FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM AS builder # Build arguments to change source url, branch or tag ARG CODIMD_REPOSITORY ARG HEDGEDOC_REPOSITORY= ARG VERSION=master #necessary on ARM because puppeteer doesn't provide a prebuilt binary ENV PUPPETEER_SKIP_DOWNLOAD=true ENV YARN_CACHE_FOLDER=/tmp/.yarn RUN if [ -n "${CODIMD_REPOSITORY}" ]; then echo "CODIMD_REPOSITORY is deprecated. Please use HEDGEDOC_REPOSITORY instead" && exit 1; fi # Clone the source and remove git repository but keep the HEAD file RUN --mount=target=/var/cache/apk,type=cache,sharing=locked \ apk update && \ apk add git jq python3 build-base RUN git clone --depth 1 --branch "$VERSION" "$HEDGEDOC_REPOSITORY" /hedgedoc RUN git -C /hedgedoc log --pretty=format:'%ad %h %d' --abbrev-commit --date=short -1 RUN git -C /hedgedoc rev-parse HEAD > /tmp/gitref RUN rm -rf /hedgedoc/.git/* RUN mv /tmp/gitref /hedgedoc/.git/HEAD RUN jq ".repository.url = \"${HEDGEDOC_REPOSITORY}\"" /hedgedoc/package.json > /hedgedoc/ RUN mv /hedgedoc/ /hedgedoc/package.json # Install app dependencies and build WORKDIR /hedgedoc RUN --mount=type=cache,sharing=locked,target=/tmp/.yarn yarn install --immutable RUN yarn run build FROM AS modules-installer WORKDIR /hedgedoc ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV YARN_CACHE_FOLDER=/tmp/.yarn COPY --from=builder /hedgedoc /hedgedoc RUN --mount=target=/var/cache/apk,type=cache,sharing=locked \ apk update && \ apk add git python3 build-base RUN --mount=type=cache,sharing=locked,target=/tmp/.yarn yarn workspaces focus --production FROM AS app LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title='HedgeDoc production image(alpine)' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.url='' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source='' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.documentation='' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses='AGPL-3.0' WORKDIR /hedgedoc ENV NODE_ENV=production ARG UID=10000 ENV UPLOADS_MODE=0700 RUN apk add --no-cache --no-progress --repository gosu # Create hedgedoc user RUN adduser -u $UID -h /hedgedoc/ -D -S hedgedoc COPY --chown=$UID --from=modules-installer /hedgedoc /hedgedoc # Add configuraton files COPY ["resources/config.json", "/files/"] # Healthcheck COPY --chown=$UID /resources/healthcheck.mjs /hedgedoc/healthcheck.mjs HEALTHCHECK --interval=15s CMD node healthcheck.mjs # For backwards compatibility RUN ln -s /hedgedoc /codimd # Symlink configuration files RUN rm -f /hedgedoc/config.json RUN ln -s /files/config.json /hedgedoc/config.json EXPOSE 3000 COPY ["resources/", "/usr/local/bin/"] ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"] CMD ["node", "app.js"]