#!/usr/bin/env python3 import psycopg2 import psycopg2.errorcodes import time import logging import random def create_accounts(conn): with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts (id INT PRIMARY KEY, balance INT)') cur.execute('UPSERT INTO accounts (id, balance) VALUES (1, 1000), (2, 250)') logging.debug("create_accounts(): status message: {}".format(cur.statusmessage)) conn.commit() def print_balances(conn): with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT id, balance FROM accounts") logging.debug("print_balances(): status message: {}".format(cur.statusmessage)) rows = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() print("Balances at {}".format(time.asctime())) for row in rows: print([str(cell) for cell in row]) def delete_accounts(conn): with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("DELETE FROM bank.accounts") logging.debug("delete_accounts(): status message: {}".format(cur.statusmessage)) conn.commit() # Wrapper for a transaction. # This automatically re-calls "op" with the open transaction as an argument # as long as the database server asks for the transaction to be retried. def run_transaction(conn, op): retries = 0 max_retries = 3 with conn: while True: retries +=1 if retries == max_retries: err_msg = "Transaction did not succeed after {} retries".format(max_retries) raise ValueError(err_msg) try: op(conn) # If we reach this point, we were able to commit, so we break # from the retry loop. break except psycopg2.Error as e: logging.debug("e.pgcode: {}".format(e.pgcode)) if e.pgcode == '40001': # This is a retry error, so we roll back the current # transaction and sleep for a bit before retrying. The # sleep time increases for each failed transaction. conn.rollback() logging.debug("EXECUTE SERIALIZATION_FAILURE BRANCH") sleep_ms = (2**retries) * 0.1 * (random.random() + 0.5) logging.debug("Sleeping {} seconds".format(sleep_ms)) time.sleep(sleep_ms) continue else: logging.debug("EXECUTE NON-SERIALIZATION_FAILURE BRANCH") raise e # This function is used to test the transaction retry logic. It can be deleted # from production code. def test_retry_loop(conn): with conn.cursor() as cur: # The first statement in a transaction can be retried transparently on # the server, so we need to add a placeholder statement so that our # force_retry() statement isn't the first one. cur.execute('SELECT now()') # The function below can only be run by the root user. Trying to run # it as user 'maxroach' will fail with an error. cur.execute("SELECT crdb_internal.force_retry('1s'::INTERVAL)") logging.debug("test_retry_loop(): status message: {}".format(cur.statusmessage)) def transfer_funds(conn, frm, to, amount): with conn.cursor() as cur: # Check the current balance. cur.execute("SELECT balance FROM accounts WHERE id = " + str(frm)) from_balance = cur.fetchone()[0] if from_balance < amount: err_msg = "Insufficient funds in account {}: have {}, need {}".format(frm, from_balance, amount) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Perform the transfer. cur.execute("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - %s WHERE id = %s", (amount, frm)) cur.execute("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + %s WHERE id = %s", (amount, to)) conn.commit() logging.debug("transfer_funds(): status message: {}".format(cur.statusmessage)) def main(): conn = psycopg2.connect( database='bank', user='maxroach', sslmode='require', sslrootcert='certs/ca.crt', sslkey='certs/client.maxroach.key', sslcert='certs/client.maxroach.crt', port=26257, host='localhost' ) # Uncomment the below to turn on logging to the console. This was useful # when testing transaction retry handling. It is not necessary for # production code. # log_level = getattr(logging, 'DEBUG', None) # logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) create_accounts(conn) print_balances(conn) amount = 100 fromId = 1 toId = 2 try: run_transaction(conn, lambda conn: transfer_funds(conn, fromId, toId, amount)) # The function below is used to test the transaction retry logic. It # can be deleted from production code. # run_transaction(conn, lambda conn: test_retry_loop(conn)) except ValueError as ve: # Below, we print the error and continue on so this example is easy to # run (and run, and run...). In real code you should handle this error # and any others thrown by the database interaction. logging.debug("run_transaction(conn, op) failed: {}".format(ve)) pass print_balances(conn) delete_accounts(conn) # Close communication with the database. conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()