import random from math import floor from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from cockroachdb.sqlalchemy import run_transaction Base = declarative_base() # The Account class corresponds to the "accounts" database table. class Account(Base): __tablename__ = 'accounts' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) balance = Column(Integer) # Create an engine to communicate with the database. The # "cockroachdb://" prefix for the engine URL indicates that we are # connecting to CockroachDB using the 'cockroachdb' dialect. # For more information, see # secure_cluster = True # Set to False for insecure clusters connect_args = {} if secure_cluster: connect_args = { 'sslmode': 'require', 'sslrootcert': 'certs/ca.crt', 'sslkey': 'certs/client.maxroach.key', 'sslcert': 'certs/client.maxroach.crt' } else: connect_args = {'sslmode': 'disable'} engine = create_engine( 'cockroachdb://maxroach@localhost:26257/bank', connect_args=connect_args, echo=True # Log SQL queries to stdout ) # Automatically create the "accounts" table based on the Account class. Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # Store the account IDs we create for later use. seen_account_ids = set() # The code below generates random IDs for new accounts. def create_random_accounts(sess, n): """Create N new accounts with random IDs and random account balances. Note that since this is a demo, we do not do any work to ensure the new IDs do not collide with existing IDs. """ new_accounts = [] elems = iter(range(n)) for i in elems: billion = 1000000000 new_id = floor(random.random()*billion) seen_account_ids.add(new_id) new_accounts.append( Account( id=new_id, balance=floor(random.random()*1000000) ) ) sess.add_all(new_accounts) run_transaction(sessionmaker(bind=engine), lambda s: create_random_accounts(s, 100)) # Helper for getting random existing account IDs. def get_random_account_id(): id = random.choice(tuple(seen_account_ids)) return id def transfer_funds_randomly(session): """Transfer money randomly between accounts (during SESSION). Cuts a randomly selected account's balance in half, and gives the other half to some other randomly selected account. """ source_id = get_random_account_id() sink_id = get_random_account_id() source = session.query(Account).filter_by(id=source_id).one() amount = floor(source.balance/2) # Check balance of the first account. if source.balance < amount: raise "Insufficient funds" source.balance -= amount session.query(Account).filter_by(id=sink_id).update( {"balance": (Account.balance + amount)} ) # Run the transfer inside a transaction. run_transaction(sessionmaker(bind=engine), transfer_funds_randomly)