# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import subprocess import shutil import zipfile import platform import json from time import sleep import site import glob import re from argparse import ArgumentParser, SUPPRESS as SUPPRESS from shutil import which ''' This is PyRadio version this install.py was released for ''' PyRadioInstallPyReleaseVersion = '' import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") try: from os.path import curdir, exists import ctypes import win32api import win32ui except: pass try: from urllib.request import urlopen except: try: from urllib2 import urlopen except: pass try: import requests HAVE_REQUESTS = True except: HAVE_REQUESTS = False VERSION = '' HAS_PIPX = True if shutil.which('pipx') else False try: from rich import print except: print('''Error: Module "rich" not found! Please install the above module and try again. Debian based distros: sudo apt install python3-rich Arch based distros: sudo pacman install python-rich Fedora based distros: sudo dnf install python-rich openSUSE based distros: sudo zypper install python3-rich If everything else fails, try: python -m pip install rich or python3 -m pip install rich or even python -m pip install --user rich ''') sys.exit(1) # import logging # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def print_pipx_error(): msg = '''[red]Error:[/red] This python installation is [red]externally managed[/red], which in plain words means that [red]pip[/red] can only install packages within a [green]virtual environment[/green]. The tool to do that is called [bold green]pipx[/bold green], but it is currently not installed in your system. Please install [bold green]pipx[/bold green] and try again. ''' print(msg) def print_distro_packages(): msg = '''To succesfully complete [magenta]PyRadio[/magenta]'s installation, please refer to this page: [plum]https://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/blob/master/build.md[/plum] ''' print(msg) def is_externally_managed(): files = [ os.path.join( os.path.dirname(x), 'EXTERNALLY-MANAGED' ) for x in site.getsitepackages() ] for n in files: if os.path.exists(n): return True return False def print_pyradio_on(): msg = r'''[bold magenta] _____ _____ _ _ | __ \ | __ \ | (_) | |__) | _| |__) |__ _ __| |_ ___ | ___/ | | | _ // _` |/ _` | |/ _ \\ | | | |_| | | \ \ (_| | (_| | | (_) | |_| \__, |_| \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/ __/ | |___/ [/bold magenta] [bold]installation script[/bold] ''' print(msg) def print_trying_to_install(): print(' trying to install for') def find_pyradio_win_exe(): ''' find pyradio EXE files Return (system_exe, user_exe) ''' exe = [None, None] for a_path in site.getsitepackages(): if a_path.split(os.sep)[-1].startswith('Python'): py_with_ver = a_path.split(os.sep)[-1] an_exe = os.path.join(a_path, 'Scripts' , 'pyradio.exe') if os.path.exists(an_exe): exe[0] = an_exe an_exe = os.path.join(site.getuserbase(), py_with_ver, 'Scripts' , 'pyradio.exe') # print('an_exe: {}'.format(an_exe)) if os.path.exists(an_exe): exe[1] = an_exe # print('exe: {}'.format(exe)) return exe def fix_pyradio_win_exe(): exe = find_pyradio_win_exe() if exe[0]: a_path = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES(x86)') if a_path: exe[0] = exe[0].replace(a_path, '%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%') a_path = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES') if a_path: exe[0] = exe[0].replace(a_path, '%PROGRAMFILES%') if exe[1]: a_path = os.getenv('APPDATA') if a_path: exe[1] = exe[1].replace(a_path, '%APPDATA%') return exe def is_pyradio_user_installed(): if platform.system().lower().startswith('darwin'): return False p = subprocess.Popen('which pyradio', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) ret = str(p.communicate()[0]) home = os.path.expanduser('~') return True if ret.startswith(home) else False def isRunning(): count = 1 ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW('PyRadio Installation') while WindowExists('PyRadio: Your Internet Radio Player') or \ WindowExists('PyRadio: Your Internet Radio Player (Session Locked)'): sleep(1) if count > 2: print('[bold magebta]PyRadio[/bold magebta] is still running. Please terminate it to continue ... ') cout += 1 print('') def version_string_to_list(this_version): # logger.error('DE this_version = "{}"'.format(this_version)) poped = False tokens = ('sng', 'dev', 'git') sp = this_version.split('-') while sp[-1] in tokens: p = sp.pop() if p != 'git': poped = True if poped: sp.pop() a_v = '.'.join(sp).lower() # a_v = this_version.replace('-', '.').lower() a_l = a_v.split('.') while len(a_l) < 4: a_l.append('0') a_n_l = [] # logger.error('DE a_n_l = "{}"'.format(a_n_l)) for i, n in enumerate(a_l): if 'beta' in n: a_n_l.append(-200+int(a_l[-1].replace('beta', ''))) elif 'rc' in n: a_n_l.append(-100+int(a_l[-1].replace('rc', ''))) elif 'r' in n: pass else: if len(n) < 4 and i > 0: try: a_n_l.append(int(n)) except ValueError: pass # logger.error('DE a_n_l = "{}"'.format(a_n_l)) return a_n_l def get_github_long_description_for_script(): ret = get_github_long_description() if ret[1]: print(ret[1]) else: print('') def get_github_long_description( only_tag_name=False, devel=False, use_sng_repo=False, sng_branch=False, do_not_exit=False ): ''' get PyRadio GitHub data Parameters ---------- only_tag_name If True, just return the latest tag name use_sng_repo If True, user is 's-n-g' This means that a development release is being built sng_branch Only maked sense if use_sng_repo is True If False, use branch devel If True, use branch master Not Implemented yet! Returns ------- If only_tag_name is True (str) tag name If only_tag_name is False (tuple) tag name, git long description `git long description` is equivalant to the command: git describe --long --tags ''' user = 'coderholic' if only_tag_name: points = ('tags', ) else: points = ('commits', 'tags') if use_sng_repo: user = 's-n-g' returns = [] for n in points: ret = None if n == 'tags': url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/coderholic/pyradio/tags' else: url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/' + user + '/pyradio/' + n if use_sng_repo and not sng_branch: url += '?sha=devel' else: url += '?sha=master' url += '&per_page=50' try: with urlopen(url) as https_response: ret = https_response.read() except: if do_not_exit: ret = None else: print('Error: Cannot contact GitHub!\n Please make sure your internet connection is up and try again.') sys.exit(1) try: returns.append(json.loads(ret)) except: if do_not_exit: ret = None else: print('Error: Malformed GitHub response!\n Please make sure your internet connection is up and try again.') sys.exit(1) # for r in returns: # for n in r: # print(n, '\n\n') if ret is None: if only_tag_name: return None else: return None, None if only_tag_name: return returns[0][0]['name'] tag_hash = returns[1][0]['commit']['sha'] tag_name = returns[1][0]['name'] for i, n in enumerate(returns[0]): if n['sha'] == tag_hash: revision = i break else: revision = 0 # print('\n\n' + tag_name) # print(tag_hash) # print(str(use_sng_repo)) # revision=15 # print(revision) if revision > 0: if devel: ''' coderholic devel branch currently it does not exist ''' this_version = tag_name + '-r' + str(revision) + '-' + returns[0][0]['sha'][:8] + '-dev' else: ''' coderholic master branch ''' this_version = tag_name + '-' + str(revision) + '-' + returns[0][0]['sha'][:8] if use_sng_repo: ''' sng repo ''' this_version = tag_name + '-r' + str(revision) + '-' + returns[0][0]['sha'][:8] + '-sng' if not sng_branch: ''' sng devel branch ''' this_version += '-dev' else: this_version = None # if this_version: # print('this_version = ' + this_version) return tag_name, this_version def get_github_tag(do_not_exit=False): ''' get the name of the latest PyRadio tag on GitHub ''' return get_github_long_description(only_tag_name=True, do_not_exit=do_not_exit) def get_next_release(): ''' not used ''' r = get_github_long_description() print('Description: {}'.format(r)) sp = r[1].split('-') print('sp = {}'.format(sp)) x = int(sp[1]) + 1 return sp[0] + '-{}'.format(x) def get_devel_version(): long_descpr = get_github_long_description(do_not_exit=True) if long_descpr[0]: if long_descpr[1]: return 'PyRadio ' + long_descpr[1] else: return 'PyRadio ' + long_descpr[0] else: return None def windows_put_devel_version(): ''' not used ''' long_descr = get_github_long_description()[1] if long_descr: from shutil import copyfile cur_dir = os.getcwd() copyfile(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'config.py'), os.path.join(cur_dir, 'config.py.dev')) try: with open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'config.py'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as con: lines = con.read() lines = lines.replace("git_description = ''", "git_description = '" + long_descr + "'") with open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'config.py'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as con: con.write(lines) except: print('Error: Cannot change downloaded files...\n Please close all running programs and try again.') sys.exit(1) def WindowExists(title): ''' fixing #146 ''' try: import win32api import win32ui except: pass try: win32ui.FindWindow(None, title) except UnboundLocalError: # os.system('cls') msg = '''\n\n[bold magenta]PyRadio[/bold magenta] has installed all required python modules. In order for them to be properly loaded, the installation script has to [bold green]start afresh[/bold green]. Please execute the installation script again, like so: [bold red]python install.py[/bold red] ''' print(msg) sys.exit() except win32ui.error: return False else: return True def get_a_linux_resource_opener(): ''' return an resource open tool from a list the list comes from "Resource openers" https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/default_applications returns - a list of the program's name / argument - None if no program is found ''' programs = ( ('xdg-open', None), ('gio', 'open'), ('mimeopen', '-n'), ('mimeo', None), ('handlr', 'open'), ) for a_prog in programs: which_str = which(a_prog[0]) if which_str: if a_prog[1]: return [which_str] + a_prog[1].split(' ') else: return [which_str] return None def open_cache_dir(): c = PyRadioCache() if not c.exists(): print('[magenta]PyRadio Cache[/magenta]: [red]not found[/red]\n') sys.exit(1) if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': os.startfile(c.cache_dir) elif platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': subprocess.Popen([which('open'), c.cache_dir]) else: prog = get_a_linux_resource_opener() if prog: if isinstance(prog, str): prog = prog.split(' ') try: subprocess.Popen( [*prog, c.cache_dir], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): pass print(f'[magenta]PyRadio[/magenta] Cache dir: "{c.cache_dir}"') class PyRadioCache(object): _files = [] _gits = ( 'pyradio-master.zip', 'pyradio-devel.zip', 'pyradio-master.zip' ) def __init__(self): ''' Initialize a PyRadio Cache Parameters: if none is specified, use ~/.config/pyradio/data/.cache or %APPDATA%\\pyradio\\data\\_cache parced in this order config_dir PyRadio config dir cache dir = config_dir + data + .cache data_dir PyRadio data dir cache_dir = data_dir + .cache cache_dir cache dir = cache_dir ''' if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): self._cache_dir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('APPDATA'), 'pyradio', 'data', '_cache' ) else: cache_dir = os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME') if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'pyradio' ) chk = ( cache_dir, os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'pyradio', 'data', '.cache' ) ) for n in chk: if os.path.exists(n): self._cache_dir = n break if self._cache_dir is None: self._cache_dir = chk[0] try: os.makedirs(self._cache_dir, exist_ok=True) except: pass self._del_gits() def list(self): ''' return a string the string is a list of file in the cache ''' if self.exists(): from rich.console import Console console = Console() if self.files: max_len = max([len(x) for x in self._files]) + 4 console.print('[magenta]PyRadio Cache[/magenta]:') for i, n in enumerate(self._files): if i < 5: s = os.path.join(self._cache_dir, n) console.print(' [green]{0}[/green]. {1} [bold]{2}MB[/bold]'.format(i+1, n.ljust(max_len), self.get_size(s, 'mb')), highlight=False) else: console.print('plus [green]{}[/green] more files'.format(len(self._files)-5), highlight=False) break else: print('[magenta]PyRadio Cache[/magenta]: [bold cyan]empty[/bold cyan]') else: print('[magenta]PyRadio Cache[/magenta]: [bold red]not found[/bold red]') print('') @property def cache_dir(self): ''' resturn the cache dir ''' return self._cache_dir @property def files(self): ''' return the ZIP files in the cache ''' self._read_cache() return self._files @property def current_version(self): ''' return the latest PyRadio version ZIP file name ''' if self.files: return self._files[0] return '' @classmethod def get_size(cls, file_path, unit='bytes'): ''' get the size of a file and return it as x (bytes), x (kb), x (mb), x (gb) units are: 'bytes' (default), 'kb', 'mb', 'gb' ''' if os.path.exists(file_path): file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) else: file_size = 0 exponents_map = {'bytes': 0, 'kb': 1, 'mb': 2, 'gb': 3} if unit not in exponents_map: raise ValueError("Must select from \ ['bytes', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb']") else: size = file_size / 1024 ** exponents_map[unit] return round(size, 3) def delete(self): ''' delete the cache dir and all file in it ''' shutil.rmtree(self._cache_dir, ignore_errors=True) def clear(self): ''' clear the cache dir deletes all file but the latest PyRadio ZIP version ''' ret = True if self._files: del_files = [os.path.join(self._cache_dir, x) for x in self._files] del del_files[0] for n in del_files: try: os.remove(n) except: ret = False source = os.path.join(self._cache_dir, 'pyradio-source') if os.path.exists(source): shutil.rmtree(source, ignore_errors=True) return ret def exists(self): ''' does the cache dir exists? ''' return True if os.path.exists(self._cache_dir) else False def is_empty(self): ''' is the cache dir empty? True means that either there are no ZIP files in the dir, or only the latest version ZIP file exists ''' return False if self.files else True def _read_cache(self): if self.exists(): f = os.listdir(self._cache_dir) self._files = [ x for x in f if x.endswith('.zip') and \ x not in self._gits ] if self._files: self._files.sort() self._files.reverse() #self._files.pop() else: self._files = [] return self._files def _del_gits(self): del_files = [ os.path.join(self._cache_dir, x) for x in self._gits ] for n in del_files: if os.path.exists(n): try: os.remove(n) except: pass class MyArgParser(ArgumentParser): def __init(self): super(MyArgParser, self).__init__( description = description ) def print_usage(self, file=None): if file is None: file = sys.stdout usage = self.format_usage() print(self._add_colors(self.format_usage())) def print_help(self, file=None): if file is None: file = sys.stdout print(self._add_colors(self.format_help())) def _add_colors(self, txt): t = txt.replace('show this help', 'Show this help').replace('usage:', 'Usage:').replace('options:', 'Options:').replace('[', '|').replace(']', '||') x = re.sub(r'([^a-zZ-Z0-9])(--*[^ ,\t|]*)', r'\1[red]\2[/red]', t) t = re.sub(r'([A-Z_][A-Z_]+)', r'[green]\1[/green]', x) x = re.sub('([^"]pyradio)', r'[magenta]\1[/magenta]', t, flags=re.I) t = re.sub(r'(player_name:[a-z:_]+)', r'[plum2]\1[/plum2]', x) x = t.replace('mpv', '[green]mpv[/green]').replace('mplayer', '[green]mplayer[/green]').replace('vlc', '[green]vlc[/green]') return '[bold]' + x.replace('||', r']').replace('|', r'\[') + '[/bold]' class PythonExecutable(object): ''' A class to verify that python is installed and in the PATH ''' is_debian = False _python = [None, None] requested_python_version = 3 def __init__( self, terminate_if_not_found=False): ''' Parameters ========== requested_python_version The version of python we are looking for (either 2 or 3) terminate_if_not_found If True, the program will terminate if python is not found (default is False) ''' self._terminate_if_not_found = terminate_if_not_found if not platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): self._check_if_is_debian_based() self._get_pythons() def __str__(self): return 'Is Debian: {0}\nPython: {1}, {2}'.format( self.is_debian, self._python[0], self._python[1], ) @property def python(self): return self._python[self.requested_python_version-2] @python.setter def python(self, value): raise RuntimeError('ValueError: property is read only!') def _check_if_is_debian_based(self): p = subprocess.Popen( 'apt --version', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) p.communicate() self.is_debian = True if p.returncode == 0 else False return self.is_debian def _get_pythons(self): ''' get python (no version) ''' p = subprocess.Popen( 'python --version', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) for com in p.communicate(): str_com = str(com) if 'Python 2.' in str_com or \ 'python 2.' in str_com: self._python[0] = 'python' break elif 'Python 3.' in str_com or \ 'python 3.' in str_com: self._python[1] = 'python' break ''' get versioned names ''' for n in range(2, 4): if self._python[n-2] is None: self._get_python(n) def _get_python(self, version): p = subprocess.Popen( 'python' + str(version) + ' --version', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: self._python[version - 2] = 'python' + str(version) if self._terminate_if_not_found and \ not self.can_use() and \ self.requested_python_version == version: print(''' Python {} was not found in your system. If you have already installed it, you probably have not added it in your PATH. To verify that Python is in your PATH open a terminal/console and type "python". If you get en error, you have to add it to your PATH. '''.format('2' if self.requested_python_version == 2 else '3')) sys.exit(1) def can_use(self): ''' Can I use the python I requested? ''' return True if self._python[self.requested_python_version - 2] else False class PyRadioUpdate(object): ''' package values: 0 - official release 1 - s-n-g release 2 - s-h-g devel 3 - official devel ''' ZIP_URL = ['https://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/archive/', 'https://github.com/s-n-g/pyradio/archive/master.zip', 'https://github.com/s-n-g/pyradio/archive/devel.zip', 'https://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/archive/devel.zip', 'https://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/archive/master.zip', ] ZIP_DIR = ['pyradio-', 'pyradio-master', 'pyradio-devel', 'pyradio-devel', 'pyradio-master' ] install = False user = True _python_exec = None _delete_dir_limit = 0 _get_cache = False def __init__(self, package=0, user=True, github_long_description=None, pix_isolated=False ): if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): raise RuntimeError('This is a linux only class...') self._dir = self._install_dir = '' self._package = package self.user = user self._github_long_description = github_long_description self._python_exec = PythonExecutable( terminate_if_not_found=True ) self._pix_isolated = pix_isolated def update_pyradio(self, win_open_dir=False): if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): ''' create BAT file to update or execute ''' if win_open_dir: self.update_or_uninstall_on_windows('update-open') else: self.update_or_uninstall_on_windows('update') else: ''' update PyRadio under Linux and MacOS ''' if self._get_cache: print('Downloading PyRadio...') elif self.install: print('Installing PyRadio...') else: print('Updating PyRadio...') if self._do_it(): if self.install: print('\n\nPyRadio succesfully installed!') print('Hope you have a lot of fun using it!') else: print('\n\nPyRadio updated to the latest release!') print('Thank you for your continuous support to this project!') print('Cheers!\n') sys.exit() else: print('\n\nAn error occured during the installation!') print('This should have never had happened...') print('Please report this at http://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/issues\n') sys.exit(1) def remove_pyradio(self, win_open_dir=False): if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): ''' create BAT file to update or execute ''' if win_open_dir: self.update_or_uninstall_on_windows('uninstall-open') else: self.update_or_uninstall_on_windows('uninstall') else: ''' uninstall PyRadio under Linux and MacOS ''' print('Uninstalling PyRadio...') if self._do_it(mode='uninstall'): print('\nPyRadio has been succesfully uninstalled!') print('We are really sorry to see you go!') print('Cheers!\n') sys.exit() else: os.system('clear') print('\n\nAn error occured during the uninstallation!') print('This should have never had happened...') print('Please report this at http://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/issues\n') sys.exit(1) def update_or_uninstall_on_windows(self, mode='update', from_pyradio=False): # Params: # mode: the type of zip file to download # from_pyradio: True if executed by "pyradio -d" params = ('', '--sng-master', '--sng-devel', '--devel', '--master') isRunning() ''' Creates BAT file to update or uninstall PyRadio on Windows''' self._dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'tmp-pyradio') shutil.rmtree(self._dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(self._dir, exist_ok=True) if mode.startswith('update'): bat = os.path.join(self._dir, 'update.bat') # os.system('CLS') # PyRadioUpdateOnWindows.print_update_bat_created() else: bat = os.path.join(self._dir, 'uninstall.bat') # os.system('CLS') if from_pyradio: PyRadioUpdateOnWindows.print_uninstall_bat_created() if self._package == 0: if self.ZIP_DIR[0].endswith('-'): try: if VERSION == '': VERSION = get_github_tag() except: VERSION = get_github_tag() # print('VERSION = "{}"'.format(VERSION)) self.ZIP_URL[0] = self.ZIP_URL[0] + VERSION + '.zip' self.ZIP_DIR[0] += VERSION try: with open(bat, "w", encoding='utf-8') as b: b.write('@ECHO OFF\n') # b.write('CLS\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade wheel 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade requests 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade rich 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade py-cpuinfo 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade win10toast 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('python -m pip install --upgrade python-dateutil 1>NUL 2>NUL\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') # b.write('PAUSE\n') if mode.startswith('update'): b.write('COPY "{}" . 1>NUL\n'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__))) if self._package == 0: b.write(self._python_exec.python + ' install.py --no-logo --do-update\n') else: b.write(self._python_exec.python + ' install.py --no-logo --do-update ' + params[self._package] + '\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') b.write('cd "' + os.path.join(self._dir, 'pyradio-source') + '"\n') b.write('IF EXIST C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio (\n') # b.write('COPY C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio\\pyradio\\install.py pyradio\n') b.write('COPY C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio\\pyradio\\*.py pyradio\n') b.write('COPY C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio\\devel\\*.bat devel\n') b.write(')\n') b.write('devel\\build_install_pyradio.bat -U\n') b.write('GOTO endofscript\n') else: b.write('COPY "{}" uninstall.py 1>NUL\n'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__))) if self._package == 0: b.write(self._python_exec.python + ' uninstall.py --do-uninstall\n') else: b.write(self._python_exec.python + ' uninstall.py --do-uninstall ' + params[self._package] + '\n') b.write('if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 GOTO downloaderror\n') # print('self._dir = "{}"'.format(self._dir)) # print('self._package = "{}"'.format(self._package)) # print('self.ZIP_DIR = "{}"'.format(self.ZIP_DIR)) b.write('cd "' + os.path.join(self._dir, 'pyradio-source') + '"\n') b.write('IF EXIST C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio (\n') # b.write('COPY C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio\\pyradio\\install.py pyradio\n') b.write('COPY C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio\\pyradio\\*.py pyradio\n') b.write('COPY C:\\Users\\Spiros\\pyradio\\devel\\*.bat devel\n') b.write(')\n') b.write('devel\\build_install_pyradio.bat -u\n') # b.write('PAUSE\n') b.write('GOTO endofscript\n') b.write('ECHO.\n\n') b.write(':downloaderror\n') # b.write('CLS\n') b.write('ECHO Error:\tPyRadio cannot connect to GitHub...\n') b.write('ECHO \tPlease make sure that your internet connection is still up and try again\n') b.write('ECHO.\n\n') b.write('PAUSE\n') b.write('exit 1\n') b.write(':endofscript\n') b.write('exit 0\n') except: print('\nCreating the update/uninstall BAT file failed...') print('You should probably reboot your machine and try again.\n') sys.exit(1) if mode.endswith('-open'): os.startfile(self._dir) def open_windows_dir(self): os.startfile(self._dir) def _no_download_method(self): if platform.system().lower().startswith('darwin'): subprocess.call('python3 -m pip install requests', shell=True) print('\n\nPyradio has installed the minimum necessary modules for its execution\nPlease execute the same command again...') else: print('Error: PyRadio has no way to download files...') print(' Please install python\'s "requests" module and try again.\n') sys.exit(1) def _do_it(self, mode='update'): if not HAVE_REQUESTS: self._no_download_method() '''' get tmp dir ''' if HAS_PIPX: cache_dir = os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME') if cache_dir is None: self._dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'pyradio') else: self._dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'pyradio') if not os.path.exists(self._dir): self._dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'pyradio', 'data', '.cache') else: if os.path.isdir('/tmp'): self._dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'tmp-pyradio') else: self._dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'tmp-pyradio') print('Using directory: "{}"'.format(self._dir)) ''' create tmp directory ''' self._delete_dir_limit = 0 self._mkdir(self._dir, self._empty_dir, self._permission_error) if not os.path.isdir(self._dir): print('Error: Cannot create temp directory: "{}"'.format(self._dir)) sys.exit(1) ''' download pyradio ''' self._download_pyradio() ''' change to pyradio directory ''' self._install_dir = os.path.join(self._dir, self._install_dir) if os.path.isdir(self._install_dir): os.chdir(self._install_dir) os.chmod('devel/build_install_pyradio', 0o766) else: print('Error: Failed to download PyRadio source code...\n') sys.exit(1) self._change_git_discription_in_config_py() param = '' isol = ' -i ' if self._pix_isolated else ' ' if mode == 'update': ''' install pyradio ''' if self.user: param += ' --user' comm = 'devel/build_install_pyradio' + \ isol + ' -no-dev -x ' + \ self._python_exec.python + ' ' + param, ret = subprocess.call( comm, shell=True ) else: ''' uninstall pyradio ''' ret = subprocess.call( 'devel/build_install_pyradio -no-dev -x ' + \ self._python_exec.python + ' -R' + param, shell=True ) if ret > 0: ret = False else: ret = True self._clean_up() return ret def _change_git_discription_in_config_py(self): # print('\n\n_change_git_discription_in_config_py(): self._github_long_description = "{}"\n\n'.format(self._github_long_description)) # logger.error('DE _change_git_discription_in_config_py(): self._github_long_description = "{}"'.format(self._github_long_description)) ''' change git_discription in pyradio/config.py ''' if self._github_long_description is not None: try: with open(os.path.join(self._install_dir, 'pyradio', 'config.py'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as con: lines = con.read() lines = lines.replace("git_description = ''", "git_description = '" + self._github_long_description + "'") with open(os.path.join(self._install_dir, 'pyradio', 'config.py'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as con: con.write(lines) except: print('Error: Cannot change downloaded files...\n Please close all running programs and try again.') sys.exit(1) def _download_pyradio(self): os.chdir(self._dir) if self._package == 0: try: VERSION == '' except: VERSION = get_github_tag() self.ZIP_URL[0] = self.ZIP_URL[0] + VERSION + '.zip' self.ZIP_DIR[0] += VERSION print('Downloading PyRadio source code...') self._install_dir = self.ZIP_DIR[self._package] if not self._download_file(self.ZIP_URL[self._package], os.path.join(self._dir, self.ZIP_DIR[self._package] + '.zip')): print('Error: Failed to download PyRadio source code...\n') sys.exit(1) print('Extracting RyRadio source code...') with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(self._dir, self.ZIP_DIR[self._package] + '.zip')) as z: try: z.extractall(path=self._dir) except: print('Error: PyRadio source code ZIP file is corrupt...\n') sys.exit(1) try: os.rename( os.path.join(self._dir, self.ZIP_DIR[self._package]), os.path.join(self._dir, 'pyradio-source') ) self.ZIP_DIR[self._package] = 'pyradio-source' self._install_dir = 'pyradio-source' except: print('Error creating source code directory!') self._clean_up() sys.exit(1) if self._get_cache: sys.exit() with open(os.path.join(self._dir, self.ZIP_DIR[self._package], 'DEV'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as b: pass # input('Please update files as needed. Then press ENTER to continue...') def _mkdir(self, name, dir_exist_function=None, _permission_error_function=None): if os.path.isdir(name): self._clean_up() if sys.version_info[0] == 2: try: os.makedirs(name) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 13: if _permission_error_function: _permission_error_function(name) else: print('Insufficient permissions...') elif e.errno == 17: if dir_exist_function: dir_exist_function(name) else: print('Dir already exists...') else: try: os.makedirs(name) except PermissionError: if _permission_error_function: _permission_error_function(name) else: print('Insufficient permissions...') except FileExistsError: if dir_exist_function: dir_exist_function(name) else: print('Dir already exists...') def _empty_dir(self, name=None): ddir = self._dir if name is None else name print('Old "{}" found. Deleting...'.format(ddir)) self._delete_dir_limit += 1 if self._delete_dir_limit > 2: print('\n\nError: Cannot delete directory: "' + ddir + '"') print(' Please relete it manually and try again... ') sys.exit(1) if HAS_PIPX: r_dir = os.path.join(ddir, 'pyradio-source') shutil.rmtree(r_dir, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(r_dir): print('[red]Error:[/red] Cannot remove "{}"'.format(r_dir)) print(' Please close all open programs and try again...') sys.exit(1) else: shutil.rmtree(ddir, ignore_errors=True) self._mkdir(ddir, self._empty_dir, self._permission_error) def _permission_error(self): print('Error: You don\'t have permission to create: "{}"\n'.format(self._dir)) sys.exit(1) def _clean_up(self): if not HAS_PIPX: shutil.rmtree(self._dir, ignore_errors=True) def _prompt_sudo(self): ret = 0 if os.geteuid() != 0: msg = "[sudo] password for %u: " try: ret = subprocess.check_call("sudo -v -p '%s'" % msg, shell=True) return ret except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('\nError: You must be root to execute this script...\n') sys.exit(1) def _download_file(self, url, filename): print(' url: "{}"'.format(url)) print(' filename: "{}"'.format(filename)) if os.path.exists(filename) and not ( filename.endswith('-master.zip') or \ filename.endswith('-devel.zip') ): print(' [magenta]** file found in cache![/magenta]') else: try: r = requests.get(url) except: return False try: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) except: return False return True class PyRadioUpdateOnWindows(PyRadioUpdate): def __init__(self, fromTUI=False, package=0, github_long_description=None, pix_isolated=False ): if not platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): raise RuntimeError('This is a windows only class...') self._dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'tmp-pyradio') self._package = package self._fromTUI = fromTUI self._github_long_description = github_long_description self._python_exec = PythonExecutable( terminate_if_not_found=True ) self._pix_isolated = pix_isolated self._get_cache = False @classmethod def print_update_bat_created(cls): print('To complete the process you will have to execute a batch file.') print('Windows Explorer will open the location of the batch file to run.\n') print('Please double click\n\n update.bat\n\nto get PyRadio\'s latest version.\n') print('After you are done, you can delete the folder:\n\n "{}"'.format(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'tmp-pyradio'))) @classmethod def print_uninstall_bat_created(cls): print('To complete the process you will have to execute a batch file.') print('Windows Explorer will open the location of the batch file to run.\n') print('Please double click\n\n uninstall.bat\n\nto remove PyRadio from your system.\n') print('After you are done, you can delete the folder:\n\n "{}"'.format(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'tmp-pyradio'))) def update_pyradio(self): self._do_it() def remove_pyradio(self): self._get_cache = False self._do_it(mode='uninstall') def _do_it(self, mode='update'): if not HAVE_REQUESTS: self._no_download_method() self._download_pyradio() ''' change to pyradio directory ''' self._install_dir = os.path.join(self._dir, self._install_dir) if os.path.isdir(self._install_dir): os.chdir(self._install_dir) else: print('Error: Failed to download PyRadio source code...\n') sys.exit(1) os.chdir(self._dir) self._change_git_discription_in_config_py() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = MyArgParser( description='Curses based Internet radio player', epilog='When executed without an argument, it installs PyRadio (stable release).' ) # parser = ArgumentParser(description='PyRadio update / uninstall tool', # epilog='When executed without an argument, it installs PyRadio (stable release).') parser.add_argument('-U', '--update', action='store_true', help='Update PyRadio.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Force installation (even if already installed).') if not platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): if HAS_PIPX: parser.add_argument('-i', '--isolate', action='store_true', help='Install using pipx in an fully Isolated Environment (all dependencies will be installed in a virtual environment); the default is to have pipx depend on distro python packages.') parser.add_argument('-oc', '--open-cache', action='store_true', help='Open the Cache folder') parser.add_argument('-sc', '--show-cache', action='store_true', help='Show Cache contents') parser.add_argument('-cc', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', help='Clear Cache contents') else: parser.add_argument('-oc', '--open-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-sc', '--show-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-cc', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-i', '--isolate', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) if HAS_PIPX: parser.add_argument('-gc', '--get-cache', action='store_true', help='Download source code, keep it in the cache and exit.') else: parser.add_argument('-gc', '--get-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) else: parser.add_argument('-oc', '--open-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-sc', '--show-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-cc', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-i', '--isolate', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-R', '--uninstall', action='store_true', help='Uninstall PyRadio.') ''' to be used by intermediate scripts ''' parser.add_argument('--do-update', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--do-uninstall', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) ''' extra downloads only use them after the developer says so, for debug purposes only --devel download official devel branch --sng-master download developer release (master) --sng-devel download developer devel branch --force force installation (even if already installed) ''' parser.add_argument( '--git', action='store_true', help='install master branch from github (latest unreleased).') parser.add_argument('--master', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--devel', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--sng-master', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--sng-devel', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--no-logo', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--first', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='Print the version of the script') args = parser.parse_args() sys.stdout.flush() if args.open_cache: open_cache_dir() sys.exit() if args.show_cache: c = PyRadioCache() c.list() sys.exit() if args.clear_cache: c = PyRadioCache() if c.exists(): if len(c.files) > 1: c.clear() print('[magenta]PyRadio Cache[/magenta]: [green]cleared[/green]\n') sys.exit() c.list() sys.exit(1) if args.version: print('[bold green]install.py[/bold green]: installation script for [bold magenta]PyRadio {}[/bold magenta]\n'.format(PyRadioInstallPyReleaseVersion )) sys.exit() if not platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): if os.getuid() == 0 or os.getgid() == 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] You must not run this script as [green]root[/green]\n') sys.exit(1) if is_externally_managed() and \ not HAS_PIPX: print_pipx_error() print_distro_packages() sys.exit() use_logo = False if args.no_logo else True if use_logo and not args.open_cache: print_pyradio_on() python_exec = PythonExecutable( terminate_if_not_found=True ) if not python_exec.can_use: print('Error: Python {} not found on your system...\n'.format('2' if python_exec.requested_python_version == 2 else '3')) sys.exit(1) ''' download official release ''' package = 0 tag_name = github_long_description = None if args.sng_master: ''' sng master ''' args.force = True package = 1 VERSION, github_long_description = get_github_long_description(use_sng_repo=True, sng_branch=True) # if not github_long_description: # github_long_description = 'PyRadio' # if github_long_description: # github_long_description = github_long_description.replace('-', '-r', 1) # github_long_description += '-sng' elif args.sng_devel: '''' sng devel ''' args.force = True package = 2 VERSION, github_long_description = get_github_long_description(use_sng_repo=True) # if not github_long_description: # github_long_description = 'PyRadio' # id github_long_description: # github_long_description = github_long_description.replace('-', '-r', 1) # github_long_description += '-sng-dev' elif args.devel: ''' official devel ''' package = 3 ''' go back to master ''' args.force = True package = 0 VERSION = get_github_tag() elif args.master or args.git: ''' official master ''' args.force = True package = 4 VERSION, github_long_description = get_github_long_description() else: VERSION = get_github_tag() if VERSION is None: VERSION = PyRadioInstallPyReleaseVersion if args.uninstall: if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): ''' ok, create BAT file on Windows''' uni = PyRadioUpdateOnWindows(package=package) uni.update_or_uninstall_on_windows(mode='uninstall-open') uni.print_uninstall_bat_created() else: uni = PyRadioUpdate(package=package) uni.remove_pyradio() sys.exit() elif args.update: if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): ''' ok, create BAT file on Windows''' upd = PyRadioUpdateOnWindows( package=package, github_long_description=github_long_description, pix_isolated=args.isolate ) upd.update_or_uninstall_on_windows(mode='update-open') upd.print_update_bat_created() else: upd = PyRadioUpdate( package=package, github_long_description=github_long_description, pix_isolated=args.isolate ) if args.get_cache and HAS_PIPX: upd._get_cache = True upd.user = is_pyradio_user_installed() upd.update_pyradio() sys.exit() elif args.do_uninstall: ''' coming from uninstall BAT file on Windows''' uni = PyRadioUpdateOnWindows( package=package, pix_isolated=args.isolate ) uni.remove_pyradio() sys.exit() elif args.do_update: ''' coming from update BAT file on Windows''' upd = PyRadioUpdateOnWindows( package=package, github_long_description=github_long_description, pix_isolated=args.isolate ) upd.update_pyradio() sys.exit() ''' Installation!!! ''' if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): exe = find_pyradio_win_exe() first_install = False if exe == [None, None]: first_install = True if not args.force: # is pyradio.exe in PATH ret = subprocess.call('pyradio -h 1>NUL 2>NUL', shell=True) if ret == 0 or not first_install: print('PyRadio is already installed.\n') sys.exit(1) for a_module in ( 'setuptools', 'windows-curses', 'pywin32', 'dnspython', 'requests', 'rich', 'python-dateutil', 'psutil', 'patool', 'pyunpack', 'wheel', 'win10toast', 'py-cpuinfo', ): print('Checking module: [bold green]' + a_module + '[/bold green] ...') ret = subprocess.call('python -m pip install --upgrade ' + a_module, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) if ret != 0: print('\nPyradio cannot install python module: ' + a_module) if a_module == 'windows-curses': print('''This means that either you internet connection has failed (in which case you should fix it and try again), or that curses packagers have not yet produced a package for this version of python (it was probably released recently). What can you do? 1. Wait for the package to be updated (which means you will not be able to use PyRadio until then), or 2. Uninstall python and then go to https://www.python.org/downloads/ and download and install the second to last version. . Then try installing PyRadio again ''') else: print('Please make sure your internet connection is up and try again') sys.exit(1) uni = PyRadioUpdateOnWindows( package=package, github_long_description=github_long_description, pix_isolated=args.isolate ) uni.update_or_uninstall_on_windows( mode='update-open' ) while not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(uni._dir, 'update.bat')): pass os.chdir(uni._dir) if subprocess.call('update.bat') == 0: if first_install: files = glob.glob(uni._dir + '\\**\\win.py', recursive=True) for n in files: if '\\build\\' not in n: win_file = n break subprocess.call('python ' + win_file) print('\n\nNow you can delete the folder:') print(' "{}"'.format(uni._dir)) print('and the file:') print(' "{}"'.format(__file__)) else: if not args.force and not args.get_cache: ret = subprocess.call('pyradio -h 1>/dev/null 2>&1', shell=True) if ret == 0: print('PyRadio is already installed.\n') sys.exit(1) uni = PyRadioUpdate( package=package, github_long_description=github_long_description, pix_isolated=args.isolate ) uni.install = True # if not platform.system().lower().startswith('darwin'): # uni.user = True if args.get_cache: uni._get_cache = True uni.update_pyradio()