# ======================================================================================== # Framework Default # ================= # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Lasta Taglib # ------------ errors.header=<ul class="has-error"> errors.footer=</ul> errors.prefix=<li><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> errors.suffix=</li> # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Javax Validator # --------------- constraints.AssertFalse.message = {item} must be false. constraints.AssertTrue.message = {item} must be true. constraints.DecimalMax.message = {item} must be less than ${inclusive == true ? 'or equal to ' : ''}{value}. constraints.DecimalMin.message = {item} must be greater than ${inclusive == true ? 'or equal to ' : ''}{value}. constraints.Digits.message = {item} is numeric value out of bounds (<{integer} digits>.<{fraction} digits> expected). constraints.Future.message = {item} must be in the future. constraints.Max.message = {item} must be less than or equal to {value}. constraints.Min.message = {item} must be greater than or equal to {value}. constraints.NotNull.message = {item} may not be null. constraints.Null.message = {item} must be null. constraints.Past.message = {item} must be in the past. constraints.Pattern.message = {item} must match "{regexp}". constraints.Size.message = Size of {item} must be between {min} and {max}. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Hibernate Validator # ------------------- constraints.CreditCardNumber.message = {item} is invalid credit card number. constraints.EAN.message = {item} is invalid {type} barcode. constraints.Email.message = {item} is not a well-formed email address. constraints.Length.message = Length of {item} must be between {min} and {max}. constraints.LuhnCheck.message = The check digit for ${value} is invalid, Luhn Modulo 10 checksum failed. constraints.Mod10Check.message = The check digit for ${value} is invalid, Modulo 10 checksum failed. constraints.Mod11Check.message = The check digit for ${value} is invalid, Modulo 11 checksum failed. constraints.ModCheck.message = The check digit for ${value} is invalid, ${modType} checksum failed. constraints.NotBlank.message = {item} may not be empty. constraints.NotEmpty.message = {item} may not be empty. constraints.ParametersScriptAssert.message = script expression "{script}" didn't evaluate to true. constraints.Range.message = {item} must be between {min} and {max}. constraints.SafeHtml.message = {item} may have unsafe html content. constraints.ScriptAssert.message = script expression "{script}" didn't evaluate to true. constraints.URL.message = {item} must be a valid URL. constraints.Required.message = {item} is required. constraints.TypeInteger.message = {item} should be numeric. constraints.TypeLong.message = {item} should be numeric. constraints.TypeFloat.message = {item} should be numeric. constraints.TypeDouble.message = {item} should be numeric. constraints.TypeAny.message = {item} cannot convert as {propertyType}. constraints.UriType.message = {item} has wrong URI. constraints.CronExpression.message = {item} is invalid cron expression. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Application Exception # --------------------- # /- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # five framework-embedded messages (don't change key names) # - - - - - - - - - -/ errors.login.failure=Login failed. errors.app.illegal.transition=Please retry because of illegal transition. errors.app.db.already.deleted=others might be updated, so retry. errors.app.db.already.updated=others might be updated, so retry. errors.app.db.already.exists=already existing data, so retry. errors.app.double.submit.request=Your request might have been processed before this request. Please check and retry it. # _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # you can define your messages here: # e.g. # errors.xxx = ... # info.xxx = ... # _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # ======================================================================================== # Fess # ====== errors.login_error=Username or Password is not correct. errors.sso_login_error=Failed to process SSO login. errors.could_not_find_log_file=Could not find {0}. errors.failed_to_start_crawl_process=Failed to start a crawl process. errors.invalid_design_jsp_file_name=Invalid JSP file. errors.design_jsp_file_does_not_exist=JSP file does not exist. errors.design_file_name_is_not_found=The file name is not specified. errors.failed_to_write_design_image_file=Failed to upload an image file. errors.failed_to_update_jsp_file=Failed to update a jsp file. errors.design_file_name_is_invalid=The file name is invalid. errors.design_file_is_unsupported_type=The kind of file is unsupported. errors.failed_to_create_crawling_config_at_wizard=Failed to create a crawling config. errors.design_editor_disabled=This feature is disabled. errors.not_found_on_file_system=Not Found: {0} errors.could_not_open_on_system=Could not open {0}. <br/>Please check if the file is associated with an application. errors.result_size_exceeded=No more results could be displayed. errors.target_file_does_not_exist={0} file does not exist. errors.failed_to_delete_file=Failed to delete {0} file. errors.docid_not_found=Not found Doc ID:{0} errors.document_not_found=Not found URL of Doc ID:{0} errors.not_load_from_server=Could not load from this server: {0} errors.failed_to_start_job=Failed to start job {0}. errors.failed_to_stop_job=Failed to stop job {0}. errors.failed_to_download_synonym_file=Failed to download the Synonym file. errors.failed_to_upload_synonym_file=Failed to upload the Synonym file. errors.failed_to_download_stemmeroverride_file=Failed to download the Stemmer Override file. errors.failed_to_upload_stemmeroverride_file=Failed to upload the Stemmer Override file. errors.failed_to_download_kuromoji_file=Failed to download the Kuromoji file. errors.failed_to_upload_kuromoji_file=Failed to upload the Kuromoji file. errors.failed_to_download_protwords_file=Failed to download the Protwords file. errors.failed_to_upload_protwords_file=Failed to upload the Protwords file. errors.failed_to_download_stopwords_file=Failed to download the Stopwords file. errors.failed_to_upload_stopwords_file=Failed to upload the Stopwords file. errors.failed_to_download_elevate_file=Failed to download the Elevate file. errors.failed_to_upload_elevate_file=Failed to upload the Elevate file. errors.failed_to_download_badword_file=Failed to download the Badword file. errors.failed_to_upload_badword_file=Failed to upload the Badword file. errors.failed_to_download_mapping_file=Failed to download the Mapping file. errors.failed_to_upload_mapping_file=Failed to upload the Mapping file. errors.invalid_kuromoji_token={0} is invalid. errors.invalid_kuromoji_segmentation=The number of segmentations {0} does not the match number of readings {1}. errors.invalid_str_is_included="{1}" in "{0}" is invalid. errors.blank_password=Password is required. errors.invalid_confirm_password=Confirm Password does not match. errors.cannot_delete_doc_because_of_running=Crawler is running. The document cannot be deleted. errors.failed_to_delete_doc_in_admin=Failed to delete document. errors.failed_to_send_testmail=Failed to send the test mail. errors.could_not_find_backup_index=Could not find index for backup. errors.no_user_for_changing_password=The current password is incorrect. errors.failed_to_change_password=Failed to change your password. errors.unknown_version_for_upgrade=Unknown version information. errors.failed_to_upgrade_from=Failed to upgrade from {0}: {1} errors.failed_to_reindex=Failed to start reindexing from {0} to {1} errors.failed_to_read_request_file=Failed to read request file: {0} errors.invalid_header_for_request_file=Invalid header: {0} errors.could_not_delete_logged_in_user=Could not delete logged in user. errors.unauthorized_request=Unauthorized request. errors.failed_to_print_thread_dump=Failed to print thread dump. errors.file_is_not_supported={0} is not supported. errors.plugin_file_is_not_found={0} is not found. errors.failed_to_install_plugin=Failed to install {0}. errors.failed_to_find_plugins=Failed to access available plugins. errors.failed_to_process_sso_request=Failed to process the request: {0} errors.invalid_query_unknown=The given query has unknown condition. errors.invalid_query_parse_error=The given query is invalid. errors.invalid_query_sort_value=The given sort ({0}) is invalid. errors.invalid_query_unsupported_sort_field=The given sort ({0}) is not supported. errors.invalid_query_unsupported_sort_order=The given sort order ({0}) is not supported. errors.invalid_query_cannot_process=The given query could not be processed. errors.crud_invalid_mode=Invalid mode(expected value is {0}, but it's {1}). errors.crud_failed_to_create_instance=Failed to create a new data. errors.crud_failed_to_create_crud_table=Failed to create a new data. ({0}) errors.crud_failed_to_update_crud_table=Failed to update the data. ({0}) errors.crud_failed_to_delete_crud_table=Failed to delete the data. ({0}) errors.crud_could_not_find_crud_table=Could not find the data({0}). errors.property_required={0} is required. errors.property_type_integer={0} should be numeric. errors.property_type_long={0} should be numeric. errors.property_type_float={0} should be numeric. errors.property_type_double={0} should be numeric. errors.property_type_date={0} should be date. errors.storage_file_upload_failure=Failed to upload {0}. errors.storage_file_not_found=The target file is not found in Storage. errors.storage_file_download_failure=Failed to download {0}. errors.storage_access_error=Storage access error: {0} errors.storage_no_upload_file=Upload file is required. errors.storage_directory_name_is_invalid=Directory name is invalid. errors.storage_tags_update_failure=Failed to update tags for {0} success.update_crawler_params=Updated parameters. success.delete_doc_from_index=Started a process to delete the document from index. success.crawling_info_delete_all=Deleted session data. success.start_crawl_process=Started a crawl process. success.upload_design_file=Uploaded {0}. success.update_design_jsp_file=Updated {0}. success.create_crawling_config_at_wizard=Created a crawling config ({0}). success.failure_url_delete_all=Deleted failure urls. success.delete_file=Deleted {0} file. success.job_started=Started job {0}. success.job_stopped=Stopped job {0}. success.upload_synonym_file=Uploaded Synonym file. success.upload_protwords_file=Uploaded Protwords file. success.upload_stopwords_file=Uploaded Stopwords file. success.upload_stemmeroverride_file=Uploaded Stemmer Override file. success.upload_kuromoji_file=Uploaded Kuromoji file. success.upload_elevate_word=Uploaded Additional Word file. success.upload_bad_word=Uploaded Bad Word file. success.upload_mapping_file=Uploaded Mapping file. success.send_testmail=Sent the test mail. success.job_log_delete_all=Deleted job logs. success.changed_password=Changed your password. success.started_data_update=Started data update process. success.reindex_started=Started reindexing. success.bulk_process_started=Bulk process is started. success.print_thread_dump=Printed thread dump to log file. success.install_plugin=Installing {0} plugin. success.delete_plugin=Deleting {0} plugin. success.upload_file_to_storage=Uploaded {0} success.sso_logout=Logged out. success.update_storage_tags=Updated tags for {0}. success.crud_create_crud_table=Created data. success.crud_update_crud_table=Updated data. success.crud_delete_crud_table=Deleted data.