package com.cockroachlabs; import com.cockroachlabs.example.jooq.db.Tables; import com.cockroachlabs.example.jooq.db.tables.records.AccountsRecord; import org.jooq.DSLContext; import org.jooq.SQLDialect; import org.jooq.Source; import org.jooq.conf.RenderQuotedNames; import org.jooq.conf.Settings; import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException; import org.jooq.impl.DSL; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Function; import static com.cockroachlabs.example.jooq.db.Tables.ACCOUNTS; public class Sample { private static final Random RAND = new Random(); private static final boolean FORCE_RETRY = false; private static final String RETRY_SQL_STATE = "40001"; private static final int MAX_ATTEMPT_COUNT = 6; private static Function addAccounts() { return ctx -> { long rv = 0; ctx.delete(ACCOUNTS).execute(); ctx.batchInsert( new AccountsRecord(1L, 1000L), new AccountsRecord(2L, 250L), new AccountsRecord(3L, 314159L) ).execute(); rv = 1; System.out.printf("APP: addAccounts() --> %d\n", rv); return rv; }; } private static Function transferFunds(long fromId, long toId, long amount) { return ctx -> { long rv = 0; AccountsRecord fromAccount = ctx.fetchSingle(ACCOUNTS, ACCOUNTS.ID.eq(fromId)); AccountsRecord toAccount = ctx.fetchSingle(ACCOUNTS, ACCOUNTS.ID.eq(toId)); if (!(amount > fromAccount.getBalance())) { fromAccount.setBalance(fromAccount.getBalance() - amount); toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount); ctx.batchUpdate(fromAccount, toAccount).execute(); rv = amount; System.out.printf("APP: transferFunds(%d, %d, %d) --> %d\n", fromId, toId, amount, rv); } return rv; }; } // Test our retry handling logic if FORCE_RETRY is true. This // method is only used to test the retry logic. It is not // intended for production code. private static Function forceRetryLogic() { return ctx -> { long rv = -1; try { System.out.printf("APP: testRetryLogic: BEFORE EXCEPTION\n"); ctx.execute("SELECT crdb_internal.force_retry('1s')"); } catch (DataAccessException e) { System.out.printf("APP: testRetryLogic: AFTER EXCEPTION\n"); throw e; } return rv; }; } private static Function getAccountBalance(long id) { return ctx -> { AccountsRecord account = ctx.fetchSingle(ACCOUNTS, ACCOUNTS.ID.eq(id)); long balance = account.getBalance(); System.out.printf("APP: getAccountBalance(%d) --> %d\n", id, balance); return balance; }; } // Run SQL code in a way that automatically handles the // transaction retry logic so we do not have to duplicate it in // various places. private static long runTransaction(DSLContext session, Function fn) { AtomicLong rv = new AtomicLong(0L); AtomicInteger attemptCount = new AtomicInteger(0); while (attemptCount.get() < MAX_ATTEMPT_COUNT) { attemptCount.incrementAndGet(); if (attemptCount.get() > 1) { System.out.printf("APP: Entering retry loop again, iteration %d\n", attemptCount.get()); } if (session.connectionResult(connection -> { connection.setAutoCommit(false); System.out.printf("APP: BEGIN;\n"); if (attemptCount.get() == MAX_ATTEMPT_COUNT) { String err = String.format("hit max of %s attempts, aborting", MAX_ATTEMPT_COUNT); throw new RuntimeException(err); } // This block is only used to test the retry logic. // It is not necessary in production code. See also // the method 'testRetryLogic()'. if (FORCE_RETRY) { session.fetch("SELECT now()"); } try { rv.set(fn.apply(session)); if (rv.get() != -1) { connection.commit(); System.out.printf("APP: COMMIT;\n"); return true; } } catch (DataAccessException | SQLException e) { String sqlState = e instanceof SQLException ? ((SQLException) e).getSQLState() : ((DataAccessException) e).sqlState(); if (RETRY_SQL_STATE.equals(sqlState)) { // Since this is a transaction retry error, we // roll back the transaction and sleep a little // before trying again. Each time through the // loop we sleep for a little longer than the last // time (A.K.A. exponential backoff). System.out.printf("APP: retryable exception occurred:\n sql state = [%s]\n message = [%s]\n retry counter = %s\n", sqlState, e.getMessage(), attemptCount.get()); System.out.printf("APP: ROLLBACK;\n"); connection.rollback(); int sleepMillis = (int)(Math.pow(2, attemptCount.get()) * 100) + RAND.nextInt(100); System.out.printf("APP: Hit 40001 transaction retry error, sleeping %s milliseconds\n", sleepMillis); try { Thread.sleep(sleepMillis); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { // no-op } rv.set(-1L); } else { throw e; } } return false; })) { break; } } return rv.get(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:26257/bank?sslmode=disable", "maxroach", "" )) { DSLContext ctx = DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.COCKROACHDB, new Settings() .withExecuteLogging(true) .withRenderQuotedNames(RenderQuotedNames.NEVER)); // Initialise database with db.sql script try (InputStream in = Sample.class.getResourceAsStream("/db.sql")) { ctx.parser().parse(Source.of(in).readString()).executeBatch(); } long fromAccountId = 1; long toAccountId = 2; long transferAmount = 100; if (FORCE_RETRY) { System.out.printf("APP: About to test retry logic in 'runTransaction'\n"); runTransaction(ctx, forceRetryLogic()); } else { runTransaction(ctx, addAccounts()); long fromBalance = runTransaction(ctx, getAccountBalance(fromAccountId)); long toBalance = runTransaction(ctx, getAccountBalance(toAccountId)); if (fromBalance != -1 && toBalance != -1) { // Success! System.out.printf("APP: getAccountBalance(%d) --> %d\n", fromAccountId, fromBalance); System.out.printf("APP: getAccountBalance(%d) --> %d\n", toAccountId, toBalance); } // Transfer $100 from account 1 to account 2 long transferResult = runTransaction(ctx, transferFunds(fromAccountId, toAccountId, transferAmount)); if (transferResult != -1) { // Success! System.out.printf("APP: transferFunds(%d, %d, %d) --> %d \n", fromAccountId, toAccountId, transferAmount, transferResult); long fromBalanceAfter = runTransaction(ctx, getAccountBalance(fromAccountId)); long toBalanceAfter = runTransaction(ctx, getAccountBalance(toAccountId)); if (fromBalanceAfter != -1 && toBalanceAfter != -1) { // Success! System.out.printf("APP: getAccountBalance(%d) --> %d\n", fromAccountId, fromBalanceAfter); System.out.printf("APP: getAccountBalance(%d) --> %d\n", toAccountId, toBalanceAfter); } } } } } }