from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.generic import View from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.db import Error, IntegrityError from django.db.transaction import atomic from psycopg2 import errorcodes import json import sys import time from .models import * # Warning: Do not use retry_on_exception in an inner nested transaction. def retry_on_exception(num_retries=3, on_failure=HttpResponse(status=500), delay_=0.5, backoff_=1.5): def retry(view): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): delay = delay_ for i in range(num_retries): try: return view(*args, **kwargs) except IntegrityError as ex: if i == num_retries - 1: return on_failure elif getattr(ex.__cause__, 'pgcode', '') == errorcodes.SERIALIZATION_FAILURE: time.sleep(delay) delay *= backoff_ except Error as ex: return on_failure return wrapper return retry class PingView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return HttpResponse("python/django", status=200) @method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class CustomersView(View): def get(self, request, id=None, *args, **kwargs): if id is None: customers = list(Customers.objects.values()) else: customers = list(Customers.objects.filter(id=id).values()) return JsonResponse(customers, safe=False) @retry_on_exception(3) @atomic def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): form_data = json.loads(request.body.decode()) name = form_data['name'] c = Customers(name=name) return HttpResponse(status=200) @retry_on_exception(3) @atomic def delete(self, request, id=None, *args, **kwargs): if id is None: return HttpResponse(status=404) Customers.objects.filter(id=id).delete() return HttpResponse(status=200) # The PUT method is shadowed by the POST method, so there doesn't seem # to be a reason to include it. @method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class ProductView(View): def get(self, request, id=None, *args, **kwargs): if id is None: products = list(Products.objects.values()) else: products = list(Products.objects.filter(id=id).values()) return JsonResponse(products, safe=False) @retry_on_exception(3) @atomic def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): form_data = json.loads(request.body.decode()) name, price = form_data['name'], form_data['price'] p = Products(name=name, price=price) return HttpResponse(status=200) # The REST API outlined in the github does not say that /product/ needs # a PUT and DELETE method @method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class OrdersView(View): def get(self, request, id=None, *args, **kwargs): if id is None: orders = list(Orders.objects.values()) else: orders = list(Orders.objects.filter(id=id).values()) return JsonResponse(orders, safe=False) @retry_on_exception(3) @atomic def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): form_data = json.loads(request.body.decode()) c = Customers.objects.get(id=form_data['customer']['id']) o = Orders(subtotal=form_data['subtotal'], customer=c) for p in form_data['products']: p = Products.objects.get(id=p['id']) o.product.add(p) return HttpResponse(status=200)