global: # Contact our support to get the docker secrets imagePullSecrets: - name: docker-credentials codacy: url: <--- ---> # This value is important for VCS configuration and badges to work backendUrl: <--- ---> # This value is important for VCS configuration and badges to work crow: url: <--- ---> # This value is important for the loopback links between the Analysis System and Crow play: cryptoSecret: <--- generated-secret ---> # Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` akka: sessionSecret: <--- generated-secret ---> # Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` filestore: contentsSecret: <--- generated-secret ---> # Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` uuidSecret: <--- generated-secret ---> # Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` cacheSecret: <--- generated-secret ---> # Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` workerManager: workers: config: dedicatedMax: 2 inactivityTimeout: 20 analysis: maxFileSizeBytes: 150000 # These values are in seconds pluginTimeout: min: 300 max: 900 workerResources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: "3Gi" requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: "1Gi" pluginResources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2000000000 # 2000Mb requests: cpu: 1 memory: 2000000000 # 2000Mb defaultdb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: accounts # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> analysisdb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: analysis # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> resultsdb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: results # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> metricsdb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: metrics # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> filestoredb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: filestore # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> jobsdb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: jobs # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> crowdb: create: false host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: crow # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> fullnameOverride: codacy-crowdb # github: # enabled: "false" # login: "false" # Show login button for GitHub Cloud # clientId: "" # Client ID # clientSecret: "" # Client secret # app: # name: "codacy" # GitHub App name # id: "1234" # App ID # privateKey: "" # Contents of the .pem file without newlines # githubEnterprise: # enabled: "false" # login: "false" # Show login button for GitHub Enterprise # hostname: "" # Hostname of your GitHub Enterprise instance # protocol: "https" # Protocol of your GitHub Enterprise instance # port: 443 # Port of your GitHub Enterprise instance # disableSSL: "false" # Disable certificate validation # isPrivateMode: "true" # Status of private mode on your GitHub Enterprise instance # clientId: "" # GitHub App Client ID # clientSecret: "" # GitHub App Client secret # app: # name: "codacy" # GitHub App name # id: "1234" # GitHub App ID # privateKey: "" # Contents of the .pem file without newlines # gitlab: # enabled: "false" # login: "false" # Show login button for GitLab Cloud # clientId: "" # Application ID # clientSecret: "" # Secret # gitlabEnterprise: # enabled: "false" # login: "false" # Show login button for GitLab Enterprise # hostname: "" # Hostname of your GitLab Enterprise instance # protocol: "https" # Protocol of your GitLab Enterprise instance # port: 443 # Port of your GitLab Enterprise instance # clientId: "" # Application ID # clientSecret: "" # Secret # bitbucket: # enabled: "false" # login: "false" # Show login button for Bitbucket Cloud # key: "" # OAuth consumer key # secret: "" # OAuth consumer secret # bitbucketEnterprise: # enabled: "false" # login: "false" # Show login button for Bitbucket Server # hostname: "" # Hostname of your Bitbucket Server instance # protocol: "http" # Protocol of your Bitbucket Server instance # port: 7990 # Port of your Bitbucket Server instance # consumerKey: "" # Generated when creating the Bitbucket Server application link # consumerPublicKey: "" # Generated when creating the Bitbucket Server application link # consumerPrivateKey: "" # Generated when creating the Bitbucket Server application link # email: # enabled: "false" # replyTo: "" # Reply-to field on sent emails # smtp: # protocol: "smtp" # SMTP protocol to use, either smtps or smtp # hostname: "" # Hostname of your SMTP server # # username: "" # Optional username to authenticate on your SMTP server # # password: "" # Optional password to authenticate on your SMTP server # # port: 25 # Optional port of your SMTP server, the default is 25 codacy-ingress: create: true ingress: hostname: app: <--- ---> # Codacy application DNS hostname api: <--- ---> # Codacy API DNS hostname annotations: "nginx" "true" ## ## If using TLS uncomment this section and create the required secret. ## For instance, if you'll be using a self-signed certificate this can be done running: ## ## openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 10000 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout k8s-tls.key -out k8s-tls.crt -subj "/CN=YOUR_CODACY_DNS_HOSTNAME" ## kubectl create secret tls codacy-ingress-tls-secret --namespace codacy --key k8s-tls.key --cert k8s-tls.crt ## ## For further information please see ## # tls: # secretName: codacy-ingress-tls-secret # hosts: # - host: <--- ---> # Codacy application and API DNS hostname codacy-api: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 2000Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 500Mi ## By default, Codacy includes a temporary license for a limited number of users. ## Uncomment these annotations to enter a production license provided by a Codacy representative. # config: # license: <--- insert your Codacy license here ---> portal: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 200Mi remote-provider-service: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 750Mi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 200Mi listener: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 2 memory: 8Gi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 1000Mi listenerdb: create: false postgresqlUsername: <--- codacy-db-username ---> postgresqlDatabase: listener # You need to create the DB manually postgresqlPassword: <--- codacy-db-password ---> host: <--- codacy-db-host ---> service: port: <--- codacy-db-port ---> persistence: claim: size: 140Gi nfsserverprovisioner: enabled: true persistence: enabled: true size: 200Gi resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: 500Mi engine: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 15000Mi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 500Mi codacy-tools: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: 500Mi worker-manager: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 1000Mi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 200Mi crow: replicaCount: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2Gi requests: cpu: 0.1 memory: 100Mi fullnameOverride: codacy-crow config: play: http: context: "/monitoring" codacy-spa: replicaCount: 2 resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 1000Mi requests: cpu: 250m memory: 128Mi rabbitmq-ha: replicaCount: 1 rabbitmqErlangCookie: <--- erlang-cookie ---> # Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` persistentVolume: enabled: true size: 8Gi resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 1200Mi requests: cpu: 0.2 memory: 200Mi minio: persistence: enabled: true size: 40Gi resources: requests: memory: 1.5Gi