

So far we’ve only worked with data stored locally in-memory as data frames. However there are also situations where you want to work with data stored in an external database. Databases are generally stored remotely on-disk, as opposed to in memory. If your data is already stored in a database, or if you have too much data to fit it all into memory simultaneously, you need a way to access it. Fortunately for you, dplyr offers support for on-disk databases through dbplyr.


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a means of communicating with a relational database management system. There are different types of SQL databases which offer varying functionality:

Databases can also be stored across many platforms. Some types of databases (such as SQLite) can be stored as a single file and loaded in-memory like a data frame. However for large or extremely complex databases, a local computer is insufficient. Instead, one uses a distributed computing platform to store their database in the cloud. Examples include the UChicago Research Computing Center (RCC), Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform. Note that hosting platforms not typically free (though you can request an account with RCC as a student).

Getting started with SQLite

First you need to install dbplyr:


Depending on the type of database, you also need to install the appropriate database interface (DBI) package. The DBI package provides the necessary interface between the database and dplyr. Five commonly used backends are:

  • RMySQL connects to MySQL and MariaDB
  • RPostgreSQL connects to Postgres and Redshift.
  • RSQLite embeds a SQLite database.
  • odbc connects to many commercial databases via the open database connectivity protocol.
  • bigrquery connects to Google’s BigQuery.

Connecting to the database

Let’s create a local SQLite database using the flights data.

my_db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), path = ":memory:")

The first argument to DBI::dbConnect() is the database backend. SQLite only requires one other argument: the path to the database. Here, we use :memory: to create a temporary in-memory database.

To add data to the database, use copy_to(). Let’s stock the database with nycflights13::flights:

        temporary = FALSE,
        indexes = list(
          c("year", "month", "day"),

Now that we copied the data, we can use tbl() to reference a specific table inside the database:

flights_db <- tbl(my_db, "flights")
## # Source:   table<flights> [?? x 19]
## # Database: sqlite 3.19.3 []
##     year month   day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time
##    <int> <int> <int>    <int>          <int>     <dbl>    <int>
##  1  2013     1     1      517            515         2      830
##  2  2013     1     1      533            529         4      850
##  3  2013     1     1      542            540         2      923
##  4  2013     1     1      544            545        -1     1004
##  5  2013     1     1      554            600        -6      812
##  6  2013     1     1      554            558        -4      740
##  7  2013     1     1      555            600        -5      913
##  8  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      709
##  9  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      838
## 10  2013     1     1      558            600        -2      753
## # ... with more rows, and 12 more variables: sched_arr_time <int>,
## #   arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <int>, tailnum <chr>,
## #   origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>,
## #   minute <dbl>, time_hour <dbl>

Basic verbs

select(flights_db, year:day, dep_delay, arr_delay)
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 5]
## # Database: sqlite 3.19.3 []
##     year month   day dep_delay arr_delay
##    <int> <int> <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1  2013     1     1         2        11
##  2  2013     1     1         4        20
##  3  2013     1     1         2        33
##  4  2013     1     1        -1       -18
##  5  2013     1     1        -6       -25
##  6  2013     1     1        -4        12
##  7  2013     1     1        -5        19
##  8  2013     1     1        -3       -14
##  9  2013     1     1        -3        -8
## 10  2013     1     1        -2         8
## # ... with more rows
filter(flights_db, dep_delay > 240)
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 19]
## # Database: sqlite 3.19.3 []
##     year month   day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time
##    <int> <int> <int>    <int>          <int>     <dbl>    <int>
##  1  2013     1     1      848           1835       853     1001
##  2  2013     1     1     1815           1325       290     2120
##  3  2013     1     1     1842           1422       260     1958
##  4  2013     1     1     2115           1700       255     2330
##  5  2013     1     1     2205           1720       285       46
##  6  2013     1     1     2343           1724       379      314
##  7  2013     1     2     1332            904       268     1616
##  8  2013     1     2     1412            838       334     1710
##  9  2013     1     2     1607           1030       337     2003
## 10  2013     1     2     2131           1512       379     2340
## # ... with more rows, and 12 more variables: sched_arr_time <int>,
## #   arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <int>, tailnum <chr>,
## #   origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>,
## #   minute <dbl>, time_hour <dbl>
arrange(flights_db, year, month, day)
## # Source:     table<flights> [?? x 19]
## # Database:   sqlite 3.19.3 []
## # Ordered by: year, month, day
##     year month   day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time
##    <int> <int> <int>    <int>          <int>     <dbl>    <int>
##  1  2013     1     1      517            515         2      830
##  2  2013     1     1      533            529         4      850
##  3  2013     1     1      542            540         2      923
##  4  2013     1     1      544            545        -1     1004
##  5  2013     1     1      554            600        -6      812
##  6  2013     1     1      554            558        -4      740
##  7  2013     1     1      555            600        -5      913
##  8  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      709
##  9  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      838
## 10  2013     1     1      558            600        -2      753
## # ... with more rows, and 12 more variables: sched_arr_time <int>,
## #   arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <int>, tailnum <chr>,
## #   origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>,
## #   minute <dbl>, time_hour <dbl>
mutate(flights_db, speed = air_time / distance)
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 20]
## # Database: sqlite 3.19.3 []
##     year month   day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time
##    <int> <int> <int>    <int>          <int>     <dbl>    <int>
##  1  2013     1     1      517            515         2      830
##  2  2013     1     1      533            529         4      850
##  3  2013     1     1      542            540         2      923
##  4  2013     1     1      544            545        -1     1004
##  5  2013     1     1      554            600        -6      812
##  6  2013     1     1      554            558        -4      740
##  7  2013     1     1      555            600        -5      913
##  8  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      709
##  9  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      838
## 10  2013     1     1      558            600        -2      753
## # ... with more rows, and 13 more variables: sched_arr_time <int>,
## #   arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <int>, tailnum <chr>,
## #   origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>,
## #   minute <dbl>, time_hour <dbl>, speed <dbl>
summarise(flights_db, delay = mean(dep_time))
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
## # Database: sqlite 3.19.3 []
##     delay
##     <dbl>
## 1 1349.11

The commands are generally the same as you would use in dplyr. The only difference is that dplyr converts your R commands into SQL syntax:

select(flights_db, year:day, dep_delay, arr_delay) %>%
## <SQL>
## SELECT `year` AS `year`, `month` AS `month`, `day` AS `day`, `dep_delay` AS `dep_delay`, `arr_delay` AS `arr_delay`
## FROM `flights`

dbplyr is also lazy:

  • It never pulls data into R unless you explicitly ask for it
  • It delays doing any work until the last possible moment: it collects together everything you want to do and then sends it to the database in one step.
c1 <- filter(flights_db, year == 2013, month == 1, day == 1)
c2 <- select(c1, year, month, day, carrier, dep_delay, air_time, distance)
c3 <- mutate(c2, speed = distance / air_time * 60)
c4 <- arrange(c3, year, month, day, carrier)

Nothing has actually gone to the database yet.

## # Source:     lazy query [?? x 8]
## # Database:   sqlite 3.19.3 []
## # Ordered by: year, month, day, carrier
##     year month   day carrier dep_delay air_time distance    speed
##    <int> <int> <int>   <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  2013     1     1      9E         0      189     1029 326.6667
##  2  2013     1     1      9E        -9       57      228 240.0000
##  3  2013     1     1      9E        -3       68      301 265.5882
##  4  2013     1     1      9E        -6       57      209 220.0000
##  5  2013     1     1      9E        -8       66      264 240.0000
##  6  2013     1     1      9E         0       40      184 276.0000
##  7  2013     1     1      9E         6      146      740 304.1096
##  8  2013     1     1      9E         0      139      665 287.0504
##  9  2013     1     1      9E        -8      150      765 306.0000
## 10  2013     1     1      9E        -6       41      187 273.6585
## # ... with more rows

Now we finally communicate with the database, but only retrieved the first 10 rows (notice the ?? in query [?? x 8]). This is a built-in feature to avoid downloading an extremely large data frame our machine cannot handle. To obtain the full results, use collect():

## # A tibble: 842 x 8
##     year month   day carrier dep_delay air_time distance    speed
##    <int> <int> <int>   <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1  2013     1     1      9E         0      189     1029 326.6667
##  2  2013     1     1      9E        -9       57      228 240.0000
##  3  2013     1     1      9E        -3       68      301 265.5882
##  4  2013     1     1      9E        -6       57      209 220.0000
##  5  2013     1     1      9E        -8       66      264 240.0000
##  6  2013     1     1      9E         0       40      184 276.0000
##  7  2013     1     1      9E         6      146      740 304.1096
##  8  2013     1     1      9E         0      139      665 287.0504
##  9  2013     1     1      9E        -8      150      765 306.0000
## 10  2013     1     1      9E        -6       41      187 273.6585
## # ... with 832 more rows

Google Bigquery

Google Bigquery is a distributed cloud platform for data warehousing and analytics. It can scan terabytes of data in seconds and petabytes in minutes. It has flexible pricing that scales depending on your demand on their resources, and could cost as little as pennies, though depending on your computation may cost more.

Interacting with Google Bigquery via dplyr

Google Bigquery hosts several public (and free) datasets. One is the NYC Taxi and Limousine Trips dataset, which contains trip records from all trips completed in yellow and green taxis in NYC from 2009 to 2015. Records include fields capturing pick-up and drop-off dates/times, pick-up and drop-off locations, trip distances, itemized fares, rate types, payment types, and driver-reported passenger counts. The dataset itself is hundreds of gigabytes and could never be loaded on a desktop machine. But fortunately we can harness the power of the cloud.

To connect to the database, we use the bigrquery library and bigrquery::bigquery():


taxi <- DBI::dbConnect(bigrquery::bigquery(),
                       project = "nyc-tlc",
                       dataset = "yellow",
                       billing = getOption("bigquery_id"))
## <BigQueryConnection>
##   Dataset: nyc-tlc:yellow
  • project - the project that is hosting the data
  • dataset - the specific database to be accessed
  • billing - your unique id to access the data (and be charged if you run too many queries or use to much computing power). You need to create an account in order to use BigQuery, even if you want to access the free datasets. I stored mine in .Rprofile using options().1

First lets determine in 2014, how many trips per taken each month in yellow cabs? The SQL syntax is:

  LEFT(STRING(pickup_datetime), 7) month,
  COUNT(*) trips
  YEAR(pickup_datetime) = 2014

In dbplyr, we use:

  trips_by_month <- taxi %>%
    tbl("trips") %>%
    filter(year(pickup_datetime) == 2014) %>%
    mutate(month = month(pickup_datetime)) %>%
    count(month) %>%
    arrange(month) %>%
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.270   0.013   3.657
## # A tibble: 12 x 2
##    month        n
##    <int>    <int>
##  1     1 13782492
##  2     2 13063791
##  3     3 15428127
##  4     4 14618759
##  5     5 14774041
##  6     6 13813029
##  7     7 13106365
##  8     8 12688877
##  9     9 13374016
## 10    10 14232487
## 11    11 13218216
## 12    12 13014161

What about the average speed per hour of day in yellow cabs?

  speed_per_hour <- taxi %>%
    tbl("trips") %>%
    mutate(hour = hour(pickup_datetime),
           trip_duration = (dropoff_datetime - pickup_datetime) /
             3600000000) %>%
    mutate(speed = trip_distance / trip_duration) %>%
    filter(fare_amount / trip_distance >= 2,
           fare_amount / trip_distance <= 10) %>%
    group_by(hour) %>%
    summarize(speed = mean(speed)) %>%
    arrange(hour) %>%
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.359   0.015   1.402
ggplot(speed_per_hour, aes(hour, speed)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(title = "Average Speed of NYC Yellow Taxis",
       x = "Hour of day",
       y = "Average speed, in MPH")

Finally, what is the average speed by day of the week?

  speed_per_day <- taxi %>%
    tbl("trips") %>%
    mutate(hour = hour(pickup_datetime),
           day = dayofweek(pickup_datetime),
           trip_duration = (dropoff_datetime - pickup_datetime) /
             3600000000) %>%
    mutate(speed = trip_distance / trip_duration) %>%
    filter(fare_amount / trip_distance >= 2,
           fare_amount / trip_distance <= 10,
           hour >= 8,
           hour <= 18) %>%
    group_by(day) %>%
    summarize(speed = mean(speed)) %>%
    arrange(day) %>%
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.384   0.015   1.098
## # A tibble: 7 x 2
##     day    speed
##   <int>    <dbl>
## 1     1 14.29703
## 2     2 12.21557
## 3     3 11.11933
## 4     4 10.93281
## 5     5 10.97011
## 6     6 11.24917
## 7     7 13.09473


Session Info

##  setting  value                       
##  version  R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
##  system   x86_64, darwin15.6.0        
##  ui       X11                         
##  language (EN)                        
##  collate  en_US.UTF-8                 
##  tz       America/Chicago             
##  date     2018-04-24                  
##  package    * version    date       source                             
##  assertthat   0.2.0      2017-04-11 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  backports    1.1.2      2017-12-13 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  base       * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  bindr        0.1.1      2018-03-13 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  bindrcpp 2018-04-08 Github (krlmlr/bindrcpp@bd5ae73)   
##  bit          1.1-12     2014-04-09 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  bit64        0.9-7      2017-05-08 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  blob         1.1.1      2018-03-25 CRAN (R 3.4.4)                     
##  broom        0.4.4      2018-03-29 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  cellranger   1.1.0      2016-07-27 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  cli          1.0.0      2017-11-05 CRAN (R 3.4.2)                     
##  colorspace   1.3-2      2016-12-14 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  compiler     3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  crayon       1.3.4      2017-10-03 Github (gaborcsardi/crayon@b5221ab)
##  datasets   * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  DBI          0.8        2018-03-02 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  devtools     1.13.5     2018-02-18 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  digest       0.6.15     2018-01-28 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  dplyr      * 2018-04-08 Github (tidyverse/dplyr@b7aaa95)   
##  evaluate     0.10.1     2017-06-24 CRAN (R 3.4.1)                     
##  forcats    * 0.3.0      2018-02-19 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  foreign      0.8-69     2017-06-22 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  ggplot2    * 2018-04-24 Github (tidyverse/ggplot2@3c9c504) 
##  glue         1.2.0      2017-10-29 CRAN (R 3.4.2)                     
##  graphics   * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  grDevices  * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  grid         3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  gtable       0.2.0      2016-02-26 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  haven        1.1.1      2018-01-18 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  hms          0.4.2      2018-03-10 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  htmltools    0.3.6      2017-04-28 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  httr         1.3.1      2017-08-20 CRAN (R 3.4.1)                     
##  jsonlite     1.5        2017-06-01 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  knitr        1.20       2018-02-20 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  lattice      0.20-35    2017-03-25 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  lazyeval     0.2.1      2017-10-29 CRAN (R 3.4.2)                     
##  lubridate    1.7.4      2018-04-11 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  magrittr     1.5        2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  memoise      1.1.0      2017-04-21 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  methods    * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  mnormt       1.5-5      2016-10-15 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  modelr       0.1.1      2017-08-10 local                              
##  munsell      0.4.3      2016-02-13 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  nlme         3.1-137    2018-04-07 CRAN (R 3.4.4)                     
##  parallel     3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  pillar       1.2.1      2018-02-27 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  pkgconfig    2.0.1      2017-03-21 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  plyr         1.8.4      2016-06-08 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  psych    2018-03-30 CRAN (R 3.4.4)                     
##  purrr      * 0.2.4      2017-10-18 CRAN (R 3.4.2)                     
##  R6           2.2.2      2017-06-17 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  Rcpp         0.12.16    2018-03-13 CRAN (R 3.4.4)                     
##  readr      * 1.1.1      2017-05-16 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  readxl       1.0.0      2017-04-18 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  reshape2     1.4.3      2017-12-11 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  rlang 2018-04-24 Github (r-lib/rlang@82b2727)       
##  rmarkdown    1.9        2018-03-01 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  rprojroot    1.3-2      2018-01-03 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  RSQLite      2.1.0      2018-03-29 CRAN (R 3.4.4)                     
##  rstudioapi   0.7        2017-09-07 CRAN (R 3.4.1)                     
##  rvest        0.3.2      2016-06-17 CRAN (R 3.4.0)                     
##  scales 2018-04-24 Github (hadley/scales@d767915)     
##  stats      * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  stringi      1.1.7      2018-03-12 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  stringr    * 1.3.0      2018-02-19 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  tibble     * 1.4.2      2018-01-22 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  tidyr      * 0.8.0      2018-01-29 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  tidyselect   0.2.4      2018-02-26 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  tidyverse  * 1.2.1      2017-11-14 CRAN (R 3.4.2)                     
##  tools        3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  utils      * 3.4.3      2017-12-07 local                              
##  withr        2.1.2      2018-04-24 Github (jimhester/withr@79d7b0d)   
##  xml2         1.2.0      2018-01-24 CRAN (R 3.4.3)                     
##  yaml         2.1.18     2018-03-08 CRAN (R 3.4.4)

  1. This may not make sense to you. You will learn more about storing credentials next week in our unit on accessing data from the web.

This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 Creative Commons License.