Connect to database - Start public function __construct( $db_conn = array('host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'root','pass' => '','database' => 'test', ) ) { $host = isset($db_conn['host']) ? $db_conn['host'] : 'localhost' ; $user = isset($db_conn['user']) ? $db_conn['user'] : 'root' ; $pass = isset($db_conn['pass']) ? $db_conn['pass'] : '' ; $database = isset($db_conn['database']) ? $db_conn['database'] : die('no database set') ; // Create connection $connection = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass,$database); // Check connection if (!$connection) { //echo ("conasfasdfas"); die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error()); return false; } if($connection) { //echo ("conneted"); $this->isConn = $connection; } } //--->Connect to database - End /* Different 5 types of queries - Select: all rows - Insert: add row(s) - Update: update field(s) - Delete: delete row(s) - Qry: general purpose query */ //--->Select - Start function Select($SQLStatement) { /* * This will get all of the rows from the table. Call it like - $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->Select( "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE site='codewithmark'") */ // Create connection $con = $this->isConn; // Check connection if (!$con) { die("Connection failed in Select function - " . mysqli_connect_error()); } // Connection is made if ($con) { //$SQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM UserProfile WHERE user_id='markkumar'"; $q = $con->query($SQLStatement); //Fail to run query. if(!$q) { //show error message if($this->ShowQryErrors == 'on') { die( mysqli_error($con) ); } } $row = $q->num_rows; //no rows found if($row <1) { $result = $row; } //only one row of data else if($row == 1) { $result = array($q->fetch_assoc()); } //multiple rows else if( $row >1) { $d1 = array( $q->fetch_assoc()); $d2= array(); while ($row = $q->fetch_assoc()) { $d2[] = $row; } //merger array to get all rows $result = array_merge($d1 , $d2); } //Will return a row data return $result; } } //--->Select - End //--->Insert - Start function Insert($TableName, $row_arrays = array() ) { /* $insert_arrays = array ( 'user_id' => "codemaster", 'email_id' => '', 'user_name'=> 'codewithmark' ); Call it like this: $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->Insert('table',$insert_arrays); If ran successfully, it will return the insert id else 0 */ foreach( array_keys($row_arrays) as $key ) { $columns[] = "$key"; $values[] = "'" . $row_arrays[$key] . "'"; } //Get columns and values $columns = implode(",", $columns); $values = implode(",", $values); $sql = "INSERT INTO $TableName ($columns) VALUES ($values)"; $con = $this->isConn; // Check connection if (!$con) { die("Connection failed in query function - " . mysqli_connect_error()); } if($con) { $q = $con->query($sql); if(!$q) { //show error message if($this->ShowQryErrors == 'on') { die( mysqli_error($con) ); } $result = 0; } if($q) { //Will give the last inserted id $result = $con->insert_id; } //Will return a row data return $result; } } //--->Insert - End //--->Update - Start function Update($strTableName, $array_fields, $array_where) { /* This will update the row values If it ran successfully, it will return 1 else 0 $strTableName = "TableName"; //It would be in your best interested to run your values through CleanDBData($Data) function //to prevent any sql injections which potentially cause problems in your database. $array_fields = array( 'FieldName1' => CleanDBData(FieldValue1), 'FieldName2' => CleanDBData(FieldValue2), 'FieldName3' => CleanDBData(FieldValue3), ); $array_where = array( 'rec_id' => 2, 'rec_dt' => date("Y-m-d"), ); Call it like this: $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->Update('table', $array_fields, $array_where) */ //Get the update fields and value foreach($array_fields as $key=>$value) { if($key) { $field_update[] = " $key='$value'"; } } $fields_update = implode( ',', $field_update ); //Get where fields and value foreach($array_where as $key=>$value) { if($key) { $field_where[] = " $key='$value'"; } } $fields_where = implode( ' and ', $field_where ); $SQLStatement = "UPDATE $strTableName SET $fields_update WHERE $fields_where "; $con = $this->isConn; // Check connection if (!$con) { die("Connection failed in query function - " . mysqli_connect_error()); } if($con) { $q = $con->query($SQLStatement); if(!$q) { //show error message if($this->ShowQryErrors == 'on') { die( mysqli_error($con) ); } $result = 0; } if($q) { $result = 1; } //Will return a row data return $result; } } //--->Update - End //--->Delete - Start function Delete($strTableName,$array_where) { /* This will delete all rows where field name equals delete value. If it ran successfully, it will return 1 else 0 Call it like this: $array_where = array( 'rec_id' => 2, 'rec_dt' => date("Y-m-d"), ); $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->Delete('table',$array_where); */ //Get where fields and value foreach($array_where as $key=>$value) { if($key) { $field_where[] = " $key='$value' "; } } $fields_where = implode( ' and ', $field_where ); // Create connection $con = $this->isConn; // Check connection if (!$con) { die("Connection failed in query function - " . mysqli_connect_error()); } //check to see if the record exist //$QFindRec = "SELECT * FROM $strTableName WHERE $strFieldName='$strFieldDeleteValueEqualTo'"; //$QFindRec = "SELECT * FROM $strTableName WHERE $fields_where "; $QDeleteRec = "DELETE FROM $strTableName WHERE $fields_where"; //echo $QDeleteRec; if($con) { $q = $con->query($QDeleteRec); if($q) { //found the record(s) and now delete it //$QDeleteRec = "DELETE FROM $strTableName WHERE $strFieldName='$strFieldDeleteValueEqualTo'"; //$QDeleteRec = "DELETE FROM $strTableName WHERE $fields_where"; //$con->query($QDeleteRec); $result = 1; } if(!$q) { $result = 0; } //Will return a row data return $result; } } //--->Delete - End function Qry($SQLStatement) { /* This is for general purpose query. If it ran successfully, it will return 1 else 0. Call it like this: $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->Qry('select * from user where id=100'); */ // Create connection $con = $this->isConn; // Check connection if (!$con) { die("Connection failed in query function - " . mysqli_connect_error()); } if($con) { $q = $con->query($SQLStatement); if(!$q) { //show error message if($this->ShowQryErrors == 'on') { die( mysqli_error($con) ); } $result = 0; } if($q) { //$result = true; $result = 1; } //Will return a row data return $result; } } function CleanDBData($Data) { /* This will help in preventing sql injections Call it like this: $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->CleanDBData($_POST["user_name"]); */ // Create connection $con = $this->isConn; $str = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$Data); return $str; } function CleanHTMLData($Data) { /* This will remove all HTML tags $db = new SimpleDBClass("host_name", "user_id", "password","database") $Qry = $db->CleanHTMLData($_POST["user_entry"]); */ // Create connection $con = $this->isConn; $str = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$Data); $result = preg_replace('/(?:<|<)\/?([a-zA-Z]+) *[^<\/]*?(?:>|>)/', '', $str); return $result; } } ?>