import json import psycopg2 import requests import time conn = psycopg2.connect(database="jsonb_test", user="maxroach", host="localhost", port=26257) conn.set_session(autocommit=True) cur = conn.cursor() # The Reddit API wants us to tell it where to start from. The first request # we just say "null" to say "from the start"; subsequent requests will use # the value received from the last call. url = "" after = {"after": "null"} for n in range(300): # First, make a request to reddit using the appropriate "after" string. req = requests.get(url, params=after, headers={"User-Agent": "Python"}) # Decode the JSON and set "after" for the next request. resp = req.json() after = {"after": str(resp['data']['after'])} # Convert the JSON to a string to send to the database. data = json.dumps(resp) # The JSON reddit returns looks like this: # { # "data": { # "children": [ ... ] # }, # "after": ... # } # We structure our query so that we extract the `children` field, and then # expand that and insert each individual element into the database as a # separate row. cur.execute("""INSERT INTO jsonb_test.programming (posts) SELECT json_array_elements(%s->'data'->'children')""", (data,)) # Reddit limits to 30 requests per minute, so do not do any more than that. time.sleep(2) cur.close() conn.close()