///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sircl 2.x - Qrious extension // www.getsircl.com // Copyright (c) 2023 Rudi Breedenraedt // Sircl is released under the MIT license, see sircl-license.txt ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* tslint:disabled */ // Initialize sircl lib: if (typeof sircl === "undefined") console.warn("The 'sircl-qrious' component should be registered after the 'sircl' component. Please review order of script files."); if (typeof QRious === "undefined") console.warn("The 'sircl-qrious' component requires the 'qrious.js' component. See https://cdnjs.com/libraries/qrious"); $$(function () { $(this).find("CANVAS[qr-code]").each(function drawQrCodes() { var element = this; var size = Math.min(element.width, element.height); new QRious({ element: element, size: size, padding: 0, value: element.getAttribute("qr-code") || location.href }); }); });