Donate to CnPack

Donate to CnPack

CnPack Foundation is a public, commonweal, non-business fund foundation, which comes from donation from users, payment from enterprises and other legal income, and it will be totally used for CnPack management and commonweal, charity fields, such as Education or Medical Treatment.
CnPack Project is a free, Open-Source software project. Your donation to CnPack Foundation is free, too. We promise that the payout of CnPack Foundation will be only in CnPack management and commonweal, charity fields. Detailed income and payout will be listed in our website for intendance.

How to Make a Donation (Please mark "CnPack" in donation comment):
Scan this QR Code to Make a Donation using Alipay.
Scan this QR Code to Make a Donation using WeChat.




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