package main import ( "fmt" "log" "math" "math/rand" "time" // Import GORM-related packages. "" _ "" // Necessary in order to check for transaction retry error codes. "" ) // Account is our model, which corresponds to the "accounts" database // table. type Account struct { ID int `gorm:"primary_key"` Balance int } // Functions of type `txnFunc` are passed as arguments to our // `runTransaction` wrapper that handles transaction retries for us // (see implementation below). type txnFunc func(*gorm.DB) error // This function is used for testing the transaction retry loop. It // can be deleted from production code. var forceRetryLoop txnFunc = func(db *gorm.DB) error { // The first statement in a transaction can be retried transparently // on the server, so we need to add a placeholder statement so that our // force_retry statement isn't the first one. if err := db.Exec("SELECT now()").Error; err != nil { return err } // Used to force a transaction retry. if err := db.Exec("SELECT crdb_internal.force_retry('1s'::INTERVAL)").Error; err != nil { return err } return nil } func transferFunds(db *gorm.DB, fromID int, toID int, amount int) error { var fromAccount Account var toAccount Account db.First(&fromAccount, fromID) db.First(&toAccount, toID) if fromAccount.Balance < amount { return fmt.Errorf("account %d balance %d is lower than transfer amount %d", fromAccount.ID, fromAccount.Balance, amount) } fromAccount.Balance -= amount toAccount.Balance += amount if err := db.Save(&fromAccount).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Save(&toAccount).Error; err != nil { return err } return nil } func main() { // Connect to the "bank" database as the "maxroach" user. const addr = "postgresql://maxroach@localhost:26257/bank?sslmode=disable" db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", addr) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer db.Close() // Set to `true` and GORM will print out all DB queries. db.LogMode(false) // Automatically create the "accounts" table based on the Account // model. db.AutoMigrate(&Account{}) // Insert two rows into the "accounts" table. var fromID = 1 var toID = 2 db.Create(&Account{ID: fromID, Balance: 1000}) db.Create(&Account{ID: toID, Balance: 250}) // The sequence of steps in this section is: // 1. Print account balances. // 2. Set up some Accounts and transfer funds between them inside // a transaction. // 3. Print account balances again to verify the transfer occurred. // Print balances before transfer. printBalances(db) // The amount to be transferred between the accounts. var amount = 100 // Transfer funds between accounts. To handle potential // transaction retry errors, we wrap the call to `transferFunds` // in `runTransaction`, a wrapper which implements a retry loop // with exponential backoff around our access to the database (see // the implementation for details). if err := runTransaction(db, func(*gorm.DB) error { return transferFunds(db, fromID, toID, amount) }, ); err != nil { // If the error is returned, it's either: // 1. Not a transaction retry error, i.e., some other kind // of database error that you should handle here. // 2. A transaction retry error that has occurred more than // N times (defined by the `maxRetries` variable inside // `runTransaction`), in which case you will need to figure // out why your database access is resulting in so much // contention (see 'Understanding and avoiding transaction // contention': // fmt.Println(err) } // Print balances after transfer to ensure that it worked. printBalances(db) // Delete accounts so we can start fresh when we want to run this // program again. deleteAccounts(db) } // Wrapper for a transaction. This automatically re-calls `fn` with // the open transaction as an argument as long as the database server // asks for the transaction to be retried. func runTransaction(db *gorm.DB, fn txnFunc) error { var maxRetries = 3 for retries := 0; retries <= maxRetries; retries++ { if retries == maxRetries { return fmt.Errorf("hit max of %d retries, aborting", retries) } txn := db.Begin() if err := fn(txn); err != nil { // We need to cast GORM's db.Error to *pq.Error so we can // detect the Postgres transaction retry error code and // handle retries appropriately. pqErr := err.(*pq.Error) if pqErr.Code == "40001" { // Since this is a transaction retry error, we // ROLLBACK the transaction and sleep a little before // trying again. Each time through the loop we sleep // for a little longer than the last time // (A.K.A. exponential backoff). txn.Rollback() var sleepMs = math.Pow(2, float64(retries)) * 100 * (rand.Float64() + 0.5) fmt.Printf("Hit 40001 transaction retry error, sleeping %s milliseconds\n", sleepMs) time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(sleepMs)) } else { // If it's not a retry error, it's some other sort of // DB interaction error that needs to be handled by // the caller. return err } } else { // All went well, so we try to commit and break out of the // retry loop if possible. if err := txn.Commit().Error; err != nil { pqErr := err.(*pq.Error) if pqErr.Code == "40001" { // However, our attempt to COMMIT could also // result in a retry error, in which case we // continue back through the loop and try again. continue } else { // If it's not a retry error, it's some other sort // of DB interaction error that needs to be // handled by the caller. return err } } break } } return nil } func printBalances(db *gorm.DB) { var accounts []Account db.Find(&accounts) fmt.Printf("Balance at '%s':\n", time.Now()) for _, account := range accounts { fmt.Printf("%d %d\n", account.ID, account.Balance) } } func deleteAccounts(db *gorm.DB) error { // Used to tear down the accounts table so we can re-run this // program. err := db.Exec("DELETE from accounts where ID > 0").Error if err != nil { return err } return nil }