nm_create_excerpt($content, $url, true); else echo nm_create_excerpt($content, $url); } else { echo $content; if ($readmore === 'a') echo '


',PHP_EOL; } } } echo '
',PHP_EOL; break; case 'tags': if ($tags) { echo '

' . i18n_r('news_manager/TAGS') . ': '; $sep = ''; foreach ($tags as $tag) if (substr($tag, 0, 1) != '_') { echo $sep,'',$tag,''; if ($sep == '') $sep = $nmoption['tagseparator']; } echo '

',PHP_EOL; } break; case 'image': $imageurl = $nmoption['showimages'] ? nm_get_image_url($image) : false; if ($imageurl) { $str = ''; if (isset($nmoption['imageclass'])) $str .= ' class="'.$nmoption['imageclass'].'"'; if ($nmoption['imagesizeattr'] && $nmoption['imagewidth'] && $nmoption['imageheight']) $str .= ' width="'.$nmoption['imagewidth'].'" height="'.$nmoption['imageheight'].'"'; $str .= $nmoption['imagealt'] ? ' alt="'.htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT).'"' : ' alt=""'; $str .= $nmoption['imagetitle'] ? ' title="'.htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT).'"' : ''; $str = ''; if ($nmoption['imagelink']) $str = ''.$str.''; echo '
',PHP_EOL; } break; case 'author': if ($nmoption['showauthor']) { $author = stripslashes($post->author); if (empty($author) && $nmoption['defaultauthor']) $author = $nmoption['defaultauthor']; if (!empty($author)) echo '

'.i18n_r('news_manager/AUTHOR').' '.$author.'

'.PHP_EOL; } break; } } if (isset($nmoption['componentbottompost'])) { get_component($nmoption['componentbottompost']); echo PHP_EOL; } if ($single) { # show "go back" link? if ($nmoption['gobacklink']) { $goback = ($nmoption['gobacklink'] === 'main') ? nm_get_url() : 'javascript:history.back()'; echo '

'; i18n('news_manager/GO_BACK'); echo '

',PHP_EOL; } } echo ' ',PHP_EOL; if (isset($nmoption['componentafterpost'])) { get_component($nmoption['componentafterpost']); echo PHP_EOL; } if ($filter) echo nm_ob_get_content(true); return true; } else { echo '

' . i18n_r('news_manager/NOT_EXIST') . '

',PHP_EOL; return false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_show_navigation * @param $index - current page index * @param $total - total number of subpages * @param $tag - tag to filter by (optional) * @action provides links to navigate between subpages in main news or tag page */ function nm_show_navigation($index, $total, $tag=null) { $p1 = intval(NMFIRSTPAGE); if (!$tag) { $first = nm_get_url(); $page = nm_get_url('page'); } else { $first = nm_get_url('tag').rawurlencode($tag); if (nm_get_option('tagpagination') == 'f') $page = $first.'/'.NMPARAMPAGE.'/'; else $page = $first.'&'.NMPARAMPAGE.'='; } echo '
'; if (!nm_get_option('navoldnew',false)) { $prevnext = nm_get_option('navprevnext', '1'); if (strtolower($prevnext[0]) == 'a') { // navPrevNext a[lways] $noPrev = ''.i18n_r('news_manager/PREV_TEXT').''; $noNext = ' '.i18n_r('news_manager/NEXT_TEXT').''; } else { $noPrev = ''; $noNext = ''; } if ($prevnext && $index > $p1) { echo '',i18n_r('news_manager/PREV_TEXT'),''; } else { echo $noPrev; } if (nm_get_option('navnumber',true)) { for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { if ($i+$p1 == $index) { echo ' ',$i+1,''; } else { echo ' ',$i+1,''; } } } if ($prevnext && $index < $total-1+$p1) { echo ' ',i18n_r('news_manager/NEXT_TEXT'),''; } else { echo $noNext; } } else { # Older/Newer navigation if ($index < $total-1+$p1) { ?>
$p1) { ?>
'; } /******************************************************* * @function nm_post_title * @param $before Text to place before the title. Defaults to '' * @param $after Text to place after the title. Defaults to '' * @param $echo Display (true) or return (false) * @action Display or return the post title. Returns false if not on single post page * @since 2.3 */ function nm_post_title($before='', $after='', $echo=true) { global $nmdata; if (isset($nmdata['title']) && $nmdata['title']) { $title = $before.$nmdata['title'].$after; if ($echo) echo $title; return $title; } else { return false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_post_slug * @param $echo Display (true) or return (false) * @action Display or return the post id (slug) * @return slug or false if not on single post page * @since 3.0 */ function nm_post_slug($echo=true) { global $nmdata; if (isset($nmdata['slug']) && $nmdata['slug']) { $slug = $nmdata['slug']; if ($echo) echo $slug; return $slug; } else { return false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_post_url * @param $echo Display (true) or return (false) * @action Display or return the post URL * @return URL or false if not on single post page * @since 3.0 */ function nm_post_url($echo=true) { global $nmdata; if (isset($nmdata['url']) && $nmdata['url']) { $url = $nmdata['url']; if ($echo) echo $url; return $url; } else { return false; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_post_excerpt * @param $len Length or null for default length (settings) * @param $ellipsis Custom string for the ellipsis or null for default * @param $echo Display (true) or return (false) * @action Display or return a post excerpt * @return excerpt or empty string * @since 3.0 */ function nm_post_excerpt($len=null, $ellipsis=null, $echo=true) { global $nmdata, $NMEXCERPTLENGTH, $nmoption; if (isset($nmdata['content']) && $nmdata['content']) { if (!$len) $len = isset($nmoption['excerptlength']) ? $nmoption['excerptlength'] : $NMEXCERPTLENGTH; // workaround(*) if (!$ellipsis && $ellipsis !== '') $ellipsis = i18n_r('news_manager/ELLIPSIS'); $excerpt = nm_make_excerpt($nmdata['content'], $len, $ellipsis); if ($echo) echo $excerpt; return $excerpt; } else { return ''; } } /******************************************************* * @function nm_post_image_url * @param $width or null for default width (settings) * @param $height or null for default height (settings) * @param $crop 0, 1, false or true, or null for default crop option (settings) * @param $default URL or filename of image if post has no image * @param $echo Display (true) or return (false) * @action Display or return post image URL * @return image URL or empty string * @since 3.0 */ function nm_post_image_url($width=null, $height=null, $crop=null, $default=null, $echo=true) { global $nmdata; if (isset($nmdata['image']) && $nmdata['image']) { $url = htmlspecialchars(nm_get_image_url($nmdata['image'], $width, $height, $crop, $default)); if ($echo) echo $url; return $url; } else { return ''; } } /*** frontend functions, since 3.0 @todo: descriptions ***/ // conditionals function nm_is_site() { global $nmpagetype; return in_array('site', $nmpagetype); } function nm_is_single() { global $nmpagetype; return in_array('single', $nmpagetype); } function nm_is_main() { global $nmpagetype; return in_array('main', $nmpagetype); } function nm_is_tag($tag=null) { global $nmpagetype; if (in_array('tag', $nmpagetype)) { if (!$tag) return true; else return (isset($_GET[NMPARAMTAG]) && $tag == rawurldecode($_GET[NMPARAMTAG])); } } function nm_is_archive() { global $nmpagetype; return in_array('archive', $nmpagetype); } function nm_is_search() { global $nmpagetype; return in_array('search', $nmpagetype); } function nm_is_home() { global $nmpagetype; return in_array('home', $nmpagetype); } function nm_post_has_image() { global $nmdata; return (isset($nmdata['image']) && $nmdata['image']); } // check if single post has any tag or a certain tag function nm_post_has_tag($tag=null) { global $nmdata; if ($nmdata) { if (!isset($tag) && $nmdata['tags']) return true; elseif (in_array($tag, $nmdata['tags'])) return true; } return false; } // set general option function nm_set_option($option, $value=true) { global $nmoption; if ($option) $nmoption[strtolower($option)] = $value; } // get option value, return $default if not defined function nm_get_option($option, $default=false) { global $nmoption; if ($option) { $option = strtolower($option); if (isset($nmoption[$option])) return $nmoption[$option]; else return $default; } } // images function nm_set_image_size($width=null, $height=null, $crop=false) { global $nmoption; $nmoption['imagewidth'] = $width; $nmoption['imageheight'] = $height; $nmoption['imagecrop'] = $crop; } // custom text/language strings function nm_set_text($i18nkey=null, $i18nvalue=null) { global $i18n; if ($i18nkey && $i18nvalue) $i18n['news_manager/'.$i18nkey] = $i18nvalue; } // patch for tag function nm_update_page_title() { if (!nm_is_single() || !nm_get_option('titletag',true) || function_exists('nmt_set_gstitle')) { return; } else { global $title, $nmpagetitle; $nmpagetitle = $title; $title = nm_post_title('',' - '.$title,false); } } // restore original title - <title> tag patch function nm_restore_page_title() { if (!nm_is_single() || !nm_get_option('titletag',true) || function_exists('nmt_set_gstitle')) { return; } else { global $title, $nmpagetitle; $title = $nmpagetitle; } } // get output buffer, optionally apply content filter function nm_ob_get_content($filter=true) { $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($filter) { return exec_filter('content', $output); } else { return $output; } } ?>