#!/bin/bash check_return() { retval=$? message=$1 if [ $retval == 0 ]; then echo -e "$message" "\x1b[32mSUCCESS\x1b[0m" else echo -e "$message" "\x1b[31mFAILED\x1b[0m" if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then fixer=$2 read -p "Attempt to fix? [y/N] " dofix case $dofix in [yY]* ) $fixer;; * ) ;; esac fi fi } setup_gadi_ssh() { # Make a passphraseless ssh key if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc_restricted.pub ]; then echo "Creating a passphraseless SSH key" ssh-keygen -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc -C "Accessdev Cylc to Gadi" echo "from=\"\",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding $(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc.pub)" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc_restricted.pub cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF Host gadi.nci.org.au gadi IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc EOF fi echo "Copying new key to Gadi (you may be prompted for your NCI password)" export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$OLD_SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc_restricted.pub gadi.nci.org.au unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh -oBatchMode=true -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc gadi.nci.org.au true &> /dev/null check_return "Connecting in batch mode from accessdev to gadi (explicit key)" ssh -oBatchMode=true gadi.nci.org.au true &> /dev/null check_return "Connecting in batch mode from accessdev to gadi (implicit key)" } setup_return_ssh() { ssh gadi.nci.org.au /bin/bash < ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc_restricted.pub cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF Host accessdev.nci.org.au IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc EOF fi EOS echo "Copying new key to Accessdev" ssh gadi.nci.org.au cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cylc_restricted.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh -oBatchMode=true gadi.nci.org.au ssh -oBatchMode=true accessdev.nci.org.au true &> /dev/null check_return "Connecting in batch mode from gadi to accessdev" } if [ "$HOSTNAME" != "accessdev.nci.org.au" ]; then echo "Run this script on accessdev" exit -1 fi id -Gn | grep -w access &> /dev/null check_return "Member of NCI 'access' group" pgrep -U $USER gpg-agent &> /dev/null check_return "'mosrs-setup' has been run and GPG agent is running" mosrs-setup ssh -oBatchMode=true gadi.nci.org.au true &> /dev/null check_return "Connecting in batch mode from accessdev to gadi, with agent" # Disable SSH agent OLD_SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh -oBatchMode=true gadi.nci.org.au true &> /dev/null check_return "Connecting in batch mode from accessdev to gadi, no agent" setup_gadi_ssh ssh -oBatchMode=true gadi.nci.org.au ssh -oBatchMode=true accessdev.nci.org.au true &> /dev/null check_return "Connecting in batch mode from gadi to accessdev, no agent" setup_return_ssh