// Build with g++ -std=c++11 basic-sample.cpp -lpq -lpqxx #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { try { // Connect to the "bank" database. pqxx::connection c("postgresql://maxroach@localhost:26257/bank"); pqxx::nontransaction w(c); // Create the "accounts" table. w.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts (id INT PRIMARY KEY, balance INT)"); // Insert two rows into the "accounts" table. w.exec("INSERT INTO accounts (id, balance) VALUES (1, 1000), (2, 250)"); // Print out the balances. cout << "Initial balances:" << endl; pqxx::result r = w.exec("SELECT id, balance FROM accounts"); for (auto row : r) { cout << row[0].as() << ' ' << row[1].as() << endl; } w.commit(); // Note this doesn't doesn't do anything // for a nontransaction, but is still required. } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; return 1; } cout << "Success" << endl; return 0; }