# BuildTools This documentation provides information for developers that setup a build system using the [COIN-OR BuildTools project](https://github.com/coin-or-tools/BuildTools): - [Working with the GNU Autotools](./autotools) - [Autotools Basics](./autotools-intro) - [The configure.ac File](./configure) - [Configuration Header Files](./config-header) - [Introduction of Automake Concepts](./automake-intro) - [The Main Directory Makefile.am File](./make-main) - [The Source Directories Makefile.am Files](./make-src) - [The Test Directory Makefile.am File](./make-test) - [The pkg-config Configuration File](./pcfile) - [Using Doxygen](./doxygen) Documentation for BuildTools 0.6--0.8 can be found at https://github.com/coin-or-tools/BuildTools/tree/stable/0.8/docs . Documentation for BuildTools 0.5 can be found at https://github.com/coin-or-tools/BuildTools/tree/stable/0.5/docs .