(ns test.test (:require [clojure.java.jdbc :as j] [test.util :as util])) ;; Define the connection parameters to the cluster. (def db-spec {:subprotocol "postgresql" :subname "//localhost:26257/bank" :user "maxroach" :password ""}) (defn test-basic [] ;; Connect to the cluster and run the code below with ;; the connection object bound to 'conn'. (j/with-db-connection [conn db-spec] ;; Insert two rows into the "accounts" table. (j/insert! conn :accounts {:id 1 :balance 1000}) (j/insert! conn :accounts {:id 2 :balance 250}) ;; Print out the balances. (println "Initial balances:") (->> (j/query conn ["SELECT id, balance FROM accounts"]) (map println) doall) ;; The database connection is automatically closed by with-db-connection. )) (defn -main [& args] (test-basic))